We understand how to properly retain carpet: stages of work, recommendations, video. How to proper carpet

This product is considered one of the best options for the extractional coating. In addition to giving the atmosphere to the atmosphere, this material is good jammed sounds, the floor insulates, and the care of difficulties does not represent. But that such an "finishing" finish of the surface served for a long time, it is necessary to know its installation technology and fully fulfill all the activities - the carpet "does not like" laying on the "simplified scheme".

Before proceeding to the question of how to lay carpet, it should be noted some of the features of such a coating.

  • This material has 2 varieties of the foundation - rubberized or materic. In the latter case, the carpet should not be mounted in premises with excessive humidity, as well as where water leaks are possible. But if the decision is made, then you need to hold a number of additional "protective" events.
  • All samples are distinguished by the length of the villi. When choosing a material for a particular room, this factor should be considered. For example, in rooms with increased "crossing" (for example, a corridor), it is advisable to sharpen the material shorthair, but for the bedroom more acceptable carpet with a long pile.
  • Such a coating is intensively absorbed dust. If someone from family members observed allergic reactions, then the cleaning of the room (with a vacuum cleaner) will have to do daily.
  • Laying carpet can be based on any material. The only condition - it must be maximally aligned. This coating is sufficiently soft, so any pothole or bulge on the surface will create not the most pleasant sensations.
  • The carpet is distinguished by elasticity, so folds can be formed in the process of storage and transportation, especially if the long roll is bent in half. It is advisable before assessing it to decompose on the floor and give "crippled" (it is possible to moisten with water in the places in places). After some time, he will completely restore his shape.
  • When coating a concrete basis (or cement screed), it is necessary to provide a substrate for carpet. This will prevent the absorption of dust particles to them, which can be formed on such a surface.

The finishes of the sex with this material can be carried out in almost any room, to any basis. Considering the work methodology, we list the entire complex of the necessary events. What will be needed to be done in a particular room (depending on its specifics), which can be neglected, and what has already been fulfilled earlier - each owner will determine independently. It makes no sense to explain that all the floors are different (for example, wooden, concrete, already decorated with linoleum), so the uniform recommendation can not be in principle. So, it is assumed that the work begins with "zero".

Laying carpet technology

Preparation of the basis

Those who believe that at this stage you only need to clean the floor and, if necessary, to align. After all, any reason is subject to different impacts, and this is not only moisture or temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it needs the appropriate surface treatment, which will extend its life. Moreover, such events need to be carried out when working with carpet, and when using other materials.

Now the products made of plastic are increasingly used. This is the best plinth option for carpet. But if it is traditional (wooden) and requires an update, then you need to paint it before installing in place. The paint that fell on the canvas, delete (given it "darling") will be extremely difficult, and it is impossible, especially if the material is synthetic. In this case, the use of the solvent is excluded.


It lies not only to remove the garbage, remove nails or screws. The basis needs to be pretty laundering. This will allow you to discover all defects (cracks in the screed, wheatned, rotten boards, mold, fungus). The elimination of such defects will allow not only for a long time to forget about the repair of the floor, but in most cases and significantly reduce heat loss in the room, the level of humidity.


Depending on the material of the base and the specifics of the room, various drugs are used - antiseptics, water-repellent impregnations. For wood additionally - antipyrenes. If the screed will subsequently be made, then the processing is made after it is installed.


Methods are different. On the concrete basis (if necessary), the screed is laid or placed in bulk sex (more expensive measure) with the use of self-leveling mixtures. For female floors - Installation of sheets (plates) of plywood, MDF and the like ("dry" screed).


It is performed if the material is fixed by gluing or using Scotch.

If the laying of the material is made on the railway plate or tie, then it is done. There are appropriate products on sale, and their assortment is quite impressive.

"Fitting" material

As a rule, it is rarely possible to cover the entire floor with one blade. Therefore, at least 2 parts, but you have to be allowed. The markup of the lines for the cut is made from the back of the material (pointed piece of soap, chalk). For even and high-quality cut, it is recommended to use the "knife of a shoemaker" or large tailor scissors.

The use of small households can lead to the fact that the edges will "shake". Yes, and work will delay for a long time.

There are various methods for its fastening based on. The most suitable is selected depending on the size of the room and its architectural features (the presence of protrusions, columns, niches, and the like).

Free laying

It is advisable to use only for the premises of small sizes, and that if the entire floor can be covered with one web, without docking individual parts. The meaning is that the roll rolls over the entire area and aligns (smoothed) so that its edges are slightly wrapped on the walls.

Fixation is made by plinths. But if they are plastic, then it is necessary around the perimeter "fasten" the material with small nails with large caps or adhesive tape. The plinth should not be lowered under the carpet, as in the places of the adjoint (in the cracks) the garbage will accumulate.

The meaning is that something like that of the carpet crucibles is constructed from this tape. Moreover, only double-sided tape is used. It passes along the installation line of the plinth, in the doorways. This is an external contour. If the room has columns, protrusions, niches - they are also plated adhesive tape.

But further - at the discretion of the owner. The point is to reliably attach carpet to the floor throughout the room, to eliminate its displacement and formation of folds, air bubbles. You can build from the tape over the entire surface of the grid with the cells of the required dimensions. Another option is to stick it with parallel stripes from one corner to another (diagonally).

When such a "design" is prepared, cloth laying is made. The top (protective) film from the tape is gradually removed, and the carpet is tightly pressed to the base. After full rolling of the canvas, it is necessary to "roll". Everything is suitable - rubber roller, even an ordinary rod. The main thing is to achieve reliable fixation.


This method is more suitable for administrative and other public buildings. In residential premises are rarely used. If it is still decided to make laying on such a technique, then you need to take into account the compatibility of the glue for carpet with the material to which it stacked. Some formulations can react, for example, with laminate, linoleum.

Fixation of the canvas is reliable. But the question is how then to dismantle the coating fixed in this way, and, without significantly damaging the foundation?

Such a method can be used if one part of the room is finished (and in the corner, in the installation places of furniture) from the remaining small pieces. But still - this is an extreme case.


This method is delicious. The method is simple, but requires styling the substrate to align the height difference between the web and the rails.

They are attached to the floor around the perimeter, and for everything from the back side, minor nails are driven over to everything. As a result, an external frame is obtained with the "needles" sticking up, for which the canvas is stretched.

With this method of attachment of carpet, if necessary, it is easy to replace, and it is not necessary to align the foundation. But here you need an accurate calculation and some experience.

Docking parts

This question is worth considering separately, as it is rare when it is possible to evenly cover the entire floor uniformly.

First option

If the material is without a long pile, then you can use decorative strips. They are on sale in a large assortment - both in size (width, length), and in color. Such products are stacked on the seam and are attached to the base with the help of self-samples.

Second option

The canvases fit on each other, with a small overlap. In the middle is made through section. After that, the edges are lifted a little, and adhesive for carpet glue. It remains only to firmly press and fix in such a position with some "cargo" (before drying the adhesive composition).

When connecting individual pieces, you should pay attention to the directions of the villi in different parts of the material coincided.

  1. How to retain carpet, everyone decides himself. But what? It is necessary to consider that the material is divided into several classes. "21st" more than others are subject to abrasion. It is desirable to lay it where the intensive movement of people is not supposed.
  2. Do not throw pieces of material left after floor finish. Carpet has a good maintainability. If a damaged plot neatly put a patch, then it will be invisible.
  3. Recommended methods of laying of cloths depending on the size of the room:
  • up to 25 m2 - any;
  • up to 100 m2 - everything except free;
  • more than 100 m2 - only glue.

from 180 p / m 2

Calculation of prices for free

Carpet is a soft rolled material with a long or short pile, intended for floor covering. The following qualities can be attributed to the advantages: warm, on it can be shifted without shoes, it is easy to choose an option for any interior, a minimum of consumables are necessary. But there are disadvantages: not suitable for a large area; not recommended for places of high passability. Optimal than its use in children's and bedrooms. Carpet technology is quite diverse and selected taking into account the features of the room and its area, includes the preparation of the foundation for carpet and several ways to perform work related to the specifics of coverage in the future. Prices for carpet laying depend on the methods of styling.

Conditions for the correct installation

Prepared carpet

Stying begins with careful measurement of the room and calculating the required material. To this end, it is necessary to draw a room plan with all architectural elements and provide a reserve up to 100 mm with each of the parties. Curved carpet is recorded for acclimatization to the room where work will be made, at least 24 hours. It should be searched in a straightened state. The price of work on the laying of carpet depends on the preferred method of laying.

Main flooring device

If the work is made through the concrete floor, it must be aligned, if necessary, pollute or pour special leveling mixtures. Be sure to progress, otherwise the dust from the coating will subsequently. At the last stage - to be displayed with a substrate if necessary; The preparation of a wooden base is possible in two ways. First, it is noted a draft floor with chipboard sheets, scream and handle the grain. Secondly, remove all the details that protrude above the level of the base. To spend cycle, primer, if necessary, pour the mixture to align the surface and be displayed with the substrate.

Methods of laying

The choice of method of laying carpet depends on:

  • the type of material itself and the quality of its base;
  • the level of premises;
  • functions performed by the room;
  • quality of rough floor.

Free styling with fixation around the perimeter

Laying the carpet with fixation around the perimeter is the simplest method at which all the coating is freely located on the surface, the roller in the direction from the center is aligned by base. V-shaped cuts are made near the corners and fasten the plinth. In the doorway is fixed with a metal rail.


    • minimum of time and money;
    • there is no need to purchase special equipment.


    • furniture for this coating can not roll or move;
    • ensures extremely dry cleaning of the coating ..

Fixation for bilateral scotch

Laying of carpet on tape is carried out in several stages. First, the bilateral tape must be glued along the perimeter of the base, after which it is placed around the floor in the form of a lattice with a square of 500 mm. At the same time, the upper film is not removed. Next, disseminate the material and, by removing the gradually protective layer from the tape, glue the carpet along the entire surface. Finish the installation of the installation of the plinth. Put the carpet in this way prefer most customers. Scotch under the flooring can be of different types: 63 or 150 mm width. Choose a type of scotch should be selected after you determine which carpet want to lay.


  • easy to implement;
  • savings due to the fact that there is no need for a substrate;
  • it is possible to simply shift the coating if necessary.


  • it is necessary to highly carefully prepare the draft floor to exclude the release of dust, as a result of which the scotch will not be recorded;
  • be sure to maintain a constant temperature in the room due to the performance of adhesive tape;
  • there is a risk of irregularities due to scotch deformation.


Stacking carpet on glue is used in rooms where high passability is expected. This method is laborious, however, absolutely reliable. To perform the work, the canvas are the front side inside, glue is applied to the free floor, the carpet is laid on the prepared surface, pressing to the base. Repeat the procedure with the second half. Finish the installation of the plinth. In addition to simple gluing, apply carpet laying on glue with a substrate. The difference of simple technology is that the substrate is first pumped, and on top of it flooring.


  • wonderful suitable for large areas;
  • easy to use;
  • guarantees durability;
  • provides the ability to clean the washing vacuum cleaner.


  • it is impossible to use the coating re-;
  • after dismantling, there will be a need for careful preparation of the base surface under the next coating.

Stretching (styling without glue on flu rack)

The laying of the carpet on the flu rack is a method based on the elasticity of carpet. Special rails are attached to the entire perimeter of the room. A substrate is unfolded, which is fixed to the base of the stapler. Displaced carpet stretches in all directions on the rail. To do this, use a special tool called Stretcher. Finish the installation of the plinth.

Laying of the carpet - it's not the most difficult thing, you do not need to have certain skills, but also to neglect the characteristics of the laying is not worth it.

Carpet - Flooring, which can be found at home, in offices, kindergartens, etc.

It creates a comfort, has heat and sound insulation properties.

Still, how to put carpet?

To perform work, you must follow the following conditions:

  • The floor should be smooth and clean, finishing in the room completed;
  • Carpet is placed at a temperature not lower than +16 degrees, air humidity should not exceed 70%;
  • If the location of the carpet will be carried out in the cold time, then it is necessary to hold it indoors at room temperature during the day;
  • Start to fit better from the center of the room. If there is a need for docking pattern, then carpet is better to take with a reserve by 15-20 cm.

Laying of the carpet occurs with the help of such tools:

  • knives for carpet - need for cutting carpet on strips;
  • metal ruler - needed as a guide during cutting;
  • toothed spatula - need to apply glue, or delete old;
  • scrapers - with their help remove the remaining glue or solution;
  • wooden bar or gripper rack - attached around the perimeter of the base, and under the tilt;
  • the substrate is needed to create a soft surface;
  • kicker - you will need to stretch the carpet.

Laying the carpet with their own hands is made in three ways:

  1. free laying;
  2. shielding on glue;
  3. used Stretching technology.

It is usually used in small areas. It is carried out using bilateral tape or fixed around the perimeter.

The first option is most often used in cases where the interior is changed in the near future. Scotch glued throughout the perimeter.

The floor should be clean, smooth, you can lay on linoleum, parquet, marble. Next, it makes a grid from the tape (cell 50x50 cm).

Prepared for the size of the carpet room (with an approach to each wall of 5-6 cm) stacked on the grid.

You can perform such work independently, thereby eliminating additional spending. The laying of the carpet with her own hands does not take as much time.

However, with an increase in the level of humidity, the tape can be deformed, and the coating is wrinkled.

The fixation around the perimeter occurs as follows: one layer of the carpet is laid on the prepared floor, the edges must enter the wall, by about 10 cm.

From the center to the edges on our coating are a special roller, after which the surplus is cut.

Carpet is fixed by the walls of the plinths, in the doorways is mounted with metal slats.

A significant disadvantage of such a method of laying is its small strength.

Adhesive Method

Provides the reliability of the coating attachment, the possibility of bubble, the formation of wrinkles, can be cleaned with its detergent vacuum cleaner. Suitable for large rooms.

At the same time, this technology is very laborious, the floor is prepared with all thoroughness, to use the carpet the second time will not succeed.

The cost of laying carpet with glue is higher than when the free laying method. What are the features of this method?

The gluing can be both partial and solid. When using multiple carpet strips, use a solid method of gluing.

From the tools, prepare the toothed spatula to apply glue. How carcrews are put on glue can be viewed on video.

First, the carpet spreads with a launch of a wall of 5-10 cm, cut off the surplus, and the coating are folded in half. The floor on one side is labeled with glue, which stretches the coating itself, tightly pressed.

Another side is fixed in the same way. After the end of the work, the carpet is stretched again, aligned, cut off the extra material and plinning are installed.

Such a method of laying carpet is better to use on a wooden or concrete floor so that the glue cannot enter into a reaction with an artificial coating, such as laminate or linoleum.

Tension Method (Stretching)

Wooden bar, gripper rack. Rakes are attached around the perimeter of the walls, nails are located on the walls at an angle of 45 degrees.

Reiki must be approached by Mark Carpet and the opposite. First, the "gripper" carpet coating is selected, and already under it - rails.

The island of the latter is on the same axis, but multidirectional. The top should be restricted into the wall, the bottom - from it.

The top cloves hold the carpet coating, and the bottom cling to the floor and do not allow carpet shifts. At the very end of laying carpet to the wall, wide plinths are installed, capable of closing the resulting fastening irregularities.

Under the carpet covering the substrate to ensure softness and additional noise and thermal insulation. The service life of the carpet, laid in such a method, high.

The floor does not need special training, the concrete in this case will not fit: carnations should be tightly cut into the surface, such as, for example, linoleum or wooden floor.

Tile (modular) carpet

Tile carpet differs from the usual because it is cut by tiles with a size of 50x50 cm, has a more rigid base.

Multi-layered manufacturing provides good strength and resistance to wear. Another feature is that it can be laid on the "warm floor".

The pile is only from synthetics, which in addition is treated with dirt-repellent and antistatic impregnation. The pile is able to quickly restore the form after the load.

Tile carpet has equal edges, which when laying tightly adjacent to each other. This type of coverage offers the implementation of various color ideas and designer combinations.

In most offices, there is a problem of protruding wires, in order to hide them, raised floors use and resort to the help of flooring.

Tile carpet in this case is simply necessary. If necessary, all coverage does not have to be removed - only its part (tile).

Installation of a modular carpet coating is carried out using a glue or free laying. Paul should also be definitely clean and dried, smooth.

Glue tiles in small parts more convenient than glue roll coating. In the case of an inaccier laying of one module, all remakes do not have to. Stacking tile carpet can be viewed on video.

Tile carpet is more expensive than roll, but it will be possible to save all the same due to the fact that the surplus is practically not formed.

Features of laying carpet

The concrete floor will be correctly used carpet, made of artificial materials, for example, from olefin, and there will also be a lounge rug.

Concrete has the ability to absorb moisture, carpet, in turn, should resist this so that the mold is not formed during operation.

For this reason, you should not use the carpet on a jooty basis.

At the very beginning of work, concrete must be cleaned, remove defects and close the cracks.

Carpet can be made of natural and synthetic fibers. Wool coatings are environmentally friendly, but, unfortunately, impractical and expensive.

They are quickly wearing, "fear" moths, accumulate the statistical charge.

Laying the carpet on the stairs

To make it right, it is necessary at the stage of the material to draw attention to the marking - "for stairs."

The basis of such carpet should be durable, if you plan it is planned without sizing, then you need to choose a coating on a rubber-based basis. Fixation should be careful for excluding injuries.

At the rate of each step, the carpet stock must reach 4 cm. Screw staircases are measured along an external perimeter, and the width of the most carpet coating is equal to the width of the largest steps.

You can put carpet on the staircase in the form of a track, retreating along the edges of the stairs. All this is attached by special rods in the corners of the staircase fixed with special rings.

In this case, the carpet can be moved and even removed for cleaning.

Laying can occur solid steps. Technology Next: For each step, a separate cutting material is made.

Work simplifies using templates. Docking occurs smoothly with glue.

How to put carpet on the staircase can be viewed on the video.

The main value of each house is a comfort, and many things contribute to its creation.

An important among them is a beautiful and warm floor.

If the carpet for you is a non-disabilities, then the carpet will replace him with adequate.

It is cheaper, but a little a little capricious when laying.

First of all, it should be remembered that railway carpet can only after completed all draft work on repair. Otherwise, the surface can be stained and losing their appearance.

However, this nuance will only delight with its end result and can be safely rejected by a beautiful and comfortable floor.

Preparing the foundation of the floor

Carpet feels comfortable not only on concrete, but also on the laminate, as well as on the parquet and linoleum.

The base of the floor is subject to strict requirements: perfectly smooth surface and purity (there should be no dust).

Moreover, The moisture of the foundation itself, and the premises should not exceed 75%. In addition, it is necessary to carry out several preparatory stages:

  • in concrete to close all cracks and potholes with cement and primer;
  • linoleum is well to wash, clean from dirt, degrease, let's dry and remove the folds if they are;
  • wooden base cleaned from garbage, wash and also dried.

What to lay carpet?

The use of the substrate (intermediate material between base and carpet) has a number of advantages:

  • makes the coating softer;
  • contributes to noise insulation;
  • increases approximately one and a half times the service life of the coating.

The carpet is usually placed on the substrate, which is usually made from felt, polyethylene foam or polyurethane foam, but it must be elastic.

When buying, be sure to check it out - bend it twice. If the material bends easily, do not buy it.

Methods of laying

Methods of laying carpet depends on what room will be covered in. If it is a balcony, a loggia, a pantry, a small children's room, then it will be enough free laying with a mount under the plinth.

If the room is more spacious (the hall, living room), then it is better to use the stretching or gluing using double-sided adhesive.

In offices, hotels, cafes, canteens and other places with a large attendance, only laying with glue will give an acceptable result.

Remember that the carpet is bought not on the size of the room, but with the allowance on each side approximately 5 cm. And it is better to do the whole piece of material.

Free laying

  1. The carpet is deployed throughout the perimeter of the room and laid the factory edge close to one of the walls. For all other areas, the coating should ride a little on the walls.
  2. We are growing "waves" and "wrinkles" with a heavy rubber roller from the center to the walls. After that, firmly attach the edge of the carpet to the wall of the wall and floor.
  3. Gently cut off the strip of excess material along the fold line with a knife and fix carpet plinths.

Scotch gluing

You can glue directly to the base, and you can on the substrate.

  1. First, bilateral scotch is attached to the perimeter of the base.
  2. Then the grid is made in 50 cm increments. Glue one side, and I don't touch the second yet.
  3. From above on the tape staging in advance fedleled parts of the carpet. We do it carefully, carefully customizing to the walls.
  4. When all the proportions are observed, remove the protective layer with the tape and glue the coating to it.
  5. Every part carefully smoothes the roller. If the substrate is used, then the specified actions with scotch repeat twice.

Stretching method

It is the most difficult way to lay carpet. For stretching, special rails will be needed, on which there are 2 rows of nails driven at an angle of 45 degrees, as well as a special tool - Stretcher (Kickker).

It allows you to stretch a lot to stretch, but you need to do it carefully, since with the wrong use of the Stretcher you can damage the coating.

The sequence of action when laying carpet with stretching method is this:

  1. Upon the perimeter of the room is fixed with flu (rails) so that the nails look into the wall.
  2. The substrate is laid on the floor, carefully fitted under the flu. It is better to fix it with a stapler.
  3. The carpet is put on top. It cuts under the walls and with the help of a strrestcher the edge of the carpet is stretched, and then firmly fixed with the help of fruits.

Gluing on glue

This laying of the carpet "tightly". It is also possible in two versions - with the substrate and without.

First you need to deploy carpet, straighten it thoroughly, cut up too much. The following actions depend on what room you need to put carpet:

  1. Long corridor. Covering bending and wrapped with glue in the middle. This is done so that the center is well fixed and did not eat during further work. When you apply glue to the remaining parts of the foundation and pressed.
    At the same time, the amount of adhesive should be strictly dosed (depending on the quality and thickness of the material). It is necessary for a circular motion with a spatula with jar, otherwise there will be no uniform distribution.

    At the end, it should be walking throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe coverage of a heavy rubber roller, so that the air is out, otherwise it is not avoiding the formation of bubbles, as well as bugs on the surface.

  2. Wide room. In this case, we begin one half, we applied glue and gently glue. Also do on the other half.

If you use the substrate, then first you will need to glue it to the base, and then lay the carpet to the substrate.

  • When buying carpet to the required volume, add another 10%. Such an allowance will be enough for the carpet covering the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room (even with uneven walls and the absence of direct corners).
  • So that the carpet was "obedient", it is necessary to put it in the room at least a day. Works on the proper laying of Kovaplin should be carried out at an air temperature not lower than +15 degrees, temperature of glue and material from +17 degrees and humidity not higher than 75%.
  • Ravor carpet can only be treated when all other repairs are completed.
  • In the presence of the joints, the seams should be made perpendicular to the windows, then they will not be visible..
  • It is necessary to care for the carpet, you need a powerful vacuum cleaner in "dry" mode, and strong contamination to output with special means.

The convenience of operating the flooring largely depends on its proper laying. Violation of technology will lead to earlier wear. Proper laying of the carpet - not such a difficult task and it is quite possible to cope on your own. And it takes it not so much time.

Laying carpet can be different. The choice of a particular way depends on the purpose and size of the room. But to make the final decision you need to take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer. So, this is what styling technologies exist:

There is another moment. Under the carpet is recommended to lay a special substrate. Even if the coating with a very short and dense pile is used, some substrates will give a feeling of softness - when the leg is "drowning" in the coating. But this is not the main thing. The main one - when using a substrate for carpet, the service life of the coating increases almost twice. And one more plus is an increase in sound insulation.

Substrate for carpet - types, choice

If you want to have a soft cozy floor, on which you can not only walk, but it would be nice to sit and lying too, steal under the carpet substrate. This layer makes it possible not only to get a soft floor, but also to make it easier to clean the coating and change it. And if a dense and thick substrate will be laid, it will also improve sound insulation. Not drastically, of course, but it will be hiding.

Laying of carpet with a substrate takes place in two stages. First, the substrate is glued on the prepared base. After it dried, put the coating. The method of fixing the carpet to the substrate may be any. It depends on the load and the presence of furniture on the wheels, the need to replace, etc.

The substrate can be:

  • textile;
  • felt (natural felt or synthetic);
  • reinforced
  • foamed vinyl;
  • polyurethane foamed materials;
  • rubber (corrugated or flat).

In principle, it is necessary to select a set of characteristics, but it is important that the substrate is elastic. Check out its elasticity simply: it is necessary to minimize it. If it crumpled without effort - it does not work. If it was clear only slightly and after removing the effort she immediately took the same form - normally. Some types of substrates (rubber, for example), will not change at all. But also depends on the thickness. Optimally for home and apartments - 0.65-1.00 cm.

By the way, if you have a linoleum on the floor and he did not drank, did not go waves, but simply lost his kind or tired, it can also be used as a substrate. In the sense - it is not necessary to delete.

How to sash carpet on linoleum? Yes, in any way. Carpet with rubberized layer can be put in any method. Though just with fixation on tape. Softer options on a felt basis are better to glue, but not for glue, and on the retainer (read below).

Requirements for the base

So that the carpet serve for a long time and did not lose his appearance, it should be put on an even base. Since the coating "hairy" and elastic, there are no special requirements for evenness. The coating will repeat the outlines of the base. But at the places of sudden drops after a while, rubbing is formed - the coating is subjected to enhanced wear. So that this is not, this is what to avoid:

  • Slow drops of height - steps, pits.
  • Unstable base.
  • Dust, garbage, sand.

All these shortcomings are easily eliminated. With dust and garbage, everything is clear - before laying thoroughly clean the vacuum cleaner. Unequality is better to eliminate. If there are noticeable height drops, they can be pulled out or fill in grinding - if it is a board-made floor or shuffle with the repair mixture - if the base is concrete. If you don't want to buy a remote delivery, you just should mix cement (1 part) with sand (3-4 parts), add a bit of PVA and breed with water. But the lack of such a composition is to leave it at least two weeks so that there is no excess of moisture at the base. RemStasa work faster.

If you want to roll the carpet on the wooden floor, it must be aligned first. For this it is not necessary to do y. Under the carpet can be seized the board or lay a fane. Plywood is now the road, so there will be any tight and durable sheet material (GVL, etc.).

Railway carpet can be at any dry and even base: on concrete, wooden floor, laid by Faneur, OSB and other materials

If you want to sing a carpet on the concrete floor, then you can put anything to the screed, if it is dry and smooth. But for more comfortable sensations, you can use the substrate or lay the plywood. If so far only. If necessary, you need to take care of waterproofing.

How to dock carpet

First of all, try to make a junction not in the zone where they go or which is constantly in sight, try to calculate so that most of the joint is under furniture. If it does not work, it is not critical. Just need to make a butt neat. There are two ways to dock carpet.

First method

The first option is suitable for covering without pattern and with a short pile without looping. We spend the clouds already in place - after the coverage has posted "at a permanent place of registration." The joke is perfect.

Next we glue the carpet at the place of the joint. We turn off the coating on the sides, we apply glue or glue bilateral scotch. Return the coating, we climb, press. When fixing, we try to make the connection at all without gaps. It has some elasticity, so everything is real.

Second way

The second way to dock two pieces of carpet and is easier, and more difficult. On the coverage with the drawings only it is available. First, the edge of one piece is cut - between the loops. The factory edge is rarely normal. But if you do not have flaws, it is possible and without trimming. The second piece is stacked with the selection of the picture (if necessary). If the edge somewhere does not join again, cut between hinges.

When docking carpet, the choice of method depends on the presence of a pattern

This method is usually used for carpet with medium and long pile. Small errors are not visible, as they closes the pile. But there is still the opportunity to achieve an almost perfect coincidence when gluing. When laying a carpet on glue, a retainer or tape, it will be possible to stretch a little or sweep the coating to the perfect coincidence. How to dock carpet you know. To decide, you can try both techniques on small trimming. So you will understand what will be better in your case.

Free laying of carpet and fixation on scotch

To lay a carpet with a free way, you need to know some tricks. First - if you do not turn out to cover the floor with one piece, the joint is glued. Without it in any way. The easiest option - the joint is fixed on bilateral scotch. Two bilateral scotch bands from two sides of the seam.

Cutting the carpet needs to be sharp knife by laying down the board or Phaneur

Second. It is impossible to be treated only by the material brought from the store. Carpet We are in the house and let it go for a few days - at least two exactly. Next is the actual laying of the carpet. First measure exactly the size of the room. We proceed from the fact that there should be a gap of 5-8 mm to the walls. This is the so-called compensation gap. It allows the coating to increase and decrease with the change in humidity and temperature. If the coating is immediately close, the "waves" will appear at the coating temperature.

Technology laying carpet under plinth

So, cut the carpet along the required dimensions, lay out in the room. It's not all. There are a few more steps.

Free location of the carpet is suitable for rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 12 square meters. At an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 squares, you can glue on the tape. It must be pasted around the perimeter and strips through each meter. Additional strips at the place of the joint.

Using Scotch

The technology of laying carpet on tape is not too different. Work is starting after he segained a few days, cut a little less than in size, waiting for a couple of days. If the gap remained in the desired limits, we begin to secure it. We turn off the coating from the walls to the center. Scotch is fixed in the outlined places and along the walls. If you fix the coating by plinths, then glue at a distance of about 20 cm parallel to the walls. With free flooring "to the plinths" tape glue just near them.

Laying of carpet under plinth is suitable for small rooms up to 12 square squares

If necessary, rolling the coating and glue the tape in the previously occupied zone. Then remove the protective tape, roll off the coating. Everything is simple. It is important that when fixing the carpet, it rolled it gradually, without waves. For this, they are smoothing it with the help of a board, pressed her edge. You can also use a large spatula.

How to raise carpet on a flu

Filing of the carpet on the flu is one of the varieties of free laying. Just the coating does not lie under its weight, but a little stretched and fixed on the pins of the gripper rail. For work need special tools. They stand quite a lot, so it is unlikely that someone will buy them for one-time use. In general, this way we describe, rather, to familiarize yourself.

These are grippers. But this method of laying is now unopullen

Gripper is a wood plank with stinging at a certain corner of spikes. Rakes are naked to the floor close to the walls. Cutting with a reserve - on the curvature of the walls. Carpet is laid on the middle of the room and roll over the walls. With the help of another device, it is stretched and clinging for protruding spikes. Surplus are trimmed with another special device in a healer with a wall. The edge is covered by a strip from the same carpet.


In large rooms (area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 square meters) or at large coverage loads, the best way to lay carpet - gluing. But today and gluing can be different.

Cut carpet can be placed on glue or fixation

Types of glue for carpet

A few years ago, the carpet gluing was the main technique. The glue was used. But it is difficult to remove the coating in this case. Often it is stratified - part remains glued to the base, the part is broken. Today there is a composition, which is called fixation. It does not freeze finally, but forms a sticky layer. By type of such what is available on Scotch. That is, after processing fixation, the entire floor becomes a huge scotch and carpet can be processed several times. How much - depends on the smoothness of the base. If it is felt, hairs remain on the adhesive. And "somewhat" in this case - two or three. If the base is rubberized, then you can dug up to a dozen times.

So, there are two types of adhesive compositions for carpet:

  • Glue. Sticks to base. When dismantling, part of the coating remains glued. It is necessary to somehow delete it. When applied, a spatula B1 is used. Average consumption 450-500 gr per square meter.

  • Fixer. Creates a sticky film (according to the type of Scotch), which simply holds the coating in place. When dismantling, the coating is completely removed, separate "hairs" may remain. If necessary, replacing the adhesive composition is removed by a special wash. Fixation for carpet velor roller or spatula A1 is applied. Approximate consumption of 150-200 grams per square meter.

So laying on fixation is more reliable than on tape. If it was immediately glued "not very," without any problems can be rebuilt. Or contaminated carpet to remove and clean, and then you again. But how to glue the carpet to the floor, choose you. Maybe you trust the usual glue more. That's your business.

Technology work with a fixer

Laying the carpet on fixation from the usual gluing is characterized in that after applying the composition, it is necessary to wait for a while - 20-30 minutes, while the composition will dry and stop getting dirty. Check simply - take a finger. If it sticks, but remains clean, you can glue. And again, the brought coating should be closed at home at least two days. Next you can start styling.

Here are the technology of laying carpet for fixation:

As you can see, the mounting of the carpet on the retainer is not too complicated. The most pleasant thing is that if it does not work, you can try again. So you can not worry much. And no need to hurry. Laying the carpet can last as much as you need, since the fixing layer does not change with time. Conveniently.

Laying carpet on glue

When using traditional adhesive composition, the technology is different, but only in terms of work with the glue itself. Procedure - Rapid carpet, trimming, rolling - all this is just. Only after applying glue, we do not expect, but immediately roll off the coating and immediately smoothed it. The challenge is good to press so that the swots are not formed.

When laying carpet on glue, you need to smear the base and roll off the coating

To gently glue the carpet to the floor, you need to act quickly. The period of possible correction is far from infinite. Therefore, in a rapid pace, we apply glue to the second half and glue, seeking coincidence on the seam. While the glue did not grab, you can try to tear the previously glued edge if necessary. But if the time has already passed, it is better not to risk and seek coincidence due to the more "fresh" part. That is, all the corrections only later laid half.