Effrosion name. Characteristic of the name of Efrosinia

Name of the name of Effrosion: This name for the girl means "joyful", "bonion".

Origin of the name of Effrosion: Ancient Greek.

Reduce form name: Frosya, Frosyush.

What does the name of the effrosion mean: Methodology and hard work. Possible professions: architect, broker, bank employee, software developer. Frosya prefers men's companies. She is boring to engage in life, so rather she will earn money by leaving her husband on the farm.

Angel Day Effrosion: The name of Effrosion is twice a year notes named after:

  • June 5 (May 23) - Rev. Evphrosinia, Princess Polotskaya.
  • October 8 (September 25) - Rev. Euphrosinia, eighteen years old, in men's clothing secretly left the male monastery in Egypt and under the male name, thirty-eight years, launched there; died in 445

Signs: on Efrosin, June 5, the mass appearance of heaps - to the crop of cucumbers. In many places, they sow hemp on this day: "hemp in the field of this and on a rowan look - if the color in the circles, then cannabis debts!"


  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - gray blue
  • Favorable tree - Rowan
  • Cherished plant - hemp
  • Patron Name - Head
  • Stone Talisman - Mountain Crystal

Characteristic of the name of Efrosinia

Positive features: Durability, high intuition, dedication, dedication, creative gifts. A woman who is the name of Effrosion, is an outstanding person, heavily differing from her friends seriousness. It is an effrosion attaches great importance to the depth of feelings and high spirituality. She is persistent and decisive, achieves very much in life thanks to these qualities.

Negative features: Effrosion name gives excessive passionism, in love, fanaticism, reluctance to obey generally accepted norms of behavior. For the sake of achievement of conceived efrosinia, much does not matter: the effrosionnia name can abandon much and even from close people.

The nature of the name of Effrosion: What character traits determine the value of the infractions? A girl with this name can devote himself to any cause - thanks to his hardworking, persistence, the ability to get along with people will succeed everywhere. A woman who is the name of Effrosion, is smart, knows how to handle money, and it is difficult to hold it, although it has no tricks in the domestic, landed understanding of this word. The girl with the name of Effrosion has a kind heart and, despite an overlooking character, causes deep sympathy among others. It is an effrosionism of a little amenable to someone else's influence, but herself is capable of a very beneficial effect on people.

Effrosion and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The names of Anton, Bogdan, Gavrila, Vasily, Gleb, Yermil, Ignat, is favorable. The name of the efline is also combined with Seraphim, Yaroslav. Unsuccessful name rating can be formed with a budimist, Vsevolod, Grigory, Ilya, Konstantin, Philip.

Love and marriage of Efrosinia: The girl with this name is successful for the opposite sex. Effrosion is surrounded by fans, but it is not in a hurry with marriage. Later family union is more successful than marriage in adolescence.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: If the love relationships and family problems will not occupy Efrosigni's strength, it can achieve significant success in art, public activities, research on psychology, history, natural sciences, will receive relevant degrees and rewards.

Business and career Efrosinia: Success in affairs and in monetary issues is possible only in the second half of life.

Health and energy

Health and Talents named Effrosion: Health in Efrosigny is good, but it can be undermined by excessive physical or mental loads and nervous overvoltage. After 40 years, disturbance of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis, varicose veins are likely.

Fate Effrosion in history

What does the name of the effrosion mean for women's fate?

  1. Evphrosinia (Dancewa) (born about 1100, mind. Between 1173 and 1175) - Daughter of Prince Polotsk Svyatoslav-Georgy Vseslam. The young girl of Euphrosinia refused earthly goods and, secretly leaving the house, without the consent of the parents, took the tensile. Engaged in writing holy books. When Euphrosynia, in his land, became the sign of Orthodoxy and Russian nationality, Catholics and Uniates falsified the legend and gave Euphrosynin the appearance of Orthodox Catholithic.
  2. Evphrosinia Alexandria (V century) - Rev.; Memory September 25 February 15. Come from Alexandria; 18 years left the parent home and entered the men's monastery under the name of Enuha Ishmaragda.
  3. Evphrosinia Suzdal (1212-25 September 1250), Princess Chernigovskaya
  4. Evphrosinia Polotsk (1110-1173) - Princess; Holy Russian Church.
  5. Evphrosinia Moscow, in the world name Evdokia Dmitrievna (1353-1407) - Spouse Dmitry Donskoy; Holy Russian Church. Efrosinia Fedorova is the mistress of Tsarevich Alexei.
  6. Efrosinya Staritsky (? - 1569) - Princess, nee Khovanskaya, wife Andrei Ivanovich, Prince Staritsky, Holy Russian Church.
  7. Evphrosinia is the stepmother of the Byzantine Emperor of Feophyla, who settled in the empire a bride, in which the Blessed Feodor was chosen to her passion.
  8. Evphrosinia Kolyupanovskaya (approx. 1758-1855) - Princess Vyazemskaya, who left the imperial yard and has become a yurodiv.
  9. Evphrosinia is the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin VI and his first wife Maria Amnya.
  10. Effrosionnia Yaroslavna - daughter Yaroslav Osmomysl, Igor's wife, Prince Novgorod-Seversky. Wide fame acquired so-called. "Plach Yaroslavna" - the poetic part of the book "Word about the regiment of Igor"

Translated from Greek - "joy."
Frosya emotional, strong and energetic girl. She does not love and can not sit idle. She does not really like to do homemade matters together with her mother, frosya willingly helps his father in the garden or even the garage. Often, this girl shows abilities for technology and accurate sciences. But she does not like to read. Frosya is well studying in mathematics, physics, chemistry, but not too much time for humanitarian subjects. Not because it can not, just considers them unnecessary. This girl is usually friendly only with boys, and does not lag behind them. Frosya rarely plays in dolls. After school enters the institute. Usually, in the first or second year, it begins to engage in scientific work, then goes to graduate school.
From this woman, a great scientist is obtained because it has many necessary science qualities: the mind, prerequisite, perseverance, the ability to look at the problem in a new way and find an original solution to the question, the ability to defend their point of view. In addition, Efrosinia is obligatory. This is a sociable, noisy woman, often stubborn. If, when it comes to some scientific matter, it is capable of being correct, weathered and carefully listens to the interlocutor, then in the usual life of Efrosinia often does not show these qualities. Live next to this woman is very difficult. It is demanding and picky, although self-critical. A woman has little friends with this name. She almost does not have time for communication, friendship and personal affairs. Her household she also deals with little. Usually, the Effrosion is devoted entirely to scientific activities and it is not interested in it in addition to it. Often she does not even start the family, and if he gets married, it is not always well and sometimes quickly divorced.
Efrosinia is independent, so it tries not to enter into a long relationship. It is quite satisfied with short ties that do not impose any obligations on partners. If this woman does not suit something in their relationship, then Efrosinia tears a relationship, not explaining anything to the partner. At best, she will tell him about it. But if this woman falls in love with real, it will be a faithful partner or wife. However, before this, her lover will have to show considerable patience and make a lot of effort to get used to her and teach it to the thought that in love they have not only to take, but also to give and should be considered not only with their interests. In old age efrosigna cheat and energetic woman. Usually it does not go out do not retire and works until it can. Usually she is not engaged in the upbringing of grandchildren and little helps children.
Summer efrosinya - sports, energetic woman. She is swimming, big tennis, running, basketball, often mountaineering. It is active, always participates in all events, works great. This efrosigny always has many friends among men, but with women relationships are often tense. This efrosinya is beautiful, enjoys success in men, very feminine. But it is not very important to the family, it needs little intimate relationship and get married late.
The most family efrosinia is the one that was born in the fall. She usually marries early, doing a lot of home, usually has several children. This woman is a beautiful mistress, she prepares great. By nature, this Efrosiny Domaskin, but it will be happy to take guests. She has many girlfriends, which this woman often takes.

Source of information: L. Arnson ("Name, Character, Fate")

Reductance forces named Effrosign

Efrosynushka, Frosya, Frosyush

Name Day and Efrosigny Day

Mystery name

The origin of Euphrosinia is Greek. The meaning of the name is joyful.

Famous people

Efrosinia Mstislavovna (1130-1186) - Queen of Hungary, the wife of the Hungarian king Geza II, the daughter of the Kiev Grand Duke Mstislav Vladimirovich, the mother of the Hungarian kings of Ishthan III and Bella III.

Evphrosinia Antonovna Kershnovskaya (1907-1994) - Bessarabian landowner, concluded Gulag, memoistka.

Efrosinya Savelyevna Zenkova (1923-1984) - Underground, secretary of the Osoli Underground Komsomol organization "Young Avengers", Hero of the Soviet Union.

Forms name

Other names name: Euphrosi, Frosya, Frosina.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name: Gemini
Planet: Mercury
Color name: gray blue
Favorable tree: Rowan
Covenate Plant: Hemp
Patter name: Head
Stone-Talisman: Mountain Crystal.


Planet: Mercury.
Elements: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Motley, Changeable, Mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, Agat, Porphyr, Topaz, Glass, Mountain Crystal, Sardonix.
Plants: Basil, Parsley, Walnut, Celery, Valerian.
Beasts: Fox, Monkey, Lask, Stork, Parrot, Nightingale, Drozd, Lark, Ibis, Bat Fish.

Name like phrase

E ECI (there is, to exist)
In lead
FRAT (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, the axis of the world, the basis, source)
R Ries (rivers, say, saying)
Oh he (oh, about)
With a word
And and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
N OUR (ours, yours)
B Yer (Stelbed, soft, gently)
I (ya \u003d a) az

Compatibility and incompatibility

Compatibility - Mikhail, Daniel, Danil, Nikita, Vladimir, Sergey, Nikolay, Vladislav, George, Stepan, Semen, Igor, David, Ruslan, Vadim, Vasily.

Values \u200b\u200bof letters name

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the inclination to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Catisfy is possible.
In - Communicability, communication with life, unity with nature. Creative person, aspiring to the future.
F - the need to shine, be the center of attention, friendliness, the originality of ideas, at first glance, and containing very valuable grain of truth. Pleasure to make people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is the fancy porridge of all philosophical systems. The ability to brush, put into dealing with the allegedly necessary false with the best intentions.
P - the ability not to be deceived visibility, but to delve into the creature; Self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Drinking, a person is capable of stupid risk and sometimes too dogmatized in his judgments.
Oh deep feelings, ability to handle money. For completeness of implementation, however, a person must understand its purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is palm treated and need to use his rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
C - common sense, striving for solid position and material security; In irritation - authority and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
And - fine spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Externally, a person shows practicality as a screen for concealing a romantic soft nature.
N is a protest sign, the inner force does not take everything, without parsing, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "Martish Labor".
B - the ability to classify, divide, lay on the shelves.
I am a feeling of self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and the love of the environment and the ability to get them.

In other languages

Ukrainian: Euphrosinya.

Yiddish: יעפראָסיניאַ (Yefrosinia).



It is noticeable to facilitate the life path and achieve significant success, you can, if you have to strive for the awareness of your individuality and receiving training.

You are always not indifferent to the opposite sex, while the main criteria for you are beauty, self-confidence and strong character. Overly capricious or stupid partners annoy you.


Value name Efrosinia


Numerology named Efrosinia

Soul number: 4.
The owners of Name 4 are prone to accurate sciences and scientific approach to everything in the world. "Fours" excellent scientists, engineers, designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They respect their friends and colleagues. The "four" rarely quarrel and are not inclined to hostility. However, one should not be expected from the "four" of any unexpected actions, improvisations, creative manifestations of character. All their life is designed to be easily and little can shift them with a pre-planned plan. They are bugs on emotions, often cold. However, the "four" is reliable and on them can be rented in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Number of hidden spirit: 1

Body number: 3


Planet: Jupiter.
Elements: Air, heat-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Fish.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, Electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, Beryl, Hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple tree, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, paradise apple, apricot, eucalyptus.
Beasts: Deer, Elephant, Sheep, Swallow, Pelican, Partridge, Peacock, Dolphin.

Effrosion name as phrase

E ECI (there is, to exist)
FRAT (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, the axis of the world, the basis, source)
R Ries (rivers, say, saying)
Oh he (oh, about)
With a word
And and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
N OUR (ours, yours)
B Yer (Stelbed, soft, gently)
I (ya \u003d a) az

Interpretation of the Values \u200b\u200bof Effrosigning Letters

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the inclination to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Catisfy is possible.
F - the need to shine, be the center of attention, friendliness, the originality of ideas, at first glance, and containing very valuable grain of truth. Pleasure to make people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is the fancy porridge of all philosophical systems. The ability to brush, put into dealing with the allegedly necessary false with the best intentions.
P - the ability not to be deceived visibility, but to delve into the creature; Self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Drinking, a person is capable of stupid risk and sometimes too dogmatized in his judgments.
Oh deep feelings, ability to handle money. For completeness of implementation, however, a person must understand its purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is palm treated and need to use his rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
C - common sense, striving for solid position and material security; In irritation - authority and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
And - fine spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Externally, a person shows practicality as a screen for concealing a romantic soft nature.
N is a protest sign, the inner force does not take everything, without parsing, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "Martish Labor".
B - the ability to classify, divide, lay on the shelves.
I am a feeling of self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and the love of the environment and the ability to get them.

Forms named Efrosinia

Other Options named Effrosignia: Evphrosinia, Efrosinushka, Frosya, Frosyush.

Effrosion name in different languages

Consider writing and sounding a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Serbian: Ifrosinia. Yiddish: יעפראָסיניאַ (Y'Pr'ÁSYNY'A). Ukrainian: єprosinіya. Belorussky: Efrannya. English: YEFROSINYA (YEFROSINYA).

The origin of the Nefrosinia

The female name Euphrosin has and means "joy." On the territory of our country, it spread at first among the lowest class, where he received the common sound of Afrosiny or abbreviated frost. Currently, it is not popular, using mainly in the church sphere.

The character of the name Efrosinia

The character of most owners of this name is complex. As a rule, it is stingy on emotions, cold, methodical and very hardworking women who are able to abandon a lot to achieve their goals. A kind of workaholic is manifested in Euphrosigny in childhood, because she strives to always be something busy: a lot helps mother in the house, his father in the garage, grandmother at the cottage, sews clothes dolls, goes on the circles, takes an active part in School public life. Its energy is enough for a huge amount of affairs, while until a certain age, the little Euphrosinia does not show excessive demanding and intolerance towards people.

An adult owner of this name is mandatory, easily fond of (sometimes to fanaticism), picky, but often there are both good, calm, home and family Euphrosigny. Due to the complex and unpredictable character of friends, it is usually little. Basically, she communicates with colleagues, and even then more often with male representatives.

Mystery named Efrosinia

Such women are energetic and emotional. Since childhood, she is no hopeful, loves to constantly be in the spotlight and in work. At the same time, it is persistent, smart and has good intellectual abilities. That is why good scientists are obtained from Efrosigny. Such a woman easily finds the original solution to the task, thanks to which it will be able to achieve great success.

Effrosion is self-critical, but also demanding to other people. Some are offended from it because of this. In addition, she has few friends, since she just lacks time for friendship and communication. All her ephrosiny gives work and career. Many such women do not start the family and remain lonely. Some efrosiny have bad marriage experience. In a long relationship, such a woman does not enter, she loves short ties that do not oblige it to anything. She is easily tearing a relationship if something is not satisfied with the partner. But if she fall in love with a man, he will be faithful to him and will become a tender wife. Before the oldest Eposiny works, not giving much attention to his children and grandchildren.

Summer efrosiny love sports and very moving. They are beautiful, feminine, enjoy success in men. Autumn Efrosigny loves their family and will be ready to give it entirely. They prepare perfectly, with pleasure take guests. Loves to patron other people.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Psychology named

By virtue of its nature, Efrosigna is doomed to the tests and sorrow in family life, in connection with friends, with children. Often others do not understand her actions, but this Efrosyne is indifferent, she will still fulfill their plans. Therefore, it is not necessary to counteract its aspirations. Efrosinia is devoted and faithful to its partners and like-minded people.

Famous names name: Evphrosinya - Rev., wife Dmitry Donskoy; Evphrosinya Polotskaya (Polotsk Princess Dancewa) - Reverend Numbena of the Monastery of Holy Savior in Polotsk, an outstanding enlightenment, Patrones of Belarus, one of the first canonized women in East Slavic lands.

Orthodox Names Efrosigna celebrates

Name compatibility Efrosinia

The incompatibility of the Efrosinia

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found: 1

1. Efrosinia

Meaning of the name

Women's name. Translated from Greek - "Joy".

Frosya emotional, strong and energetic girl. She does not love and can not sit idle. She does not really like to do homemade matters together with her mother, frosya willingly helps his father in the garden or even the garage. Often, this girl shows abilities for technology and accurate sciences. But she does not like to read. Frosya is well studying in mathematics, physics, chemistry, but not too much time for humanitarian subjects. Not because it can not, just considers them unnecessary. This girl is usually friendly only with boys, and does not lag behind them. Frosya rarely plays in dolls. After school enters the institute. Usually, in the first or second year, it begins to engage in scientific work, then goes to graduate school.

From this woman, a great scientist is obtained because it has many necessary science qualities: the mind, prerequisite, perseverance, the ability to look at the problem in a new way and find an original solution to the question, the ability to defend their point of view. In addition, Efrosinia is obligatory. This is a sociable, noisy woman, often stubborn. If, when it comes to some scientific matter, it is capable of being correct, weathered and carefully listens to the interlocutor, then in the usual life of Efrosinia often does not show these qualities. Live next to this woman is very difficult. It is demanding and picky, although self-critical. A woman has little friends with this name. She almost does not have time for communication, friendship and personal affairs. Her household she also deals with little. Usually, the Effrosion is devoted entirely to scientific activities and it is not interested in it in addition to it. Often she does not even start the family, and if he gets married, it is not always well and sometimes quickly divorced.

Efrosinia is independent, so it tries not to enter into a long relationship. It is quite satisfied with short ties that do not impose any obligations on partners. If this woman does not suit something in their relationship, then Efrosinia tears a relationship, not explaining anything to the partner. At best, she will tell him about it. But if this woman falls in love with real, it will be a faithful partner or wife. However, before this, her lover will have to show considerable patience and make a lot of effort to get used to her and teach it to the thought that in love it is necessary not only to take, but also to give and should be considered not only with their own interests. In old age efrosigna cheat and energetic woman. Usually it does not go out do not retire and works until it can. Usually she is not engaged in the upbringing of grandchildren and little helps children.

Summer efrosinya - sports, energetic woman. She is swimming, big tennis, running, basketball, often mountaineering. It is active, always participates in all events, works great. This efrosigny always has many friends among men, but with women relationships are often tense. This efrosinya is beautiful, enjoys success in men, very feminine. But it is not very important to the family, it needs little intimate relationship and get married late.

The most family efrosinia is the one that was born in the fall. She usually marries early, doing a lot of home, usually has several children. This woman is a beautiful mistress, she prepares great. By nature, this Efrosiny Domaskin, but it will be happy to take guests. She has many girlfriends, which this woman often takes.

Number of fate - 7 (43) (number of name)

As number of name 7 The ability to send talent to the sphere of science, to the world of art or philosophy, in religious activities. But the success of their activities largely depends on the deep analysis of the results of the already achieved and from the actual planning of its future. Understanding other people, they are often becoming leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they decided to do commercial or financial affairs, then they themselves will need help from.