Real and virtual world. Virtual or real life, which is better

First you need to figure out why we live, why a person lives? And when we answer this question, then we will return to what life is in the virtual world and what is its danger.

What is the sense of life?

In self-realization. And in spiritual fulfillment, primarily. In spiritual growth. This body lives one life, the soul lives forever and grows with every life. A person living in accordance with the laws of the soul and nature is the perfect creation of nature. He is capable of anything. He is able to influence this world, to make it better. Both for yourself and for everyone else.

And first of all, we must find yourself, your path and follow it without fear and with a raised head.

As the famous song says: “So that you don’t lose you on earth, Try not to lose yourself.”

Each of us has his own path and purpose. If we find this way, we can achieve a lot and make a lot of all the good, and maybe even something great, who knows.

To do this, we must begin this search, realize our spiritual nature and find harmony and happiness inside of you.  Then the understanding of the path will come, self-confidence will come, then you will be able to open yourself to the present, capable of anything. Because you will be on your way, which is the best for you in this life. There is no one better than you for this mission.

This will help such spiritual practiceslike: yoga, pranayama, prayer, thoughts alone with oneself.

Only a few manage to get their way. Why?

Firstly, because we are idlers.  It’s hard for our soul to fight this body, which only wants to eat drink and do nothing. But this must be done, otherwise life will pass in vain.

Secondly, in the modern world there is a very a large number of distractionsinterfering with our development and movement, factors. Not only is it simply hard for us to cope with ourselves, but today it is dozens of times harder to do than do it decades ago.

Games. Computer games. Life in a virtual world. A world where you don’t have to do anything, but you are already a hero, you are who you would dream of becoming. You there, in virtuality, have already become one. Doing nothing. It's easy there.

The market for computer games today is so diverse that it can satisfy any needs. He is always ready to guard your laziness. He is her ally and patron.

Just sit down at the computer and turn on the game, getting up is almost impossible. One tired, turn on the other, the third. As much as you like. This is the danger of computer games. Billions of dollars are made on human laziness. Therefore do not worry, you always find how to do nothing, and even pay for it.

Games can play the role of just a little rest after a hard week. After all, everyone rests in his own way. But look at your life? You are happy? Is that what you dreamed about ten years ago? Have you achieved your goals?

If not, are you doing it now? Perhaps you go to them with all your might, really tired and want to relax a bit. Then nothing bites you from the inside, you know where you are going and apply all your strength to it.

But if the games take up all your free time, when you find days, weeks and years on them, and you simply scored to realize your dreams. You are in trouble.

Life in a virtual world. What it is?

This is a tool to distract a person from the real world.

One way or another, most likely you are working somewhere in one of the country's organizations. The state is happy with everything: there is a person, he works, he pays a tax, he produces something. Why do you want to think about something else, want something, what if you think something bad. Came from work, sit at home at the computer and live in that virtual world. Only in the morning do not forget to come back to work, let them with a sad and unhappy face, the main thing is to come.

The virtual world is a tool for turning off the brain.

Life in a virtual world is thoughtless life. A thinking person is also superfluous. Work and do not interfere. And after the game and the Internet.

This is not only an instrument of distraction from oneself and one's true nature.

From God. A person is a spiritual being, and if he can realize this and engage in his spiritual development, then without exaggerating I will say that such a person will be capable of anything. But it takes a lot of effort and time. Wasting them on virtual games, nothing remains for you. You are taking your life.

As a result. If virtual games are not your professional activity, exclude them from your life. Then you have a chance to find yourself and fulfill yourself. Otherwise, do not scold fate and do not ask yourself “?”.


Articles and practices for self-development in your mail

WARNING! The topics that I reveal require harmony with your inner world. If not, don’t subscribe!

This is spiritual development, meditation, spiritual practices, articles and thoughts about love, about the good within us. Vegetarianism, again in unison with the spiritual component. The goal is to make life more conscious and, as a result, happy.

Everything you need is in you. If you feel resonance and response within yourself, then sign up. I will be very glad to see you!

   Take the time to take 5 minutes of your time to familiarize yourself. Perhaps these 5 minutes will change your whole life.

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Life in a virtual world or about addiction to social networks. The Internet and social networks have firmly entered our lives. With its undoubted advantages, such as the ability to receive a large amount of information, find your friends and communicate with people around the world, social networks are fraught with hidden danger. With increasing popularity, they attract a huge number of people every day, many of whom today cannot imagine a day in their life without viewing a news feed, reading messages, viewing photos, visiting their account or other users' pages.

The excessive attraction to spending time on social networks, the attractiveness of communicating with virtual friends and living online led to the emergence of a condition that modern psychology calls the concept of “dependence on social networks”. Is this addiction dangerous, how does it appear, and is it possible to cope with it? This will be discussed in this article.

Why are social networks so attractive?

In my opinion, one of the main advantages that is in social networks is a certain facelessness, i.e. the ability to communicate anonymously with people, "interfere" in someone else's life, the ability to express oneself without risking anything - to insult people, to "troll" or, for example, to declare love. Social networks are just a godsend for shy, shy and insecure people who find it very difficult to express themselves in real life. Hiding behind a beautiful, often alien, photograph, such people surround themselves with numerous “friends”, making up for the virtual communication lack of real, living communication in their lives.

Social networks also provide great opportunities for self-realization - you can be anyone, create any image for yourself, even change your gender if you really want to. Through social networks, you can show only your positive qualities, embellish your life beyond recognition: upload photos passed through filters, make various interesting posts about yourself. And immediately your tape becomes bright, attractive to other people, you create many reasons for envy. Your photos are evaluated, your posts are discussed, you get a lot of attention and the illusion of being noticed by others, because social networks are built based on the game of your imagination!

Alleged portrait of a man living a virtual life

Very often, people suffering from loneliness in real life become dependent on social networks. They have few friends, they have difficulty establishing contacts and establishing communication. Such people may have low self-esteem, lack of faith in themselves and their attractiveness to others. A very large number of them are teenagers, who find it very difficult to find a common language with their peers. Also dependent on social networks are young mothers who spend all their free time on the Internet. It’s almost impossible to notice the line that separates addiction to social networks from addiction. You understand that you are addicted when you can’t do without even an hour without checking messages or flipping through a news feed.

  Typology of people dependent on social networks

Thinking about people living a virtual life, I want to dwell on three types:

- Passive type: you constantly observe the life of other people, see their news and photos: perhaps nothing interesting is happening in your life, it is boring and unattractive for you, you are not very satisfied with it. Or vice versa, you want to ignore real life, it is unbearable for you, it has a lot of discomfort: uninteresting work, family difficulties, problems with parents, spouse or children.

- Active type: you expose your life yourself, hourly posting your photos to social networks and doing different posts: you may not have enough approval from loved ones, their support and praise in something. And then you strive to fill this shortcoming in virtual life. Perhaps you carefully hide your loneliness, anxiety, your own discomfort from real life, investing so much in creating an image on the Internet.

- Mixed type: you spend a lot of time on the pages of other users, while also investing a lot in your own account: you may be a narcissistic person who is distinguished by pronounced competition. It is important for you to be in sight, to be noticed, while you do not suffer defeat, the feeling is unbearable for you when you give in to other people in something. The constant process of comparing oneself with others does not lend itself to conscious control, it occurs on an unconscious level.

  What does addiction to social networks lead to?

A person who spends a large amount of time on social networks often does not think about the possible consequences of his “hobby”. I will describe only a few of them, which for me as a psychologist are especially significant, which I had to deal with when working with people dependent on social networks:

People replace real-life screens. Virtual communication delays a person so much that he sacrifices his work, relationships in the family or with friends, emotionally detaches himself from them, wanting to stay in the invented virtual world for as long as possible.

Viewing other people's accounts, photos, constantly comparing yourself with other people, often not in their favor, causes a lot of tension, envy and depression.

A person does not notice his life, does not attach value and importance to it, being carried away by the bright colors with which the life of other people is filled for him. Against this background, his own life seems gray and inexpressive to him. The mood spoils from the contemplation of someone else's happiness and awareness of their boring, unhappy life.

The illusion of the fullness of life allows a person not to notice the feeling of loneliness, to replace the reality of his life with a fantasy world.

Time spent on social networks often feels like wasted. Other people constantly have something going on, they walk, go shopping, in a cafe or a movie. And you sit at home and your life is empty. You can’t even find the strength in yourself to do some scheduled things or to spend time with benefit. Such reasoning instills in man even more confidence in his own worthlessness and weak character.

How to return to real life?

So is it possible to get rid of this addiction? I think that yes, it is definitely possible. And the most important thing here, in my opinion, is to be able to pay attention to your real life, not to be afraid to face possible difficulties. And also want to fill your life with real feelings and feelings. Here are some more simple recommendations that everyone will be able to:

* Turn off notifications on your phone. Constant sound messages pull you out of life, distracting from the events occurring in it. I know for myself that it is not possible to finish some business without checking what message came on the phone or tablet.

* More often, “forget” the phone at home, for example, going for a walk with family or friends. In 1-2 hours, nothing supernatural will happen, but nothing will distract you from the outside world.

* Gradually limit the time spent on social networks. Do not do it abruptly, reduce the time by 15-20 minutes per day. Ideally, it’s better to give yourself a special time visiting social networks. For example, only morning and evening hours, 10-15 minutes each, to reply to messages, view the news feed or read an interesting article.

* Hobbies - find yourself a hobby in the real world: drawing, reading, sports. Everything that captivates you and brings a lot of pleasure and positive emotions!

* If you can’t cope with the dependence on social networks on your own, turn to a psychologist for help and support. Together, you will definitely be able to find a way to return to real life!

The Internet and social networks have firmly entered our lives. With its undoubted advantages, such as the ability to receive a large amount of information, find your friends and communicate with people around the world, social networks are fraught with hidden danger. With increasing popularity, they attract a huge number of people every day, many of whom today cannot imagine a day in their life without viewing a news feed, reading messages, viewing photos, visiting their account or other users' pages.

The excessive attraction to spending time on social networks, the attractiveness of communicating with virtual friends and living online led to the emergence of a condition that modern psychology calls the concept of “dependence on social networks”. Is this addiction dangerous, how does it appear, and is it possible to cope with it? This will be discussed in this article.

In my opinion, one of the main advantages that is in social networks is a certain facelessness, i.e. the ability to communicate anonymously with people, "interfere" in someone else's life, the ability to express oneself without risking anything - to insult people, to "troll" or, for example, to declare love. Social networks are just a godsend for shy, shy and insecure people who find it very difficult to express themselves in real life. Hiding behind a beautiful, often alien, photograph, such people surround themselves with numerous “friends”, making up for the virtual communication lack of real, living communication in their lives.

Social networks also provide great opportunities for self-realization - you can be anyone, create any image for yourself, even change your gender if you really want to. Through social networks, you can show only your positive qualities, embellish your life beyond recognition: upload photos passed through filters, make various interesting posts about yourself. And immediately your tape becomes bright, attractive to other people, you create many reasons for envy. Your photos are evaluated, your posts are discussed, you get a lot of attention and the illusion of being noticed by others, because social networks are built based on the game of your imagination!

Alleged portrait of a man living a virtual life

Very often, people suffering from loneliness in real life become dependent on social networks. They have few friends, they have difficulty establishing contacts and establishing communication. Such people may have low self-esteem, lack of faith in themselves and their attractiveness to others. A very large number of them are teenagers, who find it very difficult to find a common language with their peers. Also dependent on social networks are young mothers who spend all their free time on the Internet. It’s almost impossible to notice the line that separates addiction to social networks from addiction. You understand that you are addicted when you can’t do without even an hour without checking messages or flipping through a news feed.

Thinking about people living a virtual life, I want to dwell on three types:

Passive type: you constantly observe the life of other people, see their news and photos: perhaps nothing interesting is happening in your life, it is boring and unattractive for you, you are not very satisfied with it. Or vice versa, you want to ignore real life, it is unbearable for you, it has a lot of discomfort: uninteresting work, family difficulties, problems with parents, spouse or children.

Active type: you expose your life yourself, hourly posting your photos to social networks and doing different posts: you may not have enough approval from loved ones, their support and praise in something. And then you strive to fill this shortcoming in virtual life. Perhaps you carefully hide your loneliness, anxiety, your own discomfort from real life, investing so much in creating an image on the Internet.

Mixed type: you spend a lot of time on the pages of other users, while also investing a lot in your own account: you may be a narcissistic person who is distinguished by pronounced competition. It is important for you to be in sight, to be noticed, while you do not suffer defeat, the feeling is unbearable for you when you give in to other people in something. The constant process of comparing oneself with others does not lend itself to conscious control, it occurs on an unconscious level.

What does addiction to social networks lead to?

A person who spends a large amount of time on social networks often does not think about the possible consequences of his “hobby”. I will describe only a few of them, which for me as a psychologist are especially significant, which I had to deal with when working with people dependent on social networks:

  • People replace real-life screens. Virtual communication delays a person so much that he sacrifices his work, relationships in the family or with friends, emotionally detaches himself from them, wanting to stay in the invented virtual world for as long as possible.
  • Viewing other people's accounts, photos, constantly comparing yourself with other people, often not in their favor, causes a lot of tension, envy and depression.
  • A person does not notice his life, does not attach value and importance to it, being carried away by the bright colors with which the life of other people is filled for him. Against this background, his own life seems gray and inexpressive to him. The mood spoils from the contemplation of someone else's happiness and awareness of their boring, unhappy life.
  • The illusion of the fullness of life allows a person not to notice the feeling of loneliness, to replace the reality of his life with a fantasy world.
  • Time spent on social networks is often felt as wasted: other people constantly have something to do, they walk, go shopping, in a cafe or a movie, and you sit at home and your life is empty. You can’t even find the strength in yourself to do some scheduled things or to spend time with benefit. Such reasoning instills in man even more confidence in his own worthlessness and weak character.

How to return to real life?

So is it possible to get rid of this addiction? I think that yes, it is definitely possible. And the most important thing here, in my opinion, is to be able to pay attention to your real life, not to be afraid to meet face to face with possible difficulties or discomfort, and also to want to fill your life with real feelings and feelings. Here are some more simple recommendations that everyone will be able to:

* Turn off notifications on your phone. Constant sound messages pull you out of life, distracting from the events occurring in it. I know for myself that it is not possible to finish some business without checking what message came on the phone or tablet.

* More often, “forget” the phone at home, for example, going for a walk with family or friends. In 1-2 hours, nothing supernatural will happen, but nothing will distract you from the outside world.

* Gradually limit the time spent on social networks. Do not do it abruptly, reduce the time by 15-20 minutes per day. Ideally, it’s best to set aside a special time for visiting social networks, for example, only morning and evening hours, 10-15 minutes each, to reply to messages, view a news feed or read an interesting article.

* Hobbies - find yourself a hobby in the real world: drawing, reading, sports - everything that captivates you and brings a lot of pleasure and positive emotions!

* If you can’t cope with the dependence on social networks on your own, turn to a psychologist for help and support. Together, you will definitely be able to find a way to return to real life!

In the world of high-tech breakthrough, the Internet has become public domain. Almost every home now has a global information network; small organizations and large enterprises are also speckled with the Internet. And I won’t be surprised if, after 5-10 years, without elementary knowledge of a PC, a person will not be able to find work even as an ordinary handyman. It turns out that in order to fill out your questionnaire and pass an interview with the employer, you have to go through a simple procedure. Come to the recruiting center, equipped with the latest technology and sit in front of the monitor. Then select the desired section on employment, enter your data, answer the questions of the inanimate psychologist and immediately get the result - accepted or not. Many will say: “What's so complicated? You can teach a monkey like that! And it’s much more convenient - the availability of staffing personnel, time saving, and high accuracy in selecting workers with the right qualities are minimized. So there is nothing global. On the contrary, it’s very convenient. ” I completely agree that this is much simpler and easier. And perhaps I will seem to you a hypocrite, but the thought does not leave me: “But what about the contact? Personal contact with a person? After all, we are not soulless cars? ”

The human body is designed so that for relationships and making contact it is not enough just to know its possible abilities. In communication, the sensory organs should play the main role: touch, smell, sight, hearing. Notice, people in real life began to communicate less, more on social networks at computers. In the virtual world there are acquaintances, nice conversations under the glow of monitors, even meetings and dates are made without leaving your home. And no matter how paradoxical this may sound, but people, having never once seen each other outside the Internet world, fall in love and after long visits to Skype, make a mutual decision to create a family unit of society. There will not be any special changes in their life: one of them will transfer his computer to the territory of the second half or together they will move to a rented apartment, taking with them the miracle technology cars. Everything else, without changes: games, films, communication on the Internet. All life online or offline.

So what is happening to us? Why is closer to us a soulless machine stuffed with boards that can quickly solve problems, showing beautiful pictures and presenting the information we need? Why bogged down in the virtual world? But what about us? We are children of nature, the Universe has created us for direct and close contact. So why so easily and selflessly agree to artificial isolation? Here, for example, remember when you last walked barefoot on the grass or inhaled the air of the spring forest to your full chest and from this you received real pleasure and pleasure? Or, after all, when just admiring the sunset or the stars in the night sky? I suppose that many will not be able to give a concrete and convincing answer to this question. And only for the simple reason that they don’t remember this, they forgot, because everything was so long ago. Agree, sad fact?

I do not urge you to abandon the charms that the Internet gives us. After all, it was invented, like a car, a microwave, a washing machine, an automatic machine for our comfort and convenience, to save time and resources. This is an integral part of our civilized life, which should not fill our entire temporary space. Every sane person should understand this. And if you want, just find a couple of hours for yourself that would merge with nature and enjoy the beauty of the world. Take a walk in the park, go to the river, into the forest. This not difficult and pleasant walk will fill you with peace, improve your mood and thus save you from negativity, which in turn will increase your working capacity.

Remember, life is short enough to sit most of it in front of monitors. And, compared with eternity, we don’t have much time at all to kill him. And as it was said in the famous work of L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" - "Time really does not like to be killed."

Enjoy real life, it is beautiful, unique, given to us once and, unfortunately, for a very short time. Do not miss the bright moments, because they will never be returned. Be happy!

To date, a lot has been written and said about the Internet. The pros and cons of the world wide web are flying from all directions. Opponents and supporters prove the truth in all kinds of talk shows and on the pages of paper publications.

Meanwhile, the Internet lives its own separate life. A huge world created by the hands of man loves, hates, fights, laughs, creates families and destroys relationships, brings people together and moves away from each other.

This world has no borders, it is beautiful on the one hand, but it also has a reverse, negative side. The Internet is a reflection of ourselves; evil generated by man; a miracle created by man. As in a mirror, it reflects our life, our fears and complexes, desires and dreams.

Now a modern person cannot imagine his life without the Web. The work stops if the connection suddenly disappears. Around everyone is nervous, urgent matters are postponed, documents have to be sent by fax, and issues related to working moments have to be addressed by phone.

The Internet has become an integral part of not only work, but also our personal lives. About ten years ago, most of the population had a poor idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the strange word "Internet" means. When I didn’t have a computer yet, but my cousin had one, and sometimes he even went online, I tried to find out what it is and what can be done with it. After the answer: “Everything can be done on the Internet,” the matter did not become clear, and my thoughts on the Internet came to a standstill. Until the moment I sat down at the computer and opened the browser.

After some time, a computer also appeared at my place, and I could walk around the Web for as long as I needed. And already to my mother’s question: “Well, what is the Internet, can you explain to me? What can you do so much time there? ”, I answered:“ That's it! ”. Time passed, mom gradually mastered the computer and, while I am not at home, she opens a browser, reads the news, looks for some work materials.

Yes, who would have thought that once in the distant mother’s childhood they watched TV through a magnifying glass, that on that TV, which, incidentally, was not in every family, there were only two channels broadcast. And those lucky people who had a television set on a window onto the street on warm summer evenings, neighbors gathered who didn’t have one, and everyone watched a movie.

We used to write letters on paper, a checkered sheet from the middle of a notebook. In childhood, girls' letters always smelled of mother’s spirits and they were flaunted with “kisses” at the end of the letter — lipstick prints, and on the back of the envelope they would always write “Write!” Or “Fly with greetings, come back with an answer!” And draw hearts. With trepidation, they received the long-awaited envelope from friends and relatives. And they always worried that the letter dropped in the mailbox must reach the addressee.

And sometimes, because of the vanity of days, we forgot to answer letters. If answered, then few. "Everything is fine, no changes." And they often lost sight of those who were once close.

Now letters are sent and received in seconds, and there is no need to send telegrams. It is enough to install one of the messengers, and the person who is on the other side of the world becomes nearby. Headphones, a microphone, a webcam - and thousands of kilometers do not count. Only the monitor separates you. Well, or a bad connection!

Through many sites we find our classmates, childhood friends with whom we once lost touch. We make new friends, like-minded people, and even our love. We learn languages, finish courses and receive certificates. We make purchases without leaving home, sell, make money, watch movies, listen to music, learn to cook and take pictures. Some "advanced" even register a virtual marriage!

But is everything so harmless in this space “on the other side”?

Of course, everything or almost everything depends on us. Indeed, sometimes this same virtual life sucks a person into their networks unnoticed. Of course, there are reasons for everything. In a way, the “virtual” is an escape from reality. When a person considers the World Wide Web not just as a means of communication, communication, receiving news or any useful information. Here danger awaits. Who did not capture virtual life? Someone, having “relieved” with hyper-attachment to the Internet, “cools” to it and uses it as a source of information and communication. And someone begins to use the Network itself.

A person is more and more immersed in the virtual, forgetting about his problems, because TAM is a different world. In it you can be what you want and how much your imagination is enough. Your life passes only according to the laws that you yourself create. In that world, you have everything that is not in this real world. There are friends who understand you, there is love. You can defeat any enemy, you can say anything to anyone that you would never dare to say in real life. You can be brave, you can be arrogant and relaxed. You can be a fashion model or a poet. You are waiting for the support and approval of those invisible interlocutors. This is especially important if that very support is not enough in real life. You build yourself THERE, assemble in parts as you would like to see yourself in reality. You gain authority.

You have your own world, and while you have not yet realized the harm of its artificiality. Gifts there are not real, and the flowers do not smell, although they look almost like living ones. You post the best, skillfully edited photo, and expect high ratings from those who you have TAM in friends. Going to bed in the morning, you once again recall that you did not call your friend. But you have not seen for a month, and maybe more. But it would be necessary to meet, but all the time there is no ...

You have the Internet at work, at home and on your mobile phone. You come to visit and first of all you look through your eyes for a computer or download one of the messengers from your mobile. Listening out of the corner of your ear to friends, you randomly answer questions and somehow support the conversation. You are in another world. But not to keep in touch. No! To constantly nourish your own pride. For your own confidence. Therefore, you are horrified to think that someday the door to that world may be closed. Life there is more interesting and brighter. And you can’t live without her.

The worst thing is that a person ceases to notice his own problems in real life. Instead of solving them, it is often easier to plunge into another world and experience artificial happiness. Getting estimates from virtual friends is much nicer than sitting with a friend in the kitchen for a cup of tea. And in love there you are not at all the same as in real life.

How many mistakes we make, fearing to live! How much pain we deliver with our close indifference caused by some unreasonable fear! But you just have to try to be free. Once, one day. Gather the will and become decisive here, in reality. Finding a way out of a difficult situation in life outside the network is much nicer, more tangible than there. Saying “Love” to a person, looking in the eyes, brute force their shyness. Hold a bouquet of roses, inhale their fragrance. To see in front of you the face of your loved one, his smile, hear your voice, feel the breath and warmth of your palms. Inhale the frosty winter air. Hang out with friends playing snowballs or making a snowman. After all, this is life! Here she is, the real one!

And finally, to understand: it doesn’t matter to me how many “friends” I have in My World, on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, and Facebook. The important thing is that after a hard working day I can come to my Friend’s home to watch a good movie on DVD, or gather my friends and go for a walk, to the movies, ride a carousel, anywhere! I don’t care how many virtual gifts I got. The important thing is that after work, going to the store, I will see some little thing in the window, maybe a little trinket, and I want to buy it and give it to my loved one.

The important thing for me is that I always have time to meet friends. There are forces to solve problems. There is this life, this world. And there is also the Internet - an invisible thread connecting me with my loved ones in other cities and countries.

After all, it’s wonderful that I have it all!