A definite and indefinite center of the spleen. human design

When we start our Experiment, it really is an Experiment ...

Because we are all unique. And gradually trying, making mistakes, going through different situations in which you try to use your Inner Authority, you begin to notice - and how it works for me. This is a process ... But gradually, step by step ... this setting begins. As for the Spleen - of course, it will happen differently for everyone.

I have an assumption that they are akin to the response ... here everyone will have their own signals ... For someone it will be just a push from the inside, maybe a sound, someone will see something, some kind of image .. Someone will smell the danger in the air ... someone, on the contrary, will react so quickly that the mind will not keep up with the actions of the Spleen.

Maybe someone will then share how the Spleen works.
In my design, the Spleen is defined by tribal channel 54 - 32, but I also have defined and Emotional Systemwhich is my Inner Authority. So sometimes I feel my instinctive decisions ... at the level of instinct it happens to me, always very quickly ... When I understand that I don't like the situation, the person ... where does it all go ... I don't like how this or that situation smells. Where does it come from - who knows it :) But I'm waiting for emotional clarity, because in my case, my emotional chemistry can shade something, color the signals of my Spleen ...

The spleen is really hard to hear, it needs a very fine ear. More precisely, awareness, I guess. I started by catching the moments of my life before the experiment, when “Well, I knew, I felt that it would be so!”, And I acted wrong (or, in rare cases, right).

For some reason, I started to realize and listen with food. Here I’m eating something, there is still more than half left, and suddenly from somewhere I understand: that's it, that's enough. And it's kind of deep inner knowledge... But awareness comes only for a moment. And if there are several more people nearby (especially when these are Generators :)), then it is very difficult to listen to this voice. It’s even hard to catch it.

Sometimes the hand freezes over the product that the mind wants to eat))
Disobey - in best case you eat, at worst - you get poisoned))

In actions - for no reason, the gaze clings to a bus or other type of transport and the legs are already turning right there. If the mind does not stop (and it turns out very cleverly), then I will go "there-I-don't-know-where". Or go to another metro station on the way to work. For what? From the point of view of the mind - absolutely stupid behavior. And the body responds with gratitude: you feel freedom and recognition ...

The main thing is not to give yourself time to think))) Sometimes who immediately came for the impulse "Come on, what can happen ?!" enough, it’s already the mind. And he also likes to play like this: "What was that? The spleen? Or did the mind decide? And what should I do? Huh ?! Everything is lost !!!" Here you can just relax and allow yourself to be wrong and feel what it was like. This is an experiment!

* Do not give yourself time to think * - I, of course, exaggerate this, because the mind comes into play very quickly. But the more I do Spleen-like, the more I feel my inner authority.
It happens that I do not feel either "yes" or "no" at all. Just silence. And I still cannot fully determine why this is happening, but sometimes it is associated with fatigue ...

The area of \u200b\u200bthe immune system. Spleen Organ Center

Awareness Center - Defined Spleen. This is the area that relates to our most primitive, primary survival fears. The function of the spleen center is to keep us healthy and alive. Having a specific center of the spleen means having access to intuition and being able to trust it. People with a Specific Spleen have their own constant way of dealing with these fears. It is a built-in survival support system. A person with an Open Spleen does not have such a fixation and, naturally, here blackmail can be the most cruel in manifestations. It can go as far as physical punishment, very often and to specific violence. Here, indeed, relationships can be deeply slavish. An open Spleen is ready for anything, just to feel safe.
When a partner with a Definite enters the life of a person with an Open Spleen, then
An open Spleen immediately feels, “Oh! Finally I found what I was looking for.
I finally found a feeling of constant wellness. " When the immune system is constantly working, this quality is present in the aura and creates a sense of security. With a Certain Spleen comes good health, security, reliability, but then blackmail begins.
A certain Spleen says: if you want this security, then do what I say, otherwise I will leave and you will be left alone with all your fears.

Remember that the Open Spleen, when she lives alone, is consumed by fears and tries to cope with them. The process of a person with an Open Spleen who lives alone is endless attempts to cope with their fears, and sometimes even with panic attacks.
This all concerns, roughly speaking, the body. A person with an Open Spleen can never feel good enough to relax. In any case, the Open Spleen is very vulnerable at the health level. A person with an Open Spleen is almost never healthy. It means that he always has something, somewhere, somehow aches or tingles, or shoots. When he is alone, and he is shooting somewhere out there, then, in principle, he is subject to panic about his life. “Oh, I got a shot in the knee! Lord, we need to urgently call an ambulance! "
The mind of a person with an Open Spleen will constantly and always deal with some panic, fear and panic. Another question is how much a person is ready to deal with this, just to deal with it. As far as he can say to himself: “Hey, wait, wait! Let's stop and see what happens. Do you want to call an ambulance? (if it's a Generator) Did someone ask you? " - eg.
If you see on the chart that a person has an open Spleen, remember that he is constantly dealing with fears. When he is alone, he is so worn out by the fears that are generated by his mind that the most important desire in his life is to find someone or something that will calm these fears. Having a Specific Spleen soothes fears immediately, just the very fact of having a Specific Spleen in the aura immediately extinguishes all those fears. A Specific Spleen brings a sense of security.
A certain Spleen for itself always knows: “I can handle everything, I will feel the danger if something happens, I have something in my body that will give me a signal, so why should I bother about this world? I have a sense of security. " But Open does not have this, and when a Certain Spleen comes into her life, a sense of security comes immediately.
Blackmailing a person with an Open Spleen Certain can at once, with one click of the fingers. Just hinting with a half sigh that if you don't do this now - and "this" can be creepy and disgusting, something like "this" - then I will leave you.
Then the horror comes that I will now be alone and panic will fall on me again,
because I can die, or death will come from around the corner, or a bandit is sitting in the closet. All this horror of the Open Spleen, which is actually full of fears - this horror makes her do, in the wake of her partner, everything, down to nasty things. Yes, this can be a very humiliating relationship. An open Spleen can go to any humiliation. She is ready to crawl on her knees.

If this is a woman, for example, then she can accept an alcoholic husband, the fact that he humiliates her, beats her, insults her in front of other people. But she will only hold on to him for fear that he will leave and she will not be able to survive.
The Open Spleen manipulation here is this: I don't need you. If you don’t do what I need, I don’t need you. Certain blackmails that without me you will not cope with your fears, without me you will not survive.
Any Open Area bluffs when it says, “I don't need you. Since you do not give what I need, then I will be on my own and will not need you. " But this is a bluff because when a Certain Spleen specifically says: “That's it, you got me, I'm leaving,” then everything falls into place. Here the Open Spleen is ready for anything in order not to be left alone.

Question: Can a person with an Open Spleen really start to get sick when a Certain Spleen leaves his life on his own initiative, and experience a general total fear that he cannot survive without this person?

You can really get sick and be afraid. Yes of course. A certain Spleen gives us, Open Spleens, an amplified launch of the immune system, everything is somehow processed, thrown out in an amplified manner. When a Specific Spleen leaves, you continue to absorb the wrong foods, breathe in the wrong way, and the immune system instantly collapses because it no longer has this conditioned power to process it all. Do not forget that

A certain area fixes the frequency of the Open and thus creates a kind of protection from external vibrations.

A partner with a Specific Spleen protects against surrounding fears in a certain way.

Question: How can a person with a completely Open Spleen and without a partner withCertain to exist on the physical plane. And can it at all?

In order to be healthy, you do not need a partner with a certain
The spleen. In order to be healthy, you first need to be in the right places. There should be, roughly speaking, healthy people just for you. And secondly, you can move into all sorts of things to which there is a response. No one knows better than Open Spleens how to stay healthy. These are humidifiers, air purifiers, ionizers, herbal medicine, and so on.
Open Spleen grips on Definite stranglehold. She becomes
"Owner", and at some point the Certain Spleen no longer knows how to escape, because there is such a grip that it is difficult to endure. Literally, a person can follow on his heels, not letting go anywhere. The particular Spleen does indeed have undivided power over the Open and unconsciously controls it through fears.

Biological compliance: lymphatic system, spleen, beta cells.

Key words: intuition, body awareness, fears associated with survival, ensuring health, well-being, taste.

It is the center of awareness that is responsible for human survival at the physical level. It is associated with the fears of the physical body.

Determined in about 53% of people. They have strong intuition and immune systems. They need to trust their instincts, their intuitive insights. They give a sense of well-being (the feeling that everything is good) to other people. Such people deal well with their fears (survival, past, future) in a fixed way, and this gives them a sense of security. To be healthy, they need to follow their intuition, no matter what the mind says.

Uncertain / open in 47% of people. They cannot be trusted with their intuition, and spontaneity can kill them. The immune system is less strong and therefore they can learn to feel their body. These people are open to any fear and sometimes find it difficult to deal with them. At the same time, the fears they feel are not theirs, they come from outside.

Such people do not always feel well and often there is a dependence on the feeling that "everything is fine" in the presence of another person (if he has a certain Spleen). It is important to understand what wellness means.

You need to take care of your health by giving your immune system the opportunity to learn. People with an undefined Spleen are best treated with alternative medicine (not chemical).

In the area of \u200b\u200brelationships, such people will cling to what may be harmful to them (things, people, etc.). They are looking for something that will make them feel like everything is fine, and sometimes they get hooked on it.

For them, you need to regularly test yourself. "Look closely at your life and ask yourself what are you clinging to, even though it has already become harmful to you?" It can be relationships, eating habits, exercise habits, whatever. You need to ask yourself a similar question more than once, but constantly, for example, once a week.

Sometimes, out of fear, they give up what is good for them. Thus, they will cling to things that are harmful to them and throw useful things. It's important not to let fear rule your life.

The immune system is unstable, a child with an undefined center of the Spleen will be more likely to suffer from infectious diseases. It is necessary for the child to fully recover, do not send him to school immediately after the temperature has returned to normal, but wait another 2-3 days. Then, having matured, they will have good health.

When someone defines the Spleen, the person reinforces that feeling that all good comes from parents, partners, whoever. And from this a strong dependence can grow on who delivers that certainty. Therefore, women whose Spleen is determined by their husbands will endure beatings and bullying. And they themselves will never leave such a marriage.

Wisdom potential and gift: gain wisdom by learning what is bad for you - food, relationships, work, people. Know what is good (good) for you and what is not. See how healthy another person is (many healers have undefined Spleen).

Spleen Open Center False Self Conversation: “I better not do this, because then I will lose my sense of security. I will not do this because I am afraid to think about it. Perhaps I will feel unfit for this case if I try to do this, or I may fail this case. I am scared to do this because I am afraid of responsibility, criticism or the results of what I do. "

In the early periods of human development, the main way to reach transpersonal (impersonal) sensations was to take hallucinogenic drugs. People with a specific Spleen center could be excellent visionaries. They paved the way for others to enter the spirit world. And people with an open Spleen center could be good healers. They clearly felt what was harmful to people and what was not. They can also sense the fears of animals about natural disasters and warn other people about it.

A certain Center of the Spleen generates, in its natural state, attunement with its Splenic awareness, responds to it. She trusts her intuition and body sensations. Gives a sense of well-being (wellness) to others. Has a fixed way of dealing with fears leading to a sense of security.

When a person is under the influence of his False Self, he ignores instincts and intuition in the moment. Allows his mind or the emotions of others to suppress his instincts.

The Uncertain Spleen Center in its natural state does not feel uncomfortable, giving itself time with what life brings (does not act spontaneously). Feels comfortable with her health and the way she takes care of her body. Faces your fears when appropriate.

Under the influence of the False Self, it holds on to something that has ceased to be healthy. Depends on relationships or habits that bring about well-being by conditioning the center of the Spleen.

When fully open, he does not know what to fear. In industrial situations, the tendency to stick to old technologies and working methods, even if they are already outdated.

The False Self's Strategy in the Uncertain Spleen Center: Hold on to what is harmful.

Let us describe the meaning of this center in ordinary life... Only the Spleen Center and Ajna have functional awareness, although we do have a third potential, which is at the center of the Solar Plexus. The root of mindfulness in life is the Splenic. All forms of life are endowed with this form of consciousness, be they plants, animals, or reptiles; the reality is that the common basis of awareness in the world is the Spleen system.

The biological nature of the Splenic System is that it represents the immune system - they are directly related. Our immune system is very complex. The splenic system is associated with the spleen cells, the spleen itself, and most importantly, with the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a huge system in our body, 28% of all cells in the body, that is, more than a quarter of all cells, are lymphatic. This means that your Splenic awareness has access to every nook and corner of your being, so it can serve and protect you.

An analogy can be drawn to the lymphatic system, which is associated with the three streams of awareness working through the center of the Spleen, imagining your lymphatic system with tongues (taste), ears (intuition) and noses (instinct). You can imagine this quarter of all cellular material in your body, divided into three different main divisions, as an army that is always on guard. You have all these armies of noses, tongues and ears, suspended in the present, ready at any moment to respond to anything that does not correspond to nature. Gate 44 Keyword - Vigilance. The nature of the lymphatic system is that it is our alarm and alarm system. But more than that, as soon as the alarm goes off, it can also do something about it - clean out that alien, whatever it is.

Another analogy for the Spleen system is washer... This is where you have the ability to clean up the system. Of course, the center of the Spleen is not a motor, so you have a disabled washing machine. Obviously, it will only work if you turn it on, as it needs access to energy for the purification system to work.

Splenic awareness, because it is so deeply connected to our immune system, only serves to keep us alive. Its only function is to keep us alive. And at the same time, the language she speaks and her worries are not related to the mind. And this is the dilemma: how difficult it is for humanity to trust their taste, instinct and intuition, because they are not directly related to any mental process. Therefore, she cannot mentally explain why she responds the way she does it. Splenic awareness and mind work in completely different ways.

You cannot understand the existential awareness of the Spleen center; you can only trust her. You can never know why you are acting this way in the present moment. Your mind cannot explain this, but since we are living on the mental plane, we are running through life in our mind. When you have this existential recognition, until your mind can understand why you have it, it ignores it. Since the mind is twice as powerful as the Spleen system, it is very easy for the mind to override the immune system.

The immune system is weak because it has the ability to signal you only once in a moment. She doesn't have the strength to grab onto and keep saying, "No, no, no." She cannot do this because she can barely give out the first no. Since your mind does not understand why your Splenic System says no, it will simply come up with explanations. And since the mind is about communication, it will say, “Sorry Mr. Spleen Center, why are you saying no? The immune system is no longer involved in this. She's already in the next existential moment - it's over. She won't come back and say, “Let me look in my catalog. This "no" was about ... ". This is how the mind does these things, comes up with explanations by saying "because." Your immune system doesn't do that, it's right there, boom!

Without the ability to understand intellectually the nature of what it means to live with a particular Splenic system, it is almost impossible to trust it. The mind must accept, on its own level, that this awareness is and operates. And you can only know it by experience, empirically. You may feel, but not know where it is coming from, because you do not understand the mechanics of your being. Knowing your design will validate something that has been there all your life - the ability to admit that there was something in the moment that you ignored.

Later, after you ignored it, you realize that you already knew and should have paid attention. But you didn't believe him, didn't trust him, because your mind doesn't understand the mechanics by which your immune system made this decision.

As soon as we stopped being Splenic, like all other beings, and began to have a mind, our Splenic system was constantly beaten, because the mind is very busy with rationalizing everything. Truly the mind does not appreciate or love the center of the Spleen. The mind has its own games, it does not understand why the immune system says "yes" or "no" to something, because the criterion is completely different. The Spleen System says yes or no to something unhealthy. With Spleen Authority, you can see someone come up to you, ask for something, and you hear yourself say, "Go away." You do not know why you say this: "Go away." You have no idea. You know that at this moment your immune system considers this person unhealthy for you. And this does not mean that this person will be unhealthy for you ten minutes later. After ten minutes of response, the response may be completely different, because the immune system is not a long-term defense system. She works step by step, and if you don't pay attention to her, you will pay for it because she knows what is healthy for you or not in terms of your survival.

A person whose immune system is connected to the Throat and to the motor will exercise their intuition / instinct / judgment in everything they do and say. This is very different from a person who has the Splenic system connected to the Root, where it has no ability to manifest or generate. There are people who know things in the present moment and are powerless to do anything with them. Such a person will sit in a room and know that he is not the right peoplebut he will have to wait until someone gets up before he can get up and leave. This means that you must remember your awareness in the present, and this is possible only if you yourself see that you can rely on it as part of the mechanics of your nature. And then your personal experiment will allow you to accept the depth and depth of this awareness. But this is very difficult for us: she does not speak our mental language.

Mindfulness starts with fear. In the Spleen system, we have primary, primal fears because they are fears of survival. When you understand that fear of survival breeds alertness, you see that awareness comes from there. Therefore, fear is not bad; it is not an enemy, fear is a mechanism of awareness. To be reasonable means to experience fear, it is undeniable.

In each center there is a basic binary, these are "on" and "off". The centers are different when they are defined, fixed and when they are open. Children with a defined Spleen center have a strong, resilient immune system. This does not mean that they will be healthy. Anyone who does not live their design will experience problems exactly where it is fixed. There are some things to understand about a baby with a specific Splenic system. Give your child the medicines that are used in our standardized, homogenized world. A child with an open spleen system does not need to be given such drugs, he needs to be treated homeopathically, to approach his process in a holistic manner.

There are two different things here. With a very strong Spleen system, you do not pay attention to the health of your body, it is not necessary because your strong immune system protects you. But at some point this immune system will be overwhelmed and then you will break down. These are children who will rarely get sick, but if they get sick, it will be serious, because the immune system is overloaded. But with the center of the Spleen open, your immune system is unstable. That is why this center is called the center of wellness or not. People with an open Splenic system usually do not feel well. This does not mean that something is wrong with them; it simply means that they are more alert than others. Any little thing happens in your body and you hear it, and that is the value of being so open. If you live correctly with an open Spleen system, you become a person who truly knows how to take care of your body. You learn to take care of it holistically. So you can worry about your diet, what you eat and drink, and so on. These are two sides of the same coin. But this does not mean that one is better than the other. This is always wrong because there is no value comparison. Both can be healthy, but in different ways. One does not need to pay attention, while the other should always be attentive.

A child with a defined Spleen center with a strong immune system will not get sick very often. If he gets sick, it can be dangerous. By the time the disease manifests itself, the immune system will be overwhelmed. These people can carry such things in themselves for a very long time before the disease breaks through the immune system and comes to the surface. These children will be seriously ill, with high temperaturethat scares his parents. Of course, these kids can recover very quickly, but they will go through very, very serious peaks that can be frightening.

When it comes to health, healing and medicine, the Spleen system, disconnected from the Throat, acts as an undefined center for the Spleen. But once it is connected to the Throat, and if at the same time also with a motor, then it operates steadily, and this person will ignore any obvious health standards. By his very nature, because he feels good, he will pay less attention to his diet. These are people who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and do not die - they laugh at those who quit smoking. Others see them as incredible physical samples... And then they just drop dead on the street, because their immune system is completely overloaded, the end. It makes no sense to give these people homeopathic remedies, on the contrary, they need piles of medicines because it will help them restore the balance of their system.

In this primary survival mechanism, we have seven fears (at the gateway to the center of the Spleen) that determine what exactly makes us feel good in life. When you deal with them, face them and deal with each of these fears, you feel good, because our survival requires each of these fears.

All these fears of the Spleen are the driving force for people. The splenic system is a huge source of fear that makes us sane. All centers of awareness are full of fear. Fear is embedded in every gateway to the centers of awareness. But fear itself is not a problem. Fear makes us move, but the difficulty is that if you do not live your nature, if you are not correct, this fear suppresses, and you are lost in it. When you lose yourself in fears, getting out of there is very difficult.

If you look at the circular mandala (Fig. 4), you can see that all the Spleen gates (18 to 44) are located in a row from Libra to Scorpio. All these gates are part of a house dominated by the 46 gates of Love for the Body. Everything in the Splenic System is connected to the body. If you look at all life forms (reptiles, fish, mammals), they all have one single awareness, Splenic awareness. In other words, it is the oldest mindfulness system. Awareness, intelligence is rooted in fear. It all starts with fear, and in the Spleen system we are dealing with the most primal fears, fears of survival. The Spleen's imperative is to keep us alive. If you are vulnerable as a bio-form, like a three-year-old in the jungle, you will be somebody's lunch, if you are not protected, if you don't have a strategy, a way that you can stand up for yourself.

Everything connected with survival requires a certain level of intelligence, intelligence of genes - intelligence. We believe that dogs are somehow especially intelligent, but their intelligence is a reflection of what is required for their survival around humans. They developed a strategy to survive with humans, and it turned out to be quite good strategybecause they have benefited a lot from it.

The splenic center keeps us alive, and this is not an easy thing. This is a very difficult thing. We, humans, have a problem with this, because when our offspring is born, it is incapacitated, and for a long time will not be able to be independent. Research on Ferrell's children (orphans who were left without parents and trying to survive on their own) during World War II showed that children over seven years old had a chance to survive. Until the age of seven, children had a 1 in 70 chance of survival, or the highest degree limited.

This explains the seven-year cycles in relationships (after which crises set in) and the basis of the seven-year cycle. Children need seven years of care before they have enough skills to protect themselves and survive. Survival is a very difficult business for us humans. For seven years, both conditioning and a change in the organism at the cellular level take place.

Information flows through the centers of awareness, including the Solar Plexus center as part of our evolving structure of awareness. The gates to these centers of awareness are more than the gates of awareness, as they are part of an ongoing process of movement of awareness through the body, always conditioning energy and manifestation, giving them the qualities of awareness. Fuel, potential, opportunity and expression are keywords four aspects of any flow. Thus, we are all dealing with all these fears so that the offspring can be raised, raised, and can, in the end, stand on their own two feet and do what the genes require of us, namely, to reproduce. By the way, this is all that genes want from us - to reproduce. Therefore, the survival mechanism is very complex.

There is nothing more conditioned than centers of awareness. If you have one, two or three centers of awareness open, then you are a person who has been deeply conditioned in this life, because the strategies of the False Self of these centers of awareness are incredibly deep traps.

A person with a specific Spleen can be spontaneous. But the spontaneity of a particular Spleen is, of course, limited to the ability to either spontaneously generate through the connection of the Spleen to the Sacral, or to manifest spontaneously, whether verbally or by action, through the connection of the Spleen to the Throat. But this kind of existential spontaneity can be devastating for people with an indefinite Spleen system. For them, spontaneity is a killer.

If you have open center Spleen, you want to feel good all the time and not need to be alert. A person with a specific Spleen system is not vigilant about health and wellness in the body. He seems to be wearing chain mail. But when you have an open Spleen center, you are always well aware of your wellness or lack of wellness.

Because the open center of the Spleen does not have the constant "wellness" that it wants, and once it meets a specific Spleen system, it clings to it for life. This is where you get a terrible dilemma. Spleen open center strategy: "Are you still holding on to what is unhealthy for you?" A child with an open Spleen does not have permanent well-being, and if his mother has a Spleen, she gives him this feeling. This energy is intensified in the open center of the child and the child feels protected as it is the center of survival and safety.

Defined center The spleen has a sense of security, it has a feeling that it will be able to cope with its survival, while indeterminate spleen feels unprotected. She doesn't know if she can survive, and most of the time she's on alert because there is fear. Therefore, the child feels that the mother can protect him. As long as he is in her aura, everything will be all right. For example, she is cruel to him. And, since the child is so dependent on the protection of the mother's Spleen, then, despite the humiliation, he will still cling to it.

The most cruel punishment for a child with an open Spleen center, send him to his room. "Go to your room. Get out of my aura. " Being in his room is terrible, and all he wants is to get back safety and security. As soon as he is sent to his room and thus rejected, the fear immediately arises that he will not be able to survive. These are people who have become deeply dependent on others, they hold onto relationships, jobs and all kinds of things, simply because they define their center of the Spleen.

The power of the False Self lies in the open centers with their strategies, and the mind is the speaker of these strategies. This is not something you can say to a person with an open Spleen center, “You are holding onto things that are bad for you. Stop it, ”and he will stop. It's like all these esoteric luminaries speaking people be yourself, but don't say what it is. What will you do about it? Once you begin to understand the mechanics of how your body works, you will begin to see that your mind is useless when it comes to such corrections.

Your mind cannot do this, but you can spend ten years with a therapist spending a lot of money on him. It still doesn't mean that you can solve this kind of problem. Instead, you must get to the source of what the mechanic is all about.

When the Open Spleen Center Strategy prevails, you make decisions based on your fear of insecurity, not feeling good, and being insecure. Whatever you do in life, all your decisions will be within the framework of your False Self strategy. “I will hold on to this person, no matter what he does, because at least when I am with him, I am safe and feel yourself protected. " It is a great irony when you realize that a person who has been mistreated will say the same thing as a mechanism. “I'll hold on anyway; because that's the only security I've ever known. "

When children are born in such an environment, it is deadly for them, because they are helpless and cannot get out of this trap. You cannot help them with advice. It is like a wife with an open spleen center who is beaten by her husband and who she holds on to, because when he does not hit her, she feels protected. She cannot let him go, and counseling will not help her. Statistics show that a woman who ultimately manages to get rid of such a partner tries to leave him an average of seven times before she succeeds, and only a few actually succeed.

The only thing that might work is if she has a chance to understand her mechanics and then experiment with who she is. Neither psychologically, nor intellectually, nor therapeutically, you can "fix", fix the open center.

In fact, as soon as you become aware of yourself, it does not mean that your life will suddenly change, and if you have an open Spleen, then your Splenic system will suddenly heal. First of all, there is nothing wrong with it initially. It's all about how you lived. That which is open is always open, it is so. You can never make your open centers stop filling up with other people and their games. But you don't have to keep that inside of you and make it a place to make decisions. That makes all the difference. You can let everything go through you if you cannot stop it. A woman with an open Spleen can be helped out of an abusive environment, but most likely she will simply end up in another, similar situation because that open Spleen is looking for "wellness."

The open spleen system clings like nothing else - deep possessiveness is embedded in it. And it cannot be healed through soul-saving conversation. You can only begin the process of becoming yourself, and if you correctly enter into a relationship with someone with a particular Spleen, he will not be bad for you, and that's the whole point. Yes, you will always want this particular center to be with you at all times. It makes you feel better. But you need to feel good about the right people, not the wrong ones, because then you are paying a terrible price.

People with an open spleen center should always pay attention to their bodies and be mindful of them. They need to worry about their health. These people are here to take care of themselves. If you are always dependent on someone to make you feel good, it will be difficult for you to take care of yourself. If you are living your life, not the life of a homogenized being, you will be correct. But you cannot handle it intellectually. It's nice to know how it works, and it is calming, but it doesn't heal. It is just information, and the treatment is in the living of who you are.

You can imagine that you have an organism with nine divisions. Depending on the type of organism in different departments there is a higher authority, the main authority. Recognize that the nature of uncertainty is that it is the path to wisdom. These are the courses you take in life. A person with an indefinite Splenic system will be able to gain a deep recognition of how intuition works, who has it and who does not. He can recognize where there is existential awareness and what kind of existential awareness is valuable to help those who are not feeling well.

Children and illness are a very important example. Take a child with an undefined Spleen system, he will always get sick because he is open and vulnerable, accepting everything from other people. If he is lucky, but not all children are lucky, and he will have healthy eating, good house, good personal hygiene skills and great importance will be given to ensure that he fully recovers - this is the key to undefined Splenic systems. These children should be allowed to recover completely before being sent back into the world. If they receive proper care and attention and are allowed to fully recover, they can grow up to be very healthy. With an undefined Spleen system, you will learn what is good for you and what is not. You learn to know which foods are good for you, which drugs are good for you and which ones are not, etc. You go through the learning process because you are vulnerable.

The trap here is one of the deepest. With an undefined Spleen system, you don't feel well. There is a feeling that something is not quite right, because the hormones of "feel good" are pumped into you by a certain center of the Spleen. Since you don't feel good, you become a sucker, sticking to anyone who hooks on your Spleen system. You are deeply receptive to whatever you take in. This sensitivity is not necessarily very comfortable in nature. Once you jump in and grab a particular center of the Spleen, it covers everything and you lose your ability to be receptive to your surroundings. Also, you suddenly start feeling good because your Spleen system has become defined.

It is very important for people with an indefinite Spleen not to lose themselves in the need to define their Spleen center through connection with others. This “feeling good” can be dangerous for them if you are not truly aware of the consequences.

People with an undefined Spleen can use homeopathic and traditional forms of medicine, which will be more effective for them due to the nature of their susceptibility. Therefore, these people are very different physically from those who have a Spleen. If your Spleen is defined but not connected to the Throat, you too need to take care of yourself in terms of diet and the types of medications you use. For people with a torn definition between the Throat Center and the Spleen, it is very important not to use strong chemicals during treatment.

80-90% of the diseases on the planet would disappear if people lived their nature, and did not take upon themselves the diseases of their conditioned lives. Conditional illnesses have nothing to do with us, and we don't have the equipment to deal with them, so we need to take all these medications to compensate. We suffer from diseases and treatments that have nothing to do with us, and at the same time, we must experience all the pain and discomfort of this process. It's much easier to be yourself and get what you deserve because you are equipped to do it.

Each organ in our body plays its own important role... The spleen is no exception. It is important to note that it plays an important role in the functioning of the immune and hematopoietic systems, which is why any violation in it can affect the whole body as a whole, and then the only the right decision maybe just the removal of the organ. Therefore, the question of whether a person can live without a spleen and how this will affect performance is of concern to many.

In order to get an unambiguous answer, it is necessary to assess in more detail the structure and function of the spleen and find out how the patient's life can change after its removal.

The structure of the spleen

The spleen is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. This is a rather large unpaired lymphoid organ, which resembles an elongated hemisphere in shape. In its structure, the spleen has two surfaces: an outer convex and an inner concave. The first one is completely covered with connective tissue. And the second consists of a pulp of two colors - white and red.

  1. The red part of the pulp consists of venous vessels and is responsible for the processing of cells of foreign units and control of the state of old platelets and erythrocytes.
  2. The white part is responsible for protecting the immune system from external factors.

Between the red and white parts of the pulp, there is a marginal zone responsible for the antibacterial protection of a person.

In the human body, the spleen begins to form during uterine development at 6-7 weeks. The development of the organ begins in the form of an accumulation of cells, in which vessels appear on the 3-5th month, and the outline of the organ is outlined. Throughout life, its structure and composition may change.

The functions of the spleen in the human body

In order to understand in more detail what the consequences may be after splenectomy, it is important to know what the spleen is responsible for in the human body:

  1. For the metabolic processes of the body - participates in the production of bile, destroying damaged platelets and erythrocytes.
  2. The spleen is responsible for the production of antibodies to various kinds of infections and viruses, as well as for the formation of leukocytes.
  3. While the child is in the womb, the spleen works as an organ of fetal hematopoiesis; after the birth of the baby, this function is taken over by the bone marrow.
  4. According to some reports, the spleen is also responsible for the hormonal regulation of the human brain.

Now it is clear what functions the spleen performs in the human body. But what are the consequences of its absence?

Reasons for removing the spleen

The reasons for removing the spleen can be both external and internal factors, the main of which are:

  1. Accidents, injuries when falling or during sports activities and training.
  2. Malignant organ damage.
  3. Some types of blood cancer.
  4. Tuberculosis or purulent lesion of the spleen.
  5. Hemolytic or aplastic anemia.
  6. Ineffectiveness of drug and hormonal therapy.

Risks and consequences of splenectomy

After removal of the spleen, if all medical recommendations are not followed, very serious complications are possible, which in some cases can lead to lethal outcome patient:

  1. The development of meningitis, pneumonia and infection with viral infections.
  2. Development of pancreatitis, malfunctions and disturbances in the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hernia formation at the sites of tissue dissection and infection in the postoperative scar.

The main peak in the development of any complications after removal of the spleen occurs in the first two years after the operation. If the infection is not detected in time and is not neutralized in a short time, then this can soon lead to the death of the patient. In connection with the foregoing, it is during this period that any infection should be avoided into the body. But, despite this, when asked whether a person can live without a spleen, the answer is yes.

Survival prognosis after spleen removal

When a splenectomy is prescribed by a doctor, many patients are interested in the question of whether a person can live without a spleen. After all, organ transplantation is a very rare and expensive operation, the queues for which are quite long. Also, people are worried about how long they live after removing the spleen.

The prognosis of the patient's survival after organ removal is quite favorable, since such an operation is not critical. In general, a favorable outcome depends on how the patient correctly and carefully adheres to all the recommendations and advice of the attending physician.

What happens in the body after surgery to remove the spleen

After the following changes occur in the human body:

  1. Immunity decreases sharply.
  2. The concentration of proteins in the blood plasma decreases, which leads to the fact that a person becomes more susceptible to the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and infections.
  3. An increase in the volume of platelets is possible, which leads to the risk of thromboembolism, and therefore, the patient is injected with drugs that thin the blood almost immediately after the operation.
  4. The number of leukocytes in his blood increases dramatically.

All changes that occur after the removal of the spleen are eliminated with the help of drug therapy during the rehabilitation period. And after a while, all indicators will return to normal.

Features of the patient's life after removal of the spleen

After removing the spleen, the patient begins a recovery period, which can last from 1 to 3 months. The doctor, both before and after the operation, must explain to the patient how to live without a spleen, tell what diet to sit on and outline in detail the list of prohibited foods and actions. The patient, in turn, must be under the regular supervision of a doctor and unquestioningly follow all his recommendations. Only in this way can the majority be avoided unpleasant consequences and complications after the operation.

  1. Do not take a hot bath after spleen removal surgery.
  2. All heavy physical exercise.
  3. The patient should avoid visiting a large crowd of people, and also not contact people with viral or bacterial infections. As a rule, at the very first symptoms of any disease, do not leave everything to chance and do not self-medicate, but immediately contact your doctor.
  4. In the cold season, vitamins and immunostimulants should be taken to prevent the development of colds. Avoid hypothermia.

Due to the fact that after removal of the spleen, the liver has a double load, the patient needs to follow a strict diet for the rest of his life. Food should be balanced and easily digestible. You need to eat often and in small portions, avoid overeating. After removing the spleen, the patient is allowed the following products:

  • lean meats;
  • dairy and sour milk products;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits in large quantities;
  • cereals;
  • seafood.

A person should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. You can drink weak black tea, fruit drink, compote, rosehip, boiled or mineral water without gas.

Several times a year, as directed by a doctor, cholagogue drugs should be taken to avoid stagnation of bile in the body. With every meal, a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins should be supplied to the body. All food consumed should be boiled, baked or steamed.

What not to eat after removing the spleen

After the operation to remove the spleen, the liver takes over all its functions. The patient must comply strict dietso as not to overstrain this organ and others responsible for correct work digestive system... It is important that after splenectomy the food is gentle and balanced, therefore, when drawing up the menu, it is necessary to introduce into the diet only healthy foods... The patient should know not to eat after removing the spleen:

  • coffee and products containing caffeine;
  • canned and pickled foods;
  • seasonings, especially spicy;
  • solid food;
  • fatty meats;
  • fried food that is too high in calories, food prepared at fast food points.

In addition, the patient should stop using any type of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Whether or not they give disability after spleen removal

Is disability given after spleen removal? This question is of equal interest to both those who are just about to undergo surgery to remove an organ, and those who have already gone through all this. This operation is not a reason for registering a disability. The organ, although it plays an important role in the human body, is not vital at the same time. The only thing a patient can count on after splenectomy is the percentage of disability, but even then in the presence of some very serious circumstances, namely complications and consequences in the postoperative period.

Based on all of the above, one can positively answer the question of whether a person can live without a spleen. And without this organ, you can live a long, dignified life. The most important thing is to give up all in time bad habits and take a closer look at your health.

If your spleen center is undefined, then you almost always feel bad and you are constantly afraid of something. You need to be attentive to your health, take care of it and give yourself as much time to recover as necessary. Then you will have good immunity. Also, if you learn to go through fears, then they will become less and less in your life. Each victory over fear makes you stronger.

Everything is fine with your health, you can also influence other people and transmit unconsciously a feeling of well-being and good condition. It is important for you to listen to yourself, your intuition guides you through life.

Spleen center - one of the centers of Consciousness, this is our intuition, the feeling of life through the sensations of our body, living “here and now”.

In terms of the strength of perception, this center is the weakest. The strongest center of the Solar Plexus, I think, everyone feels their own / other people's emotions every day and have never missed them, but it's easy to miss the response of intuition. And please note that this center does not speak twice. We learn to live “here and now”, in the moment. For example: in a car accident, quickly figure out and fasten a seat belt and survive, this is called hearing intuition (this is just an example, so always fasten your seat belts, gentlemen) Pairing with internal organs The center of the spleen is the lymphatic system (immunity), the spleen and her cells.

Indeterminate center of the spleen

Under the influence of a false self

If you have an open center, you cannot run from your fears, otherwise everything suppressed will begin to destroy your life. Also, if you do not allow yourself to recover properly, you jump out of bed a little better, your immunity will not thank you, you will be constantly ill. You cannot make decisions under the influence of fear.

In normal condition

The main thing is for you to learn to listen to your physical condition, take care of yourself, it is best to resort to preventive measures and homeopathy. You will be healthy if you constantly monitor your health. Your immunity is in your hands. And you need to accept that your fears are part of you, you do not need to run away from them, but you need to learn how to “pass” them. Everything that does not kill you makes you strong - this is a saying about you! Over time, if you learn to admit to yourself in this or that fear and pass, live it, you can become practically a terminator, without fear and pain. And you cannot act spontaneously. It is dangerous for life and health. But by learning to understand all this, you can understand other people, how they really feel and even help them.

Filled spleen center

Under the influence of a false self

The most important thing is that you do not go against yourself, but it is not as easy as it seems. Most often we listen to the brain or emotions. Intuition does not speak twice, without learning to listen to yourself, you can completely destroy your health, live with the wrong person, not engage in your vocation, etc. Very often people with a certain center of the spleen completely stop monitoring their health and when they get sick, then most likely it is very serious.

In normal condition

So the main task of people with a certain center is to learn to listen to themselves, in the truest sense of the word. And health does not disappoint! Intuition is your strong point and the entrance to living your life happily and correctly, to a balanced state, fear under control and good health.