Will the governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun go retired? Governor Marina Kovtun is waiting for a new term.

Marina Kovtun, the governor of the Murmansk region does not believe in his ambulance. This became known to the correspondent. "My authority expires in September 2019. I and my team work in normal mode." Lists "and rumors are always discussed, they are not related to me," that's what the governor wrote in Twitter.

And why not believe something? In 5 star hotels for the state account lived? The image of the "Mother of the Polar region" for $ 3 million ordered? His children in the business structure satisfied? And the richest region at the same time enters the top three regions with the highest salary arrears and dries in debt to the federal center. What else is needed for resignation?

How bits Marina Kotun?

Murmansk media found out that the travel expenses of the governor Marina Kovtun are masked in the budget of the region under the guilt of the tour. And since 2012 to 2016 amounted to 14 million rubles. The head of the region lived exclusively in the 5-star X hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is understandable, the North Queen "is different and not stared. What would people think about her?

Marina flies, too, royally. For example, she, apparently, nothing should be late for the flight, which is delayed before the governor's arrival. At the same time, passengers and airlines suffer, which pays a penalty for a flight delay. But the "Northern Queen" is about it to think. Neither her royal majesty is a matter.

Who else from the government of the Murmansk region except Marina Kovtun could afford to spend so much in 2 days? Royal privileges to the right and left are not scattered. It is not surprising that in June 2016, the KSP found an excess of the budget for the content of the government by 21%.

Middle accommodation check in such a hotel 30-60 thousand rubles. in a day.

Marina Kotun flies, apparently, only business class:

And how else should the queen fly? Will she be with a simple people near in the chair to sit? Nezarokom still put her royal outfit.

Marina Kovtun even decided to become a "Madolarm's Mother" and, according to evil language assumptions, concluded an agreement with the company "Minchenko Consulting". No more than $ 3 million and less than to believe evil tongues, then for this money it would be possible to make something that the Mother of Polaria, and the Mother of the North, and the Mother of Russia. What is there to be exchanged for one plague? However, with the scope of Marina Kovtun, it may still have ahead.

Bankruptcy "Russian salmon"?

If from the royal life, Marina Kovtun is all right, then with economic activities somehow it does not glue. And, perhaps, the opposite. This is from which side to see.

The company "Russian Salmon" gained loans to Rosselkhozbank and Sberbank for $ 50 million. Truly, even companies in the Marina Kovtun region are distinguished by royal scope. And they also bred royally? Judge for yourself.

After receiving loans in fish saddle, an epidemic began. And on live fish, judging by the country's assessment on July 01, 2015, there were 60% of all its assets. Mass sickness salmon created conditions for the bankruptcy of the company.

Now "Russian Salmon", apparently, is in the stages of bankruptcy. Credits return the company is not able. Where did the money go? Perhaps they went to the royal remuneration of Marina Kovtun.

Kovtun for family values?

As the time has shown, "Mother of Polaria" from Marina Kovtun did not come out. But her children she is a very good mother. So much that the governor's ill-wishers suggest that the priority of the government of the Murmansk region is to help the family of Marina Kovtun.

The principle of work of the governor is simple. With a light royal movement, it permits the company to enter the region and take an impressive market share. After that, digging, apparently, should be a storm to give children the governor. So that they could live with dignity. As it believes royal children.

Marina Kovtun Jr., the daughter of the governor, is now the employee of Rosneft. And in the summer of this year, the governor signed a cooperation agreement with Gazprom-Geological Survey. It is not clear, so far that it will be developed, but the benefits of the company, apparently, are granted fantastic. And, of course, Alexander Kovtun, the son of the governor probably moved to work in Gazprom-geological exploration.

Noisy, federal media rustled about the upcoming resignation of the head of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun. And for what only "terrible" details were not reported! And Kiriyenko - she personally informed her about removal from office, and corruption in the Murmansk region Wow, how! Immediately, even successors were found in a huge amount - from the Vice-Speaker of Irina Yarova to two former leaders from the Norilsk Nickel apparatus.

And even our colleagues from TV-21 were not afraid with reference to their source Marina Vasilyevna dismiss. The governor, however, turned out to be the most famous illusionist. And at the end of the week he presented to all the surprise. No, unlike the head of Dagestan, Ramzan Abdulatipova, she did not leave the post herself. But in the government team made a replacement, although quite expected.

In principle, rumors that Igor Babenko and Marina Plyachev can lose their positions, were even after the detention at the end of July, the GOB Owner's head of the GOBU Oblodelsky, and the Deputy Head of Eduard Nikhrashevsky, Deputy Head of the apparatus. And both are accused of assigning the money of the regional government.

True, officially law enforcement agencies on the composition of criminal cases did not apply. But both detainees were actively justified. They say, no solutions without leadership did not take. Well, as they say, God is a judge!

But for a strange reason, the documents on the activities of the Department acted as the same time as the Flashnord resource belonging to the ex-press secretary of the former Governor Dmitry Dmitrienko Alexander Kalugin, began to actively write the expected resignation of the head of the Polar region. Other Moscow media followed him.

And on the well-known crushing investigations, the site BLOGER51 one defeat publications immediately appeared at once. If you believe them, then on behalf of the governor, the governments collected "membership fees", oh remedy for charity. Well, or not always for charity, but in general for different needs. Moreover, judging by the published documents, the management of the government's office also reported subordinates for a bad stylist of demanding letters.

At the same time, the medical and preventive center "White Rosa", open when patronage, Dmitry Medvedev's patronage on the basis of the regional hospital for the prevention of female oncology. The author of the publication also accused the Ministry of Health, and the Charitable Foundation, by the strange coincidence of the governor's governor and the director of the Meridian Marina Kalmykova, in lobbying the interests of a particular entrepreneur.

Of course, if you move away from specifics and persons, an interesting question arises: to whom and why it took to merge this information on the Internet? For the average man, of course, everything is clear and everywhere corruption. But from the point of view of the law, this is not so simple. Business owners voluntarily part with money or goods for charitable goals. Well, or have sponsorship. Try sink!

Most likely, that is why Nikrashevsky, and Blagologovsky are in custody - a rarity for economic crimes. There is a chance that the valiant law enforcers need more evidence, and they hope that prison walls are inclined to frank officials. Including, it will be forced to remember something interesting about the superior guide.

However, officially, there are no law enforcement officers to Babenko and believes.
But today, information about their resignation confirmed the press service of the government.

Governor Marina Kovtun took the resignation of the deputy head of the region of Igor Babenko and the head of the Ministry of Government of the Murmansk region Svetlana belt, - the report says. - Igor Babenko and Svetlana Plyacheva fired at their own request from October 2, 2017 and excluded from the government of the Murmansk region.

We are waiting - with, continuing a banquet! And the "Kommersant" in the meantime promises that all the governors from the list will be fired until October 10.

This week, the heads of Nizhny Novgorod, Samara regions and the Krasnoyarsk Territory will retire. About this on September 24, the sources of "Gazeta.Ru". According to other publications, the governors of Ivanovo, Murmansk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions, the Altai Territory and the Nenets Autonomous District are resigned. Personnel permutations can also occur in one or two regions of the North Caucasus, Kommersant writes with reference to the sources in the presidential administration.

Such a method of batch change of governors has become already familiar in the last five years. However, one or two leaders are excluded from the preliminary lists, who continue to work on their position. According to "Gazeta.Ru", there is also an expanded list of candidates for replacement from their posts. It has more than ten surnames. Final personnel solutions apparently accepts the head of state.

If the political Olympus leaves at once a ten chapter of subjects, it will be a significant updating of the governor's corps.

Last time, such a large-scale rotation occurred during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, when ten heads of the regions left the posts, including such heavyweights of the Yeltsin call, as Yuri Luzhkov, Edward Rossel, Mintimer Shaimiev, Murtaz Rakhimov, Egor Stroyev, Alexander Filippenko.

People newly appointed in their place will work with the prefix "VRIO" (temporarily acting) and will go to the polls that will be held simultaneously with the presidentials in March 2018.

Not all governors "sitting on suitcases" have low ratings, but even successful ones are conflicts with elites or city authorities,

Thus, the head of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun managed to increase his ratings, but conflict with regional elites. Nizhny Novgorod Governor Valery Shantsev is considered heavyweight, but has become a side of a protracted conflict with the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod. Altai leader Alexander Karlin has relatively good ratings, but experts note "relatively low popularity" and "emphasized hard management style."

The head of the Novosibirsk Region, Vladimir Gorodetsky, does not have high ratings and conflict with mayor communist Anatoly Lokham. The Governor of the Omsk Region, Viktor Nazarov, was able to strengthen his position, but remains an "apolitical figure."

Victor Tolokonsky, the head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, heads the region since 2014, and before that, for a long time was the mayor of Novosibirsk and the governor of the region. As noted in the last "rating of the survival of the governors" of the Foundations "Petersburg policy" and "Minchenko Consulting", he still "swelling fits into the local mentality."

The Governor of the Ivanovo Region Pavel Kokkov also has low ratings in survival rating research, and the area "is one of the criminal records in relation to representatives of the management elite."

It is worth noting that the resignation of the governor of the Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin has long been reflected. Odiotic political figure, he caused a lot of discontent among the inhabitants of the region with his statements "on the edge of the foul", which was confined against themselves different groups of the population. In the last election in the State Duma in this area there was a number of scandals that caused the center's discontent.

Governor elections, canceled in 2004, were revived in the summer of 2012. However, a municipal filter was introduced, which complicated participation in elections for representatives of the opposition. In the case of the governor's departure to resign, it is not a local leader, but the appointed Kremlin.

Immediately several governors can resign on the last week of September. Among them are the heads of Ivanovo, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Samara regions, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO), Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territory. This is reported by Kommersant with reference to the presidential sources close to the administration. The portal appreciated who from the governors can really lose their post, because most of the similar messages that very often appear in some federal media, do not find confirmation.

Rather yes

So, the governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun The resignation may threaten the corruption scandals in the region. The deputy head of the regional administration and the first deputy head of one of the departments of the government of the Murmansk region are accused of embezzling budget funds. Fatal may also be a scandal due to the publication of a local blogger that Kovtun allegedly helped some large companies minimize tax deductions for their children's employment. " Experts have issues related to wage debts in the region in the amount of more than 100 million rubles.

Marina Kovtun itself wrote on Twitter the following: "Fakes do not comment on, I have another job. My authority will expire in September 2019. I and my team work in normal mode."

Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev Also already announced that he did not leave the post. And this departure is possible due to conflicts in regional elites. He is the most alleged conflict with the ex-mayor of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Sorokin. The area and its governor became objects of criticism from the presidential police station in Mikhail Babic. Not so long ago, political conflicts in the region he called a permanent war.

By the way, Valery Shantsev already "knocks out" 70 years. In this post it has been 12 years old.

Head of the Samara region Nikolay Merkushkinit has many reasons for "departure from the post." In the region, political scandals recently flared up: residents complain about him during a straight line with President Putin, mass rallies are collected against him. However, this is what on the surface. In fact, the cause of his resignation can be the struggle of clans. Mercushkin put in 2014 Vyacheslav Volodin in 2014, then the first deputy head of the presidential administration. But Merkushkin spread with him, and with the general director of Rostech, Sergei Chezzov, could not establish relations.

In addition, he allegedly supports the business of Mordovia, which was headed before, to the detriment of the Samara region. The resignation is prophesied "for health state."

Work of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Victor Tolokonskyit is good. However, the resignation "send" with reference to its sources even local media. And not the first time. Causes are constantly changing. The most relevant - Tolokonsky could not build relationships with business elites. However, the experts do not find a specific failure in his work.

Press service of the governor of the Omsk region Viktor Nazarovacalls on the resignation of rumors. According to the political scientist Eugene Minchenko, there are intoleric contradictions in the region. There are questions and economic status in the region.

Probably not

Governor of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky Also has little real chance of resignation. It is clearly counted by the development of the investment attractiveness of the region, the development of industry. Especially since he has good relations with the federal center.

In the press service of the governor of the Altai Territory Alexandra Carlin The portal information was also called rumors. The message of the possible resignation of the head of the region appeared not for the first time. But there are no reasons for retirement. The Altai region, as not having a rich raw materials base, is traditionally in the rating of the socio-economic condition among the subsidies regions. But there are no major political conflicts. The results of the election The Kremlin is clearly not upset. The economic situation is quite stable.

Head of Ivanovo region Pavel Kokkov, apparently, also not the most obvious applicant for departure from the post. The economic situation in the region is not the best, but stable, it was when Kokkov did not have sharp disruptions. The political situation is also stable. So his resignation, as in the case of Alexander Carlinic, is unlikely.

Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) Igor Kashinand at all on the 18th line of the national rating. He managed to somewhat discharge the conflict between the city and the district. It was not inconsistent with his decision to send a part of the funds from reducing the salaries of officials for additional payments to pensioners.

The governor of the Murmansk region accused local security officials in the "political order and injury" in order to force it to "leave the post"

Governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun convened on Monday an emergency briefing, which stated that he was tested by law enforcement agencies. She called it a "political order and harassment" in order to force it to "leave the post". The governor does not intend to retire and promises to tell about the president.

According to "Kommersant", Ms. Kovtun, headed by the chapters in the midst of the autumn rotation of the President (AP), but she managed to save the post. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called the "Russian folk fun" rumors about personnel permutations, in particular, about the possible retirement of the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko.

Marina Kovtun at a briefing in the government of the Murmansk region stated that as the "head of the region" is under pressure from law enforcement agencies, which is expressed in massive queries, checks, increasing stocks. The governor is confident that the law enforcement officers "merge" service documents in the media, and then organize verification on them. "No one cares that these facts are false and do not find confirmation during the inspections carried out," Mrs. Kotun said. "The massive media matages, whose customers tend to remain unpunished. For example, and now many are confident that my children received warm places for some tax preferences to large companies (they wrote a website BLOGER 51 .- "Kommersant"). There is no such. There are no preferences nor highly paid work in exchange for them, which confirmed the verified checks. "

Governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun

Most of the speech of the governor was devoted to the investigation of the affairs of the officials of the administration accused of corruption.

"I hope that investigators will determine the severity and motives of each person involved," said Mrs. Kovtun. "I want to remind the words of the president that we have been practicing the informational noise around the so-called resonant cases, and it is often sinners themselves, representatives of law enforcement agencies. However, the fight against corruption is not a show, before the court decision, no one has the right to make verdicts of guilt or innocence. " The governor meant the deputy head of the Murmansk Government of Eduard Nikhrashevsky, First Deputy Head of the State Regional Budgetary Institution "Management to Provide Activities of PMOs" George Blagoilsky, who are in custody from July, as well as the recently detained former Vice-Governor, Ex-Deputy Head of the Regional Government Office Igor Babenko. They are accused of embezzling budget funds, but according to various articles of the Criminal Code. In particular, Igor Babenko implied fraud with the use of official position. On Friday, he was detained for two months and, according to some sources, transported to the "Sailor silence". The detention of Mr. Babenko and his subordinates, a number of local media considered the reason for the possible resignation of Marina Kovtun.

She herself "unprecedented pressure" by the media and law enforcement agencies related to the "principal position" of the Murmansk government "For a variety of issues, including on the privatization of property in the territory of Murmansk, the affiliation of a number of commercial structures to municipal officials."

Obviously, I do not forgive the guidance of the order in the tank market, "the governor said.

It happened to the political order and travelers in order to force her to leave the post. "However, this will not," Mrs. Kotun said, completing the briefing. Only the president accepts the decision to change the governor. At the same time, I do not exclude in the near future to enhance the pressure on me, my loved ones and members of my team. But, as the head of the region, I can not leave these actions without reaction. I will not sit back, I will certainly bring my position to the top leadership of the country and the law enforcement management. "

The source "Kommersant" in the apparatus of the regional government noted that none of the detained guilt recognizes: "As for the governor, the information that appeared has only an indirect attitude towards it, even if without trial to accuse her subordinates."

In the Investigation Committee (SCR) "Kommersant" reported that no information in the media in the case of Murmansk officials was not given. The source "Kommersant" noted that the press service of the Ricend Murmansk reported on the arrest of Igor Babenko, the criminal case is investigated against a former official. Mr. Babenko, among the leaders of the region in 2016, participated in the meeting of the College of Investigative Department of the Murmansk region of the SCR, dedicated to the summary of the work. In turn, Murmanal security forces argue that the "small attitude" is "small".

"Kullyo one of the perpetrators of the current campaign is called the former chapter of Murmansk, the State Duma deputy from United Russia, Alexei Welllar, who allegedly agreed with regional security forces and their federal bosses," say sources "Kommersant".

Mr. Weller, who had a tense relationship with the governor, headed Murmansk before election to the State Duma in 2016.

The deputy himself stated "Kommersant" that "the head of the region thickens paints, and her and the government is haunting": "The concrete criminal case is being investigated against the Zimgubernator. Why are so hot, and even hint at political customers of the case? Her words do not correspond to the situation in the region. " Mr. Weller suggested that "such statements on the part of the governor are an occasion of Nevitian and can be associated with the emotional breakdown." "It does not paint Marina Kovtun. The highest official of the region should be responsible for stability, and not to rock the situation, "he concluded.

Alexander Welller (Right)

Political analyst Mikhail Vinogradov noted that this is "the third case, when the governor talks about the persecution of his team." "Aman Tuleyev (Kemerovo region) and Svetlana Orlova (Vladimir region) have already been done. In the case of Tuleyev, the statements gave the result, although such speeches are not welcome, "he explained. The expert recalled that the surname Marina Kovtun appeared in the lists of heads of retirements, but she did not get into the wave of dismissal. "Her statements can talk about confidence in their position at least until March," he argues.

In the report of the Evgeny Minchenko political scientist (State Council 2.0 (published in late September), Marina Kovtun was named among the governors with a "high retirement risk". In the North-West Federal District, she also included the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Igor Kashin, who was soon fired. According to "Kommersant", Ms. Kovtun in the midst of the governor retiring was called in the AP, but she managed to save the post. The source "Kommersant" in the ap said that there are no complaints about it.

Sources "Kommersant" do not exclude that at the beginning of the year another wave of personnel rotations will be followed. The spokesman for President Dmitry Peskov called the "Russian folk fun" rumors about personnel permutations, in particular, on the possible retirement of the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko in 2018.

Ivan Synergiev; Maxim Pilotov, Murmansk; Andrei Pepsev, Sophia Samokhin, Nikolai Sergeev