Generator in relations. Actions of generators for the adoption of the right solutions

Aura: Open and enveloped

The theme of the false "I":Disorder

Strategy: Response

Signature: Satisfaction

This type in the design of a person, and on our planet in principle - dominant. Their main life strategy is to respond. Powerful energy type, it owns more than half of people on planet Earth. Depending on the definiteness of the sacred center, two types of generators are distinguished - simple and manifest. In the latter, one of the engines is necessarily associated with Gorl Center.

Generator Man Design Description

Several centuries ago, our planet could be called the property of manifestors. Although this type in the design has never been to most, thanks to the innate ability to embody all their ideas into life and act decisively, they managed to subordinate to themselves. The latter became builders and a tool in the hands of power manifestors.

Generators do not act alone. They are always ready to interact, and skillful communication with the remaining three types will allow them to really show themselves and reveal the potential of the sacred center.

The generator sincerely loves his work, he is given to the case to be dedicated to his life. For them, it is important to float every day with a clear understanding that there is no longer forces. Your sacred motor after a minor rest is full of energy and is ready to work again and again.

In the design of man, the generators are real hard workers. But for proper acceptance Response from outside, they will really like what they do. If the manifestors are initiated, projectors - lead, reflectors - reflect the energy of others, then the generators do what others are asked from them. For this type, it is important to learn how to take only those responses that will be useful. Your Bodigraph will help to tell exactly how to interact with them.

W. simple generators, Whose sacred motor is not associated with the thorny center, may often arise the so-called "jams" of energy. You responded - started work, but at some point they stalled. You need a new response, question or idea from outside. Manifesting generators are deprived of such a problem - communication with the Gorl Center helps them always find new ideas and initiate further actions on their own.

Even if you at first glance it seems that the generators are always slave - it is not. Among the representatives of this type there are strong personalities and real leaders (even Dalai Lama was the generator!). Much depends on the profile, the number of open and closed centers and other nuances of the Bodigraph, which must be studied. The strategy below is universal and only in general features Describes the model of behavior of the generators. Having studied his Bodigraff in more detail, you can learn the "chips" of your behavior and features of the person who need to be used for yourself.

Strategy of generators in man design

Generators are not created in order to initiate like manifestors. But they are real masters in responding. It is important to learn how to properly interpret the answers that your sacred center serves. Most often these are single responses, the meaning of which can be attributed to "yes / no". You yourself know what you want, but only an adjusted connection with your body, the ability to listen and understand it can give a result.

In fact, in the design of a person it is believed that the generators are good in cooperation. They have enough energy to get involved in the most revealed adventures and take for complex projects. But they cannot start themselves. It is important to wait for the right request or response.

Regardless of the profile (, etc.) - in the design of a man, the generators better make decisions on the response of their sacred center - "yes" or "no". Your sacral is your compass. It will determine which responses to take, and which - to skip. To configure this compass correctly, you need to study yourself through your bodigraph. Comprehensive decoding taking into account the characteristics of your profile defined and uncertain centers This will help.

You, as a generating, and not initiated profile, should understand that your life is completely dependent on the right internal responses. Your open centers attract various dreams and dreams. You think and imagine what your life will be, and immediately begin to act. But such initiations do not know anything good - you can simply stop halfway or misinterpret the idea.

Often in my practice there were generators who could not accept the fact that their initiative often does not promise anything good for them. They wanted to know that they could manage their lives themselves without the help of others. But the response is not submission, but your conscious choice. You need to be able to make decisions independent from other people, but in full cooperation with your sacral. Your internal compass will lead you, it is important correctly for it - it's all achievable permanent practice.You are perfect in response, this is the peak of your strength, and not weakness.

Emotional generators

Why the type of generator in the design of a person often cannot realize himself in life. The fact is that an obstacle can be an emotional authority that does not think and wait for the right and worthy sentence. Do not be enough for any suggestion, realizing that you are worthy of more. It is best to remember the simple truth that "Morning in the evening wisen."

I'm not talking about the fact that the first sentence and response to it is obviously erroneous. But you can agree on emotions that will eventually subscribe over time. You will overtake the disorder - the faithful marker is that it is time to wait for a new response again. Patience will help you correctly live your design, and the study of Bodigraph will help you understand exactly how it is.

False me generators

False me generators is a disorder. It manifests itself when you decide to take the initiative and do not wait for the response. Do not listen to your internal compass, the sacred center, you often make decisions coming to you from open centers. Such things are hard to bring to the end, halfway you can stick and get shed. Without receiving the expected results, the generators are upset and feel depressed.

Generators need to learn to wait - questions that will help them solve the problem. You yourself can not make a decision among conversations with me and constant reflections. Your attractive aura is created to interact with others.

The fears of the generators, the following strategies, may awaken false Ye. You are afraid that you will not wait for the response that you cannot do what your sacred center agreed, is afraid of the unknown. Because of this, you retreat from the strategy, start acting and upset when you do not reach the goal.

Relationship with type generator

Generators must start the relationship correctly - this is the main thing. It will help here all the same response. Taking an offer let yourself think time. Your sacred center already knows the answer, listen to it. Is this a person? If the answer is a single "AGA", and it is saved and in a day, and two, you can safely begin.

In a pair with two generators, the decision-making process is difficult. The ideas of one become a suggestion for response to another. But it is important to understand whether Sacrala wants the initiator to realize this idea. Such a triangle "Brain Sacral Sacral" often delays the decision-making process. But only so they will succeed in two waves and do what is interesting and nice to both.

In the design of man, the generators are one of the two energy types along with the manifestor. Even if this profile is more than 70% on the planet, this does not mean ordness or category. You need to be able to extract your strengths and wait for the right responses, and everyone has their own. Fortunately, the study of Bodigraph will help you understand how to interact with the outside world.

Signature: Satisfaction. Satisfaction is the most that the generators want to get the most life. Their mind will never understand the essence of living and enjoying this. This is possible only through your response. You must navigate the body, not the mind. The mind little knows about real purpose and happiness, but he is very nice to think that it is. Thus, the generators are tightened with a loop on their own sacrala. I am a generator myself and I know perfectly well what it is to move from the world of false I'm in the world of response - it's wonderful, this is American roller coaster and Russian roulette, but it real life With genuine accommodation.

Generators need to learn to reside their design right now. This is your world, your time - use it to the maximum!

Planet Population: 37% + Additional Type Manifesting Generator 33%

Celebrity generators: Dalai Lama, Karl Jung, A. Einstein, E. Presley, Greta Garbo, Madonna, Mozart.

Mini-book "Awakening Generator"

Awareness of its nature and disclosure of unique frequency

This book is based on professional materials on Human Design, as well as mine. personal experience and observations. In this edition, the mechanisms of the generator nature, its functions, problems and methods for restoring the natural frequency of vibrations are described in detail. He tried to make a minimum of water and maximum benefit for your awakening.

After reading this book, you will learn the following:

  • Fundamentals of the generator essence with examples
  • Generator Slave / Generator Builder
  • Conditioning / disassembling
  • External authority and illusions
  • Internal authority
  • False I and his voices
  • Basics of Sacred Center
  • How to charge and discharge
  • What is a response
  • Strategies for correct solutions
  • Generator errors
  • The main fear of the generator
  • What does it mean to surrender
  • Response and emotional center
  • What is real generator mutation
  • What people around themselves need to collect a generator
  • Frustation benefit

As well as much more. Book 56 pages PDF. Price 136 rub.

Generators are those people who have a sacral center, a life force center as such.

If you want to see a truly powerful person at work, you just need to watch the generator living in accordance with your true nature. Generators are purely energy creatures, but unlike manifesters they are not created in order to show the initiative. Generators are created to respond to various life situations and, thus, they need to wait for their design: patience is the most important key for generators.

There are two types of generators - clean generators and manifest generators. Statistically pure generators account for 37% of the population, while manifesting generators - 33%. Total generators account for 70% of the population, which is very significant for humanity as a whole. Perhaps we need to lose speed a little!

The main topic of all generators is disorder. The sensations of the generator are akin to the way if you had a "Ferrari" engine under the hood, and you would travel all the time on the first gear. Generators must wait until they switch the transmission. They will never recognize that they are right for them until the question and their response to him can be found, because the biochemistry of their body is such that it will attract the strength and people who will initiate them and ask them questions. However, due to the ignorance of its own nature, the generators rarely manage to realize their true potential. The feeling of jam is a natural part of their vital process and should be accepted as such. The generator who finds patience to wait is always generously rewarded for it.

Generators need to learn to trust the expectations more than anything else. Potentially they are the most powerful of all four types, but their action should occur as a response to something from the outside. Again, in the surrounding world there is a tendency to program us that the true is the opposite and that if we just wait, it will not happen. If the generator can overcome this main doubt, he will see that his life really does not require effort.

Gifts and difficulties

The generator is the most common energy type. Generators rule the world and they are great workers. Generators have an abnormal wealth of energy and strength, but do not know how to use it directly. The generator portal to its strength is the answer, the responding. There is nothing more powerful in this world than the generator acting from his answer. Their great gift is that they attract all black holes. Sacred energy is the energy of life and the generators attract each of this energy. When the generator is waiting - it is like a magnet. People will come to him and ask him, because this consists of his destination, it is created for this. When you ask the generator, you must be open to the fact that he will refuse you, reject. Generators possess great powerIf life lives on the basis of our nature. They are like Delphic Oracles, you come to them and ask, otherwise you will not get anything from them.

Generators are here in order to recognize that life happens, and if they expect, they will reside it perfectly, because they are responsible for life. The difficulty of the generators lies in the fact that they lack patience, and they jump into action. They do not expect to respond, because they do not know about their genetic opportunity to attract others, and because they are so afraid that no one will ask them, or that no one will ask them about what they want. Generators are a type that knows about itself, because only at the moment when they are asked, they know that they are right for them, but what is not, where their life values.

They never eat the right food for them. They do not make love with those who are intended for them. They never have the right job in their lives. They never have ideas who they are, and they are upset, as they were led to be manifesters, and they cannot pass through life with a statement: "It's right and I will go and do it." Instead of being susceptible, the generators run around, pretending to be manifesters and find nothing works. They see that nothing happens, they become deeply upset and unhappy.

The sacral center expresses something related to him, and for the generators of their "yes" and "no", which coming during solving something, proceed from their connection with their sacred center. What is connected with Sacral will be the truth. The generators whose Sacral is connected with the spleen, have their own authority, their "yes" and "no", as decisions emanating from the spleen center.

When they are asked, then their immune system is responsible, which tells them that they are healthy for them, and what is not. Their authority is their good state of health, and it speaks through Sacral. For such generators, everything that comes from their sacred response is important, and their authority in this case will be a spleen. When you look at the body chart, you see that in addition to the spleen center, the sacred center can be associated with the G-center, the root and the center of the solar plexus.

The question of the generator is: whether to ask me? If the generator does not wait for the issue, he will never be able to answer, and then he has no strength, and lives his life in disorder. Generators receive disorder, because they do not want to wait until they are asked. It seems to them that they will not wait for the right question. If you are a generator, then you have the easiest of all types of opportunity to become awakened. Your way to enlightenment is very simple. All you need to do is answer, respond. Nothing more. If you live in this way, you can really see what is for you and who for you, and why for you. It is so easy and at the same time so hard because of the fear that no one will ask you.

Think about the generator child. He needs to ask him. And all parents want him to study and get what he wants. Parents do not ask their generator child, and they tell him: "Remove your room. Do your homework". If the generator child is not asked, he does not know what he needs, because he can answer, respond, only on the basis of his sacred acoustic quality: "Yeah. Uh.

No one asks a child generator, and therefore he is forced to do things on his own, as a result of which is upset. If you see the generator, - know that the topic of his life is a disorder. Due to the fact that parents do not know about the type of their child, they do not ask him. They do not ask: "Will you go to clean your room? Do you want to do it? You are welcome". "Uh". And then you "are dealing specifically with this. Understanding his nature, you can say: "Yes, but, look, it should be done." When a generator's child meets his true voice, he is told that it is impolite. It is forced to stop making sounds and learn to articulate words. So the door closes to their truth, and they become cut off from their nature and love to themselves. Parents of generator children should learn to respect the sacred sounds of their children.

The most vulnerable place of generators is that they are not asked. Human beings are stuck at the simplest level. If you are a generator, waiting for a query for your answer - you will live your life. If you take in your life not your own, then you take and not your illnesses, and weakness, you drink not your medicine. If you are the generator, and you respond, when you get sick, you cure yourself, because you will accept what you need. Human beings care about anything around that they do not belong. When the generator does not respond, he picks up the diseases for which it is not adapted, and which he would never have sick if he lived his own nature. It is so easy to explain to someone the essence of his nature.

When you meet a 40 or 50-year-old generator, they have no idea about who they are, and they cannot change suddenly and become the respondents, because they are scary.

They are afraid to become themselves, and they are very uncomfortable with their true nature, because they have adapted to what they are not. If you want to become conscious and awakened, you need to start from the surface. Seven years of hard work focused on the process simply becoming themselves. This is not easy.

For example, if you are a convinced vegetarian, you must discover in this process for yourself that you can hear from ourselves in response to the question, "Would you like chop?".


When we are talking about the design of a person about the strategy, it meant the way of behavior that cleans the resistance and supporting the process of becoming himself. The strategy is not a philosophy, it is the path of genetic work of your vehicle. If you do not live your strategy, you will not fulfill your destination and do not find the world for yourself in this life.

The generator strategy is not to initiate, wait in order to answer. Generators should never take the first step. Their actions should always awaken from susceptibility. Generators must believe the balance of waiting and make patience with their base. As the creatures of pure energy, they are created for response, responding, life, because in response they fall there where necessary. They feel their strength, but because of the false courage to be a manifestor and go and do what they want, they work hard without all success and deeply suffer from disorder. Because of the constant disorder in his life, they feel inadequate, and they do not believe that they are deeply attractive to others.

They try to live the life of the manifestor again and again, and as if they write their lesions on the tape tape and doubt if a true possibility would come from simple expectation. As the energy type, the generators should see that their strategy is to always be in work, every day, 24 hours. Their sacral is a source of life, and he will answer lives while the person is alive.

Generators respond, respond, life all the time. They are so afraid that people will not ask them. But it does not have to be a question. They can respond to something without it. It may be singing birds, or sound, or a dog gavage. It may simply be the sound of nature, such as rain noise or the rustle of the wind in the leaves. It may be a response to the dialogue of other people with each other. Responding, response, may be the tonal quality of sacred sound or silent response, resulting from an inner feeling. Generators experimenting with their strategy are immediately rewarded and slowly learned to believe their role in life.

The strategy is the key to disappear resistance in life different types. Generators dissolve resistance through response. When the generators follow their strategy, their tendency to work over measures comes to balance and harmony. They feel the power of their own life and are ready to share it with others. The strategy makes them capable of finding what they need in this life and stop throwing things all the time. If they ignore their strategy, they are stuck on the wrong work, in the wrong relationship, and instead of seeing their lives as generating force, they simply watch how rolling to decay.
Emotional generators cannot respond, respond immediately. To understand what they need, they need to harden hard. When they are asked: "Do you want this job?" And they hear their answer: "Hmmm", they need to add the following: "Now I like it, but I need time to decide whether I want her. Please ask me in a week. "

it proper behaviorBecause these people can not know what to reproduce until they go through the arc of their wave. The emotional generator must say: "Yes, but ...". The law of the Solar Plexus Center states: No truth in the moment. Be emotional is not a grievous burden. It just means not to be spontaneous. This is the path of hearing, observation, studies that do not occur simultaneously. But the full movement has a much greater depth than the second reaction recognized by the spleen system.

Solar plexus is very thorough, and it teaches us that our knowledge is moving in the wave. Before the emotional generator is ready to say "Yeah," he must pass the whole arc of his wave, because he should know everything in a much larger interval with as much detail as possible.

Generator mirror.

What distinguishes generators from all other types is the presence of a specific energy mechanism connected to life itself. Generators determine themselves with issues that brings life. The generative center, which in the design is called sacral, is in the stomach. If you remember our past - life and was called the stomach. These old expressions are "not on the belly, but to death." Everything that happens in the life of the generator is reflected in his sacral center, literally, in his stomach. Whatever life brought, all this immediately comes to the depths of the abdomen. This invisible thread spends out of all existing ones this moment Vibrations of space is thoughtless, without the slightest distortion.

So, each generator carries its own vibrations, its frequency, its truth, then determine itself possible only through the resonance of the internal and external. That is, when something true says "yes" and from now on internal energy Finding your way: the desire of actions, pleasure from movement, satisfaction from the result.

The complexity is that the generators do not realize their of all these external proposals. Imagine that you are sharpened at the moment on something one (your mind, which means you yourself, do not know what, but your energy will turn out only where it will reveal), and life vibrates around hundreds of proposals. You are blind before anyone or something will not focus on something one. Roughly speaking, while life in the face of any person or some kind of event does not push the finger into something, and then this is the connection, this short circuit Energy chain between external and internal. And it is this time to understand yourself. What will say the belly - "U-gu" or "y,". Yes or no. Your business is or not yours. And this is the time of solutions.

There is a certain limitation of generators - they can never ask themselves the question themselves. Rather, they can, but they will not receive any true response - all their questions are collected from the ready-made answers of the mind, often unconscious clearly. So you have to wait for what will come outside. But there is this definition of the response to the external stimuli - it does not carry shades, it is black and white. Or yes or no. Simply.

Know yourself - the words of Delphic oracles and Socrates. Probably, these guys were generators. Look in yourself. Decide yourself - you know all your life. All she is collected from you inside. And tool for knowledge - response.

The main barrier in the following strategy since childhood is the fear of the unknownness where the response will lead. Therefore, initiating without waiting, do what they are accustomed or what is logical, or because they did a dad-mother ... As a result, constant disorder and lack of satisfaction.

It would be nice to get out of the "smart" mind and go down to the "incomprehensible" belly. There, in the depths, the spring squeezed from childhood with incredible energy, ready to build and does not have this possibility. The ability comes with a response.

The mirror in which the generator is reflected within it, in the latter it.

The difference between the two types of generators.

Both types of generators should expect. But between them there is a difference that is that once rewarding, pure generators are undergoing sacred stages of development, i.e. They pass the stop stages that are classic for sacrala. Manifesting generators can go straight into action after their response, clean generators very often underestimate themselves because of ignorance, how Sacral works, while manifesting do not have this problem.

Generators in relations.

There is no other truth for the generator, except for the one that he can hear in his answer in the question, i.e. Responding. Generators will never come to someone and say that they want to be with him. They can't know what food to take, what to wear where to go who to love where to work, until they recognize these things through their own answer. If a friend asks the generator: "Do you like this man?", And he replies: "Yeah", for the generator it means the same as if this man himself asked him: "Do you love me?", And the generator would answer: "Yeah" because clarity for the generator comes always only during his response.

The question may be indirect. He can come in some other way.

It is not necessary that the question comes from the lover: "Are you happy with me?". Just a friend can ask: "Well, how are your relationship?", And the generator in response begins to wash something and thus hear your own sacral, the respondent to the question in which the key is. Generators suffer from disorder, and no one is so much upset in sex as they. A classic generator that solves the mind that he wants to be with someone in the end has a deep disorder about these relationships, since nothing works in them. The first thing that needs to be understood about the Generator is that you can't enter into relationships until you asked you about it, if the question may not be direct.

Already being in relationships with someone, the generator will need a question in order to answer it, but not all the time, and then when something radically irreversible or changes patterns.

An emotional generator needs to "fail" of his rearness, as it must be achieved. Raughters want to access it generating power and pleasure that lies in the emotional system. They want the generator to respond immediately, and he says: "I have to think about it." This "torture" of the waters creates in fact healthy good tension. And when the generator passes through his emotional wave, and it becomes clear that he is ready to respond, then in love (Her), by calling the tenth time on the phone, asks: "Do you want to have dinner with me?", And hear In response: "Yeah", which means that the emotional generator is ready to enter the relationship with clarity.

So when you enter into relationships, you have a case not only with accommodation strategy of your type. You also need to know when it is correct to say "yes" or "no." For the emotional creature "Yes" or "No" - this is a matter of expectation of its emotional clarity. If you are included in the relationship correctly, it simply means that now you have the right company, but it does not mean at all that this is this relationship forever. They will give you the opportunity to see what your relationship is in these relationships, and learned to meet it.

For example, you are a generator with a cyclic process of 42/53. Someone comes to you and says: "Do you want to finish it?", And you answer: "Yeah", and that means you are in clarity, and your sacral told you: "Yes, you can do it because yours The cycle is completed here. " This means that you can have a relationship that will be held through many cycles, and will last for many years. Or it may mean that the relationship lasted three weeks and ended on it. But this does not mean that they were bad. Relationships suggest the beginning and end. Sometimes they end only with death. We blevel you enter into relations in the right way, when you leave them, then you do not have a feeling of guilt, nor condemn yourself. We blear you come correctly, then you will come out correctly.

Get out of the relationship correctly, it is also important to be in relationships. What happens with human beings when two false understanding of themselves is found, so this is what they do not know what to do with each other, and when these relationships end, they have to live for another seven years of liberation from this pain. If you are not included in the relationship clearly, then you will leave them out of clarity, and you will bear inside yourself the wound of these relationships. And this wound will cause a negative in you, with which you will now be approaching any relationship every time in this life, when you meet the strength, you must be yourself. Otherwise, you will receive what does not belong to you and, of course, do not enjoy this.

Role in history.

In history, the generators were slaves and servants of manifestizers, because
Generators are not able to compete with manifestizers. 70% of humanity were slaves, absolutely unrealized, what their potential and upset because they tried to imitate manifestors. Their new role is to be builders. This new stage is gradually enformed and becomes a reality when the generators learn not to initiate and respond to requests.

70% of the world's population The earth is generators. A sacral center will always be defined on the Rave Map. These are builders, creators of our world. Such people are the embodiment of pure energy for production, in all its senses.

Let's look at how the main source of the most powerful power is arranged, "crushed, red square" on the Bodigrafe. The genetic nature of Sacrala is an inner melody, consonant with a mix, lever, moans, sighs, yeah, ya, an indispensable number of other muted sounds of leaving the lower abdomen. Non-verbal communication Preceded the ability to speak, it got from our very long ancestors, we interpret it as a response.

Strategy to respond

Do not initiate wait to respond on life itself. You felt it from my childhood, but dulled this voice, perhaps because of the influence of public norms or the umudnost of the older generation living with stamps: "Think before you do!". Such a mental installation very complicates life, because it violates the natural principle of nature of nature according to a new device of man. The mind never knows the response sacrala. In the false I, the generators want to become "to have the opportunity to initiate" their life that lead to deep dissatisfaction By your business, relationships.

If you have authority solar plexus, this is already a completely different mechanic, and you need to go through the entire emotional wave. It will be loyal for you to wait for clarity to recognize everything in a much longer period of time, with as much details as possible. If you feel a response, go back to this question later. You may like it now, but the decision is correctly taken later. And of course than large quantity Once you will be asked, the better.

The main potential of the generator is to spend energy and receive pleasure.

Who am I?

Unlike the remaining 3 types, the generators want to learn more about themselves: what business or do I like it? Who will I have family, children with whom? What do I feel delicious to eat? What physical activity will satisfy me? These are natural questions in the foreground. The problem is that you are looking for answers from external authorities (parents, books, trainings, magazines, famous personalities), but does not find truth in them.

Only using the strategy to respond to requests is it possible to determine the real bond desires. Do not initiate, wait and listen to your sacral.


  • Try to ask one other single questions "Want tea?" Try to hear a deaf sound, instead of direct sheets;
  • If the authority is solar plexus learn how to catch clarity, share experiences, sensations;
  • Course living your design - experiment with 9 centers, experience of the sacred session;
  • Studying yourself in nutrition, rest and work.
Rating 1 Rating 2 Rating 3 Rating 4 Rating 5

Energy type


Wait for what to respond

The theme of life

Disorder (frustration)

Disorder and anger




The sacred center is defined.
Motors are not connected to the throat.

The sacred center is defined.
Motor is connected to the throat.


Open and enveloped


Who am I? Will they ask me?

Looking at any duration, continuity, it is important to start seeing that there are laid relationships between your type and signature. It is necessary to understand something in terms of signature type is a remuneration, this is what you get. It is like proof of achieving that you were able to break the false I, and were able to leave the homogenized world. That's what you get.

What does it mean to be a generator?

What does it mean to be a generator? This means how you use your energy. We live in the world of generators. There are about 68% of the population. There are so many generators on the planet, and such wide dysfunction, homogenized frustration and reality that all this is rooted in dysfunction not expectation. Not to mention when the generator does not operate correctly. And it carries incredible energy abuse. The term satisfaction can be interpreted in the mental framework of this word. But this is not about mental satisfaction. Not one type is not closer to the principle of forms than generators. They literally generate this principle of form. They are deeply located. But dysfunction is how their energy is used.

And the problem in energy that can be transferred from those who have a lot and is available to those who do not have anything. This is not about politics, it is about how energy is used. We seem to do not use our energy correctly. Energy types (68% generators and 9% manifesters) are a vast majority of the population, but the generators dominate it. And the greatest dilemma that is when we look at the generators as much as they resist their response. They do not understand that if they do not make correctly solutions, they will not be satisfied. If you do not use your energy correctly, you will never get satisfaction.

For example, you are the generator and you use the energy is not correct. You do something that other people consider wonderful, and you do not think so. Because you do not feel satisfied, and what happens is that you do not feel satisfied on energy level. At such moments, your mind takes it into your own hands, the mind adores such things, the mind picks up such things: "We are not satisfied ....".

And that means even when you do everything most the best wayYou can experience deep frustration, and this is not due to the measurement from the point of view of mental. Should you be upset or not. It is just that there is a deep feeling inside, and you do not know where it goes from, simply because you did not use your energy correctly.

If you are a generator, you must understand something that you can never organize the time when you get tired when you fall, organize your sleep time. And the cornerstone of this is that when the generator moves until it ends with fuel, only in this way it can maintain a healthy energy. And this is due to the fact that it should be satisfying and it should be empty.

It is very important at the end of the day, at the end of the process be devastated. This one when comes to satisfaction where you find it in the body. Satisfaction, as it would be better to call, it is such a merciful exhaustion, the moment when you are fully reserved, because when you are satisfied with what you did and all this is a by-product of what the body does what is correct for him. Being the generator and the only one as you can live your signature satisfaction - this is if you follow your response that directs your decision-making process.

Everyone accepted decisions There must be something that comes from the response to what life brings. Your response has no connection with the mind, the response cannot be explained, it is impossible to think about it in advance or calculate. This is a pure magic of sacred vitality to be "out of mind." The response is purely mechanical. He either happens to you, or not: "Yeah", "non-a", "mmm" (I do not know). The response opens your depth to know yourself. Know yourself! This is the motto of generators. And there is no way to do it without a response.

Aura generator

Aura generator enveloping, enveloping and wrapping. All that the generator meets on its path, he literally hugs. The generator is so sensitive to everything and including the condition that literally attracts everything to himself and perceives with his aura, both all good and everything is bad.

Generators do not know anything about themselves, do not know what to spend their energy until they were asked. The fact that the generators think about themselves in the mind, has nothing to do with their response. Generators Great initiators of various kinds of things are crazy. And as soon as they enter the experience, relationships or any work out of the mind, thinking that it is so necessary to do, loading themselves with expectations or forecasts about where they, in the end, should come, then get the greatest resistance. And then as a result comes disorder, the inability to finish things, unloved work, unsatisfactory relationships. When the generators initiate anything out of mind, then every time, meeting resistance, throw, without having any power to bring things to their heyday, or deplete, do not engage in their activities.

To enter any item correctly, the generator needs to wait for its response. Wait and respond will be faster than not to wait and go in the wrong direction. Return to return. The world is created by the generators. They are this vital power of the planet. If the generator generates from his response, from its susceptibility, then it receives all the advantages of the fact that his life itself is presented. He is able to cope with this, and as a result of his satisfaction from the process, from his work, from how he spent his energy. If you are a generator, then your mantra "respond and trust." If you are an emotional generator - "Out and trust the response with time, coming to your emotional clarity."

If you are a manifesting generator, then you need patience to curb your power and the power to be included in the manifestation of your actions from the mind for any occasion. When manifesting generators operate incorrectly, they meet resistance more than clean generators, and the result is an angry disorder ... In manifest generators, a double life strategy is to wait for what to respond, and then inform about those who can affect those who they can affect Before acting.

You need to use your energy so that it satisfy you.
And it always gives you an advantage. When you select the need to control the adoption of your decisions, and convey this right to your inner authority, as an absolute truth of your body, you know it will give you the opportunity to use your energy completely. There is nothing worse when the generator is limited. And the generators play manifestizers and then they are constantly constantly limited. In this game, they burn their energy and it is so negative for their process.

The beauty of the potential of the relationship between the projector and the generator is that the projectors are created for the generators, created to be guides and conductors of their energy. Projectors have this incredible ability, because it is non-energy type. They have this deep understanding of how little energy is actually needed to do something or that. They know how to preserve energy, they know how not to spend her back, they know that this is something very valuable. Understand, projectors do not know this consciously. At least, not false I. But there is a gift in this.

We live in a world where there is a huge pressure to keep energy. All these cars that are trying to save. You can see all these topics about not to spend the energy in vain, all this is a pressure that is extrapolated. But this is a question of generators.

Look at this all the case, the correctness of the generator requires a very, very careful attentive use of energy that can be used without resistance, without this limitation. The great dilemma is the mind, that is why it is so difficult to live its type and its signature. There in the world, all the mental affairs and games of the generators on how to use their energy. When the generator initiates the use of sacred energy, then it throws his dirt of his motor power.

You see, it is not easy and it is not supposed to be simple, easy. You lived most of your life as deeply, deeply determined human. Generators, you know the depth of your conditionality of this wrap, embracing aura in the fact that you absorb another so intense and so easily for you to be false I, be conditional. Never, never know what to be satisfied. Because physical satisfaction is how you use your energy. And you see only when this energy is used effectively, only then your real life can happen to you. You can stay uniquely when you know you need to ask, and you are ready to wait for what to respond, opening the opportunity to provide life to find your response that will lead to the correct use of energy. And this is all for each generator. You need to use energy efficiently. For the generator, this is his sacred bowl of grail, really so. And again we return - a strategy and authority, that's what's the point. It is very deep, it is associated with awareness. When this seed of awareness is planted in you, it begins to grow.

And this is the truth for everyone, if the grain is planted, then sooner or later everyone has its time, this grain begins to germinate and this is the time when we begin the deepest healing process for yourself. Somewhere inside there is a grain that says - "When I turn into action from the response, then I use my energy correctly. I feel satisfying my satisfaction, it raises me and fills this power, it allows you to feel good. "

Generators - you are energy machines. You can face the power of the generators when they go out of the response. This energy is so powerful, this world is the result of the generators and how they use their energy.

Only when it is correct, only then this force can be used. There is nothing more than a wonderful resource that is laid in the generator. But most of the time it is used absolutely useless. This is a matter of energy, energy use. And if you are a generator, it is something that should be part of what is in you that you know inside yourself deeply. You know - what matters, it's not what kind of task you perform. The mind loves any nonsense: "What is my task, what task is better, more important, blah blah blah?" The essence is not in this, not in the task. The bottom line is that you are ready to bring it as a response. When you are ready when you have your clarity, it can be achieved so much, but you know the essence of this incredible use of energy.

Once this day will come when each generator in specific relationships with projectors will receive assistance where its energy is better suited and not in terms of tasks or tasks. And in what topics they will be involved how they will approach any topic, to any project, because they do not know, do not know how to do it.

Children generators

Children generators need them to be directed, and developed how to use their energy correctly as they are growing up. Children want to do both this and the third, but also the other and the third, in fact, is not important for them. Most of the generators more children are more than anyone else should be involved in those cases that will be met physically.

It is very important that the generator child does not have any problems with sleep. And if there is such a problem, it is obvious that this is a consequence of the lack of a lack of awareness in parents who grow children. All this painful process, a child from which he will be expected to make some things himself and will be busy with himself and parents do not pay attention to him. The dysfunctional generator can not sleep, he went to bed without using his energy to any satisfying method at no time during the day. And then he has all this energy, all these juices and it is frustrated and you especially become sensitive when you become conscious to any level of it. Here is dysfunction for you and this is our planet, here in sacral. And this is all related to whether this tool will be used correctly.

Generators are great energy squabbles. No one spends energy more than generators. This is when you are rich if you compare wealth with a single energy. Wealth is actually so and is. But if you look at wealth in terms of energy, then the generators are really billionaires. Manifestors are millionaires. And all the rest are poor. This is exactly what in terms of energy. And billionaires spend water, they are simply trains.

But the easiest way to recognize when there is physical satisfaction, this is when you go to bed. When you are a generator, you have such a moment. Oh, as wonderful, just fold your head on the pillow and you immediately fall asleep. This is deep, deep physical satisfaction that can be for the generator. And there are no time frames in this, we are not talking about when during the day or night it happens when you just ride a pillow, because the essence is exactly when you use your energy correctly. If you are not tired by the end of the day, it means that you had an incorrect day. This is something you need to think about. And this is a physical, you can say right away. And being a generator operating in the experiment, this gives you something you can work with. Gives you such road signs for your awareness.

It does not matter how you will then express it, about what you have satisfaction. But the reality is that it is due to the fact that you physically wanted to do what you want to turn on. And see the more you realize it, the more your system is holistically becoming better and better in distinguishing the use of energy to satisfy.

Each generator is unique. The strength of each generator is unique. And the essence is just how you use this energy. The more conscious you become, the deeper it goes into your system, as the truth is manifested in your system, the more you align in our frequency.

If you are a generator, then you need to understand at the deepest level that you need to use your energy correctly, and that you need to empty yourself by the end of your day.

man Generator Design, Man Design Types

We are creating the power of our planet. We are almost 5 billion. We form the mood frequency of the Earth. When we are satisfied, surrounding easier. When upset, it's hard to everyone. The truth is that we are never satisfied for a long time. Often we are upset. This is recognized. This is angry. This is reflected. And everyone as a result is somehow not in itself. And what if every generator still tries to do what he loves? Just try. Suddenly something will work. I already try. Maybe you too?


Generators are those people who have a sacred center, the center of vitality as such. Red Square. If you want to see a truly powerful person at work, you just need to watch the generator living in accordance with your true nature.

Generators are purely energy creatures, but, unlike manifestizers, they are not created in order to exercise the initiative. They are created to respond to various life situations and, thus, it is important for them to be able to wait, to study patience.

Nikolay Gogol. Bodygraph. Birthday has been established by rectification (site

Aura generator

Open and enveloping, she envelops our planet with its numerical majority generators 70% of the total population of the Earth. If you are the generator, you are created to take everything, and you lack the ability to distinguish. You are available to everything, and only your special design, your internal credibility helps to understand what exactly at this moment you can invest your energy. Do what brings satisfaction is the key for the generator.

The generator's sonailed with me knows that he does not need to start anything. His aura herself attracts those who want to ask. And she attracts exactly what is needed. And when the generator allows this aura to speak without words, he gets the very advantage of the meeting with his suitable forces, not attracting unnecessary attention.

What to do?

This manifests itself when the generator begins to respond to something from the outside (on a specific question, the situation, the announcement in the newspaper, weather conditions ...). The question is on which you can rinse "yep" or "nea" - can very relieve the life of the "sacral" person.

A technique that can help the generator start hearing his sacred voice, simple: the question is a response. Someone who you trust, with whom you are comfortable, asks you questions of different types: "Do you eat meat? Do you want? (especially relevant for vegetarians). Are you comfortable here? Do you want to save my questions? Do you like your room? Do you want to go out in your life? Do you not like something? Do you know what this is?..". From total to specific. It can continue for 10 or longer minutes.

Coming to various questions with sounds, the generator begins to relax and discover his sacred voice and understand the wisdom of the body. Your authoritative "aha" and "nea", which sounds different.

Not every "yeah" goes out of sacrala, the mind can also "get out" in unison to his reflections.

Transformation of the generator

Starts with the body. Listen and enjoy yourself, this biological form is beautiful for life. Give him to live. It can be compared in transport, and consciousness with a passenger who makes a trip in this car. Each of us has its own unique direction in life and your perfect way to go in this direction. Start feeling what decisions come from your mind, and not born opposing something.

A simple example. We gathered to visit a friend and bought it a box of ice cream. Have a friend and without it there were enough treats, and forgot about ice cream. Then like Winnie PooIt was "we, perhaps, it's time" - "Well, since you don't want anything else" - "Doesn't you have something?" ... "Oh, I remembered. We still have ice cream! ". She said, but in general noise it was not heard. Very soon, when the new ice cream owner himself remembered him and offered everyone who wants, I did not want to surprise for myself. "Nea!" Said Sacral. "How good I did not ask," I thought satisfied. I wanted him then in the store. And now there is no.

Coming from life, you are increasingly relaxing in the body. Conversely, more relaxation in the body makes it possible to make it better to feel your feedback. Start watching whether you are comfortable, you are moving with your speed. Do you need to stretch more or more actively. It is important to find the generators to find your pace and be in comfortable movement, not sick seating lifestyle.

Since childhood

The generator since childhood needs to be stimulated, asking, giving him the opportunity to respond: "Do you like it?", "Do you want to do it?", "Want to do it together?" Nea. Nea, nea. And this is his right. Although this parents can strain and upset. And so until it breaks out "Yeah!". This power is inside. It does not meet with her without a response. When the parents know in advance who their child should become, when he grows, the world in the end receives another upset slave, which goes for money.

The generator on the unloved work is incorrect beewhich makes the wrong honey.


The generator is sensitive to condition. It can easily and quickly fall under influence. Due to the open hugging aura, which does not know what to say "no." And in his false manifestation, he may not invest my power in those and not at that, and this makes it an even more frustrated and unsatisfied worker.

In the working relationship, this blind openness is eliminated at the moment when the generator is suitable and correctly gives the necessary tasks so that they are not distracted by other affairs.

The true force of the generator is in the ability to respond to the environment and feel what inside. When it turns out correctly, it becomes energy most powerful type.

All in this world was made by generators. Only generators can constantly show their strength, continuing to do something. The vital force that Sacral produces is the most powerful source of energy available to humanity. So strong that it needs to be exhausted during the day, otherwise unreought-after energy will not fall asleep. Full recovery The body gives sleep alone, in his away. But before that, you need to work well and get tired. As in childhood, when you challenge and roll without rear legs.

Who am I?

Here the main question The generator who worries it most. His body is designed specifically in order to understand how much it is possible, and through ourselves everything else. And to find out how it is to make your solutions from the response.
Therefore, the right guides play important role In the development of the generator.

Sacred response

"The generators need something from which they can push off. Some step or object in the space of their attention. They are people interaction.

Here, it seems, it is empty and passive, and then some kind of spark, and now he is already completing the twentieth floor of a high-rise building. It is worth respecting this "passive" waiting and "emptiness" (sometimes it looks like a lost), refer to the generator as to the tankon, resonant only with those frequencies to which it is configured from birth. At the same time, it is not very correct to build about it conclusions on the "empty" state (perhaps it is frequent error parents of children-generators). Neither he nor you know a lot about himself. Sacred response is often a surprise, if everything is honest. " - Alexander Ostapenko.

Generator and others

Some generators can be strong working in a group from 3 to 5 people. Because the only motor, the driving force of such a fanta is a generating resource, or production capacity, as they say). This is all pro vitality. We did not choose her, she was given to us.

Therefore, the generators are also a powerful causing force. They are more than other types are suitable for collective work. But every employee will feel a slave, while this work does not give something special until the generator starts enjoying the stay in his team.

And here the generator needs directives and a clear program, a manual that can be carried out through accurately asked questions. Otherwise, he can lower and tighten.

If you are a generator and you do not know what to do. You were asked, but you still do not know, accept that there is no solution. Not yet. And wait yet, continuing to do what is being done.

But the song about the wait from the generator about the generators - from a friend, a brilliant Frick (Channel 43-23) Billy Novika and Billy's Band - "Happiness is":

Generator and projector

This is a separate topic.

The generator has an incredible force, and he needs to respond. He can live the beauty of his strength when he responds. And the projectors have been created to see the potential and beauty of the generator. Projectors can provide a service to the generator by asking questions. They can create relationships, giving an opportunity to the generator to respond.

Such relationships can cost honesty and mutual respect.

  • The generator is actually looking for such a focus, attention, who would take out what he wants to know about himself, what is in it there is, and lesid in motion.
  • This movement launches a response - voluntary readiness to give its power to something.
  • And the generator wants to know infinitely about himself. But infinitely - does not mean that he is always ready for contact.
  • This is a buzz communication. Exchange I generate, you send. When we coincide - by the mood, on the response, according to the overall feeling - we can generate successfully, effectively, satisfied with how things are going.
  • When the projector interferes in increasing the way, the blossom effect occurs. The diaphragm of the generator who does not respond to the initiative of the projector, compressing, and the forces does not produce.
  • The generator would be happy, he himself thinks: "Mmm, such a nice person, but something rubs something." The most interesting thing is that the projector does it feel, as my son says, a rummy (the theory and practice of a rummy is described).

Read more about the relationship in the article about.

Frustration - Reminder

Here you have a reminder: because of what we can't Get No Satisfaction.
Frustration - typically generator state. And it is infected in the end all the others. And generators are most, here and count on the scale of the planet. The land is diagnosed with frustration.

Frustratio (Lat. Frustratio - "Deception", "Failure", "vain expectation", "disorder of designs") is a mental state that arises in the situation of real or alleged impossibility to meet the needs, or, more simply, in a situation of inconsistencies in desires of the opportunities. This may somehow mentally injure.

Frustration arises in a situation that is perceived by a person as a threat to satisfying any need. It manifests itself in a number emotional processes, such as disappointment, anxiety, irritation and even despair.

As well as disappointment, it occurs in the absence of a certain expected and desired result, but in the state of frustration, people still continue to fight for getting desirable, even if they do not know exactly what needs to be done to be satisfied.

Frustration is undivided love
to yourself. - Masha Kodolazskaya

"Disadvantage to some degree of beneficial, because it shows us that we have a hidden potential that seeks to manifest themselves so that we live in full force.

Moreover, it can be said that the magnitude of our dissatisfaction is exactly equal to the size of an unused potential, that is, the strength with which we do not live, love we do not express, reason that we do not show. " - Vincenzo Rossi. "Life in motion."

From disorder to satisfaction

Frustration or disorder is what representatives of this type are inevitably faced. This is one side of the coin. The second is written "Satisfaction" - what the generators come, feeling the response and call for something that step by step allows them to disclose their potential. Both are energy, only in one case it is expelled correctly, but in another - effectively.

What a generator needs is to do what you love. Love what you are doing.

Manifestor syndrome

This is the greatest disease that each generator is infected. I call her "manifestor syndrome": zeal to start something to do, ignoring the natural course of events. This is what destroys more than the longest wait. Because the wait is natural for the generator, but the initiation is not. This applies to equally the genetary worker, head, unemployed or freelance artist. The generator was created in response, responding to questions and requests of people / life.

The head generator needs a management system that he can trust. And someone from employees can give them the desired key to get a response and be able to lead and direct the organization.

Opportunities that come every moment ... Something resonates with you, and there is no something. And if it resonates - you know for sure that it is yours.

Strategy and internal authority

The generator may have one of two internal authorities: a sacral center or solar plexus. In the first case, the strategy will wait for the response. In the second case, to wait for clarity and respond to the fact that it turned out with the situation.

Manifesting generators

This also generator, with a feature of rapid response to the response and with the danger of greater manifestation. Read about this type.

Coming from life, you add satisfaction to the overall integer and your personal and more and more open yourself. It is so simple. Just try to respond.

Drive famous people As an illustration of the type - conventionality. Living your design, they could deal with something else. Although, judging by some - hardly.

Famous generators

Nikolay Gogol, Renata Litvinova, Jim Kerry, Edith Piaf, John Lennon, Bruce Willis, Madonna, Julia Roberts, Eddie Murphy, Albert Einstein, Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Want to know what kind of generator you are, what is your love formula for yourself? You.

© Masha Kodolazskaya