50th anniversary of married life. Congratulations to the Golden Wedding (50th wedding anniversary)

Almost every year the spouses live together has its own name, its own customs and signs. So how to celebrate 50 years and what kind of wedding is it?

What is a golden wedding

A wedding is a union of two loving hearts, on the way of which many trials, joys, sometimes disappointments, adversities arise. To remind spouses that together overcoming all these obstacles, the family becomes stronger every year, almost every year people celebrate their wedding anniversary. At 50, the wedding is called golden... Spouses who have lived together in sorrow and joy for half a century can truly call themselves the happiest. This event causes only positive feelings of joy, admiration and tenderness in everyone when looking at the “newlyweds”. A golden wedding is a significant event not only for the married couple themselves, but also for all their many relatives, children, grandchildren and friends.

Gold is one of the precious metals that does not lend itself to influences over the years. environment: does not rust, even if it becomes dull, then it can always be returned to its original shine and purity. So in the relationship between spouses - if during family life and there were any twists and turns and disagreements, you can always return love and understanding in a relationship.


The "bride" threw her bridal bouquet and there is a belief that if he falls into the hands of a young unmarried girl, then soon she will be married, but if in the hands of a girl who is already married, then she and her husband will also live to see the golden wedding.

“Young people” are sprinkled with “gold” - objects of gold color: coins, confetti, candies in a gold wrapper, this is done so that the spouses have prosperity, prosperity and love in the family hearth.

It is believed that for many years living together the old rings are worn out and it is customary to acquire new wedding rings for 50 years of the wedding.

How to mark

Having lived together for many years, the "young" celebrate fifty years of marriage in different ways: some only with family and friends, who arrange banquets for friends and acquaintances, and who even want to retire from the noisy bustle and enjoy only each other's company.

Therefore, everyone acts as they see fit, focusing on their wealth, desires and preferences.

Due to the age of the heroes of the day, children, grandchildren or close friends and relatives of a married couple usually arrange the holiday. They choose places for a wedding (cafe, restaurant, deck of a ship or yacht), invite a toastmaster or choose a host from friends or family, agree to hold a wedding ceremony in a registry office or arrange an outdoor ceremony. At the request of the "newlyweds" they arrange a wedding in the church, think over the scenario of the holiday, decorate the wedding venue.

Since the wedding is called gold, its style can be decorated in gold tones: clothes of heroes of the occasion and guests, jewelry, a car in gold or tones close to it. It can be agreed that the gift wrapping will be appropriate colors. An interesting option will not arrange a holiday in a golden style, but in the style of the year the couple first got married. At the wedding, let the music of those years sound, some interior items, photographs to find and use in decorating the venue.

Dishes on the festive table must be exquisite to match the name of the anniversary date.

How to congratulate and what to give

Fifty years of marriage is a great event for any married couple who have reached such an anniversary.

This tradition was first adopted in Germany. Husband gave twenty-five summer anniversary living together for his wife a silver wreath, and for the fiftieth anniversary - a wreath of gold. So since then it has become a tradition that for 50 years of wedding, "young" give each other gold jewelry, most often rings.

For 50 years of the wedding, the spouses usually buy new gold wedding rings, and the former are passed on as a family heirloom to children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren as a guarantee of long, strong and happy family relationships.

As an option for congratulations, from children and close relatives, you can make a small video about the life of the heroes of the day from the first acquaintance to the present day: how they met, where, living together, rest, having children, etc. It will be interesting to remember not only the “newlyweds”, but also all the guests present at the holiday.

If the couple has not been married in the church earlier, then it is possible to organize a wedding, it will be more pleasant and reverent than repeating the wedding ceremony in the registry office. Indeed, at a wedding, as they say, marriage is concluded in heaven, and for those who have lived together for fifty years of life together, this is already an indisputable fact.

Children can present their mother with a scarf embroidered with gold threads as a gift. A pleasant and useful gift for the anniversary will be gold coins or a small ingot of gold. You can also make something for a wedding related to the number fifty: a bouquet of fifty flowers, the corresponding number balloons, wedding cake with number fifty.

List of anniversaries after the golden wedding

Not many people know what a wedding is after 50 years of marriage. Significant anniversaries and not a very large number, since in one year there can be not one, but two. Below is a list of the main wedding anniversaries so that you can prepare a gift or surprise for your second half in advance:
  • Fifty Five Wedding Years - Emerald
  • sixty wedding years - platinum or diamond
  • sixty five - iron
  • sixty seven and a half years of marriage - stone
  • seventy years - grateful
  • 75th Anniversary - Diamond
  • 80th birthday - oak wedding
  • one hundred years of marriage - red

The Golden Wedding is the most solemn anniversary. She is celebrated after 50 years of married life. Not every couple is able to maintain an alliance for half a century. The years passed were filled with different events. Sadness gave way to joy, anxiety to happiness. Time went on as usual, children grew up, grandchildren were born.

The Golden Wedding is the most solemn anniversary. She is celebrated after 50 years of married life. Not every couple is able to maintain an alliance for half a century. The years passed were filled with different events. Sadness gave way to joy, anxiety to happiness. Time went on as usual, children grew up, grandchildren were born.

It seems that everything worked out, settled down, but slight sadness does not allow to fully enjoy the holiday. Youth is far away, youth flew by imperceptibly, there is still so much you want to do! But, looking at the frolicking grandchildren, great-grandchildren, the spouse understands that life has not been lived in vain. They are precisely the crown of this long love called "golden wedding".

Anniversary symbols

Gold has always been considered the most expensive, noble metal. It takes a lot of effort and time to get it. It is a symbol of wisdom, purity, immortality, immutability, constancy.

A wedding anniversary of 50 years is a tremendous value. Happy marriage formed by long hard work. Gold does not corrode, and marriage is not subject to the influence of any factors.

Wedding traditions for 50 years of marriage

50 years of marriage is a significant borderline in marriage. They say that from this moment, family life begins anew. Therefore, traditions for the golden wedding are designed to bring happiness and prosperity to the “newlyweds”.

  1. Rings. The most important ceremony of the anniversary. For this anniversary, the couple should wear new gold wedding rings. Old jewelry is passed on to children or grandchildren, those who are planning a wedding in the near future. This is a very valuable gift. Since it is believed that the secret of a happy marriage is transmitted along with the rings.
  2. Shedding. At the holiday, guests shower the heroes of the occasion with gold coins, grain, and sweets. This custom is intended to grant prosperity and prosperity to the “new” family. During the performance of the ceremony, the spouses wish to live the next fifty years in the same love as the previous half century.
  3. Gold shawl. This is not only a tradition, but also a gift for the 50th wedding anniversary. The rite is performed by the eldest child in the family. For the celebration, a son or daughter should buy a yellow, shiny scarf to cover the mother's head. This is revealing gratitude for love, care, care.
  4. Candles. On the festive table, a yellow wedding candle is placed next to each spouse. "Newlyweds" should light them up and with the wishes of a long, happy life pass on to the young. It is believed that in this way the wisdom of a happy marriage is transmitted.
  5. Pie. On the eve of the anniversary, the couple bake a birthday cake. At the celebration, the husband and wife cut him into pieces and hand them out to the guests with their own hands. In this way, they share with those present the secret of a successful marriage.
  6. Kalach. With this ceremony, a festive feast begins. Kalach is also being prepared on the eve of the holiday. Only half of the pastry is served on the table. This is a sign that the golden wedding is only half life path... The kalach is cut into pieces, the heroes of the day present them to each guest along with a glass of vodka. This bread must be eaten whole. If even a piece remains, it promises trouble in the future life of the heroes of the day.

How to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary?

The golden wedding is a must. It is celebrated magnificently with many guests, gifts, congratulations. It is considered a good omen to be present at the celebration of all the relatives of the “newlyweds”. Taking into account the considerable age of the spouses, all the preparations fall on the shoulders of the children and grandchildren.

As a rule, the scenario of the holiday resembles a wedding day. Except for "bride price," "bridal trials." More young people participate in wedding contests. Elderly spouses mainly play the role of arbiters, advisers, and run competitions. They decide who participates in which competitions, who makes a toast, who dances with whom.

As for the venue for the celebration, the best option will become a restaurant or a large banquet hall. Such a room is decorated in gold tones, fresh flowers are placed on the table. Delicacies prevail on the table; among the drinks should be present a 50-year-old white wine.

To make the holiday a success, it is better to invite a professional toastmaster. He will be able to make the event unforgettable. The culmination of the celebration can be a grandiose fireworks display. In general, the fiftieth anniversary is a unique one, you should not save on the holiday.

What to give for a 50th wedding anniversary?

What is given for a golden wedding should be as memorable as the anniversary itself. During this period, the husband and wife are of a respectable age. Over the years, they have received many significant gifts, so it is difficult to surprise with an expensive gift. Better to opt for a small, modest surprise that has a special meaning. The main thing is that the gift should be gold or gilded.

  1. Candlestick. An unusual gilded product for two candles with a dedicatory inscription. This is a very symbolic gift of the ardent feeling of two hearts.
  2. Photo collage. A large collage of several photos related to different periods of the life of the spouses. Such a product must be placed in a gilded frame with the appropriate signature.
  3. Golden coins. Even if the spouses are not numismatists, such a gift for a golden wedding will come in handy for the 50th anniversary. You can find such gizmos in antique stores or order at a jewelry store.
  4. Jewelry egg. A very beautiful gift will be a product in the style of the famous Faberge. The original, unusual product will pleasantly surprise the "newlyweds".
  5. Ingot. A gold bar with a corresponding certificate is a good contribution to the well-being of the whole family. You can present it in an engraved velvet box.

Golden wedding is a triumph of faith, love and hope. For half a century, the couple stayed close, supported each other, shared sorrows and joys. They know what is most precious in life and appreciate it. By this time, the anniversary had long ceased to be only two people. The fiftieth anniversary of marriage is a holiday for the whole family and its guardians.

Golden wedding - magical feelings take off,
True happiness is a fabulous flight,
When life is beautiful, never mind the trouble
And they no longer have power over the fate of the year.
Together you have lived so many glorious years
Sorrows were shared and the fruits of victories,
You sowed grain in the souls of joy -
The harvest is wonderful, bad for everyone.
So live in happiness for many more years,
Let the light of beautiful souls not fade away,
We wish you clear days, how can you do without them,
Good health and love of family!

Congratulations on the Golden Wedding (on the 50th anniversary of marriage) in verse

Lived together half a century of gold,
But soul and heart do not grow old
We set you as an example for the young,
Let them see how they know how to love.
Your souls have been united for a long time,
You are entwined with a single ribbon,
Your feelings are as strong as wine,
The best years have been lived together.
Times stood in the way
Sometimes it's scary to remember them,
But love,
saves only
who loves,
Must survive!
Your years won't ruin your feelings
You appreciate each other for being
What they knew how to hear, listen more often,
Your union has brought you gold.
The century, took so many waters with it,
But half a century, together, is a miracle
There is one question in our faces for you,
Power, faith and love from where?
Tell us the best way to live
Feelings not to lose, at least a couple of words,
Apparently you need to love hard
To keep love for half a century?
Happiness to you
Health for centuries
Stay young
May happiness not be broken - the years,
And love as you used to love!

Wonderful congratulations on a golden wedding (with a wedding anniversary of 50 years) in verse

Half a century for two: here are miracles
Able to create earthly love!
Sincere eyes shine with light
And the day plays with magic music.

Now I want to say so much -
What a delightful couple
How do you know how to understand each other,
Taking every moment from life as a gift.

How many trials and worries
Together you have experienced it.
How many roads have you walked
And how many joyful events there were!

You divided everything in half in life,
Caring for each other, warming,
And never work and business
Do not overshadow the little paradise.

You built it with all your soul,
You always had the strength to do everything.
So let everything continue to be fine
Good luck to you, loved ones, kind, dear!

May fate give you warmth
Fill every moment with happiness.
Life pampers with goodness and beauty,
And a fresh spring mood!

Anniversary (anniversary) of the wedding - golden wedding - 50 years of marriage

Golden wedding celebrated through 50 years lived together.
For a golden wedding, wedding rings are replaced with new ones.

A significant date - the fiftieth anniversary of married life - is called the golden wedding... Gold, undoubtedly, was and is considered one of the most expensive metals. It has always symbolized something significant, even great, achieved by hard work. Likewise, a golden wedding is the fruit of hard joint work over many years. The 50th wedding anniversary speaks of the great love of the spouses, carried through the years, so on this day they give each other gold jewelry as a sign of love and sincere devotion. Close relatives are invited to visit: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, best friends and, of course, witnesses. You can give a variety of things, the main thing is that they are made of gold or with shiny gilding. It could be a picture in a gilded frame, Wall Clock or a service with gilding, a dish painted with gold paints. Children should be sure to give their parents a golden thing as a sign of respect for the strength of their family union. The golden wedding should be celebrated in the most solemn way, with a rich table at which the spouses will remember the years they lived together.

Congratulation-toast with a golden wedding - wedding anniversary 50 years

On this happy and significant day, we have gathered to celebrate a happy and rare anniversary - a golden wedding.
Our golden heroes of the day have lived together in love and harmony for half a century.
Their life path was not strewn with roses and lilies, they went through all the trials and difficulties that fell to the lot of the whole people, however, they retained mutual love and devotion, raised worthy children.
We sincerely congratulate you on this glorious anniversary. May every day of your life be as bright as this holiday. We sincerely wish you good health and many more, many happy years.
I invite all those present to raise their glasses to the health of the dear heroes of the day and exclaim in unison: "Many years! Many years! Many years!"

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary, on the 50th anniversary - on the golden wedding

You walked together for half a century,
Giving people work and thought,
The best impulses of man
Intertwined with your destiny.
Let the sun spray even brighter
On this day, on a happy anniversary.
Good, long, joyful life to you
Surrounded by family and friends!

Congratulations on the anniversary, wedding anniversary of 50 years

You dawned together for half a century
On the steep roads of life,
They shared everything: joy and sorrow.
Heat and cold, pain and spring smoke.
May for all the remaining years
Your cozy home will be warm.
Happiness to you
Love of high shoots,
Long life, sunny in everything!

SMS congratulations on a golden wedding - 50th anniversary of the wedding

Years fly and rush like an avalanche
But is it worth grieving about the past.
Fifty together - only half,
We wish the couple to live up to a hundred years.

Greetings on the golden wedding - wedding anniversary - 50th anniversary of marriage

Yes ... years don't even run - they fly ...
How long has the groom given flowers to the bride? ..
And now it's not twenty - fifty
Godkov you live together as one family!
We wish you without pretentious undertakings
To share for another hundred years salt, honey and a bed,
And so that grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children
Love and life joined together too!

Congratulations to the golden wedding - 50th wedding anniversary

Twenty five and twenty five -
Golden miracle!
How nice to congratulate
Two people are happy!
How nice to update
Rings are gold!
And, of course, repeat:
Peace to you, dear ones!
And, of course, warmth.
And with might and main - health,
To keep life always
Full of love.

50 years of marriage is an eternity. For 5 decades of marriage, the spouses were able to live many joyful as well as disturbing moments in life. But, despite all the hardships, their feelings remained strong and durable. Such a relationship can only be compared with the properties of gold - a metal that does not rust at all. For this reason, the 50th anniversary of their life together is usually called the “golden wedding”. If the spouses have lived ashamedly for 50 years, the golden wedding is celebrated magnificently and solemnly.

Ancient traditions and customs for 50 years of wedding

The wedding anniversary of 50 years is traditionally celebrated with observance folk customs... We offer a list of ceremonies that are held during the celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary.

  • Sprinkle with golden objects. The first step is to congratulate the heroes of the day, shower the spouses who have lived together for half a century with golden objects. These are gold coins, but glitter and golden grains will do. All the guests of the event take part in the ceremony - except for the operators, who must capture this solemn moment on video.
  • We give a scarf. The daughter of the spouses embroiders a scarf with gold thread, gives it to her mother, tying it on her head. If it is not possible to embroider a scarf, we recommend giving it a ready-made one, embroidered with lurex.
  • We taste the loaf. We cut the loaf in half, first the heroes of the day, and then the guests try it. This custom will emphasize the unity of the family.
  • We light candles. Anniversaries light two golden candles prepared in advance, which will symbolize the next half century that the couple will live together.
  • We pass the burning candles. Passing lighted candles into the hands of their grandchildren, the heroes of the day symbolically convey to them their wisdom, accumulated life experience. Attention: candles must be passed lit.
  • We give rings. On the 50th anniversary of the wedding, it is customary for the heroes of the occasion to give new wedding rings - for a long life together, the old ones have worn out.
  • We pass the old wedding rings to our grandchildren. There is a custom: old wedding rings, with which the spouses have lived for half a century, are passed on to young relatives. This custom will symbolize the continuity of generations, so that young people also celebrate their anniversary - a golden wedding.
  • Dance of the young. The guests of the event stand in a circle, take each other's hands, dance around the heroes of the day, who dance as they did during their wedding.
  • We throw the bouquet. According to the old wedding tradition, those celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary throw a bouquet to the guests. Young girls who caught him will certainly live with their future spouse for half a century. This ceremony is final.
  • Tea drinking. After the guests have dispersed, the couple should return to the table and have tea. After that, the festive table is removed.

Golden wedding: how to celebrate an anniversary?

The 50th wedding anniversary is a rare holiday, few couples celebrate it. Therefore, most of the spouses who celebrate the golden wedding prefer to follow the tradition, celebrating the solemn occasion on a special scale. Anniversary celebration - good example for children, grandchildren, other guests of the event.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary in a circle of really close people, so we recommend holding the event where there will be no prying eyes. There are several options for such places.

  • Houses. How old is the golden wedding? Exactly 50, half a century. It is easier for older people to celebrate such a holiday at home. Relatives should make sure that the old people have an appropriate environment in their apartment - repairs have been made, comfort has been created.
  • In a restaurant, cafe. If the spouses wish to celebrate their anniversary outside their own home, we advise you to choose such a place for the celebration so that those present feel cozy and comfortable during the ceremonies. So, it is better to choose a room (hall) that is closed from strangers.

What to wear for spouses for a golden wedding

Clothing options for the spouse. If the event takes place at home, the hero of the occasion is supposed to wear an evening dress with golden details. If in a restaurant, we advise you to take care of accessories - a hat, gloves, veils. Since the wedding is gold, don't forget gold jewelry. The name of the jewelry company is not important.

Clothing options for the spouse. If the event will take place at home, we suggest wearing a shirt and trousers, but if the celebration will take place in a restaurant, it is advisable to wear a beautiful suit.

Whom to invite

The celebration in honor of the golden wedding is a holiday for loved ones, we advise you to think carefully about the list of guests: there should not be unnecessary ones. The first, main category is relatives: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other relatives. The second is the familiar people who witnessed the family life of the heroes of the day, who went through all the stages of their life together with them.

Be sure to agree on the services of a photographer and videographer - let the high-quality video and photo remain as a keepsake for parents, children and all family members. If the family is large, and there will be many guests, we advise you to invite also a presenter who will not let the guests get bored.

What should be on the table for a 50 years golden wedding

There are no special requirements for the menu, the choice of dishes is conditioned only by the wishes of the heroes of the day. The only requirement is that there must be a loaf cut in half. This is a symbol of the fact that half of your life has already been lived, and half is still ahead. We also advise you to take care of the cake: it should be decorated with the number "50". Alcoholic drinks on request, but, in any case, one bottle of champagne will not be superfluous.

Take care of the decoration festive table... Better to choose a beautiful white tablecloth embroidered with gold threads. The dishes should be gilded and gilded. Let there be accessories to match them: vases, napkin holders. If the celebration is taking place in a restaurant, inform the owners of the appropriate decoration for the event.

Celebration scenario

  1. At the beginning of the holiday, relatives and guests get together. The heroes of the day are in another room, then go to the room to the guests. Guests in advance stock up on coins, sparkles, which they shower with the incoming spouses. At the same time, they congratulate the spouses, present them with comic certificates and letters, in which the names of the heroes of the day are mentioned. Everyone sits down at the table.
  2. Further, the scenario of the golden wedding implies the rite of eating a loaf. The loaf is cut in half, then the spouses try it, offering the guests to taste the loaf. You cannot refuse the treat.
  3. Parents light pre-prepared golden candles. They pass these candles on to their children.
  4. Children give gifts to their parents. The mother is presented with a scarf embroidered with gold threads.
  5. Guests present gifts to the heroes of the day, once again wish them longevity, toasts sound in the same spirit. Congratulations will sound touching and memorable in verses specially written for the event. It will not be superfluous to rework a famous song. If you can't come up with a verse, the wish for a long life in prose will do.
  6. Parents pass on old wedding rings to their child, children in return give their parents new rings.
  7. 50 years what a wedding! This event cannot be complete without dancing. In the intervals between meals, the guests stand in a close circle, and the parents stand inward. To the rhythms of old songs, parents dance and kiss passionately, demonstrating mutual love and devotion.
  8. If the state of health of the heroes of the day allows, we recommend enlivening the event with various contests and fun.
  9. The final stage of the holiday will be the traditional wedding ritual "Bridal Bouquet". Anniversaries throw a bouquet of flowers, a young girl must catch him.
  10. After the guests have dispersed, the couple should sit down at the table again and drink tea together.

What to gift

50 years of a golden wedding is a venerable anniversary, so it is customary to give appropriate gifts to those anniversaries. These are things made of gold or gilded in one form or another. These things include:

  • decorations;
  • objects of art and decor;
  • tableware.

Congratulations on your golden wedding

As long as the event lasts, so do congratulations on the golden wedding to parents. Best gift to people who have lived together for half a century - warm words and wishes for long life. You can see an excellent example of congratulations in video format below.

Vika Di March 31, 2018

The anniversary of marriage is a significant event in the life of a loving spouse. For many years to remain faithful, love for each other is not within the power of everyone. Wedding anniversariesreason for a solemn family holiday, in splendor and scope, sometimes not inferior to a wedding.

At the very beginning of life together, a young family celebrates an anniversary every year, but having crossed the 15th anniversary of marriage, it is customary to celebrate only round dates. Each of these dates has its own name, which is associated with traditions and the theme of gifts. The more the spouses have lived together in harmony and love, the more beautiful the name gets the anniversary. Turquoise, garnet, silver, pearl, emerald - most often anniversaries are named after precious stone, personifying the beauty and strength of the union.

What wedding is called golden and how many years later is the golden wedding celebrated?

The golden anniversary of marriage is 50 years of marriage. Half a century in marriage is no joke.

Why is the 50th wedding anniversary called gold? This means that a couple who went through all the difficulties hand in hand, overcame all adversities, were able to live together for so long thanks to their gentleness and compliance, because gold is one of the softest metals.

Also, this metal is attributed to the tradition of buying new wedding rings, since the old ones have already worn out, the coating on them has darkened and worn off.

It is customary to give old rings to unmarried grandchildren, as a family heirloom, parting words for a successful marriage

The 50th anniversary is always celebrated, except for those cases when the heroes themselves do not want a special celebration. In all other cases, it must be a special day, you should prepare for it... Since the age of the spouses is already respectable, then most often the worries about the holiday fall on the shoulders of adult children or other relatives.

How to celebrate your 50th marriage anniversary?

There are no special traditions associated with celebrating the anniversary, but quite a lot of scenarios... You can mark the date the way you want the heroes of the day.

One of creative ideas for the 50th wedding anniversary of the parents, it is a re-wedding ceremony, especially if the previous dates were celebrated without using such an idea.

Children and grandchildren can act as witnesses, bridesmaids and friends of the groom. The venue of the ceremony can be chosen Wedding palace, in which the heroes of the day got married. The dress and costume of the newlyweds should be identical to what they were 50 years ago. A veil for a golden wedding is not required, but this attribute of the ceremony is quite acceptable if the "bride" so desires.

This type of celebration goes well with the tradition of exchanging new wedding rings.

Golden ring ; Golden ring with diamonds, all SL (prices by reference)

You can also celebrate a celebration in a quiet circle of the closest people. But this is not a reason to refuse the festive table. A dress for a golden wedding for a grandmother or mom should be smart, preferably in golden tones or interspersed with this color. A lax suit is suitable for a grandfather or father.

You can familiarize yourself with other options and scenarios for celebrating the anniversary.

Whatever the celebration, magnificent or modest, it will not do without a birthday cake. Therefore, do not forget to look at recipes and. If you do not want to make it yourself, then you can order a sweet in a pastry shop or from a private master pastry chef. But do not forget that a handmade cake can be a good gift for anniversaries, made with love and care.

Golden wedding anniversary cake

The text of the invitation to celebrate 50 years of married life can be issued as an invitation to a real wedding, only with the amendment that the wedding is golden. Guests will understand everything by appreciating this way of inviting friends.

The invitation template can be found on the Internet on sites with congratulations, having entered the option you like. Better if he will written in golden letters on white or cream paper, in an envelope to match the letters.

What can you give for 50 years of marriage?

Fifty years of family life a reason to give a special gift to a married couple.

According to tradition, it is customary for spouses to give jewelry and everything that is somehow made of gold: figurines, candlesticks, dishes, etc.

This is an optional condition for a gift, but if you decide to present just such a present, it should match the level of celebration... For example, it could be jewelry from precious metal for a spouse paired with wrist watch or cufflinks for your spouse.

Gold earrings, SOKOLOV(price by link)

Gold cufflinks with enamel, EFREMOV(price by link)

You can also choose something useful for the home or a gold-colored luxury item.

Gift cutlery for golden wedding anniversary

Read about what spouses can give each other.

Separately worth mentioning from children. It is believed that on the day of the anniversary, the son presents to his mother gold embroidered scarf and the woman covers their shoulders. Now it is actual to give a warm Pavloposad shawl, embroidered with patterns and flowers.

An unusual gift option can be a presentation of photographs from the family archive made by the children and grandchildren of the couple, or a family photo album with the history of the family from its very foundation and memorable moments. You can also make a footage for a golden wedding, with a short film dedicated to the spouses and their family. Or record a video greeting for memory. Such a gift will be pleasant to the heroes of the day and will serve as a great memory about a memorable date.

Flowers for a golden wedding should also be in the colors of the celebration - yellow, orange or white... A bouquet of lilies or roses will do. Yellow should not confuse the donor, because first of all it is the color of joy and sun. If you do not want to give bright yellow flowers, you can choose a less saturated yellow or dark shade... Don't forget about small parts: balloons, tablecloths and other paraphernalia.

Gold Wedding Anniversary Jewelry

A serious date - the 50th anniversary of marriage, once again proving the power of love and loyalty of the spouses. The strength of their union is indisputable, and the tenderness of the relationship does not need proof. The years spent together flew by. Now you can wish the married couple many years living together and family happiness as well as health and longevity.