Yandex How to stream hydrangea for the winter. Personal experience

In the Moscow region in a special shelter for the winter, large-scale hydrangeas, any hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe first year of landing and some varieties of tree hydrangea are needed. For different types, groups and varieties of hydrangea hydrangea are obtained different. Some bushes are simply mulched and falling asleep for the winter, for others they prepare tunnel shelter with arcs, and the third need a real house with the roof and warm walls. With some types of shelters will have to tinker, but so you will certainly save a decorative shrub until the next season.

The shelter of the blurred hydrangea for the winter

Miscellaneous hydrangeas are the most winter-hardy. For example, hydrangea Vanilla Freiz . Without shelter, they are withstanding up to - 40 ° C. Mandatory preparation for the winter for them is the mulching of the root system, it and the roots of the root saves and the spring supplies additional power.

Adult bustle hydrangea bushes are mounted with a layer of sphagnum, and on top of it - two buckets of compost. In the spring, a meal will bring food to roots and increase the soil acidity of soil at the expense of sphagnum.

Shelter Hingiennesium New Landing for Winter

Before covering the first year of the first year, the landing is cut up to a height of 50 cm and constructs with rods or strokes around. Hortensified of the First Year must associate, they are very susceptible to break from snow, especially in the first winter. Top of the thalach give a bag of burlap. Especially successful shelter is the old dense burlap, it is produced more solo compared to modern.

In December, frequent thaws are possible in the suburbs in the suburbs, so the package can be put on top of a burlap cone, in early February it must be removed. The length of the burlap must be to the ground, the root system is mulched a bucket of the earth or humus. Shelters from burlap necessarily bind the rope to not blown during the winter blizzards.

The shelter of the tree hydrangea for the winter

Old tried varieties of tree hydrangea, familiar to us on white and green caps, do not need shelter. But created on their basis modern varieties a little less winter-hardy, among them such varieties like Invincel Spirit , Bella Anna , Incredibl and Annabel .

They are covered in the same way as the Hortensia of the First Year. Over time, when the bushes become higher than half the meter, the burlap is replaced with a finished cover from a non-knuckle or wrap the blasting blasting blades, it is also tested with a rope from above, and the root system is mounted.

Shelter of large-scale hydrangea for the winter

The varieties of plants of this group are distinguished by the most vivid and large caps, their bloom always causes delight, however, the attention to itself large-scale hydrangea requires increased. Especially careful should be its winter shelter.

In the threat of the first frosts of the plant shelter with a nonwoven material, lowered it onto the arc. Hydrangea lays out flower kidneys of next year in September and continues to form them before the onset of sustainable cold weather, so it is important to protect the kidneys from frost. When the night temperature drops to -5 ° C, and in the afternoon there will be a plus, I begin to lay hydrangea.

Photo: Hydrangea shelter before the first frosts

How to burn the branches of hydrangea under the shelter for the winter

The most winter hardy group Endless Summer consisting of three varieties Ze Brides , Original and Blumestar . Adult bushes are increasing numerous shoots and bother them in one direction does not work, so I do this. I divide the bush into two parts, I forth in opposite sides and pressed arcs (the young bushes bent in one direction not separating).

As a rule, the branches of the branch for one reception does not work. First bent them up to 45 °, and a week later, they already calmly fall on the ground. The base of the bush shelters dry sphagnum, a layer of at least 30 cm. If there is no moss at hand, you can replace it with a bucket of dry ground or compost. After such a procedure, she again shelted laid hortensias, but already double layers of non-notchans.

Pruning hydrangea before shelter for the winter

Before sheeping, cut off the shoots by 20-30 cm, weak and cut out from the base of the bush. Be sure to remove the leaves, I do it only with the help of scissors. It is impossible to rip out the hands, because along with the sheet the top layer of the crust stretches.

When the temperature drops to minus 8-10 ° C at night, I choose a dry day with a plus temperature during the day and finally shelter hydrangea:

  • laying under the laid branches, Phaneur or boards, to isolate from the ground,
  • branches wrap a double layer of non-books, encouraging her under arcs,
  • on top of the underfloor material put a sheet of cardboard and also uplook it under the arc,
  • from above, there is a double layer of underfloor material (for varieties outside the Endless Summer group, less frost-resistant, there are not two cland, and 4 layers of non-nans).

It turns out a certain air layer between the bottom noanant, which is under the arcs, and the top, which lies on top of the arc. This layer is the key to successful wintering hortensia, reliably saving them from frosts. Top of the underfloor material laying a layer of film.

Photo: Cutting Hydrangea for Strong Kidney

How to cover the winter large hydrangea without bending

Among the large-scale hydrangea there are varieties, for example, Wrain which build up thick absolutely concealed shoots up to 3-4 cm. In diameter. Such a hydrangea is standing in the winter. For several techniques, cut it up to 30 cm. Height, the main thing is to suppress pity and carry out the maximum trimming, because the lower shelter, the greater the chances that it will be completely covered with snow. This hydrangea is important to keep literally the slightly lower kidneys that will give lush flowering.

How to cover the hydrangea box

  • Pre-wide garden bandage by tagging the branch of the hydrangea.
  • I am preparing a wooden box in the size of the plant and lower it on a hortensia bush.
  • I fall asleep Hydrangea to the top of dry ground.
  • From above, put the roof of plywood and wrapping the box with cardboard.
  • I am preparing a block of slightly larger size by 10-15 cm and lower on top of the previous one.
  • The space between the boxes fill with sawdust or dry foliage.
  • I wrap the outer blast of cardboard and 4 layers of the thick cursing material, with a film, to reliably tie the rope.

Single shelter of hydrangeas for the winter

Well, if all large-scale hydrangeas are sitting nearby, then you can make a single shelter, and not point. With a single shelter, the land freezes less, and hence the wintering will be more successful.

Despite the seeming difficulties, there is a pleasant moment - every year the stalks of large-scale hydrangeas are all over, adapting to the conditions of the Moscow region and increasing the winter hardiness. Continuous flowering from July to October and justify all the autumn troubles.

Svetlana Samoilova, Flower-amateur, Collector of rare plants

Read more on how to grow a beautiful decorative shrub in the garden, read on and in the articles:

Large hydrangea

Some of the most capricious representatives of the genus. A distinctive feature is large spherical inflorescences, as a rule, blue or pink colors. Inexperienced gardeners love to start their acquaintance from them, as the temptation to have in her garden of these blooming beauties too large.

But that such a hydrangea pleased with blossom not only in the year of purchase, it takes a lot of effort. These European non-readers need careful shelter for the winter, as they are for the most part on the shoots of last year. If you do not save young kidneys that are in the sinuses of the leaves, you can forget about the bloom next summer. At best, the frozen hydrangea will give only abundant greens.

The preparation of large-scale hydrangeas to wintering should be planned in advance: "Starting from mid-September, gradually remove all the leaves from the bottom half of the bush. It will stimulate the decoration of shoots and increase their frost resistance. "In the threat of first frosts, remove the remaining leaves, and also cut all the inflorescences.

In the conditions of the middle strip, I make a simple shelter for the winter: laying out the branches on the earth "Sun", pushing them with brackets.

When establishing stable negative temperatures, snapper and double Lutracil. In order for the streaming material did not blew the wind, in the periphery in several places add the design with flat stones or bricks. Looks like such a cake not very aesthetically, but the first snow reliably hide an unsightly shelter.

In such a form, pressed against the ground and reliably shrouded in snow, hydrangea is safely winter, and next year they bloom wonderfully.

Tree hydrangeas

Often referred to as "ordinary" hydrangees. They have a spacious bush and spherical inflorescences of white, less often pink colors. These hydrangeas are more winter-hardy compared to large-scale, but cold missed winter can freeze. However, due to the fact that the tree hydrangeas bloom on shoots of this year, this does not affect their decorativeness in the next season.

Special preparation for winter these hydrangeas do not require, except for the removal of the blurred inflorescences in late autumn. But I would recommend to warm the root system of tree hydrangea peat, humus or fallen foliage. Especially that
Requests pink varieties. So they will be more comfortable to transfer the winter cold, and you will be calmer for your favorites.

Miscellaneous hydrangea

The most unpretentious and winter-hardy representatives of the world of hydrangeas. Distinguish between the Miscellaneous Hydrangea from others very easily in inflorescences - they have the shape of a pyramid, or blizzard (hence the name). It is for them that I prefer in my garden, as they can not be better suited to our harsh climate. But even the bulbous hydrangeas need minimal preparation for high-quality wintering.

So that the snow does not break the fragile shoots, after the onset of frosty days, it is necessary to cut off the bush with a bush with a sharp secateur, capturing a part of the escape just below the base of the pan.

Exception can be done for moth varieties - the snow easily penetrates through loose flowers, without lingering, so it can not harm. Such hydrangeas I leave in the garden non-carved for a winter decorative effect.

The root system of young busms planted in the current year is better to cover with any mulching material of a layer of at least 10-15 cm. You can take leaves, coniferous opead, peat or humus. Try to cover only the land without touching shoots. Adult hydrangees is not required such a shelter, but it will not be superfluous.

stages Trimming the Battle Crimping in October

What else do you need to do in the fall for good wintering hortensia?

In addition to the shelter measures for everyone, without exception, the types of hydrangeas on the eve of the cold weather are well a good phosphorus-potash feeding. I use superphosphate and sulfate potassium for these purposes. However, it is important to remember that the introduction of mineral fertilizers must be completed by early September. Later, the use of fertilizers will not bring the desired benefit, as it will not have time to be learned by the plant in need. These simple actions will remove them from the harmful effects of the cold and allow you without excitement to pass the time before the onset of spring. Information on caring for hydrangeas during the season, as well as detailed instructions on the pruning of different types of hydrangeas can be found in my blog in Instagram. @moy_sadik.
I wish you beautiful gardens and luxuriously blooming hydrangeas.

They are visible behind the fence of almost every garden plot. Large, with chaps of inflorescences, smaller and more compromised, or only in the leaves. Influence on the decorativeness of this popular and not too picky to the conditions for growing a climate shrub, weather during the growing season, his age and, of course, our concern. What can be done in the fall to provide hydrangea healthy look and abundant bloom next summer? First of all, it is a proper trimming and competent shelter for the winter.

Often, gardeners are asked if the autumn trimming of hydrangeas should be carried out. Part of the flower water is carried out only in the spring, and some are at all costs without trimming, preferring in no way injure the plant. Experience shows that to preserve hydrangea, annual abundant flowering and creating the desired shape of the bush, a carefully thought-out and properly conducted trimming is needed.

Attention! With incorrect cutting, hydrangea can not bloide at all.

It all depends on the type of plant. Miscellaneous, tree and large-scale hydrangea are most likely and common. Other species are cultivated - the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe Bretennister, the cherry, sawn, ash. The first of them bloom on the shoots of the current year, others on last year's.

Blossom of hydrangea

Accordingly, the type of hydrangea flowering is divided into two groups, requiring a different approach to pruning. They are:

  • the first group is large hydrangea;
  • the second group is a scattered and tree hydrangea.

Crossing Hydrangees First Group

Miscellaneous hydrangea needs to be cut as a tree, not a touch of skeletal branches. If several shoots grow from one place, leave only those growing out. Remove old and damaged shoots. Remember, the blurred hydrangea loves a moderate trimming and will respond with a large amount of inflorescences. At the same time, with a large number of shoots accumulated from year to year, there is a thickening, the plant weakens, the inflorescences become smaller.

Attention! The purpose of the trimming of young buggy hydrangeas is the formation of a bush, adults - thinning and rejuvenation.

With the help of trimming, you can get a familiar bush or a stramb form (a sort of pitch on a stick, very effectively).

For the tree of hydrangea, in the fall, only sanitary trimming is carried out, removing the bold, fade or damaged by pests. Remove dry inflorescences. Want to rejuvenate a bush? Cut it ruthlessly, leaving shoots no more than 10 cm.

Scheme of cutting of hydrangea

Cutting Hydrangees of the second group

Large hydrangea in the fall, it is impossible to trim young, not yet blooming shoots, because floral kidneys have already been formed on them, which will give bloom in the next summer. The purpose of autumn trimming is the bush sanation and its rejuvenation. This type of hydrangea shoots fruitfully live 4-6 years. Each fall, cut out some of the old shoots to the very base - get strong replacing shoots and good bloom.

Council. To give the cush to the compact form and maintain it, completely cut out inclined and crossing shoots.

How to save hydrangea in winter - shelter for the winter

Before leaving in the winter, decide, you need to also cover the hydrangea on your site:

  • rate the climatic features of the winter in your region:
  • evaluate the winter hardiness of hydrangea;
  • select the appropriate type of shelter.

Attention! Wintering affects the survival rate of the plant, its condition in the future of the growing season, the term and quality of flowering.

By reducing winter resistance, the types of hydrangea are located in this order:

  • misseling;
  • tree;
  • large.

Better than other types tolerates the cold holing hydrangea. It can be overwhelmed without shelter, and if it will make it, it will quickly recover in spring. For her, it is enough to make the mulching of the priority circle - to protect the root system.

Pruning will help hydrangea to be rejected

The following is a tree-resistant look - a tree hydrangea. An adult plant can easily survive winter without shelter, also with a distorted rolling circle. Young plants in cold winters often frozen young shoots.

Large hydrangea hydrochloride. It can pass the winter period without shelter, only if the bush is small, null to the ground and completely covered with snow with a thickness of 70 cm.

Council. Large hydrangea and young (up to 4 years) bushes of the buggy and tree hydrangea should be stolen for the winter.

Prepare hydrangea to the upcoming wintering: a few weeks before the shelter, stop watering, go from nitrogen fertilizers to phosphorus-potash; Immediately before the shelter, remove the dry leaves other than the top from the largest view (they will protect flower kidney from cold).

Hingiennesium Shelter Methods for Winter

First method - leaves. Perform steps:

  • refine the branches of the rope;
  • tilt the branches to the ground and fix them, for example, pipes from a wire or a rope to the knobs;
  • put the plant by foliage;
  • fix the shelter, for example, stones.

Second way - Spruce Polynik. Perform steps:

  • blank the soil around the bush with a spruce noodle;
  • place the shoots on the bag;
  • fix shoots on the cauldron;
  • top to put another layer of the facothy;
  • cover by observer material or simple cloth;
  • secure the shelter.

The shelter will help hydrangea to move the winter

Third way - Air-dry shelter. Perform steps:

  • put the base of the bush of dry ground;
  • tilt the bush, but not too close to the ground;
  • fix tilted shoots;
  • set the low frame of boards or wire so that the snow is completely covered and durable enough to withstand the snow layer;
  • cover the frame with nonwoven material, dense paper, from above - water and light-tight material; Leave holes for ventilation;
  • after the onset of cold and snowfalls, close the holes.

Organize a reliable wintering for your hydrangea and in the summer you will watch it in all its glory.

Gardening in the garden: video

Preparation of hydrangea to winter begins in the summer. From the second half of the summer, you need to stop nitrogen feeding, and at the beginning of autumn and watering. It will contribute to better aging, winning shoots, and therefore will increase the chances of the plant to a prosperous wintering.

The method of preparing hydrangea to winter will depend, first of all, from the climatic conditions of your zone and from the type of hydrangea, growing in your garden.

Hydrangea andhydrangea Misbulataya - sufficiently cold-resistant species, some of its varieties withstand a decrease in temperature to minus 35 ° C, and in the conditions of the middle strip in warm winter need only in severe trimming and easy shelter of the priority circle. Leave 2-4 kidneys on shoots, and remove the entire top. From above, it is enough to paint the branches and fall asleep bushes foliage. And only young bushes need to be covered more carefully.

In the spring, the plant is rapidly restored. If the bushes are not covered in the spring in the spring as soon as possible to trim and feeding. A small frozen will not affect flowering, as the flower kidneys are formed much later on the shoots that grew up this spring.

Hydrangea hydrangea on the contrary, it is not cut off on the winter, as its blooming kidneys have already laid on the shoots of the previous year, they need to save them as much as possible if you want to see thick large inflorescences on your bush.

Hydrangea shelter options may be somewhat - select the most suitable for you.

To put the shoots of hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale on the pre-laid boards, press on top of other boards on top, then put the nonwoven material, folded in several layers and covered with leaves, sawdust or peat from above. If the shoots are badly stacked, at the base of the bush to put the rollers or bags with leaves under the branches, it will protect the stems from fractures. With the same bags filled with foliage foliage, you can additionally cover plants along the periphery in the harsh winter.

You can pour into the center of the bush a bucket of peat or garden land, decompose the branches on the bootshkin ("Sun" or "fan", no matter), press or pinch with iron brackets, cover again, fall asleep with a foliage and cover the film or Loutrasil brand 30 who press bricks and boards.

In the spring shelter is removed at the end of March-early April, when the sludge will begin and the strengths of frost begin. Freed shoots will soon rise.

Air and dry way of shelter bushes for winter
Another way - you can not bend a bushes, but to link, wrap a loose louxil or burlap, arrange a frame from the mesh and fill it with dry foliage. If necessary, the construction can be covered with loosely, film, rubberoid.

Hortensia, growing in ads Clean the basements, closed rooms or cheer into a deep trench, are covered with a wooden box, then loosely, foliage, and on top of a polyethylene film or other moisture-proof material.

Preparation of hydrangea to winter depends on the age of the plant: if young bushes of any kind require thick warm "fur coats", then the cold resistance and shelter of hydrangea increases with age, becomes less complex and less troublesome.

Hydrangeas for many years firmly occupies its place not only in the gardens and in the flower beds, but also in the hearts of flowers. Beginner gardeners frighten the capriciousness of the plant. Consider care and preparing in the fall on the eve of winter so that hydrangeas please you for many years.

Tree and messenger stall tolerate cold medium strip And the Moscow region, even Siberian frosts, abundant snowfalls protect the bush. If this plant is frozen, it is easily restored in the spring.

The youngest bushes are worth covering the wind by winding material, sweethelf, etc. Protect plants from cold weather if the winter is in your area are minor, but with frosts.

Otherwise, it is enough just to glue the bushes, at the beginning of the fall remove all the leaves, leaving only the top so that the bush is faster "rustic."

The most demanding for winter shelter was large and cherry liatoid hydrangea, which even small frosts are poorly tolerated. The latter need to be removed from the support if necessary.

It is necessary to stream before the thermometer column drops to -3 degrees

Ways and options for hiding hydrangea and preparation for winter

Sawdust, branches and foliage

Prepare a litter from sawdust, fir branches, even dry leaves are suitable. Lower the shoots from the center of the bush to the ground, in a circle. Secure them with brackets, rhotnes from branches, etc.

Blanket will serve any material Type Spanbonda, Loutrasil, Agrotek. The frosting winter, the more layers will need. Napnik, etc. You can alternate with observer material, sawdust.

It is permissible to use the compost land as the penultimate layer. Last layer to choose from: front roof, wooden shield, film. Strengthen it with bricks or stones so that the wind gusts do not break the shelter.

You can collect shoots, tie them together and burn to the ground. Secure the brackets or other way and "cover" by the same solids, spruce branches, foliage.

On the sides build support using firming materials. Make them Agrotek (Loutrasil, etc.), and from above what protects the plant from precipitation.

Warning novice: bending branches to the ground, do not break them.

Binding of shoots: what to prepare

If the hydrangea was aimed strongly, then tie the shoots together and wrap in several layers of existing agricultural. The bush is overcome by a grid or other materials (plates, stakes) so that the framework is 15-20 cm above the plant.

Inside (between barrage and bush) pour sawdust, chew or foliage. Top using film, rubberoid, etc.

The shelter by the air-dry method

The framework is used, which has already been talked about. We cover it with a passing material in several layers so that it resulted a little.

If the film is used on top, pull it tightly, then the air between the layers of our "blanket" will allow you to maintain additional heat.

The advantages of this method:

  • protective layers can not harm the plant
  • in case of warming, the bush will not hide
  • convenient to ventilate

Save the carcass Until next winter! It can be used for several years in a row, which will accelerate in the future preparations for the cold.

The shelter method using frames is convenient because it is possible to make one into several plants.

Why and how to trim the varieties for the winter

There is no consensus on the best time pruning plants. In the spring you need to have time conduct trimming during the rest. In the fall of time on garden works usually more. There is no risk of late.

Flower kidneys are laid in the summer, that is, it blooms on last year's shoots.

For her, it is permissible to shorten the branches for the formation of a beautiful shape of the bush, the removal of dead shoots. Preferred autumn trimming.

Autumn remove dried flowers. In the spring, sanitary trimming is shown, weak and damaged branches are removed. One-year-old shoots are shortened, while maintaining no more than five kidneys. Young proges will appear quickly, flowering will become more abundant.

Crop like a tree, Removing old and prevent each other shoots, not the touch of basic. If the hydrangea rejuvenation is required, a cardinal trimming is possible, a height of 10 cm from the ground.

If the bush is large, do not hurry to cut it entirely, stretch the procedure for 3 years. Miscellaneous hydrangea forms floral kidneys on the shoots of the current year. They are formed on the branches of the age of two years.

In the autumn and spring, the same trimming events are carried out, as well as the tree hydrangea. In the future, the trimming forming depends on the type of the desired crown.

It is important to remove inflorescencesSince the thin branches with mild wood bumpy hydrangea suffer due to the accumulation of snow.

Details of the subspecies of this variety we described in the article.

Very magnificent bush, blooming on the shoots of the current year, but its trim is just shortening the stems and the formation of the crown.

The first 4 years is very weak growth. Therefore, at this time it is not cut. Then the pruning to strong kidney and sanitary.

Her they consider the form of large-scaleBut advise to cut as such shrub species. These include hydrangea:

  • dolisant;
  • radiant;
  • ash
  • rough or rough;
  • Sargent, or Sargen;
  • dressing.

They are trimmed approximately as well as tree or sweatshirt. Young bushes are not cut, two-year exposed only to sanitary trimming, since the third year pruning up to 2-3 strong kidneys

  • stimulating for lush flowering (retain 3-4 kidneys on shoot);
  • sanitary (removal of patients, damaged branches;
  • forming and thinning (to give a beautiful form of a plant and to reduce the denotation of shoots);
  • rejuvenating Trimming. At adult plant retains up to 10 strong shoots, of which there are no more than half last year. Saving over 4 years old and those that give a weak increase cut under the root.

The large-scale hydrangea in the fall is removed only by flashing inflorescences.

The main method of caring for trimmed hydrangeas is feeding and mulching.

How to help hydrangea to recover after winter

So that the plant goes out well from winter, do not forget cut down the bottom leaves And stop watering the plant, then it will become stronger. With the onset of heat, gradually remove the shelter layers if you produced it.

Large hydrangea can be completely discovered when a plus temperature will be installed on the street not only during the day, but also at night.

Evaluate the state of the plant after wintering, are spots or blacks on the leaves. High victim shoots and leaves need to be removed. Then draw the processing of borobos salt or copper preparations and repeat it in 2-3 weeks.

For prophylaxis Conduct regular treatment with universal drugs against fungi, bacterial infections, but not earlier than in times at 21 days.

The first feeding must contain potassium, phosphates and urea. Nitrogen stimulates the growth of new shoots and leaves.

Lush and colorful flowering will be the subject of your joy and pride. As noted in the article, large most capricious.

Large showed herself most picky in terms of care

It must be sure to bite it well for the winter. In general, the care of hydrangea bushes is simple and comes down to proper trimming and regular feeding. The spent time is worth admiring the results of labor.