The profession of a milkmaid. The profession of "milking machine operator"

On the eve of the workers' professional holiday Agriculture and the processing industry, special words of gratitude must be said to the workers of the dairy industry - our milkmaids. This profession has been known since ancient times, but it has always been difficult. In the age of technological progress, food products such as milk, butter, cheese, sour cream come to store shelves in beautiful packages. We sometimes forget that behind all these natural "dishes" is the hard work of a milkmaid. However, progress made adjustments to her work - manual milking was replaced by mechanized milking, and the profession began to be called differently: machine milking operator. But the work schedule of women employed on farms has remained the same: three times a day they rush to work. Moreover, in any weather, on weekdays and holidays. After all, a cow is a living creature in need of constant care. Experienced milking machine operators, employees of Krasnodvortsy OJSC, told us about the specifics of their profession.
ON. Korsak and L.I. Davidovich.

I have been in the profession for 7 years, - said Nina Aleksandrovna Korsak. - I started my labor activity in the Lyuban region, but for 5 years now I have been working at the dairy farm of Krasnodvortsy OJSC. My mother was a milkmaid, so work on the farm is well known to me from an early age. This work is not easy, but I like working with animals. My husband Ivan also works here on the farm. He works as a cattleman.
By the way, in the home courtyard of Nina Alexandrovna there are also animals that require attention and care. But her husband and three schoolchildren help her with all household chores.
Larisa Ivanovna Davidovich has been working as a milking machine operator for 12 years. She comes from the Zhitkovichi region.
- As they say, I "settled" in these parts, - the woman joked, - I have three children and two grandchildren.
Larisa Ivanovna, like Nina Alexandrovna, is familiar with this work from childhood: her mother worked as a calf on the farm. Larissa, without enrolling in educational institution, returned home and decided to work as a milkmaid.
“At that time, the cows were milked by hand,” L.I. Davidovich. - I, a young girl, had a group of 27 goals, while the norm was 16-18. They had to milk 2 times a day. It was not easy: I was very tired, my arms ached, I wanted to sleep. And yet it worked!
But the working day of milkmaids begins long before dawn and ends in the evening. The work schedule is discontinuous and therefore creates certain difficulties. After each milking, starting at 5 am, at 11 am and at 19.00 and lasting 2-3 hours, women rush to go about their business. After all, each of them has a house, a family, a subsidiary farm. When children are young, it is not easy to manage household chores. In such cases, the understanding and support of relatives, as well as the firmness and loyalty of the profession of the farm workers themselves, are necessary.
Nina Alexandrovna and Larisa Ivanovna are convinced that people who love animals can and should work on the farm:
- All animals feel affection and care, and also the mood of the farm workers. The milkmaid is nervous - and the cow does not stand still, shakes her head, “touches” her legs.
Indeed, the cows recognize their "mistress" by their voice and begin to turn their heads, trying to "spy out" her. Indeed, the milkmaid will come now, feed with compound feed, clean, wash the udder and milk. And she will pet it, talk kindly, take a closer look at the pet: God forbid, she is sick. The milkmaid can be the first to detect mastitis (the most common disease in cows), because her hands touch the udder of a cow every day.
The milkmaids talked with a smile about how cows feel when feeding and milking. A cow's reaction to a new milkmaid can be completely unpredictable: just expect kicks or butts. It happens that it does not give milk at all. In groups Nina Alexandrovna and Larisa Ivanovna - 97 goals each.
After milking a dozen cows, the milkmaids let them go, and the animals rush to leave the milking parlor. After a loud and cheerful exclamation of one of the milkmaids: "Come in!" the next group of cows nimbly entered the room and dutifully took their places. The work was arguing.
In general, the workload of farm workers varies depending on the method of milking the cows. This farm uses 3 methods. Milking machine operators, who carry milk from cows in buckets to the dairy and pour into cans, have groups of up to 35-37 heads. If the milked milk from the cows in the sheds through the milking machines goes through the milk pipelines directly to the refrigerator, then in this case the milking machine operators work with groups of 50-55 cows. Workers who milk cows in milking parlors serve up to 120-150 cows, since women do not need to carry full buckets and pour milk into cans.
Particular difficulties arise with the breeding of first-calf heifers. Such cows are not yet accustomed to milking machines, are frightened by noise, and do not want to be tied. Milkmaids have to teach them to do this.
“You need to devote more time and patience to such cows,” said the farm workers.
In addition, women have to be very careful in handling these restive animals, otherwise they may suffer. Dawn, Pestrukh and Chamomile, it happens, with the help of horns or hooves, express their "protest". But the farm workers treat this with understanding and even with humor: they say, we also have bruises, because the animal never informs about its intention to hit.
“Working on a farm, like any agricultural labor, is not easy,” Nina Alexandrovna and Larisa Ivanovna shared their opinion. - This profession of a milkmaid may not be so prestigious, but interesting, besides, like many others, it is certainly important and in demand.
Natalia Golubina

Distance travel. Theme: "Journey to the Farm"

This lesson on vocational guidance for students of the 7th grade of a special (correctional) boarding school of the 8th type, which will help to introduce children to the profession of a milkmaid. In the lesson, a variety of material was selected that is accessible to the age of children
Target: Professional orientation and preparation of students for the choice of a future profession.
1. Expand students' knowledge of professions.
2. To form an interest and a sense of responsibility in the choice of a profession.
3. Tell about the qualities inherent in people of this profession.
Equipment: proverbs, plot pictures

Course of the lesson:
Today we are going on an unusual journey.
to the village of Cream for a dairy farm.
-What do you think people of what professions can work there?
(Milkmaid, cattleman, shepherd, veterinarian)
That's right, the goal of our trip is to get acquainted with such professions as a milkmaid and a cattleman. We will find out what a difficult path milk goes from the farm to the blue and white bag.
The sunrise is beautiful and very bright
So beautiful that there are no words!
We appreciate the hard work of milkmaids,
They go to milk the cows
Sometimes not noticing the sunrise
Even if they have not had enough sleep, but they are coming!
They perfectly understand
Without milk, everyone will be lost!
Milkmaid- a worker who milks and cares for cows. They milk and water the cows, distribute fodder and remove the manure. Now milkmaids are called the milking machine masters. There are farms where all labor processes are mechanized, but there are also those where part of the work is done manually. Most often, feed is distributed by hand to the animals, which is brought to the barns. On many farms, manure removal and milking are mechanized - this is done by cattlemen.
The milkmaid has a partner
He is always ready to help
He will bring purity
he will bring fodder to the cattle.

Cattlemen- an employee of a livestock farm. He is responsible for the cleanliness and order in the farm premises, distributes food to the animals, and helps the veterinarian if necessary.

The main people on the farm, as before, are people. The technique requires constant attention and care, and the cow - Living being- especially.
The main premises on the farm are the barns and calves. Walking grounds are arranged near them. There are also facilities for long-term storage of feed on the territory: hay, straw.
The work is difficult. Constantly requires sensitivity and kindness. AND physical strength… Technique by technique, but sometimes it is necessary to pull up the bag of mixed fodder, and to feed the silage on the pitchfork… It's too heavy… They milk the cows three times a day. And always exactly, at the same time. There is no other way. Milk production will decrease. Before connecting the milking machine, milk the first streams of milk into a special container. After all, they in the teats of the udder seem to come into contact with the air, and therefore there are many harmful microorganisms in them. Then the milking machine is connected. If handled carelessly, the cow may not completely release milk. And it, the last one, is the most nutritious. Often it is necessary to massage the udder of an animal. If the cow is stubborn and does not give out the last milk, the milkmaid switches off the milking machine and feeds it manually. And caresses her, and sweet word will say. So, even in the age of mechanization, you cannot do without the help of your hands, and you still need warmth of heart, love for animals.
Every milking master loves all of his 120 cows. And animals feel it. They respond kindly to a kind attitude towards them. A milkmaid needs to know a lot about animals, their habits and customs in order to do her job well.
This is not easy, but very valuable work.

-Guys, what dairy products do you know?
(cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese,
These products are delicious and healthy.

Working with proverbs:
-You don't drink milk, where will you get the strength
-The cow has milk on the tongue
-The hardworking milkmaid has bright affairs
-You can't give a cow to drink - and you don't need milk
-Therefore, the milk yield is different: one milkmaid's stalls are clean, the other's are dirty.
Explain how you understand the meaning of proverbs?
At all times, the main professions in the village were a milkmaid and a machine operator. Now all the activities of the machine operators are directed in general to the procurement of feed for animal husbandry. Of course, their work is considered seasonal. The same cannot be said about the work of milkmaids, who work year-round with equal intensity.
Choose the qualities that are suitable for this profession:

The profession of a milkmaid is hard and painstaking work. The well-being of agriculture depends on their work, since milk today is one of the main sources of income. A cow is an intelligent and gullible animal capable of feeding a large number of people.
The collected milk, cooled in tanks, is sent to the dairy. Despite the fact that the milking process is already sufficiently mechanized today, the work of milkmaids has not become easier. Most milkmaids are over forty years old. Not all people are able to withstand such a pace of life: daily early wakes, a peculiar smell, an unlimited working day.
What is the complexity of the milkmaid profession?
The duties of the milkmaids include: feeding and watering the cows, cleaning and washing the cows, milking them three times a day, as well as cleaning the stall and the entire barn as a whole. Milkmaids need to monitor the condition of the cows, and, if necessary, provide medical assistance, heal them. In addition, you need to have dexterity and observation, because each cow has a different disposition and appetite. What kind of people work on the farm?
What kind of work does the milkmaid do?
What kind of work does the cattleman do?
What dairy products are sold in our stores?

I approve _________________________________ _________________________________ (name of the employer, (signature, full name) _________________________________ _________________________________ address, telephone, e-mail (position of the head or other _________________________________ _________________________________ mail, PSRN, TIN, KPP) of the person authorized to approve "__" ___________ ____ g . N _______ _________________________________ job description) "__" ___________ ____ M.P.


DOYAR (DOYARKI) 4th AND 5th DISCHARGE _________________________________________ (name of the employer's department)

Developer: _____________________

Agreed: _____________________



1.2. The present job description defines functional responsibilities, rights, obligations, responsibility, working conditions, relationships (connections by position) of the Employee, criteria for assessing his business qualities and work results when performing work in the specialty and directly at the workplace in "_______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer").

1.3. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the Employer in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation.

1.4. The employee reports directly to _____________________.

1.5. The employee must know:

rules for milking, feeding, drinking and keeping animals;

methods of increasing the milk production of animals;

a set of measures to ensure the receipt of pure milk;

signs of hunting in animals;

rations, feeding rates and feeding procedure;

the need of cows for protein, vitamins and minerals;

udder care rules and the most common udder disease;

signs of brucellosis, foot and mouth disease and other diseases;

signs of pregnancy and the approaching birth of animals;

terms and methods of launching animals and preparing them for calving, foaling, lambing;

rules for providing first aid to sick animals;

information about some medicinal and disinfectants and their application;

artificial insemination technique and rules for preparing queens for insemination;

the costs that make up the cost of milk, and ways to reduce them;

rules for the primary processing of milk;

regulations fire safety and relevant labor protection standards;

the employer's daily routine.


2.1. 4th grade:

Manual milking of cows with a productivity of up to 3.5 thousand kg of milk.

Manual milking of mares, sheep and goats.

Massage, washing of the udder and other operations to influence the speed and completeness of milk flow and purity of milk.

Carrying out veterinary and sanitary work for the care of the udder.

Preparation and distribution of feed.

Cleaning of animals, stables and feeders.

Washing and cleaning of milk dishes.

Implementation of measures to improve the keeping of animals, feeding balanced by nutrients feed in order to increase the milk productivity of animals, to obtain milk High Quality and increasing the calf yield.

Identifying animals in the hunt and preparing them for artificial insemination or mating.

Transfer of deep-bodied cows and heifers at a certain time to the maternity ward.

Providing assistance to veterinary workers in carrying out preventive measures, treatment and artificial insemination animals.

Carrying out, together with veterinary personnel, preventive measures to prevent animal diseases.

Primary milk processing.

2.2. With manual milking of cows with a productivity of over 3.5 thousand kg of milk per year and in the isolation ward - the 5th grade.


The employee has the right to:

providing him with work due labor contract;

timely and full payment wages in accordance with their qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed;

rest, provided by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, the provision of weekly days off, non-working holidays paid annual leave;

complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace;

vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed Labor Code Russian Federation and other federal laws;

association, including the right to form and join trade unions to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement;

collective bargaining and the conclusion of collective agreements and contracts through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement, agreements;

protection of their labor rights, freedoms and legal interests in all ways not prohibited by law;

permission of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;

compensation for harm caused to him in connection with the performance of labor duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;

compulsory social insurance in cases stipulated by federal laws;

obtaining materials and documents related to their activities;

interaction with other divisions of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.


The employee is obliged:

conscientiously fulfill his labor duties assigned to him by an employment contract and job description;

comply with the internal labor regulations;

observe labor discipline;

comply with established labor standards;

comply with labor protection and labor safety requirements;

take good care of the animals entrusted and the property of the Employer (including animals and property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of these animals or property) and other employees;

immediately inform the Employer or the direct supervisor about a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people or animals, the safety of the Employer's property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).


The employee is responsible for:

5.1. Failure to fulfill their duties.

5.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

5.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the Employer.

5.4. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and his employees.

5.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.


6.1. The Work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Employer.

6.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

6.3. Characteristics of working conditions at the workplace: _________________________.

(If necessary: ​​6.4. The employee is familiar with the Employer's provision on official and commercial secrets and undertakes not to disclose it.)

6.5. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (additional conditions that do not worsen the position of the employee in comparison with those established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations) 7. RELATIONSHIP (RELATIONSHIP BY POSITION) 7.1. In work, the Employee interacts with ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (subdivisions and employees from whom he receives and to whom he transfers materials, information, their composition and terms of transfer, with whom he interacts during the execution of work) 7.2. In emergency situations, the Employee interacts with _________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (subdivisions, liquidating accidents and consequences of emergencies) 7.3. During the temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to _____________________. (position)

Probably, there is no village in which people would not meet women getting up after dark and going to a livestock farm to do the work of milking dairy cows. These hardworking women are called milkmaids. Thanks to their noble work, we have the opportunity to have on our table such wonderful products as cottage cheese, milk, butter, cheese and many other milk products. Although the word "milkmaid" comes from old India, it has successfully taken root in our country. And women engaged in this work have become respected people in the countryside.

It is they who are happily greeted by cows, because they not only milk them, but also feed, water and clean them in a timely manner. This she finds mutual language with a cow, despite the fact that each animal has a different character and a different appetite.

For centuries, the milker has performed manual milking duties in a very uncomfortable position. By the end of the working day, my hands were so numb and sore that it seemed like tons of cargo had been dragged. And only centuries later, a man came up with a milking machine, which greatly facilitated the task of a milker. And milking units under construction different forms(carousels or Christmas trees) serve to multiply milk yield. Moreover, various auxiliary mechanisms have been invented - auto feeders, auto drinkers and others.

Previously, they served up to 20 cows, and thanks to the mechanisms, the number of cows has increased many times. After a short period of time, the cows get used to the machines and take turns entering the room and getting into the designated milking area. The connected devices work and receive milk, transporting it to special storage facilities, while the animals consume food and water.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that, despite the fact that the mechanisms in some issues perform the functions of a milkmaid, they cannot replace her affection and caring attitude towards the wards animals. And they will not do the work associated with unforeseen circumstances.

What are the functional responsibilities of a milkmaid?

The list of her duties includes such activities as manual milking in a special department, feeding and all other work related to caring for livestock, distributing first heifers, performing veterinary treatment of calves, providing (if necessary) assistance during calving and ensuring normal conditions in the premises. (especially in the maternity ward).

What knowledge will a milkmaid need?

For fruitful activity, the milking machine must know the following: the physiology and anatomy of animals, the peculiarities of the udder, the processes of milk formation, signs indicating the proximity of childbirth, the procedure for receiving the calf, the basic rules of processing, the procedure for feeding and caring for cattle, methods of milk cows, safety measures and other information ...

What are the rights of a milkmaid?

Like any other employee, she has some rights: to provide work stipulated in the contract, timely wages, annual paid leave, professional retraining, protection of rights, participation in the management of an organization, compensation for harm, compulsory insurance and many others.

There are many specialists working in the field of agriculture. The milking machine operator is important profession, in which a person collects milk by an automatic method. Workers are needed on various farms. Experts collect and record milk, and are also responsible for the conditions of its storage and compliance with the rules for caring for animals.


The operator of the milking machine of cows must properly operate and maintain. He needs to know about the diseases of animals, the standards of housing and treatment. It is important to pay attention to the vitamin requirements of livestock to obtain a high quality product.

Machine milking includes the following tasks:

  1. Disinfection of premises.
  2. Compliance with the rules of feeding and drinking cattle.
  3. Selection of animal feed.
  4. Milking preparation and cattle care.
  5. Milk processing and storage.
  6. Product accounting and implementation of measures to improve work efficiency.

An important requirement is the ability to timely recognize udder diseases, which can affect the general condition of animals. Ailment prevention is also carried out by the milking machine operator. People with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints are not accepted for this work.


The operator should be aware of:

  1. The device and the rules for the use of devices.
  2. Rules for assembly, disassembly, maintenance of devices.
  3. Milking technique.
  4. Rules and norms of feeding, drinking cattle.
  5. The needs of animals for vitamins.
  6. Methods for increasing milk production.
  7. Milk cooling technique.
  8. First aid rules for livestock.
  9. Medicines and disinfectants.

All this knowledge is necessary for the operator to work successfully and get quality milk.

How the milking machine works

The principle of operation of the device is based on the physiological characteristics of animals. During machine milking of cows, the nerve receptors located on the teats are activated. Tactile stimulation is considered a precondition for transmitting an impulse to the brain, which causes the release of the hormone oxytomycin. Then it goes into the tissue of the udder.

There is a contraction of muscle fibers, surrounded by alveoli, so milk is sent to the cisterns and lactiferous ducts. The whole process takes 30-60 seconds. The calf is considered to be effective in stimulating the teats of cows. Therefore, the technique imitates his sucking movements.

How the apparatus is prepared

To work as an operator, it is important to learn how to prepare the device. The procedure is lubrication. To increase milk flow, the suction cups must be treated with a special oil or cream. This procedure stimulates blood flow inside the udder.

The design takes into account the needs of livestock. The milk flow controls the process. All cows need an individual approach, as the procedure differs depending on the breed, size and other nuances.

Cow preparation

Please note that machine milking is not suitable for all animals. The reason is the non-compliance of livestock with the requirements set by the device manufacturers. Machine milking is only performed under the following conditions:

  1. The udder should be tub-shaped, round, or bowl-shaped. And its bottom is flat.
  2. The distance from the udder to the ground must not be less than 45 cm.
  3. The length of the nipples is 6-9 cm, and the diameter in the middle part is from 2 cm.The distance between the front nipples is 6-20 cm, and between the front and rear nipples is 6-14 cm.
  4. Milking time between quarters should not exceed 1 minute.
  5. Milking duration should not exceed 7 minutes.
  6. The volume of milk after feeding should not exceed 200 mg.

The most popular devices are Tandem devices. The devices are suitable for those farms where there is no timed milk flow rate of the herd and milking. The maximum productivity is achieved with the help of the herringbone installation, but for its application the cows must be selected according to their productivity and milk flow rate.

Milking procedure

The duration of the process is on average 5 minutes. It should be borne in mind that during the entire period it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal, as well as the flow of milk through the device. If the flow of liquid decreases, then the machine is added to the rear of the udder.

The mechanical addition procedure lasts no more than 30 seconds. Do not overexpose the milking devices on the teats, as this can lead to pain, inhibition of milk flow, and injuries to the teats. Before using the device, you must study its characteristics in order to avoid errors in operation. Any inaccuracy can lead to negative results, therefore it is important to follow the rules of the instruction.


A job as a milking machine operator requires 1400 hours of full-time training. Then the specialist is provided with a document on the study of the program and the assignment of a profession (3rd category).

During the period of study, the following is mastered:

  1. Fundamentals of zootechnics.
  2. Veterinary sanitation and hygiene.
  3. Safety regulations.
  4. Environmental protection.
  5. Manufacturing activities.

During training, checks are performed. To get a document, you need to pass an exam, practical task and interview. Training is carried out in schools, technical schools and industrial complexes. It is not uncommon for milking machine operators to compete to select the best specialists and reward them.


The milking machine operator must be provided with housing. The object is located on private territory(near the farm). But housing can be provided far from the place of work, if there is a special management program for this. When renting a room, the employee is fully or partially compensated for the payment. During training, future specialists are provided with accommodation in special buildings or hostels.

In some cases, the dwelling is not issued. If the milking machine operator lives far from the livestock farm, he is provided with free travel from home and return delivery. These subtleties are negotiated with the management and indicated in the contract. In some localities, delivery and accommodation is not provided. Then the workers have to pay for these costs themselves.

The salary

Vacancies for milking machine operators are in demand, but the salaries of specialists are low. The average income is 15 thousand rubles. The highest salaries are for specialists from Novgorod, Murmansk region, Kamchatka Territory (about 22-25 thousand rubles). Low wages are observed in the Kaluga and Arkhangelsk regions. The income level depends on the working conditions, the workload of the specialist and the amount of work.

Thus, operators are important workers on livestock farms.