"Alternative boiler room" - alternative to overpayments? Experiment on the country. Alternative boiler room offered heat reforming directions

In December last year, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading amendment to the Law "On Heat Sun." They suggest a transition to a new model for determining the cost of heat - the so-called "alternative boiler room" method. The site found out that he implies, and why need changes in heat management.

Thermal networks of the Krasnoyarsk Heat Transport Company (KTTK)

Source: SIBGENCO.ru.

What will change with the adoption of an "alternative boiler room"?

Amendments to the Law "On Heat supply" suggest a new model of thermal energy market. Namely, the refusal to the annual state regulation of tariffs of organizations included in the heat supply system: manufacturers and sellers of heat and network companies.

Instead, the price of heat will be established by agreement of the parties within the limiting level controlled by the state. This limit level will be calculated according to the most "alternative boiler room" method: it allows you to determine the cost of gigaklorine, in which the consumer will refuse the central heat supply and build its own source of heat. Actually, hence the term is "alternative boiler room".

"Simply put, the" alternative boiler room "is a formula that allows us to calculate the cost of building a certain" virtual "heat source, and thus determine how much it will be its thermal energy. For example, we want to build a boiler room for one microdistrict: lay the cost of new equipment and boilers designed for a residential fund, hospital, school and kindergarten. We also score in it the cost of construction, salary workers, the cost of the land plot, the number of days of the heating season, etc. Then, based on the total amount, we calculate the cost of one gigaklorine and compare it with the price of the gigaklorine of the central source of heat supply, "explains the director of Tariffing of the Siberian Generating Company Ekaterina Kozosov.

By the way, on the website of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, there is already a so-called "calculator", where every citizen can calculate the cost of the final price of heat in the event of a transition to the "alternative boiler room" in its region.

Will the heat for the consumer?

Calculations made by SGK in conjunction with the Ministry of Energy showed that the cost of one alternative boiler room gigaclorine in the Siberian regions will be 2.3-2.6 thousand rubles. This is two times higher than current prices - 1.2-1.3 thousand rubles. However, it is emphasized in SGC that no reasons for panic - we are talking about the maximum price calculated at the value of the "alternative boiler room", and this does not mean that the cost of heat in the regions will automatically jum up to this level.

"We proceed from the fact that we do not need to sell heat to the maximum. Therefore, together with the Ministry of Energy, prepared amendment into legislation that we can sell heat much cheaper than the price of "alternative boiler room", let's say at current prices. Now the draft law has a formulation that states that, by agreement between the administration of the region, the city and the unified heat supply organization, a reduced price in relation to the price "alternative boiler room" can be established.

For example, thermal energy is traded at the price of "altkotelny" using the coefficient of 0.7 or 0.5, depending on the region. We understand that our facilities are already standing, they do not need to be built again, and on our part it will be wrong to take a fee with the consumer at the cost of the "alternative boiler room". In principle, it is approximately found that the price that suits us and at which we are ready to invest significant investments in the heat supply system in our regions, "said Ekaterina Kosyova.

The Ministry of Energy also does not predict a sharp jump of prices for heat when entering an "alternative boiler room". Thus, according to the ministry, 20% of consumers will not feel any price changes, for 40% of the price will increase on inflation plus 1-2%, for 36-37% - for inflation plus 4-5%, and only for 3-4% of consumers The price will grow by 10%.

Krasnoyarsk CHP-1

Source: SIBGENCO.ru.

What is the need for an "alternative boiler room"?

There is a natural question: if current tariffs arrange participants in the heat supply system, moreover, and in the future, the heat fee will actually change, what is the need to move to a new pricing model?

As explained in the SGC, the current tariff formation mechanism does not allow long-term investment. The fact is that according to the current tariff legislation, as soon as the investor invests money in the development of capacity, it improves the economy, and the next year it leads to a decrease in the tariff. In other words, legislation does not guarantee investment return investors, which makes it impossible to develop the industry.

"That regulation that has at the moment has been restrained by our investment opportunities. An absolutely irrational distorted environment has been created, which does not allow us to implement long projects, "- states the main shareholder of SGK Andrei Melnichenko.

At the same time, the participants in the heat supply system emphasize that they demand a little - once to calculate the tariff and fix it. It is this possibility that the scheme of the "alternative boiler" is provided. With it, the established tariff will be changed annually only on the size of inflation, and this will be enough to ensure investors return investment.

"By regions of our presence, I can say with confidence - in order to solve the painful heat supply problems and improve the situation in this area, we do not need as such an increase in the tariff - the one is sufficient. All we need is to grow together with inflation and nothing more. At the same time, we will bring billions of investments, solve the solar problems, without increasing tariffs, and in some cases we can reduce the current tariffs. This will happen because we will have a guarantee of the return of invested funds. We will have confidence that the tariff will grow by inflation, and not how, as he wants to the head of the REC, or the governor, or someone in the FAS, "said Mikhail Kuznetsov, General Director of SGK.

In the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, they recognize that the industry of heat supply is required by the enormous amount of investments in modernization, however, existing management mechanisms make it unattractive for investors. At the same time, as noted by the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko, the new model of the heat market will allow attracting investors to the industry, to make the cost of thermal energy more predictable and solve the problem of high infrastructure wear.

According to preliminary estimates, the transition to the "alternative boiler room" will increase 2.5 trillion rubles to heat supply, increases GDP at least 600 billion rubles, will give more than 35 thousand new jobs and more than 800 billion rubles. tax deductions.

Krasnoyarsk CHP-3. Closed switchgear.

What do they think in the regions?

As already mentioned, the amendments to the law "On heat supply" relative to the "alternative boiler house" were adopted by the State Duma in the first reading in December 2016. It is expected that the second reading will be held until the fall of 2017. The draft law is assumed that the transition to a new market model will be voluntary - the decision will be taken by regional and municipal authorities - and gradual - for 5-10 years.

In the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, they say that a number of regions have already been aroused as pilot to the introduction of the model "Alternative Boiler". Among them, Tatarstan, Khanty-Mansiysk District, Altai Territory. Within the framework of the International Investment Forum "Sochi-2016", the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Viktor Tolokonsky, stated that the land is also ready among the first to begin to work out a new model for determining the cost of heat. He stressed that the changes should be aimed at that with the same tariffs, consumers received the best quality.

"The transition to a new model not only attracts investment, but changes a serious tariff policy. If you focus on the tariff of the prevailing producer of energy, there would be no questions, whereas the tariff is three times higher on separate boiler rooms, "Tolokonsky noted.

In SGC, they declare that no obstacles for the introduction of an "alternative boiler room" in the regions of their presence do not see.

"We predict that the successful implementation of one project, suppose in Khakassia, will pull other regions. Including Krasnoyarsk, "said Catherine Kosnov.

In general, it is expected that consumers in the regions will benefit from the introduction of a new model of the heat market. Calculations will become understandable and transparent, each buyer will be able to predict its costs for the long-term period. And in the case of implementing measures to improve energy efficiency and reduce consumption volumes, it will have the possibility of real savings - only the limits of the price will be adjusted with the new system, while the payment will be adjusted by reducing consumption volumes than with the current system of tariff regulation.

D.T.N. V.A. Stennikov, Professor,
Institute of Energy Systems. L.A. Melentheva SB RAS, Irkutsk

(published in the order of discussion)

Legislative initiatives of reforming heat supply

The problem of transforming heat supply and turning it into an effective scope of the country's economy at different stages of its development had its own characteristics and was in the field of view of all levels of management. The intentions to improve the situation in the heat supply of the country were undertaken repeatedly, but they were not fulfilled, since they were not fully supported by organizational measures, logistical and financial resources.

The main directions of the heat supply reform of Russia at the present stage in accordance with the strategic guidelines for the development of the country's economy were proposed in, adopted for implementation in 2010 in subsequent years, these areas received the implementation of the federal and regional laws "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency", A number of regulatory documents, in the developed heat supply schemes of cities and settlements. The adoption of the law "On Heat Sun" made it possible to legally arrange heat supply as a sector of the country's economy, which is an organic part of the country's fuel and energy complex, along with gas, oil, coal sectors, electric power and nuclear energy.

With the release of the law "On Heat Sun" began to pay more attention to heat supply not only as a problem industry, but also as a promising scope of economic activity. The past years have made certain adjustments to the development of heat supply and demanded the introduction of certain changes to the adopted law. The need and content of these changes is considered in various publications, including in the draft energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2035.

The Ministry of Energy of Russia (ME RF) proposed his vision of these changes, which, according to specialists of the ME RF, will allow successfully reforming heat supply. The concept of the formation of tariffs for thermal energy on the basis of the indicative price of alternative boiler house (AC) and the creation of a single heat supply organization (ETO) is laid in their foundation. It is proposed that by 2020 tariffs for thermal energy will be brought to the level of the cost of supplying heat from a certain technologically advanced alternative boiler room. This, according to the concept (AK + ETO), are organized, as a rule, on the basis of large generating companies (TGK and OGK) and include heat sources and thermal networks. This concept for quite understandable reasons is definitely supported by major generating companies. At the same time, she has a lot of opponents.

The proposed innovations are aimed primarily to increase (1.5-2 times) tariffs for thermal energy to the level of its production costs of a certain virtual newly created "alternative boiler room" and empowering major generating companies that organize this, undiscriminated operational management powers and The development of heat supply systems of cities and settlements. Such a decision seems excessive, especially since it is proposed to gradually cancel the tariff regulation, and in ETO among decision makers, there are no consumer representatives, primarily the population, as a balancing factor. All this in aggregate can lead to negative consequences not only for consumers, but also for the energy supplying organizations themselves. Having the right to exist, these proposals have nothing to do with the solution of problems that have long been in heat supply, such as the ordering of organizational management, improving the efficiency of heat supply, stimulating cost reduction, coordination of electricity and thermal energy markets and others. According to this and lower reasons, the inclusion of them in the law is unacceptable.

Analysis of the proposals of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

The changes offered in the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation are aimed primarily to support large companies and enhancing their monopoly, they deprive the heat supply of the competitive basis and incentives to increase its effectiveness. This is confirmed by the following analysis of these changes.

1. The system problem characteristic of many current initiatives, including in heat supply, is incorrectly accepted goal. In particular, the proposed concept is directed not to the consumer for which everything should be done, but to improve the position of heat supply companies and some of the thermal market formed by them, on which the participation of consumers (not to mention their presence) is not provided. The purpose of this concept is to ensure the sustainable functioning and development of the industry in the formula for the development of the heat supply industry (and even the large centralized part of it) for the sake of the heat supply industry itself. At the same time, the purpose of reforming heat supply should be to ensure the effective supply of consumers with thermal energy at an affordable cost, i.e. Ensuring the demand, quality, reliability and availability of thermal energy while reducing costs for its supply. The interests of consumers must be a key task of reform, which is not in the concept.

2. Today, the country's economy is focused on the formation of competitive market relations, at the same time reforming heat supply is proposed to carry out the previous administrative methods, such as the state introduction of tariffs for thermal energy and the creation of a monopoly operational structure in the form of ETO. This is contrary to the country's strategic landmarks.

3. The proposed tariff "Alternative Boiler" represents nothing but a degraded physical method of separating the cost of electrical and thermal energy, this is a certain abstract concept of a virtual character. Moreover, it additionally loads the investment component, which is absolutely not justified for existing systems. At the same time, the return to the analogue of the physical method is a passed stage, which led to the care of consumers from centralized heat supply systems and a decrease in their competitiveness.

4. The growth of the tariff to the level of "alternative boiler room", for which there is no reason, contradicts the main strategic direction for the development of heat supply - wellness, since it leads to a decrease in its competitiveness relative to other types of heat supply, consumer outflows and stagnation.

5. It is assumed that the growth of tariffs to the level of the cost of heat production on an alternative boiler room will ensure wide attraction of investments for the modernization of heat supply facilities, and will also be

there is a sustainable functioning and development. At the same time, as practice shows, this simple mechanism only creates energy supplying companies and leads to even greater inaction.

6. Unreasonable tariff growth and the monopoly heat supply management structure created does not stimulate the entrepreneurial initiative and competition for the consumer who would contribute to reduce costs and increase production efficiency.

7. The main obstacle to the inflow of investment in the industry is not low tariffs, as stated, and our mentality about the imperfectness of the heat supply sphere, as noted above, the uncertainty of economic, legal, technical policy, the opacity of financial flows, the process of tariff formation, the inappropriate use of funds, practically Full closing of production, financial indicators of power companies, etc. So, for example, only this year the government has changed tariff politics three times. It is these and some other factors led to the loss of investor confidence, and not existing tariff levels.

8. Market mechanisms for attracting investments in the concept under consideration are not considered and not offered. Energy supplying companies, however, as all major companies in our country, do not risk in their activities, for example, as a small business, so do not show business activity, and all the risks are shifted by the consumer.

9. The concept is proposed to implement the formation of generating companies with the inclusion of thermal networks and the heat sources of these companies. At the same time, this is all powers to manage the functioning and development of heat supply systems of cities. The introduction of the monopoly structure is in this form eliminates state authorities and local governments from the management of heat supply, a very important and socially intense sphere, largely determining the energy security of Russia. The main social function of the state is completely shifted by private companies.

10. The heat supply industry is declared not regulated, all responsibility for heat supply is imposed on this, which will not be fundamentally public, open and transparent. At the same time, it will dictate its maintenance conditions on the territory entrusted to it. In essence, it is endowed with limitless rights without any responsibilities: determines the prices of manufacturers; establishes maximum prices; concludes contracts

prices determined in accordance with the rules established by ETO; develops heat supply schemes; distributes loads between heat sources, etc.

11. Transferring all the functions of a thermal energy provider The only market in the market is contrary to the fundamental principles of the competitive market. For example, the price of thermal energy supplied to consumers is determined by the most unilaterally. This is generally something new in a market economy - not by agreement of the parties, but unilaterally.

12. Modern electricity and heat markets are deeply integrated and energetically, and technically, they are economically interconnected among themselves as two reporting vessels. The importance of the main source of these markets is CHP. More than 32% of electricity and more than 30% of heat generated on the CHP. These markets should objectively be considered together, they cannot be broken as presented in the concept. This is confirmed by the past one-sided reform of the electric power industry, which largely caused negative trends not only in this industry, but also in heat supply and, above all, in relation to CHP.

13. It is proposed to change the status of the heat supply scheme to analytical and information functions. This indicates a complete misunderstanding of the appointment of this document, its composition and importance. The scheme is a software document, a feasibility study of those solutions that are offered to meet the promising demand of consumers, increasing the efficiency of heat supply, etc.; This publicity is a state policy conductor in heat supply. It defines investment needs, is the basis for attracting extrabudgetary sources of financing of activities.

14. The customer of the scheme should be municipal authorities. It cannot be prerogative, since it should be an independent document, should reflect the strategic state benchmarks in heat supply, should cover the heat supply of the entire territory of the municipality, take into account the interests of all participants in the thermal market. The removal of state authorities and local self-government from this process seems inexpedient.

The described analysis of the changes offered by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation to introduce into the law "On He Heat Support" shows that their main provisions are confirmed with the development of a market economy in the country, they are not consistent with strategic guidelines for the priority development of heating protection (cogeneration), lead to inaction of heat supply organizations , eliminating government bodies from the process of managing the most socially intense sector of the economy, a significant increase in the financial burden on the budget and the population, the collapse of the non-payment and further degradation of heat supply.

Possible consequences

The inclusion in the federal law of the proposed conceptual provisions for heat reform will lead to a number of negative consequences, among which the following may be allocated:

1. A significant unreasonable growth in tariff will lead to further care of consumers from centralized heat supply systems. Excessive power will increase, the costs of its content will additionally fall on the remaining consumers. The inefficient process of "kotelnization" will continue.

2. An even more severe trend is planned, according to which large industrial enterprises, including due to high energy products, will be transferred and already transferred their production facilities abroad. It will worsen the situation not only in the energy sector, but also in the Russian economy as a whole.

3. Consumer care on its own heat sources will lead to a decrease in heat load and reduce electricity production on the most economical combined cycle on the CHP and the further fall of their competitiveness in the wholesale electricity market and power.

4. Unilateral consideration of the thermal market without coordination with the electricity market does not solve the main problems of a discriminatory nature regarding the participation of CHP in the electricity market. The redistribution of costs towards thermal energy will temporarily improve the situation of the CHP in the electric market, but in fact will not change it. The mismatch of these markets will increase, reducing the effectiveness of the participation of the CHP in the production of electrical energy and displacing them from this market, turning into boiler houses.

5. The situation will exacerbate in systems having a tariff above the established indicative price. This category will be attributed, as a rule, municipal boiler rooms operating in remote territories. In accordance with the concept, they must be either closed, or upgraded. Being social objects, they often do not have sufficient funds to their technical re

armament, and will have to close, and consumers will be thrown on survival.

6. Due to the uncontrollability and the absence of a competitive market, costs for the production and transportation of thermal energy will increase significantly, which will contribute to the next turn of the growth of tariffs.

7. Empirely increased fee for thermal energy will entail an increase in cash expenditures from the budget and the population to heat supply, will be accompanied by the inability to pay thermal energy by increased value, will lead to an increase in non-payments, will help reduce the competitiveness of centralized heat supply and its degradation.

8. Monopoly ETO will not allow to develop independent thermal energy manufacturers and will lead to the coagulation of their activities.

9. Changing the functional purpose of heat supply schemes, the absence of their public openness, etc. It will lead to a decrease in the significance of this document, the inconsistency of the development of heat supply systems by the plans of urban development and in general the imbalance of the infrastructure of cities and settlements, which was clearly manifested in the past decades, when their development was discontinued.

This is not all possible consequences of the proposed innovations, which ultimately lead to a further deterioration in the situation in heat supply and its collapse. The reform of heat supply must be started with the change in the goallement and the mentality of the ineffectiveness of heat supply, which developed decades.

Targets for heat supply reform

Over the past years, a fairly large range of issues have been accumulated, which must be solved in the process of reforming heat supply. At the same time, the reform of the country's heat supply must be focused on the achievement of the following major target settings:

■ improving the level of comfort in residential, social and industrial premises, providing the population and sectors of the country's economy by the developed complex of heat supply services with their costs available;

■ cardinal increase in technical level of systems based on innovative, energy efficient technologies and equipment;

■ Reduction of non-productive heat loss and fuel consumption;

■ ensuring manageability, reliability and efficiency of heat supply;

■ weakening the negative impact on the environment;

■ Ensuring the economic availability of heat supply services for consumers.

The reform criterion should be the positive dynamics of the following indicators: 1 - the cost of thermal energy should fall; 2 - the availability of thermal energy should grow; 3 - Reliability and quality of heat supply should rise. All targets for heat supply reform, as well as all infrastructure industries, should be directed to the consumer. No consumer, there is no future in such an industry.

The achievement of the listed strategic goals of heat development can be carried out by solving a primary task complex:


■ elimination of departmental disunity (Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Regional Development, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, electric generating and industrial companies, municipalities, etc.) and non-attornectional actions undertaken at various levels of government;

■ raising the role and responsibility of regional bodies and local governments for heat supply;

■ Creation of a competitive thermal energy market with full participation of consumers as a player of this market.


■ Development of the entire package of documents provided for by the Federal Law "On Heat supply", introducing the necessary changes to it;

■ formation of motivations (including administrative, legislative) in energy supply companies (OGK, TGK, etc.), responsible for heat supply (first of all cogeneration), in the development of this industry, overcoming the mentality of specialists and managers in terms of negative attitude towards heat supply ;

■ Significant increase in the level of management of heat supply and energy supplying organizations, ensuring their qualified bona fide personnel.

Production and technical:

■ significantly increase the level of maintenance and operation of systems;

■ ensure timely and high-quality implementation of repair work, as well as upgrades and updating equipment;

■ technical re-equipment and technological modernization of systems;

■ It is possible to optimize the operational process of managing production, the transport and distribution of thermal energy.

Many of the listed areas are quite obvious and do not require significant investments, while practicing shows,

in most cases, there are and their implementation. The result of the decision to solve the above tasks should be:

■ a sequential reduction in costs for the supply of thermal energy to consumers at least 15-20%;

■ Improving heat leave from CHP 1.5-2.0 times by refunding former and attracting new consumers;

■ an increase in the share of electricity generated on heat consumption, from 28% to 45-50%;

■ the increase in the proportion of heat generated in the heat mode, from 48% to 65%;

■ Increasing the use of the installed capacity of the CHP with 67% to 80% (project indicator);

■ an increase in the efficiency of the use of fuel heat from 52% to 90%, as in European countries;

■ Reducing the number of boiler rooms, first of all working on natural gas, 2 times;

■ Reducing cash flows, first of all, the population and budgets of different levels on the payment of thermal energy by 1.5 times.

Indicative indicators are high enough, but they are achievable, as the experience of European states shows, not to mention the Scandinavian countries.

The proposed directions of heat reform

The reform of heat supply has multidimensional nature and should be carried out in several directions.

1. The hierarchically ordered system of state and municipal, as well as corporate control of heat supply with the appropriate separation of functions and responsibility between state authorities, local self-government and business for this crucial social sphere, activities in which partially (heat transfer) is naturally Monopoly.

2. It is necessary at the highest state level to establish and legislatively consolidate the following provisions:

■ Heat supply (centralized and decentralized, communal and industrial), as the economy industry (economy), is an integral part of a multi-sectoral fuel and energy complex (fuel and energy complex);

■ the federal executive body authorized to implement the legal regulation and state policy in the field of heat supply (within the framework of the state energy policy as a whole), is the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation with the laying off of individual functions (as in relation to other industries of the EEC) provided for by law on the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Regional Development, MinStroy - Housing and Commellents, Ministry of Industry and Communist Party Mintrans, Ministry of Agriculture, FTS, FAS, Rostechnadzor.

3. In connection with the intersection of the interests of the heat supply and electricity sectors, it is necessary to coordinate the interests of electric and thermal energy markets. For this purpose, you need to form full-fledged retail markets for thermal and electrical energy with the conclusion on them all CHP, boiler and other heat sources, as well as thermal and distribution electrical networks with the preparation and adoption of the relevant regulatory acts.

4. To form a two-level hierarchically constructed structure of energy markets: a wholesale (balancing) electric market and retail markets (electrical and thermal) with an appropriate separation of energy assets on the sphere of their functioning. This will eliminate the existing inconsistency of the electric and thermal market, to ensure the competitive participation of CHP in the retail markets of thermal and electrical energy, and to the wholesale electrical energy market (power) supply only excess electricity (power) on a competitive basis.

5. The organization of retail markets will eliminate the existing bias to determine the tariffs for electrical energy for the population and the social sphere, when they include the costs of the main voltage lines of higher stresses that are not involved in the power supply of urban consumers. CHP and other sources will be as close as possible to the consumer. This in the future fits well into the organizational structure of the management, represented by a single power supply organization. Such a scheme is already beginning to be implemented in European countries, when urban systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply and drainage systems are integrated into a single energy infrastructure with sequenter management. Such an organization of urban engineering infrastructure is becoming increasingly relevant in connection with the development of intellectualization and informatization of engineering systems.

6. In the field of attention and regulation of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, not only the wholesale, but also retail electricity and thermal energy markets, which should be derived all the heat and power plant and cogeneration plants regardless of their power and accessories. It should be established that electricity can be issued to the wholesale electricity market and compete there only to the extent that it is redundant for the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility (by electricity supply) of this CHP.

7. This should be engaged only by naturally the monopoly sphere of activity, i.e. Transport of thermal energy, combining thermal networks in its composition. The production of thermal energy on all heat sources and its supply to thermal networks should be carried out on competitive conditions.

8. It is necessary to introduce a tariff policy aimed at the gradual cessation of cross-subsidies between thermal nodes (systems), consumer groups and move on the calculation of tariffs on the cost of the formation of the upper limit level of prices for the production and transmission of thermal energy by the established formula oriented operational performance equipment. The division of CHP costs for electrical and thermal energy in the calculation of tariffs is not formal physicochetics, but based on flexible marketing policies that takes into account the economic situation in the markets of thermal and electrical energy. Depending on the type of service, the payment form make a "tariff menu" for thermal energy (heat supply services) for end users. Suggest a multi-volume tariff with pay for power and energy with the inclusion of bonus / fine for savings / overruns of thermal energy / coolant, etc. The tariff menu may include several options for tariffs that guarantee reimbursement.

9. It is necessary to stop whatever speculation relative to cross-subsidies between the types of energy produced on the CHP. Diastrcing the costs of obtaining heat and electrical energy at the CHP objectively does not have a scientifically or technically sound method, so all conversations

on subsidization of a particular type of energy is deprived of all sorts of grounds. As noted above, tariffs for these types of energy should be established taking into account competition, operating on both energy markets.

10. It is advisable to introduce a system of long-term tariffs, which should be maintained unchanged, stable for a long period, regardless of cost reduction as a result of the modernization of production and an increase in the operational efficiency of the heat supply organization. This system will stimulate the reduction in costs, which has never been the goal of the reform, and will allow you to recoup the equipment invested in the update.

11. The introduction of tariffs should be imposed on energy supplying organizations. They must be responsible to consumers for the growth of tariffs. From state and municipal authorities, these functions should be discontinued, they must control the costs included in the tariff, and hold state policy in the field of tariff formation. The imposition of tariff responsibility on energy supplying organizations will allow to restore real justice: rates increases not a state, but energy supply companies.

12. As in the power industry, it is necessary to form a system of software documents regulating the development of the heat supply of the country, regions, settlements and ensuring its innovative transformation, as well as to develop a methodology for predicting the volume of heat consumption (including demand and demand schedules), which will reduce the cost of new unreasonable construction. .

13. The State Heat Russia program is actively implemented in the future. It should define specific software measures for the reform of heat supply in areas, financial, organizational provision, distribution of responsibility for the results obtained with the release of positive effects for the consumer.

14. It is necessary to clarify the procedure for the development and approval of heat supply schemes. The existing edition of the law provides that this document for cities with a population of 500 thousand people and is more approved by the relevant federal executive authority. It is proposed to add this norm to the provision that the latter approves the heat supply scheme for the submission of the local government, which is its customer. In addition, it is necessary to provide preliminary, before approval, coordination of the heat supply scheme by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation. The latter proposal also applies to the approval of schemes for cities with a smaller population, which in the current law is entrusted to the local government body.

15. It is necessary to carry out an inventory and audit of the objects and systems of heat supply, assess their technical level, organizational and personnel provision, take it on the starting point and proceed to the transformation of the industry.

16. The mentality of the Ministry of Energy, managers of energy companies, all energy specialists, as well as managers of federal and regional executive bodies in terms of disseminent attitude towards heat supply should be changed. Similar adjustment of mentality is necessary not only for the effective development of heat supply, but also for a simple survival of the country.

Heat supply is the most important sector of services provided by a wide range of consumers, this is a branch that determines the welfare of our society, the social stability and competitiveness of the country's economy. Improving these indicators is a state task, the successful solution of which should be facilitated by effective reforms carried out in the heat supply industry of energy.


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Altai monogorod will be the first municipality in Russia, which in 2019 will switch to a new model of the thermal energy market, the so-called "alternative boiler room". What it is? And why exactly this city will be a pioneer?

Last week, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree No. 1937-P, which was taken by the city of Rubtsovsk (more than 140 thousand people) in the Altai Territory to the price zone of heat supply. In 2019, this municipality is first in the country to go to a new method of tariff regulation - the so-called "alternative boiler room" model. To do this, it is still to be actualized a scheme of the heat supply of the city. And also to sign an agreement on its execution with a single heat supply organization (ETO) - Rubtsovsky Heat and Power Complex JSC, an enterprise of the Siberian Generating Company (SGK).

"The agreement enshrines the obligations of the supplier of thermal energy to implement measures for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of thermal infrastructure facilities, as well as responsibility for their violation. Also in the agreement will be enshrined the limits of the price of thermal energy for consumers, "the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation says.

Mikhail Kuznetsov


Indeed, the SGK this year is completed in the second half of 2016 large-scale project in Rubtsovsk. For many years, this city remained headache of the regional authorities, annually stood on the edge of the catastrophe in the preparation and passage of the autumn-winter period. In order to increase the reliability and quality of the heat supply system, the SGK completely rebuilt its configuration: instead of two heat sources, one is the southern thermal station (use). There were installed two new boilements with a capacity of 30 gkal * an hour each and debugged the fuel feed. Until the end of the year, the turbine with a capacity of 6 MW will also be launched to cover its own needs in electricity - in fact, the CHP will become. In addition, about 20 km of thermal networks are laid or reconstructed in Rubtsovsk.

The disposal, signed by Medvedev, coincided with the beginning of a new heating season: September 17, the SGK began filling 271.5 km of main and intravartial heating networks Rubtsovsk. According to the director of JSC Rubtsovsky Thermal Power Complex Maxim Novova, the enterprise has already formed the necessary stocks of fuel: about 40 thousand tons of stone coal and 2 thousand tons of fuel oil. "Relying on the information provided by the Company's management and the management of the city, I can safely say that everything will be fine in the Rubtsovsk in this heating season," said Victor Tomenko, in early September during the trip to the city of Altai Territory.

"Salvation" of Rubtsovsk from the communal catastrophe cost SGK in 2 billion rubles. The "Alternative Boiler room" model will allow the company to return the invested funds for 12 years. But a new tariff regulation mechanism is suitable not only for municipalities, brought, which is called, "to the handle." "Alternative boiler room" is a universal model that will be suitable for both cities where everything can look even quite well. It is important that there will be no "stew fires", but calmly and systematically engaged in the modernization of infrastructure. Without waiting for happy times, it will have to take painful decisions to get out of the crisis ... "Now the leaders of Russian municipalities received an effective tool for attracting investment in the industry. We hope, they will explore the experience of Rubtsovsk and will accept correct decisions about the possibility of applying a new method of tariff regulation in their cities, without waiting for the onset of negative consequences, "the Ekaterina Kozochova is sure.

So what is "altkotelny"?

The assignment of Rubtsovsk to the price zone of heat supply was possible after consolidating the new model of the thermal energy market in the law - it is spelled out in changes in the Federal Law No. 190 "On Heat supply", approved on July 29, 2017 by President Vladimir Putin. The power companies of these amendments were beneficial. The production and distribution of heat, in contrast to electricity, in our country is still fully regulated by the state. For kilowatt in the country there is a market, albeit often criticized; But in the gigacularities, the generators often do nothing at all. And they carry the social burden (the cities cannot be frozen), covering damages from heat generation of income from the sale of electricity. "This is a product that is not produced in order to warm up at home, and in order to burn light bulbs, but they pay for it. We are actually forced to cross the other activities to cross one. I do not think this is fair, "CEO Mikhail Kuznetsov said in an interview with NGS.

But it is even more sadger in the heat supply scheme of tariff calculation based on costs at all does not stimulate the power company invested in modernization, first of all, thermal networks are usually the most worn and problematic infrastructure element. Unlike large CHPs, numerous boilers are not updated - it negatively affects not only the ecology of cities, but also reduces the efficiency and reliability of the entire system. Reason: When cost reduction, the tariff is recalculated for the next year and decreases. At the end of last year, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Mikhail Kuznetsov described this flaw extremely colorfully: "Suppose there was a certain heat supply system in the city - with current pipes, half-loaded boilers, inefficient heat sources, and we see that, if you cut excess, it will be more efficient. For this, let's say, you need to invest 8 billion rubles, and we will then start earning 800 million rubles a year. For nine-ten years, we will refund your invested money, taking into account interest on the loan. But the regulation is such that, as soon as I will put these 8 billion rubles and earn 800 million rubles, I woof these 800 million rubles, and I can not return the invested. So the regulatory of tariffs on the "cost plus" method is arranged.

What to change with a new model? First of all, now the authorities on the ground will be able to establish the limits of the price of thermal energy for the end user - and not for one year, and at once about 5-10 years. To understand what this "ceiling" is used, and the price of the supply of heat from the source replacing the centralized heat supply is used - the very "alternative boiler room". No one will in really build such an object; It will appear only in the calculations. Moreover, where the cost of heat will be higher than the level of alternative boiler room, the tariff will be frozen and does not rise until natural inflation approaches this ceiling. And where below - it will grow smoothly during the transition period.

According to some calculations, the cost of one gigaklorine "alternative boiler room" in the regions, for example, Siberia can be 2.3-2.6 thousand rubles. This is twice as high as current tariffs. A number of experts are already sowing panic - they say, consumers in the cities of the SFO it is preparing for a multiple jump in the cost of GKAL, fraught with social tensions and increasing protest activity. However, such developments are unlikely. First, the authorities will definitely not go for that; Secondly, it does not need it yourself. Payment discipline and stable cash flow for companies are more important than short-term financial records.

"Calculations for the growth of tariffs that show experts are once again confirmed: the current level of prices is critically lagging behind economically reasonable. This means that the heating fluid infrastructure is degraded in most nodes. That is, the growth of tariffs in fair pricing is possible. Another thing is that the law provides for the right of municipalities to establish a transition period, into which such growth can be carried out smoothly. A five-year period may be more interesting for gas regions, and a ten-year-old - for coal. Therefore, there is no speech about a one-time price shock, "says Roman Nyolankovsky, Deputy General Director - Executive Director of PJSC T Plus.

It is difficult to believe the orders, but, as the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Kravchenko emphasized, for investors, it is not so much the principle of formation of tariffs in heat, which is not an understanding that the saved funds do not take away.

Mikhail Kuznetsov


"We understand where billions could be invested in every city. In Barnaul there is where to invest billions of nine: replace one-day boiler houses, the maintenance of which the mountains of municipal and regional money needs to be highlighted, while it is sometimes difficult to breathe in the city. We need serious investments, but give us "altkotelny" with a slight increase in the tariff - 1.5-2% of inflation - for ten years and work normally "

According to preliminary estimates of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, made back in 2016, the transition to the "alternative boiler room" will attract about 2.5 trillion rubles to heat supply, increase GDP at least 600 billion rubles, create more than 35 thousand new jobs and fill the budget 800 billion rubles of tax deductions. In addition to increasing investment attractiveness, "Altkotelny" is clearly for the better effect on the reliability of heat supply systems, it stimulates the growth of energy efficiency, as well as centralization - due to the care from the market of ineffective and therefore, too much expensive heat sources.

"The" alternative boiler house "scheme for the first time makes it possible and legitimate return of investments in thermal business. This is a long-term mechanism with clear scenario conditions, which encourages the use of the most effective technologies. This is very important because it is the distribution infrastructure that is usually the "pain point" of thermal nodes. Municipalities have no means nor competencies to effectively exploit heat networks. On the other hand, the competent private operator can significantly improve the quality of heat supply, as it responds to its business interests. Now the local authorities have tools in order to attract such economic workers, "Roman Nomavankovsky summarizes the Deputy Director General - Executive Director of PJSC T PLUS.

ECOLOGY OF CONSUMPTION.NUKA AND MECHANICAL: At a press conference, the Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Energy Paul Zavalny was announced on the preparation of amendments to the law "On heat supply": instead of regulation of tariffs at the local level, a limit level of prices for consumers will be established, the so-called "alternative Boiler room ": You can lower below, not above.

At the press conference of the Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Energy Pavel Zavalny, it was announced the preparation of amendments to the law "On Heat Sun": Instead of regulation of tariffs at the local level, a limited level of prices for consumers will be established, the so-called "alternative boiler room": below can be higher no. There will be unified responsibility centers for the development of heat supply systems and the quality of the service for each consumer: unified heat supply organizations (ETO). They will have the right to conclude contracts for the supply of heat with the most efficient suppliers at a free price.

It is expected that the law will come into force at the first time in a number of pilot regions.

The "alternative boiler room" method is pricing at the estimated cost of building an alternative boiler room. It is essentially the continuation of the modernization of the heat supply system, "Pavel Zavalny told. - The symbol is aimed at supporting combined generation, competition in the heat market according to the electric power market model, on the modernization of the heat supply system, improving its effectiveness and attracting investments in this sector of the economy. This law should be effective, universal applicable. So, after 10-15 years, lead the heat supply system to energy efficient indicators and, in general, increase the efficiency of heat energy.

As for the renewable, the bival considers them too expensive for Russia with pleasure. At the moment, the cost of electricity for the end user in Russia for the population is approximately 2.5 rubles per kW / h, for the industry - a little more than three rubles, he believes. "In Germany, when recalculating our money, electricity is 20-22 rubles today. Here is what renewable energy sources, "explained Pavel Ravalny.

Today, the share of RES in the energy sector of Russia is 18%, and more than 98% of renewable energy falls on hydropower.

By the end of 2021, the total installed power of renewable energy in Russia will grow by 3.9% or 2 GW, to 53 GW. The main growth of renewable energy in Russia will be achieved thanks to the HPP: more than 1 GW by the end of 2021. As a result, the installed power of the HPP will increase by 2.2% to 52.1 GW in 2021, solar stations - 7 times to 0.7 GW , wind stations - twice and 0.2 GW.

At the end of December 2015, in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant, the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak He stated that there is a possibility of adopting a law on the introduction of the method of alternative boiler house until the end of 2016, with the prospect of the appearance by 2017 "pilot projects in regions interested in the development of their own heat supply, which, if desired, will be able to receive tariff solutions other than socio-economic forecasting" .

The idea of \u200b\u200btransition to an alternative boiler room as an element of the reform of thermal energy is discussed by the professional energy community for more than one year. In fact, the foundation for reforming the Russian heat power industry was the Federal Law "On Heat Sunprint", which came into force in 2010. But because of the concerns of the growth of tariffs, the new model of the heat market in Russia has not yet been accepted, although the road map of heat supply reform has provided for the adoption of a law on the liberalization of prices for heat in the first quarter of 2015. Now the government considers scenarios under which the method of an alternative boiler house will be both as the only way to regulate the thermal power engineering market and one of the options.

As a rule, under an alternative boiler energy, it means an object with a capacity in the range of 25-50 Gcal / h. This is a local source of heat supply, which consumers (housing and communal services, small consumers) can replace third-party heat supply organizations. The tariff of an alternative boiler room is defined as the smallest price for thermal energy in the consumer, in which the project of building a new boiler room, not dependent on centralized sources pays off.

The new model involves the appearance in the large cities of a single heat supply organization (s), which is responsible for the entire heat delivery chain to the consumer. Single rules are approved and the method of determining the limiting price: from the approach "from costs" to the approach "How really it is worth". Fixed for this is the limit price for heat is determined by the principle of alternative boiler room. The purpose of the reform is to attract investors in the sphere where equipment wear and networks reaches 80%, consumers leave from the central heat supply system to their own generation.

Fair tariff

"The method of an alternative boiler room is quite simple and understandable. According to experts, he will not entail too sharp growth in tariffs, which everyone is so afraid, "says the Director of the Division" Heat "LLC Siberian Generating Company (SGK) Igor Maksimov.

If today pricing is based on the cost of the production and delivery of the coolant, when the principle is "the more the company has spent money this year, the easier for it to increase the tariff for the next" and over the past 10 years, energy tariff has grown by more than 250%, then when implementing The method of consumer interests are put by the alternative boiler room at the head of the corner. Calculation of the cost of the consumer transition to its own source of heat supply, taking into account the return of the loan for the construction and operation of the boiler room, allows you to determine the ceiling of the limiting level of the heat price, above which cannot be found. With such a model, each resource provider determines its price, but not higher than the value of an alternative boiler room. The proposed method allows you to adjust the tariffs in each of the regions of the country. Where the cost of heat will be higher than the level of an alternative boiler room, it frozen and does not rise until natural inflation approaches this ceiling. And where lower is growing during the transition period, calculated for several years. In this case, the price will be determined by coordination with local authorities.

According to the participants in the heat generation market, there are regions in Siberia, where tariffs are above the level of alternative boiler room, which means that the transition to a new method will allow to freeze the tariff. "The introduction of a new model will primarily provide a stable cash flow in the industry and thus will allow solving the problem of its long-term underfunding and, as a result, with time to improve the state of the system. It will create simple and understandable rules of the game. And also, as a result, the introduction of the method should exclude ineffective and expensive heat sources from the market, and those who remain, to stimulate to a constant increase in internal efficiency, "Igor Maksimov is sure.

The expert points out that currently the current tariff system "costs plus" provokes only an increase in costs, since the greatest rate receives those who spend more. "In such a situation, boiler rooms with higher tariffs displace high-efficient CHP from the market. The use of the same alternative boiler method just could eliminate this distortion and ensure more fair conditions for cogeneration. Unified rules for determining the price for all market participants, firstly, will contribute to increasing the internal efficiency of heat supply organizations, and secondly, to stimulate them to invest in the development and improvement of the heat supply system. "

"In a pure form, the method of alternative boiler room is very good. The conditions of the game for any investor and the consumer are transparent and understandable for a sufficiently long period forward. Since the rules of the game are recorded, it becomes better to work in this area and projected to all parties, - comments the Deputy General Director for Sales, Member of the Board of PAO TGK-14 Yuri Dorfman. - Today, the sphere of heat generation is regulated so much that no one can take a step or right, neither to the left, but the biggest problem that the rules of the game are changing every day, new decrees are literally every month. It is impossible to build any long-term strategy today, and without the planning of normal work it is impossible to build a normal business. "

Upon unconditional support of the idea of \u200b\u200breforming heat efficient, Siberian market participants remain a lot of questions to how the alternative boiler room will be implemented in practice. "In the current economic situation, this is essentially the only way to preserve investments in the creation of new heat generation against the background of total wear of most CHPs built in the Soviet period. At the same time, the model requires a detailed study. So, it is not clear how regional authorities will regulate the market and how long the regulation is long-term. It is unclear how the weight of the correction coefficients will be taken into account for the combined production relative to alternative boiler. It is also unknown how correctly the method of alternative boiler house will take into account the features of the working conditions of heat supply organizations, "lists the" dark places "in the reform General Director of the First Energy Company LLC (PEC - founder of IDC LLC, manager of Rubtsovskaya CHP, which provides 62% of the needs Rubtsovsk in warm and hot water) Pavel Grachev.

Obviously one thing is the implementation of the policies of an alternative boiler room will bring to the investment in the industry.

Attractiveness will rise

"The transition to the method of alternative boiler house is the only possibility of attracting investments in the heat supply, which in them so sharply needs," said the Director of the Division "Heat" LLC Siberian Generating Company (SGK) Igor Maksimov.

Currently, the main source of financing in the energy industry are tariffs for thermal energy, which, according to market participants, are hard to hold back from year to the state, and therefore do not cover even the necessary costs. "To attract investors, two conditions are necessary. The first is the transparency of funds and evaluating the effectiveness of their investment. That is, if the investor will understand that when investing, he guaranteed returns his investments, without additional introductory from tariff regulators, it is more likely to take part in the project. Today there is such a picture: if the investor attracts money to heat energy, in energy saving, then the whole effect that is obtained from this, the regional tariff service can not be used in order to provide him with refund, but exclusively to reduce or prevent Tariff growth in the region. The mechanism of returning investment should be necessarily enshrined by some legislative document, "Yuri Dorfman is convinced.

According to Igor Maksimov, the implementation of the concept of "alternative boiler room" such guarantees in the investor gives. "Legislative consolidation of the principles of tariff formation for this method would have given the opportunity to calculate potential investors how much tools and for what period they will be able to get on a certain territory, and therefore, and plan long-term investments," explains Igor Maksimov. It is extremely important for potential investors, according to him, and the approval of heat supply schemes that denote promising areas of development of urban energy and help the most accurate to identify modernization and construction facilities.

The second prerequisite for the influx of investment in the industry, according to the top manager PJSC TGK-14, should be "big awareness of this sphere." The expert complains that many Russians have developed a negative attitude towards the enterprises of heat energy. "As a result, any investor in the investment in thermal generation is facing not only with financial problems, but also a negative attitude towards all its proposals from society. There is already a task and media, and leadership of regions, cities, municipalities to provide explanatory work on the importance, the need for all such events, investment, and so on. It seems to me that, subject to the two conditions, the investment attractiveness of this sphere will increase, "says Yuri Dorfman.

Pavel Grachev proposes to increase the investment attractiveness of heat supply organizations "to exclude from regulation such non-economic concepts as the limiting index of changing citizens fee."

Better when one

According to Igor Maksimov, the approval of a single heat supply organization, as required by the implementation of a strategy of an alternative boiler room, creates real competition between heat sources: "Getting a single limit fare, the heat supply organization will purchase a resource for those who produce heat cheaper. Dear manufacturers who are unprofitable to sell energy at such a price will simply leave the market. As a result, it will also affect the slowdown in tariff growth rates. " The existing competition in the heat market, he considers ineffective. Having gained higher tariffs from regulators, expensive and inefficient boiler houses won competition. "If the CHP will win this competition finally, they will lose in the first place of consumers, having received a much higher rate," Igor Maksimov warns.

"We definitely stand on positions that a single thermal organization is better than a lot of such. When the heat supply system focuses in uniform hand, it is possible to obtain an organization that can serve, exploit, repair, agrees with a colleague Yuri Dorfman. - There appears the prospect of lower costs due to scale. After all, the costs of small organizations are always more than a large company. In addition, this is a single responsibility center, including social, in front of the residents. When organizations are a lot, while you will understand who is to blame, which organization owns the house - run then, catchy. "

Expressing the readiness to become a single heat supply organization, and otherwise it is impossible to imagine, in Irkutskenergo, the introduction of an alternative boiler method is associated with the elimination of vicious cross-subsidation practices, which today has the energy tariffs. "Cross subsidization, when categories for the population and equal to it, tariffs below the cost-effective costs of energy companies and for them are supplementing industrial enterprises - this is nonsense, there is no such economy in any other market. When implementing the method of alternative boiler, it is inevitable that the consumer that receives a resource on heating networks will pay more than the organization, "Salted" from the collector. And this is true - the Deputy General Director for the sale of energy resources of OJSC Irkutskenergo emphasizes Maxim Matveyev.

Without risks can not do

Igor Maksimov believes that the authorities strongly detained the reform of the industry: the transition to an alternative boiler room was to happen a few years ago. "Time for reform is chosen unsuccessful because late. The socio-economic reasons for which the authorities refer to the changes and innovations will always be, but if this is not done now, in 5-10 years we will get a fully destroyed system of heat supply of the country, the restoration of which will require quite another funds - in tens of hundreds Large times, "Igor Maksimov warns.

Does not see business readiness for work on the "boiler" method and from the regional authorities. "Regional authorities will not be prepared for this never. The introduction of a new model for many involves the growth of tariffs, and this is a unpopular measure that the authorities always go reluctantly and are trying to avoid every way. In a number of regions, there is also a problem of affiliation of representatives of power with boiler rooms, which are now obtained by this high rate, and with the transition to an alternative boiler room will lose such an opportunity and, most likely, will go from the market. With this situation, local elites also do not support a new methodology, "the representative of the SGK complains.

The market participants do not please that the transition of the industry to the alternative boiler method will occur in the creation of pilot projects. "The main risk is associated with the implementation of the model in the trial version. It is not categorically suited in this case, since the results of innovations can be estimated only after 10-20 years. At the initial stage, it will be possible to see only the growth of tariffs, which by anyone, except for energy, will not like, ", - makes a negative forecast Igor Maksimov. - Now the wear of the pipes is about 70%, but even if you find the necessary tools, it is impossible to replace them at one point. But the sooner the money will appear, and therefore, the earlier the energy will be able to start the replacement process, the faster the moment comes when all consumers will feel the result. " In addition, the status of "pilotation", to put it mildly, does not guarantee that the practice of an alternative boiler room will be lingering on the market for a long time, and therefore, at any time, it can be "minimized", which creates additional risks of non-return of invested funds.

The main risk of the introduction of the method of alternative boiler house Maxim Matveyev calls the growth of the debt of "inappropriate consumers" - budget organizations in front of producers and heat suppliers. "Given that the heat resource tariff can grow, we can face increasing receivables. And this is a problem, because it is almost impossible to turn off the mupers and other budget organizations from the heat network, very serious restrictions are prescribed into laws. But this is the risk to which we are willing, considering that in general the market becomes more honest, "the top manager of Irkutskenergo summed up.