The brushes have blossomed in a white fringe. Sergey Yesenin - White birch under my window: Verse

White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.

On fluffy branches
With a snowy border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In the sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In a golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.

Analysis of the poem "Birch" by Yesenin

The poem "Birch" is one of the best examples of Yesenin's landscape poetry. He wrote it in 1913 at the age of 17. The young poet was just beginning his career. This work showed what strength and possibilities a modest village boy conceals in himself.

At first glance, "Birch" is a very simple poem. But he expresses a great love for his country and nature. Many people remember the lines of the verse from school. It helps to cultivate a feeling of love for your land through the image of a simple tree.

Yesenin was not in vain awarded the title of "folk singer". Throughout his life, he continued to glorify the beauty of rural Russia in his works. Birch is one of the central symbols of Russian nature, an invariable component of the landscape. For Yesenin, already familiar with life in the capital and had time to see enough of it, the birch was also a symbol home... His soul was always drawn to his homeland, to the village of Konstantinovo.

Yesenin had an innate sense of an inextricable connection with nature. Animals and plants in his works are always endowed with human features. In the poem "Birch" there are still no direct parallels between a tree and a man, but the love with which the birch is described creates the feeling of a female image. Birch is unwittingly associated with a young beautiful girl in a light airy outfit (“covered with snow”). "Silver", "white fringe", "golden fire" are bright epithets and at the same time metaphors that characterize this outfit.

The poem reveals another facet of Yesenin's early work. His pure and light lyrics always contain an element of magic. Landscape sketches are like a wonderful fairy tale. The image of a sleeping beauty appears before us, standing "in sleepy silence" in magnificent decoration. Using the technique of impersonation, Yesenin introduces the second character - the dawn. She, "going around", adds new details to the birch's outfit. The plot of the tale is ready. The imagination, especially the child's, is capable of further developing a whole magical story.

The fabulousness of the poem brings it closer to oral folk art. Young Yesenin often used folk motives in his works. A poetic comparison of a birch with a girl was used even in Old Russian epics.

The verse is written in an alternating "idle" rhyme, the meter is a three-foot trochee.

"Birch" is a very beautiful lyric poem that leaves only bright, cheerful feelings in the soul.

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin

White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.

On fluffy branches
With a snowy border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In the sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In a golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.

It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since in his work the image of the homeland is key. Even in those works that describe the mysterious eastern countries, the author always draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent beauty of the native spaces.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old.

Sergei Yesenin, 18 years old, 1913

At this time, he already lived in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable fuss. However, in his work, the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo and, dedicating his poem to an ordinary birch, seemed to be mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

House where Sergei A. Yesenin was born. Konstantinovo

It would seem that you can tell about ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Observing how it changes throughout the year, then shedding withered foliage, then dressing in a new green outfit, the poet became convinced that it was birch that was an integral symbol of Russia, worthy of being immortalized in poetry.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with light sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, the author compares with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets that Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of the brushes of a snowy fringe, and the "sleepy silence" enveloping a tree covered with snow gives it a special appearance, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan at heart, and the birch for him was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth.

Sergei Yesenin by the birch. Photo - 1918

Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a fulcrum in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. This is not surprising either, since in Russian folklore, birch, like willow, has always been considered a "female" tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name "weeping", then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly well, Sergei Yesenin remembered the folk parables that if you go up to a birch tree and tell her about your experiences, your soul will certainly become lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet fully manifested, evokes a wide variety of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he "tries on" the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silvery snowflakes.

However, the author's memories of his native village cause melancholy, as he realizes that he will not return to Konstantinovo soon. Therefore, the poem "Birch" can rightfully be considered a kind of farewell not only to his home, but also to childhood, not particularly joyful and happy, but, nevertheless, is one of the best periods of his life for the poet.

Many people know the text of Yesenin's poem "White birch under my window" by heart. This is one of the first masterpieces of the young poet. The poem became known to a wide circle of readers in 1914 after it appeared on the pages of the fashionable literary magazine "Mirok". It was written a year earlier. Then, few could have imagined that the work of the poet, hiding under the pseudonym Ariston, would become so popular.

Before Yesenin, many sang birch in their works. But not everyone succeeded so subtly and accurately to betray at the same time a slight sadness, quivering joy and sincere sympathy. Of course, everyone will read and perceive the poem "Birch" differently. It can be viewed narrowly as admiring the beauty of nature and original artistic description what happens to the tree in winter.

But the poet put much more meaning in the image of a birch. These are memories of their native places, an unrealizable hope of returning to childhood, the desire to feel happy again. The description of the birch in the poem hides the images of Russia, which the poet truly admired. It was in the thoughts of the Motherland and in the feeling of falling in love with it that Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin drew strength and inspiration.

Everyone knows the opening lines of the poem "White birch under my window". Now "Birch" is one of the most famous poems by Sergei Yesenin, but the poet himself did not include it in his own collection. For some reason, such a lyrical and simple poem did not find a place among Yesenin's masterpieces, but there was a place in the hearts and memory of his readers.

The size of "Birch" is a tricycle trochee with one significant feature - each verse has a pyrrhic, that is, a foot in which the syllable that should be stressed remains unstressed. Such omissions give the poem a special measured and smooth sound.

Using funds artistic expression, the author creates vivid and vivid pictures of nature: epithets are used ( "White birch", "on fluffy branches", "in sleepy silence", "in golden fire", "lazily walking around"), metaphors and comparisons ( "... with snow // Like silver", "With a snowy border // Brushes are blossomed // White fringe"), impersonation (" ... birch ... covered with snow "," ... dawn, lazily // Walking around "). The time of "action" is most likely a bright morning (not so early that it was dark - the color scheme of the poem is light, but not later - the birch stands "In sleepy silence" that is, when nothing disturbs the peace of nature). Perhaps the lyrical hero is observing a secluded rural landscape, and then the time frame can be extended to cover the entire daytime.

In the creative heritage of Yesenin there are many poems in which Russian nature is vividly and figuratively described, but "Birch" stands out against their background with a special mood of light, purity and tranquility.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Birch"

The great Russian poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin wrote a huge number of various wonderful works. But from early childhood I love his poem "Birch" most of all. This work was written by the poet in 1913, when he was only eighteen years old. At this time, Yesenin lived in Moscow, his native village of Konstantinovo is far behind, but the young poet is faithful to his homeland, he devotes many works to the beauty of nature.

The title of Yesenin's poem "Birch", it would seem, looks too simple, but it is not at all so. The poet put it in the title deep meaning... Like many other creative people, for Yesenin a birch is not just a tree, it is very symbolic. Firstly, for Yesenin, a birch is a symbol of Russia, which he loved endlessly! Secondly, more than once in his work, the poet compared the image of a woman to her.

Yesenin's poem "Birch" is a slightly sad, very beautiful and touching description of the landscape that the lyrical hero of the work admires from his window. And despite the fact that the main thing in this work is the description of the landscape, we still see the very lyric hero... Most likely, this is still a young person, because it is impossible for an old person to admire in this way. The lyrical hero of Yesenin's poem "Birch" is very fond of nature, he is able to see beauty, to admire it. In addition, there are many notes of naivety and childishness in his character.

In the early work of the poet, to which Yesenin's poem "Birch" belongs, the theme of nature and the countryside always prevailed. Love for the homeland and the world around him is one of the most important talents that a poet was endowed with. Without this, it is impossible to imagine Yesenin's poem "Birch", and indeed any of his other works.

Analysis of the poem by S.A. Yesenin. "Birch"

This wonderful poem was written by the great Russian poet in 1913, at that moment the young poet was barely 18 years old. At this age, the poet already lived in Moscow and apparently missed the long evenings, about the rural outback in which he was born.

Positive energy comes from the poem, despite the fact that it is written about a typical winter morning when it's cold enough, the poem emanates with some kind of warmth and tenderness. Most of Sergei Alexandrovich's poems glorify the truly beautiful Russian nature. especially he succeeded in the poem "Birch". The poem itself is saturated with the Russian spirit. Reading this poem, an image of the Russian hinterland is involuntarily created before our eyes, winter, frost, quietly, snow creaks underfoot. Such a picture is created in the head when reading this poem.

And listen to how the image of a birch is written? What would you associate her with when reading a poem? White birch, - by itself White color, the color of something innocent, immaculate, something starting it could be a new day or new life which God gave us. The image of the bride from the poem itself reminds me of an elegant Russian girl before the wedding, who dresses up and prepares for the main sacrament in her life.

Winter itself for most people is associated with cold blizzards and bad weather, and Yesenin described it in such a way that he does not even think about the cold, but thinks about a beautiful morning. In the poem of Sergei Alexandrovich, a series of female images is very well traced, so pay attention to this and think about this verse and you will find in it at least two typically female Russian images - winter and birch. What do you think is an accident? Or not? Maybe the young poet was already in love? But let's not focus on this, because there are many other interesting comparisons in his poem. For example, Sergei Alexandrovich repeatedly compares snow with silver.

The poet in one of the lines also compares the early morning dawn with gold, which once again speaks of the richness of the colors of Russian nature even in such a sad time as winter. There are a lot of metaphors in Yesenin's poem "Birch", which makes it very vivid and expressive, note that from its first lines you want to read it with expression and calmness.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the poem is not large in volume, but its language is very rich and creates a lot of images and pictures in the head.

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"White Birch", analysis of Yesenin's poem, option No. 3

What is Russia most often associated with in the perception of most people? You can name different symbols. Foreigners will surely remember vodka, matryoshka and balalaika. Moreover, bears that supposedly walk along our streets. But for a Russian person, undoubtedly, the birch will be the closest of all. After all, it is the birch tree that is most pleasant to meet, "returning from distant wanderings." After exotic trees, spreading palms and suffocating-smelling tropical plants, it is so pleasant to touch the cool white bark and breathe in the fresh scent of birch branches.

No wonder the birch was sung by almost all Russian poets. A. Fet wrote about her. N. Rubtsov, A. Dementyev. Songs, legends, tales were composed about her. As time went on, the power and political system changed, wars took place, burial mounds grew on the former battlefields, and the birch, as it has delighted hundreds of years with its bright face, continues to delight. “I love a Russian birch, sometimes light, sometimes sad ...” - so simply and at the same time passionately wrote the Russian Soviet poet Alexander Prokofiev about this most important symbol of Russia.

The remarkable lyricist of the twentieth century Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin also contributed to the collection of works on birch. Growing up in the Ryazan province, in the village of Konstantinovo, in an ordinary peasant family, Sergei from childhood saw birches under the windows of his home. By the way, they are still growing, having outlived the poet by almost a hundred years.

Poem by Sergei Yesenin "White birch"... at first glance, it seems straightforward. Probably because of this seeming simplicity, everyone teaches him, starting with kindergarten... Indeed, there are only four quatrains, trochee... no intricate, incomprehensible metaphor- that is what makes the perception of this poem so simplistic.

But if you remember that any lyric work is intended not only to express the poet's feelings, but also to evoke a reciprocal emotional response from the reader, it becomes clear why this poem, written a century ago (in 1913) is still so familiar to many lovers and connoisseurs of Russian poetry.

Yeseninskaya birch appears in the form of a sleeping beauty:

Covered with snow
Like silver.

The personification used by the poet allows the reader to notice that the birch itself was covered with snow, and it was not the frost that used its strength. Therefore, the brushes "Blossomed with a white fringe" also yourself. And here he is, a vivid image - a beauty resting "In sleepy silence"... moreover, the beauty is rich: after all, she covered herself with snow, "Like silver"... the tassels are decorated with white fringe, which was used only by representatives of high society, and the snowflakes in the birch dress are burning "In golden fire" .

Of course, a Russian person who grew up on fairy tales about a princess sleeping in a crystal coffin, when reading this analysis of the poem, will invariably imagine only such an image. This drowsiness can be explained by the season, because in winter all the trees "sleep". Even dawn appears slowly, as if afraid to disturb the peace of the Russian beauty:

And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

But Yesenin's "sleepy birches" will appear in another work, written a year later, in the poem "With Good morning! ". Here it is already much more difficult to understand why, in the midst of summer, birches are also like in a dream.

“We all come from childhood,” said the French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Perhaps all childhood watching a birch "Under your window"... Seryozha Yesenin created for himself such image of birch... who carried it through all his creativity and all his short life.

Researchers of Yesenin's work somehow calculated that 22 names of various trees were found in his works. Probably, the poet himself did not think about this when he created his lyrical masterpieces. But for some reason, it was the birches that formed for him into the very “country of birch calico,” which he left so early.

"Birch" S. Yesenin


White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.

On fluffy branches
With a snowy border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In the sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In a golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Birch" No. 4

It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since in his work the image of the homeland is key. Even in those works that describe the mysterious eastern countries, the author constantly draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent beauty of his native spaces.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old. At this time, he already lived in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable fuss. However, in his work, the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo and, dedicating his poem to an ordinary birch, seemed to be mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

It would seem that you can tell about an ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Observing how it changes throughout the year, either shedding withered foliage, or dressing in a new green outfit, the poet became convinced that it was birch that was an integral symbol of Russia. worthy to be immortalized in verse.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with light sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, the author compares with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets that Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of the brushes of a snowy fringe, and the "sleepy silence" enveloping a tree covered with snow gives it a special appearance, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan at heart, and the birch for him was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth. Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a fulcrum in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. This is not surprising either, since in Russian folklore, birch, like willow, has always been considered a "female" tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name "weeping", then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly well, Sergei Yesenin remembered the folk parables that if you go up to a birch tree and tell her about your experiences, your soul will certainly become lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet fully manifested, evokes a wide variety of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he "tries on" the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silvery snowflakes.

However, the author's memories of his native village cause melancholy, as he realizes that he will not return to Konstantinovo soon. Therefore, the poem "Birch" can rightfully be considered a kind of farewell not only to his home, but also to childhood, not particularly joyful and happy, but, nevertheless, is one of the best periods of his life for the poet.

Analysis of the poem "White Birch" by S. Yesenin

The theme of the poem by Sergei Yesenin is admiration for a birch in winter. The author shows the reader the beauty of his favorite tree, creating a mood of joy, which he himself experiences when he sees a birch tree in an unusual winter outfit.

In stanza 1 Yesenin writes about the birch "covered with snow" (and not "covered"). We feel caress, awe, tenderness here. So what is next! A silver-plated comparison helps you see the sheen of the snow.

In the second stanza we have before us - "fluffy branches", covered with snow. The poet uses the beautiful metaphor of "blossoming brushes with a white fringe." Snow appears gradually, as if a flower is blooming. Yesenin personifies the birch: "And there is a birch", giving the tree a living look: in front of us is like a living Russian girl. The epithet "in sleepy silence" is remarkable. We imagine this silence: as if you go out into the courtyard, and there is not a soul around, everyone is still asleep. The third stanza is very rich in poetic imagery. The metaphor "and the snowflakes are burning" makes you see the glitter and sparkle of the snow. And the epithet "in golden fire" helps to imagine a golden necklace of snowflakes that sparkle at dawn.

The 4th stanza no longer gives descriptions, but shows actions. Here the main image is dawn:

By the word "silver" Yesenin means snow (we have already met with similar cases).

The poem "White Birch" creates a joyful, lyrical mood.

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Picture for the essay analysis of the poem Birch

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is the poetic pride of the Russian people. His work is a living spring that can inspire, make you proud and wish to glorify your homeland.

As a child, in the Ryazan province, running through the fields, riding a horse, swimming in the Oka, the future poet realized how beautiful the Russian land is. He loved his land, his country and sang it in his works brightly, colorfully, using various means of expression.

The author has a special relationship with the birch. This character, sung by Sergei Alexandrovich many times, is shown in various works, at different times of the year, with different moods of both the lyrical hero and the tree itself. Yesenin literally breathed in his soul, and seemed to humanize the birch, making it a symbol of Russian nature. Yeseninovskaya birch is a symbol of femininity, grace, playfulness.

The history of the creation of the poem "Birch"

The beautiful and lyrical poetic work "Birch" refers to the poetry of the early period of creativity, when a very young Ryazan guy, who was barely nineteen years old, was just beginning to enter the world of literature. He worked at that time under a pseudonym, therefore long time no one guessed that this delightful work belongs to Sergei Alexandrovich.

Simple in images, but very impressive poem "Birch" was written by the poet in 1913, then he was eighteen years old and it belongs to his very first works. It was created at the moment when the young man had already left his home and corner close to his heart, but his thoughts and memories were constantly returning to their native places.

The first time "Birch" was published in the popular literary magazine "Mirok". This happened on the eve of the revolutionary upheavals in the country, in 1914. At that time, a poet still unknown to anyone, worked under the pseudonym Ariston. So far, these were the first Yesenin's poems, which would later become the standard for describing Russian nature in poetry.


White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.
On fluffy branches
With a snowy border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In the sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In a golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

The power of the poem

Yesenin's poem "Birch" is an example of skillful and skillful verbal drawing. The birch tree itself has always been a symbol of Russia. It is a Russian value, it is a folkloric highlight, it is a connection with the past and the future. We can say that the work "Birch" is a lyrical hymn to the beauty and wealth of the entire Russian land.

The main topics that Yesenin describes include the following:

The theme of admiration.
The purity and femininity of this Russian tree.

The birch in the poem looks like a Russian beauty: she is just as proud and elegant. All its splendor can be seen on a frosty day. After all, around this lovely tree there is a fascinating picturesque picture of Russian nature, which is especially good on frosty days.

For Sergei, birch is a symbol of rebirth. Researchers of Yesenin's creativity argued that he took his talent and strength to write his new poetic masterpieces precisely in memories from his childhood. Birch in Russian poetry has always been a symbol of a joyful life, it helped a person not only to be comforted in difficult and sad days for him, but also allowed him to live in harmony with nature. Of course, the genius Russian poet knew oral folklore and remembered folklore parables that when it becomes difficult, difficult or disgusting at heart, you just need to go to the birch tree. And this beautiful and delicate tree, having listened to all the experiences of a person, will ease his suffering. Only after a conversation with a birch, according to strange legends, a person's soul becomes warm and light.

Artistic and expressive means

Admiring his native nature, in order to express all his love and admiration for it, Yesenin uses various artistic and expressive means:

★ Epithets: golden fire, white birch, snowy border, sleepy silence.
★ Metaphors: the birch is covered with snow, the border has blossomed with tassels, the snowflakes are on fire, it goes around lazily, sprinkles the branches.
★ Comparisons: a birch covered with snow “like silver”.
★ Impersonation: "covered up" is a verb that has a reflexive suffix - сь.

This use of artistic and expressive means allows you to emphasize beautiful image birch, its significance for the entire Russian people. The culmination of the entire work is reached already in the third stanza, where each phrase contains some kind of expressive means... But critics of Yesenin's work pay attention to the second line of this poem, where the space of the poet himself is indicated and limited. That is why the image of a birch tree is so close, understandable and dear.

This poem was included in the very first cycle of Yesenin's lyrics, which was written especially for children and is of an educational nature. This poem encourages and teaches children to love and admire their native nature, to notice its slightest changes and to be a part of this big and beautiful world. Love to native land- this is the main idea of ​​this Yesenin work, which is deep in content, but small in volume. The division into stanzas in this work violates the usual traditional construction of poetic texts, but the reader does not even notice this behind its deep content. Parallel rhyming makes it easy to read.

The stylistics and syntax of Yesenin's poetic creation is simple, which makes it easy for any reader to understand its content. There is no jumble of consonants or vowels in it, there are no phonetic features that would make it difficult to understand this poem. This allows you to achieve what even children younger age the plot of this poem is clear. The poet uses a two-syllable meter for his text. So, the entire text is written by a chorea, which makes it easy to memorize.

Analysis of the poem

It is known that it is with the beautiful birch tree that Yesenin has pleasant, warm childhood memories. Even in early childhood, the little Ryazan boy Seryozha loved to watch how this tree transforms under any weather conditions. He saw this tree as beautiful, with green leaves playing merrily in the wind. I watched how it was stripped, throwing off its autumn outfit, exposing its snow-white trunk. I watched as the birch fluttered in the autumn wind, and the last leaves fell to the ground. And now, with the arrival of winter, a birch dear to my heart, put on a wonderful silver outfit. Precisely because birch is for the Ryazan poet himself a dear and beloved, a particle of his land and soul, he devotes his poetic creation to her.

Let us dwell in more detail and in more detail on the image of a birch, which was created by Evenin with such tenderness and love. In the description of this tree, one can trace the sadness and grief of Sergei Alexandrovich himself. After all, now he is cut off from his native corner, and his wonderful childhood time will not return again. But in the simplest and most unpretentious story about a birch, the skill of the future great poet is also shown, whose name will forever remain in the memory of the people. With pleasant and special grace, the poetic master describes the outfit of a Russian beauty. The winter dress of birch, according to the poet, is woven from snow. But even Sergei Aleksandrovich's snow is unusual! It is fluffy, and silvery, and iridescent, and multi-colored. The poet repeatedly emphasizes that it burns and shimmers in a special way, as if it contains all the colors of the rainbow, which are now reflected in the morning dawn.

Describes in detail the poetic and picturesque master of words and tree branches, which supposedly remind him of fringe brushes, but only it is snowy, sparkling and charming. All the words that the poet chooses to describe are refined, and at the same time, simple and understandable to everyone.

In a simple poem, Sergei Yesenin combined several poetic images at once: Motherland, mother, girl. It is as if he dressed his birch tree in exclusive women's clothing and now enjoys her coquetry. It seems that the poet himself is on the discovery of something new and mysterious in himself, which he has not yet known, and therefore his love for a woman is still associated with a beautiful birch. Researchers of Yesenin's creativity suggest that it was at this time that the poet falls in love for the first time.

Therefore, such a simple and seemingly so naive, at first glance, the poem "White Birch" evokes a huge range of very different feelings: from admiration to melancholic sadness. It is clear that each reader of this poem draws his own image of a birch, to which he then addresses the beautiful lines of Yesenin's work. "Birch" is a farewell message to their native places, to parental home, to a childhood that was so joyful and carefree.

With this poem, Yesenin opened his way into the world of poetry and literature. The path is short, but so bright and talented.