We make a septic tank with our own hands. How to make a septic tank for a summer residence with your own hands: from improvised means to modern technologies

There is no way to connect the drainage system to the central city sewerage system? We'll have to equip a septic tank for waste disposal. There are 2 solutions: an autonomous cleaning system and a receiving tank with the need for regular pumping. After choosing the type of sewage, you need to decide what to make a septic tank from. Manufacturers offer separate tanks for equipment of treatment plant chambers, ready-made stations with built-in electrical equipment for complete cleaning. To save money, the owners of summer cottages independently install septic tanks from concrete rings, brickwork and cement-concrete mortar.

Before choosing containers for a septic tank, preparatory work is carried out - they study the composition of the soil, the relief, the cost of the project. Factory stations are installed only by specialists. Some ground features (rockiness with a lot of large boulders), high water table can limit the number of options. The planned volume of the septic tank and the size of the site for the installation are of decisive importance.

Autonomous septic tank made of concrete rings

Types of treatment plants: the advantages of biofiltration chambers

Before deciding what is best to make a septic tank, choose a cleaning method. The simplest drive is a classic cesspool with sealed walls. Plastic, metal containers are installed as a reservoir. The main disadvantage is the need for frequent pumping. A septic tank equipped on the site will be a source of a constant unpleasant odor, there is a risk of contamination of wells and wellbores when the walls are depressurized.

Station with biofiltration chambers

To make a septic tank that does not need cleaning, biofiltration technologies are used. Pre-settled wastewater is purified by bacteria. After filtration, the water is taken out into the ground or into a tank for further technical use.

There are 3 main biological treatment mechanisms:

  • Anaerobic. Clarification and cleaning occurs as a result of the work of microorganisms living in the film on the surface of the liquid. Bacteria do not need oxygen for their vital functions - such a cleaning chamber can be installed even in areas not connected to electricity.
  • Aerobic cleaning. Complete cleaning system - at the exit from the last chamber, the water purity is up to 98%. Clarified effluents are reused. Bacteria need oxygen to live - containers are equipped with aerators.
  • Mixed system. Arrange cascade filtration with gradual passage of wastewater through different types of filters. Such stations are installed to serve cottages with permanent residence.

Two-chamber station from a plastic cube and a concrete well

Advantages of septic tanks with biological filtration:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Ventilation is brought out to the height of the roof of the house - there will be no sewage smell on the site. The soil is not contaminated with household waste - chemicals are neutralized, organic matter is processed by microorganisms.
  2. Autonomy. Sludge volume is minimal. Cleaning is carried out once every 2 to 5 years.

The choice of the volume of tanks and the location for the installation of tanks

The next step is to calculate the volume. If a multi-chamber system is being equipped, then the maximum size must be selected for the receiving sump. When installing one tank, the total amount of wastewater is calculated for the period before the tank is pumped out.

Anaerobic chambers require a larger volume: the cleaning time before entering the next tank is 3 days. The volume is calculated as follows: up to 30% of the stock is added to the 3 maximum daily rates of water use.

Scheme for choosing a place for installing sewer receivers

The choice of the site for deepening is chosen simultaneously with the path of the pipeline. It is important to combine the correct indentation from the outbuildings and the water source with the laying line of the sewer outlet from the house. The pipe must be installed at a certain angle, without sharp turns and height differences.

The installation depth depends on the type of soil and the level to which the ground freezes. If the soil is saturated with moisture, you will have to install the container at a shallow depth. The maximum distance from the ground surface to the bottom of the septic tank should not exceed 3 m for storage structures that are drained with special equipment. If it is planned to use drainage equipment to remove sludge, then there are no restrictions on the depth.

Methods for arranging septic tanks: ready-made solutions

After determining the type of construction and site for installation, you can choose from which it is cheaper and better to make a septic tank in a private house. Among the finished products there are single-chamber containers without internal partitions, factory tanks with separators for creating separate chambers and ready-to-connect stations. You can independently assemble a non-standard shape or size structure from reinforced concrete, metal.

You can independently build a combined system from factory tanks and a brick well

Plastic and fiberglass containers: material advantages

Lightweight, durable plastic: tanks of all sizes and shapes are produced

Lightweight, strong and durable plastic containers are installed in any self-contained cleaning systems. This is the material from which it is better to make a septic tank with biological treatment. Main materials of manufacture:

  • Polyethylene.

Convenient: square PPE containers - eurocubes - in a metal protective mesh

  • Plastic.
  • Fiberglass.

The material has high strength: it is used for the device of septic tanks of large volumes

The production technology allows to manufacture tanks of any shape and volume. If it is necessary to install the container at a shallow depth, rectangular structures with a low height are chosen. In this case, it is possible to locate the tank below the freezing point without deepening it to the groundwater.

Multi-chamber plastic tank

The classic shape of plastic tanks is cylindrical. This format reduces external pressure on the walls, and the absence of corners minimizes the risk of chafing and depressurization of the structure on sharp edges.

Convenience of plastic containers - light weight. You can install the tank manually; you do not need to use equipment for manipulations. Factory designs are produced with blank walls and prepared holes for the input and output of pipes. The insertion points are equipped with branch pipes with seals.

Tank ready for connection

Specially for installation as biofiltration septic tanks, metal-plastic tanks with internal bridges and overflow holes are produced. You can independently equip a two- and three-chamber combined type station.

Basic installation rules:

  • Observe the horizontal installation at the building level.
  • The container is lowered onto a bedding or a prepared base made of wood or mortar.

  • Before filling, be sure to fill the tank with water by at least a third so that the empty container does not deform.
  • There should be no large stones or metal objects in the backfill soil.

Factory rings made of reinforced concrete: prefabricated wells

The most common material from which septic tanks are made is reinforced concrete rings. In the arrangement of private septic tanks, factory-made reinforced concrete products with locks are used. In addition to the grooves, the connections are equipped with O-rings.

Rings and parts equipped with hoist mounts

For the lower part of sealed wells, ready-made rings with a bottom are used. Filtration wells are made from hollow rings with perforated walls or bottom, or they are installed on a bulk drain.

The height and shape of the structure is formed from prefabricated parts: walls, necks, additional rings. To ensure maximum tightness, products are chosen from a special solution that does not allow moisture to pass through. The outer walls must be sealed.

Prefabricated chambers from factory rings

The inlet and outlet of pipes is organized through factory holes with mandatory tie-in insulation. If you buy products with a blank wall, the holes are punched independently at the desired height. The rings are used for multi-chamber septic tanks. The containers are installed in one line, the chambers are connected with pipe sections at a slope.

The disadvantage of concrete rings is their heavy weight and problematic transportation. For the installation of a structure without equipment, you will have to use a whole brigade. The outer walls must be insulated and insulated.

The advantage of reinforced concrete blanks is the ability to assemble a septic tank of any size and shape, a high assembly speed with special equipment.

Metal containers: is it worth buying

Metal septic tanks are more durable and resistant to mechanical damage than plastic ones. But the metal is weakly resistant to moisture and chemicals. Tanks for septic tanks are treated with protective compounds. Tanks treated with an anticorrosive agent are used in the installation of sedimentation tanks. Some manufacturers produce autonomous metal stations: welded structures with internal partitions.

Anti-corrosion coated metal tanks

Disadvantages of metal containers:

  • High price.
  • Failure to predict the durability of welds.
  • Corrosion susceptibility.
  • Special transport requirements: it is important not to damage the protective layer.

It is difficult to install the tank without damaging the protective layer

Do-it-yourself budget septic tank: what materials and how to make

To organize the simplest sewage system in the country, where they live only in the summer, it is better to make a simple one- or two-chamber septic tank. Self-construction of a tank is the best choice if it is difficult to transport ready-made containers to the site due to the lack of a road and difficult terrain.

Diagram of a two-chamber cleaning system

Mortar and brick or other masonry material - stone, concrete blocks - are used as material for the walls.

Substrate preparation: pit and trench arrangement

Step by step: concrete septic tank

Before starting earthworks, you need to choose what to make a septic tank from. It is easier to pour a rectangular or square structure of concrete with your own hands, and to make the brickwork in the form of a standard well.

Dig a pit for the reservoir according to a pre-planned volume. During the work, stones exceeding 30 cm in diameter are removed from the soil. After preparing the pit, the bottom and walls are necessarily leveled and tamped.

The bottom and sides must be flat

A trench is dug along the marked line for laying the pipeline. Check the slope of the bottom - the maximum difference in height along the entire length should not exceed 15 o.

Construction of a concrete tank from a solution

If you plan to pour the solution, knock the formwork out of the boards around the perimeter. The thickness of the walls depends on the volume of the container: the larger the structure, the thicker the walls.

It makes sense to place a strong insulating film between the formwork frame and the soil wall.

The film will protect against the penetration of groundwater into the concrete tank

The structure is poured by performing reinforcement with a metal welded mesh of rods. The thickness of the reinforcement should be 3 - 4 mm. Special agents are added to the solution that increase the degree of waterproofing of the composition.

Metal steps are attached inside

Hollow asbestos or metal pipes of larger diameter are installed in the places of planned pipe inlets and outlets - there will be no need to punch holes with a puncher.

After the solution has hardened, internal partitions are formed. There are 2 ways of internal separation:

  • A blind partition is poured with an overflow in the form of a pipe.
  • The wall is formed only up to the planned overflow height.

The top of the septic tank is covered with slabs or filled with solution. Be sure to leave a viewing window with a lid. Inside the chamber, steps made of U-shaped fittings are installed. A ventilation pipe is led out through the top cover.

Leave holes to fit the factory caps

The outer walls must be sealed. For insulation, roll winding, bitumen-based coating compounds are chosen. If part of the container is above the freezing point, you need to insulate the walls. Mineral wool and polystyrene are used as thermal protection.

Brickwork: wall arrangement

When choosing what is the best way to make a successful septic tank - from brick or rings, you should give preference to a reinforced concrete well. Brick is a porous material, and it is very difficult to ensure complete tightness of such a structure.

The bottom of the tank is poured with concrete. The walls are built of bricks, using mortar with sealing additives for masonry.

The gap between the walls of the pit and the masonry is covered with crushed stone or broken brick

Internal partitions are brought out to the overflow height. The surface of the walls must be covered with a layer of cement plaster with water-repellent properties.

Supply pipe design

The outer surface is treated with a bituminous coating. The neck is closed with a concrete cover with an inspection hatch.

Video: DIY 3-chamber septic tank

If you decide to independently deal with the arrangement of the sewage system, entrust the masters with planning and calculations: correcting mistakes is more expensive. Try to use special containers - there is less risk of making a mistake with the inset height, and the tightness of the tank is guaranteed.

Everyone who has a country house worries about making life in it as comfortable as possible. And those who were forced to use the “amenities” in the courtyard know that landscape design, decorative finishing and other decorations will not make a private house outside the city a full-fledged alternative to a city apartment without a normal sewerage system.

Today, a familiar attribute in the area around the house - a cesspool, above which a backlash closet rises, gives way to a more efficient structure - a septic tank.

Attention! Your site may require drainage, and you can buy everything you need for it at a discount in the online store https://www.drenaj-shop.ru/. But be sure to indicate that you have come from our site "Remontik".

The main difference between a cesspool and a septic tank is that water flows out of the latter, which does not contain biological contaminants.

All wastewater in the cesspool gradually seeps into the ground, thereby contaminating the upper aquifer. Naturally, it is unsafe to consume such a liquid even after boiling.

If you know how to make a septic tank in the house with your own hands, then you can get rid of the unpleasant odor and avoid private pumping. It has a simple design, so its construction will not take too much time and effort from you.

The principle of the septic tank

The capacity of the septic tank directly depends on the daily volume of effluent from the kitchen and toilets. If three people permanently live in a country house, then on average, the daily amount of wastewater does not exceed 400 liters.

But we will not dig a septic tank of this volume, since it must not only accept wastewater, but also dilute it to a safe concentration. For this reason, the working volume of the septic tank for three people living in the house must be at least 1 m 3 (100 l). It is worth digging a hole for it deeper and wider by the thickness of the bottom and walls (15-20 cm).

Everyone who wants to make a septic tank with their own hands efficiently and competently should have an idea of \u200b\u200bits principle of operation. Moreover, you can make a demonstration model of this structure in your kitchen using a regular plate, filling it with water along the edge. Imagine this is the bowl of your septic tank. Now add more water to it, and you will see that the same amount of liquid overflowed over the edges of the plate.

This is the principle of operation for the most primitive single-chamber septic tank. First, it will be filled with clean water to the level of the drain pipe, and then each new portion of wastewater dissolves in its volume, increasing the total liquid level by several centimeters. This surplus flows into a drain pipe, which is laid in a trench with filter soil.

The figure shows a diagram of a septic tank device in a private house, from which it can be seen that it has a smooth drain pipe. But in fact, this is not the best solution, since not everything that enters the septic tank necessarily ends up at its bottom. "Something" floats on the surface and can go into the drainage trench along with water, which is highly undesirable.

To avoid this problem, the end of the branch pipe should be bent and dipped 5-10 cm into the water. This simple solution cuts off floating sewage from the drain.

In fact, making such a pipe bend will not be difficult. It is enough to buy a standard plastic pipe (100 mm in diameter) and fit an ordinary shaped "90 degree angle" on its end.

Features of the design of the septic tank bowl

In this context, the word construction sounds loud. In fact, to make a septic tank in a private house with your own hands, you have to dig a rectangular hole 1.2 m wide, 1.4 m deep and 1.6 m long.As a result, you get a volume of 2.68 m 3.

It may seem to many that this is a lot. But we must not forget that 15 cm of depth and 60 cm of length will "take away" the walls of the concrete bowl. As a result, the final volume will be only 1.46 m 3. Moreover, a septic tank will need a concrete cover with reinforcement, taking another 0.17 m 3 of volume.

The waste and supply pipes will not be on the ground, which means that their installation at a depth of 0.2 m from the bottom of the cover will reduce its volume by another 0.23 m 3. As a result, the septic tank will hold 1.06 m 3, that is, as much as is needed for a family of three.

How to make a septic tank in the house with your own hands: video, photo of the process

Tank construction always begins with the installation of the formwork in the pit. For this, any flat boards can be used, from which the frame is made and sheathed with ordinary 5 mm plywood. To prevent heavy concrete from "pushing" the formwork, spacers made of thick beams should be installed diagonally and on top of it. Dry clay soil is a good substitute for formwork.

To avoid cracks in concrete walls, reinforce them with 5 mm wire. It must be installed horizontally and vertically around the entire perimeter of the formwork. Concreting should start from the bottom of the pit, where concrete 15 cm thick will be laid.To prepare concrete, a strong mortar is needed, in a cement-sand ratio of 1 to 3.

Due to the fact that the wall thickness is rather small, small crushed stone should be used for concrete. After pouring the formwork, you need to wait until the concrete gains strength. Two weeks will be enough for this. It will receive the grade strength according to SNiP in 28 days.

After removing the formwork, you will have a single-chamber homemade septic tank, which you see in the photo. After removing the shields, treat the concrete walls with a waterproofing liquid.

The lid does not need to be very thick. But it is important to carefully reinforce with steel reinforcement with a thickness of at least 14 mm, placing it every 20 cm.

It remains to figure out how to make the formwork for the roof, because then it will not be possible to remove it. The most effective solution would be a simple galvanized profiled sheet, where fittings are conveniently placed.

When doing this, do not forget to leave a distance gap. To do this, lift all the reinforcing bars by 3-4 cm around the entire perimeter of the cover and tie a profiled formwork sheet to them with a wire every 15-20 cm.

What to do if the soil is clayey?

An ordinary cesspool will "work" normally only in sandy soil, which perfectly absorbs wastewater. If the site has clay or loamy soil, then it is worth directing the drains only from the toilet to the cesspool. Large volumes of dirty water from the shower and kitchen cannot be dumped into it, since after a week it will overflow (the clay will not allow the water to quickly absorb into the soil). As a result, there is simply no worthy alternative to a septic tank in a private house for permanent residence.

What if your site is not sandy? This problem can be eliminated only if you correctly make a drainage trench.

The drain pipe, through which the treated wastewater enters the ground, should have many small holes. Now on sale you can find ready-made corrugated pipes in which drainage holes have already been punched.

If the soil in the area is clayey and does not absorb water well, and you need to remove water as close to the fence as possible, use a long drainage pipe. For example, it could be a 15-meter pipe. In this case, you can lay 10 meters in a straight line, and wrap the remaining "tail" at an angle of 45 degrees around the corner of the house. Provide an additional reserve for safety net: if the absorbency of the soil was not enough at this length, then you could dig another 7-8 meters of a drainage trench along the fence. But, as practice shows, a 15-meter drainage pipe is enough for drains to soak into the soil.

Attention! You can buy drainage pipes at a discount in this section of the online store https://www.drenaj-shop.ru/catalogue/drenazhnye-kolodtsy/. All that is required of you is to place an order and indicate that you came according to our recommendation - the "Remontik" website.

For the reason that clay soil slowly absorbs water, to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with it, the pipe must lie in large rubble. It takes the volume of incoming water and distributes it evenly over the trench area.

Attention! To protect it from flooding, the crushed stone must be “packed” in geotextiles, namely, synthetic fabric with many micro-holes. You can see the general construction of such a trench in the photo.

For reliable protection against freezing of the septic tank during severe frosts, it is necessary to lay a layer of polystyrene at least 5 cm thick on the container lid and crushed stone of the trench.After this operation is completed, you can fill all structures with a layer of soil from 15-20 cm in thickness.

Despite the simplicity of the design, such a septic tank effectively copes with its tasks and removes all domestic wastewater. But for better cleaning, it needs your help. For this, a dry culture of bacteria is added to it, which accelerate the process of biological decomposition of sewage, decomposing them into absolutely safe components - carbon dioxide and water.

Today, the choice of such drugs is quite large. Sump products are found in almost every hardware store. Having filled up the necessary portion of such microscopic workers into the septic tank, you can purify the water to such a state that you can safely water your garden or garden with them.

For their efficient operation, one condition must be observed - no chlorine in the wastewater. For this reason, immediately switch to oxygen-containing detergents and do not send the rest of the "caustic chemicals" down the drain.

Having familiarized yourself with how to make a septic tank in a private house with your own hands, by watching a video and a photo of this process, you can bring the comfort of your home closer to the urban level.

The presence of a wastewater collection system is one of the most important conditions for the comfort of living in a country cottage or in the country. The design and assembly of sewer lines usually does not cause great difficulties, but the device of a septic tank in a private house, a key task when creating a local sewer system, is associated with "tying" together solutions to several problems. Moreover, the solutions are sometimes mutually exclusive!

A modern septic tank is a rather technically complex installation, easy to maintain and durable in operation. However, these features remain only in the case of correct installation and connection of the installed cleaning equipment.

Each septic tank is connected in a different way, so professionals should be engaged in installation.

Types and features of septic tanks

The simplest and most primitive septic tank is a two-chamber cesspool, the primary chamber of which must be periodically cleaned. Its disadvantages are well known - not the most pleasant smell and practically untreated wastewater entering the soil. Plus - the relative complexity in the technical implementation.


It is with a cesspool that great difficulties arise when choosing a location for its location - after all, from the point of view of financial costs and applied efforts, it is most convenient to place the pit as close as possible to the structure. But the presence in such a septic tank (which is practically not a sealed container) of a considerable amount of pollution, with a high degree of probability falling straight into the ground, dictates the need to move the septic tank as far as possible.

Cesspools will need to be cleaned often enough

Factory made septic tanks

The most acceptable option for the inclusion of wastewater in the local ecosystem is to install a septic tank of industrial production. Such equipment, due to the peculiarities of its design, is characterized by almost ideal performance:

    light weight;

    ease of installation;

    strength of the body made of polymer materials;

    high degree of purification of polluted water;

    complete processing of mud masses;

    full autonomy;

    minimal maintenance.

If it is not possible to use special equipment, then, if necessary, modern septic tanks can be installed manually, but without knowledge of the technology, you still cannot do it.

The hardest part of the job is digging a septic tank and a sewer trench

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Criteria for choosing a septic tank installation site

The choice of a septic tank installation site, even if it is completely sealed, is determined not only and not so much by the convenience of construction work and operational maintenance. Determining here are the sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules - for example, those shown in SNiP 2.04.03-85. According to these rules, the location of the septic tank must meet the following conditions:

    the distance to the nearest source of drinking water (well, well) should not be less than 30 m;

    to a stream, river or other natural body of water must be more than 10 m;

    the distance to the outer walls of a residential building should not be less than 4 m;

    the border of the site should not be closer than 3 m;

    the nearest public road should not be less than 5 m.

In addition, a septic tank in a private house should not be located close to trees - the minimum distance is 2 m.

General rules for choosing a place for a septic tank

Additional terms

It is necessary to take into account not only these mandatory norms (if they are violated, considerable sanctions from the supervisory authorities are possible!), But also take into account local conditions. These include both the characteristics of the soil (depth of groundwater and freezing of the soil, the relief of the site), and the presence or possibility of supplying associated utilities - some types of factory-made septic tanks are volatile and require a three-phase power supply.

The design and dimensions of treatment plants are not standardized, however, when choosing the location of treatment plants, it should be borne in mind that the main drain pipe must approach the septic tank with a slope of at least 2 degrees. In other words, take into account the value of the required pit depth and the technical feasibility of its observance.

Selection of septic tank performance

The main technical characteristic of any septic tank is its performance, which characterizes the volume of wastewater received and processed for a certain period of time; usually - for a day. It depends, first of all, on the volume of the settling chamber, and secondly, on the technology of polluted water purification used in the treatment unit.

Inside the septic tank consists of several divisions, so its real performance cannot be determined based on an external examination

The peculiarity of the work of septic tanks is that high-quality wastewater treatment cannot last less than three days; accordingly, the volume of the chambers must be sufficient to contain a three-day discharge of sewage. That is why it is advisable to choose the volume of the treatment plant with a margin - but with a reasonable margin, since there is one more rule: for efficient operation, the septic tank chamber must be at least one third full ...

According to existing standards, one person produces about 200 liters of wastewater (0.2 cubic meters) per day - this is a fairly average indicator, but as a baseline for calculating the performance of a septic tank, it is quite acceptable. It should only be borne in mind that if you like to soak up the bath every day (a one-time discharge of water from which can exceed 300 liters), this calculated rate should be at least doubled.

Thus, for a family of three, the required volume of the septic tank can vary from 1.8 to 3.6 cubic meters. m. Taking into account the stock - from 2 to 4 cubic meters. Moreover, the number of chambers in the treatment plant does not matter - what matters is the volume of the first of them, the receiving chamber ("sedimentation tank").

Septic tanks are made on the basis of plastic containers of various sizes

Treatment system diagram

Having decided on the volume of the sump, one should think over and draw up a scheme of the treatment plant, in which all local features should be taken into account. Since correctly installing a septic tank means ensuring its durable operation without unnecessary headaches, it is necessary to calculate all possible options.

The simplest version of the treatment system includes the following main elements:

    a pipeline connecting the outlet of the home sewage system with the receiving chamber of the septic tank;

    receiving (septic) chamber;

    pipeline from the chamber to the installation of additional soil treatment (if its device is planned);

    aeration fields for the final treatment of wastewater and their transfer to the ground.

Scheme for the withdrawal of treated wastewater from the septic tank through the filtration field - if the level of wastewater treatment is low, then about once every 10 years you will have to dig out the filtration field and wash or change the crushed stone

Choice of materials

The main part of a septic tank is waste chambers, which can be made from a variety of materials:

Plastic septic tanks

The most common material for pipelines is polypropylene pipe of a suitable diameter. It is inexpensive, light in weight, very strong and easy to handle. If desired, you can also use asbestos-cement, cast iron or other metal pipes - but their service life is noticeably less than that of polypropylene ones, and the cost is much higher.

The septic chamber is usually made of plastic or reinforced concrete, in simple cases brick can be used. Using iron barrels of suitable size as a container is a bad idea: they not only rot quickly, but contaminate the soil during their rusting. The ideal option is industrial septic tanks, easy to install and reliable in operation.

Septic tank device for a private house - plastic version of a septic tank

Septic tanks from reinforced concrete rings

A common version of septic tanks is made of reinforced concrete rings. Their cost is quite high; in addition, for the delivery and installation of such rings, due to their considerable weight, special equipment is needed. However, for large chambers, the use of reinforced concrete products can be quite justified.

Installation diagram of a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

Monolithic structures

The most time-consuming and expensive version of a septic chamber is a monolithic structure, when formwork is assembled in a prepared pit to fill the walls and bottom with concrete. In view of its high cost and the need for large physical costs, this method is justified only with very large volumes of effluents, which are practically unrealistic for a private courtyard.

General terms

In any case, the materials used in the construction of the treatment plant must be resistant to aggressive environments. Polymers ideally meet this requirement, but they have one drawback: they are very light ... the low weight of the camera, of course, makes it easier to install, but at the same time it greatly increases the likelihood of its floating, especially at low groundwater levels. Therefore, together with such containers it is necessary to use "anchors" of any available type.

Since the installation of a septic tank in a private house does not always imply that the most purified water will go into the soil, in some cases filtration (aeration) fields are included in the treatment system. Of course, they take up a lot of space, but they allow you to utilize wastewater as efficiently as possible.

Installation of septic tanks

The installation of a septic tank always begins with digging a pit of the desired size. When installing ready-made "tanks" of factory production, it is imperative to provide a concrete cushion, to which it will be necessary to fix the septic tank so that it is not pushed out by the heaving force.

In addition to the pit for the septic tank itself, it is necessary to dig trenches for the supply of sewer pipes and the removal of treated wastewater. If the septic tank will be operated all year round, then the pipes must be led below the level of soil freezing.

The septic tank is connected to the sewer.

Completion of earthworks: the gap between the pit walls and the outer side of the box walls is filled with any available material; usually - taken out when digging a foundation pit.

Video description

How the septic tank installation work is carried out, see the video:


Today, the local sewerage system is an indispensable element of a country cottage or summer cottage, and if necessary, it may well be assembled independently. But, given the large number of factors that need to be taken into account when designing it, it is better to contact specialists for drawing up a specific scheme of treatment facilities.

Sewerage is an important component of the benefits of civilization that every person wants to possess, regardless of where they live and remoteness from the city. Until the last few decades, most farms have been content with an ordinary cesspool. Not the most optimal solution that requires regular spending of money on the services of a sewer. In addition, the cesspool poisons nearby groundwater and is a source of unpleasant odors. Now it is replaced with a septic tank, which provides a high degree of sewage treatment. Factory-built structures like these are expensive and can drain your wallet. But there is an alternative -. And here you will learn how to do it.

What is a septic tank for?

Important! Instead of a filtration field or a drainage well, water that has passed through a three-chamber septic tank can be directed to a separate tank. Due to its high degree of purification, it is suitable for watering vegetable gardens, washing cars and other household needs (but not for drinking and cooking).

Having chosen the design of a septic tank, you need to decide from what materials you will create it. The table below will help with this.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about how it should be.

Comparison of septic tanks Bars-Aero and Bars-Topas

Table. Classification of septic tanks, made by hand, according to materials.

Material and photoDescriptionBenefitsdisadvantages

Several old truck tires stacked on top of each other with carefully sealed gaps.The cheapest and easiest way to create a local treatment system. Requires a minimum of effort and knowledge, suitable for small summer cottages visited periodically.The joints between the tires are characterized by poor tightness - it is possible that sewage flows into the ground or, conversely, flooding the septic tank with groundwater. Also, the design is characterized by low strength and durability.

Round or rectangular containers made of bricks and treated from the inside with compounds that provide waterproofing. The bottom of the chambers is filled with concrete.The durability of the structure and the absence of the need to use special equipment - if there is enough time, all work can be done independently.Arrangement of brickwork takes much more time compared to the installation of concrete rings or euro cubes. In addition, this material has problems with waterproofing.

Separate two or three tanks of concrete rings superimposed on each other. The bottom and roof are covered with concrete or covered with appropriately sized slabs.The most common design, satisfactory for strength, durability and tightness. High speed of VOC construction.A crane is required to move and install the rings. The volume of septic tanks is strictly tied to the diameter of concrete products, therefore, for cottages with a large number of residents, one more VOC will be required.

Rectangular container, divided by partitions into two or three separate parts. The bottom, walls and roof are poured with concrete into the formwork.Excellent strength, durability and waterproofing performance. The ability to choose the size and volume of the septic tank at will.Formwork arrangement and concrete pouring are labor-intensive and slow processes.

One, two or three plastic containers connected to each other; with sewerage and water drainage.Relative cheapness, high tightness and durability of the material.During installation, plastic containers must be fixed to anchors or a concrete foundation. There is a risk of squeezing the septic tank from the Eurocubes by groundwater.