Scenario of the graduation party “Magic alarm clock. Graduation for preschool

graduation party script

"Magic Briefcase" (2012)


Queen of Knowledge


Aunt Laziness

Lazy person



Animals from the "Forest School"

Magic Briefcase


Today, the excitement is unstoppable.
And the hall does not accommodate elegant guests.

And steal away the tears with a handkerchief.

We take our kids to school.

Meet them! Graduates of kindergarten No. 2 "Solnyshko" - 2012 and their educators:…….…

Music sounds, all the children with teachers enter, perform dance movements.

1 Lead:

Time passed and the children grew up.

Remember these happy years

And a solemn and great holiday -

First Preschool Graduation Ball!

2 Lead:

That's why the hall went silent,
In the eyes of delight and sadness a little.
Let us now remember them:
Flirtatious and mischievous,
A little daring and stubborn
The most childishly playful,
Unique, expensive,
And all in their own way beloved, and equally relatives.

They call the name of each graduate, he goes forward, on the screen is a photograph of the graduate.


1. "Preschooler, preschooler!"-
I hear almost from the cradle
Only from tomorrow
Don't call me like that

I'll get up early tomorrow
And in the morning I'll become a "shkolenka"!

2. Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful Kindergarten!

You are happy on your way today
Escorting preschoolers.

3. Goodbye our fairy tales,
Our cheerful round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

4. Our favorite kindergarten,
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students ...
All. Hello!

Song "Farewell to kindergarten" by E. Kozhukhovskaya ("Bell" p.10)


5. With tender sadness "Goodbye!"
Let's say we are native to the group.
We didn't part with her.
Except on weekends!

6. Here the builders were
Doctors and tailors.
In our bedroom hundreds of times
Rested at quiet time.

7. They set the table for dinner,
Learning etiquette
And in the albums they drew
House, trees and dawn!

8. And more than once during leisure hours,
Sitting quietly on the carpet
We visited with the book
In a good fairy land.

The song "Ding, ding, kindergarten!"

Dance "Barbariki" with toys (sit on chairs)

1. Remember, five years ago,

How did we go to kindergarten?
No, we didn't go! -

Our mothers carried us in wheelchairs.

2. I remember crying every day,
I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window,

BUT (Kolya ) walked with a pacifier

(Valerka ) wore diapers.

3. I used to eat badly,
Spoon fed me

The bib saved us from porridge,
From tea, soup, curdled milk.
4. And if we did not sleep, they rocked us on the handles,
After listening to "bayushki-bayu", we closed our eyes.

5. Do you remember that I built big cities out of sand?
We loved throwing snow

loved (Annechka ) bite.

6. Our tears and laughter will be remembered here,

We won't be like that again!

Now the kindergarten accompanies us all

All: And we will not forget the kindergarten!

Presenter: Yes, we remember how stupid you were when you came to our kindergarten 5 years ago. Do you remember that time? Today, the smallest pupils, children of the younger group, who want to congratulate you on graduating from kindergarten, rush to us. Meet them!

Congratulations to the kids "Top-top, stomp the baby!"

caregiver ml.groups:

The same crumbs

You came to kindergarten

Learned to stomp their feet

Now you have grown up.

And we came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first class! (leave)

Presenter: Years flew by imperceptibly, you grew up, grew wiser, learned a lot. With congratulations, your younger comrades, the children of the older group, rush to us.

Congratulations to the children of the senior groupDance-song "Pea" :

1st child:

Today is the last ball

For you graduates!

School is waiting for you

And school bells!

2nd: Let us be small today.

But soon we'll grow up

And also follow you

We're going to first grade!

3rd: We wish you to study.

Get fives

And your kindergarten "SUN"

Never forget!

4th: We envy you a little:

You are almost schoolchildren.

And we sincerely wish

Good luck to you! (leave)

Music sounds.

Presenter: Again the music is heard - the guest is in a hurry to us here.

Knowledge Queen: I am the Queen of Knowledge! Hello friends!

I came to school to see you off today.

There you will find a lot of interesting things. But first I will check if you are ready to learn.

School riddles:

    Who walks with a bag of books in the morning to school? (student)

    Your cozy light will meet you very soon ... (class)

    There is a clatter of feet in the corridor, then he calls everyone to the class ... (call)

    If you know everything, you will get it at school .... (five)

    If you barely know, you will only get ... (two)

    What kind of student you are, yours will tell everyone .. (diary)

    Your school ones should always be in order ... (notebooks)

    If the bell rang, then it was over ... (lesson)

Knowledge Queen:

Boys and girls! My friends!

I will reveal the secret secret to you:

I have kept the magic briefcase for many years.

And I'll give you the key to the briefcase.

Open it, you will learn a lot,

The road to knowledge will not be easy. (gives a key, the teacher opens the lock, the ringtone sounds, the voice of the briefcase)


Oh oh oh! My castle is rusted!

I got dusty in the pantry! It's been on the shelf for a hundred years!

But my turn has come: is someone going to school here?

Opening my lock!

Knowledge Queen:

Hello magic bag!

I really need you, believe me

We want to know soon

What can we expect at school?


Well, of course, so be it,

I'm glad to serve.

Receive guests

Let's have fun!

Joke scene (together with parents)

Knock once again
Twig in the window
Escorted to first class
Mom Alyoshka:

Mother (looking at the child)
There are shoes, there are trousers,
White shirt.
You are a handkerchief
Put it in a pocket

Put your diary in your briefcase
A brush and a pen.
Only a smart student
Learn everything quickly!

Put all notebooks
Books and pencils.

(Mom tries the briefcase for weight, bends under the weight).

Oh, with incredible strength
Toddlers enjoy!

Listen, mom, if so
Everything is familiar to you
Go to first class
I'll wait for the second one!

Scene "Forest School"

Hedgehog, Bear, Fox, Dog, Hare, Frog, Mouse, Rooster, Cat, Wolf

A teremok is depicted on the board - the screen, the word "SCHOOL" is written in large letters on it.


There is a teremok in the field, smoke comes out of the chimney.

Everything is ready for classes - not a teremok, but a school.

Hedgehog-teacher is waiting for animals...

Hedgehog comes out in glasses, with a bell in his hands.

Hedgehog: Come in quickly! ( Rings the bell, leaves the stage)

Comes out Bear


I woke up early in the morning, my mother woke me up.

She fed me honey and took me to school. (looking at the blackboard)

Fox comes out

Fox: I'm a little late

Even though I got up very early.

I made beauty -

Look at Lisa! (spinning in place)

What are you, Mishka, standing here?

What are you moving your lips?

Bear: I want to understand the word!

Bear: No, Honey!

Fox: Here's someone else coming!

The wolf and the hare come out

Wolf: What, friends, are you making noise?

Fox: Consider us now.

What is written - read!

Help understand!

Hare: It says "Carrot"

I read it quickly and deftly.

Wolf: It says "Shashlik" here.

Fox: The mind of the Wolf is small! Hen!

Bear: No! Honey!

Fox: Who will take the word?

The Frog and the Mouse come out.

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee! What are you making noise?

What happened, explain!

Hare: We've been standing for an hour.

Help us friends!

Mouse: I will read the word.

It says here - "Cheese-rock!"

Frog: Don't make me laugh, my friend!

It says "Ko-mar" here!

Wolf: Well well! What a nightmare!

The Rooster and the Cat come out.

Cat: Meow meow! What are you shouting?

Quickly explain!

Bear: The word we want to know

Rooster: What's so difficult, ko-ko.

This word is "Zer-nysh-ko"

Cat: I can read easily.

This word is "Mo-lo-ko"

Fox: Who will give the exact answer?

Is the hen here or not?


For a long time the animals screamed so

Nothing was honored.

The teacher then enters the classroom.

He will judge everyone now.

Teacher Yozh enters.

Wolf: Help us teacher

What is written - read!

Bear: Honey!

Fox: Hen !

Wolf: Kebab!

Hare; Carrot!

Hedgehog: We need to make a stop.

Mouse: Cheese!

Frog: Mosquito!

Cat: No, milk!

Rooster: I read: "Seed!"

Hedgehog: I listened to you all, friends,

And now I will read:

Beasts: Animal school?

Hedgehog: I invite everyone!

Will you know the letters

(All participants in the scene go to bow)


Ring, ring, ring, the bell is ringing!

Opening my lock!

Let the class bell ring!

In the forest school change ....

Change at school! The walls shook!

Exactly 305 guys are jumping, jumping, making noise.

Change means you need

Relieve learning stress for children

Oh and hard work– learning process!

Dance "Freckles"

Knowledge Queen:

Two plus two, three plus three.

Solve difficult puzzles!


    In the meadow by the river
    May beetles lived:
    Daughter, son, father and mother.
    Who managed to count them? (four)

    Three hares, five hedgehogs
    They go to kindergarten together.
    We ask you to count
    How many kids are in the garden? (eight)

    There were five pies in the bowl.
    Lariska took two pies,
    Another one got snatched by the pussy.
    How much is left in the bowl? (2)

    The seven geese set off.
    The two decide to take a break.
    How many are under the clouds?
    Count yourself, children. (5)

    Six funny bear cubs
    They rush to the forest for raspberries
    But one of them is tired
    Now find the answer:
    How many bears are ahead? (5)

    Seven funny pigs
    They stand in a row at the trough.
    Two went to bed to go to bed,
    How many pigs have a trough? (5)

Knowledge Queen:

Soon the bell will ring
Invite you to class!
Knowledge is needed everywhere -
On land, in space and on water.
Folk wisdom for hundreds of years,
It says: “Learning is light!”
May the school be with you for all the years -
A country of daring, joy, labor!

Goodbye! See you soon in the land of knowledge! (music plays, exits)

Ringtone sounds


Ring, ring, ring, the bell is ringing!

Opening my lock!

Receive guests

Let's have fun!

Grades come out of the portfolio


My rating is great

To the praise of the usual.

I go around the lazy

I don't make friends with them!


Behind the five I stand

One less.

I'm good,

Everyone knows this!


Hey, estimates, quickly to us -

We are glad to have such guests!

May good marks

Our kids get it.

Deuce comes out of the portfolio.

Deuce: Hello! They say you have a holiday today, but for some reason I was not invited.

Presenter: And who are you?

Deuce: I'm wonderful to everyone,

All curved beautifully

I decorate my diary

If you are a bad student.

Don't trust anyone, kids

There is no better mark than a deuce.

It's impossible without me

All lazy people are my friends!

It's fun to be friends with me

Two is easy to get!

Presenter: It is now clear! Well, business! Deuce, children, do we need?

Children: NO!


I came to congratulate you on the holiday, and you drive me away!

For good children, I do not feel sorry for anything!

Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot at the birds.

Here's a water pistol for you to scare each other.

I suggest you put these buttons on the chair.

Break everything with this precious stone at school.

Presenter: We do not need such gifts! Really guys?

Happy way! And forget the way to us!


No, auntie, you don't understand

Why are you kicking me out?

You must have a fever!

Look at my figure:

what a neck, what a head!

Presenter: Yes, the neck is long and the head is empty.

This is not good for teaching.


I cannot bear such an insult!

There you are! Play! Collect twos, threes! Take it to school with you! ( scatters estimates)

Game "Collect scores" (children collect 4 and 5 in a briefcase, and 2 and 3 are sorted into a bucket)


Don't you want to be friends?

So, so be it.

I'm no longer friends with you and I'm leaving you!

And I open the portfolio and let new guests in! Bye! Hee hee hee! (runs away)

Ringtone sounds


Opening my lock!

Swamp. Aunt Len is reclining on a sofa or carpet, a fan in her hands, a tray of sweets in front of her. Quiet, calm music sounds.

Aunt Lena: Who's stopping me from resting? Sleep is not allowed! (Yawns, fans himself with a fan; when he sees the children, he changes his grouchy tone to a sugary-affectionate one). Oh, yes, what nice, smart little children! Oh my sweeties! Welcome to my land of sweet dreams! Stay with me! Relax, live with me as long as you want! I'm kind! (yawns). Stay with me for a while, and then you won’t want to leave me at all! There are so many sweet things here! And most importantly, you don't have to do anything! And look at my soft, downy pillows, blankets! Lie down, take a rest! Close your eyes! Sleep is better than any medicine! Sweeter than father and mother! And where are you in a hurry?

Presenter: Wait! I think I figured out who this "kind aunt" is. It's Lena!

Aunt Lena: Yes Yes. I am Aunt Laziness - the Good Fairy of the Land of Sweet Dreams! Beautiful! Generous! Do you want, and I'll give you candy - toffee, or maybe you want chewing gum?

Presenter: No, no, you can't fool us! We know you're lazy! Our children will soon go to school and they do not need Laziness!

Aunt Lena: Yes! I'm Lena! And now you are all in my power! You will live with me! You will take care of me, feed me, clothe me, shoe me. I'm used to doing nothing myself! And there will be no school for you! My nephew never went to school, but he grew up handsome, well-fed and very well-mannered!

The nannies roll out on the chair Lazy man, he is fat, with a pretzel in his mouth, lined with pillows, covered with a blanket, a pillow is pre-attached to his head.

Presenter: What an unusual nephew? What is your name?

Lazy person:

My surname is Lodyrev,

They call me Lazy.

I'm a known slacker

Glutton, slob.

I love to eat and sleep, to play on the computer.

Actually, my girlfriend is a feather pillow.

Aunt Lena: Yes, this is my favorite nephew!

He doesn't need books.

There write a lot of nonsense!

What's the deal with rivers and seas?

Think SCHOOL... (yawns).

Sleep soon!

Briefcase: Oh oh oh! Oh lazy bastards! Released you Deuce in trouble! But I will help you!

Lazy and Sloth: Who is it?

Briefcase: I am a magic briefcase. And I will teach you! And I will heal from laziness! I'll enchant how I want! Let your pillow grow to the top of your head!

Parsley finally rises, the pillow rises with his head. Tries to get rid of the "adhering" pillow.
Parsley. Oh what is it? How can I tear it off?
The top of my head has grown to the cursed pillow.
Really in a century I will not part with a pillow? (roar)
Auntie-ah-ah-ah-ah! Dear-a-a-a-!

Aunt Lena: Oh-oh-oh-oh! What happened to you? (pulls pillow, funny fuss)
Lazy person: (whining)

Well, well, I'll go to kindergarten with a pillow!
Show off, pillow, for everyone to see!
Comes with a pillow on his head.

The Teacher enters.
caregiver: Hello, Lodyrev!
Lazy person: (politely). Hello, (….. Marya Petrovna….)!
caregiver: What's on your head?
Lazy person: Definitely a pillow!
caregiver: What? (tries to remove pillow)

Lazy person: (whining) The pillow has grown to the top of my head!

caregiver: Oh, I feel bad, I'm fainting! (squats, Lazybones gives her a chair)
Lazy person: I myself am angry and annoyed with her! I'll go with this pillow to the doctor ....
He goes around the hall, and at this time the Doctor appears, and the Educator steps aside.

Doctor. Come in, sit down, sick, open your mouth, say "Ah"!
Lazy person: And you will not be offended? Be-e!
Doctor. (listens with a phonendoscope):

So, let's listen to the child.
Here is the liver, spleen ...
Now turn left.
Touch your nose with your tongue.

The pillow is firmly rooted
You will not pull away from the crown.
I will give you this advice:
Gotta cut! With your head!
(The doctor runs the edge of his hand along the throat with an energetic movement.)

The lazy man faints, Aunt Laziness picks him up.

Aunt Lena: No, I won't, don't touch your nephew!
Doctor (scratches back of head): There is one more piece of advice.
(wiggles his finger): If you stop being lazy
If you go to study
The miracle will happen again
And the pillow will fall off!

Lazy person:
So, you have to try
To part with the pillow.
I'll do exercises, I'll put notebooks in my briefcase,
I’ll clean everything in the room, I’ll help my aunt!
(takes away blankets, pillows, returns with a satchel behind his back, without a pillow)

Lazy person: Hooray! I am free! The pillow is out!
I was, I confess, lazy as a seal,
Now I will forget about laziness forever!

Leading. Yes, we had a lot of different stories with pillows ... guys, remember what happened when you had a quiet hour?

Pillow dance

Aunt Lena: Yes! You will not get bored! I wish I could learn how to dance and have fun too!

Presenter: We will teach you if you promise not to be lazy. Let's start with exercise! And remember the first rule: only a strong, dexterous, courageous person can overcome his laziness!

Children come out, read poetry, while simultaneously performing movements in accordance with the text.

1. What is physical education?

Training and play.

What is physical education?

Fiz-, and kul-, and tu-, and ra!

2. Hands up, hands down - this is "phys".

We twist the neck, as if the steering wheel is a “sack”.

Deftly jumping high is "tu".

Running for half an hour in the morning is “ra”!

3. Dealing with this business.

You will become dexterous, strong, courageous,

Plus - a good figure,

That's what "physical education" means!

Music sounds.Improvisation "Strongmen".

Leading: And now the second rule for all schoolchildren: "a student should never be late for lessons."

Game: "To school on an alarm clock."

Two families are called: 2 dads, 2 moms, 2 kids.

On 2 tables there are school supplies (the same amount), which the child, on a signal, will begin to put into a briefcase.

1 alarm clock that the teacher starts - the alarm clock rings and there is a signal to start. 2 balloons, which, on a signal, will begin to inflate dads (so that the child goes to school with a balloon on September 1).

2 sets of breakfast (or lunch) for a student (for example: an apple, yogurt, a small chocolate bar) and a bag in which, at the signal of the mother, this breakfast will be put.

The alarm clock rings - and each participant begins to complete their tasks.

The child puts school supplies (notebook, pencil case, textbook, ruler, diary, etc.) into a briefcase or satchel; mother collects breakfast and gives it to the child, and he puts it in the already assembled satchel; dad inflates the balloon, ties it with a thread and gives it to the child. A child with a briefcase and a ball runs to the other end of the hall to the sign “School”. The family whose child runs to school first wins.

Aunt Lena: That's what we were missing! Movement!!! We are starting a new life with our nephew! Labor! Energetic! Merry! It's time for us to get down to business! Clean up in your own country! I will clear the swamp, and I will have a bright, clean lake! And you come to visit me! Do you hear? Did the birds sing? The brook gurgled! Thank you guys! (leave)

Ringtone sounds

Briefcase: Ring, ring, ring, the bell is ringing!

Opening my lock!

I give you my bell

Let him invite you to class.

Well, at school a new one is waiting for you,

Very happy call!

The leader picks up the bell.


The bell called you all

It's time to say goodbye.

Oh, how you do not want, friends

We part with you!

The bell rings, the children line up in a semicircle.

Poems for employees:

    Parting with kindergarten

We promise not to be sad!

If anything, then the school is nearby,
We will come visit!

    Methodist and caretaker,

Nurses and cooks

To our laundresses, to the wardrobe,

Janitor and watchmen

Psychologist and speech therapist

Together: Thank you!

    And the head of our -

Thanks from the kids!

Every day your care

The garden will only be more beautiful

And cozier and lighter!

    We loved kindergarten.

AT music hall were in a hurry

Here we always play

Songs in the morning.

    Physical education was

Went out for a walk

Dinner - tired

We were put to bed.

    It's time for us to grow up
    And from our break up as a group.
    Our Sunshine Garden , bye!
    We won't wake up in your beds.

    We will grow big soon
    And remember the kindergarten sometimes
    such a babysitter ... Name and patronymic...,
    We will never meet again.

    Whose friendly smiles
    We were always met in the morning?!
    Whose hands are patient
    Were the girls braided?
    Now not to us, to other guys
    show pictures,
    And take you for a walk
    And lace up your boots.
    And as we leave, we want to say
    That we love you very much.
    And their educators

We definitely won't forget!

Song "Farewell"

Song - dance "The best kindergarten!"


Today, the excitement is unstoppable.

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and will go to school.

And how hard it is to part with you,

And let you out from under the wing into the light!

You became relatives, you became friends,

And better than you. seems. not find.

Today, guys, we congratulate you,

You go to school to learn, to make friends.

Good luck and good health to all of you

And never forget your kindergarten!

Congratulations from the headmaster, teachers, parents, etc. Giving gifts to children.

Scenario of the holiday "Adventures school alarm clock»

Leading : Attention! I ask you to greet the graduates of 2010 while standing, students of the 11th grade and their class teachers!

/ graduates enter the hall to the music and sit down /

/clock chime/

/ song "5 minutes ..." /

    Here is the school bell

Who has long settled in the house,

which we have built.

    But a student who does not mind, sometimes frolic,

Like a school bell that has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the student

Who loves to learn

But by the way, she does not mind making friends with a student who frolics like a school bell, who has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the teacher

Who seeks to bring out that student to excellent students,

Who loves to study very much, but by the way, she does not mind making friends with a student who frolics like a school bell, who has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the director who dreams that everyone is happy:

student, student, teacher and head teacher, and a school bell, who had the honor of settling in the house

all: which we built!


/musical number/

Leading : Hello, dear friends! Today, our large, friendly school family escorts its graduates into adulthood. Your teachers did everything to make you smart, beautiful, strong. The way you are today! Let's congratulate each other on the holiday with thunderous applause!

Leading : Let's remember, friends, the years we lived together

The hands of the clock are always moving forward.

Memory, break the laws of nature today

Move the arrows back

Take us for an hour

To a glorious childhood for us!

/bell rings/

Leading : Hey, what are you ringing the bell for?

Or are you kidding again?

/ arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : By tradition, the first word on our holiday is given to the director of the school Antonova G.Z.

    Everything will change and be forgotten.

Only you will not be forgotten.

In our memory you will remain

The embodiment of kindness.

    You love us all sincerely,

Like the children of their own,

So be grateful

From their students.

    many good words

We want to say

Wish you happiness and health

Heart and soul never grow old

And live in the world for many, many years.

/fanfare sounds/

/director's speech/

/ bell rings, arrows go around the circle /

    Do you remember? Of course, you all remember.

How mothers brought you to school by the hand,

They excitedly called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

    Teacher - How and with what do you measure

His hard, good way?

There is no such vastness on earth,

In seas of this depth

For all that is best in the world,

We must thank him!

    Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds

From warm mother's hands

The teacher took your hand.

He took you to first class

Solemn and respectful

And you looked with hope

In the eyes of your teacher.

Leading : Dear Guys! Meet, your first teachers came to our holiday ...

/performance by first graders/

/musical number/

/bell rings/

Leading : Our bell rings again,

It tells us something...

/ arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : How, how?

We learned that we all remember this day.

The boys came to 5th grade

They are not too lazy to learn everything!

Dear graduates! Since grade 5, your class teachers have been with you! What hasn't happened over the years? But did you know that your cool moms are always there and always ready to help in Hard time. I invite your class teachers to the stage.

/music plays/

/class teachers speak/

/musical number/

Leading : Joyfully the bell rings,

Tells us something important...

The Year of the Teacher has come

That's what the president said to everyone!

    Our beloved teachers!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Forever let there be earth

Your work is beautiful.

    AT family life we wish you happiness

May your children love you deeply!

Let bad weather bypass you,

And let it be sunny every hour!

Leading : I invite your subject teachers to the stage!

/music plays/

/Game "Portrait of an ideal student"/

Leading : What an amazing thing - time.

Sometimes you just want to go back

To do something differently, or not to do at all,

Or maybe survive some happy moment again.

And I propose to take a trip to the past and remember

How was it for our graduates?

/ clock ringing. Music sounds /


/the bell rings...the arrows go around the circle.../

Leading : We were notified by a bell,

very important for all of you!

    To read the order for admission to the final exams, the floor is given to the Deputy Director for academic work Dudoladova G.P.

/read the order/

/the bell rings...the arrows go around the circle.../

    The bell told us

The finest hour has come for you!

    Among the graduates, a survey was conducted and the leaders of the parallel were identified in the following nominations ...

/ music sounds. Awarding, presentation of certificates of honor /

/the bell rings... the arrows go around the circle.../

    In the family circle, we are growing.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The foundation of the basics - parental home.

    Thank you parents for being you

Comes like good news

In moments of resentment and doubt.

    Thank you for every look

Whatever we ask you.

After all, our pain hurts in you

And our forces are accumulating in you.

/ song "Thank you, dear ... /


Leading : Your parents are invited to the stage for a response.

/speech of the parent committee/

/the bell rings...the arrows go around the circle.../

Leading : It's time to give way to the heroes of the occasion to our graduates.

/response word of graduates/

/ bell rings. The arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : And our bell is tired,

He has been waiting for us for a very long time.

While we were all performing

They sang songs and danced.

It became sad,

Call him for the last time!

    The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.

How long does it last last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows

The school looks, but itself decreases.

    Views fly over the distant steering wheel,

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, as over the assembly hall,

The day is filled with blue and scarlet,

School, farewell crystal bell!

Leading : The honorary right to give the last school bell to graduates of 2010 is granted to:

/last bell sounds/

Leading : It became sad at the cheerful hour,

Because you say goodbye to school,

You still have serious exams ahead of you,

And it is worth dreaming about what will come true.

Only childhood we can not return again,

Like a school waltz, it will not be forgotten.

/ song "When we leave the schoolyard" /

Svetlana Smirnova
Graduation script "Magic Alarm Clock"

Safronova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Smirnova Svetlana Vladimirovna

To the music "Little country" children enter the hall in pairs, pass through the middle of the hall, diverge to the sides and stand in a semicircle.

1st leader. Light and elegant now in our hall,

And lush bouquets are everywhere.

Today we merry holiday meet,

We accompany our children to school.

2nd leader. And the parents sit on the sidelines.

And they look at them in awe.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Their matured children.

1 child. Well, that's all, the hour has come,

Which we have all been waiting for.

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room!

2 child. Kindergarten gave us warmth,

And drove sorrow into the shadows.

Here a good spirit always gave,

Here holiday every day!

3 child. Our dear kindergarten,

You have become our home.

We say goodbye to you

And we are a little sad.

4 child. In our house will live

Naughty kids.

They be friends and do not grieve

We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

5 child. Let's not forget about

How we make noise at a quiet hour.

Do not be sad good house,

We're going to 1st grade.

"We are students now".

6 child. AT kindergarten with everyone

We've been friends for many days

And now another thing

There are more important concerns.

7 child. Along the paths, along the roads

For the first time on an autumn day

Straight to the school door

We will go with bouquets.

8 child. You forgive our "Bunny",

It's time for us to part.

Today with a song to school

The kid leaves.

A song is being performed "good time" (background.) Children sit on chairs.

Leading. Yes, time passed quickly, but remember how you came to kindergarten 4 years ago, what were you like? Well, let's remember.

1 child. Mom led me by the hand,

He was 3 years old, shouted stubbornly,

But it turned out to be all in vain

Kindly, the kindergarten met me so,

I was a kid, but I noticed everything.

Then we all sat in a circle

And they sang this song


2 child. I remember then guys

Dear preschoolers.

Instead of a word "cockerel",

spoke "cockerel".

3 child. And I remember everything was shy

Everything was lost for no reason.

I listened very badly to everyone,

I ate porridge with my left hand.

4 child. I often fell at dances

The butuz was very thick,

How to instill such a taste.

Leading. Yes, interesting life was

And day after day it went like this.

You gradually grew up

And learned a lot.

Leading. Dear children, we adults are very sad today, but at the same time joyful. It's sad, because we are parting with you, but joyful, because seeing you matured, beautiful, healthy is happiness, so let's not be sad today. Boys invite girls to polka.

Child. I won't sleep for long.

Seven in the morning - time to get up.

Help me in this matter

Not a mobile phone

Not a refrigerator.

Accurate, my faithful alarm.

presenter (takes from the table alarm) Guys, whose is this? alarm? And where did ours go? This one has arrows and it won't start. Yes, business, but let's turn to the lost and found office! (calls on the phone)

Leading. Hello, Lost and Found? We have a loss. Come help us. Grandfather enters to the music "Don't Worry" music Krylatov.

Grandfather. If suddenly you have lost something, somewhere and sometime.

Don't worry too much

Here you will find everything guys.

B. Please tell us, to you by chance our didn't bring the alarm clock?

D. No, no alarm here. What is not, is not.

Maybe your slingshot?

Maybe a bouncer stick?

Maybe this pistol?

Could this be yours, kids?

Q. Guys, these things are not yours?

Shapoklyak runs into the hall with the rat Anfiska

Shapoklyak. Give me everything, I will not give you anything.

Grandfather. Well, once found the owner went.

Sh. Here is my favorite slingshot,

To shoot birds.

That noisy pistol

To scare the kids.

That rusty button

I'll put it on a chair.

This little one alarm clock ... oh!

Sharply hides behind the back accidentally taken out alarm.

B. Wait, wait, this is our alarm.

Sh. No, not yours now.

Q. Why did you steal our time.

Sh. So that you no longer grow,

So that you don't go to school.

Runs away laughing.

Q. That's the way it is, who do we turn to for help?

The Fairy of Fairy Tales enters to majestic music.

Fairy. to you on holiday I came,

Brought a lot of stories.

Soon you will become adults

Be very serious

And that's why friends

I came to say goodbye.

Leader or child. Fairy of fairy tales, we are in trouble.

Shapoklyak came here

Our pick up the alarm clock,

In a fairy tale took time.

Fairy. To give us back time.

We need to look into the story.

Come on, get into the dance

And reach for the apple.

Dance "Naughty Children".

Fairy. Roll a bulk apple on a golden saucer, take us to a fairy tale.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broomstick, runs around the hall and falls.

B. I. Yes! Well, a broom. You won't get very far on a broom like that. ... you, before there were brooms like brooms, and now some kind of brooms. And where is my son Tsypa? (calling, looking for among the guests. Chick appears.)

Chick. So why are you screaming like that? Here I am, here!

B. Ya. Ah! What a fine fellow! (pats his son on the shoulder, brushes off his shirt, combs it.)

Chick. Mom, and mom!

B. Ya. Chavo?

Chick. I want to get married!

B. Ya., isn’t the frog on the princess?

Chick. And on whom?

B. Ya. clever son, and we will take a chest of silver as a dowry for her.

Chick. Yes, I agree with silver.

B. Ya. Without silver! Roll a ball in the hut, but he agrees without silver! Sit down better for the lessons.

Chick takes the book, leafs through, sentences.

Chick. Seek - fistula. Don't have 100 rubles (sneezes)

B. Ya. A have 1000.

Leading. Children and how (and have 100 friends). That's it.

Chick. Beat strangers!

B. Ya. will be afraid of their own.

Leading. And fighting is bad.

Chick. One mind is good.

B. Ya. And none is better!

Leading. And again not so.

The chick slams the book shut.

Chick. All. I want to get married.

B. Ya. Getting lean is good. Well, she doesn't agree. Give her Ivan Bogatyr.

Chick. Mom, what if we put her in a bag?

B. Ya. Fool, you are mine. Okay, I'll help you! (perks up) Fu-fu smelled of human spirit.

Chick. Mom, they're listening.

B. Ya. Chavo came? (children)

Leading. Yes, we overheard it by accident. What villainy are you plotting!

B. Ya. Unintentionally?

Chick. For inadvertently, they beat desperately!

Q. Did you want to get married? And the princess frog is smart, she went to school, she received a lot of knowledge, and you? Now the children will sing a song about school for you.

Song "And at school"

Chick. And I can do everything without school.

Q. Well, then tell me, how much is 2 + 2?

Chick. Up to 3

B. Children, how much will be 2 + 2, 5-1.

B. Ya. These are your examples, but now I’ll set the tasks, I’ll see how they cope. Where is the book?

1. Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

8 brand new boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there? (4)

2. They played in the children's room

5 funny kids.

Two ran away to their mothers

How many children are in the room? (3)

3. A crocodile walked through the park,

And I bought ice cream.

For myself, for my daughter,

And for two sons.

How many servings did you order?

Who counted faster?

B. Ya. Look, how smart.

1,2,3,4,5. - the game. (B.Ya., chick is confused)

B. Ya. Look, everyone can do it.

Chick. And don't confuse them.

B. Ya. Are there any singers among you?

Leading. What more! Real artists, and performed at a real stage.

Song "I want to dance".

Q. Well, have you made sure that our children can do everything?

Chick. Yes, Mom, I'll have to go to school too. How much I still do not know, and I do not know how.

V. B. Ya., Chick, we are looking for the Old Woman Shapoklyak, maybe she hid in your fairy tale?

B. Ya. No, if she came to us, we would know. It's time for us to say goodbye, sit down Chick let's fly. We will enroll in the forest school.

Leading. Well, they flew away. In what fairy tale is our alarm?

Fairy enters.

Carlson runs in.

Carlson. How many guests I have!

Can you bring sweets?

The kid gave me a task

So that from the fall he began to study!

V. Carlson, since you are a future schoolboy, you probably know how to collect a portfolio. Let's check.

The game "Who will collect the portfolio faster"

K. Oh, and your children are clever. How can I love sweets, but you have nothing?

V. Carlson, of course we have sweets, this is juice. We will treat you and play with the children.

The game "Who will drink the juice faster"

K: Oh, how pleased I am. What delicious juice.

Leading. Carlson, our Graduates they love your fairy tale very much and will sing you a song.

Carlson (wipes away tears). I am so pleased that I decided, like you, to study well.

Q. Our children cannot go to school because the evil Shapoklyak has taken our time. By chance, didn’t she come to you in a fairy tale?

K. I flew around the whole city, but I did not see the old woman. She must be in some other fairy tale. Search. And I'm running away. Until we meet again friends!

Fairy comes out.

Fairy. Roll a pouring apple on a golden saucer, bring us to another fairy tale.

Shapoklyak runs in to the music.

Sh. Ah, there you are! I'm chasing after you in all fairy tales! It's your alarm?

Children. Our.

Sh. What did you slip me? As seven o'clock - calls! As seven o'clock - calls! I have the most sleep after a night of hooliganism. And then ... No peace!

B. Of course! After all, at seven o'clock the children get up to go to school.

Sh. And what is a school? What are they doing there?

The children answer.

Sh. Why are you all a school and a school. Lessons, lessons. Boring!

B. Learning is not boring, but interesting. Not without reason in the song is sung: « School years wonderful! With a book, with friendship, with a song ". Is it true guys?

Sh. School years are terrible! The most, most terrible!

V. What are you talking about, Shapoklyak!

Sh. Yes, and who invented this school? Imagine how great it would be if it didn't exist at all.

Leading. Children, let's explain to Shapoklyak what would happen if there were no schools.

Song "If there were no schools"

Sh. Everything is decided. open "School of Harmful Sciences". Admission without exams, education is free. Who wants to enroll?

Q. And what sciences will we study there?

Sh. I will teach you how to smear glue on benches, quarrel among yourself, talk to each other, shift the blame on another, be talkative, fight, talk rudely ...

V. Enough, enough, Shapoklyak. Guys, do you agree to enroll in such a school? Listen, the kids don't agree with you. They have already enrolled in a good, real school!

Sh. Okay. Then I will now advise you how to behave in your school.

If you came to school

Don't greet anyone.

words "please", "Thanks"

Do not tell anybody.

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

Q. What are you saying, Shapoklyak?

Sh. What? Do not like? Then another tip...

Q. We don't need any more of your advice.

Sh. They do not want to enroll in my school, they do not accept my advice. If not alarm I would never come to you! Just think, you are schooling in a collection.

Q. What-what? Not understood.

Sh. I say, you are going to school. It’s my braid that is tongued, and here are the scratches.

Q. Children, do you understand anything? Shapoklyak mixed everything up. What did she want to say? "You are schooling in the collection"(going to school, "the braid is tongued"(tongue twisted, "chesa headlined" (head itchy). The children answer what Shapoklyak wanted to say.

Sh. Don't you yourself confuse letters in words?

W (laughs). I have the power, I don't need a mind!

B. Children are also not deprived of either strength or intelligence.

Sh. But no one will defeat me.

Q. We'll see about that.

The game is being played "Strongmen"(At the end Shapoklyak loses)

Sh. And I'm kind, I took pity on you.

Q. Then dance with our children.

V. You see, Shapoklyak, our children are both smart and strong, and wonderful dancers.

Sh. So stay with your mind and strength, but I don’t need it. And in general, I have no time to mess with you here, I have more important things to do.

Shapoklyak leaves.

B. You have matured now, baby,

You have learned a lot.

Here the door to the world has been opened for you,

So that you walk boldly.

Kindergarten has become your family,

As if mom's look,

But the clock strikes

Break up with him

They tell you.

Thanks to the employees

B. We are preschoolers today

Let's go to first class.

We offer goodbye

Dance dance for you.

B. The word is given to the head of the kindergarten.

Distribution of gifts. Word to parents.

Children to the music of the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" go to the music room, become a semicircle.


So preschool childhood rushed by,

We are on the threshold of another life,

Let the blue bird remain in memory

Our first graduation party!


Today we are in a spacious hall

You hardly want to be sad.

We have grown in body and soul.

Do adults agree with me?


How many kind and gentle eyes

They are looking at us in the hall today.

Like chicks from the nest, we'll fly away forever

We don't want to say goodbye!


Farewell party! how many eyes

Aimed now at us!

Are we all invited to the party?

And nobody was forgotten?

Children in chorus:

Where are our teachers?

Meet - Dinara Alievna

And Dina Alexandrovna!

Educators enter, congratulate graduates:

Educator 1:

For a holiday with a friendly family

We have gathered for the last time.

So beautiful and huge

All life will open up to you.

We wish you today

Happy journey everyone

To difficult obstacles

you could easily pass

Educator 2:

What to say goodbye to you

At this touching hour?

To make wishes come true

And your dreams have come true!

To go through life boldly

For any case they took

So that you don't go astray

To make everyone proud of you.

Build, sing and dare

But don't forget about us!


We were happy to go to kindergarten

We felt comfortable and light.

And employees, like mothers, loved us

And they gave affection and warmth.


We will remember the planet of childhood more than once,

That island, especially beloved,

Which was called kindergarten,

Our cute kindergarten, unique.


Many days taught us

Led to a vast country of goodness and knowledge,

We remember how we entered the group for the first time,

But today we say - Goodbye!

The song "It's a pity to leave"

Educator 1:

Now let me introduce our graduates. (Call by name)

Children read poetry


Let's take an unfamiliar road.

Hello, school, friendly home!

To the land of knowledge, friends,

We have such a long way to go

There will be our kindergarten

Help us along the way


This holiday is unusual.

It only happens once.

Everything is so new, unusual -

We're off to first grade!


Biz kishkentai balamyz

Ana tilin alamyz

Kosh aitysyp bakshamen

Mektepke biz baramyz


School subjects are waiting for us,

Waiting for primer pages.

We learn about rockets

About deserts and seas!


Zheti zhaska tolamyz

Edepti bala bolamyz

Kuantip ata-anany

Biz mektepke baramyz.


Soon, soon a wonderful day

We're going to first grade!

And call cheerful song

Call us to study!

The song "We are now students!"


To grow big

Let's start dreaming!

And the time machine

We will invent!

Children from the modules build a car and sit down.


You carry us, machine,

But not immediately in the first class!

Take us far

To not be easy!

Let from the most ancient years,

Of which we know little

Travel - adventure

We will experience a lot!

Music sounds.

Educator 2:

I wonder where we got to? In my opinion, in the 80s, when your moms and dads were kids and your grandparents were very young!

Dance "Mother Mary"

Educator 1:

Go back in time machine

Show us that picture

where we were when we were little

And in junior group went.

The kids come in, congratulations.

The kids take turns reading the verses:

The kids came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first class.

Congratulations guys

Happy holiday!

Congratulations guys

With the transition to school.

You will be going to school soon

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well.

How do you go to first grade?

Remember, brothers, us.

Promise not to be lazy

All fives to study!

Soon to school, soon to school

First time to go!

We wish you guys

Bon Voyage!

You are very big now

You don't have to go to kindergarten.

And bookmarks we decided

Give you a souvenir.

Kids sing the song "First Grader-First Grader"

Educator 2:

That's how you came to kindergarten,

But time is fleeting!

And kids, as then,

You couldn't be forever.

The hours go by, the years go by

Moments fly by.

And imperceptibly, that's the trouble

All children grow up!

Educator 1:

The year rolled by in a motley ball,

But he passed for us not in vain:

How many holidays did we celebrate

How many songs did you sing to your friends.

I invite you guys to remember the highlights of this year:

Speech therapist Natalia Valentinovna helped many of us, and today she is with us:

Natalia Valentinovna congratulates the graduates and spends game "Gather the Words"

Educator 2:

Elena Nikolaevna is here

So it's all right.

She taught us

And for sports, and for charging.

And we do aerobics for hours,

When she dances with us!

Elena Nikolaevna:

You sat up in earnest

We will do a physical activity

And sing a song in chorus!

Get up and let's get started!

Spends a fun physical minute to the music.

Our children can draw well, and Olga Sergeevna taught them this. And today Olga Sergeevna has prepared a surprise for you.

Olga Sergeevna conducts the game "Matryoshka"

Educator 1:

And today it is impossible not to remember the big holiday - Victory Day - the 70th anniversary!

Which of you are our borders

Will it be right to guard?

And my own country

Protect from enemies?

Boys. It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

The boys dance to the song "A soldier has a day off"

Educator 2:

You carry, machine, us

Straight to first grade!

Well, let's go to school.

Ready for the trip?

Song of the First Grader "Whether there will be more ..."

You carry us, machine, forward!

Get your move on quickly!

Who we will be, you show us!

Who will we become, you tell us!

Children read the poems "Who to be?":

My years are growing

I will be 20!

Where should I work then?

What to do?

I'll be a good cook

Delicious food for my family

Soup, pancakes, potatoes...

I love to eat myself!

I will work at school

All guys put 5!

And of course I won't forget

Help mom at home.

I will heal the sick

Improve their health!

Although the doctors are ready to help,

Better stay healthy everyone!

I would become a teacher

let me teach!

Think what you said!

Strive for knowledge

To become a professor

Travel abroad!

Being a scientist is good!

And the singer is better!

I'll go to the Pugachevs

Let me teach!

Being a singer is good

And the ballerina is better!

I would go to ballerinas

Let me teach!

Being in ballet is good

BUT military is better!

I would go to the officers

Let me teach!

I'll go to the hairdressers

Eyes, eyebrows let me down

Come, our mothers,

I'll dye your hair!

I will work

Our President!

I'll ban it all over the country

I'm semolina porridge!

Mom dreams for me

Dad, grandma, friends.

I'm just very stubborn

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives advice

vying with me

Despite this-

I will be myself!

Educator 1:

And now our car

You bring us back to kindergarten.

After all, today is very glorious

Holiday - Release from the guys!

Educator 2:

They sit on the path

There is such a sign among the people,

To be lucky on the way - it's true!

Well, we, instead of the one

a familiar omen,

We'll sing to you - you'll love it!

Educators sing the song "Ship of Childhood"

In the garden today goodbye

We dance for the last time

Wonderful parting dance

Everyone's favorite dance is the waltz!

Children dance "Farewell Waltz"

Children become a semicircle with flowers


In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.


We grew up in friendship

They loved to laugh.

But now they have become big

And it's time for us to say goodbye.


Shamshagul Bazarovna -

our director,

Today we say thank you!

Thank you for all your worries

You have had a lot of work!

Thank you Methodists

Manager, financier.

For attention, for comfort,

For hearty, kind work.


We came to kindergarten as kids

To Victoria Zakirovna and Vera Alexandrovna.

Thank you first teachers

For affection and attention!

They spent all their energy

For our upbringing!


Thanks to those who treated us

And he taught to put a thermometer,

So that we grow up healthy

Beautiful, fun!


Thanks to those who taught

Us to sing and dance!

Thanks to those who taught

Sculpt and draw.


When you have speech problems

Listen to our advice

Fix all your defects

Of course, only a speech therapist!


We say to the chefs

From the bottom of my heart - thank you!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge!


Thanks to the sports worker

That taught us to be strong and brave

Clever, skillful!


Thanks to our lovely nanny

For her care and diligence!


Thank you gently

We are our educators!

We also confess to you -

You look like our moms!


Thank you a hundred thousand times!

We will remember you all our lives!

We are very grateful to everyone

Believe sincere words,

We love you all very much!

They give flowers.

Educator 1:

Here comes the moment of goodbye

It's time for us to part.

Relentless time

Always so fast.

Educator 2:

We have worked hard

To make it more fun

This magical meeting

Old and new friends.

The authors:
Zagrudneva Dina Alexandrovna, teacher,

Zhumagulova Dinara Alievna, teacher,
Special kindergarten No. 1 for visually impaired children, Aktau, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Program content:

  1. To create a joyful holiday atmosphere for graduates, the desire to become older, to receive the status of a “school student”.
  2. Make parents proud of their children.
  3. Show vocal and dance-motor knowledge and skills of preschoolers, abilities in theatrical activities.
  4. To promote the development of thinking, musical memory, to cultivate friendship in children, positive mood love and respect for elders and each other.

Integration of educational areas:"Music", "Artistic creativity".

Suits: costume fixies "Simka", "Nolik", "Virus Trojanus", "Computer Mouse", robots, American women.

Attributes: laser pointer for computer mouse, screen, projector, letters for games, 2 briefcases, school supplies, toys, gifts and diplomas for graduates.

The progress of the matinee

Fanfare sounds. A boy and a girl from the preparatory group enter the hall.

Girl: Farewell party! So many eyes!

Aimed at us now.

We invited everyone to the party

And no one was forgotten!

Boy: Here to say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers rush in the morning

We solemnly welcome them

Applause, friends!

Applause sounds. The boy and girl leave. The children enter to the music of the waltz.

Performed "Waltz".

Then they pass through the center, line up in a semicircle.


1. Hello moms, dads and guests!

Hello, our dear kindergarten!

We are impatiently, with special excitement

Waiting for our big holiday!

2. Today is a very important holiday for us -

Graduation day is coming.

It is a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,

But the school is waiting for us in the fall.

3. We fly away today

Like birds from a nest.

sorry, have to say goodbye

Kindergarten forever!

Song "Special Day"

4. Farewell, our kindergarten!

you with love

We will still remember.

Everything is ahead of us, but only kids

We will never be again!

5. And today, on the day of farewell,

We won't get discouraged

We will be kindergarten for a long time

Remember with a kind word.

6. He taught us to dance

And sing songs and draw,

Helped us make friends.

We will need this!

7. We are our favorite kindergarten

Let's not stop loving

And yet we say goodbye

After all, we have become big.


Year after year five years in a row

You all went to kindergarten.

But those days are gone

Today you are graduates!

The song "Our boat sails away"

The children sit down. Two graduates leave.

1 child:

To remember today

Everyone is happy

How did we come

To our kindergarten.

2 child:

Even a small child

Since childhood, very, very happy

What came almost from the cradle

The best kindergarten ever.

1 child:

Who is it squeaking there?

2 child:

Who is making noise there?


Oh yes, those are chickens.

Babies are preschoolers.

The children disperse to their places, the kindergarten teacher enters with the children.


That's very, very recently

You were babies

And by the hand with tears

Moms took you to kindergarten

And now you're not

You are already quite big!

We came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first class!

Child 1 ml. gr.:

You will go to school soon

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well!


And now we are very happy for the guys to dance.

Goodbye, goodbye, please don't forget us!

The children of the nursery group perform "Quarreled, reconciled."

Graduate: Thank you for your congratulations, thank you for your guidance.

We promise to work hard and work hard.

Treasure friendship at school, do not forget our kindergarten!

Graduates give the kids toys and see them off with applause. Music sounds, Dim Dimych comes in.

Dim Dimych: Oh, hello guys, are you future first graders?

Presenter: Yes, our children will soon go to school! And who are you?

Dim Dimych: I, Dim Dimych, I am also a future student.

Presenter: Why did you come to us? After all, we do not have a school, but a kindergarten!

Dim Dimych: And I came to you for help. Mom and dad gave me the most necessary thing. It is necessary for all children who study at school.

Presenter: What is this thing, Dim Dimych?

Dim Dimych: Guess!

Only a miracle device can do everything -

He multiplies two numbers faster than a man,

In it a hundred times the library could fit,

Only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute.

It is not difficult to guess that the riddle about ... ..

(a computer)

Presenter: What kind of help do you need?

Dim Dimych: I don't know how to use it!

Presenter: Let's turn on your computer and our guys will show you everything!

Dim Dimych pretends to turn on the computer. The screen lights up, the screensaver "Computer Country" is on it. Several shots with site names.

Dim Dimych: (reads)"Computer Country". Guys, what kind of country is this?

Music sounds, a computer mouse runs in.

Dim Dimych: Who are you?

Mouse: I?

Dance of the Computer Mouse and Dim Dimych

Mouse: Yes, I'm not a simple mouse, but a computer one! In our country of computers, I am the most important!

Dim Dimych: The main braggart?

Mouse: No, no, I can do anything!

Presenter: Mouse, the guys and I turned on the computer, and now we are here, but we don’t know where to go next! But Dim Dimych has not yet learned how to use his computer.

Mouse: Oh you, look!

Mouse beam laser pointer slides across the screen. The screen lights up, the Internet page with the line "Search", where the letters begin to appear A site with photos from the life of the group opens.


Oh what a wonderful site! Yes, this is kindergarten!

These are our children, but they are too small.

Years passed quickly, our children grew up.

Thank you, Mouse, for such pleasant memories! Can you transfer us to any site?

Dim Dimych: Can you show us America?

Mouse: And then!

Mouse with a laser pointer beam clicks on the site The American anthem sounds, American girls come out.

1 American:

Hello graduates!

We wish you good studies!

2 American:

Excellent grades, good friends!

Let everything be "OK" for you!

3 American:

In the meantime, we'll give you a dance!

It is dedicated to the graduates!

Dance "Mama Maria"

Mouse: It's very simple!

The mouse moves the beam around the site of fairy, but nothing works.

Mouse: Oops, something doesn't work.

Presenter: Probably a special password is needed here: You need to guess which fairy tale hero mystery.

Dim Dimych: Will you guys help me?

The host reads the riddles:

He got leeches

Karabasy sold,

The whole smell of marsh mud,

His name was...

(Not Pinocchio, but Dyremar.)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple

The name of the dog...

(Not Totoshka, but Sharik.)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look

This is a doctor...

(Not Aibolit, but Karabas.)

For many days he was on the road,

To find your wife

And the ball helped him,

His name was...

(Not Kolobok, but Ivan Tsarevich.)

Knows everything, peeps

It hinders and hurts everyone.

She only cares about the rat,

And her name is...

(Not Yaga, but Shapoklyak.)

And beautiful and sweet

Only very small!

slender figure,

(Not the Snow Maiden, but Thumbelina.)

Heals animals in Africa

Good doctor...

(Not Barmaley, but Aibolit.)

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard

This kind…

(Not Santa Claus, but Old Man Hottabych.)

With blue hair

And big eyes

This doll is an actress,

And they call her...

(Not Alice, but Malvina.)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He is grumpy like an old man

This sad…

(Not Piglet, but Eeyore the Donkey.)

He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is...

(Not Dunno, but Carlson.)

For passers-by on the track

He plays the harmonica.

Everyone knows the harmonist

His name…

(Not Shapoklyak, but Gena.)

— Where is your ball gown?

Where is the crystal slipper?

- Sorry, I was in a hurry.

My name is …

(Not the Scarecrow, but Cinderella.)

The site opens. Books appear on the screen.

Presenter: Well, the site is up and running! Choose any!

Dim Dimych: I have read these stories! But you can find a job in your country, my eldest brother has been looking for a long time.

Mouse: So, it seems on the site "Work in Yaroslavl." Choose! . ru. Graduates come out.

Chastushki "Dreams"

All: My years are growing

There will be seventeen.

What should I do then?

What should I do?

1. I will be a businessman

Let me teach!

I will buy a fur coat for my mother,

Dad - "Jeep" cooler!

2. good businessman,

A better model!

I'd like to get a crown

Beauty will conquer the whole world!

3. I want to tell you guys

I want to become a lawyer.

And while not a lawyer,

I beat everyone.

4. I want to become an artist

To perform on stage!

So that flowers are always given,

They just talked about me.

5. I wanted to tell you

I will fly in the sky

I want to become a stewardess

I'll fly on the plane.

6. And I'll be a showman

All mustachioed, bright.

I will spin the wheel

Receive gifts.

7. good showman,

And be a better singer.

I would go to the Basques

Let me teach!

8. I'll run for president

I will receive gifts

I will rule the country

Raise everyone's wages!

9. The President is good

I'm going to be a banker.

My bank will prosper

Give everything at interest.

All: We sang ditties to you,

Clap, try

It was you who raised us

Here also understand!

Dim Dimych: Mouse, what if my computer breaks down, who will fix it for me?

Mouse: There are robots in our country - they will fix everything, look!

Three boys come out - a robot.

Smart robot:

I'm not just a piece of iron -

I have intelligence!

Pi to thousandth place

Calculate in a moment

I'll make a lot of charts

Internet access open!

It is very important for people to

A smart robot helped them.


I'm smarter than everyone in the world

More perfect and stronger!

I can live for centuries

without changing batteries.

There is only one problem -

I will never fall in love.

Though it looks like a humanoid,

I am a machine, I am an android.

Robot dancer:

In my iron head

Although there are no brains at all,

Replace them wonderfully

A couple of chips!

Instead of dad, instead of mom

I follow my program.

She tells me to

The robot danced today!

The rest of the robots come out to the music. Dance "Robo-dance".

The robots go backstage. Suddenly, the screen starts flashing. A virus appears on the screen. An electronic voice says "Computer virus". The mouse freezes.

Dim Dimych: Ouch! We will all die! Horrible! What happened, mouse?

Music sounds, Trojanus virus runs out.

Trojanus virus: Well, well, travelers, now I'm in charge here! I am Virus Trojanus! No travel for you, no sites and generally spoil your holiday!

Host: But how can that be! After all, the guys and I just wanted to find out how a computer would be useful to us at school, how it would be useful.

Trojanus virus: Nothing will be useful now, now it will only bring harm, because I infected all his sites!

Presenter: What are we to do now?

Dim Dimych: You need to call the Fixies! (Pulls out phone and dials a number.) Hello Hello! Simka, Nolik! Come here, help is urgently needed!

Fixies run out - Simka and Nolik, Dance to the song "Who are the Fixies?"

Simka: Dim Dimych, what happened?

Dim Dimych: My computer was hit by this Virus!

Trojanus virus: Not “this one”, but the Virus – Trojanus!

Zero: You need to protect your computer!

Simka: Every computer must have Antivirus.

Presenter: What to do now? Now we'll stay here forever, and our kids will never get to school?

Zero: You can drive away a virus not only with Antivirus ...

Simka:… but also knowledge and skills!

Trojanus virus: That's it! What can your guys do?

Presenter: Our guys know and can do everything in the world!

Trojanus virus: Do you know the numbers? Well, we'll check it out!

To the cheerful music we walk through the hall. As soon as the music stops in order with the numbers, we get up. We save the score, we observe the color on the cards. Red with red. Blue with blue.

The game "The sea is worried."

To the music, children perform swaying movements with their hands and sing:

“The sea is worried - ah, ah, ah, ah!

Guess what's in the sea of ​​numbers!

The numbers float in space

Oh, how the sea is agitated!

The virus says: “Sea waves 1, sea waves 2, sea waves 3! The number "..." freeze in place.

Children freeze in the position of the named figure.

Trojanus virus: Okay, you know the numbers! Can you solve school problems?

Game "Math puzzles"

1) There were 3 carrots and 4 apples on the plate. How many fruits were on the plate? (4 apples, carrot is a vegetable)

2) Mom has a daughter, Dasha, a son, Sasha, a dog, Druzhok, and a cat, Fluffy. How many children does mom have? (Two children.)

3) How many nuts are in an empty glass? (No one)

4) 3 apples hung on a birch, 1 fell. How many apples are left on the birch? (Apples do not grow on a birch.)

Trojanus virus: Okay, here's your final challenge! I bewitched school words. And you need to disenchant them by making words out of letters.

The game "Make words".

Children must make words from letters. The virus distributes cards with letters to children. The letters of certain words are defined different color. To the music, the children begin to run in all directions, with the end of the music, the children find their team - those children whose colors of the letters matched and make words from the letters.

The children make words and the screen with the names of the sites lights up again.

Trojanus virus: Oh, my strength has gone somewhere!

Simka: Rather, knit his Nolik!

Simka and Nolik tie Troyanus with a rope and take him away. The mouse jumps!

Mouse: What happened? Why did I disconnect?

Presenter: It's all a Trojanus virus! But the guys and I beat him!

Dim Dimych: I'm tired, I would like to relax, listen to music!

Mouse: There is a site with a lot of music here!

Mouse using a laser pointer beam clicks on the site www. music . ru. Graduates come out.

Song "And I'm a modern girl"

Dim Dimych: And I also want to become a musician. I want to play some musical instrument

Mouse: What are you, it's very difficult, look!

Mouse using a laser pointer beam clicks on the site www.note . ru. Graduates come out with a flute and metallophone.

Dim Dimych: Can you learn to dance?

Mouse: Learn!

Mouse using a laser pointer beam clicks on the site . ru. Graduates come out.

Presenter: Can you visit the store using your computer without leaving your home?

Mouse: Of course, there are many online stores in our country!

The site opens, many online stores are displayed on the screen.

Dim Dimych: I just need supplies for school. I just don't know what to go to school.

Presenter: Now the guys will show you!

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Presenter: Thank you, mouse, for helping us and showing us this wonderful country "Computer"! And it's time for us to go back!

Mouse: You're welcome! May you have only good grades and a lot of knowledge in school!

Dim Dimych: And don't forget your teachers and everyone who was with you in kindergarten!

Children go to the middle of the hall and read poems:

1 . Today we part with you

We are sad, what can we say.

We came for the last time with flowers,

To thank you for everything!

2 . Today thank you very much we'll say

The educator that gave affection, care,

He told stories, fed semolina,

He raised us and loved us.

3 . Tatyana Vasilievna - our head,

Thank you so much, we all say together

She has a lot of work every day,

Everything should always be in order in the garden,

She needs to manage a large economy,

And because "Fairy Tale" is the best garden!

4 . What are the guys to do? How to study and when?

How to walk and have fun? We don't know, that's the trouble!

But the methodologist writes a whole sheet of advice to all of us!

5 . In the winter cold, summer heat resistance to any infection

They give us from morning to evening a doctor and a nurse.

6 . Thanks to our chefs for affection and greetings,

For tea, for breakfast in the morning, for dinner and lunch.

7 . good word"assistant", toys will help to assemble,

He will help the guys undress, quietly put them to bed.

From clear dawn to dark in our garden she is.

Who will bring us dinner and clean the dishes?

Our group is not more beautiful, clean and light around!

Maybe our nanny has not 2, but 10 hands?

8. Olga Borisovna - our beloved fizruk,

He wants to see us strong and brave,

She teaches us to run, jump, march,

And our muscles are children's exercises to develop.

9 . Speech therapist, Irina Yurievna, thank you,

For the fact that we speak the right words,

And the sounds we pronounce in words

We speak correctly and clearly.

10 . piano, tambourine, spoons,

She can even play the flute!

Spend our farewell holiday with us,

Our most musical leader!

11 . Thanks to those whose inconspicuous work in the garden meant so much,

Cleaning lady, laundress, watchmen, without their help it would be different!

12 . ok here

We were in the garden!

This is us for you

We speak honestly.

And with all my heart

Thank you very much.


We all thank you!

Children sing the song "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Leading: And now the floor is given to the head (full name of the head).

Manager's speech. Presentation of diplomas, gifts.

Leading. The floor is given to the parents.

Parents' response.