The role of distance learning in organizing independent cognitive activities of students. The significance of distance education in the modern world is the role of electronic training funds in remote education

  • Distance learning systems, their classification
  • Life cycle (ZHC) information system. Basic life cycle processes. Auxiliary processes. Organizational processes. Information System Design Technologies.
  • Technical task for designing an information system. The main sections of the technical task. Standards describing the technical task. Analysis and development of requirements.
  • Information system authentication methods.
  • Faistel network: principle of operation and use in block encryption algorithms
  • Analysis of the main technologies for the development of electronic technical documents
  • Model structures of electronic technical documents
  • Design and implementation technologies of multimedia product.
  • 26. Classification of computer graphics systems. Encoding vector and raster graphic information. Raster graphics - image objects. Vector graphics - image objects.
  • 27. RGB color models, CMYK, HSV (HSB), HSL, LAB. Presentation of colors, encoding, purpose.
  • 28. Structured cable system: topologies, subsystems, passive equipment categories.
  • 29. Procedure for designing a structured cable system.
  • 30. Global Internet. Network protocols. Model OSI. The domain name system, the broadcast of the domain name in the IP address. Routing packages on the Internet.
  • 31. Logical programming in the language of the Prologue. Presentation of knowledge about the subject area in the form of facts and rules of the knowledge base of the prologue. Organization of repetitions.
  • 1.1. The method of rollback after failure.
  • 33. The kernel of the operating system. Classification of operating system cores. The advantages and disadvantages of various architectures of the operating system cores.
  • 34. File system as a component of the operating system: definition, basic functions and opportunities. Examples of file systems.
  • 35. Information and entropy. Measuring the number of information. Properties of information. Formulas Hartley and Shannon.
  • 37. Codes that detect and correct transmission errors. Building systematic code. Hemming code.
  • 38. The concept of a variable in programming languages. Assignment operator. Organization of input and output of data in the application. Organization of branching and cycles in programming languages.
  • 39. An array as a way to organize data. Implementation of arrays in various programming languages. One-dimensional and multidimensional arrays. Typical algorithms for processing arrays.
  • 40. Subprograms (methods) in programming languages. Formal and actual parameters. Global and local variables. Recursive execution of the subroutine.
    1. Essence and features of distance learning

    Distance learning - This is a way to gain knowledge, forming skills and skills based on interactive interaction of the trainee with a computer. At the same time, administering the learning process maximally automated, the interaction of trainees and tutors (mentors or teachers) is carried out mainly using various communication channels, but without personal communication.

    For a person who independently chooses the remote form of training, the decisive factors are the freedom to choose the time and place of training, the choice of the subject, specialty and training organization.

    Thus, from this point of view, the essence of distance learning can be expressed by the following suggestions:

    The opportunity to study in the chosen educational organization regardless of its location and location of the trainee;

    Obtaining information in the amount required at this particular moment at a convenient time at any point of the globe;

    The possibility of multiple return to educational material with almost no limitations.

    A slightly different point of view in a person who is imposed imposed by remote training. Perhaps, people who according to corporate requirements should constantly or periodically pass various trainings, carry out cases or who are trying to increase their level of knowledge, but besides the remote form of training, there are no knowledge - no.

    If the remote form of learning is forced, then from the point of view of the learned process can be described in this way:

    There is a need to increase the level of knowledge, obtaining some skills and / or skills, but the fact that there is no obvious control or permanent surveillance of the process, this may be a stumbling block in the effectiveness of such training;

    Well, the most important factor is self-organization. If not, then the trainee will be difficult to pass the training program to the end. Here, however, we must not forget the influence of corporate culture or the management system of the company, which provides training.

    Employers look at distance learning is quite typical. Basically, it affects the following aspects:

    Reducing staff training costs (although the creation and content of the distance learning system requires substantial costs);

    Distribution of standardized knowledge among a significant number of employees;

    Creation and accumulation of high quality knowledge. If the employer pays proper attention to creating training content, its quality will be at the highest level.

    The main features of distance education are the fact that knowledge sources are information resources that exist in a telecommunications environment, such as automated information systems, databases, computer programs and others.

    The characteristic features of distance education, which distinguish it from the traditional learning system are presented below:

    Flexibility of learning is convenient for students who already work, i.e. Each learning can learn as much as it is necessary to master the course of disciplines by the selected specialty;

    Modularity, i.e. The basis of distance learning lies a modular principle that allows you to study one or another discipline blocks (modules);

    Economic efficiency, i.e. Obtaining distance education, it turns out much cheaper than obtaining education in the traditional learning system;

    The new role of the teacher, he coordinates the learning process, as well as the course taught, conducts students consulting, i.e. He is assigned the role of the tutor;

    Special forms of control, which include remote exams, testing and others;

    Use of specialized computer technologies.

    The main feature of distance learning is that it is based on independent training. Students should be able to work independently with the information provided by them, and at a convenient time for them.

    Features of distance education are traced in the organization of the learning process. Upon receipt of education in this form and teachers, and students must own Internet technologies. There is no need to travel to the place of study, they can study, being in any city, region, and even the country.

    • Zoyyirov Bahadir Abdullaevich, teacher
    • Sariosinsky Agricultural Professional College, Surkhandary Region, Uzbekistan
    • Innovation

    This paper discusses the phenomenon of distance education and its value in the modern world. The author focuses on the importance of remote forms of training in the context of transforming the labor market and changing the requirements for the employee.

    • Comparison of programming languages \u200b\u200bon the example of sorting array
    • Monitoring the physical development of the young special medical group in the dynamics of training in high school
    • Functional characteristics and assessment of students with different levels of physical health
    • Organization and conduct of research on improving ICT competencies with the help ofragogic principles of training
    • Characteristics of the physical health of students of technical university Baikalia

    The modern world is characterized by global changes in all spheres of society. In the context of the scientific and technical revolution of the second half of the 20th century, the crisis in the education system is called. The crisis is manifested not only in insufficient financing, but sometimes the discrepancy between the content of modern education is the state of modern society, its requests and the pace of development. Education even in the most developed countries does not have time for a changing world.

    In the current conditions, when educational practice does not comply with modern requirements and cannot prepare a person in a timely manner to the future, radical measures are needed.

    Modern trends demonstrate that in the coming century, education will have to become a continuous process in the life of every person who wants to be demanded in the labor market. Education will now continue throughout his life. Only so modern person will be able to adapt to technological innovations not only among labor instruments, but also its content; Timely mastering new knowledge and directions of professional activities.

    Against the background of the establishment of the Company's Society, the growing process of the Company's informatization leads not only to the formation of a new habitat, but also a new information text of their lives and professional activity.

    One of the most effective methods of expanding and globalization of educational space in the modern world is the development of distance education systems, i.e. The possibility of implementing the educational process in conditions when students use modern information technology and telecommunication networks to interact and implement the educational process.

    Remote form formation is beginning to occur in the XIX century as a postal correspondence of the teacher and the student, then carried out using radio and television, and now with the use of information and communicative and computer technologies.

    Now, in the conditions of the development of ICT and Internet technologies, distance education has become more affordable and effective. Choosing this form of obtaining education, the study receives ample opportunities for combining studies and work or child education, also remote education provides the opportunity to obtain education to low-friendly population groups and living in remote areas.

    Thus, in modern conditions, the development of a distance education system represents the most important task, the solution of which will cope with the problem of improving the quality of the country's labor resources.

    The use of ICT in the education process makes it possible to improve the efficiency and quality of learning. However, the introduction of these technologies will require a change in approach to learning and forming educational material, as well as additional training of teachers according to the method of remote teaching and interaction with students (answers to questions, checks performed).

    However, during distance education, the student should not be alienated from the teacher, because This may negatively affect the development of communication skills and independent thinking of the student.

    As for the distance education system in Uzbekistan, it began to actively develop only in the last decade. Nevertheless, today this form of the educational process is used already in many major higher educational institutions.


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    Abramovsky Anton Lvovich

    assistant Department of Marketing and Municipal Administration of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University [Email Protected]

    The role of distance learning at the modern stage of globalization of Russian higher education

    Abramovsky Anton Lvovich.

    Assistant of the Marketing and Of Municipal Administration Department, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University [Email Protected]

    Role of Distance Education At The Present Stage Of Globalization Of The Russian Higher Education


    The article analyzes the role of remote higher education in the Russian Federation in connection with the strengthening of globalization processes. The author formulates conclusions about the increasing meaning of distance learning for the Russian Higher School in order to ensure its competitiveness in the educational services market.


    globalization in education, remote higher education, the essence of globalization, training, education, innovation in education.

    The Arthing Analyzes The Role of The Distance Education in The Intensifying of the Globalization Processes. The Author Draws Conclusions ABOUT THE INCREASING ROLESIAN HIGHER EDUCATION IN ORDER TO ENSURE ITS COMPETITIVENESS IN THE EDUCATIONAL MARKET.

    globalization In Education, Distance Higher Education, Essence of Globalization, Training, Education, Innovation in Education.

    Currently, the term "globalization" has gained wide popularity. It is used in many areas of human activity to describe integration processes, increasing the mutual influence and interdependence of countries and peoples from each other. Sociological encyclopedia edited by V.N. Ivanova is interpreted by this term as follows: "The increasing influence and impact of the universal, world (global) processes on the fate of individual countries and peoples, as well as the whole of humanity as a whole." The Collins English dictionary of The Collins English Dictionary provides such a definition of globalization: "This process that allows financial and investment markets to work in the international arena, largely as a result of the abolition of state control and improving the possibilities of communications, thanks to which the company expands its activities in international framework." Analysis of the degree of development of the definition of "globalization" allows us to conclude that this problem is well covered in the works of scientists of the US and Western Europe, it is especially worth noting researchers Lechner and Boli, 2000; Scholte, 2000, Thompson, 2000; Tomlinson, 1999; ZACHARY, 2000. The terminology is specified in their works, attempts have been made to determine the root causes of globalization processes, issues of the differences in internationalization from globalization are discussed, their chronological periods are described.

    A certain interest on the periodization of globalization represents, in our opinion, the concept of researcher V.Ya. Nechaeva, which highlighted the three stages in this process. The first stage of the development of globalization in the world appeared at the beginning of the epoch of the new summer and was closely related to the development of world religions, since at this time certain value orientations were formed, which, in turn, began to go beyond the first states and actively extend beyond the place of their appearance . The chronological framework of this period is determined by V.Ya. Nechay in 1,000 years.

    The second stage refers to the beginning of the second millennium and is associated with the formation of the first universities in the world. V.Ya. Nechaev emphasizes that universities "... take up their cosmopolitan cover of religion, science, art, offering them to compete in disciplinary dynamics," laying "their knowledge and their culture in the heads of new generations of people. Essentially, the modern era (new and the newest time) comes when universities have already prepared generations of educated people who can use sciences, arts, technology in all spheres of public life. "

    The third stage of the development of globalization began with the entry of humanity in the third millennium, in the so-called "information era" (some prefer to call it "post-industrial"). It is characterized by the availability of modern information-communications technologies, the appearance of a global Internet, which united all of humanity; the rapid development of computer equipment, mobile communications devices (cell phones, smartphones, tablet computers, laptops); openness of information in general, multiple increase in its streams; common intensification of human life rhythm. In our opinion, this stage of globalization is the most interesting, as never before that, humanity did not have such opportunities for a breakthrough in the four main spheres of life (economics, politics, social sphere and culture).

    The most noticeable influence of globalization processes on the economy of countries, since this influence leads to the formation of a single global market (the emergence of such institutions as a World Trade Organization); Change in the principles of business (the emergence of knowledge economics, reducing the size of the state of the enterprise to several highly qualified specialists, increase the speed of business processes); strengthening competition between companies presented in the market (due to the growth of production facilities, the overaction of goods and services); By the intensification of scientific and technological progress, the development of technologies and innovation.

    Considering the influence of globalization processes to politics, it is worth noting the strengthening of interstate and international cooperation, a change in the role of the state in organizing the life of the population, the growth of political interdependence and interconnectedness of countries and peoples.

    However, the greatest influence of globalization is on the social sphere, since there is a tendency to change the nature of intercultural relations (a large number of migrants worldwide, interethnic marriages), the worldview of people and the image of their lives (and they are not always positive, - often lead to the formation of lifestyle consumer, not the Creator). We also note the emergence of new threats in the form of global crime, international terrorism, the frequent economic crises (which is inevitable at a market economy), an increase in the gap between rich and poor.

    The influence of globalization on culture is also ambiguous. It is believed that this process destroys the general cultural differences in different countries of the world, contributes to the development of the cultural component, as the dominant in the only remaining superpower. Such a "erasing of boundaries" leads to the inevitable losses and devaluate the culture of all mankind.

    With the above, as well as taking into account the introduction of modern civilization in the information era, it can be argued that globalization trends touched on the fundamental institution of public life - education. Such researchers as F. Fukuyam fairly noted that the formation of social classes and differences between them in our time are not due to the origin (as it was 100 years ago), but the volume and quality of knowledge gained. E.S. Demidenko in his article "The upcoming changes in education in man-made society" perfectly illustrates this statement. He writes: "In the beginning of the XX century. More than half of the highest officials were still coming from very wealthy families, in the middle of the century their number decreased to a third, now units. "

    Globalization processes in education in high school are especially noticeable. Not only the methodological database has changed (which is due to the active application of information technologies, the emergence of electronic educational environments, remote educational innovations and online learning), but also the principle of business activities in modern universities, which combines the functions of the Temple of Knowledge and Commercial Enterprise (Foreign Researchers call this combination of "University-Enterprise"); Universities exist in a market economy, competing not only among themselves within one country, but also with others from different countries.

    Strengthening competition partly caused by the possibility of increasingly universities to teach remotely (the teacher and student may be thousands of kilometers from each other), with the active use of educational environments (Learning Environments). Especially successful in this direction are universities in the United States, such as Phoenix University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Western Governors (Western Governors University) and a number of other educational institutions.

    Russia's accession to the world educational space is associated with the signing of the Bologna Declaration, according to which the transition to a two-level training system (bachelor and master) at the highest school, is taken to increase the informatization of universities and the development of remote learning technologies. For the implementation of its provisions in September

    2013. The new Federal Law "On Education" was adopted, according to which the concepts of remote educational technologies (DOT), e-learning are introduced. Such innovations will stimulate the development of distance education systems at the highest school, strengthen its role as a strategic direction to ensure accessibility in Russia and the export of domestic education to other countries of the world.

    The transition to distance learning in the Higher School is associated with certain difficulties that relate to the creation of electronic training tools for students (technical level), the preparation of high-quality educational courses (meaningful level), training teachers and tutors (personnel level), assessing learning outcomes (estimated level ). At the same time, there are universities in our country that actively use foreign experience in this direction, take into account the Russian specifics of work and implement high-quality distance learning of their students. One of these includes the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (hereinafter - MESI). In 1992, this university began the process of introducing information technology in learning, and at present it prepares more than 70,000 students, including about 15,000 foreign students from 52 countries of the world. MESI offers more than 740 full-fledged online courses for their listeners, has a developed student support infrastructure, studying remotely, as well as 29 branches throughout Russia.

    Thus, the education system in the XXI century. He has undergone significant changes due to the processes of globalization and thanks to the active development of information technologies. Currently, a new form of higher education is developing and distributed - remote.

    The leading universities of the world are interested in spreading their educational product outside their countries, which is a significant challenge to the domestic system of higher education. To increase the competitiveness, Russian educational institutions may expand the distance learning systems based on information technologies combined into a specialized educational environment that will keep the existing contingent of students, to offer a better and convenient educational service at competitive prices. In case of unwillingness university, use new technologies in the learning process arises a threat to its existence, as it can be ousted from the educational service market.

    The information society requires the continuous development of a system of higher professional education, which must be adequately reacting. The development of distance learning in Russia is a necessary step to preserve the competitiveness of Russian universities in the global educational space.

    1. Sociological encyclopedia / scientific. ed. V.N. Ivanov and others: in 2 tons. M., 2003. T. 1. 696 p.

    2. Nechaev V.Ya. The parameters of globalization and the factors of the Bologna process // Moscow University Bulletin. 2004. № 4. P. 27-34.

    3. Demidenko E.S. Upcoming changes in education in man-made society // Successes of modern natural science. 2011. No. 12. P. 89-90.

    4. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics // The official website of the university. 2013. URL: (Reference date: 09/02/2013).

    We live on the threshold of the information society, in which information, its constantly updating resources play a major role in the development of high-tech industries, highly efficient technologies, culture of their operation and reproduction. The ability to work with information on different media becomes the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In this regard, there is a need to broadly implement such technologies into the educational process.

    Distance learning is a new form of training activities that are actively developing lately, thanks to the fairly widespread personal computers, both in educational institutions and personal use.

    The objective appearance of remote forms of technology is due to the following primary reasons:

    Remoteness of students from educational and information centers; originality of the territory of Russia;

    Development of the advanced training system and additional education;

    Numerous contingent of persons in need of high-quality and affordable education; Lack of opportunity to pass in full-time learning and failure of absentee in the event of restrictions on physical order, disability;

    Lack of qualified teaching staff, especially in subject areas;

    The need to obtain high-quality training materials, an in-depth or specific nature.

    To prove the economic, educational, even political significance of the organization in the country of the system before, is already late. Before it became already accomplished by fact not only abroad, but also in our country. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2002, in the system of higher education studied in the distance of more than 200,000 students of Russia in more than 20 universities of the country. Only modern Humanitarian University in Moscow trains 60,000 students remotely. About 50,000 Russian citizens permanently residing in Russia are students of foreign educational organizations and are trained remotely.

    Distance education is the result of an objective process of informatization of society and education.

    The fastest remote education is developing in business education.

    Goals of implementation and use before.

    1. Global intensification of intellectual activity by attracting and using information and telecommunication technologies;

    2. Business goals - earn money on educational services;

    3. Pedagogical - improve the quality of education

    4. Pragmatic - increase productivity, saving on costs;

    5. Overcoming existing objective restrictions - the removal of temporary restrictions on training, territorial, training of people with disabilities.

    New information technologies have discovered access to gaining knowledge, ensuring an exit to the world information space. Information technologies are a combination of methods and technical equipment for collecting, organizing, storing, processing, transmitting and submitting information that expand the knowledge of people and developing their capabilities for managing technical and social processes.

    The Internet is a special informational and educational environment. In such a medium, a wide variety of means are used: verbal, visual, multimedia.

    Didactic properties of the Internet

    1. Publication of educational and methodological information in the hypermedia

    2. Pedagogical communication in real and deferred time between subjects and objects of the educational process;

    3. Open in time and space remote access to information resources.

    Distance learning is ensured by using a set of educational technologies under which a targeted mediated or not fully mediated interaction of the student and the teacher is carried out regardless of the place of their location and distribution over time on the basis of pedagogically organized information technologies, primarily using telecommunications.

    The onset of the era of informatics was noted by the transition from the technosphere to the infosphere. Compared to the industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, educational resources are manufactured in the information society. The results of public progress, previously focused in the technosphere, are concentrated in the infosphere, where most people are engaged in manufacturing, storing, processing and implementing information and knowledge. Today, the world joined the telecommunications phase of the development of an infosphere, which is characterized as the phase of communication, transfer of information and knowledge. Because knowledge is rapidly updated, the modern person must be ready for what to learn him will have to live. World telecommunication infrastructure opens up the possibility of mass self-education and universal information exchange regardless of human location.
    In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of September 6, 1995 N 3850-XII: '' Informatization - organizational socio-economic and scientific and technical process of ensuring the needs of state authorities, legal entities and individuals in obtaining information about persons, subjects, facts, Events, phenomena and processes based on information systems and networks that implement and process information resources and issuing a documented information user. "
    Computerization of information related to informatization is a natural and objective process characteristic of the entire world community. It is manifested in all spheres of human activity, including in education. In many ways, due to this process, a possible new learning technology was a distance, which is well integrated with traditional learning forms (full-time and correspondence). It should be paid to the tendency when all the well-known forms of training will be improved due to the technology of modern distance learning. That is why distance learning is often called the technology of obtaining knowledge of the XXI century.
    The emergence of distance learning is a regular stage of development and adaptation of education to modern conditions. His appearance, many explain a number of factors. On the one hand, the need of society in creative, professionally and spiritually independently improving personality, on the other hand, territory
    by both economic and cultural factors. As its development, distance learning will contribute to the decision of the following tasks: enhance the general level of the Company;
    to expand access to higher and postgraduate education, including postgraduate studies and doctoral studies;
    ^ Satisfying the needs and interests of society as a whole and a separate personality; Improving the qualifications and retraining of specialists in connection with the transition to new technologies.
    Over the course of centuries, the scope of education remained the most conservative region of human activity, the least subject to change. Despite the fact that the amount of information about the world has steadily increased, the technology of transferring accumulated knowledge remained unchanged. The objective conditions for the development of modern society at the end of the 20th century began to dictate new requirements for the content and forms of knowledge transfer.
    The classic form of education (full-time) is experiencing a crisis today, which in varying degrees is clearly manifested in all countries of the world.
    In the work, the authors point to the following characteristic features of the crisis of the global education system: the inability to ensure all those who want to obtain the formation of the formation (territoriality);
    In the lag of the knowledge gained from the level of technology development (conservatism); low adaptability of education systems to various socioeconomic conditions (inertia); Specificity of education obtained in a particular educational institution (locality).
    Thus, currently there are numerous problems in front of educational systems. According to foreign experts, at the beginning of the XX1 century, a minimal level of education necessary for the survival of humanity becomes higher education.
    Traditional full-time technologies and absentee learning are not able to meet the need for all youth in obtaining higher education. Even the most developed countries will not be able to take such a mass of students in full-time (daily) form of training. In this regard, there is a tendency of rapid growth in the number of students, students in absentia by technology before. At the same time, the number of universities operating in this area is growing. According to the data given if
    70s. The twentieth century in the world the number of such universities was approached by 70, then in the 80-90s. They have already numbered 187. Another tendency is also noted: the number of students on technology to in the 90s. The twentieth century grew the fastest of the number of students studying on traditional technologies (daytime universities). A significant impetus in development to the world is observed in connection with new ICT. So, if in 1998, training with the help of modern technologies was held in the US only 2% of the entire learning market, then, according to experts, in 2003 it should be 14%.
    In Sweden, the number of students on technology to in the national education system is about 70%. According to official data, this is primarily due to the low cost of learning (cheaper of two or more times compared with traditional technologies) due to the lack of costs of students on the road and accommodation, as well as due to the rational use of fixed assessment funds.
    According to experts from other countries, distance learning is 30% cheaper than traditional. Microsoft believes that the cost of network learning may decrease at least twice the traditional, since the teacher is able to give lessons while at any point of the globe. Savings can be achieved and at the expense of other factors. For example, using distance learning technology, one can be sure that all students use the same and, moreover, the most fresh educational materials. After all, it is much easier to update textbooks on the network. The relatively low cost of training is also provided by a more concentrated presentation and unification of the content of the educational resource, the orientation of distance learning technologies for a large number of students, by saving the use of training areas.
    An important reason for addressing remote learning is the ability to learn at a convenient time for the student and in a convenient place for it. At the same time, the learning time has no restrictions and can be interrupted depending on the desire of the student and its financial capabilities.
    According to experts, among the ways of obtaining education, full-time learning is the most accessible - remote. Professional competence of specialists who have received an education in full-time is always an order of magnitude higher. Therefore, elite universities are usually rarely used by correspondence training. The correspondence form of training is more focused on training a specialist practice. Technology, up to the latest ICT, has the following distinguishing features:
    flexibility (taking into account the time, place, tempo and volume of learning); efficiency due to reduction of expenditures on training areas, transport, technical means; Social equality of students regardless of the place of residence and health status;
    Thus, remote learning has been specially popular in countries characterized by, firstly, considerable territories, the remoteness of the residence of the student from the site of training; Secondly, the presence of a high level of unsatisfied demand for educational services; Thirdly, dynamic changes in the socioeconomic situation.
    An analysis of the works of foreign and domestic specialists made it possible to establish the following distinctive features of modern technology to:
    ^ presence of remote subjects of learning; widespread use of communication technologies in training activities; The interaction of real-time distance learning entities with modern network services.
    The need to use technology to dictated by a number of circumstances: new requirements for Education in XX! century; an increase in the number of those who wish to receive education, go through retraining due to changes in the labor market; limited throughput of universities and advanced training systems; Internationalization of higher education and strengthening international integration in education.
    The most comprehensively analyzed the specifics of network training
    A. A. Andreev: Flexibility (training at a convenient time, in a convenient place, at a convenient pace); modularity (modular learning principle); parallel (learning without separation from production); long-range (remoteness of the educational institution from students); asynchrony (the work of the participants in the learning process on convenient for each schedule); coverage (mass); profitability (economic efficiency); teacher (new role and functions);
    studying (new requirements); use of new information technologies (computer networks, multimedia systems); sociality (elimination of social tensions due to the provision of equal opportunity in obtaining education); Internationalization (export and import of educational services).
    Thus, on the basis of the analysis performed should be emphasized
    that technology up to traditional technology is distinguished by the following characteristics: the ability to engage in convenient time, in a convenient place and pace, having an unrepared period of time for the development of discipline; Equal opportunities for obtaining education, regardless of the place of residence, health, the elitism and material security of the student; Export and import of global achievements in the educational services market.
    It should also be noted that before on the basis of the latest ICT expands and updates the role of a teacher, which should coordinate the cognitive process, to constantly improve the courses taught by them, increase creative activity and qualifications in accordance with innovation. A positive impact is provided by remote training and on the student, increasing its creative and intellectual potentials due to self-organization, striving for knowledge, the ability to interact with computer equipment and independently accept responsible decisions. The quality of the education obtained by technologies is achieved by attracting highly qualified personnel facilities and use in the educational process of the best educational and methodological publications and controlling tests on disciplines.
    In order to more deeply realize the functions of distance learning in the education system of our country, it is advisable to analyze the process of its occurrence and development itself.
    There is still discussions on where there was a distance learning for the first time. The priority in this area disputes the American National Technological University and the British Open University. In Russian literature, you can find a statement that the basis of development is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bnational absentee training. Many authors emergence of distance learning are associated with the development of communications. The first country in which the teaching technologies were used at a distance were Germany. About 130 years ago, a teacher of the University of Berlin C. Tusten and
    a member of the Berlin Society of Modern Languages \u200b\u200bof Langenyshdt used postal communication for sending student tests and educational materials. This was the first use of remote learning technology at the level of private initiatives of individual teachers. Official status This form of study found only in 1891 in the United States, when a correspondence department was created at the University of Chicago University. Experience is adopted by other American universities, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, this form of training is distributed in Russia.
    Thus, on the basis of the analysis of the existing literature, it can be stated that in its development the technology before several stages passed.
    The first stage is the interaction organized according to the teacher's teacher scheme - a student (several students). Types of communication between the teacher and trainee ^) are few: mail, telephone, computer. At this stage, the number of specialists is small and all components of the provision are up to autonomous and independent of each other, there is no systematic and complexity in the use of remote learning.
    The second stage is the interaction organized according to the teacher's scheme - a plurality of students. Its design has occurred thanks to the organization in the process to one-sided connection. Types of communication between training and trained expands through video and audio cassettes, computer programs, satellite television and other means.
    The third stage is characterized by the appearance at the beginning of the 80s. The twentieth century of the Internet and the growth of its popularity. He gave a new impetus to the development of distance learning, contributing to the transformation of the connection and the knowledge exchange system into universal. The number of users is growing rapidly and now reaches more than 100 million people.
    The fourth stage is characterized by the integrated use of information delivery tools: integration of radio, telephone, computer networks, satellite and cable video communications.
    The overall analysis of the modern situation in the world indicates that the development of the theory and the practice of distance learning is uneven. Practical developments clearly prevail over theoretical developments. This provision largely determines inconsistency and uncertainty in the views of experts on distance learning, its status in the education system. The study of foreign and domestic literature on the problem shows that there are a lot of descriptions of experiments in the field of up to, various programs, projects implemented at the university level, corporation, region, countries. However, studies on the study and understanding of the phenomenon of remote
    training, its parameters, rather rare. Obviously, its development in the global education system comes from practice to theory.
    The world has a variety of implementation of distance learning technologies that have both general and specific features. Specificity, as a rule, is due to the socio-economic and socio-cultural features of national educational systems. Therefore, each country produces its own way of introducing technology to.
    Currently, in the world, education on technology is based on a number of models. In the scientific literature there are many attempts to classify the currently existing models, in particular, E.S. The Polit allocates six: according to the type of external with the orientation for school and university examinations for students and students who for one or another unique reasons are not able to attend full-time educational institutions; On the basis of one university, when students are trained at a distance based on ICT; Based on cooperation between several universities, when universities together create training programs, which makes them better and less expensive; in specialized educational institutions created exclusively for the purposes of absentee training and oriented multimedia courses; using autonomous training systems, in which training is carried out through television, radio, computer; Informal training on the basis of integrated multimedia programs, focused on adult education, for some reason not received school education.
    Another classification of the models mentioned above was proposed by R. Tenning and I. Seinen in 1995: Consulting - implies a regular visit to the student of the educational (consulting) center, where he meets with the teacher, receiving the necessary assistance and explanations from him; The correspondent assumes the process of continuous exchange between the tutor and the student by educational materials, homework, is carried out without personal contact by mail and other communication channels (fax, telephone, computer networks);
    Adjustable self-learning - involves greater independence of the student with freedom of selection of time and place of study, the date of studying the course, passing the exam.
    The classification given in the monographs. Voronina
    V.P. Kashicina, O.P. Molchanova "Education in the NIT Epoch" contains four models: traditional absentee, open, telecommunication, virtual classes and virtual universities.
    A.A. Andreev in the monograph "Didactic foundations of distance learning" allocates five models of the organization of the educational process. As a classification criterion, he took the means of delivering and presenting educational materials.
    The first model is represented by Case Technologies. A student receives a set of educational materials from the tutor, the basis of which is the printed benefits, supplemented by audio and video materials, computer programs on CDs. The learning process includes an independent study of educational material under the guidance of the tutor and the execution of control tasks. It is envisaged to conduct introductory classes, seminars, meetings with a tutor for consultation. During the training period, the student can consult with a teacher by telephone and other means of communication. Exams are held in part in oral or writing.
    The second model involves correspondent training. The student receives educational materials, the teacher is attached to it, but the full-time contacts are not envisaged. The basis of this model is the process of continuous exchange between the teacher and the student by educational materials and the tasks accomplished. The final certification may be held internally or without the real presence of a student.
    The third model is called radio television, since the learning process is based on a broad use of television and radio.
    The fourth model involves learning in network mode, since based on the use of the Internet. Finding information on the educational institution and the procedure for training on the website of the educational server, who wants to learn and sends all the necessary documents in electronic form. After payment of the course, it receives a password and access to educational information, the coordinates of the tutor for individual consultations and passing intermediate tests.
    The fifth model was called mobile technology, as it implies the use of a student in the distance learning process of a mobile personal portable computer.

    Currently, the Case Technology model is held according to the degree of distribution in Russia. Recently there has been a tendency to actively implement the network learning model.
    In tab. 1.1 provides a classification of models for implementing remote learning technology.
    Table 1.1.
    Classification of model implementation models
    distance learning


    Organizational models

    R. Tyignaga, I. Sainen (1995)
    Consulting Model Correspondence Model
    3. Model of adjustable self-study

    T.P. Voronina, V.P. Kashicin, O.P. Molchanova (1995)

    1. Traditional absentee training 2. Open learning 3. Telecommunication 4. Virtual classes and universities

    EU. Polit (1998)

    1. Education in the type of externalation 2. Education based on one university 3. Training based on cooperation of several educational institutions training in specialized educational
    institutions informal integrated training based on
    multimedia software

    A.A. Andreev (2000)

    1. Model CT (Case Technology)
    2. Model Co. (correspondent training) 3. Model of RT (radio television)
    4. Model CO (network training)
    5. Model MT (Mobile Technology)

    In our opinion, optimal in modern conditions is a classification, which is based on such a criterion as an organizational structure. Then, according to the proposed criterion, the following technology implementation models can be distinguished.
    The first model is characterized by the fact that universities united into a consortium or association of educational institutions. Training is conducted by each university in its programs, but according to all technology. Education diplomas are issued by universities themselves. The principal feature of this model is that the consortium does not offer and not

    develops training programs, does not award degrees and certificates. Examples of such consortiums can serve as a California virtual university, uniting 95 universities, an open learning Agency (Australia), united 3 universities, etc.
    The second model is represented by contractual, or brokerage, organizations based on union combining resources in order to jointly provide educational services based on the use of distance learning technologies. This model implies the creation of its own programs (courses), the presence of the right to award degrees to issuing diplomas and certificates. Examples of contractual associations can serve as the National University of Technology (USA), which brings together 46 universities, the State University of Governors (USA).
    The third model is represented by autonomous universities created specifically to provide the possibility of obtaining education exclusively by technology before. It is characteristic that in almost every country there is a university, which is a generally accepted leader in this area. As a rule, this is an educational center of a national scale, which has branches throughout the country and abroad, offering opportunities for obtaining higher education and retraining of personnel. In the UK, such a university is an open university, in Germany - Hagen by Correspondence University, in Spain - the National University of Distance Learning, in France - the National Center for Distance Learning.
    The fourth model is represented by conventional traditional universities that have a center (department, faculty) of distance learning in their structure. This structural unit is included in the educational process of a higher educational institution, offering students to explore individual courses of the educational program of this university using distance learning technologies. According to the results of the study of courses, students receive a diploma (certificate), the degree as if these courses were studied in part. Examples of this approach can serve as the Institute for Distance Education MESI (Russia), the Distance Learning Center for Pennsylvanian State University (USA).
    The fifth model is represented by virtual universities, or, in other words, open universities without walls, based on the cooperation of administration, teachers, course developers and students, which, despite the distance, work together using modern ICTs. The virtual university does not have educational buildings, campuses, acts, but gives diplomas, assigns scientific degrees. Examples of virtual universities can serve

    University of Western Governors (USA), Netherlands Open University, Catalan Open University (Spain).
    This classification is not indisputable, it is focused on classical education, completing the issuance of diplomas, i.e. At accredited institutions of education. It is based on such a criterion as the presence of a license and the issue of issuing a diploma.
    Thus, as follows from the above, in the scientific literature there are many approaches to the classification of models of the implementation of remote learning technology that exist in world educational practice. The presence of diverse classifications is explained by the difference in the initial settings of the authors, the initial criteria based on the basis of classifications.