What dreams of drinking in a dream, dream interpretary to see what means? What dreams to drink water in a dream.

in the dream of flowers

want to drink - troubles, urgent care; Clean water is a good deal; dirty - disease; kvass - health; Quencing thirst for the whole - full success in life, the longer drank, the later the success will come; Invite a drink - longevity, health.

Dreamed to drink

by dream of Miller

If in a dream you are offered a sip of alcohol - this is a sign of rivalry or quarrel due to small property. Think in a dream that you abandoned or discovered that others did it, foreshadow that your present position in society will improve and material wealth will bring you satisfaction.

Wine in a snow

by dream of Nostradamus

Wine is a symbol of peaceful life, economy, well-being, vice. To see the wine on the table among other products and a number of weapons is a symbol of what the world will be stored until the state of ancestors will flourish in the state - hospitality. Seeing a pale rose wine in a transparent glass - a dream foreshadows trick, deception, murder through poisoning, which will be authorized by official services and adjusted by familiar people so that no one suspects anything, it is especially worthwing to find pleasant dating from the opposite sex. See huge vineyards and preparation of wine with strong men with red hair - this dream indicates blood connection with Germany and the opportunity to go to live on a historic homeland, where success and well-being, material wealth and prosperity are waiting for local traditions. See large vintage amphoras filled with wine - means that you have to break your head before you decide to answer the question that soon floods your mind and soul, but perhaps only in the case of supporting communication with representatives of previous generations and knowledge of the pedigree . To see that a person poisoned wine - a symbol of good luck, which will bring you this person. Be prepared for an abundance of random luck since 2001. To see the river of the wine, from which wild and pets drink and fall without strength on her shores, - a sign that in the summer will come to rarity a poor time for entrepreneurship, because the most different people will be very peaceful and will be able to make compromise solutions. If in a dream you drink wine from the Golden Cup - in reality you will be so passionate about our illusions that you will lose touch with the real world. To see in a dream, as you spill wine on your clothes, to make a rapid decision, which will affect your relationship with a person, on whom your material well-being depends on. Thin in wine - forced loneliness. If in a dream you are treated with wine - an excessive frankness will only bring you harm, and your ill-wishers will give a reason to glimpse.

Dreamed Wine

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream, how you drink wine, foreshadows you joy and strong friendships. Break the bottle with wine - means that your love and passion will move all the borders. To see the barrels with wine - foreshadow the Great Luxury. Purl the wine from one vessel to another - a sign of a variety of pleasures, entertainment and traveling in famous places. Spilled wine - means that your work will be good to pay. For a young woman to see in a dream that she drinks wine - the head of the fact that she marries a rich and noble person. Go down in a dream to the cellar, full bottles and kegs with wine, is the promise of you the most pleasant impressions.

What dreams of wine

in the dream of flowers

drink, but not add-on - fun, joy, money; treat - funeral or parting; Pour - unfortunately; To drink one - bad news, accusations; Serve, pour - quarrel; Try - new proposals; buy (wine, vodka) - your own or someone else's deception; unexpected betrayal; See Drink.

Meaning sleep about wine

by Dream Freud.

If you have seen or drank wine in a dream, this is a sign that in reality to have sex you can push a fair amount of drinking alcohol. It acts on you stimulating, excites sexual desire, and under his impact you forget about all those principles that hold on a sober head. Hmm, well, though this way you can enjoy, unless otherwise you can.

What dreams cheese

in the dream of flowers


Dreamed cheese

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream that you eat cheese, means great disappointment and sadness. For a while you should not hope anything good. Cheese is usually a bad dream that encourages the mobilization of the Spirit.

What dreams sour cream

in the dream of flowers

income, luck; For lovers - ambulance.

Dreamed milk

by dream of Miller

See in a dream that you drink milk - means a rich harvest for a farmer and contentment in the house; For a traveler is a sign of a future successful trip. This is a very favorable dream for women. See milk in large quantities - means wealth and health that are waiting for you ahead. Distribute milk - foreshadows that you will show the benevolence by achieving your own benefit. Shed milk - means that you will survive light losses and will suffer from temporary misfortunes. The same consequences of sleep, where you see unclean milk. Drinking in a dream sour milk - means that you will be concerned about the suffering of your friends. To see in a dream of people, unsuccessfully trying to get drunk milk, means that you should fear to lose something very important or friendship of a high-ranking person. To drink in a dream hot milk - foreshadows the struggle, in the final of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires. To see in a dream that you swim in milk means pleasure and a company of friends close to the spirit.

What dreams of milk

in the dream of flowers


What dream about a dream about a vampire

by dream book Vangu

In a dream, the vampire is a symbol of terrible change, the fatal events that many suffering and blood will bring. If the vampire attacks you in a dream, it means that the cruel blow of fate will attack you, perhaps you will lose someone from your loved ones and dear people. The dream in which you turn into a vampire foreshadows that you yourself by negligence or excessive self-confidence subjected your life danger, to avoid only miracle, if at all succeed. To see a vampire drinking blood - to a long and painful illness of a native person. In a dream, kill the vampire - in reality happily avoid events that could cripple your life.

What dream vampire

in the dream of flowers

terrible anxiety, bad ambition, complaint; If sick is recovery.

Sleep value about thirst

by Dream Freud.

If you dreamed, as you felt thirst, - it means that in real life you will oppose unsatisfied sexual desires. It is possible that for some reason you abide for a long time from a relationship with a permanent partner (partner), which you do not want to change. Anyway, the disintended thirst personifies your longguing sex. And it is possible that you have had such a situation when you want, but can't.

Dreamed thirst

by dream of Miller

If you dream that you are thirsty, it means that you are striving for something inaccessible to you now, but if you are thicker in a dream your thirst, drinking a nice and tasty drink, your desires will be achieved. If you see other thirsty and quenching your thirst - then you will enjoy the location and sinking rich and influential people.

What dreams thirst

in the dream of flowers

ambition; cluttered - success; from the source or well - success above all expectations; The same from the fountain.

What dreams dream about thirst

by dream book Vangu

Sleep, in which you are a badwood under the scorching rays of the sun in search of water, means that all your thoughts and feelings are directed exclusively on the material side of life. Therefore, in reality, you lack spiritual communication and support. In a dream, you quench the thirst with cold spring water is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness. Thirst torments you, but the water you drink, muddy and dirty. This dream is a warning, since in real life you tend to get pleasure at any cost. In this dream, muddy and dirty water symbolizes such a terrible vice as drug addiction. You should be careful, since you have a tendency to this terrible fear. You dreamed of a terrible drought, people die from thirst, as all reservoirs were dry and can not find a drop of water. By a drop of water, you are ready to give anything. The thirst becomes unbearable, it seems that the mouth is full of heavy and hot sand. You only think about where to find at least a drop of melting moisture. This dream foreshadows an ecological catastrophe. Every year, military technology is becoming more sophisticated, and sooner or later it can end the disaster not only for humanity, but also for the entire planet.

Dreamed Poyeka

by dream of Miller

If a woman sees a cheerful break in a dream - it means that it is involved in the affairs who can defame her, although she gets at the moment the pleasure and joy. If she dreams that, despite her efforts, she could not get drunk with clean water, then she will not get any joy, not satisfaction from the enterprise in which she persistently retract.

Sleep value about champagne

by Dream Freud.

To drink in a dream champagne - this dream talks about the ambulance with a close friend (or girlfriend) because of some trivia. In order to prevent breaking, you just need not to meet for a while. If you neglect the Council and do nothing to prevent quarrel, then you will have to grief very much because of this conflict, because reconciliation will not come for a very long time. Take a bath from champagne - you are tired of the routine and have long been secretly dreaming of some kind of emotional splash, changing the situation. According to Freud Shamannka, a floresman in Freud to see in a dream, the scarmanka is a sign that you have to listen to the complaints of a woman who is not all calm in his personal life. If such a dream dreamed of a female representative, then terrible, in general, nothing will be - a cup of tea, a glass of brandy, and all the problems of your unfortunate abandoned or deceived girlfriend are collapsed. But the men who have seen in a dream the scarman need to be careful, because the sincere conversation can go too far and there is a risk to get involved in a completely unnecessary Aduilter. He himself play on the scarmer - it is not worth so insistently to seek the location of the person you like. An annoying attempts to start acquaintance can be perceived by him as an encroachment to freedom, and then no continuation will follow. Broken or very old, shaped shaman - a symbol of the fact that in your family is not all right, and as long as the situation has not come out of control, it should be dealt with anxious problem.

What dreams dream about champagne

by dream book Vangu

To drink in a dream champagne - in reality to suffer Fiasco because of his attitude towards others. It is impossible to demand from people what they do not want, and do not have to give you. You yourself should be kind to them, then they will answer the same. If in a dream you are poured by champagne, then this dream predicts you that your discontent actions of other people will not bring you anything good. It is always easier to condemn how to help and get an incorrectly active person. While you will go this light way, you will not get awards. Sleep, in which you open a bottle of champagne, prevents you soon a large quarrel according to your fault, with the result that you will lose trust and support rather influential person.

The world of dreams is rich in bright symbols. Thickening thirst refers to the category of proper signs predicting the receipt of certain benefits from reality, multiplying well-being.

Sleep interpretation depends on the peculiarities of the drink, the volumes of its use, concomitant events. It is most important to know what to drink water, which always displays deep subconscious processes and is directly related to human life.

Drinks in dreams

To see drinks in a dream means being close to the material benefits in reality. The dream is equal to unsatisfied needs, strong desires for possessing and achieving specific goals. In such a context, the process of using various beverages is equal to obtaining the desired, saturation, security and comfort.

Such a dream always talks about improving the material level, passing forward on the social staircase. Especially if the drink is in a beautiful glass or cup. However, even simple water from a plastic cup, drunk in a dream, means a tide of the vitality! Wailed to drink in a dream? Look in the dream book to find out what to get ready for.


Sleep with alcoholic beverages characterizes creative and sexual energy that fills life with bright colors. Dream interpretation suggests that the best meaning of alcohol has in a situation when you drink and do not drink.

This means that your plans are implemented simply brilliantly! All the ideas that you express will be perfectly perceived in society, and their implementation will pass quickly and without problems.

  • Drinking an expensive alcohol means that there is an emerge on the elite layers of society - it is possible to acquaint with a high-ranking and useful person who will open the path to the top.
  • Eating in a dream of cheap beverages signals the emergency to improve household affairs. It is often dreaming during repairs and minor problems at work - usually hinting for a quick completion of difficulties.

1. Cognac

Dream interpretation perceives as a drink displaying sexuality. To see a crystal decanter with a noble brandy means receiving a position or a working problem requiring high professionalism. In the near future, work will require high self-dedication, but will subsequently bring excellent returns!

Cognac in a graved glass means your elevated ambitions and limited resources. At this place of work or life is difficult to get the desired. If you want serious change, it is necessary to change the situation. Possible moving to major cities (especially if the brandy was drinking eagerly on the run), the transition to a large company.

2. Wine

See in a dream red in bottles means emergency communication with pleasant people. Vintage bottles mean a possible meeting with long-standing friends or former lover.

New bottles, especially open, symbolize pleasant dating and do not have anything obligatory communication. If you are aimed at a serious relationship, after such sleep, it is necessary to carefully select friends and avoid superficial personalities.

If the dream is filled with a romantic atmosphere, then the red wine acts as a symbol of love and passion. Made just a few sips? Relationships will develop gradually, moderately, but will be strong. Drank greedily, so that the red wine fastened the chin? Expect violent passions and stunning sexual adventures.

3. Beer.

1. Coffee

Drink in a dream is an excellent sign for people who are depressed or experiencing strength. Sleep denotes a quick exit from the crisis, a significant rise in energy, obtaining new features.

Especially favorable are dreams, in which you keep coffee grain in your hands, grind them and independently brew coffee in the Turk. Such a plot means that you have received a great influence and be able to pay any situation in your favor.

2. Tea

In a dream, tea sends attention to the soul, gaining peace and tranquility. Drink tea in a dream in the company of friends or strangers for working people reminds you to maintain social connections. Lonely people such a dream promises a quick acquaintance with a friend or future lover, and relationships will be built on trust and mutual understanding.

Spilling tea in cups means access to the distribution of goods. Many people need your help, and you can render it.

3. Milk

Dream Interpretation Indicates as a symbol of love between close relatives. Drink milk (especially pair), then it is soon to be at a family celebration or a pleasant time to spend time with the parent family. If you are gathered to visit relatives, it will be useful to prepare small gifts - and express your attachment and gratitude through the presents.

4. Blood

People are afraid of dreams, where they have to drink blood - the abundance of films for the vampire themes is affected. In fact, a similar symbol is not tired by anything terrible, on the contrary, testifies to updating the physical forces.

The most positive meaning of blood has for the ill people - probably the appointment of a new treatment, which will give excellent results or unexpected healing from long-suffering disease.

Dreams in which you quench thirst, most often carry a positive value. In real life, your problems will be solved, the situation is improved, communication with people will be easy and relaxed. Posted by: Ekaterina Volkov

I had to drink in a dream? It could become the result of a real thirst from overeating something salty. Interpreters of dreams see it in their own way.

Russian dream book

To see himself with wine - no one will appreciate the efforts.

Dream thirst for water - to improving the state of health.

Enjoying tea drinking - you can prepare for the receipt of joyful news.

Dream Culinary Dream

Drink good wine - to have rainbow perspectives with a well-secured future.

The vessel with a drink has a round shape and shines from purity - the opportunity to suddenly become a heir.

Hustling with thick drinks - to the deterioration of health.

Noble dream book

Drink and feel bitterness - the nearest profit will be essential.

What dreams of drinking birch juice? Soon you have to experience a feeling of jealousy. There are no reasons for her.

Drink grape juice - the tempting perspectives do not get too much.

Tea in a dream to drink - time to put in order not only your own home, but also relations with people.

Drink a cocktail - the next event will be successful.

Dairy drink - profit will be received, and the desire to come true.

Champagne is treated - successful thoughts should be implemented without thinking.

Drink sweet - it is worth the caution in communication. Loss and deception will be a lot.

Wine sweet drink - the fulfillment of dreams will happen soon.

Walk with friends vodka - to an awkward position, shame.

Thickness to Fall - minor errors will be committed. Everything is fixable.

Sonniest Medea

According to this dream book, drink clean water - it means to prepare for the emergency wedding.

To see yourself drinking milk is the need to obtain new knowledge to solve the problem.

Coffee drinks is a pleasant friendly meeting.

Drink alcohol - you should not wait for help from the outside. It is better to do all your own.

Newest dream book

Sold thirst with something sweet - the omen of the new short-term acquaintance.

Drinking juice is an indicator of the urgent desire of power.

Drink a drink from the bottle is a rejection of a patronage attitude towards yourself.

To see himself drinking alcohol to someone who does not drink - it is necessary to stop closing from problems. It is time to resolve them.

Lunar dream book

Testing severe thirst in a dream - something is expected to be troublesome.

Eastern Dream

Drinking water in a dream - the upcoming events will bring joy to the house.

Seeing drinking water - to a safe turn of the situation.

Drink water clean (for unmarried) - to strong family relationships.

Dirty water and drinking it - health is strongly shaken.

Dream of flowers

Kvass drink - a sign of good health.

Water to get drunk to failure - to life success. For a long time to drink - the path longer to him.

Clean water thorough thirst - to good and useful for others.

Esoteric dream book

To drink something transparent - the truth will soon open.

Dark drink in a glass - care of yourself, attempts by self-analysis.

Try the tasteless drink - reality will be replaced by illusions. Disappointment will become bitter.

Dream Sigmund Freud.

What a man dreams to drink? This manifestation of his insane desire to possess a woman.

A man drinks from the vessel - a desire concerns his beloved woman.

A man drinks from any source - the desire of sexual relationship with any woman.

A woman sees herself drinking water - wants to become a mother.

Woman drinks from the source - to the desire to have an experienced sexual partner.

From the palms of drinking - dissatisfaction with the partner.

Dream Khasse

Sold thirst for silver or gold cups - happy finals started.

Drink with someone from one glass - to share the secret that will become the general property.

Health Dream Interpretation

What dreams of drinking water crystal clear? To improved health.

Drink muddy water - to its deterioration.

Using liquids in a dream or to find next to them can carry absolutely different interpretations. It all depends on the type of fluid, the degree of thirst, the possibility or inability to drink it. After all, there is a big difference - drink a lot during sleep, little or not to do this at all.

The dishes from which moisture is consumed, its temperature and viscosity is alcohol in its composition, all this is also very important when interpretation. Remember, any item matters and follows after waking up as quickly as possible to fix all the smallest features of what has dreamed. Better even in writing. We will analyze the most common interpretations and analyze them.

Interpretation of water appearance in a dream

You can consider dreams as an esoteric, mystical point of view, as from the position of science and faith. In esoteric, such interpretations belong to dreams, where you can learn how the highest strengths speak with us. Science also implies psychoanalysis and studying the subconscious gusts that we motivate us on actions.

Interpretation of dreams

Popular dream Miller tells why it dreams to drink water. If it is clean and drink from any capacity (bottles, glasses, for example), it foreshadows the emergence of a great chance to strengthen its financial condition and climb on the social staircase. This is a harbinger of well-being and confidence in tomorrow. If it is dirty, muddy, it symbolizes the inner state of human state. He is inseparal in himself and his own future, his depression overfresses, but to overcome it to act.

No less famous Vanga. It pushes this: the purity of the liquid symbolizes the clarity of man's aspirations, and how it is dirtier, the more uncertain. Drinking a completely dirty, almost black liquid can also mean future health problems.

W. Idiom dreams There are several interpretations of various incidents, lunishing a dream. Here are some explanations for what dreams:

  • Drink a lot in a dream - a lot of empty, minor things, people and events around the person.
  • Drink boiling liquid or bleed it - swearing, discontent, quarrel, active labor activity.
  • The same, but with a cold - a sudden awareness of an unpleasant truth.
  • Burntless water is empty, ineffective conversations.

Female dream book Also draws attention to the purity of the liquid. So, if it is transparent, it means that a person will soon complete the majority, which was engaged in a long time. And if it drinks crystal clear water from an open source, rivers, for example, it speaks of his strong and strain body. Dirty and muddy water foreshadows the appearance in life gossip, robs, uncertainty in their own forces and surrounding people.

Antonio Meneghetti in sideways dream Interpret Indicates that drinking symbolizes the need for a person to be beloved with their relatives. That he seeks to establish his own business and develop, create a family and ensure it all necessary. If he drinks alcohol directly from the bottle, and even in the company, this expression of a subconscious protest against its parents, how they raise their child. This is a desire to prove to the world that he is already an adult, independent and consisted as a person.

IN dream Dreams It is said about the feeling of thirst and thickening her, self-take part speaks of future troubles and bustle, which is accompanied by them, but the thickening depends on the quality and nature of the fluid again. Pure - positive sign. Strengthening financial affairs, finding confidence in the future and the conclusion of important and profitable transactions is promoting such a dream. Dirty, muddy - to disease. The exception is the appearance of kvass in a dream. Then it is a harbinger of emergency recovery from the person who has persistent and strengthen the body.

Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.

According to Freud, water is a symbol of a person's sweaty desires, his sexual life. It personifies the vehicles of relationships, their frivolism. So, if a man sees himself in a dream with a bottle in his hands and drinking from her, he knows about his desire to change the partner. This is a sign that his view of sexual relationship is distinguished by rawness. This also says, for example, breading from an open stream - personality is not important, only the moment of communication is important, after which you can begin next partnership.

If the water that a man drinks, a woman comes from his hands, and endowed with a clear and familiar appearance in a dream, it means about the presence of strong attachment to her. He craves her, she manits and attracts, and without additional funds (love spells, potions) clearly did not cost. The situation is dangerous when the water does not quench your thirst at the same time, it can talk about developing a long time mental disabilities.

But if the girl drinks water in a dream, this is a sign more positive. He points to her desire to be cooled, create a family and give birth to a child to a person in which she is in love. A stream, as a source of moisture, suggests that its partner is more experienced in matters of love. If a woman uses instead of dishes for a set of water only his palms and absorbs water from them, it is unhappy with the temperament of his chosen one and, most likely, it is mutually, and therefore relationships are doomed. In a situation where you have to drink a lot of water in a dream, but the thirst is preserved, you can talk about the likely infertility of a woman seeing such a dream.

Vision of holy water

Because of its extraordinary properties, the appearance of holy water is a very strong symbol, and positive. This is a sign that the highest strength is favorable to the person, his affairs and endeavors.

If it dreams that man drinks it from any vessel or container, it is to health. A particularly strong sign - for people suffering from some disease, they can count on rapid recovery and strengthening the vitality. Holy Water also foreshadows long periods of calm and well-being in a person's life when around him the whole world is in harmony.

Total water values \u200b\u200bin a dream

Water - Merilo purity. She shows a man of his morality, the correctness of the views on life and others. Its appearance in a dream is always associated with signals, warnings about incorrect actions and harmful dating. Interpretations There is a lot.

One of the dreams stands quite apart. He is rare, but practically unmistakable. If you see in the dream of the great saints, they offer you water and you drink it, this is a very gloomy sign. He means a possible ambulance, your or someone from the closest people. But also warns that it is preventing it if you make enough effort.

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    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

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    Dream "Owoman"

    Dream book S. Karatov. For what dream Drink by dream InterT: Drink - If you dreamed, what you saw - You are waiting for problems. If a in snow you saw clean water - That you will be safe. If you have a dream saw dirty water - You will have health problems. In snow you drink Alcohol in order to cheer yourself? Fairly common is sleepwhen a person dream, what is he drink water or other drink and in no way not can get drunk. This is a clear symbol of thirst. Total fully

    Dream "Dreams"

    But if in snow human drink water, but in no way not can get drunk, there is no saturation feelings, then such a dream will tear failure in the affairs. If a person dreamed sleep, where is he drink And the dream is bad sense, you can make a rite. The next night after the dream, before laying on the bed, dial a glass of clean water and Put it under the bed, saying: " Voddych, water, take all trouble with me. ".

    Dream "Sonnik-Mira"

    Drink and not get drunk. Drink water Symbolizes the desire for strength, love, continuation of the kind. Man in snow not can get drunk, accordingly, means that he not can Quencing the data of the desire, something hurts him very much and it is necessary to try to overcome the obstacle. Small troubles will be present, but in the end everything will be resolved positively. Drink water From the crane. Total fully

    Dream "Dreams"

    If a dreamed drink in snowwhat is this sleep Warn it? Do not remember yet what dropped, sleep Do not merge. Drink in snow Milk - the family will be peace and lades dream drink in snow clean water? Water in snow already predicts that it will be faced with something unknown, frightening, but this unknown factor will not cause damage to health. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    For what dream get drunk - If a in snow you understand, what drink through force, then your emotional state is close to the nervous breakdown, you should relax. Why dream Get drunk by dream InterT: If you dreamed, what you drunk Dupean in a funny company - it is possible soon you will get sick. See also: what dream drink, for what dream Wine to what dream Vodka. Tile completely

    Dream "Magickum"

    Drink Delicious water in snow - To get something vital for you, extremely important. Execution of the cherished desire. water: pour, search, recruit, drink, pour, water, wear, give, ride, enter, go out, collect from the floor water and others ... pour or recruit, draw water in snow to profit and fulfillment of desires, to joy and well-being. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Interpretation sleep Water: You dreamed Water What is this - clean - to well-being, muddy - to the disease, dirty water - To a protracted disease. Slow dive B. water and Desire to get out from water - predicament in personal plan. What dream sleep: Dnahin which you drink lot watermean that you feel dry - without emotions, without feelings, without ideas, especially if in snow you not you can Quench thirst. Total completely

    Dream "Magickum"

    Drink Delicious water in snow - To get something vital for you, extremely important. Execution of cherished desire. Drink water With an unpleasant taste, poor smell or just muddy or dirty - to life tests and difficulties. Just as bad if the vessel with water with any flaws (subchalot, broken, with cracks and more).

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    Dreamed, what Do you want to drink but a glass with water Burlit, as if boils - you are awaiting a new happy stage in life, promises dream book Miss Hasse. Dream sleep, what You sell a lot of clean drinking water - Soon the boss will instruct you an important thing. Wide in snow, what There is a lot of water, and You are her drink until not drink - Be prepared for the fact that all your plans are executed on time and the way you wanted pleases the lunar dream book.Read completely

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    What means Drink in snow: You dreamed Drink What is this - the fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you drink Your favorite drink, and it brings you satisfaction. Dream book Catherine Great. What means in snow Drink - you drink water From a beautiful vessel - a secret love will not only take you joy, but also bring sorrows; The person who is deceived will wish to take revenge. Young woman dream, what she holds a vessel with clean waterbut for some reason not can out of him get drunk - This woman will try to draw a dubious enterprise; her ... read completely

    Dream Interpretation "Mirkosmosa"

    Drink why in snow dream. Good sleepEspecially if this symbol is associated with other life features. Drink milk, water, juice, good wine means the desire of love, strength, power. If a man drink Directly from the bottle - this reflects the unconscious desire to return to childhood when a person is protected and care about it. On the other hand, this image can reflect resistance to parents, friends and other people who want to treat you as a small child. Drink Alcoholic beverages most often symbolizes ...