Tree painting under ancient: equipment execution technique. Artificial wood aging: photo and video than to cover aged wood

Choosing the appropriate design of the room, it became fashionable to give articles from the antique effect tree. There are several technologies that visually add ages and make the decor details unique hand-made work.

They are easy to use, so you can cope with your own, saving money from the family budget.

Why do such a type of processing need?

The entire human world is filled with electronic assistants, artificial materials. Under these conditions, it is not surprising that among the city inhabitants, it became popular to use a tree in the interior design, to at least close to nature.

After processing the processing of a board or bar for ancient, the owner receives an exclusive product, because each tree has its own unique relief.

In addition, the composition of the composition at times increases the strength of raw materials, in contrast to the natural effects of the medium and time.

And thanks to the coating of a tree with protective solutions and varnishes, its service life is extended, besides this, paint or varnish prevent insect hits, the process of rotting wood is prevented.

This type of decorative decoration is used for ceiling beams, floor laying, furniture.

However, it is important to understand that not all sawn timber is suitable for this type of work. You can not use aging technique for the following types of wood:

  • cherry, pear (other fruit);
  • maple;
  • alder.

Therefore, for the processing of a tree under ancient, it is better to get solid wood wood, work perfectly:

  • nut;
  • ash;
  • larch;
  • pine.

And by performing high-quality tinting of the product, you can obtain an imitation of the expensive breed of wood, taking the basis of the budget at the cost of pine or ash.

Important! Old trees require more thorough treatment, as they have many layers with different density. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the age of raw materials, you need to pay attention to the number of rings on the cut: what is more, the older the tree.

What ways to make up to pay attention to?

Create antiques from furniture by three methods, they include:

But the wood is also isolated, when special paints are applied on raw materials in several layers, wax or veneers, which absorbed, visually attach the surface of the age of age.

Masters who will first practice this imitation for the first time, it is recommended to practice a little on pieces of boards or timber to clearly understand all the nuances of the process.
Immediately need to notice that if you need to process the finished product, it will correctly be initially disassembled it so that the entire surface has a uniform coating.

And to create the author's masterpiece, it is worth paying attention to a slightly damaged insect, the external wood, where there are bits, chips, because in the end this product will look luxurious. Therefore, perfectly complement the kitchen, the veranda, living room in the style of "Country", "Provence".

Thematic material:

Mechanical method

This type of composition is called wood brush, because Brush is translated from English - this is a brush. It is this building element that performs the bulk of the work.

With the help of brushes from the surface of the tree, soft layers are removed, and the material becomes relief. However, the desired effect will be possible only in the case when the raw materials are being studded with paint or varnish, emphasizing and attracting the drawing.

Important! It is necessary to choose a tree with a clearly pronounced fibrous structure, otherwise the entire processing process can go to no.

To carry out this method, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • rigid and soft metal brushes;
  • sandpaper;
  • painting brushes;
  • morida;
  • acrylic paint;

And in order not to harm health, all operations need to be performed in the open space, adhering to the safety regulations.

Important stages of brash

Mechanical imitation of the composition consists of 3 main steps. Among them:

  1. Chernova. An nozzle from a metal brush in the form of a circle is installed on the grinder. The surface is processed along the fibers, while the pressure of the hand should not change so as not to damage the relief of the material.
  2. Clean or grinding. The electric drill is equipped with a brass brush, and a burgrage with a less rigid metal brush is suitable, while turning tool rotation must be reduced. The entire surface is processed, as a result of which various burrs, roughness should be eliminated. And so that the wood becomes pleasant to the touch better a couple of times to walk on top of emery paper.
  3. Coloring and polishing. The final step due to which the product acquires an antique look. The material is applied with a layer of vehicle, then neatly washed off with a cloth, due to which the color is acquired only by soft parts of the raw material. If you wish, you can add paint bright tones. After drying, wood polit and lacquer.

An option for making products may be the use of crochelle varnish. After applying this varnish on the surface, cracks appear, in which the paint can be labeled and the raw material acquires a contrast pattern.

Firing tree

The effect of high heat temperature on the raw material allows you to achieve the effect of antiquity in a short time.

It is better to take a burner on gas as a tool, since the soldering lamp will smoke very much than it can spoil the treated surface.

Operating procedure:

  1. The material is burned to the burner to a depth of 3 mm evenly throughout the area. It should be carefully watching that the tree does not catch up.
  2. The charred layer of raw materials is removed with a metal brush.
  3. The surface is grouped by sandpaper.
  4. Painting in this case is not required, on the product you can simply apply a transparent varnish.

But you need to understand that it is prohibited and dangerous for life in a closed room.

Chemical method

If it is decided to use this method of processing, you need to immediately stock with rubber gloves and a protective mask for the face, in order to be poisonous evaporation from the solutions caused poisoning.

As the main substance will suit alkalis, such as kitchen stove washing products. The tree is covered with a solution of several layers and is left so about 12 hours, not longer, depending on the substance and wood. Then it is thoroughly washed with vinegar solution. Its concentration is no more than 1 h. on 200 ml of water. When the surface serves, it must be seated. Acrylic paint is applied to the treated material or lacquer.

How much does wood composition cost?

The average price for brash is from 350 to 1 thousand rubles per 1 m 2. The cost of services depends on the region, breed and size of the material. For example, the processing of 1 m2 of unpainted deciduous boards will cost 50-100 rubles more expensive than the same lumber from pine or ate.

If the client wants to order immediately and painting raw materials, then the cost of work can be safely multiplied by 2. Photos of the services offered by the consumer can be found on any site of an enterprise of interest.

Of course, the prices for such imitation of the antiquity are high. Therefore, you can stock up the necessary set of tools, patience and make an antique masterpiece from the tree at home, the quality of which will not give way to factory analogues.

Due to the fact that the tree was used for construction and finishing housing almost from the very beginning of time, today there are many different, at first glance even strange and illogical methods of wood processing. Different processing techniques have different goals: in one case, it is necessary to protect wood from rotting, in the other - make it more refractory, simply change the color or give it a more expressive shade.

Important moments

Recently, such a type of treatment as the formation of a tree is increasing. Artificially, the tree is quite simple, and this is usually done exclusively with a decorative goal, because after the composition of the wood of internal or exterior finishes, the house or furniture made from it look like an antique, vintage and collapsed time. In the eyes of connoisseurs and aesthetes, the aging of the tree attaches to buildings and finishing greater value.

Furniture sample using wood "aging" wood.

There are several more or less simple techniques for which artificial formation is performed. They can be made independently, having a basic set of tools and substances for wood finishing.

Materials and tools that will be useful to form a tree personally: a brush with metal bristles (or circular), grinding skins, an antiseptic and solvent, as well as a dark and white glaze, a sponge or foam rubber.

Painting After the removal of soft fibers

This is one of the simplest methods of making a tree with their own hands, which is that the required surface is first treated with a metal brush. Wood has such a structure that is unevenly processed, since in winter, spring, summer and autumn, when the corresponding annual rings in the pillars are formed, its vegetable vessels develop unevenly.

The metal brush thus removes soft fibers, and solid remains, since they have greater resistance to mechanical effects. This causes a change in the embossed surface of the wood, which is emphasized with the help of further painting.

One of the techniques of wood shaking is called a broken.

Before making the processing of a wooden surface with a metal brush, on it first pass the grinding skin. Only after the slicer is made with a brush.

Instead of a conventional metal brush, you can also take a circular one for which a special nozzle from grinding is required. It is important to remember that wood treatment with a brush is carried out along the fibers, so they are easier to be removed.

The formation of wood dust when processing wood is inevitable, so it needs to be removed by a special brush or tassel, observing safety, so as not to imagine the hand and do not apply under the skin.

After that, wood coating is carried out with two layers of glaze. The translucent dark composition is applied to the surface, and then removing stuffing with the help of a sponge. After that, the surface can be covered with varnish, leave in this form or to be treated with light translucent glaze and also water the sponge.
In the second case, a drawing is created in the style of "A la Provence", which is often used for ceilings and beams of overlapping, for example, in the basements or in attics, creating an atmosphere of antiquity.

Multilayer treatment

So that the wood has received an even more antique view in the interior and at the same time looked as if she was already worn enough, it was best for the formation of a multi-layer color.

The surface before the start of painting wood is trying to make as close as possible, damaging it with different tools, for example, self-drawing, hammers, saws. This creates the effect of high wood worn.

Already with the relief, wood surface is covered with a layer of dirty paint to complete drying. When it dries, a sufficiently thick dye layer is applied on top, which can be used for tinting or antiseptic colored compositions, which gives wood even more protection.

Use more liquid compositions for applying paint, which spread well and provide a smooth layer. After drying, the paint is carried out the second stage of mechanical composition using tools.

At the second stage, damage should be applied carefully so that they were small. This layer of damage is also covered with white translucent icing, which, unlike primer, can have an uneven layer to create the desired relief effect.

Varnish gives the aged surface an even more noble view.

Further after drying the upper layer of white glaze is completely dying with a metal brush. This allows us to give wood of a relief view with a fairly contrasting color pattern.
The quality of the opposed surface depends on how well the white glaze was diluted. Its before the tree is recommended to mix with White Spirit in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Other methods

The fastest way to create a tree at home that does not require much effort is to form a tree with a brush and one type of glaze. First of all, a metal brush is again used, which in the longitudinal direction you need to scrape the grooves on the surface.

Despite the variety of glossy facades, elements of the interior of the tree under the antiquity remain in demand. The acquisition of such furniture will fly into a penny. In the case when I don't want to spend much, you should not have an aged chest or table to refuse. You can try to form furniture yourself. Let's try to figure out what technology the processing of the tree under the antiquity is done with your own hands. After all, natural conditions make a tree for many years. And to get the result quickly, you have to form a tree with an artificial way.

Furniture under the antique will not meet in every home. It should be used where it is appropriate. The design of the room should be thought out in the appropriate style so that the products under the old days look worthily.

Usually, the procedure for the composition of the tree is performed with a certain purpose, namely:

  • Satisfy the taste of the inhabitants of housing.
  • Save money on antique things. Much cheaper to buy inexpensive furniture and form artificially.

Using certain methods of wood composition, you can get exclusive things. It is processed both fully all the product and separate parts of it. Special attention should be paid to objects such as dressers, buffets, shelves for books, mirror frames. They will become most often, since it is difficult to imagine without these items an interior in a vintage style.

Methods of action

The processing process of the tree under the antiquity is performed in several ways. The main ones are:

  • Chemical treatment - used for hardwood.
  • Firing or heat treatment is a universal option.
  • Mechanical processing or brash - this way can be treated with oak or needles.

Furniture for the formation is selected massive, with a rough texture, so that it looks like it reminded manually objects of past centuries. Before processing, it is better to disassemble furniture for individual details. It will give the opportunity to process even hard to reach places.

To facilitate the achievement of the effect of aging, it is better to purchase a material that is already damaged by the bug, with the presence of minor chips, cracks and bitch.

If the process of aging wood is performed for the first time, then it is better to practice a little on separate unnecessary bars. The quality of the result depends on how qualitatively the quality of the result will be caused. Perform work is recommended outdoors in order not to harm your own health.

How to make new boards or furniture get a kind of old products? Now you know that these goals use several techniques. Consider each of them in more detail.

Mechanical restoration

A tree mechanically can be in products from rocks such as pine, spruce, larch. It is these types of wood that there is a pronounced texture, the presence of layers of fibers with varying degrees of hardness.

The main task during machining is the formation of various sodes, chosel, cracks with an artificial way. You can achieve this actions:

1. Wood surfaces are processed with an ax or a special grinding machine. They are chaotically applied pyles of various depths and widths. The bar is clothed, while not to achieve special accuracy and symmetry.

2. After that, we turn to the surface grinding with a bristle with a metal bristle. It will make it easier to do with the help of a grinder and the appropriate nozzle. When processing, grinding is produced along the fibers until the applied potholes and chips will not acquire the form of naturally educated defects on wood.

3. Then go to the second degree of grinding. At this stage, we have a brush with soft bristles and sandpaper. In the course of such treatment, soft fibers are removed, and more coarse remains. Thus, we obtain the uneven structure of the tree. By this way, you can additionally highlight the bitch and cracks.

4. At the next stage, we work on the color of wood. It is necessary as much as possible to bring the bright new wood to the shade of the darkness darkened from the old age. Here you can apply a simulator or dark shade of paint on an acrylic basis.

5. When the applied tool will completely dry, process the surface with sandpaper with fine graininess. At the same time, we try to perform all actions carefully. The paint should be removed from the elevations and the ridges, and in the potholes it remains.

6. At the final stage, the treated surface is opened with a colorless or light yellow varnish and completely dried.

On video: Method of mechanical composition of a wooden board.

As for the question, how to form wood in small products, such as small furniture items or wooden dishes, then the process is a bit simplified here. The surface being processed is thoroughly cleaned with a brush from wood dust until the desired effect is reached. The subsequent staining and opening of the lacquer occurs identically, the process described earlier.

Braching should be performed only manually using a brush with a metal bristle before reaching small dents and ridges.

Heat treatment

A tree can be using heat treatment. A feature of this method of composition is the complete absence of mechanical processes. The disadvantage is a certain danger to human health during the work. Therefore, they should be performed in the fresh air, while protecting the skin, eyes and respiratory organs.

Heat treatment or firing is performed by exposure to a straight fire tree. You should use either a burner or a soldering lamp. It is necessary to burn to a depth of about 3 mm.

If the heat treatment is superficially, the effect of the composition will not be as pronounced as with a stronger firing.

After finishing heat treatment, the following actions perform:

  1. With the help of a metal brush or a grinder with a nozzle with a bristle, they begin to scrape a nagar layer to the desired degree of antiquity. You do not need to paint the surface. Sozh will allocate the entire structure.
  2. Embed sandpaper.
  3. A finishing layer of transparent varnish is applied to the shaped tree.

Chemical method

A tree with chemical processing can be used with such means as alkaline formulations or ammonia alcohol. You can use household chemicals that contain alkaline components.

The essence of the process is that when the product is hit on wood, it burns out its soft tissues. The structure of the tree is distinguished by the presence of solid and soft tissues. Processing a tree under ancient, soft fabrics are removed in various ways.

In this case, the surface layer of wood is burned with a pitch, which parallels it in gray.

The next step is the process of flushing alkaline residues. To do this, you can use vinegar or citric acid. A citric acid solution is prepared in proportion: 1 teaspoon of acid on a glass of water. If vinegar is used, then this must be 9% solution. Acetic acid is impossible. Next, the processed surfaces are well dried, polished and open with varnish.

A tree by all the methods listed above is quite simple, if you attach efforts and effort. You can give the desired effect by any surfaces. You can create as small items, furniture, or even a wooden floor.

How to form wooden furniture (2 video)

Wood brushing (30 photos)

Fashion of the last time on vintage products, cars and clothes in retro style did not bypasses and design of wooden products. Treatment of wood under the antiquity allows and in new buildings to create an interior that looks as if the apartment went to the inheritance to the grandfather. The owners of country houses are drawn up with old wood facades and internal space. From artificially aged tree make decorative rams on the ceiling, stairs, doors and other design elements, giving the house similarity with a medieval castle or a fabulous forest hut.

The high cost of artificially aged wooden items causes a desire to make the necessary things with their own hands, seeking immediately and cheesing the product, and genuine uniqueness. Perform the work on the formation of a tree is not so difficult as it may seem from the side. It is only necessary to know about the main ways to achieve a beautiful textured surface on conventional lumber, which can be purchased in any company trading in building materials and wood.

How to prepare for work?

There are 3 widespread wood aging methods:

  • chemical, which is only suitable for products from hardwood trees;
  • thermal (firing) - applicable for wood of any breed;
  • mechanical (brash) - suitable for coniferous rocks and oak.

To work with wood requires such tools and materials:

  • ax;
  • drill or Bulgarian with nozzles;
  • brush with metal bristle;
  • hairy brush;
  • painting brushes;
  • morilka, acrylic paint, colorless varnish, wax;
  • sandpaper.

By purchasing boards or a bar, from which it is planned to create an artificially aged thing, you can choose specimens that are already damaged by the bug, have on the surface of chips and potholes, small cracks and knots. After processing, they will give a particular charm of the "old" subject.

Wood components.

Finished furniture is chosen by a massive, a little rude or in a rustic style, similar to the manual piece of global furniture of the last century. Before decorating in any way it is best to disassemble the piece of furniture on the component parts. This will make it possible to process all the surfaces, without leaving in hard-to-reach places of untreated areas that will rush into the eyes.

Before you begin to decorate the subject for the first time, it is worth practicing and fill your hand on various thrust pieces of boards and any wood. The master will act more confident, with the knowledge of many nuances that can occur when working. On the same textbooks, it is convenient to pick up the tone of paints or veneers, to appreciate what happens as a result.

Many operations (coloring, painting and drying after it, firing) should be produced in the open air.

Mechanical etching of a tree

The most accessible to purchase materials made of wood coniferous breeds: pine, spruce, larch. They have a pronounced structure and pattern formed by fibers of different hardness. This makes them suitable for mechanical decoration.

With the help of tools that destroy the upper layers of the tree, it is possible to achieve the effect of aging much faster than if it happened in a natural way. All rubbing, potholes and cracks can be imitated by 2 methods:

  1. On the surface of the board, timber or logs, the sharp corner of the ax applied various depths and extensity in chaotic order. Braw's corners are a bit of an ax, without taking care of accuracy or smooth surface. After that, all surface treated with this method is required to carefully polish with a rigid brush with steel bristles. When grinding a large product, it is better to use a drill or a grinder with a special nozzle. It is necessary to grind until all sharp edges that have arisen when cutting an ax do not acquire the outlines by the time of natural damage. It is important to remember that the movements of the brush should always be directed along the fibers. The next step will be grinding the skin for removing protruding fibers and the treatment with a steel brush with a softer bristle than in the first time. At the same time, part of the soft fibers is removed, forming shallow depressions between the ridges of the stringent winter wood fibers. The same brush you can additionally highlight the bitch and cracks.
  2. After grinding the light surface of the new product, it is required to give similarity from the darkened old wood: to paint it with a mourn or dark acrylic paint. After drying with an average grain with an average grain without a strong push, a little rubbed a tree, removing the paint from the protruding ridges and elevations. At the same time, the dark color is maintained in pothy and between the fibers. For final finishes, the product is covered with acrylic transparent or light yellow varnish, dried to complete drying.

More "humane" way. Suitable for small products and furniture, wooden dishes and other small surfaces. Braching is performed by hand, brushed with metal bristle. At the same time, as in the previous case, soft fibers are removed, leaving ridges from solid wood. Wood dust sweep the hair brush, controlling the process to the eye and achieving the desired degree of scoring surfaces. After that, paint and decorate the product as described above.

Thermal and chemical wood processing

Thermal processing of wood.

These methods can be called related, since the destruction of the upper layer of the tree occurs almost without mechanical influences. These are more dangerous ways than previous, so processing should be carried out in air and in compliance with security measures.

The essence of the firing is that soft fibers are destroyed when exposed to open fire. For this surface of the processed product, the flame of a soldering lamp or a special gas burner to a depth of up to 3 mm is burned. With surface firing, the effect of aging will be insignificant, with a deeper - will manifest itself stronger. The master at the same time regulates the process depending on its taste and needs.

After charging the upper layer, the metal brush or nozzle on a drill is allowed, scabbed the net to get the desired color and textures. Coloring such wood can not be subjected because it will already have dark and bright areas. The final processing consists in grinding the skin and varnishing the product.

With a chemical method, the decoration of the tree under the antiquity occurs during the impact of alkalis or ammonic alcohol. To do this, you can use aerosols for cleaning kitchen stoves or tool for sewage. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the tool before use, it should contain alkali. Special attention should be paid to precautions when working with it.

Finding on the surface of the tree, these chemicals "burn out" part of soft fibers, at the same time painting the tree in gray. After processing, all surfaces are washed with water and coated with a weak solution of cutlery or citric acid (1 tsp on 200 ml of water), removing alkali residues.

When using vinegar, pay special attention to the fact that it should be a table 9% vinegar, and not acid.

Dried products are cleaned with a brush and staining, if necessary.

Wood processing by listed methods will help the owner to decorate the interior of the apartment under ancient, without investing high tools and without spending a lot of time on it. The availability of materials and tools for processing makes it possible to engage in such a kind of creativity and the sophisticated Master-Stolyar, and a novice, and even a woman with a fantasy and skillful hands.

Artificially aged tree is a unique finishing material. Practical, inexpensive, fully retaining its strength characteristics, but at the same time possessing the original beauty and charm of the antiquity. The scope of application of such a tree is wide: design interiors, the manufacture of furniture, finishing facades, arbors, stairs, even fences from it do. The most important thing is that wood processing does not require special knowledge or experience, and everyone can cope with it. Consider the same details of how to form a tree on your own, and what is needed for this.

Artificially aged wood

Wood composition methods

There are three effective ways to form wood - mechanical, chemical and thermal. Depending on the selected method, the end result has certain differences.

The mechanical method includes two types of processing - brash and patination. Both types can be applied together and individually, depending on the material and the desired result:

  • braching - the surface is treated with a metal brush to remove soft fibers and talk annual rings. As a result of this treatment, the upper layer acquires a pronounced relief, which is additionally emphasized by applying lesing compositions. This method is the most time consuming and is used mainly for solid wood - pine, larch, spruce, oak, nut;

Braching of wood

  • patinating - surface treatment with coloring compositions with subsequent grinding. It is used for soft rocks, as well as wood with a weak texture - maple, cherries, beech and others. Together with the paint, the wax for the tree and the veil can be used to give a brighter figure.


The chemical method is to process the upper layer of wood by various compositions that change the color of the fibers. This is suitable for ammonary alcohol and means containing alkali, for example, liquid for cleaning plates or sewage. This method can be used only for breeds containing tanning substances, that is, deciduous. Chemical treatment of coniferous wood of the desired effect will not give.

The thermal method is the roast of wood with a gas burner or a soldering lamp. The breed of wood does not matter. They don't burn much, only more clearly manifested the texture of the fibers, and then remove the naiga with a metal brush. Next cover the surface by the veneer or varnish to give wood a more decorative look. In general, the process is not complicated, but requires caution and safety safety.

Aged tree burner

Braching technology

Brachified wood

Tools and processing materials

In the process of work you will need:

  • handbank;
  • chisel or a small hatcher;
  • steel brush;
  • Ush with brush nozzles;
  • sandpaper, large and small;
  • painting brushes;
  • dense sponge;
  • tinting antiseptic for wood (for example, Pinotex);
  • white azure;
  • brush with mild pile.

Wood brushing machine with two supporting rollers

Three-stage brushes wood

Necessary materials

The rough cleaning should be made with a steel pile by a steel pile, but for finishing, nylon and copper is better fit. There is a special nozzle called "Piranha". It is a polymer-abrasive brush that can effectively remove soft fibers from the surface and leave solid. Bulgarian can be replaced by a drill, such nozzles are also produced for it. As a last resort, you can do without a hand tool, but it is long and tedious.

Brush "Piranha"

Wood should be dense, strong, not raw. Smolded boards should not be taken either, since the resin makes it difficult to process. The presence of bitch is welcome because they make the drawing more pronounced and decorative. In the absence of experiences of such work, take a small segment of a non-stroke board or a bar, length up to half a meter.

Wood processing

In the process of such work, a lot of fine dust is always formed, so it is best to do it in the fresh air. If the weather does not allow, take care of the possibility of airing the room and be sure to prepare a protective mask or at least glasses.

Step 1. The workpiece is placed on a flat surface and treated with a handbank. The electrical tool is better not to use because it leaves small transverse stripes, which reduces the natural pattern.

Wood processing by Rubankov

Step 2. With the help of a chisel or a corner of the ax over the entire surface, you need to make chaotic chips, shallow and formless to give the material a rougher look.

Step 3. Now the metal brush must be construed soft fibers. The brush should be led only along the fibers, with an effort to press the tool to the board.

Processing brush

It looks like a tree after processing a metal brush

Council. To reduce dust formation, it is recommended to slightly moisten the surface of the workpiece with water. But before grinding and impregnation, the tree should be dried.

So it looks after intermediate grinding polymer brush

And so it looks after final grinding and polishing a sesal brush

Step 4. When the relief begins to manifest, the hand brush is replaced with a grinder with a metal cruise, and continue to work. The nozzle should be located perpendicular to the treated surface, move the movement strictly along the fibers. If you do not need too rough relief, take the brush "Piranu" or a nylon pile nozzle and in the process of work do not press much to the tool. Wormworms and knots on the tree go around the perimeter to emphasize the circuit.

Wood processing

Project ends of the board

Step 5. Soft brushed dust formed, after which it is embarked on grinding. You can cross the tree manually or with the help of a grinder, the main thing is to remove sticking fibers and sharp protrusions. Finally, once again clean the blank from dust.

Step 6. Now the material must be given color. To do this, the surface is first covered by the Pinotex primer, which is applied by brush along the fibers. You can use the simulator, and the dark azure - any coating with a kel, which will not hide the texture.

On the photo an example of the paint composition used

Step 7. Applying the composition on the workpiece, give him a few minutes to absorb, and then the top layer neatly wipe the top. It is not necessary to rub much, it is enough to spend 2-3 times along the fibers. After that, all the recesses will remain darker than the protruding faces, and the relief will be clearer.

Do not allow drowshes

Distinctive feature of good in quality of vehicles - they show the texture of a tree

Rub the composition in the workpiece

After drying, the painted surface looks like this

Further, it is possible two options: leave such a color and cover the wood with a transparent varnish or add another layer and give the material to the type of old whiteward. The second option is suitable for processing Provence elements. To do this, wait until the impregnation dry completely, and apply a white azure with a very thin layer. After its drying, the tree is slightly squeezed by the smallest sandpaper, purified from dust and covered with colorless varnish.

Wood formation with their own hands

This method is used: after processing the brush, the workpiece is covered with a dense layer of white glaze, dried and once again pass through a metal brush, but now is not so intense. In completion, the layer of transparent varnish is applied.

Application of white paint

Brush grinding

Brush grinding

To make a dark tree, not whiteway, instead of white lazuries, the surface is thickly covered with a mourn or pinotex, and the layer makes uneven. Next, use a brush or sandpaper, depending on what kind of coating you want to receive. Grinding gives light blurred scuffs, and after the brush there are rude grooves and the tree looks more brutally.

Aged tree, well emphasized the grooves from the ax

How to post patination

Primary processing is made according to the technology described above: soft fibers are removed, relief is given and the surface grinding is performed. Only after that the workpiece can be patched.

Step 1. Take any primer for wood and carefully apply it to a brush on wood. The primer must penetrate all the grooves and grooves. Give the workpiece to dry.

Apply primer

Step 2. Apply the first layer of paint. Acrylic paint is best suited, since it is not inclined to peeling, it fits well onto the surface, does not leave the flops.

Apply paint in the photo The composition of the smoky color)

You can choose any paint hue

White paint application example

The choice of color depends only on your preferences, you can take any shades, most importantly - so that they are saturated and contrasted with a tint of patina. The paint is applied with a brush, evenly distributing the composition of a thin layer. The basic coating should dry completely, so they take a break in work per day.

Make a break in work

Step 3. Shallow emery paper is opening the workpiece. Wipe the dust and apply a layer of patina with a brush. The patina for the tree is best to choose the color of bronze or gold, with a metallic tint. It is not necessary to uniformly distribute the paint here, on the contrary, the difference in the density of the coating will only emphasize the effect of aging.


Grinding emphasizes wood relief

Wood after processing

Step 4. When Patina starts to be captured, you need to take a dry rag and sweat some sections. After drying the paint, the tree is covered with transparent varnish.

Spray varnish

Effective aged tree

Types of patina for wood

Acrylic patina

A water-soluble composition is distinguished by slow drying, lack of smell and a large variety of shades. Easily applied and grows, perfectly emphasizes surface relief

Wax Patina

Very thick composition with pearl brilliance. On the protruding plots are applied with a dry brush, in the deepening - with the help of a sponge. Easily rubbing and gives the maximum effect of antiquity

Bituminous Patina

The composition of the dark brown color is most often used for shading relief. Easy to apply a brush, does not spread, it is well rubbed up with a soft cloth

Oil patina

It has a pasty consistency, applied with a dry brush or a dense cloth. It is considered the most optimal option for patting wood

Thermal composition

First of all, take care of the safety technique. When firing wood, there should be no flammable items and liquids nearby, and it is better to carry out such works in the fresh air. Be sure to check the condition of the burner or the solder lamp.

Step 1. The workpiece is placed on a non-flammable surface or installed vertically, after which they begin to burn the burner. The material is treated as evenly possible, the upper layer must be charging for about 2-3 mm in thickness.

Wood processing burner

Flood firing wood soldering lamp

Thermal method of action

Step 2. After cooling, the charred nagar is removed by hand with a brush or with a grinder. The intensity and duration of such processing depends on the desired texture.

Grinding of burned wood

Step 3.. Forming the desired relief, take a grinding nozzle and process the workpiece once again. It is important not to overdo it here and do not remove unnecessary, otherwise the effect effect will be insignificant.

Step 4. Since when firing the color of the tree has changed, dark and bright areas appeared, the need for painting disappears. Now it remains only to cover the material with a colorless varnish or protective impregnation.

Termically aged wood

Chemical method of action

The use of chemically aggressive substances requires special caution and accuracy in work. Be sure to use protective gloves, and the room should be well ventilated. The workpiece is pre-treated with coarse sandpaper and wipe away from dust. Then the brush is applied with alkaline or ammonia alcohol and leave for several hours. To slow down drying, you can cover everything with a film from above. Under the influence of ammonia and alkalis, the surface acquires a gray shade characteristic of old weathered wood.

Chemical method of action

When the color of the workpiece is completely changed, it is rinsed with water, and then wiped with acetic solution (a tablespoon on a glass of water) to remove the remaining alkali. If the ammonia alcohol was used, the acetial solution is not needed. After drying, wood is treated with a brush, protect and apply a protective coating. It is not necessary to paint such a material, because then the meaning in chemical processing disappears, and it is easier to make everything mechanically.

Artificial composition

External use of aged tree

Such decorative material is perfect for design facades in a rustic style. First of all, this is a German style Fakhverk: The original wall decoration implies the use of wooden beams of rough texture, giving the building a characteristic appearance.

Country style finishes also admits the use of aged tree: it is the sheath itself, and shutters, and entrance doors, as well as decor elements.

Railings, steps, reference pillars at the porch - all this can also be made using the described methods of wood processing. Restrained on small pieces, you can easily cope with any surfaces. Of course, large elements in terms of volume, such as cladding for home, handle manually is not so simple, but for this, there are special machines for sale. The most important thing is to have a desire, and then everything will definitely work out.

Video - how to form a tree

Video - Tree Patinating

Video - wood compilation by firing

Video - chemical method of wood shaping

Choosing the appropriate design of the room, it became fashionable to give articles from the antique effect tree. There are several technologies that visually add ages and make the decor details unique hand-made work.

They are easy to use, so you can cope with your own, saving money from the family budget.

Why do such a type of processing need?

The entire human world is filled with electronic assistants, artificial materials. Under these conditions, it is not surprising that among the city inhabitants, it became popular to use a tree in the interior design, to at least close to nature.

After processing the processing of a board or bar for ancient, the owner receives an exclusive product, because each tree has its own unique relief.

In addition, the composition of the composition at times increases the strength of raw materials, in contrast to the natural effects of the medium and time.

And thanks to the coating of a tree with protective solutions and varnishes, its service life is extended, besides this, paint or varnish prevent insect hits, the process of rotting wood is prevented.

This type of decorative decoration is used for ceiling beams, floor laying, furniture.

However, it is important to understand that not all sawn timber is suitable for this type of work. You can not use aging technique for the following types of wood:

  • cherry, pear (other fruit);
  • maple;
  • alder.

Therefore, for the processing of a tree under ancient, it is better to get solid wood wood, work perfectly:

  • nut;
  • ash;
  • larch;
  • pine.

And by performing high-quality tinting of the product, you can obtain an imitation of the expensive breed of wood, taking the basis of the budget at the cost of pine or ash.

Important! Old trees require more thorough treatment, as they have many layers with different density. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the age of raw materials, you need to pay attention to the number of rings on the cut: what is more, the older the tree.

What ways to make up to pay attention to?

Create antiques from furniture by three methods, they include:

  1. Braching of the Twisness. The type of mechanical processing, in which the aging of the relief is achieved, through the use of abrasive tools - metal brushes.
  2. Firing wood. Thermal impact on raw materials allows you to change the pattern and color of the fibers. The main means are gas burners and soldering lamps.
  3. Application of chemistry for wood formation. The material is impregnated with alkali or acid solutions, under the influence of which the cellulose is destroyed unevenly, thereby changing the relief of the tree.

But the wood is also isolated, when special paints are applied on raw materials in several layers, wax or veneers, which absorbed, visually attach the surface of the age of age.

Masters who will first practice this imitation for the first time, it is recommended to practice a little on pieces of boards or timber to clearly understand all the nuances of the process.
Immediately need to notice that if you need to process the finished product, it will correctly be initially disassembled it so that the entire surface has a uniform coating.

And to create the author's masterpiece, it is worth paying attention to a slightly damaged insect, the external wood, where there are bits, chips, because in the end this product will look luxurious. Therefore, perfectly complement the kitchen, the veranda, living room in the style of "Country", "Provence".

Thematic material:

  • How to paint gazebo
  • Impregnation for wood processing
  • Wood protection against rotting and moisture

Mechanical method

This type of composition is called wood brush, because Brush is translated from English - this is a brush. It is this building element that performs the bulk of the work.

With the help of brushes from the surface of the tree, soft layers are removed, and the material becomes relief. However, the desired effect will be possible only in the case when the raw materials are being studded with paint or varnish, emphasizing and attracting the drawing.

Important! It is necessary to choose a tree with a clearly pronounced fibrous structure, otherwise the entire processing process can go to no.

To carry out this method, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • rigid and soft metal brushes;
  • sandpaper;
  • painting brushes;
  • morida;
  • acrylic paint;

And in order not to harm health, all operations need to be performed in the open space, adhering to the safety regulations.

Important stages of brash

Mechanical imitation of the composition consists of 3 main steps. Among them:

  1. Chernova. An nozzle from a metal brush in the form of a circle is installed on the grinder. The surface is processed along the fibers, while the pressure of the hand should not change so as not to damage the relief of the material.
  2. Finishing or grinding. The electric drill is equipped with a brass brush, and a burgrage with a less rigid metal brush is suitable, while turning tool rotation must be reduced. The entire surface is processed, as a result of which various burrs, roughness should be eliminated. And so that the wood becomes pleasant to the touch better a couple of times to walk on top of emery paper.
  3. Color and polishing. The final step due to which the product acquires an antique look. The material is applied with a layer of vehicle, then neatly washed off with a cloth, due to which the color is acquired only by soft parts of the raw material. If you wish, you can add paint bright tones. After drying, wood polit and lacquer.

An option for making products may be the use of crochelle varnish. After applying this varnish on the surface, cracks appear, in which the paint can be labeled and the raw material acquires a contrast pattern.

Firing tree

The effect of high heat temperature on the raw material allows you to achieve the effect of antiquity in a short time.

It is better to take a burner on gas as a tool, since the soldering lamp will smoke very much than it can spoil the treated surface.

Operating procedure:

  1. The material is burned to the burner to a depth of 3 mm evenly throughout the area. It should be carefully watching that the tree does not catch up.
  2. The charred layer of raw materials is removed with a metal brush.
  3. The surface is grouped by sandpaper.
  4. Painting in this case is not required, on the product you can simply apply a transparent varnish.

But you need to understand that it is prohibited and dangerous for life in a closed room.

Chemical method

If it is decided to use this method of processing, you need to immediately stock with rubber gloves and a protective mask for the face, in order to be poisonous evaporation from the solutions caused poisoning.

As the main substance will suit alkalis, such as kitchen stove washing products. The tree is covered with a solution of several layers and is left so about 12 hours, not longer, depending on the substance and wood. Then it is thoroughly washed with vinegar solution. Its concentration is no more than 1 h. on 200 ml of water. When the surface serves, it must be seated. Acrylic paint is applied to the treated material or lacquer.

How much does wood composition cost?

The average price for brash is from 350 to 1 thousand rubles per 1 m2. The cost of services depends on the region, breed and size of the material. For example, the processing of 1 m2 of unpainted deciduous boards will cost 50-100 rubles more expensive than the same lumber from pine or ate.

If the client wants to order immediately and painting raw materials, then the cost of work can be safely multiplied by 2. Photos of the services offered by the consumer can be found on any site of an enterprise of interest.

Of course, the prices for such imitation of the antiquity are high. Therefore, you can stock up the necessary set of tools, patience and make an antique masterpiece from the tree at home, the quality of which will not give way to factory analogues.

Treatment of a tree under the antiquity with their own hands is a great way to give wooden elements of the decor of antique, ancient and expensive species. Ways to make a tree older a little, but they are all applicable at home with the knowledge of the osses of woodworking. Below, let's talk about the ways of processing the tree under the antiquity with your own hands, to which types of trees they apply, and directly understand the process of creating an antique tree itself.

How to form wood

Pretty popular in our time are things from the distant past. It did not go around the design. The design of the house in which there are notes from the past in the form of old wooden furniture, beams of overlapping, a variety of vintage wooden decor elements, give it smartness, high costs. You can even think that the owners of inheritance from the great-grandfather got a chic house that is not one century.

In fact, everything is much easier. The fact is that with the fashion for all the old, the concept of imitation under the old one came. It also happened with a tree, because in any construction or furniture store you can find decor elements made under a long-time style. Of course, prices for such items are rather big, so they rarely who can afford them.

But the masters of working with a tree know the secrets of such a reincarnation of wood. After reviewing them, it is possible without much effort and with significant savings to acquire antique on the type of furniture and other objects.

Treatment of wood under the antique is made using 3 common ways, namely:

  • braching;
  • burning;
  • alkali.

At home, a large preference is given exactly 1 option.

First of all, it is necessary to choose wood that we will process. If you want to artificially create boards or a bar for further creating from them various items and furniture, then you can choose materials with various defects (chips, small cracks, potholes, knots). After proper handling, such defects will only improve the result. If finished furniture is selected for aging, then you need to use copies that have an appearance, as hand-made in past centuries. Before processing, the furniture must be fully disassembled, in order to get to hard-to-reach places.

It is also necessary to prepare the necessary materials, such as:

  • rigid metal brush;
  • softer metal brush;
  • painting brushes;
  • acrylic paint, varnish, wax or veil;
  • sandpaper.

It does not interfere before work with the prepared material, it is a bit straightened on unnecessary, small pieces of wood.

Some operations can harm their health (when firing or using chemicals), so they are best carried out in the fresh air and in compliance with the safety rules.

Piece aging of a tree

Let's start with the most practitioned method - the brush. The whole process lies in the fact that on the treated wood is carried out with a rigid metal brush, as a result of which soft tissues of the tree are removed and its surface becomes relief.

First of all, you need to take an ax and a stupid side to apply blows on the surface of the material. Boots are applied chaotic and with different effort. Then the top ball of soft fibers is removed using a rigid metal brush. The brush should be carried out along the fibers until the outlines appear on the surface of natural temporary damage. Then the skin is taken and wood grinding is made and further processing with a soft brush to eliminate thin fibers.

After the actions described above, the material should be painted with a veneer or dark acrylic paint. After a complete drying, with the help of a skin without a lot of effort, it is necessary to remove the paint from the upper, protruding crests, while the paint should remain in pothy and cracks.

In completion, the material is covered with a transparent varnish and give it to dry.

The following methods do not require a rigid mechanical approach, but are accompanied by a number of fairly dangerous operations. It is impossible to conduct them in closed rooms.

Next to the firing queue. Here with a soldering lamp or burner, wood is burned to a depth of about 3 mm. And the deeper the root, the more noticeable the effect of aging. After firing the upper layer, a metal brush is taken and the burned parts are scraped before obtaining the desired effect. Painting with this method may not be applied. After the material is polished and varied.

The method using alkali is wetting the surface of the tree by chemicals with an alkali content (it can be liquid for washing kitchen stoves and other detergent solutions). Such a substance eats soft fibers of wood and paints it in gray. After wood is coated with a layer of a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid (200 ml of water by 1 tsp.). After drying, it is necessary to clean the brush and, if necessary, painting.

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This carting is already from Italian - Patina. In the broad sense of Patina - noble traces of aging. The essence of the method: We select paint into the tone of the furniture, cover in one layer and let dry (surface in front of the painting Okarite). Then we make a shade of turn - we repeat the procedure. Now we take a shallow eye or a rigid sponge and scuffing. It is important that through the upper layer looked through the base. It should be seen that the furniture was painted more than once. The degree of covers adjust to your taste. At the end, cover the product with a transparent varnish or wax.

Patinating is suitable not only for wooden surfaces, but also for metal and plaster, for example. Remember this when choosing paint. They differ just by the type of material on which you will use them. The most popular - acrylic.

Fascinated by the process? In addition to furniture, you can pattinate anything - from sockets and plinths to the photo frames. And by the way, it is better to practice for a start yet on the latter, and not on the closet.

Tip inmyroom: The first layer slightly set the skin to improve its grip with the new paint.