Upholstery do it yourself. Features of the extension of sofas with explanations

Sooner or later, but even the most high-quality and modern sofa can lose their former attractiveness. With each year of operation, the upholstery of this furniture will be sophisticated, spots and propellars may appear on it. Fix the position will help hauling the sofa, which can be performed independently if necessary.


You can drag the upholstery on the sofa of any form and size, while this work can be performed both by yourself and with the help of specialists in the furniture workshop. In the case of performing a hauling personally, it is worth remembering that such a process has some features with which it will be necessary to encounter during the work.

First of all, you will have to independently take care of the choice and acquisition of not only a suitable material, but also of its sufficient number. So, for a leather sofa, it is better to purchase not natural skin as the upholstery material, but an ecocuse, while the material should always be taken with a margin.

It is from the right choice of tissue that will depend not only by the appearance of the restored furniture, but also the subsequent life of its operation.

Be sure to consider Constructive features of a particular model of furniture.Some sofas have a rather complicated form and, when replacing the upholstery, it is impossible to completely disassemble, so you have to try so that in such places the tissue completely repeated the shape of the sofa itself. So, dragging the corner sofa, it is necessary to pay special attention to the degrees of tissue stretching precisely on the corners and joints of the combination of parts of the frame of this furniture. With this work, some difficulties may arise without the presence of due skills.

The second feature is that if the furniture is too old and not only the upholstery fabric itself, it will be necessary to replace not only the material, but also a partially filler in the furniture, and possibly some parts of the frame.

It is worth taking care in advance.

Thanks to the halters of sofas at home, it is not only possible to extend the life of the furniture itself, but also visually favorably change its appearance, and with him the room itself. After all, many people know that the overall tone of the interior style of the room still sets the furniture that is located in it. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the process itself very seriously. During the work itself, one should not hurry and distracted by foreign items. It is best to engage in the trim at a time when no one can disturb you.

You need to be ready to be ready for the fact that the work itself, and especially performed for the first time, will take quite a lot of time and effort.

By and large, you can enjoy at home by any sofa personally, regardless of its dimensions. The main thing is to stock in advance all the necessary materials and tools, Carefully examine the instructions for performing this work and be ready to follow it completely. If such work seems like rather laborious, then you can practice on a chair or chair or to generally entrust the performance of the upholstery to specialists.

Selection of material

In any case, regardless of whether work will be carried out on the upholstery of the upholstery by independently or by experts, the first one, with which it will have to face - this is the choice of a suitable material. Experienced masters recommend in this case to take advantage of the following tips:

  • Before it is necessary to change the soft filler of the sofa, not just its upper fabric. If a synthet board performs as a filler, then it is necessary to give preference to the one that has pure white color, as this is evidence of its high quality. If the filler is a foam, then it is necessary to use two of its sheet with a thickness of 2 cm at once, and between them the felt sheet is laid.

  • As a material of the upper upholstery, it is better to choose fabric dense having a fine drawing Without large and bulk prints. This will save on the material, because his pieces will not be missed due to the incidence of the drawing. In addition, the practice shows, such sofas are less dirty and in the operation of the operation it is better to retain their appearance.

  • It is better to give preference to fabrics that do not have a pile, for example, from leatheretteIf the villi is available, it is necessary to ensure that they are short and equal length. Please note that the fabric does not have a sharp and strong unpleasant synthetic flavor. If it is, this indicates low quality and its unsuitability as the use of fabric for furniture restoration.
  • It is better abandon too coarse materials and replace them with ecocuse Or tapestry, which will give furniture exquisite, beautiful and stylish appearance. According to the word "coarse", the fabric is unpleasant to the touch and having a non-primary appearance. Using such a material, you can not update your furniture, but on the contrary, it is artificially an even more.

  • It is worth remembering that natural cotton materials are too fast And when using them during tightening, they lose their primordial appearance, so they are best abandoned. Otherwise, after a few months of regular use of the sofa, it may need to be restored.
  • Jacquard fabric is suitable as it is impossibleIt is rather dense, wear-resistant, has an attractive appearance and is implemented in various color variations. But it is better to still give preference to jacquard of dark tones and without bright color accents on the fabric. They are primarily erased and spoiled the entire appearance of the upholstery.

  • Flock and velor have a beautiful appearanceand quite pleasant to the touch, but at the same time they quickly rub off and lose their attractiveness, so the use of such fabrics is also extremely undesirable.
  • Such material like shenille, It has good wear-resistant indicators, attractive externally and perfectly cleaned from any contamination, so it is recommended to be used as a material to drag sofas.
  • Arpate It may well become a worthy replacement of genuine leather or eco-tree, as it has the same characteristics as they, but it has a smaller cost.

As the main material for dragging sofas, the fabric should be chosen tight, without a pile with a small pattern or one-photon materials that have high wear-resistance rates. Only such fabrics make sense to choose, because they will allow you to use an updated sofa for a very long time.

I also want to note that if the sofa has wheels or legs, they should also be changed to new during the fulfillment of upholstery. This will refresh the appearance of the sofa fully and improve its stability.

Preparatory stage

After the required material is selected, you can start the first stage of the sofa dragging, which is to create patterns from the tissue. This stage should pay special attention, because the result of its execution will depend on the result of the total work. At the same time, the pattern can be made in two different ways:

  • Make a pattern based on old upholsterywhich was previously dismantled with the sofa. In this case, the removed upholstery is applied to the acquired fabric and will be burned along the contour. Be sure to leave scare in several centimeters - 5 will be quite enough. In the future, the resulting pattern is applied to the furniture frame and if it matches its circuits, it is cut.
  • The second option is more time-consuming. First, all parts are removed from the sofa, which can be removed - armrests, backs and pillows are carefully measured by a roulette from all sides, and the results obtained are transferred to the fabric, taking into account the addition of 5 cm for each side. Further all parts of the pattern are cut and applied to suitable sofa places.. If everything is in order and parts of the pattern have the necessary size, you can proceed to further actions.

When creating a pattern, any of the above methods, specialists are recommended twice to check the correctness of the measurements made before cutting the pattern from the tissue. It was in this situation that the proverb "Seven times death, once a rejection" is relevant, more than ever.

Required tools

In order to perform a sofa drawing at home, as well as to perform its preparatory stage - creating patterns, the following tools may be required:

  • Material of the upholstery itself.
  • Filler material.
  • Scissors.
  • Chalk or a piece of soap.
  • Stapler and brackets for him.
  • English pins.
  • Sewing machine or just a thread with needles.
  • Especially strong threads.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Pliers.
  • Passatia.
  • Roulette or ordinary measuring tape.

Depending on the variety of the sofa, the adhesive gun, the felt of the middle thickness, the spring block, screwdriver and self-tapping screw can still be needed. The number of tools is always directly dependent on which model, form and dimensions of the sofa selected for restoration.

If everything is clear with the material, scissors and chalk, the passage and screwdriver, as well as pliers can be used to unscrew some parts of the sofa with directly performing the drawing of the material. Not in all cases it may be necessary to use all of the above tools, but just in case it is better to cook everything in advance than then run around the apartment in search of a suitable tool.

How to make your own hands?

Tightwork at home the sofa is not such a complex process. If this procedure is performed for the first time, then certain difficulties may arise. In order to avoid them and cover your own, your favorite sofa is simple as possible and quickly, we will tell you step by step, how to drag two types of sofas - ordinary and corner.

Direct without springs

It should be started with the dismantling of individual components of the sofa, such as corners, pouf, backs and pillows:

  • If necessary, use a screwdriver or passage. The main thing, dismantling extremely neatlynot to damage all parts of the sofa. It is best to add them together consistently with removal.

  • Further An old upholstery is removed from the sofa housing and details.This process is quite time consuming and requires limit accuracy, because the material filmed in the future can be used as the basis for the pattern. It must be decomposed on a flat horizontal surface for raping it. This will help further remove the measurements more accurately and correctly create a pattern.
  • After removal of the fabric cleaned internal contents of the sofaRemove dust, garbage and packing particles. Now, if necessary, remove the entire package and replace it with a new one or simply correct it and give it the correct position.
  • The next stage is creating patterns.About how it can be done correctly, it was described in detail above, so we will not describe this process again.

  • Now it is necessary circled details attach directly to the sofa. This work should be done in stages and carefully. The material itself should be stretched as evenly as possible so that the drawing does not try and eventually the sofa had a new appearance. It is best to start a pinking with a back, sidewalls and sofa seats.
  • After the upholstery on them is replaced, you can start directly pulling the carcassthe sofa itself. The fabric is attached with the help of needles and threads on removable parts and with a stapler on the frame. You can use a standard adhesive gun.

  • Now it is necessary Collect sofa newly In the reverse sequence of its dismantling. In the event that the pieces of fabric remained, they can be used to dry the aspirations or decorative decoration of the backs or armrests of the sofa itself. The decor, naturally, should be selected by independently, in accordance with the common interior of the room and the style of the furniture itself.

Corner with spring mechanism

The angular sofa itself has a more complex design, and the level of the upcoming upholstery replacement work is also raised by the existing springs. Therefore, I immediately want to say that the sewing of the spring sofa will be longer and trouble-free compared with the restoration of a simple model that does not have spring blocks. In any case, the sofa dragging process itself can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Disassembly of the sofa into two components. Here it is necessary to separate the angular parts from each other. With the right execution of this stage, you should get a separate small sofa and an angular chair.
  2. Now it is necessary to remove all the components that can be dismantled independently.
  3. Next, we remove the entire package and also do with the material on the sofa framework.
  4. Remove the filler and get the spring block itself, which is attached to the bottom of the sofa using a twine that needs to be neatly cut. If the springs are integers, we gently straighten them and install them in place, if not, then we go to the economic or furniture store and get new ones.
  5. It is necessary to overwhelm between themselves all springs with very durable linsers or cotton threads.
  6. We make a pattern of damping, and it is neatly folded and put on top of the springs, extend the filler, a new one or pre-cleaned from the existing contaminants.
  7. Now cut out the resulting patterns and we are wearing a new upholstery first removable parts of the sofa, then its frame. As in the previous case, you should closely monitor the uniform tension of the material on the parts of the sofa.
  8. After all parts of the furniture are removed, you must first collect a sofa, that is, to connect the sofa itself and the angular chair, and then install it removable parts.

By a similar scheme, you can restore almost any model of sofas with spring blocks. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and perform all stages of work is not in a hurry.

Speaking about independent surpasses of sofas at home, it is impossible not to say about the useful advice of experienced specialists in this matter. It is their recommendations that will help to fulfill such work as correct as possible, safely and quickly, but the most important thing is that the result will please you for a very long time.

First of all, it is worth saying again about choosing the material for having sofas, it should be not just dense, but also quite heavy. The fact is that such furniture is used in various situations, and the heavier cloth, the longer it will last you. The material is exactly the part that should not save.

Often, when performing such work, many people prefer to change the upholstery inside the furniture itself. It makes sense to do if the internal package is in a satisfactory condition. If she completely became unusable, and the spring block with its presence also has to be changed, it is better to abandon the restoration of such furniture and purchase a new one. Many competent furniture specialists often say that the full restoration of the sofa is often more expensive than buying a new one. Therefore, the sofa removal can be removed if its springs or pack are in a normal state.

If such works are performed for the first time, you must first work on smaller furniture. If the sofa is expensive or antique, it is better to give it to the restoration to those skilled in the art.

Treating sofas is actually quite an exciting and creative occupation. Many people recognize that by restoration of their furniture independently, they began to practice such work regularly. After all, this hauling of the upholstery allows you to change the appearance of the furniture when it wanted, and in constant practice, the restoration takes a little time and does not cause any inconvenience.

On how to give a second life to the old sofa, see the next video.

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!


Drawing a sofa, having suturing upholstered furniture at home, is possible even without attracting a specialist. This procedure is not so complicated as it looks like. On the Internet there are a lot of step-by-step master classes with photos and videos, where it is described in detail about how to cover up the soft furniture, which matter to use for this purpose. Looking at them, you can upgrade any furniture headset and make the interior of your home in unique.

What is a sofa hauling

Any soft headset over time loses its original look: the skin is torn, dirty, fades, defects appear on it. But this is not a reason to run to the store - much cheaper to update the chair, drag the sofa at home. To do this, you need to decide on the choice of upholstery matter, stock all the necessary tools. Digging sofas consists of 5 main stages:

  • disassembly into composite details;
  • removal of old upholstery;
  • cutting new matter;
  • upholstery of every detail;
  • strengthening, assembling design.

Sofa Truck Material

To the selection of material for tuning the sofa, it is necessary to approach responsibly. Give preference to hard tissues: skin, jacquard, tapestry, flof. Due to its density, they are resistant to wear, which extends the life of the headset. Before buying upholstered material, decide on the purpose of furniture. If you only sit on the sofa, choose a tissue with synthetic fibers that last longer. Planning to use it as a sleeping place? Then stop your choice on natural materials.

Hair sofa leather

Replacing the upholstery of the sofa leather is the most difficult, time-consuming and not cheap process. The skin for the sofa tangle must be high quality, unexpected, otherwise it will last long. Rear parts can be hampered by leatherette, similar to color and texture with skin - so restoration will cost cheaper. It is important to update not only a damaged part, but to drag the ottoo completely, otherwise the old material will contrast with the new one. When skin cutting, take into account that over time it can get sick, so leave 1 cm to the allowances.

Fabric for having a sofa

In several stages there is a hauling of a sofa with a cloth and one of the important points is the choice of upholstery. Such a piece of furniture is the favorite place of the whole family, so the upholstery should be practical, not a brand name. These criteria are answered by such types of fabrics: leather, its high-quality substitute, shenill, tapestry, jacquard, synthetic vinyl. Coloring is selected individually at will and in accordance with the overall style of the design of the room.

Getting Started with the choice of upholstery, pay attention to the natural types of materials, without a specific smell, which may indicate the presence of toxic dyes. Do not buy cotton fabrics, they are strongly impaired, quickly fade, wear out. If there is a drawing, it is better to give preference to a shallow print, which will make it easier for the ending of covers, will reduce the consumption of the material during the upholstery. When choosing a porous fabric, pay attention to the uniformity of the pile distribution is a sign of the quality of the material.

How to drag sofa

To drag the sofa with your own hands, it will take a lot of time and patience, but it will cost cheaper than specialist services. Deciding with the material, it is necessary to disassemble the object of restoration with a screwdriver, a screwdriver and a nail. Disconnect the parts on the sides, overhead elements (back, seat), unscrew all screws, remove nails. The next step is to remove the old coating. It is necessary to do it very carefully without damaging it, every detail will serve as a lecturer for new patterns.

Replace, if necessary, spring, belts, foam rubber and other damaged parts, cut a new tissue over the old patterns. Next, the new material is evenly tensioned on the items of the restoration item and are fixed with the construction stapler. The final stage is a attentive and consistent assembly of an updated design with high-quality fasteners. Use the instructions if you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, without errors.

Towing an angular sofa

The process of folding any furniture consists of the same consecutive steps: disassembly, removal of an old coating, cutting new upholstery parts, upholstery with a new material of individual elements, assembling an updated product. The tongue of the angular sofa is with your own hands in the same sequence, only the design of it is a bit more complicated, two backs and two seats will have to update, work will require more time and effort.

Drawing a kitchen sofa

The interior of modern cuisine is difficult to imagine without a kitchen corner. Like any furniture, it over time comes to unfortunate, and in the kitchen the upholstery can not only break. It includes food products, stains are formed, the temperature difference is affected, so the kitchen sofa hauling is a very important question. The process is no different from the update of another headset, but it is necessary to approach the choice of upholstered material more responsibly.

Coating a corner must clean and wash well, otherwise the restoration of the sofa will occur often. The most suitable materials are: artificial leather, tapestry and flock. Most kitchen corners are pulled by ecocuse, high-quality leatherette, which are well clean and serve not more than one year. The tapestry was created specifically for updating upholstered furniture, it is durable and perfectly cleaned. No less durable and wear-resistant is flock, it has a special moisture-repellent impregnation, which is very important for the kitchen room.

Book Divan

If you decide to restoration of furniture for the first time, then dragging the sofa-book is most suitable for this. Its design is the simplest of all existing models, you need to disconnect only the side parts, back, seat. Next, trying not to damage, carefully remove the old upholstery and internal filling. Repair the damaged parts of the mechanism and replace the foam rubber, cut down on the stakes from the old coating, new patterns with a 1 cm. Tension them evenly to the items of the object of the restoration, secure the stapler, assemble the restored furniture.

Spring sofa hauling

In addition to the main steps, the hauling of the spring sofa includes the repair or replacement of the spring frame. After making sure that it is replaced by the springs, attach the frame to the base of the stapler, and then still brackets made of rigid wire. The use of such an attachment will make the design stronger and more reliable. A layer of felt or polyurethane foam is stacked on top of the spring block, then foam rubber, synthesis and only then a new upholstery. Do the same with the back, collect furniture.

Hauling sofa armrests

The cost of having a sofa at home will be lower than in a special workshop. True, not all the details can be updated with your own hands, for example, dragging the sofa armrests is difficult. Change the upholstery on flat, rectangular armrests will not be difficult, but such a detail of furniture can be curved shape for which the covers or stretch exactly the fabric is not easy. In this case, the work is better to entrust specialists.

Price on the sofa drawing

Having learned how much the sofa is worth it, many are solved on its restoration on their own. If you do not know how to disassemble the furniture, do not know how to change the coating, you can seek help from private professionals who have a home the courtyard at home inexpensively. The same services provide companies. The cost of the sofa is dependent on its size, the prices for the selected upholstery material, the complexity of damage. In Moscow, the price of this service is:



Price in Rubble

Comfort service

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Any furniture with frequent use loses its qualities, and then the question arises - how to drag the sofa at home with your own hands. Most furniture owners prefer to seek help from restoration professionals. Other citizens do not believe in the possibility of restoration and ready to ruthlessly spread with old furniture. Such a decision is forced to carry additional spending time and money.

Disaster of the old sofa

No need to make hasty decisions, for which additional financial expenses are drawn. Although during self-restoration of the sofa, they will also be inevitable, but significantly less purchase of new furniture or payment services for furniture makers.

Before proceeding with the immediate furniture drawing, it is important to conduct preparatory work. Start training follows from the parsing of an old sofa.

The disassembly procedure can be carried out in different ways. Sometimes you have to face problems if the sofa design turns out to be quite complicated. However, in most cases, sofas are accompanied by a standard configuration, so it will not be difficult to disassemble them.

To perform such technical tasks, it is necessary to prepare a pre-set of tools:

  • screwdrivers;
  • keys with which you can unscrew nuts or bolts;
  • pliers.

Disassembly is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Removing sofa sofa.
  2. Disconnecting the lifting mechanism.
  3. Removing the back.
  4. Disinstatement seats.

The fasteners will still be needed with further assembly, so they need to be accurately assembled and put in a safe place.

When conducting disassembly, it is impossible to perform sharp movements, especially if the parts are interconnected using grooves and protrusions. If they are broken, it will be impossible to securely assembly without replacing individual parts.

Upholstery removal

After you managed to completely disassemble the sofa to individual components, you can move to the next step.

Old upholstered furniture loses its attractiveness due to excessive upholstery. That's just with an old upholstery cloth you need to grow ruthlessly. Return to her the primordial appearance will not succeed.

The masters are recommended to be attentive, because the upholstery is always fixed with the help of a bracket. It is quite undesirable that these brackets are scattered in different directions. The brackets must be securely retained, the poet will be difficult to extract them. Be prepared to spend a lot of strength and time to it.

To simplify the task, you should prepare a minimum set of tools. Suitable assistants to perform such tasks will be:

  • pliers;
  • thin flat screwdriver;
  • stationery knife.

It is possible to optimize the process of removing the bracket, if you first pose all the brackets, break their legs, and only then delete everything. With such an organization of labor, you do not have to spend time on a permanent change tools.

Purchase a new upholstery fabric is fairly easy if you visit a specialized store. But not everyone can hide a new upholstery. Old fabric just can act as an excellent pattern. Such a template will help to exclude the need to appeal for help to a professional undoldering.

In addition to the tissue, you need to carefully remove the filler. It should be carefully examined by his condition.

  • If he is still in a decent state, it will be possible to use it.
  • If the filler managed to turn into a dust, when it is extracting it is especially important to comply with the accuracy of actions. Otherwise, he simply crushes and add difficulties with room cleaning.

Inspection of parts, elimination of defects and malfunctions

After disassembly of the old sofa, it is necessary to carefully examine it completely. The main purpose of this inspection is to identify damage.

Unfortunately, no matter how beloved this subject of the interior, it is better to say with it if the frame has serious damage. It is important to pay attention to such moments:

  • the presence of pits resulting from the loss of filler density;
  • signing structural elements indicating a stretched spring block.

Sometimes sofas are equipped with non-spring blocks, but belts that also have a property to be stretched.

If defects are detected, all parts will need to be replaced. Masters recommend first to record everything, calculate how much such repairs will cost. And after calculations, we conclude relative to the financial rationality of the old sofa dragging.

Damaged wooden crossbars are necessarily removed, they put new parts on their place, missing all the joints with PVA glue.

Old filler in most cases has to be thrown away. Alternatively, a dense foam rubber with an average or high degree of rigidity is acquired. Preference is better to give the foam in a height of 60 mm. It can be replaced with its foam-tongue with a height of 45 to 50 mm in the absence of suitable sizes.

It is very useful to use the secrets of experienced masters while working. In particular, if you clean the foamon with several layers of syntheps, it is possible to significantly increase its life.

When choosing a filler for the back or armrests, you can stop the choice on the foam-rope of less rigidity. It will give the product extra softness, on the sofa will rest much more comfortable.

In the rarest cases, it is not necessary to change anything in the design of furniture, but simply limit the replacement of the upholstery. Such a need arises when the furniture is in excellent technical condition, but the cat poured the cat or a liquid was poured onto it, it is impossible to wash it.

Choosing a new upholstery

Having understood with how with their own hands at home to drag, you can move to the choice of a new upholstery.

It is originally important to determine how much upholstery will need for planned work. To carry out calculations, the entire removed old material is measured. About half meters add to the result obtained. This stock is necessary because when calculating it may be made an error or during the cut, something can go wrong.

When choosing upholstery, you need to pay attention to such details:

  • color gamut;
  • drawing (it must be harmonized with other interior items);
  • indicators of wear resistance, on which it depends during which time the sofa will look impeccable;
  • financial capabilities (if you have no need to save, then genuine leather will be the best choice).

As excellent upholstery materials whose performance is noteworthy, they act:

  • microfiber;
  • velor, plush;
  • jacquard;
  • tapestry;
  • shenill.

Preparation of fabric

After purchasing a suitable upholstery tissue, it is started. An excellent assistant when performing such tasks will be an old upholstery material. It must be pre-added, shaken.

Step by step such actions will look like this:

  1. Disseminate a new material on the floor.
  2. On top to position the old upholstery.
  3. Combine every detail, leaving be sure to the seams.
  4. You can circle all the elements by a piece of chalk or soap (to prevent the offset of individual elements, it is recommended to make all the details of sewing pins).
  5. Sew all details on the sewing machine.
  6. Treat overhead all edges.

Fixing a new upholstery

After all the details of the upholstery are ready, proceed to its securing. This work especially needs increased accuracy. It is impossible to make formation of folds, distortions. Otherwise, the upholstered furniture is unlikely to please their type and ease of use.

  1. Fitting of all parts.
  2. To wear covers and carefully smooth them without use. It is important to exclude the tension of individual upholstery elements.
  3. In places of connection of individual components, it is recommended to cut small holes for bolts and nuts.
  4. The upholstery fabric is fixed with brackets, between which you need to withstand a distance of 35-40 mm.
  5. It is recommended to purchase brackets, the length of which is 14 mm.
  6. If the brackets with the help of a special pistol are poorly entering the wood, you can knock on them with a hammer.

Sofas are mandatory interior objects in each apartment or house. They are usually installed in the living room for watching TV, reading, relaxing, and also often found in the kitchen. They are created from various materials and have a variety of sizes. When choosing a design, it is taken into account that it should fit perfectly into the existing interior. Therefore, the sofas coverings are an important factor in the right choice. It can be performed from various materials and possess a variety of shades.

What to choose material

Often in high-quality sofas, the skin loses its attractiveness, contaminated or fades. It is quite expensive to change the entire subject of the interior, so the correct choice is considered to replace the trim, and this process is fairly easy to perform, so it is often implemented by each owner on its own.

The sofa lifting with their own hands is considered simple, but it is important to correctly choose the material used in the process of work.

Fabrics used to cover sofas are numerous, so often people are lost with the right choice. In the process, it is important to take into account what factors will affect the product, as well as what color and other parameters it must have. If you need to sew an old sofa, it is important to determine the material in advance, and choose from some popular species:

  • shenille - this material is characterized by an excellent indicator of strength and density. Its cost is at the middle level, and the basis of it can be tissue or glued. In the first case, the cover is obtained, resistant before the exposure of moisture, so the purification can be performed by a wet method. The glued base should not touch moisture, as this leads to the deformation of the material. Cleaning should be taken carefully, and after this process it is important to leave the trim for a while for thorough drying. It is undesirable to choose Shenille, if domestic animals live in the house, destroying the structure of the fabric with their claws;
  • the rohozhod - this fabric has a shallow and interesting texture, and most often produced in one shade. The upholstery of it is characterized by high strength and wear resistance, as well as to care for her simply. However, it is impossible to choose to cover the fabric of a bright shade or a multi-colored element;
  • velur - from it it turns out a velvety surface of the sofa, touching which is incredibly nice. It is simple to care for the material, and it does not cause allergic reactions. Pollution is easily removed, and also serves as a cloth for a long time. The minuses include a fairly high price, as well as mechanical effects lead to a disruption of tissue integrity;
  • flock - has the ease of care and long preservation of the initial form. It has good resistance to moisture and high density, as well as environmentally friendly;
  • tapestry is a natural canvas, pleasant to the touch and distinguished by high practicality. It is considered plastic, so it takes any necessary shape. The appearance is beautiful, as well as there are no harmful components. However, the material has a high cost, and is also not allowed to be purified by its wet method;
  • genuine leather - to strip its sofa this material is quite difficult. It has a high cost, however, it turns out a lifting, characterized by an unusually attractive and presentable appearance. It serves a long time and has high strength. It is incredibly easy to care for her;
  • artificial leather is more affordable compared to natural material, and at the same time it is also characterized by beauty and durability.

Thus, we can linger with different types of fabric or other materials. The choice depends on the financial capabilities of the interior object owners, as well as the characteristics that the skin must have.


Step-by-step instruction

If you plan to sofa with your own hands, then the material suitable for this is originally selected. Next, the instruction is thoroughly studied, because it is not allowed to perform any errors during operation, it is practically impossible to correct. Before the trim, it is recommended to pre-slightly work with the selected cloth to understand how difficult it is, and also practicing.

Laying of foam

Step-by-step instruction assumes that it is originally important to completely eliminate the old trim from the sofa frame. Even the filler is removed, since it is usually after a long operational period, it becomes sold and lost its original form. The opened frame is released from various brackets and other fasteners. It is important to make sure that it is durable and reliable, as well as suitable for further use. If necessary, it is strengthened by sheets of fiberboard or plywood.

The skin is removed and the bottom is checked on the need for repair.
Upholstery should be removed with the filler

Next begins the fastener of the foam rubber, and it is important to correctly choose this material. It is considered to be the optimal thickness of 40 mm, but for the sidewall, the foam rubber is taken by a smaller thickness. It is important when choosing to take into account the density of the foam rubber, and the optimal indicator for upholstery of upholstered furniture is the density of 46 units. If it is excessively low, the foam rubber will quickly lose the form and deform. However, an excessively high this indicator causes the creation of too tight upholstery that reduces the comfort of using a sofa for its intended purpose.

Fastener Description:

  • initially, with the help of glue, the first layer of the foam rubber is fixed, and it is necessary to cut sheets in accordance with the skeleton dimensions during operation;
  • from above, another layer is created, and here it is desirable to use a softer material;
  • in certain places you have to bend the foam rubber, and it should be done carefully so as not to damage it.

As soon as the sofa is fully covered with a foam rubber, its skin begins with a selected cloth or skin.

Spoiled foamball should be replaced with a new

Preparatory work

Before the direct process should be prepared by the materials used in the process to decide the sofa. These include a building stapler and screwdriver, brackets and passage, hammer and threads with a needle, as well as pliers and drill. Often, other tools are also required.

The optimal material for the plating is selected, for which the operating conditions of the sofa itself are taken into account. If you plan to install a sofa in the kitchen, the covering must be resistant to contaminants and temperature changes. If it is mounted in the living room, it is important that it is beautiful, soft and comfortable, because it is intended for rest, and often for sleep.

Required tools

Calculation of the required amount of fabric

The next stage of work is to calculate the desired amount of material to carry out the lining without interruptions and problems. If a standard sofa is seen with a new cloth, then you will have to acquire about 8 m of the material. For more accurate and reliable calculations, it is necessary to take a roulette or other measuring equipment. With it, the width and length of the available interior item is determined. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare folded and multiplied by 2, which determines the length of the cut, and its width is equal to the width of the sofa.

There is a more accurate calculation methodology. To do this, it is necessary to measure all the wide and long part of the seat, backs and armrests, and then make a sketch with applying all values \u200b\u200bon a sheet of paper. On the sketch, all vertical values \u200b\u200bshould be positioned vertically, and horizontal, respectively, horizontally. After that, all vertical values \u200b\u200bshould be summed and the result is divided by 100. The resulting number and will be the length of the required cutting of the tissue. The width of the tissue should be equal to the maximum of horizontal values. When calculating the amount of tissue, add 1 meter per 5 meters of tissue. This calculation is indicative, however, it will determine how many fabric, skin or other material should be bought to ensure uninterrupted work.


The phased process of the sofa clamping further assumes the formation of the correct pattern. The simplest this procedure will in case the sofa is standard and possessing a rectangular form. Even for the corner product, special difficulties do not arise.

All the old shelving you need carefully to take up to carve out the details for the new cover.

The pattern of creating the pattern lies in simple actions:

  • for each individual part, the correct and accurate measurements are made;
  • next, they fit on a special paper called a mm, and here it certainly checks the correctness of the crog direction;
  • the outlines of future elements are drawn;
  • they are transferred to the cloth, and the work is implemented from the wrong side, and it is desirable to use chalk for this;
  • separate parts are cut out, which will ensure the creation of patterns.

In the process of work, the allowance for the seam and the fee of the tissue is not taken into account, and if the material is dense, then the battery is desirable to do about 3 cm.

Pattern of new details
Details are stitched

Sewing Czech

As soon as the patterns are ready, the formation of the cover begins. It is advisable to practice in advance in advance in working with the selected material, in order to prevent errors and do not spoil a large number of expensive fabric.

During the work, special threads of increased strength are certainly used. Since in places the presence of seams will continue the loads, they are definitely tensioned. It is advisable to make a double line at all.

It is allowed to use a sewing machine if the fabric is excessively dense, so the handmade is complicated. However, in this case, the old product is considered optimal, since modern machines usually do not cope with this work due to low quality and insufficient power.

A qualitatively created cover is dressed on the sofa, as well as reliably fixed to the frame, as a result of which it turns out to be updated its appearance, strengthen the frame, as well as form a new upholstery, distinguished by high density and quality. If you look good in how to shelter furniture, this process will not cause any difficulties. This will further enjoy your favorite interior item, and there will also be no need to spend a lot of money to buy a new design.

Removed from the sidewall items worth leaving as a pattern
Seat should be wrapped by Vatin
How to mount a seat cover
Fixation of the cover under the bottom
Dismantling sidewall
Production of sidewall
Setting the bottom
Fastening ready-made sidewols
Rear end
Case on the back of the sofa


One way to update upholstered furniture is to replace its skin. You can use the services of professional masters, and you can decide the sofa with your own hands at ordinary home conditions. The event is quite troublesome, but not requiring serious physical efforts.

Sofa Upholstery: A - Soft and Upholstery Materials; B - cut; B - the order of upholstery and drying.

Preparatory stage

Cosmetic repair usually assumes only the replacement of an old sheat or even fixing the new material on the old one. For example, replace wallpaper on the walls. Capital - complete or partial replacement not only the top of the upholstered furniture, but also fillers.

For the preparatory stage it will be necessary:

  • passatia;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • a set of keys;
  • a hammer;
  • centimeter or roulette;
  • leaf of paper and pencil.

It is also better to stock in advance boxes or bags for storing fasteners. When disassembling very old furniture, vinegar may need. To dismantle the steamed rust fasteners, it is sufficient to moisten them with acetic acid.

Does not hurt the presence of a vacuum cleaner or brushes and a damp cloth. With their help, you can immediately remove the furniture design of garbage and dust detected in the hard-to-reach scan of furniture design.

  1. The sofa disassembles - the sidewalls are dismantled, other elements of its design. Carefully removes the skin. The goal is to determine the true state of the seat and back filler, ensure the convenience of the necessary measurements. It is desirable not to remember the sequence of furniture disassembly, but also to record it in the most detail. All fasteners should be immediately folded in boxes, bags with appropriate marks.
  2. Measurements are performed. Usually under the upholstery of the sofa are layers of foam rubber, batting. With the help of a centimeter is determined, some sizes are needed for the restoration of the seat, backs. The results of all measurements are also fixed on paper.

In determining the size of pieces of new upholstery fabric, the features of the old fastening are required. For the purpose of saving, some manufacturers do not add to its edges, which then "scribble". The seams "in principle" also do not extend the service life of the upholstery.

Back to the category

The process of skin sofa do it yourself

Before deciding the sofa, it is necessary to inspect its design for possible defects, damage. If necessary, carry out repair work.

The replacement of the foam rubber is carried out entirely. Do not try to save, lining pieces of new material for the sold places. An additional layer of wattin and burlap will not only extend the service life of the upholstery, but also provide comfortable conditions during rest and sleep.

When calculating the number of materials, it is necessarily taken into account:

  • inputs on the seams - 1-1.5 cm;
  • binding on the edge - 1-2 cm.

To decide the sofa, you need to purchase not only foam rubber, batting, upholstery fabric, but also:

  • threads - better categorous;
  • ruler, triangle, tailor chalk or a conventional color pencil, contrasting the color of the chosen upholstery;
  • glue for fixing foam foam sheets on the sidewalls;
  • glue bf-6;
  • good scissors for fabric;
  • wallpaper cloves or construction stapler.

With the observance of the main Portnov Regulation "I will defaminate 7 times, 1 - a revenue", neatly disintegrates the canvas of the foam rubber, wattin and upholstery fabric.

Sowing edges are better to undergo an overwheel or zigzag.

Covers are sewn on the sidewalls, other necessary seams are made. The costs of time and forces on a preliminary ironing of upholstery tissue and seams with a bitter will pay off in the process of its attachment.

One way to extend the service life of the upholstery is to strengthen areas located on the corners of the furniture. To do this, they are tracked from the inside or glued with glue bf-6 patchwork from burlap or a piece of upholstery fabric left after cutting.

  1. Falone sheets are stacked - usually only on the mattress, sometimes on the sidewalls.
  2. Watin is put on the sofa mattress, and its edges are attached to upholstered cloves or staples. You can hide the sidewalls by Vatin, if they did not lie to the foam rubber.
  3. All sofa elements are squeaking. It is not necessary to sew caseine covers, you can shelter them, applying the burlap of the mustache. The magnitude of the fattest is about 2 cm. The burlap must completely close the batting.
  4. Clean skin is a covering with a bottom cloth, the edges of which are converted if necessary.

All canvases are tensioning evenly and neatly. Then the sofa design is going.

If the sofa is planned to be sewn with their own hands on top of the old sheathing, then careful cleaning of the second from contaminants is pre-performed. Highly worn places are strengthened with pop-bays that are sewn or glued. Plus this option is to minimize material and time costs. Minus - the old clusters of dirt and dust remain inside.