Century Indian wisdom. Indian wisdom post

Prayer Apache:
"Looking at the past, I am filled with gratitude. Looking into the future, I am filled with a vision. Looking up, I am fulfilled by force. Looking inside, I find the world ..."

Not people splured the web of life, they are only threads in it. And all that they make this web, they make themselves. (Seattle, Indian Chief, 1854)

We are all - the children of one God. We all live under the same laws of nature. Cajoy human, Each animal, every plant, every insect, every bird - we are all the same in the eyes of God. Great mystery, teach me to respect everything created by you.
(Wallace Black Deer, Lakot Tribe Indian)

"We do not want churches, because they will teach us to argue about God."
-Indian leader of the XIX century

Indians Schuar love to repeat:
"If you feel that the hunt is too easy that the trace of the beast himself comes across to your feet, then know: the one who you have had a sacrifice already looks at your head."

Between the jump and flight is doubt. Jump with confidence, and you will find your wings.

The soul would not have a rainbow if the eye had no tears.

Man judges himself.

A good man sees good signs.

In order to understand about yourself, talk with a stone in the mountains ...

When the Great Spirit gives a new day, he sends it to everything.

He who is silent, knows twice as long than a bolt.

If you have noticed that you download on the dead horse - the slant!

The child is a guest in your house - feed, learn and let go.

Well-told word is better than a dead ax.

Life flows from the inside outside. Following this thought, you yourself will be the truth.

The soul will not be a rainbow if there was no tears in the eyes.

Ask a question from your heart, and hear the answer from the heart.

Speak with the children when they eat, and you say to you will remain, even when you leave.

Do not constitute people about their religion.

A person must make his arrows himself.

Before you love, learn to walk through the snow, not leaving traces.

A frog does not drink a pond in which he lives.

Inside each person there is a struggle of an evil wolf with good.
Always wins the wolf you feed.

If you talk to animals, they will talk to you, and you will learn each other.
If you are not talking to them, you will not recognize them, and what you do not know, you will be afraid.

* Those who lay down with dogs - get up with fleas.
* In order to hear yourself, you need silent days.
* "We need" - just die.
* If you have something to say, go to see you.
* Raven screams not because it foreshadows trouble, but because in the bushes of enemies.
* Do not judge a person until two moon passed in his moccasins.
* Not always the enemy is an enemy, and each other.
* Even the dead fish can sail downstream.
* There is no death. There is only the transition between the worlds.
* When you see that the rattling snake is preparing for impact - Bay first.
* When you tie a horse to the post, are you waiting for you that she feeds strength?
* W. white man Too many chiefs.
* A person must make his arrows himself.

Indian wisdom

When the last tree is fired when the last river is poisoned when the last bird is caught, - only then you will understand that the money cannot be there.

Love the Earth. She is not inherited by you at your parents, she is committed to you by your children.

What is a person without animals? If all the beasts are exterminated, the person will die of the great loneliness of the spirit. Everything that happens to beasts happens to a person.

Do not go behind me - maybe I will not lead you. Do not go ahead me - maybe I'm not afraid for you. Go nearby, and we will be one whole.

I suffer when I remember how much it was said good words And how many promises were broken. In this world they say too much those who have no right to speak at all.

No need a lot of words to tell the truth.

Why do you take the power of what you can't take love?

Letter of the leader of the Indian tribe

I don't care what you earn your life.
I want to know why your heart hurts. I don't care how old you are. I want to know if you can risk and look ridiculous for love, for the sake of dreams, for the adventures that people call life ...

I don't care, in which sign of the zodiac is the moon in your horoscope and what planets surround it. I want to know if you were able to know the grief, did you plunge the bottom of the sorrow. Did you survive and become a more open world thanks to betrayal or shuddered in fear of new pain? I want to know if you can withstand pain, my or your own, without hiding and not softening it, and not trying to fix it.

I want to know if you can live joy, mine or your own, can you be wild and dance like crazy. Can you be filled with ecstasy so that happiness hurt over the edge?

Can you forget about everything in the world, even that you are a man, even that you have to walk on earth? Can you fly?

I don't care whether your words are true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to follow the truth to be honest with you. Can you endure accusations in betrayal and do not betray yourself? Can you drink faith, stay to those who can be trusted?

I want to know if you can see the beauty every day in that ugly. Can you draw strength in her presence?

I want to know if you can live, realizing your defeat or mine, I don't care, and at the same time stand on the edge of the lake and screaming a huge silver moon: "Yes !!!".

I don't care where you live and how much money you have. I want to know if you maybe after night burning and despair, exhausted from tears and unbearable pain, stand up and do everything, what our children need?

I don't care with whom you are familiar and how I got here. I want to know if you can stand with me in the middle of the fire, not shifting.

I don't care what you know and who taught it to this. I want to know what fills you from the inside. What will remain when there is nothing?

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, do you like yourself in the reflection of emptiness?

Compiled by I. Putinseva.

To understand the Indians, read their worldship

"Extermining the herd of the Son of Prairies, using the land, where he hunted, the river where he caught fish, made it a stranger in his own country. The religious representations of the Indian were associated with the fact that he was surrounded; They were expressed in the deep reverence of the sky and land, trees and flowing waters. When he was settled out of what he merged with, his heart entered his heart. "
R. Edberg. Letters Columbus. M., 1986. P. 67.

Speech of the Indian leader Seattle in 1854
"Diary Great Leader from Washington notifies what wishes to buy our land. The Great Leader also sends us a message of friendship and goodwill. He is very kind, for we know that our friendship is too small fee for its location. However, we will think about your proposal, for you understand that if we do not sell the land, the palely will come with guns and will take it by force. How can you buy sky or heat earth? This thought is incomprehensible to us. If we do not dispose of the freshness of the air and water splashes, then how can you buy them with us? "

Tatanka Yothanka (sitting bull), Siou, 1831-1890
"I am a red man. If the Great Spirit wanted me to be a white man, he would make me first of all. He invested certain plans in your hearts, in mine he invested other and distinguished plans. Each person is good in its place. Orlam is not necessarily crowd. We are poor, but we are free. No white guides our steps. If we must die, we will die protect our rights. "

White cloud
When the last tree is cut, when the last river is poisoned when the last bird is caught, only then you will understand that you can't eat money.

In 1890, in the face of the inevitable need to go along the path of civilization of white people, the leader of the Sakhaptinov Sakhalla tribe said these words:
"You demand from me to steal the Earth. This is how: take a knife and pay your own mother? So when I die, she will not accept me in Lono and will not allow me to be restored in it. You demand from me to dig out the stones from the ground. This is how: do the mother's skin to get the bones? So, after death, I will not be able to enter her flesh to revive in it. You demand from me to mow the grass, dry hay, sell it and enriched, like a palenoles. But how dare I cut the hair from my own mother? "

Even more famous Words of the Seattle leader:
"... Earth is our mother. Everything that happens to the ground is happening with the sons and daughters of the Earth ... The land does not belong to us. We belong to the earth. We know it. All things are connected - like blood that connects the family ... We do not let the web of life - we are just woven into it. Whatever we make a web, we make ourselves. "

In turn, the Indians shocked the consumer attitude of whites to environment, Their deforestation of forests, soil disintegration, meaningless destruction of bison and other animals.
"Indians seemed that Europeans hate the nature itself - live forests with their birds and beasts, covered with grass valleys, water, soil, air", - notes Di Brown.

More French Jesuits in Canada, preaching among Gurons, Iroquois and Algonkins Word of GodThey noticed that, despite paganism (in a Christian understanding), the Indians are distinguished by the well-underlined religiosity, and not in the sense of strict observance of rites, but in the moral understanding of this word. The famous researcher of the family-tribal society Lewis Morgan, known for his works on the history and culture of the League of Iroquois, marks them the most interesting rite - Sanundhawat ("Collections for repentance"). He reports that before each religious holiday, Iroquois had a public confession ceremony. People gathered together, and everyone who wanted to confess, took the white vampum thread (a symbol of purity and truth), confessed in his sins and promised to correct.

Rules of Life - Sitting Bull, Sitle, White Cloud and other Indian leaders

No need a lot of words to tell the truth.

What is life?
This is a light light in the night. This is the breath of Bizon, when winter comes. This is a shadow that falls on the grass, and melting at sunset.

Love the Earth.
She is not inherited by you at your parents, she is committed to you by your children.

When the last tree is cut down,
When the last river is poisoned when the last bird is caught, - only then you will understand that the money can not eat.

In the first year of marriage
Newlyweds looked at each other and thought whether they could be happy. If not - they said goodbye and looking for new spouses. If they were forced to live together in disagreement, we would also be stupid as a white person.

You can not
Wake up a person who pretends that he sleeps.

The Great Spirit is imperfect.
He has a bright face and dark. Sometimes dark side gives us more knowledge than light.

Look at me.
I'm poor and goal. But I am a leader of my people. We do not need wealth. We just want to teach our children right. We want peace and love.

Even your silence
May be part of the prayer.

White man Zhaden.
In his pocket, he carries a canvas rag into which his nose is playing - as if it is afraid that he can unimpose and miss something very valuable.

We are poor
Because we are honest.

Knowledge is hidden in every thing.
Once the world was a library.

My son will never be engaged in agriculture.
The one who works on Earth does not see dreams, and wisdom comes to us in dreams.

We do not want churches,
Because they will teach us arguing about God.

When a person prays one day, and then sin six,
The Great Spirit is angry, and The evil spirit laughs.

Why take the power
What you can't make love?

Old time was wonderful.
The old men were sitting under the sun at the threshold of her house and played with children until the sun immersed them in Drema. Old men played with children every day. And at some point they simply did not wake up.

When legend dies
And the dream disappears, there are no greatness in the world.

What is a person without animals?
If all the beasts are exterminated, the person will die of the great loneliness of the spirit. Everything that happens to beasts happens to a person.

One "take" better
Two "I will give."

Don't go behind me
Maybe I will not lead you. Do not go ahead of me, perhaps I am not afraid of you. Go nearby, and we will be one whole.

True - this is
What people believe.

Even a little mouse
Has the right to rage.

I suffer when I remember how much good words said
And how many promises were broken. In this world they say too much those who have no right to speak at all.

Let my enemy be strong and terrible.
If I am afraid, I will not feel shame.

The one who tells stories rules the world.

Strive for wisdom, and not to knowledge.
Knowledge is the past. Wisdom is the future.

When you were born, you cried, and the world laughed.
Live so that, dying, you laughed, and the world cried.

The Indians of the 19th century said ...

When the legend dies and the dream disappears, there are no greatness in the world.
In order to hear yourself, you need silent days
Speak with the children when they eat, and you say to you will remain, even when you leave
There are many ways to smell skuns
Before you love, learn to walk through the snow, not leaving traces
First look at the traces of your moccasins before judging by the shortcomings of other people
White man has too many chiefs
Child - Guest in your house - Feed, learn and let go
One who is silent knows twice as bigger than the talker
Even the dead fish can be saved
The soul will not be a rainbow if there was no tears in the eyes
Do not judge a person until two moon passed in his moccasins.
There is no death. There is only a transition between worlds
Well-told word better than a dropped ax
If you have something to say, go up to see you
Those who fall with dogs - get up with fleas
Inside each man is coming Fighting an evil wolf with good. Always wins the wolf that you feed

Mythology Indians
In the Indians of Central America, the main place in mythology was the myths about the emergence of fire and the origin of people and animals. Later in their culture, the myths about Cayman - the patron of food and moisture and good spirits of plants appeared, as well as myths inherent in all types of mythologies - about the creation of the world.
When the Indians began to widely use the culture of Mais widely in agriculture, the myths about the Supreme Women's Divine appeared - "goddess with braids." Interestingly, the goddess has no name, and its name is assumed only conditionally, being an exemplary translation. The image of the goddess combines the representation of the Indians about the spirits of plants and animals. The "goddess with braids" is simultaneously personification and land, and sky, and life and death.

After fundamental discoveries in psychology and sociology, interest in the culture of Indians rapidly increased interest. French anthropologists Levi-Bruhl and Levi Strauss through the prism of the Indians examined the consciousness modern man. Karl Gustav Jung and his followers (Joseph Campbell) was engaged in the study of the subconscious and archetypes on the basis of Indian myths. Most of all, researchers of narcotic states of Grof, Castaneda and others were made to popularize Indian culture. On the wave of the psychedelic revolution, interest in traditional cultures of Indians, where hallucinogens were widely used, increased significantly.
North American Indians, as a source of images, greatly influenced the romantic direction in literature and cinema. Thanks to artistic books and films about them, the average European people know about the Indians much more than such tribes of Africa, Asia, Oceania.

Fairy tales of the Cheroka Indians
(c) *** Jes 2003 *** Yuri Shimanovsky
How the Milky Way appeared.
A long time ago, when the stars in the sky were quite small, Melnik lived in the country of the smoking mountains. All his life he is MOLOL grain, and sold the resulting flour, thus earning a means of existence.
In one autumn day, he found that someone kidnapped some flour from the repository. Melnik was surprised and alarmed. He knew for sure that no one in the village was a thief.
Carefully examined it storage, house, paths leading to the house and found a trace on one of them huge PSA. Man was very frightened. Himward in life he did not meet such big dogs. He spent the rest of the day in anxious thoughtsBut so nothing and did not invent lay down.
In the morning of the next day, he and horror saw that the flour was stolen again. And nearby traces of the same monster. Then he went to the council of the agers, asking for help. One after another participants of the Council performed with their own thoughts, but all the proposals were reduced to the fact that you need to attack the PSA and kill. Melnik was decisively against, for it would be riding madness to attack the dog, which was undoubtedly from the other world.
Then the last of the elders rose and said: "You can't kill PSA. Suppose that it is so. But you can scare, and he will forever forget the road to our village. Let's do this. Let all the inhabitants of the village hide near the house where Melnik lives . Let everyone grab a drum with me, a rattle or something else that can sound loud. When the dog appears, we will light torches and arrange such noise that it is scared and run away. " Has Tom and shaved.
But when the stars became bright, and the moon did half of his way through the heavenly arch, people saw a huge dog. He walked from the West. Moonlight played his lumpy wool. The beast came to the repository and began to devour flour.
At this moment torches broke out. People who jumped out from everywhere were scored in the drums, raised the stringents, shouted, flooded. In a word, such a noise was arranged that it seemed that the thunderstorm was raised in the country of the smoking mountains.
The dog has noticed in the illuminated circle, looking for exit. What people fell, squeezing the ring. Then he sat down, squeezed as a spring and rushed straight into the sky. The dog was even higher and higher, scattering the stolen flour until I was hiding out of the eyes. And the scattered flour is already visible. White call it " Milky Way", And the Cherokee Indians - Gil Lutsun become, which means" where the dog escaped. "

Revenge of the rattle snake.
This story happened in those no longer when people could understand the language of animals.
Children played not far from their home, while their mother had trouble ambitious. Suddenly, the children began to call for help. Mother came out for the threshold and saw a rattle snake crawled out of the bushes. A woman raised a stick and killed a snake.
Father of the family that day hunted in the mountains and was already returned home. When darkness covered the mountain gorge, the hunter heard a strange howling sound, distributed from all sides. He looked around and discovered with horror, which is surrounded by many rat snakes, which pulled out heads up and seemed to cry.
- What trouble did you have? - The hunter was surprised.
- Today your wife killed our leader, a yellow snake, "answered him," and now we send a black snake to accomplish the retribution.
"It's terrible," said man. - I'm sorry that your leader died. Forgive us, please.
- If you speak from a pure heart, help us. Hich is not particularly necessary. We just take the life of your wife in exchange for the life of our leader. "I agree while the man thought," and there will be visible. After all, if I refuse, they will kill me right here. "
"Good," he said, "what do you want from me?"
"Go to the family," snakes stuck, "the black snake will accompany you." When you enter the house, he hides in the darkness of the threshold. Ask a wife to bring you water from the stream. That's all that is required.
The hunter went home, hearing as black snakes invisibly flows over. He returned to the post, but his wife waited for him. Man sat down and asked to drink. The wife filled the cup of jug.
"He's," said the hunter, "I want fresh water from the stream."
"Good," the woman replied, "and went beyond the threshold.
The next moment there was a cry and, jumping out, the hunter saw that his wife was lying on the ground, branched by a rattle snake. Soon she died.
Then the bushes at home moved and from there again crawling black snakes.
"This is not all, a man," he stuck, "listen, remember."
And he sang a strange song.
"This is a prayer," Snake said, finishing to sing, "Let the people sing this song from now on, envy the rattle snake." Then they will not be touched. In addition, if by mistake someone from the snake will bite a person, please this prayer over the victims and it will not die.
Many centuries have passed since these events occurred. What the Cherokee still remembers the song of the Black Snake.

Why is the bald tail in opossum.
Previously, the tail of the opossum was beautiful and fluffy. It was such a magnificent tail in his perfection that ointment in the morning sang songs and dance. Most of all it was irritated to a rabbit, who did not have a tail at all, after his bear was pulled out. And from the envy rabbit, I decided to play with an ozosyum the joke.
Sometimes a universal meeting was announced in the forest, with a mandatory appearance of all animals. At the end, it was supposed to hold an unofficial part and dancing. Recove the beasts about the preparing event asked the rabbit.
"He forget to come," he threw, run past the dwelling of the oxus.
"I will come," the opossum answered, "but with one condition." Proskai give me a special place. Since I have a truly magnificent tail, I need to plant so that all the animals see him.
The rabbit promised to dispose on this matter and even suggested sending someone that the tail was prepared properly. Oposatsum was flattered and agreed.
The rabbit was satisfied with his idea to crank, which was so knowledgeable in the art of hair removal from the body, that a "hairdresser" clicked behind him. The rabbit explained the task curtain and poisoned on his affairs.
In the morning of the next day, the cricket came to the possum and offered to take care of the tail. Namely wrap it with a fine thread so that until the evening the tail God forbid on the dirty and did not remember. Oposatum stretched out on Earth and closed his eyes, providing cricket to do its job. And he took up work. With each turn of the thread, the cricket flick the hair on the tail, and I did it so skillfully that the o'clock did not notice anything.
Having come to the meeting, the opossum with satisfaction took a special place, which, as the rabbit promised, was allocated. When hemnelted, dance began. Oposatum came out on a prominent place and thorn the thread from the tail sang the song "Look at my tail." The audience met a song with an extraordinary revival. All darned around the oxus. Inspired by he signed the song "Wonderful Tail Color". In response, there was a thunder of applause. "And how my tail is hardened on the ground" - sang opossum. Ovation rattling around. Hound the tail of the opossum has not attracted such attention. "What a wonderful fur" - I dug apice. And then he realized that noise around was just a gomeric laughter. He glanced down and saw that his tail was bald like a lizard. Hi one hairs.
Silently, the opossum left the dances and rode for a long time in the powerless malice. So he comes to this day, when he doesn't like something.

Warning of grasshopper.
Two hunters stopped in the forest for the night. They divided the fire, put a tent, dinner. When it was completely dark near the grasshopper.
- Listen, - Laughing one hunter said to another, "there was still an abnormal to live until the autumn, and he sings himself, and does not even know.
"I know everything - Suddenly said the grasshopper." - I even know what you will not live to tomorrow's evening.
The next day the hunters got into an enemy ambush and the one who laughed at the grasshopper was killed.

Enchanted lake Atagahi.
The West from the River Osaluft, in the heart of the Great Swirling Mountains lies enchanted lake of wondrous beauty. All the cunes know about this lake, although none of the people have seen him.
It happened, another hunter approached him so closely that he heard the noise of thousands of nesting wild ducks. What happens every time, coming to the place where the lake was just that, a man found only a dry, cracked bottom. Hy birds are not even grass animals.
Since no one seen the lakes, some people claim that he was not. This is not true. It is said that if you spend the night nearby, it can be seen early in the morning. The lake will appear to your eyes in the first rays of the Sun, filled with grained mountain streams. Water tends to fish, and the surfaces of wild ducks and pigeons are squeezed above the surface. At the shore you will see a lot of animal trop.
Water of this lake medical for animals. It is worth a bear, a rhenium hunter, enter the water, as it instantly recovering.
And just for this reason, the beasts hide the lake from people.

About how the crane competed with the hummingbird.
Crane and hummingbirds fell in love with the same girl. She, in general, preferred hummingbirds, which was as beautiful as crane awkward. But the latter was persistent, and in order to get rid of his claims, the girl put the condition - let both opponents arrange competitions at the flight speed. For the winner, she will marry. Hummingbird was rapidly like zipper, and crane is hard and nervy. Therefore, I thought the girl, the hummingbird will undoubtedly defeat and everything will look fairly. Only one she did not know. Crane can fly at night.
We decided so. Rivals start from the house of the bride, fly around the world and returned to the starting point. The one who arrives first, marries the girl.
At the signal, the hummingbird broke out like an arrow released from Luke, and in an instant disappeared from the eye. The crane at this time only laying the wings and was seriously broken from the ground. Hummingbird flew all day, and closer in the late afternoon he stopped for the night. He was far ahead.
The crane is not in a hurry flew all day and all night. Shortly after midnight, he passed the sleeping hummingbird, and closer to the morning he stopped relaxing at the stream.
In the morning, the hummingbird woke up and went on, reflecting on how easily he would win his clumsy opponent. Flying over the stream, he was in amazement discovered the crane, eating tadpoles for breakfast. Hummingbirds, and without realizing how it could happen, rushed further and soon was far ahead.
The crane finished the meal and went on the road. When the evening came, he continued to fly and proceeded by the opponent's sleeper on the branches exactly at midnight. Hasavtra he won a little more in the distance, and on the fourth day he had already eaten tadpoles for lunch when the hummingbird overtook him. In the fifth and sixth day, the hummingbirds arrived late in the evening. The seventh day crane was ahead for one night of the flight.
Having rehearsed in the morning of the casuals and restfully resting he flew to the point of the start, where the girl was waiting. Arriving in the afternoon of Hummingbird saw that he lost.
The girl announced that he would never marry such a bore as a crane. In addition, she generally changed his mind to marry.

Why does the bald head scroll.
Once upon a time there was a handsome shuffling on the head of the contingent. There is a handsome one that the trafficker from Pride refused to eat Padal along with others. And when the other birds roared the body of the deceased deer, a boar or some other beast, the vulture proudly looked around and said:
- He's, my friends, such food is not for me. And you eat, eat. In the end, the birds are tired of the birds, and the pride decided to teach. They conspired with the buffalo and he pulled out his tuple, and for one and all feathers on his head.
Together with the Khokholki, the vulture lost and a sense of pride. Now he is not bent there is Padal along with others.

Of all this incomplete information, the most obvious conclusion is suggested:
Indians were not godless savory, as the English colonists claimed. They had their own culture, religion, their vocation and worldview, close connection with nature. They loved and were loved, they loved wives and children, respected old men and honored the earth.

In terms of moral and spiritual development, the Indians clearly much further ahead of not only their colonists, but also people of modern time, where they still can not learn to live in peace, to honor the land, to protect nature, where profits, burn, constant lies and empty promises Much more important than love for the surrounding. In the world where there is no honor and dignity, in such a world there can be no truth and greatness.
"Don't you think so?

"Love the Earth. She is not inherited by you by your parents, she is committed to you by your children. "

"In the first year of marriage, newlyweds looked at each other and thought whether they could be happy. If not - they said goodbye and looking for new spouses. If they were forced to live together in disagreement, we would also be stupid as a white person. "

"Strive to wisdom, and not to knowledge. Knowledge is the past. Wisdom is the future. "

"We do not want churches, because they will teach us to argue about God."

"One" take "is better than two" I will give "."

"Do not need many words to tell the truth."

"A good man sees good signs."

"The one who is silent knows two times more than the talker."

"First look at the traces of your moccasins before judging by the shortcomings of other people."

"Before you love, learn to walk through the snow, not leaving traces."

"There is no death. There is only the transition between the worlds. "

"Those who fall with dogs - get up with fleas."

"As the deft should be white, if they can make the correct looking as incorrect, and incorrect looking as correct."

"My son will never deal with agriculture. The one who works on Earth does not see dreams, and wisdom comes to us in dreams. "

"What is life? This is a light light in the night. This is the breath of Bizon, when winter comes. This is a shadow that falls on the grass, and melting at sunset. "

"When the last tree is cut, when the last river is poisoned when the last bird is caught, - only then you will understand that the money cannot be there."

"The Great Spirit is imperfect. He has a bright face and dark. Sometimes the dark side gives us more knowledge than light. "

"Knowledge is hidden in every thing. Once the world was a library. "

"In order to hear yourself, you need silent days."

"In order to understand about yourself, talk with a stone in the mountains ...".

"If you noticed that I download on the dead horse is the Slage!".

"When the Great Spirit gives a new day, he sends it to everything."

"Look at me. I'm poor and goal. But I am a leader of my people. We do not need wealth. We just want to teach our children right. We want peace and love. "

"When you tie a horse to a pole, are you waiting for you that she feeds the power?".

"Do not constitute people about their religion."

"Even your silence can be part of the prayer."

"Why do you take the power of what you can't take love?".

"There are many ways to smell skuns."

"Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I can not remember, attract me to participate - and I will understand."

"I need" - just to die. "

"The old time was wonderful. The old men were sitting under the sun at the threshold of her house and played with children until the sun immersed them in Drema. Old men played with children every day. And at some point they just did not wake up. "

"When a legend dies and a dream disappears, there are no greatness in the world."

"NOT go behind me - maybe I will not lead you. Do not go ahead me - maybe I'm not afraid for you. Go nearby, and we will be one whole. "

"True is what people believe."

"Even a small mouse has the right to rage."

"I suffer when I remember how much good words have been said and how many promises were broken. In this world, too much they say those who have no right to speak at all. "

"He who tells stories, rules the world."

"Water has no hair."

"The frog does not drink a pond in which it lives."

"The wind, who gave our grandfathers to our grandfathers, receives and their last sigh, and the wind should also give our children the Spirit of Life."

"I come to you as one of your children."

"I need your strength and wisdom."

"Make me strong not to exalt over my brother, but for victory over my greatest enemy - yourself."

"I was on the edge of the earth. I was on the edge of the waters. I was on the edge of the sky. I was on the edge of the mountains. "

"I did not find anyone who would not be my friend."

"If you have something to say, climb to see you."

"Raven screams not because it foreshadows trouble, but because in the bushes of the enemies."

"Remember that the person is also an animal, only smart."

"Do not judge a person until two moon passed in his moccasins."

"A person must make his arrows himself."

"White man has too many chiefs."

"In total in the world - its own song."

"I need a beauty, under me - beauty. And when I abandon your body - I will also go to the beauty trail. "

"The baby is a guest in your house - foams, learn and let go."

"Ask a question from your heart, and you will hear the answer from the heart."

"Speak with children when they eat, and what you say will remain, even when you leave."

"When you see that the rattling snake is preparing for a blow - Bay first."

"You can't wake up a person who pretends that he sleeps."

"White man Zhaden. In his pocket, he carries a canvas rag into which his nose is playing - as if it is afraid that he can unimpose and miss something very valuable. "

"We are poor, because we are honest."

"When a person prays one day, and then sinful six, the Great Spirit is angry, and the evil spirit laughs."

"Well-told word is better than a dropped ax."

"Even the dead fish can be saved for the flow."

"The soul will not be a rainbow if there was no tears in the eyes."

"Life flows from the inside outside. Following this thoughts, you yourself will be the truth. "

"Everything on Earth has its own goal, each disease is a medicine that treats it, and every person is a purpose."

"What is a person without animals? If all the beasts are exterminated, the person will die of the great loneliness of the spirit. Everything that happens to beasts happens with a person. "

"Let my enemy be strong and terrible. If I am afraid, I will not feel shame. "

"If you speak with owls or snakes, they will talk to you, and you will learn each other. If you are not talking to them, you will not recognize them, and what you do not know, you will be afraid. The man destroys what is afraid. "

"Homeland where you are good."

"It's not always the enemy is an enemy, but with each other."

"When you were born, you cried, and the world laughed. Live so that, dying, you laughed, and the world was crying. "

"Sometimes dreams are wiser than awakening."
(Black deer Hekheka Sap, announced)

"Everyone has a song. God gives a song to each of us. That's where we know who we are. Our songs tell us who we are. "
(Charlie Knight, Utah)

"You will return to you just what you gave."

(John (Fire) Chrome Deer, Rosbad Lakota)

(Don Talaine, Hopi)

(Fuls Crow, Lakota)

"To tell the truth, many words are not required."
(Leader Joseph, Ne Perse)

"Vedi simple lifeBecause the more you get it, the harder it becomes. "
(Joe Koyakhis, Stockbridge Mansi)

"Everything is interconnected. Whatever happens to the Earth, it will happen to the children of the Earth. "
(Chief of Seattle, Sukvamis and Duvamis)

"... wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start to live sincerely as the creator intended for you."
(Llaia Fisher, Hech)

"If you are concerned about, go and sit at the river. And the current water will take your concern about. "
(Joe Koyakhis, Stockbridge Mansi)

"I don't like anyone when it is criticized, but the criticism can be something like wind in the desert, which having enraged on the gentle stems, makes them grow root for safety."
(Polynegiji Quaya, Hopi)

"Do not be afraid to cry. It will free your mind from sad thoughts. "
(Don Talaine, Hopi)

(Tatanya Mani (going Bison), Stone)

"The most important thing you can do during the day is to pray."
(Joe Koyakhis, Stockbridge Mansi)

(Wallace Black Deer, Lakota)

"Times change, and the principles are not. Times are changing, but there are no land. Times change, and our culture and our language remain the same. That's what you need to take care. The point is not how you dress up - the matter is in your heart. "
(Oren Lyons, Onondaga)

"Honor of the people lies in the traces of a woman's moccasin. Go good dear ... Be executive, respectful, soft and modest, my daughters ... Be strong warmth, strong in the heart of the Earth. No people fall until his women become weak until they stop respecting them, or until they lie dead on earth. Be strong and picked about strength Great Power within you around you. "
(Rustic Sage, Siou)

"Than smart man, the more he needs God that he defend him from the thought that he knows everything. "
(George VEBB, Pima)

"Love is what you can leave after yourself when you die. So it is strong. "
John (Fire) Chrome Deer, Rosbad Lakota

"Wisdom comes only when you stop chasing it and you begin to live as the Creator intended for you."
Lelia Fisher, Hech

"Silence is absolute sustainability or balance of the body, mind and spirit."
Charles Eastman (Ohayees), Santi Siu

"You can't just sit down and talk about truth. So it does not work. You must live her and be part of her, and then you can learn it. "
Rolling thunder, cherokee

"Even the seasons form a great circle with their changes, and always return to their place. A person's life is a circle of childhood by childhood, and so with everything that the power is moving. "
Black deer (HEKHAKA SAPA), announced this

"The way we go through life is the most meaningful responsibility Every person, and we must remember this with each new dawn. "
Thomas Yellow Tail, Crow

"Everything is very simple, and we all complicate. That is why we go to a dead end. "
Viki Downey, Teva / Tekhek Pueblo

"We must again learn to cry. Strong man Crying, this weak man holds back its tears. "
Archie Fire Chrome Deer, Lakota

"... you must first believe. Do not wait until you see first, then you touch and then believe ... you have to say it from the bottom of my heart. "
Wallace Black Deer, Lakota

"You can pray about everything you want, but it is always better to pray for others, and not about yourself."

"Running to create empires and racial superiority, we should stop and listen to the song of women's life. Since there is no life without women. "
Oren Lions, representative of the traditional circle of elders

"In fact, everything is equal. The creator looks at me any better than he looks at these trees. We are equal to it. "
Janice Sunny Sunset Hattet, Seneca

"The spiritual things are difficult to explain because they need to live them to completely understand them."
Thomas Yelloteil, Crow

"Unlike things are connected together and create something excellent and integer."
Nippavanok, Arapakho

"We all take place from the same root, but all the leaves are different."
John Fire Chrome Deer, Lakota

"All stones around, each of them, have their own language. Even the earth has a song. "
Wallace Black Elk, Lakota

"If the Great Spirit wanted people to stand in one place, he would have done the world fixed; But he made it constantly changing ... "
Chief flying hawk, I called this

"For me if you are Indian, then you are Indian. You do not have to dress in the skins, beads, feathers and everything else. "
Cecilia Mitchell, Mokhok

"The hunter does not achieve success through his great skill, and through knowing his place in the creation and its connection with all things."
Thomas Yelloteil, Crow

"We have an old statement: everything that lives must die. Only stones and mountains are eternal. "
Archie Fire Chrome Deer, Lakota

"While in the forest, you can't get lost. You are surrounded by friends and God. "
Joe Koyakhis, Stockbridge-Mansi

"Do not be sad. Misfortunes happen to the wise and best of people. Death will come, always despite the time of year. This is a decree of the Great Spirit and all nations and people should obey. About what has passed and what it is impossible to avoid cannot be sad ... "
Big Deer, Omaha Chief

"My friends, how much we need to love us and to love us."
Leader Dan George, Skokomisk

"Life is like a trail ... And we all have to go through it ... Going ... We gain the experience that is similar to the shreds of paper abandoned before us on the road. We must raise these pieces and put in your pocket ... Then, one day, we have a sufficient number of paper shoes to fold them together and see what they say ... Read the knowledge and take them to heart. "
Uncle Frank Davis (from the words of his mother), Powney

"This is a paradox modern MiraWith our wishes of the world, we must readily pay themselves. "
Linda Hogan, Chicaso

"The best teachers showed me that things should be done gradually. Nothing happens quickly - we just think that it happens. "
Joseph Brais, Abenaki

"The more faith, the greater the result."
Fuls Crow, Lakota

"Those who live for each other are comprehended that love is the bonds of perfect unity."
Fuls Crow, Lakota

"All given to you. Your trail is right in front of you. Sometimes it is not visible, but she is here. You can not know where it leads, but still you have to follow her. This is a trail to the creator. This is the only existing trail. "
Leon Shenandoa, Onondag

"Many people are unlikely to feel true land Under your legs, see plants growing, except in flower pots, or are far enough away from street lights to catch the charm of the night sky in the stars. When people live distant from the places created by the Great Spirit, they are easy to forget his laws. "
TATANGA MANI (Running Bison), Stone

"We all start thinking about a newly, that there is good in us - we will leave the past in the past - and continue the possibilities of the present!"
Howard Rainer, Taos Pueblo / Creek

"We create evil among us. We create it; And then try to call him the devil, Satan, evil. But it creates a person. The devil is not. A person creates a devil. "
Wallace Black Deer, Lakota