Foreign words in Russian lexicon. Foreign words in Russian vocabulary


1. The history of borrowing

3. Mastering foreign words

4. Orphoepic standards of borrowed words


The language in modern state cannot be united, as it represents the connection of individual individual languages. Decision practical questions It should be based on how close to each other are currently these individual languages.

Much in Russian was borrowed from Indo-European culture. It is assumed that the original territory of the Eastern Indo-European tribes, including the ancestors of Slavs, was the North-West of Russia, the Baltic Sea pool. A comparative study of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bproves special proximity between the Slavic and Baltic languages.

It should be noted that the original Slavs were invalid to the West - to the Germans, from which they borrowed their material culture, their military life, a political structure. Consider the words related to these regions borrowed by the Russian language from Germanic languages. For example: Walked - helmet; Melko - Milk, Khiz - House, Hut; as well as stack, buy, cattle, etc.

The number of words borrowed from Iranian languages \u200b\u200bis very slightly. These are words like God from Olders. Baga; Topor - Tappari.

Another example of borrowing: from the German, Celtic and Latin is the word of the sea - Lat. Mare, GERM. Meri, Celt. Muir.

Much borrowed from Finnish languages: Palttina - canvas; Varpu - Sparrow; Arti - Raint; Suntia is a church servant; Sun'd - Judge, Court.

2. Injoice vocabulary

Before talking about foreign language vocabulary in Russian, let's say a few words about the original Russian vocabulary. Once again, let's say that these are words, ascending to the Praiado European, Praslavyan and Old Russian epochs and inherited by the Russian language, as well as created in Russian according to the models existing in it.

Actually, Russian words arose since the end of the XIV century. These are almost all nouns with suffixes -shit, -C., -Yatin (a), -LK (a), HVK (a), and o), -Sh (a), a), the model (with the value of the instrument or device). For example: Mason, rolling back, kislytina, lighter, leaflet, testimony, doctors, reality, handling, piecemen, switch; Comprehensive nouns: university, salary. Actually, Russians are both words arising in earlier era, then changed their meaning. So, the word red in Praslavyansky and in ancient Russian meant "good", "beautiful", and in Russian began to designate the color.

The most ancient, Pyranceo-European Plast of the original Russian vocabulary has conformity in other Indo-European languages. These are some of the terms of kinship: mother, son, brother; Names of animals: wolf, goose, deer. Nature phenomena: water, moon, snow, stone. Body parts: nose, tooth, ear, eye; Some actions: take, give, be, to see; numbers: two, three, etc.

Praslavyansky vocabulary presented large quantity And their diversity than Pyranceo European. These are words with conformity in Slavic languages \u200b\u200band missing in other Indo-European: heart, child, spring, rain, grass, snake, saddle, work, kind, ring, yesterday, etc. The words of these two layers are only about 2000, but they relate to Most used.

Old Russian layer of vocabulary make up words common to Russian, Ukrainian belarusian languages And missing in other Slavic languages. These are such words as, for example: uncle, sparkle, samovar, larks, cheap, rim, vouch, forty, ninety, etc.

The words of other languages \u200b\u200bused in Russian as regular lexical units are called an input vocabulary. In Russian, about 10% of words borrowed from other languages. The basis of borrowing is trade, cultural, scientific ties between nations and as a result of this - language contacts. In the overwhelming majority, foreign language words were borrowed by the Russian language together with the thing, the concept: School - the word Greek, class - Latin, Briefcase - French, Sibermet - German, Pencil - Turkic, Pioneer - English, Tea - Chinese, Candy - Italian, Tundra - Finnish.

As you know, the borrowed word can designate a special kind of subject, the concept that existed in Russian. For example, the word jam from of English language Indicates the "special grade of jam", from frenchFor example, the receptionist is "type of service in a hotel."

The cause of borrowing from other languages \u200b\u200bof words may also be a desire to replace the descriptive expression, the phrase in one word. Take an example: the English word sniper instead of the phrase "Metage Arrow". Or, for example, a motel (English word) - instead of a "hotel for autotourists", tour (French word) - instead of a trip along a circular route.

Initial words penetrated into Russian into Russian in different periods of his history. Part of these words switched from ancient Russian language, which, in turn, could get them from Praslavyansky. Such ancient borrowing from Germanic languages \u200b\u200bare, for example, prince, king, beech, carp, onions (as a plant), Khlev.

In the ancient Russian language came from the Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200bof the word Knut, hook, powder, herring. From Finnish - Navaga, Salaka, Song, Fir, Riga, Purga, Tundra. From the Turkic - Armenian, Balyk, Shoe, Tulup, Horse, Tabun, Barn, Shed, Chest, Bogatyr, Karaul. From Greek - bed, notebook, ship, sail, swallow, whale, lantern.

It should be said that the borrowing of the word may be not direct, but through another language. So, many Grecizms penetrated ancient Russian language through Staroslavlyansky, through turkic languages The words of other oriental languages \u200b\u200bare borrowed. Words beads, dagger borrowed from Arabic. Badja, turquoise, cripple is borrowed from Persian. At a later time, Greek words penetrated through various Western European languages. Such as anatomy, geometry, philosophy, analysis, democracy, politics, drama, tragedy, architecture. Latin words: inertia, radius, student, dean, dictatorship, republic. Western European languages \u200b\u200bcould be borrowed through Polish. For example, bottle, guitar, lady, turkey, carriage, market, fruit.

From the era of Peter I, the expansion of the dictionary composition of the Russian language begins by borrowing from Western European languages. Maritime terms borrowed from the Dutch language. For example, such words like boatswain, harbor, sailor, storm. As well as from English: Absor, boat. At a later time, sports terms borrowed from English. Let us give an example: boxing, volleyball, start, finish, champion. Of german language Military terms came to Russian, for example: Bruvier, camp, officer, soldier, bayonet. And the terms of mining, such as shaft, galley, shtrek. From French Borrowed Terms of Art: Ballet, Parter, Landscape, Still Life, Director. Terms of literature: genre, novel, feuilleton, march. Culinary: dessert, cutlet, soup, puree, stew. Clothing titles: jacket, couch, costume, coat. From the Italian language in Russian included musical terms. For example: Aria, Bariton, Cello, Mandolin, Serenad and many others.

At the very beginning of the 20s of the 20th century, in connection with the isolated country of borrowing becomes small. In the 20s, it was especially noticeable effect on the literary language of the spaciousness, dialects, jargon. Strengthening the standards of the literary language, which began in the 1930s, filled with many words used in various literary genres in the previous period, but some of these words remained in literary language. In the late 20s and in the 30s, the English words are borrowed mainly. Such as jazz, combine, conveyor, container, speedometer, trolleybus. From the spatia and dialects in the literary boobs, such words were entered as a coop, milkmaid, darkening, Corzhik, Coswarta, Moroka, Novosel, Gugule, Half, Cottage, and Stud. From jargon - jams. Blot, thorough, buck. Part of these words lost non-leaturated painting, others and now belong to the conversational or spacious vocabulary.

The number of foreign words in everyday speech from year to year increases in geometric progression. Upset the fact that equivalent words at the same time exist in Russian and are still used less often. The situation is aggravated by the media, as well as policies by the ministries and departments of Russia in this direction. Increasingly from TV screens, we hear newly entered words from a predominantly German group of languages \u200b\u200b(mostly English), such as " manager", "campus", "shopping", "creativity", "digger."And other similar words. It is worth noting that the presidents, prime ministers and other high-ranking officials file a bad example in the use of the aforementioned words.

The following is a list of foreign words with their equivalent values \u200b\u200bin Russian. The list is formed by B. alphabetical order. If there are any additions or want to discuss this article, you can leave your messages in a specially created topic on our forum.

About list

The Russian language is littered purposefully, and a simple people forget that there are the same words in their native language. Therefore, it comes to the mind of the question "Where is this rich and mighty Russian?". We began to forget about the formation of words in our language. Where did such wealth come from? This and other similar issues can be devoted separate articles.

In some countries, special institutions that protect the primacy of the native language are created at the government level. For example, the population in France is very carefully and belongs to the language of their daily communication. At the same time, it is interesting that the inhabitants of the country, first of all, are not worried about the effect obtained in response to the Linguistic Policy of Official Paris, but the problem of possible gradual simplification of French, and as a result, depletion and degradation of its potential. December 1, 1975, French President Valerie Zhiscar D'Esthen signed a law on the protection of French from the invasion of English and any other language, which means someone else's culture. Such measures must be taken in Russia.

The purpose of this article is to write the equivalent Russian words English, German and others who have introduced into our daily use, as well as to celebrate references to the misuse of words of celebrities and high-ranking officials.

The following words are widely used by the media in Russia and in the speeches of famous people at a time when there are original Russian meanings. If there are no such words or expressions in the list, then each can add them to this list after registering in the Wikizarnal.


  • Authoritative - meaningful
  • Alphabet - (came from the Greek language - ἀλφάβητος). Original word " azubka", also has a value" glagolitsa".
  • Accent is equivalent emphasis.
  • Emphasize - pay attention.
  • Analogy, analogue, similar - (in English and French "Analogue"). It has an equivalent value in Russian " similarity"Or as an adjective" like" or " same".
  • Annotation - (in English "Annotation"). Equimilar significance in Russian " content".
  • Aristocracy (from the Greek language - αριστοκρατία). Equivalent word in Russian " know".





  • Legitimate - (from English "Legitimate") - original Russian equivalent meaning - " law".


  • Market - (from English "Market"). Equivalent meaning market".
  • The manager is the most frequently used word, from English means " manager" / "manager" or " head". Often used in phrases office manager - from English means" secretary.".
  • Message - (from English "Message") - this word Self-used in the Russian media. Equivalent meaning message".
  • Method - (from ancient Greek "έέθοδος" - the path of knowledge, in the English language "Method") - means in Russian is not otherwise like " method".
  • Moment - (with latin language Momentum - means moving force, but independent meaning has no. In English "Moment" - means a short length of time) - equivalent value in Russian " moment".
  • Monitoring - (from the Latin word "monitor") - today this word is often used as a verb "Monitor". Russian equivalent word " track", "follow".


  • Nick or nickname - (from English "Nick" or "NickName") - best to say " nickname", "nickname" or " pseudonym".


  • Okay - (from English "OK"). Frequently found word in everyday lifeWhile in Russian many equivalent values \u200b\u200bsuch as " oK", "okay", in other cases you can also say" excellent", "agree", "found"You can choose a lot of words, but the use probably happens due to the brevity of the English version.


  • Person - (from the Latin language "Rersōna", in English "Person") is equivalent to the value in Russian - " personality".
  • Positive - (from English "POSITIVE"). Equimilar significance in Russian " positive". In different variations there may be other values.
  • Prolongize (from English "PROLONG"). Otherwise like " prolong"In Russian. Used on the extension of any contracts.


  • Reception - (from English "RECEPTION" - IPRY, TAKE) EQUALLY WORD IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE " reception"(most often in hotels).
  • Real - (in English "Real") means not otherwise like " valid".


  • Synchronously - (with english word. "Synchronously" - means "simultaneously", "one-time").
  • Self - (from the English word "self" - means "himself" or "himself"). This word has become widely distributed in the meaning "to photograph yourself (or a group of people with you)." Nothing could come up with how to take this word from English, whereas can be expressed " self". It is quite understandable and in Russian.
  • Skatch - (from English "Scatch" - Do not otherwise, as " sketch"). This term is widespread in the construction sector and architecture. It is interesting that in Russian has long been an equivalent word" sketch", and in common one can say" podmalog".
  • Specreteter - (from English "Speech" -Rech and "Writer" -Pistee) - a person who writes speech for someone. An equivalent value may be the word " author" or " text author". This word is increasingly entering the vocabulary of central TV channels, magazines.
  • Stagnation - (from Lat. Stagno - to do a fixed) - equivalent meaning in Russian " stop", "slow down"Or as a noun" slow".
  • Storage - (from English. Storage - storage, keep in stock) - equivalent value in Russian " storage".
  • Soldier - (from Lat. "Soldus", "Solidus", in the English "Soldier") - invoking Russian equivalent meaning " warrior", "warrior" or " wari".


  • Tolerance - (from the Latin language Tolerantia) is an equivalent word in Russian " tolerance".
  • Traffic - (from English "Traffic" -Diva). In Russian, this word began to consume mainly in two values. 1) In cases of descriptions of the transport situation on the roads - "dense traffic" - when you can say no other than how " road overload" or " uploaded stream"(cars) or even easier -" tubes on the road". 2) In the technical meaning about the number of users who visited this or that site -" Big / Little Traffic ", when equivalent definitions can be said" large / small attendance"(site).
  • Tradition - (from Lat. Language "Traditio" - legend, in English "Tradition"). Unambiguous meaning in Russian " custom".
  • Trading - (from the English language "Trade" -tricult). On the Internet, this word is increasingly used. Equimilar significance in Russian " trade".
  • Tour - (from English Tour). Equimcons - " journey".


  • Weekend - (from English "Weekend"). Literally means "end of the week", not otherwise, as in Russian " weekend".
  • Unique (from the Latin language "Unicus", in English "Unique"). Equimilar significance in Russian " special", "exceptional", "unique".


  • Fake - (from English "Fake"). Equimilar significance in Russian " fake".


  • Hobbies - (from English "Hobby") - equivalent meaning " enthusiasm".


  • Shopping - (from English "Shop" -Magazine) - also means " purchase"or verb" shopping". On the sign of one of the major stores of Moscow, the inscription" Pleasant Shopping "was concerned - you can say" pleasant shopping ".
  • Show - (from the English language "Show" -Pasy) - equivalent meaning " show"Also used in the phrases of the" tele show show "- with the equivalent value" tV shows" or " tV program".


  • Equivalent - (comes from the Latin word "aequivalens", in English "Equivalent") - in Russian means not otherwise like " equality".
  • Experiment - (comes from the Latin language "Experīmentum", in English "Experiment") - equivalent values \u200b\u200bin Russian - experience, test.
  • Existential - (in English verb "exsist") - equivalent meaning " existing"


The list, as you can see quite impressive and other words will be addable to it. Dear readers, if you have additions to this article, other foreign with equivalent values, then leave your examples on

IN modern RussiaUnfortunately, it is often necessary to deal with the unlawful and unjustified use of foreign words in everyday speech ...

Everyone knows that cultural contacts with neighbors are vital for the normal development of any people. Mutual enrichment of vocabulary, borrowing words, terms and even names are inevitable. As a rule, they are useful for the language: the use of a missing word allows you to avoid descriptive phrases, the language becomes easier and dynamic. For example, the long phrase "trade in a certain place once a year" in Russian is successfully replaced by the word Fair who came from German. In modern Russia, unfortunately, it is often necessary to deal with the unlawful and unjustified use of foreign words in everyday speech. All sorts of shops, consulting, marketing and leases literally litter Russian, by no means decorating it. However, it should be recognized that the illicitations may harm its normal development. In the article offered to your attention, we will tell about the successful use of foreign words and terms.

Let's start with terms, loved ones and familiar to any teacher of Russian language and literature. The word poetry is so firmly included in our language that we are not thinking about its meaning. Meanwhile, in translation from Greek, it means "creativity". The poem's word is translated as "creation", and rhyme - "proportionality", "consistency", is a word of rhythm sampled to it. Struff translated from Greek - "Rotate", and epithet is "figurative definition".

FROM Ancient Greece They are also associated with such terms as epic ("Meeting of the Tales"), myth ("Word", "Speech"), drama ("action"), Lyrics (from the word musical), Elegy ("Flute melting"), ODA ( "Song"), Epitalama ("Wedding poem or song"), Epos ("Word", "Story", "Song"), tragedy ("Goat Song"), comedy ("bearish holidays"). The name of the last genre is associated with the holidays in honor of the Greek goddess Artemis, which they coped in March. This month, the bears came out of winter hibernation, which gave the name to these ideas. Well, the scene is, of course, "Tent", where the actors were performed. As for the parody, it is "singing inside out."

If the Greeks assumed the "duty" to give the name to poetic and theatrical terms, then the Romans were seriously engaged in prose. Latin's experts will tell us that this short word into Russian can be translated by the phrase "purposeful speech". Romans generally loved accurate and short definitions. No wonder it was from the Latin language that the word Lapidarova came to us, i.e. "Carved on stone" (brief, compressed). The word text means "communication", "connection", and the illustration is "explanation" (to the text). Legend is "what should be read", the Memorandum - "What should be remembered," and opus is "work", "work". The word of Fabul translated from Latin means "story", "legend", but in Russian it came from German with the meaning of the "plot". Manuscript is a document, "written by hand", but the editor is a person who must "put in order". Madrigal is also a Latin word, it happens from the root of "mother" and means a song on the native, "maternal" language. To finish with literary terms, let's say that the Scandinavian word of the runes initially meant "any knowledge", then - "mystery" and only later began to be used in the meaning of "letters", "letters".

But back to the Romans, which, as you know, developed a unique set of laws (Roman law) unique for that time and enriched world culture by many legal terms. For example, justice ("Justice", "legality"), Alibi ("elsewhere"), the verdict ("Truthful"), a lawyer (from Latin "call"), notary - ("scribe"), protocol (" First sheet "), visa (" viewed "), etc. Words version ("Rotate") and intrigue ("confuse") also Latin origin. The Romans came up with the word Lyapsus - "Fall", "Error", "Invalid Step". Greek and Latin origin has most medical terms. As an example of borrowing from the Greek language, these words as anatomy ("dissection"), agony ("struggle"), hormone ("cite"), diagnosis ("definition"), diet ("lifestyle", "Mode"), paroxysm ("irritation"). The following terms are Latin by origin: the hospital ("hospitable"), immunity ("liberation from anything"), a disabled person ("powerless", "weak"), invasion ("attack"), muscle ("Mouse"), Obstruction ("blockage"), obliteration ("destruction"), pulse ("push").

Currently, Latin is a language of science and serves as a source for the formation of new, never existing words and terms. For example, allergy is "another action" (the term is invented by the Austrian Pediatrician K.Pirka). Christianity, as is known, came to us from Byzantium, the inhabitants of which, though they called themselves Romei (Romans), said mainly in Greek. Together with the new religion, many new words came to our country, some of which were sometimes represented by tracing - the literal translation of the Greek terms. For example, the word enthusiasm ("Divine inspiration") was translated into the Old Slavonic language as "lack of" (!). Such an interpretation was not accepted by the language. Much more often, new terms were taken unchanged. The initial importance of many of them has long been forgotten, and few know that an angel is "Bulletin", the apostle - "Messenger", Clear - "Loss", Kyot - "Box", Liturgy - "Duty", Deacon - "Minister" , Bishop - top viewing, and the Ponoloire - "Watchman". The word hero is also Greek and means "saint" - no less! But the word Pogan's crucible came to us from the Latin language and means only the "rural" (resident). The fact is that the pagan cults were especially tenacious in rural areas, as a result, this word became synonymous with the pagan. Foreign on origin is also words called representatives outdoor world. The word demon translated from Greek means "Deity", "Spirit." Mikhail Vruble knows that a demon depicted in his paintings is confused with a feature or devil: "The demon means" soul "and personifies the eternal struggle of the rolling mind of the human spirit, looking for reconciliation of his passions, knowing his life and not a response to his Doubts neither on earth, nor in heaven, "he explained his position." And what do the words damn and the devil mean? Damn - this is not a name, but epithet ("horned"). The devil is the "seducer", "slander" (Greek). Other names of the devil - Hebrew Origin: Satan - "contradictory", "enemy", Velisal - from the phrase "without benefit." The name of Mephistofel is invented by Goethe, but it was drawn up from two Hebrew words - "liar" and "destroyer". But the name of Woland, which MA Bulgakov used in his famous novel "Master and Margarita", has German origin: in medieval German dialects, it meant "deceiver", "Plut". In the "Faust" Goethe Mefistofel once mentioned under this name.

The word fairy has a Latin origin and means "fate." Welsh was believed that the fairies originated from the pagan priestesses, and the Scots and Irish were believed that from the angels seduced by the Devil. However, despite the centuries-old domination of Christianity, Europeans still belong to Fayam and Elves with sympathy, calling them the "good people" and "peaceful neighbors."

The word gnome came up with Paracels. Translated from Greek it means "a resident of the Earth." In the Scandinavian mythology, such creatures were called "Dark Alvami" or "Mesvergi". The houses in Germany is called "Kobold". Later, this name was assigned to the metal, which had a "harmful character," - made it difficult to smelting copper. Nickel was called an elf, living near the water, a big amateur to joke. This name was called metal, similar to silver.

The word dragon translated from Greek means "acutely seen." Interestingly, in China, this mythological creature has traditionally been depicted without eyes. The legend says that one artist of the Tang (IX century) was carried away and painted the Dragon's eyes: the room was filled with fog, the thunder rang out, the dragon came to life and flew away. And the word hurricane comes from the name of the fear of the South American Indians - Huracana. They have their meaning and names of some precious and semi-precious stones. Sometimes the name indicates the color of the stone. For example, Ruby is "red" (lat.), Chrisolite - "Golden" (Greek), Olevin - "Green" (Greek), Lazurit - "Heavenly Blue" (Greek), etc. But sometimes their name is associated with certain properties that were attributed to these stones in antiquity. So, the amethyst from the Greek language is translated as "Non-Nachane": according to legends, this stone is able to "curb passions", so Christian priests often use it to decorate the purposes, insert into the crosses. For this reason, Amethyst has another name - the "bishop stone". And the word agate translated from Greek means "good", which he had to bring to his owner.

There were cases when one thing came to our country from different languages And at different times, resulting in different values. For example, the words of Mahina, fraud and the car are single. Two of them came to us directly from the Greek. One of them means "something huge", the other is "trick". But the third came through Western European languages \u200b\u200band is a technical term.

Sometimes words are formed as a result of the root connections belonging to different languages. For example: the word Abrakadabra contains a Greek root with the meaning of the "Deity" and the Hebrew with the meaning "word". That is, the "word of God" is an expression or phrase that seems to be meaningless uninitiated.

And the word of the snob is wondering that, being Latin in origin, appeared in England the late XVIII century. It happened from the Latin expression Sine Nobilitas ("without nobility"), which was reduced to s. Nob.: So in English ships began to be called passengers who do not have the right to lunch with the captain. Later B. english houses This word was set in the lists of guests opposite the individuals, which should be announced without title.

And what other languages? Did they contribute to Russian vocabulary? The answer to this question is uniquely affirmative. Examples can be given a set.

So, the Arabic phrase "Vladyka on the sea" became the Russian word Admiral.

Title of the Atlas fabric translated from arabic Means "Beautiful", "Smooth". Kabala is a "receipt", "obligation", shackles - "ways", "shackles", etc. For a long time perceived as Russian Turkic words dooduli ("black or ill-hand") and Karapuz ("as watermelon"). About the antiquity of the word Iron testifies to his Sanskrit origin ("Metal", "ore"). Gih is "heavy" (Persian), Pastrad - "Pom" (Spanish), coat of arms - "Legacy" (Polish). The words of the roll (from "putting the ship on the side") and the yacht (from "chant") have a Dutch origin. Words Abral ("Top All" - Over All), bluff ("deception"), Velvet ("Velvet") came to Russia from England. The last word is interesting in that it is a "false friend of the translator": readers, probably, was surprised that at the receptions and balas of the kings and the court lads felt in the bullight suits and dresses. From the German language, the words of Jung ("Boy"), tie ("Scarf"), Flywer ("Wing"), Flask ("Bottle"), workshop ("workshop"). There are a lot of borrowing from Italian and French. For example, a trampoline ("kick"), a quarry ("Run"), Fint ("Pretending", "Fortiment"), stamp ("Print"), the relay ("stirring") - Italian. Scam ("Case"), Marley ("Kiese"), balance ("Scales"), compliment ("Hi"), negligee ("negligence") - French.

Italian and French gave life to very many musical and theatrical terms. Here is some of them. The Italian Word of the Conservatory ("Shelter") recalls the decision of the authorities of Venice to turn the 4 women's monastery into music schools (XVIII century). The virtuoso means "valor", the word of Cantata is formed from the Italian Cantar - "sing", Capricchio - from the word "goat" (work with the jumping, "like a goat", change the topics and moods), Opera - "Writing", Tutti - " Fulfillment of the whole composition. "

Now turn France: Arrangement - "Bringing In order", Overture from the word "open", Benefis - "Profit", "Benefits", Repertoire - "List", Decoration - "Decoration", Punts (solid socks of ballet shoes) - " Tip "," tip ", Divertiment -" Entertainment ", Foyer -" Foci ". And in modern pop music, the word plywood, which comes from the German "impose" (voice to already recorded music).

Speaking of borrowing from French, it is impossible to go around the culinary topic. So, the word garnish occurred from the French "supply", "equipped". Shlasa means "frozen", "ice". Cutlet - "Rizshko". Consome - "Broth". Langet is "tongue." Marinade - "put in salt water." Roulet - from the word "coagulation". Word Vinaigrette is an exception: being French by origin (from Vinaigre - "vinegar"), it appeared in Russia. Around the world, this dish is called "Russian Salad".

Interestingly, a foreign-to-dog dog nickname is in our country. The fact is that the peasants in Russian villages could often afford to keep the dog. The landowners, on the contrary, often kept dozens and even hundreds of hunting dogs in their country estates (and even bribes were taken by "golden puppies") and several indoor dogs in city houses. Since French (and later - English) Russian nobles knew better than their own, named their dogs they gave foreign ones. Some of them spread widely in the folk medium. What a familiar word could hear a peasant who knows the French language in his nickname ("Milashka")? Of course, the ball! The trident translated into Russian means "treasure" (Fr.), Barbos's nickname occurred from the French word "bearded", and Rex is "Tsar" (Lat.). A whole range of nicknames occurred from foreign names. For example, Bobik and Tobik are the options of the Russian adaptation of the Bobby's English name, bug and Jules occurred from Julia. And Jim's nicknames and Jack are not even trying to hide their foreign origin.

Well, what is the great and mighty Russian language? Did he make his contribution to the development of foreign languages? It turns out that many languages \u200b\u200bof the world entered russian word man. The word grandmother in English is used in the meaning of the "female head shawl", and the pancakes in Britain are called small round sandwiches. The word vulgarity fell into the English-language dictionary because he wrote in this language V.Nabokov, desperate to find his full analogue, in one of his novels decided to leave it without translation.

The words satellite and comrade are known all over the world, and Kalashnikov for a foreigner is not a surname, but the name of the Russian automaton. Relatively recently committed a triumphal march of the world now there are already a few subtle terms restructuring and publicity. Words Vodka, Matryoshka and Balalayak so often and not to the place are used by foreigners arguing about Russia, which cause irritation. But for the word in the pogrom, which entered in the dictionaries of many European languages \u200b\u200bin 1903, frankly ashamed. The words intelligentsia (the author - P. Boborakin) and disinformation are not Russian "by origin", but they were invented in Russia. From the "native" Russian language, they switched to many foreign and received wide use worldwide.

In conclusion, we give several examples of successful education of new words that were invented by poets and writers and in Russian appeared relatively recently. So, the appearance of the words of the acid, refraction, the equilibrium we owe M.V. Lomonosov. N.M. Karamzin has enriched our tongue with words influence, industry, public, common, touching, entertaining, concentrated. Radishchev introduced a citizen in the Russian language in the modern sense. Ivan Panayev first used the word of the rush, and Igor Northerner is the word to gentle. V. Khlebnikov and A. Klychechee claim the authorship of the word Zaomu.

Of course, in a short article it is impossible to adequately and fully talk about the meaning of words borrowed from foreign languages. We hope that we managed to interest readers who themselves can continue an exciting journey through the vocabulary of the Russian language.


200 foreign words that have a replacement in Russian

Absolute - perfect
Abstract - distracted
Agrarian - agricultural
Adequate - appropriate
Active - active
Actual - topical
Amoral - immoral
Analysis - analysis
Anamzh - Surroundings
Argument - Argument
Business - Case
Boyfriend - Friend
Briefing - Failure
Option - variety
Dimensions - sizes
Hermetic - impenetrable
Hypothetical - alleged
Goalkeeper - Goalkeear
Humanity - humanity
Diver - diving
Digest - Overview
Debate - debate
Devaluation - depreciation
Demonstration - show
Destructive - destructive
Detailed - detailed
Dialogue - conversation
Director - Manager
Discomfort - inconvenience
Discussion - discussion, dispute
Differentiation - separation
Dominate - dominate, prevail
Duel - Fighting
Ignore - neglect
Identical - identical
Image - Image
Import - import
Individual - sole
Indifferent - indifferent
Industry - Industry
Inert - indifferent
Intervention - invasion
International - international
Infected - infected
Information - information
Camouflage - Cover
Kommersant - merchant
Compensation - Reimbursement
Comfort - convenience
Comfortable - comfortable, landscaped
Concrete - defined
Competitor - rival
Competition - Competition
Message - install
Design - arrange, build
Constructive - creative
Continent - mainland
Contract - Treaty
Confrontation - confrontation
Concentration - focus
Adjustments - corrections
Correspondence - correspondence; message
Lender - lender
Criminal - criminal
Legitimate - legal
Lepta - Contribution
Liquidation - Destruction
Linguist - Language
Lifting - skin lift
Maximum - the largest, limit
Mask - Lesakh
Mentality - a warehouse of the mind
Method - reception
Minimal - the smallest
Mobility - Mobility
Model - Sample
Modernization - update
Moment - Mig.
Instant - Instant
Monologue - Speech
Monument - Monument
Monumental - Majestic
Natural - natural
Negative - negative
Level - equalize
Objective - impartial
Original - original
Hotel - hotel
Parameter - value
Parking - Parking
Passive - lackless
Personal - personal
Pluralism - multipleness
Positive - positive
Polemics - controversy
Potential - possible
Prevold - prevail
Claim - claim
Precise - refined
Private - private
Primitive - mediocrity
Forecast - Prediction
Progress - Promotion
Propaganda - distribution
Publication (Action) - Disclosure, Edition
Radical - native
Reaction - response
Implement - to be implemented
Audit - Check
Revolution - revolution
Regress - decay
Resolution - Solution
Resonance - Otzvuk
The result is the investigation, the consequence
Reconstruction - Perestroika
Relief - outlines
Renaissance - Revival
Respectable - respectable
Restoration - Restoration
Reform - Transformation
Secret - secret
Service - service
Symposium - meeting
Symptom - Sign
Synthesis - Collection, Generalization
Synchronously - at the same time
Situation - position, furnishings
Social - public
Sociology - Soclishment
Sponsor - Charity (patron)
Stability - stability
Stagnation - Stagnation
Stress - Voltage, Shock
Structure - device
Subjective - personal, biased
Sphere - Area
Topic - subject
Tolerance - Tolerance
Tomatoes - tomatoes
Transformation - Transformation
Actual - valid
Forum - Collection
Fundamental - fundamental
Hobby - Hobby
Chef - Head
Shopping - Shopping
Show - sight
Exclusive - exceptional
Experiment - experience
Exposure - Lowing
Export - export
Embryo - germin
Era - Lettering


Everyone knows that cultural contacts with neighbors are vital for the normal development of any people. Mutual enrichment of vocabulary, borrowing words, terms and even names are inevitable. As a rule, they are useful for the language: the use of a missing word allows you to avoid descriptive phrases, the language becomes easier and dynamic. For example, long phrase "Trading in a certain place once a year" In Russian, successfully replaced by the speech from German fair. In modern Russia, unfortunately, it is often necessary to deal with the unlawful and unjustified use of foreign words in everyday speech. All sorts shop, Consulting, Marketings and Leases Literally clog the Russian language, by no means decorating it. However, it should be recognized that the illicitations may harm its normal development. In the article offered to your attention, we will tell about the successful use of foreign words and terms.

Let's start with terms, loved ones and familiar to any teacher of Russian language and literature. Word poetry So firmly included in our language that we are already and not thinking about its meaning. Meanwhile, translated from Greek it means "creation". Word poem translated as "creature", but rhyme"Commodity", "Consistency", Single to it is the word rhythm. Stanza Translated from Greek - "turn", but epithet"Figure definition".

With ancient Greece, such terms are connected epic ("Meeting of the Tales"), myth ("Word", "Speech"), drama ("act"), lyrics (from the Word musical), elegy ("Flute melting"), oh yeah ("song"), Epitalama("Wedding Pooh or Song"), Epos. ("Word", "Story", "Song"), tragedy ("Goat Song"), comedy ("Bear holidays"). The name of the last genre is associated with the holidays in honor of the Greek goddess Artemis, which they coped in March. This month, the bears came out of winter hibernation, which gave the name to these ideas. well and scene - of course, "Tent"where the actors performed. Concerning parodies, that is - "Singing inside out".

If the Greeks assumed the "duty" to give the name to poetic and theatrical terms, then the Romans were seriously engaged in prose. Latin's experts will tell us that this short word into Russian can be translated by the phrase "purposeful speech". Romans generally loved accurate and short definitions. No wonder it was from the Latin language to us the word lapidary. "Carved on stone" (short, compressed). Word text means "Communication", "compound", but illustration"Explanation" (to text). Legend- this is "What should be read", memorandum"What should I remember", but opus"Labor", "Work". Word fabul translated from Latin means "Story", "Tale"but in Russian it came from German with meaning "plot". Manuscript - this is document, "written by hand", well and editor - this is man who should "put in order". Madrigal - Also Latin word, it happens from the root "Mother" and means song on the native, "maternal" language. To finish with literary terms, let's say that the Scandinavian word runes Originally meant "Any knowledge", later - "secret" and only later began to be used in value "Letters", "letters".

But back to the Romans, which, as you know, developed a unique set of laws (Roman law) unique for that time and enriched world culture by many legal terms. For example, justice ("Justice", "legality"), alibi ("in the other place"), verdict ("True pronounced"), lawyer (from Latin "I urge"), notary – ("scribe"), protocol("First sheet"), visa ("Viewed") etc. The words version ("turn") I. intrigue ("Confuse") Also Latin origin. The Romans came up with the word lyapsus"Fall", "Error", "Invalid Step". Greek and Latin origin has most medical terms. As an example of borrowing from the Greek language, these words can be given as anatomy ("Dissection"), agony ("fight"), hormone ("Come in motion"), diagnosis ("Definition"), diet ("Lifestyle", "Mode"), paroxysm ("irritation"). Latin by origin are the following terms: hospital ("hospitable"), immunity ("Liberation from something"), disabled ("Impossible", "weak"), invasion ("attack"), muscle ("Mouse"), obstruction ("BURNING"), obliteration ("destruction"), pulse ("push").

Currently, Latin is a language of science and serves as a source for the formation of new, never existing words and terms. For example, allergy"Other Action" (The term is invented by the Austrian Pediatrician K.Pirka). Christianity, as is known, came to us from Byzantium, the inhabitants of which, though they called themselves Romei (Romans), said mainly in Greek. Together with the new religion, many new words came to our country, some of which were sometimes represented by tracing - the literal translation of the Greek terms. For example, a word enthusiasm ("Divine inspiration") It was translated into the Old Slavonic language as "Standard" (!). Such an interpretation was not accepted by the language. Much more often, new terms were taken unchanged. The initial value of many of them has long been forgotten, and few know that angel- this is "Bulletin", apostle"Messenger", clergy"lot", kyot."box", liturgy"duty", diacon"Minister", bishop"Top viewer", but sexton"Watchman". Word hero also greek and means "Saint" - no more, no less! But who became a crucial word potted came to us from the Latin language and means just "rural" (a citizen). The fact is that the pagan cults were especially tenacious in rural areas, as a result, this word became synonymous with the pagan. Foreign on origin are also words called representatives of the other world. Word demon "Deity", "Spirit". It is known that Mikhail Vrubel did not want the demon depicted in his paintings with a feature or devil: "The demon means" soul "and personifies the eternal struggle of the rolling human spirit, looking for reconciliation of his passions of his passion, the knowledge of life and is not a response to his doubts either on earth, nor in heaven, "So explained his position." And what do the words damn and the devil mean? Heck - this is not a name, and epithet ( "horned"). Devil same - "SELASTER", "Slevot" (Greek). Other devil names - Hebrew Origin: satan"Contrary", "opponent", Jelly - From the phrase "Without benefit". Name Mephistopheles Goethe is invented, but it is made up of two Hebrew words - "Liar" and "Destroyer". But the name Wavewhich MA Bulgakov used in his famous novel "Master and Margarita", has German origins: in medieval German dialects it meant "Deceiver", "Plut". In the "Faust" Goethe Mefistofel once mentioned under this name.

Word fairy has a Latin origin and means "fate". Welsh was believed that the fairies originated from the pagan priestesses, and the Scots and Irish were believed that from the angels seduced by the Devil. However, despite the centuries-old domination of Christianity, Europeans still belong to Fayam and Elves with sympathy, calling them the "good people" and "peaceful neighbors".

Word gnome Invented Paracels. Translated from Greek it means "A resident of the Earth". In the Scandinavian mythology, such creatures were called "Dark Alvami" or "Mesvergi". Houses in Germany called "Kobold". Later this name was assigned a metal that had "Harmful character", "Made it difficult to smell. Nickel called water living elf, big amateur joke. This name was called metal, similar to silver.

Word the Dragon Translated from the Greek means "Acutely seen". Interestingly, in China, this mythological creature has traditionally been depicted without eyes. The legend says that one artist of the Tang (IX century) was carried away and painted the Dragon's eyes: the room was filled with fog, the thunder rang out, the dragon came to life and flew away. A Word hurricane Comes on behalf of God's fear of South American Indians - Khurakana. They have their meaning and names of some precious and semi-precious stones. Sometimes the name indicates the color of the stone. For example, ruby"red"(lat.), chrysolite"golden"(Greek), olevin"green" (Greek), lapis lazuli"Heavenly Blue" (Greek), etc. But sometimes their name is associated with certain properties that were attributed to these stones in antiquity. So, amethyst from Greek translated as "Non-nimble": According to legends, this stone is able to "curb passion", so Christian priests often use it to decorate the purposes, insert into the crosses. For this reason, Amethyst has another name - the "bishop stone". A Word agate Translated from Greek means "good"which he had to bring to his owner.

There were cases when one thing came to our country from different languages \u200b\u200band at different times, resulting in different values. For example, words Mahina, Machination and Machine- Single. Two of them came to us directly from the Greek. One of them means "Something huge"Other - "trick". But the third came through Western European languages \u200b\u200band is a technical term.

Sometimes words are formed as a result of the root connections belonging to different languages. For example: Word abracadabracontains a Greek root with meaning "deity" and Hebrew with meaning "word". I.e "The Word of God" - expression or phrase, apparent meaningless uninitiated.

A Word snobinterestingly, being Latin in origin, appeared in England the late XVIII century. It happened from the Latin expression Sine Nobilitas ( "No nobility"), which reduced to s. NOB.: So the English ships began to be called passengers who have no right to dine with the captain. Later in English homes, this word was set in the lists of guests opposite the persons, which should be announced without title.

And what other languages? Did they contribute to Russian vocabulary? The answer to this question is uniquely affirmative. Examples can be given a set.

So, Arabic phrase "Vladyka on the sea" It became a Russian word Admiral.

Tab Title atlas Translated from the Arabic language means "Beautiful", "smooth". Cabala - this is "CONCENT", "Obligation", Candals"Putes", "Shackles" etc. Have long been perceived as Russian Turkic words scribble ("Black or bad hand") I. karapuz ("Like watermelon"). About antiquity words iron It is evidenced by his Sanskrit origin ( "Metal", "ore"). Weight - this is "heavy" (Persian), stage"Pellet"(Spanish), coat of arms"inheritance" (Polish). The words bank (from "Put the ship on the side") I. yacht (from "Rat") Have a Dutch origin. The words abrol ("Top all" - Over all), bluff("Cheating"), velveteen("velvet") came to Russia from England. The last word is interesting in that it is a "false friend of the translator": readers, probably, was surprised that at the receptions and balas of the kings and the court lads felt in the bullight suits and dresses. From the German spent words cabin boy("boy"), tie ("scarf"), vane ("wing"), flask. ("bottle"), crafting table ("workshop"). There are a lot of borrowing from Italian and French. For example, trampoline("hit"), career("run"), feint ("Pretending", "Fortiment"), stamp ("Print"), relay race ("stirrup") - Italian. Scamp ("a business"), gauze ("Kiese"), balance ("Libra"), compliment ("Hello"), nellier ("negligence") - French.

Italian and French gave life to very many musical and theatrical terms. Here is some of them. Italian Word conservatory("shelter") Reminds the decision of the authorities of Venice to turn the 4 women's monastery into music schools (XVIII century). Virtuosomeans "valor", Word cantata Educated from Italian cantara"sing", capricchio - From the Word "goat"(work with the jumping, "like a goat", changing topics and moods), opera "essay", tUTY."Fulfillment to all composition".

Now turn France: arrangement"Bringing in order", overture from the word "open", benefit"Profit", "Benefits", repertoire"scroll", decoration"decoration", pointe (solid socks ballet shoes) - "Top", "tip", divertissement"entertainment", foyer"Foard". And in modern pop music, the word is very popular plywoodwhich comes from the German "Apply" (Voice to already recorded music).

Speaking of borrowing from French, it is impossible to go around the culinary topic. So, the word garnish It happened from French "Snap", "cutting". Gles- So "Frozen", "Ice". Cutlet"Rizshko". Consomme"bouillon". Langet."Tag". Marinade"Put in salt water". Roll - From the Word "clotting". Word the vinaigrette - Exception: Being French by origin (from Vinaigre - "vinegar"), it appeared in Russia. All over the world, this dish is called "Russian salad".

Interestingly, a foreign-to-dog dog nickname is in our country. The fact is that the peasants in Russian villages could often afford to keep the dog. The landowners, on the contrary, often kept dozens and even hundreds of hunting dogs in their country estates (and even bribes were taken by "golden puppies") and several indoor dogs in city houses. Since French (and later - English) Russian nobles knew better than their own, named their dogs they gave foreign ones. Some of them spread widely in the folk medium. What a familiar word could hear the peasant in nickname Fromheri. ("Cutie")? Of course, Ball! Tridenttranslated into Russian means "treasure" (Fr.), nick Barboshappened from the French word "bearded", but Rex - this is "king" (Lat.). A whole range of nicknames occurred from foreign names. For example, Bobik and Tobik - These are the options of Russian adaptation of the English name Bobby, Bug and Julca Occasionally occurred Julia. And Jim's nicknames and Jack are not even trying to hide their foreign origin.

Well, what is the great and mighty Russian language? Did he make his contribution to the development of foreign languages? It turns out that the Russian word has entered many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. men. Word grandmother in English is used in value "Women's head shawl", but pancakes in Britain called little round sandwiches. Word vulgarity I got into the dictionary of English because he wrote in this language V.Nabokov, desperate to find his full analogue, in one of his novels decided to leave it without translation.

The words satelliteand comrade Known all over the world, and kalashnikov For a foreigner - not a surname, but the name of the Russian automaton. Relatively recently committed a triumphal march in the world now there are already a few subtle terms perestroika and publicity. The words Vodka, Matryoshka and Balalaika So often and not to the place are used by foreigners arguing about Russia, which cause irritation. But for the word pogromwhich entered the dictionaries of many European languages \u200b\u200bin 1903, frankly ashamed. The words intelligentsia (author - P. Boborakin) and disinformation They are not Russian "by origin", but they were invented in Russia. Of which they have become the "native" Russian language, they switched to many foreign and gained widespread all over the world.

In conclusion, we give several examples of successful education of new words that were invented by poets and writers and in Russian appeared relatively recently. So, the appearance of words Acid, refraction, equilibrium we must M.V. Lomonosov. N.M. Karamzin Having enriched our language with the words influence industry, public, common, touching, entertaining, concentrated. Radishchev Entered the word in Russian citizen In the modern meaning. Ivan Panayev The first used the word whore , but Igor Northgen - Word launch . V. Khlebnikov and A. Klychey claim authors Zaomy. .

Of course, in a short article it is impossible to adequately and fully talk about the meaning of words borrowed from foreign languages. We hope that we managed to interest readers who themselves can continue an exciting journey through the vocabulary of the Russian language.

One of the sections of vocabulary is etymology that studies the origin of the word against the background of changing the entire vocabulary stock of the language. The Russians are invalid and are considered from the standpoint of etymology. These are those two reservoirs for which all can be divided vocabulary Russian language, from the point of view of origin. This section of vocabulary gives an answer to the question as a word happened that it means, from where and when it was borrowed and what changes undergo.

Vocabulary of Russian language

All words that exist in the language are called vocabulary. With their help, we call various items, phenomena, actions, signs, numbers, etc.

The vocabulary is explained by the entry into the system that led to the presence of their generality of origin and development. Russian vocabulary roots goes into the past Slavic tribes and developed with the people for centuries. This is the so-called priming vocabulary that has existed for a long time.

Also in vocabulary there is a second reservoir: these are words that came to us from other languages \u200b\u200bdue to the emergence of historical ties.

Thus, if we consider the vocabulary from the position of origin, then the words are invoked Russian and borrowed. The other group are represented in a language in large quantities.

Origin of Russian words

The vocabulary of the Russian language has more than 150,000 words. Let's see what words are called original Russians.

The original Russian vocabulary has several tiers:

The borrowing process

In our language, the original Russians and borrowed words are adjacent. This is due to the historical development of the country.

As the people, Russians, ancient times, entered into cultural, economic, political, military, trade relations with other countries and states. It was quite natural led to the fact that we have words of those peoples with whom we collaborated with. Otherwise it was impossible to understand each other.

Over time, these linguistic borrowings bliss, entered the group and we have already ceased to perceive them as foreign. Everyone knows such words as "sugar", "Banya", "Activist", "Artel", "School" and many others.

The words are invariary Russian and borrowed, the examples of which are given above, have long and firmly entered our use and help to build our speech.

Foreign words in Russian

Finding into our language, foreign words are forced to change. The nature of their changes affects different sides: Phonetics, morphology, semantics. Borrowing obey our laws and rules. Such words occur in the endings, in the suffixes, the genus changes. For example, the word "parliament" we have a male race, and in German, where it came from, - average.

It may change the meaning of the word. So, the word "painter" means a worker, and in German is a "painter".

Semantics change. For example, the borrowed words "canned food", "conservative" and "conservatory" came to us from different languages \u200b\u200band have nothing to do. But in his native language, French, Latin and Italian, respectively, they came from Latin and have the meaning to "save".

Thus, it is important to know from what languages \u200b\u200bwords are borrowed. This will help correctly determine their lexical importance.

In addition, it is sometimes difficult to recognize the original Russian and borrowed words in the mass of vocabulary, which we use daily. For this purpose, there are dictionaries, where the value and the origin of each word is explained.

Classification of borrowed words

Two groups of borrowed words are highlighted by a specific type:

  • who came from the Slavic language;
  • taken from non-Slavic languages.

In the first group, the larger mass is made up of old elements - words that are from the IX century in church books. And now there are widespread words as "cross", "Universe", "Power", "Virtue", etc. Many old elements have Russian analogues ("Lanits" - "cheeks", "mouth" - "lips" and others. ) The phonetic ("gates" - "gate"), morphological ("grace", "benefactor"), semantic ("Zlato" - "Gold") of old elements.

The second group consists of borrowing from other languages, including:

  • latin (in the sphere of science, public life policies - "School", "Republic", "Corporation");
  • greek (household - "bed", "dish", terms - "synonym", "vocabulary");
  • western European (military - "headquarters", "Junker", from the field of art - "Molbert", "Landshaft", nautical terms - "boat", "shipyard" "Schoon", musical terms - "Aria", "Libretto");
  • turkic (in the culture and trade "Pearls", "Caravan", "Iron");
  • scandinavian (domestic - "anchor", "knut") words.

Dictionary of foreign words

Lexicology - science is very accurate. Here everything is clearly structured. All words are divided into groups, depending on the basis of the basis.

Original Russian and borrowed words are divided into two groups on the basis of etymology, that is, origin.

There are various dictionaries that meet specific goals. Thus, a dictionary of foreign words can be called, where foreign-speaking examples that came to us for many centuries are collected. Many of these words are now perceived by us as Russians. The dictionary clarifies the value and indicates where the word came from us.

Foreign words in our country have a whole story. The first was created at the beginning of the eighteenth century, he was handwritten. At the same time, a tripled dictionary was released, the author of which N.M. Yanovsky. In the twentieth century appeared whole line Foreign dictionaries.

Among the most famous, the "School Dictionary of Foreign Words" can be called under the editors in the vocabulary article are information about the origin of the word, the interpretation of its value, examples of use, sustainable expressions with it are given.