Spicy details of the detention of ex-Deputy Minister Kravchenko: Turcan passed the "animator". It became known why the former Deputy Minister of Energy Kravchenko was detained Elektrobiznes Madam Sechina

Born April 3, 1967 in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in law (1995).

Ministry or department: Ministry of Energy

Position: Deputy Minister

Age: 51

Place of birth: Moscow

Income for 2017: RUB 10,074,993


In 1993-1996, he was a lawyer, then head of a department at JSC Energy Russian Company. From 1996 to 1997 - Vice-President in the non-state pension fund "ERKO-GARANT". In 1997-1998, he was the chief specialist at FGU Rosenergoatom. From 1998 to 2001 - Head of Department at the Federal Energy Commission. In 2001-2004, he was the head of the natural monopoly restructuring department at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. From 2004 to 2008 - Deputy Director of the Department, then Director of the Department of Electricity in the Ministry of Industry and Energy. In 2008-2012 - General Director of RN-Energo LLC. From 2012 to 2013 - Chairman of the Board of NP Market Council. Since 2013 - Deputy Minister of Energy.

Former Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, 51-year-old Vyacheslav Kravchenko, who left his post in November 2018. the site publishes a journalistic investigation about the stages of a lawyer's career, which led him first to the chair of the head of the entire Russian electric power industry, and then to the investigator's office.

Graduate of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. Lomonosov Kravchenko got into the big power industry while still in his fourth year at Moscow University. In 1993, he got a job as a lawyer at Russian Energy Company JSC (ERKO), and soon became the head of an entire department in the company. And ERKO was far from being an ordinary investment company. It was established in February 1992 by the leaders of the Rosenergoatom Concern as an open joint-stock company with an authorized capital of 21 million rubles, equally distributed among 21 founders. These included all nine Russian nuclear power plants serving Rosenergoatom enterprises and a number of commercial structures. The purpose of its creation is the organization of capital investments in the industry and its corporatization, the creation of a system for the sale of electricity on the free market.

The ideologist of the creation of ERKO and subsequently its leader was Sergey Ivanov, who then held the position of the first deputy chairman of the board of FGC UES for a long time. It should be noted that when ERKO was created, all employees of the nuclear power plant were registered as shareholders, respectively, the management of Rosenergoatom at the same time almost in its entirety became the management of the new energy joint-stock company. And they drew attention to a young, promising specialist. In 1996, when Kravchenko was only 29 years old, he became vice-president at the ERKO-GARANT Non-State Pension Fund, which worked on the basis of the enterprises of the same Rosenergoatom, and in 1997 Kravchenko moved to work as a chief specialist in himself. Rosenergoatom.

Scandal in the government commission

True, he did not stay in the concern, choosing the public service. In 1998, Kravchenko headed the control and legal department of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation - the predecessor of the Federal Tariff Service, and in 2001 moved to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, first as director of the department for restructuring natural monopolies. Here he was involved in a high-profile public scandal between the Ministry of Energy and the Federal Energy Commission on the one hand and RAO UES of Russia on the other. Kravchenko, who combined his ministerial position with the post of secretary of Viktor Khristenko's government commission for reforming the electric power industry, was suspected of lobbying the interests of RAO UES, which was headed by Anatoly Chubais.

In August 2003, Minister of Energy Igor Yusufov and Deputy Head of the FEC Yuri Sakharnov wrote letters addressed to Viktor Khristenko. They said that the minutes of the meetings of the commission, which considered the problems of the formation of the wholesale electricity market, did not coincide with the decisions that were actually taken by the commission. In addition, from the letter of the Minister of Energy, it actually followed that Kravchenko had committed a forgery. “Apparently, the secretary of the commission, V. M. Kravchenko, does not use the transcripts of the meetings or misinterprets them when drawing up the minutes,” the letter from the Minister of Energy said.

The main disputes between the Federal Energy Commission and the Ministry of Energy on the one hand and RAO UES on the other hand were over pricing issues on the wholesale market. In particular, government agencies were against the proposals of RAO UES regarding the introduction of so-called nodal prices on the market, which would provide the natural monopoly with excess profits and a priority position in relation to consumers in the course of electricity trading. But in the protocol of the commission, Kravchenko attributed the initiative of the nodal prices to the Ministry of Energy and the Federal Energy Commission.

The blow was taken away from Kravchenko, although the prosecutor's office could be interested in the official: official forgery implies criminal liability under article 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But that did not happen.

Chief Power Engineer of Rosneft

After the merger in 2004 of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Energy, the new department was headed by former Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko. Vyacheslav Kravchenko went to him as the head of the department of electric power industry. In this position, the official was not remembered for anything special: he dealt with the problems of reforming RAO UES, supervised the development of a general layout for the placement of electric power facilities until 2020, the so-called "second GOELRO plan", and was engaged in the current activities of the ministry in the field of energy.

In the spring of 2008, another administrative reform began, as a result of which the powers of the Ministry of Industry and Energy were again divided between the newly appeared Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade with the Ministry of Economic Development. Khristenko left. The Ministry of Energy was headed by Sergey Shmatko. Vyacheslav Kravchenko also began to collect things.

It seemed that he would continue his career as an official, but in early September 2008 it became known that Kravchenko would head Rosneft's subsidiary, RN-Energo LLC, which unites all the energy assets of the oil company. In this position, he became responsible for the uninterrupted power supply of Rosneft enterprises, and his main task was to complete the consolidation of the energy assets of the oil company.

In the summer of 2010, Kravchenko received a new offer - to head the United Energy Retail Company (OESK). This happened after Saratovenergo, one of RusHydro's structures, bought OESK together with the stakes in five energy sales companies that were on its balance sheet. And Kravchenko had to ensure the transfer of sales assets to the trust management of Inter RAO. These are 100% of the shares of OESK itself, 50.9% of the shares of Mosenergosbyt, 57.4% of the voting shares of the St. Petersburg Supply Company, 100% of the shares of Altaienergosbyt, 56.01% of the shares of the Tambov Energy Supply Company and 64.04% of the shares of Saratovenergo .

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in early December 2011 criticized a number of top managers of energy companies for using offshore schemes and affiliation with commercial structures. Dmitry Ponomarev, the then permanent chairman of the board of the NP Market Council, was the highest-ranking leader of those who were directly named by Vladimir Putin. And he was forced to leave his post. At the suggestion of the OESK, the organization was headed by Vyacheslav Kravchenko. NP Market Council, which unites all participants in the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market (WECM), appeared in early 2008, shortly before the liquidation of RAO UES of Russia. It has received broad powers as a regulator of energy markets and provides for the organization of wholesale and retail trade in electrical energy and capacity. The Market Council, along with the Ministry of Energy, is one of the key elements of industry management. In particular, it is the governing bodies of the partnership that control the infrastructure of the WECM and compliance with the rules of the market (the partnership also plays a major role in the development of these rules). At the same time, the Supervisory Board of the partnership is controlled by the state, most of its members represent state structures or state-owned energy companies.

Return to the Ministry of Energy

Vyacheslav Kravchenko came to the Ministry of Energy in September 2013 to replace Mikhail Kurbatov, who had worked as a deputy minister for just over a year. The top manager had to write a statement "on his own" after the stuffing of compromising evidence, accusing him of corruption and ties with the owners of the Energostrim group, who withdrew funds from energy sales companies.

From that moment on, Vyacheslav Kravchenko became the curator of the entire Russian electric power industry. But market participants immediately had a question why Petr Konyushenko, the former executive director of that very infamous Energostream holding, became his assistant. The media wrote that Andrey Shandalov, the beneficiary of Energostrim, arranged him for this position even under the previous Deputy Minister of Energy Mikhail Kurbatov. Being the general director of Penzaenergosbyt, Konyushenko withdrew 150 million rubles from the company in favor of companies affiliated with Energostrim. And this is not an isolated case of his actions in favor of the holding. Everyone expected that with the departure of Kurbatov, who was also presented with claims in lobbying the interests of Energostrim, Konyushenko would also resign. But that did not happen. Moreover, in March 2016, he became the CEO of Atomenergosbyt, a 100% subsidiary of Rosenergoatom. This sales company has the status of a "guaranteed supplier" in the Murmansk, Kursk, Smolensk and Tver regions, providing a sales market for electricity produced by the state corporation Rosatom.

In February 2017, a chair began to rock under Vyacheslav Kravchenko again. It turned out that from March 2011 to June 2012 Oksana, the wife of the Deputy Director of the Electricity Development Department of the Ministry of Energy, Egor Grinkevich Oksana, was listed as the Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the NP Market Council, which was previously headed by Kravchenko. She did not appear at the workplace, and her direct management believed that the money in the form of her salary was paid to the Ministry of Energy. In total, more than 1 million rubles were paid to Grinkevich's wife. The scam was revealed as a result of an audit conducted in the Ministry of Energy by the Prosecutor General's Office. The criminal case was initiated by investigators of the Department of Internal Affairs for the South Administrative District of Moscow under Part 4 of Art. 159 (fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to an “unidentified group of persons”. In the course of a survey by the Prosecutor General's Office of employees of the Market Council, it turned out that the leadership of the Ministry of Energy at that time approved the "surcharge" to Grinkevich through fictitious employment of his wife in an affiliated structure. Vyacheslav Kravchenko also knew about this scheme.

Investigators came with a search to the office of the Deputy Minister on June 18, 2018. But on a different matter. The day before, a member of the board of Inter RAO, Karina Turcan, was detained and arrested. She was accused of high treason and espionage (Article 276 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Turcan was charged with collecting and transferring information constituting state secrets and other legally protected information in the interests of a number of intelligence communities of foreign states, including Romania. Vyacheslav Kravchenko spoke with Karina Tsurkan, so he was interrogated in the espionage case, Interfax reported, citing a source familiar with the investigation. The official himself claimed that he did not know about Turcan's alleged illegal activities, therefore he was in the status of a witness.

Income and expenses

Kravchenko can also ask questions about his income and expenses. According to Rosstat, the average salary of an official of the Ministry of Energy in 2017 was 89,496 rubles. per month. Or about 1 million 74 thousand rubles. in year. The deputy minister declares at least 10 times more than these figures. In the information on income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted by federal state civil servants of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for the period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, Vyacheslav Kravchenko indicated that his income for the past year amounted to 10 million 74 993 thousand rubles, his wife earned 279 thousand 17 rubles. He owns three land plots with a total area of ​​4264 sq. m, two residential buildings with an area of ​​53.5 sq. m and 385.4 sq. m, two apartments (32.6 sq. m - half a share and 169.8 sq. m) and two garages. Vehicles include a Toyota LC 200 passenger car, three Yamaha Grizzly ATVs and a Harley-Davidson Softail motorcycle. The wife of Kravchenko owns three land plots with a total area of ​​35,200 sq. m, a residential building (304.5 sq. m) and several outbuildings, as well as two apartments (90.7 sq. m and half a share of 58.6 sq. m). She moves in a BMW X6.

Of course, it can be assumed that Kravchenko earned all this in commercial structures - Rosneft-Energo and OESK. Indeed, in the declaration for 2013, his family had even more property. True, he worked in them for only four years, and before that, since 1998, he also worked for 10 years in state structures, where salaries were hardly high.

However, 10 million rubles earned last year is the minimum income of an official for the last five years of service in the Ministry of Energy. At the end of 2016, he declared 24 million 749 thousand 358 rubles. plus 10 million 500 thousand 14 rubles. spouses, in 2015 - 10 million 838 thousand 911 rubles. (his wife has 15.5 million rubles), in 2014 his income amounted to 14 million 786 thousand 60 rubles. (569.3 thousand from his wife), and in 2013, when he worked in the Market Council until September, - 66 million 847 thousand 843 rubles. (719 thousand 114 rubles brought to the family budget of the spouse).

It can be assumed that members of the board of directors of large state-owned companies receive good remuneration. And Kravchenko represents the state on the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council, and is also a member of the boards of directors in PJSC Rosseti, PJSC RusHydro and JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System. Previously, Vyacheslav Kravchenko headed the board of directors of FGC UES. But, for example, according to the results of 2016, the income of his family (just over 35 million rubles) turned out to be twice as high as that of the family of Minister Alexander Novak, who declared 17.2 million rubles. and 337 thousand rubles of the spouse's income.

Former Deputy Energy Minister Vyacheslav Kravchenko, a long-time protégé of Igor Sechin, was detained the other day on serious fraud charges. How will the criminal case against Kravchenko affect the "great and terrible" Igor Sechin? Although Sechin has no time for internal problems. Venezuela is shaking!

In some circles, rumors began to circulate that allegedly the security forces received the "go-ahead" for the development of Igor Sechin. Apparently, the process became possible due to the detention of the former Minister of Energy, a person from a very close circle of Igor Sechin, who is still listed in 5 other reputable departments as either a director or an adviser. We are talking about Vyacheslav Kravchenko, a person with a very opaque biography.

In addition to Mr. Kravchenko, a certain Oksana Grinkevich, the wife of Yegor Grinkevich, a former deputy head of a department at the Ministry of Energy, was also detained. Today he already works in the structures of Rosatom.

Such "flowers" do not sink. Both Kravchenko and Grinkevich were searched by the FSB. Later, searches took place at six different addresses, namely, employees of the personnel department of the NP Market Council. In this noble structure, Mr. Kravchenko worked in 2012-2013.

It looks like a huge snowball is starting its run. And if the investigators can get to the core of this "coma", the tracks, apparently, can lead from the doors of the Ministry of Energy to the front entrance of Rosneft? The correspondent of The Moscow Post understood the situation.

In the garden - elderberry, in the "Market Council" - all the rest

Both Vyacheslav Kravchenko, and Oksana Grinkevich, and the personnel officers of the Market Council were interrogated at the Main Investigation Department of the TFR in Moscow. The criminal case in which the “Sechin man” was briefly detained was separated from some other case in 2018. An earlier case was initiated in February 2017 against the former head of the NP Market Council Dmitry Ponomarev. And even then, Madame Grinkevich was also involved in this case.

Both Ponomarev and Grinkevich were suspected of causing damage to the Market Council non-profit partnership for 3 million rubles. Events unfolded in 2011-2012. Oksana Grinkevich was hired by the NP Market Council, for a good salary. But she didn't have to go to work. In short, Oksana Grinkevich received money "lying on the couch." It was a kind of "appendage" to the salary of Yegor Grinkevich, who was then acquired by the Ministry of Energy.

Former Deputy Energy Minister Vyacheslav Kravchenko

Ponomarev and Grinkevich, being pressed against the wall, are signs of their guilt. They even made amends for the damage. As a result, the investigation reclassified the article from a particularly large-scale fraud to causing property damage. The trial was short: at the request of lawyers, the court dismissed the criminal case due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. This was in the summer of 2018.

The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, does not leave his "friends" in trouble

A new criminal case was singled out in order to find all the accomplices who during this time fled in one direction. But this case again concerns another "sofa" work of Mrs. Grinkevich. We are talking about JSC "Administrator of the trading system" (ATS).

Yegor Grinkevich from the Ministry of Energy smoothly swam into the structures of Rosatom. And still free!

Mr. Ponomarev headed ATS in 2007-2012, Mr. Kravchenko - in 2012-2013. The sum of damage of automatic telephone exchange makes full 9 million. And so far no one has brought this money in the basket. Employees of the personnel department of the NP Market Council, during interrogation by investigators, confessed that Oksana Grinkevich was hired by Vyacheslav Kravchenko to work at ATS.

Will he turn around again? Or will the almighty Sechin, as always, help?

The new "Mata Hari" and "Sechin's special forces"

Mr. Kravchenko left his high post in the Ministry of Energy only 2 months ago. Apparently, he felt that the earth was burning under his feet. And the air smells distinctly "fried". Indeed, back in June last year, law enforcement agencies became very interested in Kravchenko's affairs. This was reported by RBC. True, this interest was aroused in connection with the case of the Moldavian Mata Hari - the top manager of Inter RAO Karina Turcan. Kravchenko and Turcan, apparently, were united not only by state affairs, but also by some other, less noble interests. What exactly?

This is what the investigating authorities understand, so the first series of searches at the “Sechin’s man” took place six months ago: operatives shook Kravchenko’s office at the Ministry of Energy, carefully shook out the contents of all cabinets in the apartment and in the country. But, apparently, some high patron said his weighty word. Kravchenko was suddenly left alone. And he even continued to go to work at the Minenergo.

Recall that at Inter RAO, Karina Tsurkan oversaw the export and import of electricity. But in the Ministry of Energy, this was precisely the "sphere of responsibility" of Vyacheslav Kravchenko. We also add that allegedly in the Ministry of Energy Kravchenko obeyed only the "orders" of Igor Sechin.

Former top manager of Inter RAO Karina Turcan arrested until mid-February 2019

The investigation found out: Karina Turcan called Vyacheslav Kravchenko an "animator" for his virtuoso ability to "perform a number of any complexity." This was reported by the Bespredel.org portal. But not for beautiful eyes, of course, but for a certain amount of "cabbage". Today, the investigation is looking for exactly what numbers Kravchenko performed at the request of Turcan. The investigation has already revealed a criminal community of Inter RAO managers and Kravchenko's people. Ms. Turcan was transporting flows of electricity produced in Ukraine through power lines to a certain station in Moldova. And then - not without the participation of Kravchenko - electricity was sold to the homeland of Count Dracula, that is, to Romania. Fraudsters had fabulous margins in their bank accounts.

Today, some of the conversations in the audio recordings, including the discussion of the participation of the "animator" Kravchenko in corruption schemes, are in the materials of the criminal case!

Experts have already noted that the Kravchenko case is perceived as a direct attack on Sechin. And it turns out that this is the second strong blow in the gut! Recall the first: the FSB arrested high-ranking officers of the investigative committee who were part of Sechin's team. This team was also called “Sechin’s special forces.” The seemingly unsinkable General Oleg Feoktistov was fired from the authorities.

Legendary FSB General Oleg Feoktistov

Some pointed out that the detention of Vyacheslav Kravchenko took place at a time when there was a political crisis in Venezuela: today Sechin is busy with a serious problem. There is a serious tug-of-war going on. And yet, Kravchenko was not left in jail. The case has not (yet) gone to trial. The investigators reluctantly took a written undertaking not to leave the "man Sechin".

But will the operatives be able to initiate a high-profile case of power engineers? Or Mr. "animator" in the near future will flee abroad? Home of Count Dracula?

Electrical business of Madame Sechina

What is curious: when you start to figure out who and why pulls their paws and paws into the energy business, you involuntarily wonder - who is not there today! Here is the former wife of the almighty Mr. Sechin - Marina Vladimirovna Sechina, too, is not averse to basking in this branch of the national economy. And why is she worse than Mr. Kravchenko? Does her ex-beloved husband help her too? Or not? But then how does Mrs. Sechina get so much movable and immovable property? A huge house in Serebryany Bor? Sets of flats and paintings. Equestrian club? Wardrobes with the most expensive and exquisite clothes? A collection of fur coats that even Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, speaker of the Federation Council, would greatly envy?

The ex-wife of the head of Rosneft, businesswoman Marina Sechina

Recall that Marina Sechina went into business more than 7 years ago, immediately after the divorce. And almost immediately after a stressful divorce, she opened an offshore in the Cayman Islands. This was reported by "Version.info".

In Russia, 9 legal entities are registered in her name. But today, Mrs. Sechina has a huge range of interests in business - this is real estate, and farming, and construction, and wholesale trade, and also metalworking machine tools. And, of course, energy!

According to rumors, today the second husband, a certain Khizir Atakuev, is also actively helping Mrs. Sechina. It was with this energetic and punchy macho that Mrs. Sechina wanted to enter JSC Mezhregionsoyuzenergo. Novaya Gazeta wrote about this in detail.

But Mezhregionsoyuzenergo and its leadership, represented by Shulgin and Osmanov, have been going through difficult times for several years now. Mezhregionsoyuzenergo includes a number of energy sales companies - these are Arkhenergosbyt, Vologda Sales Company, Khakasenergosbyt and Roskommunenergo. These companies live in a state of stress because consumers often do not pay on time. But obligations to power grid companies must be closed on time.

And then there was this crime. Back in April 2013, the security director of IDGC of the North-West PJSC filed a fraud complaint against unidentified persons from among the leaders of Arkhenergosbyt and the Vologda sales company. After that, Sberbank and VTB closed a credit line for 4.5 billion rubles. If all liquid assets were withdrawn from Mezhregionsoyuzenergo, as indicated in the application for initiating a criminal case, then the supply companies should have gone bankrupt. But this did not happen, because the companies invested their money in the business. However, without credit support there would be a complete "out". Looking for someone who can help. And then Khizir Atakuev appeared - a business partner and confidant of Marina Sechina. And according to some information, also a new, legal husband.

Acquaintance with Marina Sechina was organized by Atakuev. According to rumors, he convinced that allegedly with the help of Mrs. Sechina, any problem could be solved! But for this, Marina Sechina must become a shareholder of Mezhregionsoyuzenergo.

Marina Sechina became a shareholder, but it was not possible to renew credit lines in Sberbank and VTB. True, with the help of Sechina, they managed to get a loan of 250 million rubles from Nefteprombank. It was repaid by Mezhregionsoyuzenergo. But the loan from Novikombank (also in the amount of 250 million rubles), which Sechina and Atakuev took for their needs, was not repaid. Moreover, the creditor tried to recover these millions from the companies of the Mezhregionsoyuzenergo group. But the Arbitration Court recognized the instructions issued under this loan as invalid.

On March 31, 2017, the prosecutor's office issued a decision to dismiss the criminal case against Shulgin and other persons from the company's management.

Today, Shulgin and Osmanov retain control over Mezhregion-soyuzenergo. But the companies of Sechina and Atakuev never became shareholders. They, of course, could become shareholders of power supply companies. But only after paying your share. But Ms. Sechina's companies did not pay the share. By the way, both Sechina and Atakuev received salaries from Mezhregionsoyuzenergo: Marina Sechina - 1 million rubles a month. And her partner Atakuev - 500 thousand rubles each. This was written by Novaya Gazeta. A good weld to all the other businesses of Sechina and K!

If Sechina and Atakuev have not paid either the nominal or the actual value of the shares in Konsaltenergoservis LLC and Consortium Energopromfinance LLC, they may face litigation. And litigation - most likely - will take place not only in Russian jurisdiction. They will probably go to Britain. The total debt on unpaid transactions is 1.5 billion rubles of the main debt. And there are more than 2 billion rubles.

Will the almighty Mr. Sechin come to the rescue? The sums are rather big, no matter how you have to sell a luxurious house in Serebryany Bor! And a collection of fur coats to boot.

All the "royal" army: energy minister Alexander Novak, head of Rosneft Igor Sechin and big space dreamer Dmitry Rogozin

Minister Yusufov accused Kravchenko of forgery

But back to our drums.

There are many interesting things in the rich biography of Mr. Kravchenko. In 2004–2006 Mr. Kravchenko served as Deputy Head of the Department of Investment Policy in Industry and Energy of the Ministry of Industry and Energy. In 2008 - 2012 - Kravchenko - head of Rosneft-energo LLC. This LLC controlled all energy assets of Rosneft. During this period, key decisions were made on the reform of RAO "UES of Russia".

Former Energy Minister Igor Yusufov accused Vyacheslav Kravchenko of forgery and lobbying for the interests of Chubais

In 2001, Kravchenko moved to the Ministry of Economic Development. And soon he became involved in a scandal between the Ministry of Energy and the Federal Energy Commission on the one hand, and RAO "UES of Russia" on the other. At that time, Kravchenko combined his position in the ministry with the post of secretary of Viktor Khristenko's government commission for reforming the electric power industry. And then he was suspected of lobbying the interests of Anatoly Chubais.

In August 2003, then Energy Minister Igor Yusufov even scribbled several letters addressed to Khristenko. They said that the minutes of the meetings of the commission, which considered the problems of the formation of the wholesale electricity market, did not coincide with the decisions of the commission. That is, Kravchenko. according to Minister Yusufov, committed forgeries. This was written by Kommersant.

Viktor Khristenko, Tatyana Golikova's husband, former Minister of Industry and Trade

It turns out that even then, more than 15 years ago, the bell rang very strongly?

But they did not begin to bring Kravchenko under the "crime". But even then, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation could have become seriously interested in his multi-layered person: official forgery is a criminal article. It's basically a prison. And the closure of any kind of business. But then he escaped criminal prosecution. Will it escape today?

Mr. "animator", it turns out, did a good job for the good of the Fatherland. According to Rosstat, the average salary of an official of the Ministry in 2017 was more than 89 thousand rubles. Or 1 million 75 thousand rubles. in year. Let's look at the declaration of Mr. Kravchenko for 2017. Vyacheslav Kravchenko indicated that his income amounted to 10 million 74 thousand 993 rubles, his wife earned "a little less" - 279 thousand rubles.

Mr. Kravchenko owns 3 land plots with a total area of ​​4265 sq. m, 2 more residential buildings with an area of ​​53 sq. m and 385 sq. m, two apartments (32 sq. m - half share and 170 sq. m) and 2 garages. He has a Toyota car, 3 Yamaha ATVs and a Harley-Davidson Softail motorcycle.

The (former) official's wife owns 3 land plots with a total area of ​​35,200 sq. m, residential building over 300 sq. m and several outbuildings, as well as 2 apartments: 90 sq. m and half a share of 59 sq. m. Ms. Kravchenko drives a BMW X6.

Total for two - 6 land plots of a crazy total size, 3 residential buildings, 4 apartments, 2 garages, several outbuildings. But where does all this come from, if the salary of the "animator" Kravchenko is by no means the same as that of Mr. Sechin in Rosneft?

It turns out that many years of "animation" helped a lot? So they will "put" this circus performer? Or let it disappear? Tricky question!

The new business is separated from the old

The criminal case in which Kravchenko was detained last year was separated from another, initiated in February 2017 against the former head of the NP Market Council Dmitry Ponomarev and Oksana Grinkevich, says a source close to one of the law enforcement agencies. This is also confirmed by a RBC source close to one of the accused. The Association brings together public and private participants in the Russian energy market and provides for the organization of wholesale and retail trade in electrical energy and capacity.

What were Ponomarev and Grinkevich accused of before?

The investigation suspected Dmitry Ponomarev, Oksana Grinkevich and a number of unidentified persons of causing damage to NP Market Council in the amount of 3 million rubles. in the period from March 1, 2011 to June 29, 2012. At that time, Grinkevich was listed in the association as the deputy head of the administrative and economic department. According to investigators, she was a so-called dead soul - the position was specially invented by Ponomarev, and Grinkevich received money without performing work duties. It was a “surcharge” to the salary of Yegor Grinkevich in the ministry, but it was paid by the participants of the NP Market Council, two officials told RBC.

Both defendants pleaded guilty and paid damages. As a result, the investigation reclassified the article from especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) to causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust on an especially large scale (part 2 of article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The trial was short: already at the first hearing on the merits in July 2018, at the request of lawyers, the court terminated the criminal case due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

A new criminal case has been allocated to find previously unidentified accomplices of Grinkevich and Ponomarev, one of RBC's sources says. It concerns the fictitious work of Grinkevich in the ATS - the structure of the NP Market Council, he explains. Ponomarev headed ATS in 2007-2012, Kravchenko - in 2012-2013. The amount of damage to the automatic telephone exchange is estimated at 9 million rubles, and it has not yet been reimbursed, says a RBC source. Employees of the personnel department of the NP "Market Council" during interrogation confirmed that Oksana Grinkevich was hired by Kravchenko, but she did not appear at work, RBC's source claims. The fact that Kravchenko was detained in the case of fraud in the automatic telephone exchange is also known by another source of RBC, close to one of the law enforcement agencies.

Kravchenko, who has worked in the power industry for more than ten years, took up the post of deputy minister in November last year at his own request. But his departure was connected, among other things, with claims to the official from law enforcement agencies, an acquaintance of Kravchenko and a source close to the FSB explain.

Witness in espionage case

In June last year, searches were carried out in the office, apartment and dacha of the Deputy Minister in the case of espionage in favor of the Moldovan intelligence, sources told RBC. The former top manager of Inter RAO Karina Turcan was accused of espionage, she is under arrest until February 14, 2019. Kravchenko was a witness in this case.

In 2008-2012, Kravchenko worked in the structures of Rosneft and is considered close to Inter RAO, whose board of directors is headed by Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin.

At Inter RAO, Tsurkan headed the trading block, that is, she oversaw the export and import of electricity, which were Kravchenko's area of ​​​​responsibility in the Ministry of Energy. RBC sources indicated that, according to the prosecution, Turcan, among other things, transmitted information about the supply of electricity to the Crimea and the unrecognized republics of Donbass.

Kravchenko filed a letter of resignation in the summer, but then it was not accepted, two acquaintances of the deputy minister say. After his dismissal, Kravchenko did not have time to go to a new job - he "rests and fights for his destiny," his acquaintance told RBC at the end of last year.

Former Deputy Energy Minister Vyacheslav Kravchenko was detained in the capital on suspicion of fraud, an informed source told Interfax on Thursday.

"Vyacheslav Kravchenko has been detained. He is suspected of fraud," the source said, without giving details.

Asked about Kravchenko's detention, a federal official who wished to remain anonymous said: "We heard about it."

Earlier, the RBC news agency, citing its own sources, reported that Kravchenko was detained on January 23 for 48 hours as part of the investigation of a criminal case on fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). "Besides him, two more were detained, including Oksana Grinkevich, the wife of Yegor Grinkevich, the former deputy head of the Department of the Ministry of Energy," RBC wrote.

According to the agency, on the morning of January 23, the FSB and employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow conducted searches in the apartment of Vyacheslav Kravchenko, as well as at six more addresses of employees of the personnel department of the NP Market Council, where Kravchenko worked in 2012-2013. Oksana Grinkevich's house was also searched, her friend says.

Kravchenko, Grinkevich and employees of the Market Council were taken for interrogation to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. RBC sources added that the criminal case in which Kravchenko was detained last year was separated from another case initiated in February 2017 against the former head of the NP Market Council Dmitry Ponomarev and Oksana Grinkevich.

The investigation suspected Ponomarev, Grinkevich and a number of unidentified persons of causing damage to NP Market Council in the amount of 3 million rubles from March 1, 2011 to June 29, 2012. At this time, Grinkevich was listed in the partnership of the deputy head of the administrative and economic department. According to investigators, she was the so-called "dead soul": the position was specially invented by Ponomarev, and Grinkevich received money without fulfilling her work duties. It was a "surcharge" to the ministerial salary of Yegor Grinkevich, but it was paid by the participants of the NP Market Council - state and private energy companies, two officials told RBC.

Both defendants pleaded guilty and paid damages. As a result, the investigation reclassified the article from especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) to causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust on an especially large scale (part 2 of article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The trial was short: already at the first hearing on the merits in July 2018, at the request of lawyers, the court terminated the criminal case due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

A new criminal case has been allocated to find previously unidentified accomplices of Grinkevich and Ponomarev, one of RBC's sources says. But it concerns Grinkevich's "fictitious" work at ATS, a structure of the NP Market Council. Ponomarev headed ATS in 2007-2012, Kravchenko - in 2012-2013. The amount of damage to the automatic telephone exchange is estimated at 9 million rubles. and it has not yet been refunded. Employees of the personnel department of the NP "Market Council" during interrogation confirmed that Oksana Grinkevich was hired by Kravchenko, but she did not appear at work, RBC's source claims.

Vyacheslav Kravchenko was born on April 3, 1967 in Moscow. In 1995, he graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in law.

From 2004 to 2008, Kravchenko worked at the Ministry of Industry and Energy, where he became director of the Department of Electricity. Prior to that, he headed the department for the restructuring of natural monopolies of the Ministry of Economic Development, and was also the head of the control and legal department of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation, held the positions of general director of RN-Energo and OESK.

In 2012-2013 Kravchenko was the chairman of the board of the NP Market Council. Vyacheslav Kravchenko worked as Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation from 2013 to 2018. He oversaw the development of the electric power industry.

Since 2014, Kravchenko has been a member of the directors of PJSC RusHydro.

Kravchenko left the post of Deputy Minister in November 2018 of his own free will. But the dismissal was due, among other things, to claims against a high-ranking official from law enforcement agencies, an acquaintance of the deputy minister and a source close to the FSB explains.

In June last year, searches were carried out in the office, apartment and dacha of the Deputy Minister in the case of espionage in favor of the Moldovan intelligence, sources told RBC. Former Inter RAO top manager Karina Turcan was accused of espionage. She is under arrest until February 14, 2019. Kravchenko was a witness in this case.

In 2008-2012, Kravchenko worked in the structures of Rosneft and is considered close to Inter RAO, whose board of directors is headed by Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin.

At Inter RAO, Tsurkan headed the trading block, that is, she oversaw the export and import of electricity (this was Kravchenko's area of ​​responsibility in the Ministry of Energy). RBC sources indicated that, according to the prosecution, Turcan, among other things, transmitted information about the supply of electricity to the Crimea and the unrecognized republics of Donbass.

Kravchenko wrote a letter of resignation back in the summer, but then it was not signed, two acquaintances of the deputy minister say. After his dismissal, Kravchenko did not have time to go to a new job: "he is resting and fighting for his destiny," his acquaintance explained at the end of last year.