Water boilers. Species, specifications of water boilers

16789 About the Union of the Sovietological Provisional Principal Diagnosed from Avt. Certificate781789 / 29 declared 05.7.19 CL. 13 A, 19.1 PCs g 226Udk 621.18 (088.8 Rioritetpotted 05, Commissioning for admirations of the CSS, 1965, Bulletin3 TA PUBLIC OF DESCRIPTION 13.17.965 ON GRAY NO TRAINT BL BH 1 LOMAKINA TYPE TG Cat Tical Pipes; resting for unheated The lowering pipe 7, coming from the upper reservoir of the left half of the heating surfaces into the lower collector of the right half of the convective surfaces. The upper collector of the right half of the convective part is connected to the bottom collector of a non-heated insulated pipe 8, to collective meters, attaching a rhenium of the boiler. The ceiling screen 10 consists of straight pipes. Horizontal pipes are attached to the vertical front collectors, the vertical surfaces of the furnace and the rotary chamber are attached, and the shielding of the lower part of the furnace to the height of the separation wall between the furnace and the coppecuitive chamber (to the rotary chamber) is made by pipes covering perimeter. that PKI, and the screening of the top of the furnace and the rotary chamber is made by pipes 12, covering the perimeter of the furnace of the rotary chamber (the perimeter of the entire boiler). Convective heating surfaces consist of pipe beams 13 attached to the convective part stands. The DPIS HOMPPA L% of the addition is the application-known boilers transportable water heating with screens from pipes, including the furnace, rotating chamber and the convective part, as well as the smelting, made, for example, from a leaf refractory material LA, thermal insulation materials and elastic; plaster fixed on the boiler Bundage mi. The purpose of the invention is to reduce the weight of the collectors and thereby reduce the specific consumption of 10 metal. It is achieved by the fact that in the proposed pipe pipe the screens are located horizontally in height: at the bottom of the boiler, to the rotary chamber around the perimeter of the furnace, and above - along the perimeter of the entire boiler. In order to provide the necessary speed of movement, the boiler is made with a variable cross section in depth. The drawing shows the boiler, a longitudinal cut. The 20NG-based collectors 1 of the boiler, interconnected, are the support frame, front vertical collectors 2 screens and risers 3 of the convective part of the boiler are connected to the bottom collectors, the front collector 4 of the ceiling screen is connected to the upper ends of 25 collectors. The upper collectors of 5 convective surfaces are connected to the convective part risers, the rear collector of the ceiling screen is attached to the fare, separated by the internal partitions on the individual kainnings, on the screensy, the skeleton of the boiler, consisting of pipes of large diameter - collectors, risers and squeezing pipes , It is a solid spatial system and is designed to carry a load from screens, convective surfaces and irrigation. When laying with a removal of combustion products down to increase the heat transfer coefficient in the convective part of the boiler. It is filled with an extended in front. Hubmock 14 of the boiler consists of a futtering layer, for example, from a heat-resistant asbestos cement, the heat insulating layer, for example, from slags, and elastic plaster on the grid. So that the icon is not collapsed from concussions during transportation, it is tightened by bandages attached to the lower frame of the boiler. For the distribution of tightening force under bandages, the rails are placed, which simultaneously fix the layers of heat-insulating materials and prevent them from sedimentation, tracking and loss of heat insulating properties. In the cutting of the boiler there are viewing windows 15 for monitoring the combustion process and removable insulated panels 1 B, removing which, You can inspect the convection surfaces of the heating. For the inspection of the screen surfaces during the stop of the boiler in the firebox penetrate through the ambrusuras for burners. Explosive valves 17 are installed in, the upper part of the boiler. The flowable consumption of metal and the weight of the boiler are the smallest compared to other known boilers of the same performance. Due to the sufficiently high speeds and the lack of lowering water in surfaces of surfaces, as well as a good mixing of heated water in collectors, boiling water in certain sections of the boiler and the associated hydraulic blows and fusing of pipes, as well as the internal corrosion of pipes during deaeration of water is not observed. Devices for The removal of air from the boiler is installed on the upper collectors of the ceiling screen and the upper collectors of the convective part. Circulation circuit in the boiler, if necessary, can be changed, directing cold water from the return highway of the heat supply system or first to the screens, and then into convective surfaces, or vice versa. It is possible to include the convective part and between the screens. The constructing of the boiler allows you to create a coating hot or superheated water driving water-producing hot or overheated water from 1 to 15 Gcal (hour, such boilers can be used in boiler houses for heat supply. Boilers are heplerproducts. Repes 3 Gcal (hour It can also be used as mobile. It is fully drained completely and the most suitable for the female and semi-open installations. All 20 boiler maintenance is carried out from the front. Fullness The assembled boiler are delivered to the place of installation by rail or on the trailer, 25 will be inventions1. Water-heating boiler type TG with screens from pipes, including furnace, swivel chamber and convective part, as well as an intimidation, made, for example, from a sheet refractory material, thermal insulation materials and 35 elastic plasters fixed on the boiler by bandages, characterized in that, in order to reduce The weights of the collectors and reduce the specific consumption of metal, the pipes of the boiler screens are located horizontally through you honey, at the bottom - to the rotary chamber along the perimeter of the furnace, and above - along the perimeter of the entire boiler. 2. The boiler according to claim 1, characterized in that, in order to create the necessary velocity of hazov, it is made with a variable in its depths of the cross section. 367890). Kurilko Corrector VP, Fomi Order 677/6 Circulation 475 Format Boom, 60 (901 /, volume 0.24 ed. L. Price 5 kopecks. TsNIIP State Committee for Inventions and Opening of the USSR Moscow, Center, PR, Serov, D, 4Ipography, Ave. Sapunov, 2


Those whip Kaya, V. V. Lomakin

MPK / Tags

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Boiler Water-Heating Transport Lomakin TG TG

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8, clamping the furnace together with the rotary chamber around the perimeter in the horizontal projection of the boiler. In order for the gas from the furnace to fall into a convective mine, without washing the upper sections of the convective surfaces, the rear firebox formed by the pipes, shielding the walls of the lower part of the furnace, you . Mounted with a gas-tight. Tubes 9 are attached to the top horizontal collector 4, shielding the ceiling of the furnace and the rotary chamber with its horizontal sections, and the ends of which are attached to the rear cross collector of the supporting frame, - a back of the wall of the convective mine of the boiler. In the fuel combustion boilers It is difficult to remove sticky sediments of the supply of convective surfaces, the ceiling above the convective ...

COLLOIDPS alkaline part of the wastewater at 4 wind-time neutralization of the entire volume to a neutral reaction. The supports are carried out as follows. The space formed during the purification of the casting surfaces of the metals is separated by two streams, one of which is injected with sulfuric acid to pH not more than 3.5 Stir, after which they mix with the second stream with pH 9.5, bringing the reaction of the medium to pH 6.5 - 7.0. Water defend and separate the precipitate. NOTE WATER WITH RUSSION. The solid phase of the solid phase of SM g / l, the pH of which is 9.5, is divided into two streams, one of which is 0.5 - 0.7 from the total, a certain amount of sulfuric acid is introduced into the specified thread, after which it is mixed with the stream, pH which is 9.5 to pH of the mixture of 6.5 - 7.0. After that, water ...

The cuts of the set of parallel slots in 5 les from stainless steel sheets with subsequent hood. This sheet material for the transformation of these slots into small, mainly square holes, 20 The device works with the following images, the drum 1 is lowered into a liquid contaminated with oil 14. With a rotation of Barabharan 1 captures the surfaces of the surface in the opening of the oil, the volume 13 of oil 14 The metal mesh and the surface of the water is partially tightened into the axial assembly chamber 3, after which it moves in the direction of the device 8. The assembledNEFT is held on the site by interfaces of the metal grinder to upward turbulent fluxes, which are created when moving ...

1. Water boilers
1.1. Watery steel boilers
1.1.1. Steel Water Heating Boilers Automated Type Urals
1.1.2. Steel boiler water-type type "NIISU-5"
1.1.3. Steel boilers Water-type type "VK-3"
1.1.4. Steel boilers Water Heating tube-tube types EUVK
1.1.5. Boilers Water Heating Tube Types
1.1.6. Steel boilers Water heating tube-tube type
1.1.7. Steel boilers Water-type type "Bezhnitsa"
1.1.8. Steel boilers Water-type Kva-Ee
1.1.9. Heating boilers Steel Water Heating Automated Types of KSVA and KSVAU
1.1.10. Water heating boilers type "Bratsk-M" with mechanical furnace
1.1.11. Steel boilers Water-type type "Desna"
1.1.12. Steel Water Heating Boats Sarzem (Industrial)
1.1.13. Water boilers for burning solid fuel
1.1.14. Water boilers for burning liquid and gaseous fuels
1.1.15. Steel boilers Water-type KV-G (SV-GM, KV-G)
1.1.16. Steel boiler Water type KSWM-1,16K "VK-6"
1.1.17. Steel Water Heat Boilers automated type "VK-21", "VK-22", "VK-34", "VK-31"
1.1.18. Steel boilers Water-type type "Smolensk", "Dnipro", "Dorudobuzh" and KV-R
1.1.19. Steel boilers Water-type types of energy
1.1.20. Steel boiler Water type TG-3-95 Ing. Lomakina
1.2. Water iron boilers
1.2.1. Cook-iron boiler Water heating with manual furnace type KVC-0,43K
1.2.2. Cartoon boilers Water heating more than 100 kW
2. Steam boilers
2.1. Steam boilers for burning liquid and gaseous fuels
2.2. Steam boilers for solid fuel combustion
2.3. Steam boilers for burning non-traditional fuels (Luzga, Wood waste, milling peat)
2.4. Steam boilers (drawings)
2.5. Heating boilers Steel steam types KPA
2.6. Steam boilers
2.7. Steam boilers
2.8. Beam steam boilers
2.9. Coppers steam-tube-tube types KPJ
2.10. APB-3 Type Cotelet
3. Household boilers
3.1. Boilers household cast iron
3.1.1. Boilers universal heating water heating iron sectional type KChM-5-K "Combi"
3.1.2. Gas heating boilers Water heating Cast iron sectional types KChM-7 "Gnome"
3.1.3. Cable-iron boilers Water heating type KChM-2M "Zharka"
3.1.4. Boilers sectional cast iron
3.1.5. Cook-iron boiler automated type KChva-0.25 "Universal-5M"
3.2. Household steel boilers
3.2.1. Water heating boilers Steel-type KS-TG and KS-TGV
3.2.2. Heating boilers Water heating steel types "Hoper"
3.2.3. Heating boilers
3.2.4. Heating boilers Household types BEM
3.2.5. Water heating boilers Household type "Master"
3.2.6. Steel Water Heat Boilers Sarzem (Household)
3.2.7. Water heating boilers for household needs
3.2.8. Heating Copper Steel Water Heated Household Type Cove-SG-43
3.2.9. Heating devices Household types COGV, AKGV
3.2.10. Water heating boilers Steel type KS-5
3.2.11. Steel heating boilers type "Hephest"
4. Vehicles transportable
4.1. Transportable Water Water Boiler Type
4.2. Transportable Block Water Boiler Type TBTVK-KSV, TBG (g) to
4.3. Installations Wovels transportable automated type "Desnahanka"
4.4. Installations Wovels transportable automated types of ukta "Cascade"
4.5. Boiler block transportable automated type "Hoper"
4.6. Water Heating Automated Transportable Boiler Type Cat
4.7. Price of water heating automated transportable boiler-type cats
4.8. Boiler rooms automated transportable on gas and liquid fuel type cats and boiler houses mechanized transportable on solid fuel type KMT
4.9. Installations Mobile Mobile Types "UKP"
4.10. Water-heating boiler-type tank / on the basis of the boilers "Dorogobuzh", "Dnipro", Smolensk and KV-R /
4.11. Solid fuel mobile boiler (KTM)
4.12. Water heating block-modular and transportable boiler installations of the MKU-V
4.13. Steam block-modular and transportable boiler installations Type MKU-P
4.14. Block boiler-type TKM
4.15. Block-modular boiler-type BMK
4.16. Block-modular boiler room 3-section
4.17. Block-modular boiler-type "turn"
4.18. Transportable steam generating installations TPGU type
4.19. Mobile boiler rooms (emergency)
5. Addresses and phone numbers manufacturers

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Currently, the technology of domestic boiler building with a capacity of up to 20 MW on most enterprises of Russia still suffers from archaism left by the same building. The rate on the production of water-tube boilers did not justify itself. With production, all types of winter-tube boilers were removed. Therefore, there are currently a lot of outdated boilers TG-3/95, HP-18, ZIO-60, E-1 / 9G. But not all long ago, from what they refused, it was bad. It should be noted, and in the old days there were experienced masters. The locomotive boilers are a perfectly spent time spent highly reliable equipment. They were powered by water without processing, and boilers served under 40 years. During the period of stagnation, Western countries left far. They developed the designs of hermetic boilers with tops under rise. These are two- and three-way boilers with a hermetic furnace. Modern burners have been developed, on which the burner part is combined with a blowing fan, there are means of burning control and protection of the boiler from emergency situations. On boilers, the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere of nitrogen oxide and carbon oxide is reduced.

The concept of boilers with automated fan burners is easier to adopted by the West. There is no need to install the smoke and regulating the discharge in the boiler firebox. Western boilers come ready for operation and protected by a layer of modern thermal insulation. The boilers produced with us when they are installed in the boiler room were to be scented with brick or applying a protective coating with a layer of heat-resistant insulation.

Western technologies enter our lives. Plants are moving to the release of modern equipment and master new production technologies. Modern boiler equipment, corresponding to Western samples, manufactures Ziosab CJSC. A series of steel water heating boilers Ziosab with a capacity from 125 to 5000 kW has long been on the Russian market.

They work on gaseous and light liquid fuel, have an efficiency of 92-95%, relatively low cost, equipped with burner devices of various firms, are in demand and well established themselves in work. Recycling under Russian norms and standards Technical documentation "Finrela" (Finland) The plant has mastered the production of three-way water heating tube boilers FR16 with a capacity of 0.5-4 MW and FR10 with a capacity of 5-15 MW.

These are modern winter-tube boilers, manufactured taking into account the tight standards of quality and ecology. For the replacement of outdated models of Water-Heating boilers ZIOS-60 and HP-18, the design department of ZIOSB CJSC has been developed a water-tube-tube boiler Ziosab600WTM. To simplify the procedure for replacing the boilers, it was developed, jointly with the management on the technological and environmental supervision of Rostekhnadzor, the main department of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Moscow Region, the State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mosoblgaz" and Ziosab CJSC and approved by the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Government of the Moscow Region "Regulations on replacing KVA-0,6g boilers (ZIO-60) on automated KVA-0.6G / LV (Ziosab600Wh) with a capacity of equal design power of replaced boilers, without increasing the installed power and gas consumption of boiler room. "

Rameks Group of Companies (Chernogolovka Moscow region) has long been known in the market as a domestic manufacturer of high-quality steel water-heating tube boilers "Turboterm", which began its activities from the release of boilers with a reversing firebox. The technical characteristics of the boilers of this series allow you to use all types of gaseous and liquid fuel, incl. low grade fuel oil.

New requirements and accumulated experience led to the creation of two new series of three-way boilers - turboterm-standard and turboterm-guarantors designed to work on gas and light liquid fuel. Currently, the production of steel water-head-tube boilers of the brand "Turboterm" is carried out in the capacity range from 110 to 7000 kW. OJSC "Dorogoborovkotlomas" (Smolensk region) Since 1962, specializes in the production of hot water boilers with a capacity of 10 to 209 MW.

According to the results of many years of exploitation of the traditional nomenclature, a package of proposals for modernization with an improvement in feasibility and economic and environmental indicators has been formed. Among the new products for the middle boiler market - the boilers of the KVGM-7,56-150 (115) N and KV-GM-GM-11,63-150 (115) N and KV-GM-11,63-150 (115) n with compact dimensions, in lightweight isolation and the laminate laminated sheet adapted to the burners Foreign and domestic production.

The last 10 years "Doroboborotlomas" is actively working on the supply of equipment for low heat power engineering. Today, in the nomenclature of the plant over 40 sizes of hot water boilers from 0.05 to 7.56 MW on various fuel:

  • series "Smolensk", three-way water-tube gas-tank boilers that do not have imported analogs. Study: SV-GM, 1,16; 2.32; 3.48 and 4.65 MW, efficiency - 93.8-95%;
  • series "Dorogobuzh", winter-tube boilers with reversing firebox. Pricing 0.05-2.32 MW, efficiency - 91-93%;
  • dnipro series, three-way winter-tube boilers for working on diesel fuel, fuel oil, oil, is represented by the Dnepr2000 boiler, in the development of Dnipro-1200, the efficiency of CPD- 92.4-92.7%;
  • vacumatic series, new 2005 - vacuum gas boilers with an increased operation and absence of HPV. Plug 0.63-2.0 MW, efficiency - 92%.

The boilers of these series are successfully used to build modular boiler MK DKM in the interconnected imported burner, pumping equipment, automation. Other domestic plants were transferred to the release of modern boiler equipment. But not everywhere things go in the progressive direction, the transition to new technologies is impossible due to the lack of funds.

In order for us to enter the external market, you need to have our modern boilers with indicators higher than similar imported, developed and manufactured on the basis of import technologies. In the West, the production technology of modern boilers is worked out under the industrial assembly, it will be honed and requires a minimum of their production costs. LOOSI VIESSMANN are the highest and high-quality assembly technology of boilers.

LOOS offers water-heating three-way winter-tube boilers Unimat, type UT, which operate in the power range from 750 to 19,200 kW with water heating temperature up to 120 ° C with a pressure of 6 and 10 bar. The selection of the typewater boilers covers any customer needs warm. KPD boilers - up to 95% without the use of heat exchanger of exhaust gases. It has low emission losses and works with burners of all systems, incl. With reduced nitrogen oxide emissions.

At the reverse flow temperature of 50 ° C and the limit low load, the dew point in the boiler is not achieved. There are no minimum load limitations. Unlike similar domestic and western, these boilers have minimal dimensions and are used to complete the component block boilers. Suitable for all types of heating systems. Boilers have no analogues: the difference is a constructive design when simple optimal reliable solutions have been developed, with admission to repair and maintenance.

Viessmann released its series of water boilers. These are vitoplex100 boilers with a capacity from 80 to 460 kW and from 575 to 1750 kW. Three-way boilers with an oval casing, which made it possible to reasonably place the fuel heat pipe, the gas feeding pipes of the second stroke and the grove tubes of the third turn. With such a layout, the compactness of the entire design is achieved at a low height, which is very important for a complete set of block-modular boiler rooms.

Vitoplex-100 is a high quality attractive price among middle-power boilers. Nominal CPD of the boiler - 94%. The scheme of gas ducts of the boiler unit at a low tension of the combustion chamber provides minimal allocation of nitrogen oxides. The efficiency and reliability of the operation of the heating installation is achieved by controlling the digital controller. VitoPlex-300 boilers with a capacity of 80-460 kW and 575-1750 kW.

Nominal CPD of the boiler reaches 96%. In the boilers, multilayer contact heat exchange surfaces are applied, which allows the boiler to work without limiting water temperature in the return highway. The boiler is dear and in practice is becoming rare. Restrictions on the water temperature in the return highway on the Vitoplex-100 boilers are eliminated by installing a recycling pump. The boiler Vitomax-100 with a reversing combustion chamber with a capacity of 375-1850 kW is not purchased.

This type of boilers are installed mainly by domestic production, which managed to prove themselves well in their work. The three-way Water Water Copper Vitoplex200 with a capacity from 2100 to 15,000 MW has good characteristics. Nominal CPD of the boiler - 95%. The minimum amount of nitrogen oxide emissions is ensured. There are no restrictions on the minimum flow rate of the coolant, the reliability of the operation of the heating system is ensured.

In practice, these boilers are rarely purchased in Russia. The boilers of the LoS series of the UT series are purchased. The Italian company CARIONI NAVAL represents the water-heating tube-tube boiler produced by it with a reversing furnace of NPR with a capacity of 60 to 4600 kW. KPD boiler - 90%. The boiler is made according to modern technologies, reliable in operation, but we have a small demand for these boilers.

The company produces a three-way water-type coil type boilers with forced circulation of horizontal and vertical design of the SMT / speaker with a capacity of 116 to 10,000 kW. KPD boiler - 91%. When lowering the load, the efficiency increases to 95%. In the designs of boilers manufactured by France, Sweden, differences are insignificant. The presence of modern highly reliable automated boilers and burner devices made it possible to actually move to the construction of fully automated boilers working without permanent service personnel.

The staff in them is needed only at the time of commissioning, planned inspections, equipment revisions, reading testimony from instruments, fill the complexonate and refueling the tanks of the HVO salt, sampling for analysis and conducting cleaning operations. Usually the boiler room is closed and works in automatic mode. Fault information comes to the dispatcher. The enterprise "NPP Progress-1" built built-in, separate-standing, complete block and roof fully automated boilers.

The set-block boiler room is when it is completely going to the enterprise and, in the form of separate finished blocks, is transported to the construction site. At the construction site, an assembly of boiler house made of finished blocks and connecting it to engineering networks (thermal networks, water supply, sewage, electrical networks, telephone, communication). The collected boiler house is ready to work. The enterprise built such boiler rooms quite a lot.

Now in the completion stage, the construction of a 15.6 MW boiler room with LoS UT-5200 boilers. In operation there are many built boilers with the boilers of the company Viessmann type Vitoplex100 and Podolskaya boilers like Ziosab. Technology of boiler houses are different. It depends on the type of equipment installed (boilers), the desires of the customer and the degree of wear of thermal networks, systems of the heating of buildings and industries.

Thermal schemes for boiler houses under construction are taken both in both two-circuit. Single-contact schemes with imported boilers are applied at objects where heat supply systems are performed at the current technical level and water leaks in them are practically no. At the request of the customers, boiler rooms were built, where the heat carrier of standard parameters (in the winter of 95 ° C, and in the summer of 80 ° C) was supplied to the heating.

At the same time, heated buildings are equipped with individual thermal points (ITP), where equipment and automatic equipment are installed for weather-dependent regulation of water temperature in heating systems and to heat up to the desired water temperature in the DHW system. Support ventilation systems are equipped with automation to control the heating temperature of the air supplied to the room or maintain the specified room temperature.

Such heat supply systems with ITP provide more comfortable conditions in heated premises and heat savings due to lowering the temperature at no time. For the heating of residential villages, where the existing thermal networks are worn and have significant losses of network water, boilers with a two-circuit heat scheme are built and operated. In such boiler, the boiler circuit is isolated from the heating network and has its own boiler circulation pumps.

Network water in the heating system for heating system is heated by boiler water with a temperature of up to 110 ° C in plate heat exchangers. Water for the boiler circuit is processed by deferrization and Na-cation to the required parameters. Water rigidity is supported by no more than 20 μg-eq / kg. Network water in the heating system is processed by administering the complexion. The two-circuit scheme of the boiler room excludes the possibility of water regime disorders in the boiler circuit with large water leaks in thermal networks.

Plastic heat exchangers designed to heat the power water are reliably protected. The heat exchangers work under conditions when the formation of scale on the heat exchange surfaces does not occur. With the release of plants of water-tube boilers in a gas-compliant performance, there is a problem as to know which of boilers, water-tube or winter-tube, better? So far, in the "NPP progress-1" during the construction of automated boilers, only winter-tube boilers were used.

Information on the production of water-tube boilers with heating temperature up to 115 ° C has not been received from foreign manufacturers. The efficiency of boilers, both water and winter-tube, depends on the design of the boiler and can reach 95%. For boilers of domestic production, a single-circuit scheme of the boiler room is usually accepted. Boilers work on water coming from the heat network, and the network water does not always meet the requirements for their reliable operation. Which of the boilers, water-heating or wood-tube, will respond to real operating conditions, will show time.

The production of reliable and highly economical competitive equipment-task is not easy. This issue in the West is paid special attention. At the last meeting with representatives of the company VIESSMANN, they showed a complete unit boiler room with a capacity of 15.6 MW with three boilers of the company LOOS. In a conversation, I was informed that the company Viessmann was going to produce such boilers, like Loos. In the West there is a tough competition and wins the strongest.

For Russian boilers, despite their progress - the external market of boiler equipment is still unavailable.

For central heat supply of large industrial enterprises, cities and individual areas, steel water boilers of high thermal power are applied.

Water boilers are designed to obtain hot water of the specified parameters mainly for heating. They operate on a direct-flow pattern with a constant flow of water. The final heating temperature is determined by the conditions for maintaining a stable temperature in residential and workmen heated with heating devices through which water circulates, heated in the hot water boiler. Therefore, with a constant surface of the heating devices, the temperature of the water supplied to them is raised by reducing the ambient temperature. Typically, the heat of the heat network in the boilers is heated from 70-104 to 150-170 ° C. Recently there is a tendency to increase water heating temperature to 180-200 ° C.

In order to avoid condensation of water vapor from the outgoing gases and associated with this outer corrosion of heating surfaces, the water temperature at the inlet to the unit should be above the dew point for combustion products. In this case, the temperature of the walls of the pipes at the water injection site will also be no lower than the dew point. Therefore, the water temperature at the entrance should not be below 60 ° C when the boiler is running on natural gas, 70 ° C when working on a small fuel oil and 110 ° C using high-surface fuel oil. Since water can be cooled in the heat seams to the temperature below 60 ° C, a number of already heated in the boiler (straight) water is already heated to the unit in the unit.

Most widespread gas-gauge boilers types of QUM and PTVP received.

Boilers type QCMM (Fig. 6) thermal power 4; 6.5; ten; and 30 Gcal / h (4.8-35 MW) have a horizontally located furnace and heating surface with direct-flowing forced water movement. Specifications are shown in Table. five.

PTV-type boilers with heat production capacity of 30-180 Gcal / h (35-0 mW) are performed with P-shaped (Fig. 7) and the tower (Fig. 8) layout. Water-heating boilers PTVM-50, PTVM-100 and PTV-180, performed only with the tower layout, have shielded firebox and convective surfaces above it. Specifications are shown in Table. 6.

Table 5. Specifications of water heating boilers TGM type


Heat production, kcal / h

Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Water temperature, ° C:

at the exit

Water consumption, t / h

Hydraulic resistance, kgf / cm 2

Efficiency ratio,%:

on natural gas

sulfur fuel oil

The temperature of the outgoing gases, ° C:

on natural gas

sulfur fuel oil

Fuel consumption:

on Gaza, m 3 / h

on fuel oil, kg / h

Fig. 6. Water boiler KVGM-20 ( but) and the scheme of its water tract ( b.) : 1, 3, 7 - sub-officials, rear and side screens; - firebox; 4 - Feston; 5 - Screens of the convective shaft; 6 - convective beams; I, water streams

Table 6. . T. explicit characteristics of water boilers type PTVP


SV-GM-30-150M (PVTP-30M)

Heat production, Gkal / h

Pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Water temperature, ° C:

in peak mode

most of the output mode

Water consumption, t / h:

in peak mode

main mode

Estimated CPD of the boiler (gross),%,

when working:

on fuel oil

Boiler layout



Number of gas burners, pcs.

The number of blowing fans and

dymososov, pcs.

2 fan

and 1 smoke

12 fans

16 fans

Dimensions, mm:

The simplest configuration of the boiler and a small resistance of convective packages allowed us to work with a natural burden that does not require the installation of smoke.

For the needs of heating and hot water supply of residential, manufacturing and administrative buildings, boilers are applied boilers Steel Water Heating CSW CJSC "Zapsibgazprom" (Plant manufacturer "Sibmet").

Steel Water Heat Copper (CWS) is a three-way Zhebolodnogo Copper boiler. Under the excess pressure provided by the fan, served for burning air, combustion products are removed from the heat pipe through the rotary chamber in the fuel pipes of the second progress and then through the smoke tubes of the third turn to the diesel box, located in the back of the boiler, from where they enter the smoke tube ( Fig. 9).

As a fuel, you can use gas or fuel oil. The service life of the boiler is 15 years.

The main technical data of the KSV boilers are given in Table. 7 and 8. In Russia, the water-heating tube boilers of OJSC Doroboborotlomas also received wide distribution in the boiler market.

Table 7. Technical Dhakatteri KSV Boilers


Nominal heat-performance, MW

The coefficient of useful actions,%, not less

Minimum water temperature, ° С:

at the exit

Hydraulic resistance, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Maximum working pressure of water, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Fuel consumption, (natural gas), m 3 / h

Water consumption, m 3 / h, not less

Boiler volume, m 3

The surface of the heating of the boiler, m 2

The temperature of the outer surface of the casing (thermal insulation), ° C, not more than

Boiler execution (by service side)

Right / lion.

Right / lion.

Right / lion.

Right / lion.

Right / lion.

Right / lion.

Right / lion.

Dimensions, m, no more

Mass of the boiler, kg, no more

Climatic performance

according to GOST 15150 - 69

Burner type

Fig. 7.: 1 - firebox; 3 - front and back screens; 4 - Feston; 5 - Screens of the convective shaft; 6 - Stages of a wide convective surface

Fig. 8. : 1, 4, 6 - rear, front and side screens; - convective surfaces; 3 - chimney; 5 - firebox; 7 - Lower headscreen manifold; 8 - Lower rear screen manifold

In fig. 10 shows the structural schemes of hot water gas-contained automated boilers, which are designed to produce hot water with a temperature of 150 ° C used for heating, hot water supply and technological purposes.

In fig. 11 are presented constructive schemes of winter-tube and water-tube boilers of OJSC Doroboborotlomas, in Table. 9 and 10 are the main parameters and specifications of the above boilers.

Table 8. Technological and environmental characteristics of KSV boilers


Actual value

Normated value according to GOST

Products of combustion products at the outlet of the boiler, ° С

Paragraphs 1, 6 GOST 10617-83 at least 160

GOST 10617-83 not more than 130

GOST 10617-83 not more than 130

Theoretical value 4.0.

Theoretical value of 11.8 (when working on gas)

The loss of heat from the chemical non-payment of combustion at the exit of the furnace,%

Paragraphs 1, 6, 4 GOST 204-97 not more than 0.4

Fig. nine. : 1 - front cover; - soot box; 3 - swivel chamber; 4 - heat pipe; 5 - burner cone with cliffs; 6 - smokery pipes; 7 - observation hatch; 8 - observation hatch; 9 - hatch for cleaning; 10 - direct nozzle; 11 - reverse nozzle; 12 - chimney nozzle; 13 - explosive valve; 14 - drainage; 15 - base; 16 - Isolation

Similar water heating tube boilers for water heating systems of houses, cottages, industrial, shopping and warehouses manufactures Ziosab CJSC, Podolsk.

The main characteristics and parameters are given in Table. eleven.

Water boilers "Turboterm"

Currently, water-heating boilers with an automated burner and safety and control automation kit (ABU-1) supplied by the consumer are obtained.

The "turboterm" boilers are manufactured in the capacity range from 110 to 5000 kW. Boilers are designed for a long service life (more than 15 years).

Table 9. The main characteristics of the water-heating boilers of OJSC "Dorotoborovkotlomas" heat capacity from 0.05 to 7.56 MW

Type of fuel

Power, MW.

Water temperature, ° С

Dimensions (DXSHX), mm

boiler, kg.

Water consumption, t / h

at the exit


(Dorogobuzh-50) * 1

1302 * 6 x750x935 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-80) * 1

1412 * 6 x750x935 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-110) * 1

1552 * 6 x750x935 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-150) * 1

2132 * 6 x930x1242 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-150) * 1

2132 * 6 x930x1242 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-350) * 1

2634 * 6 x1040x1387 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-500) * 1

2634 * 6 x1040x1387 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-750) * 1

3120 * 6 x1250x1509 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-1000) * 1

3120 * 6 x1250x1509 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-2000) * 1

3560 * 6 x1684x2023 * 2


(Dnipro-2000) * 1

4870 * 6 x1960x2530 * 2

KV-M-0.4-95N * 1

1620 * 6 x1605 * 6 x2035

KV-M-1.0-95N * 1

1620 * 6 x1736 * 6 x2583

KV-g-0,63-95n * 1

KV-g-1.0-95n * 4


3071 * 6 x1650x2360


4198 * 6 x1650x2462


4198/3745 * 3 x3371 / 2100 * 3 x3670 / 2500 * 3


4571 * 6 x1728x2462


4114 * 6 x2320x3160


5578 * 6 x2320x3160

KV-GM-4,65-150 * 4

5000/4336 * 3 x3000 / 2200 * 3 x3800 / 3360 * 3

KV-GM-7,56-150 * 4

6 500/5 872 * 3 x3100 / 2 0 * 3 x3 800/3 360 * 3

KV-R-4,65-150 * 4

KV-R-7,56-150 * 4

* 1 Boilers are supplied in the smelting, trim, with shut-off reinforcement within the boiler.

* 2 Height without shut-off reinforcement.

* 3 Dimensions of the boiler tube system.

* 4 Standard Supply: Pipe system complete with shut-off reinforcement.

* 5 Metal metal boiler with grate grid (in brackets with RPK-1 grille).

* 6 Parameters without a burner.

Legend: g - gas; M - Mazut; y - coal; D.T. - diesel fuel.

Fig. ten.

The boilers are certified in the GOST-P certification system, have a certificate of conformity. . The "turboterm" boilers are designed for closed heating and ventilation systems, as well as for hot water systems, calculated for the operating pressure of 0.6 MPa and water temperature up to 115 ° C. Boilers work under rise and are designed to work both on gaseous and liquid fuel (including fuel oil) and provide normalized efficiency of the efficiency according to GOST 10617-85.

Steel hot water boilers "Turboterm" have a horizontal reversing combustion chamber with a concentric arrangement of smokery pipes. To optimize the thermal pressure of the pressure in the combustion chamber and the temperature of the exhaust gases, smokery pipes are equipped with stainless steel turbulizers (Fig. 12). Modern thermal insulation materials provide high heat engineering characteristics of the boiler.

The front cap of the boiler is made easy-to-loop. Depending on the hinge project, on the right or left.

Table 10. The main characteristics of the water-heating boilers of OJSC Dorotoborotlomasha thermal capacity from 11.63 to 9 MW

Type of fuel

Power, MW.

Water temperature, ° С

Estimated water pressure at the entrance, MPa

Dimensions (DXSHX), mm

Metal weight boiler, kg

Water consumption, t / h

at the exit



7430 / 8560x5210 / 5465x10410 / 9675





10860/12730x5210 / 5465x10410 / 9675


16025/18630x5335 / 5335x12660 / 12660

KV-GM-35-150 (PTVM-30M)









KV-GM-69,8-150 (PTV-60)




KV-GM-139,6-150 (PTVM-120)


SV-GM-209-150 (PTVM-180)


Option with air heater.

Legend: g - gas; M - Mazut; y - coal; D - woodot machines

Table 11. The main technical characteristics of water boilers Ziosab CJSC



Nominal heat production,

kW (gkal / h)

Working pressure, MPa

Minimum water temperature at the entrance, ° С

Maximum water temperature at the outlet, ° С

Water consumption, m 3 / h: nominal


Water volume of the boiler, m 3

Hydraulic resistance, kpa

Aerodynamic resistance, PA

Heat loss from outdoor cooling q5., %

Mass of the boiler, kg

The volume of the furnace, m 3

Purgeration behind the boiler

Air flow, m 3, gas burning (liquid fuel)

(liquid fuel, kg / h)

The temperature of the outgoing gases, not lower, ° С

Sound level at checkpoints, no more, dB

Fig. eleven. a - Wheatube-tube sq-gm-0.05 ÷ 2.32-115n: 1 - boiler housing, - a rotary chamber, 3 - Schiber's gas duct, 4 - burner device, 5 - inlet nozzle, 6 - outlet nozzle, 7 - nozzles Safety valves, 8 - observation hatch; b - water-tube kV-g-0.4 ÷ 1.0-95 n: 1 - boiler housing, - stack of cyclone, 3 - gas duct, 4 - cover, 5 - peephole, 6 - inlet nozzle, 7 - outlet nozzle, 8 - Burner installation nozzle; in - water-tube kV-g-1,16 ÷ 3,48-95 N: 1 - boiler housing, - gas duct, 3 - burner device, 4 - brick wall, 5 - convective gas pipe, 6 - furnace; g - water-tube kV-g-4,65 ÷ 7,56-95 n: 1 - boiler housing, firebox, 3 - brick wall, 4 - convective gas pipe, 5 - gas duct, 6 - burner device

The furnace (combustion chamber) has a reversing design. A specially designed geometric shape and a large amount of firebox contribute to the total combustion of fuel and the formation of exhaust gases with a low residual content of harmful substances.

The convective part includes beams of smokery pipes of the optimal diameter fixed in pipe boards, which provide low resistance to the flow of flue gases (from 50 to 600 pa, depending on the boiler size).

Rear (fireplace) Part of the boiler has a hatch that provides simple cleaning of the fleece.

Technical parameters of the "turboterm" boilers are given in Table. 12.

Water Heat Boilers YGNIS ST series with 430-9300 kW

This is a hot-blooded steel heat-tube boiler with a three-way movement of combustion products to work on natural gas, diesel fuel or fuel oil from 430 to 9300 kW (Fig. 13).

The torch of the burner running under the superior is formed along the horizontal firebox from the front of the boiler.

Fig. 12. : but - general form; b - Fireplate scheme: 1 - front cover, 2 - boiler firebox, 3 - Dynogar pipes, 4 - pipe boards, 5 - fireplace part of the boiler, 6 - Luke of the fireplace part, 7 - burner device

Table 12. Main characteristics and parameters of turboter boilers


Rslave, MPa


Mass without water, kg

Dimensions (DXSHX), mm

(kcal / h). 10 3.

Fig. thirteen.

An extended horizontal non-obverse cylindrical firebox is suitable for mounting almost any blowing burners, including rotary.

The first convective bundle of heatpipes returns combustion products to the front of the boiler, and the third turn is carried out by the second convective beam of steel pipes, guide the combustion products to the gas collector in the back of the boiler.

Operating pressure - 0.4 MPa (Pressing 0.6 MPa).

Adjustable network water temperature - 100 ° C, maximum - 110 ° C.

The minimum temperature of the reverse water is 55 ° C for natural gas, 50 ° C for diesel fuel.

Works on gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil (it is possible to use ML00 fuel oil over a separate request).

The main technical characteristics and parameters of the boilers of the YGNIS series of 430-9300 kW are presented in Table. 13 and 14.

Table 13. Basic technical characteristics of the boilers of the YGNIS series of the ST SERVICE 430-1060 kW


Useful power, kW

Working pressure, MPa

Maximum pressure, MPa

Maximum boiler water temperature, ° С

The temperature of the outgoing gases, ° C

Natural gas consumption, m 3 / h

Flow fuel consumption, l / h

Volume of boiler water (approximate), l

The diameter of the firebox of the boiler, mm

Length of the firebox boiler, mm

Hydraulic resistance, kPa:



Aerodynamic resistance, kPa:



The diameter of the ambrusuras for the joining of the burner, mm

Mass without water, kg

Table 14. The main technical characteristics of the boilers of the YGNIS series 1220-9300 kW


Useful power, kW

Efficiency at rated power,%

Natural gas consumption, m 3 / h

Flow fuel consumption, l / h

Volume of boiler water, l

The diameter of the firebox of the boiler, mm

Length of the firebox boiler, mm

Hydraulic resistance, kPa: minimum


Aerodynamic resistance, kPa: minimum


Length of the emission pipe burner, mm, no more

Diameter of the joining burner, mm

Mass without water, kg