Analysis of the lyrical work winter morning. Analysis of the poem "Winter Morning" by Pushkin

Among all the works of the great Russian poet, those in which he describes natural scenes play a special role. It is known that from the very early years Alexander Sergeevich was characterized by love for his native nature. Over time, it only intensified, and was reflected in numerous works of the poet, for example, in "Eugene Onegin". " Winter morning"- one of the brightest poems by A. S. Pushkin. It was written in 1829, at the very beginning of his literary activity.

History of creation

In the analysis of the poem "Winter Morning", the student may mention that it was not written in the best period of the poet's life. At that time, A. S. Pushkin was in exile in Mikhailovsky. However, these years were filled not only with a sense of loneliness, but also with happy feelings associated with sincere friendship and love, a surge of creative inspiration. The poem was a pleasant surprise for the friends of the great poet and critics. "Winter Morning" was written by Pushkin very quickly, in one day. The work can be called one of the most successful poems of the poet in the genre of landscape lyrics.


The poem "Winter Morning" is one of the most popular poetry great Russian poet. You can start analyzing the poem "Winter Morning" by describing its first line. The poem begins with an exclamation of complete admiration: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!" And after that, the lyrical hero immediately uses pleasant and warm words to address his beloved: “beauty”, “charming friend”. The vocabulary well conveys the mood of the narrator, and therefore the poem can rightfully be called lyrical. Bright, inspirational images of the morning are closely intertwined with the theme of love. The natural picture can be compared with the feelings of a lyrical hero in love.

In the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”, the student can also tell that, according to its structure, it is divided into five stanzas. Each of them is a six-line. At the beginning of the work, the poet conveys his delight in the Russian winter and gently calls his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the mood changes - the lyrical hero recalls a gloomy yesterday, which was full of indignation of the natural elements, a riot of bad weather. In the lyrical analysis of the poem "Winter Morning" it can be mentioned that such a contrast gives even more admiration for the beauty of nature in the morning. After the beauty of the winter landscape has been described, the reader returns to the warm room, hears the crackling of logs in the stove.

Basic information about the poem

In his poem, the great Russian poet describes the beauty of his native nature, the winter morning that replaced the winter night. This is the theme of the work that needs to be mentioned in the analysis of the poem "Winter Morning". The idea is that the poet wants to show the extraordinary charm of winter landscapes, to express his love and admiration for his homeland and its nature. As for the size, the poet used iambic tetrameter to create his work. The rhyme in the poem is mixed. The lyrical plot in the work is poorly expressed. It is based on the narrator's contemplation of the beauties of nature, which became his impulse to action. The work belongs to the genre of landscape lyrics and belongs to the literary movement called romanticism.

Analysis of the poem "Winter Morning" according to plan

Sometimes it is required not just to write an essay, but to prepare a structured analysis of the work. An approximate plan according to which the student will analyze the work can be as follows:

  • The history of the creation of the poem.
  • Theme and main idea.
  • Composition.
  • How does the poet represent the lyrical hero.
  • Artistic means.
  • Size, rhyme.
  • My opinion about the poem "Winter Morning".

This is an approximate algorithm for analyzing the poem "Winter Morning" by Pushkin according to the plan. The student can add his own points to it.

Language means of expression

There are many positively colored epithets in the poem. These are the expressions "transparent forest", "amber shine", "dear friend" and many others. There are also epithets with a negative emotional connotation: “cloudy sky”, “gloomy clouds”, “empty fields”. The poet also uses the method of metaphor: "the moon turned yellow." The reader meets the personification: "the blizzard was angry." Comparison in the poem: "The moon is like a pale spot ...".

Syntactic means

At the beginning of the poem, the reader discovers declarative sentences. It is with their help that the poet expresses the calm intonation of his work. But gradually the voice of the lyrical hero becomes more restless and agitated. Despite the fact that there are practically no exclamatory sentences in the poem, the narrator's external calmness hides the depth of his emotional experiences. There is also an interrogative sentence in the poem - this is a rhetorical question.

Phonetics of the work

The great Russian poet also uses the technique of alliteration, which is also worth mentioning to a schoolboy when analyzing Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning". This is manifested in the injection of hissing w, h, w, h. Voiced consonants are also used - b, c, p, l, n. The assonance technique is also used in the poem - the vowel sounds a, o, and, e are forced. With the help of these sound means, the poet seeks to convey the horse's trampling, the creak of snow in the cold, the sound of ice.

Lexical features of the first two stanzas

In the first stanza, it is worth paying attention to the 4th and 6th lines. In them, the reader can see two examples of the use of obsolete grammar. Analyzing Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning", we can talk about these features. Firstly, this is the phrase "open ... eyes." Nowadays, the last word is used quite differently. The gaze can be lowered, averted, or directed, but not opened in any way. The fact is that in the poem it has an outdated meaning - “eyes”. And it is in this sense that it is used in many poems of poets of the first half of XIX century.

Also of interest is another word - "closed". It is a truncated participle - its use is one of the favorite liberties of many poets of the time.

The line below also awaits the reader Interesting Facts which require further explanation. First, the poet mentions the word "Aurora". It is written with a capital letter, but here it is not a proper name, but a common noun. A. S. Pushkin uses the name of the goddess of dawn to denote the dawn itself. On the other hand, according to the rules of the Russian language, it should be in dative case: "Towards the northern Aurora." However, there is no typo or error here - this is an obsolete form. Once upon a time, the preposition to meet, according to the rules of grammar, required the genitive case, and for Alexander Sergeevich and his contemporaries this was the norm.

It is also worth mentioning that the phrase "star of the north" is not used here in its direct meaning - "celestial body", which means "the most beautiful and worthy lady of St. Petersburg." In the second stanza, the words "evening" and "darkness" are mentioned. The first means "last night". The word "mist" in its usual meaning means darkness or gloom. A. S. Pushkin uses this word to refer to snow, which hides everything around in its fog, like a veil.

Third and fourth stanzas

It describes the winter landscape. And the picture that the poet describes is largely created by describing flowers: “under blue skies”, “the forest alone turns black”. In the third stanza of the poem there are no obsolete forms, it does not need additional explanations. In the last stanza, there is an unusual word form "forbid" instead of the usual "harness". This is poetic liberty, which is allowed by the poet for rhyming, which can also be mentioned when analyzing Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning". A diligent student is unlikely to be able to briefly describe all the outdated grammatical means, so if you need to provide a concise analysis, you can mention one or two.

The last two stanzas are connected by the word "brilliance", with the help of which the reader even more clearly imagines both the natural landscape and comfort. warm room. If in the third stanza the shine is winter, then in the last it is warm, amber. Pushkin also uses tautology, but in this case it is fully justified. Hearing the expression "crackling crackling", the reader seems to hear the sound of a flooded furnace.

So we have considered brief analysis Poem "Winter Morning" The feeling of the poet's joy increases towards the end of the work. He wants to visit the "fields", "forests" and "shore" more and more. The latter should not be understood literally as a river bank - rather, the poet wanted to talk about those places that are close and dear to him.

On November 3, 1829, a poem was published from the master's pen, which would later be called "Winter Morning". It has become a kind calling card landscape lyrics of the poet and received a lot of positive feedback from readers and literary critics.

The history of creation relates to the period when Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was in Mikhailovskoye due to exile for his work and civic activities. Despite the fact that the year of writing turned out to be anxious and depressing for the author, he was able to find a share of inspiration, which prompted the creation of many world-famous poetic lines.

A brief analysis of the poem will help to get to know the work of the great Russian poet better, finding the main features of the ideological content and versification of the presented text.

The work is written in the style of classical Russian romanticism, which was characteristic of the work of Alexander Sergeevich. The author also chose the usual size for the verse - iambic tetrameter. This allows you to make the text melodic and easy to read. This effect is enhanced with the help of mixed rhyming. The feminine rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth lines) is diluted with the masculine (third and sixth lines). One sentence flows smoothly into another, creating a flexible text canvas.

The leading theme is revealed by Pushkin immediately in the very first sentence: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!" The beauty of nature is brought to the fore, and the winter morning becomes a symbolic leitmotif that permeates all five stanzas of the poem. Thus, the relationship between a person and the world around him is revealed. The idea of ​​spiritual intimacy with nature was relevant for the writer throughout his entire career.

Analyzing the poetics of the work, it is important to pay attention to means of expression. A huge number of epithets can be traced, both positive (“charming friend”, “magnificent carpets”, “transparent forest”), and negative (“gloomy clouds”, “empty fields”) coloring. Positive tropes in the text are more common, which allows you to fill the work with additional optimism and joyful emotions.

The genre of landscape lyrics is characterized by the fact that in verses natural phenomena come alive and become human. For this, A.S. Pushkin uses personifications (“the blizzard was angry”, “darkness hovered in the cloudy sky”) and metaphorical phrases (“the moon turned yellow”, “the forest turns black”, “the room is lit up with brilliance”). Comparisons (“the moon is like a pale spot”) help to fully understand and feel what is described.

The poem is written in the form of an appeal. This is evidenced by the presence of rhetorical appeals: "You are still dozing, my lovely friend ...", "It's time, beauty, wake up ...".

An analysis of the verse "Winter Morning" will not do without mentioning the phonetic coloring of the text. The first stanza is saturated with the sounds "s" and "z".

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open eyes closed by bliss

Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

They are a symbol of the winter morning. While the second stanza fills the perception with frosty, icy images with the help of the sounds "l" and "m".

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the gloomy clouds turned yellow ...

Pushkin's creation is based on constant contrasts - one image is abruptly replaced by another, even more symbolic. Smooth and calm narration turns into stormy exclamations. The technique used creates an additional emotional coloring of poetry.

Who among us does not know the famous Pushkin lines: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” We remember them when we leave the house on a winter morning and see a wonderful picture that fits in two words: “frost” ... and “sun” ... And it seems that nothing even needs to be added. It is with these words that the famous poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning" begins. Of course, this poem is about nature, about the joy of life, about the feeling of happiness.

So, “frost and sun; wonderful day!” - we read, and an amazing landscape opens up before our eyes: a blue sky, and a bright sun on it, which usually shines on a frosty day.

We seem to see a lyrical hero (perhaps the poet himself), who went to the window and froze, fascinated. But who is he talking to?

You are still dozing, my lovely friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up ...

Open eyes closed by bliss

Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

High vocabulary (bliss, eyes, appear), vivid metaphors (northern Aurora, the star of the north) help the poet express those solemn feelings that are born in his soul.

But yesterday everything was completely different. This is what the second stanza is about:

Evening, do you remember the blizzard, angry

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,

With the help of personifications (the blizzard was angry, the darkness was swirling), the poet animates nature, shows it close to a person kindred to his soul. After all, the night nature evoked horror in him, which is emphasized by sound recording.

As if in reality we hear the howling of the wind (drums - evening, remember, cloudy, spot), the sounds of snow knocking on the window (angry, worn, through). And even the "pale spot of the moon" does not please the eye, because we see "through dark clouds."

But that was yesterday, and today:

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

How much light in these lines! The snow glitters, the river glitters - the feeling of winter shine does not leave us, the shine of snow even hurts our eyes so that we want to close our eyes, as it happens on a clear winter day, the poet conveyed this so accurately. And the colors! The heavens seem to be parted, and it seems that the whole space is filled with blue. “The forest is turning black”, “the spruce is turning green” - these bright spots are also pleasing to the eye. The impression is strengthened by the comparison with “magnificent carpets, as well as an anaphora at the end of the stanza. And we enjoy the beauty of the winter morning along with the lyrical hero.

But now he moves away from the window and sees that the room has also changed: now it is “illuminated with an amber brilliance”, which means that the sun has penetrated here too. Even the stove begins to crackle with a “cheerful crackle”, rejoicing at the beautiful morning. And the desire to take a walk (“shouldn’t you order the Brown Filly to the sled?”) seems absolutely natural.

And the last part of the poem conveys the feeling of complete happiness when the hero, together with his beloved, sit in the sleigh and enjoy the beauty of nature, the fast run of the impatient horse and, of course, each other's company. And what yesterday seemed empty and sad, today is perceived in a completely different way. And even forced imprisonment (and we know that the poem was written in Mikhailovsky, where Pushkin was exiled, which is why we hear a slight sadness in the poet's voice) seems not so scary, even "cute."

The poem is surprisingly light and light. Iambic tetrameter, alternation of masculine and feminine rhymes, simplicity of figurative and expressive means create a feeling of naturalness and simplicity. Each line is imbued with warmth. We feel the mood of complete harmony. Magnificent nature, a loved one, simple joys - what else does a person need for happiness?

Updated: 2017-10-06

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Gorokhova Victoria

Objective: analysis of the construction of the poem "Winter Morning" based on its syntactic construction.


1. analysis of opposite images of poems;

2. make an analysis of the syntactic means of the language in the poem.

Research methods:

Artistic analysis of the poem (analysis of the syntactic means of the language)

Studying the literature on the problem

Structure: The work consists of an introduction, two parts, a conclusion and a list of references.



Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Department of Education of the city district "City of Yakutsk"

Analysis of A.S. Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning"

The work of a student of grade 4 B

Gorokhova Victoria

Class teacher: Safonova L.V.

Yakutsk, 2017

Slides captions:

Analysis of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning” Gorokhova Victoria Egorovna student of grade 4 B MOBU secondary school No. 7 GO “City of Yakutsk” Supervisor: Safonova Lidia Vladimirovna Teacher primary school MOBU SOSH No. 7 GO "City of Yakutsk"

Sad time! Oh charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty - I love the magnificent withering of nature, Forests dressed in crimson and gold ... I am more pleased with the harsh winter, I love its snows; in the presence of the moon How easy the run of a sleigh with a friend is fast and free, When under the sable, warm and fresh, She shakes your hand, blazing and trembling! How fun, having shod with sharp iron feet, Glide along the mirror of stagnant, smooth rivers! And the brilliant anxieties of the winter holidays?.. But you also need to know honor; half a year of snow and snow, After all, this is finally the inhabitant of the lair, the Bear, will get bored. It is impossible for us to ride in a sleigh with the young Armides for a whole century, Or to sour by the stoves behind double-glazed windows.

By literary reading in primary school we studied three works of A.S. Pushkin about winter - “Winter Evening”, “Winter Morning”, “Winter Road”. In the poem “Autumn”, Alexander Sergeevich admits that he loves snow, the moon, stagnant rivers, loves to ride a sleigh with a friend, lie by the stove, like winter holidays. But he gets tired of it quickly. All these feelings are reflected in his poems about winter. In all works we find these words - snow, moon, sleigh, girlfriend, stove... These works are also the same in that they reveal the mood and feelings of the poet. In "Winter Evening", he is bored ("it will be more fun for the heart"). In "The Winter Road" he is sad and lonely ("it's heartache"). And in "Winter Morning" he has a great mood, one feels boldness, fun, he is happy. The poem "Winter Morning" is distinguished by: the abundance of syntactic means of the language; the presence of opposites of images (antithesis) as the main element of the construction of the poem (hypothesis). Purpose of the work: analysis of the construction of the poem "Winter Morning" on the basis of its syntactic construction. Tasks: analysis of opposite images of poems; make an analysis of the syntactic means of the language in the poem.

Analysis of the poem Frost and the sun; wonderful day! You are still drowsing, lovely friend It's time, beauty, wake up: Open your eyes closed with negligence Towards the northern Aurora, Become the star of the north! Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, (A) In the cloudy sky, the nose was hazy; (A) The moon, like a pale spot ó, (B) Through the gloomy clouds of yellow, (C) And you are sadly sitting - (C) And now ... look out the window ó: (B) Under blue skies Magnificent carpets Shining in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost, And the river glistens under the ice. The whole room is illuminated with amber brilliance. Cheerful crackling The flooded stove cracks. It's nice to think by the couch. But you know: shouldn't you order the Brown Filly to the sled? Gliding through the morning snow, Dear friend, let us give in to the run of the impatient horse And visit the empty fields, The forests, recently so thick, And the shore, dear to me.

Opposite images Mood, feelings created by these images Frost Sun Wonderful day! You're still dozing, my lovely friend - It's time, beauty, wake up: Open your eyes closed by bliss Towards the northern Aurora, Appear as the star of the north! Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry ... And now ..... look out the window: I'm still dozing, my lovely friend - It's time, beauty, wake up ... Sliding on the morning snow, Dear friend, let's indulge in the run of the Impatient horse We Sliding on the morning snow Dear friend, let us give ourselves over to the run of the impatient horse And visit the empty fields, The forests, recently so thick, And the shore, dear to me. Evening Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry; The moon, like a pale spot, Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds, And you sat sad - Morning And now ..... look out the window: Under the blue skies With magnificent carpets, Shining in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost, And the river glistens under the ice. Now the whole room is illuminated with amber brilliance. Cheerful crackling The flooded stove cracks. It's nice to think by the couch. Snow, river Shining in the sun, snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost, And the river glistens under the ice. Forest, fields The transparent forest alone turns black ... And we will visit the empty fields, Forests, recently so dense The poet's native place ... the coast, dear to me The compositional semantic frame of the work

Syntactic means of language in the poem Frost and the sun; wonderful day! You are still slumbering, lovely friend It's time, beauty, wake up: Open your eyes closed by bliss Towards the northern Aurora, Appear as the star of the north! Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, In the cloudy sky the darkness hovered; The moon, like a pale spot, Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds, And you sat sad - And now ... look out the window: Under the blue skies With magnificent carpets, Shining in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost, And the river glistens under the ice. The whole room is illuminated with amber brilliance. Cheerful crackling The flooded stove cracks. It's nice to think by the couch. But you know: shouldn't you order the Brown Filly to the sled? Gliding through the morning snow, Dear friend, let us give in to the run of the impatient horse And visit the empty fields, The forests, recently so thick, And the shore, dear to me.

Conclusion: The poem reveals the feelings of the author, his emotions. It organically combines both high verse and vernacular, colloquial language. In a poem, opposite elements are the main element of the construction of the poem. Opposite images collide create another image. The intactic means of language in the poem are very interesting, they enrich the artistic image and give intonation.

Poem "Winter Morning"

Perception, interpretation, evaluation

The poem was written on November 3, 1829 in the village of Pavlovsky, Tver province, where A.S. Pushkin was invited by P.A. Osipova-Wulf. The poet was very fond of these places, was friendly with the children of Osipova - Alexei, Anna and Evpraksia.

We can attribute the poem to landscape lyrics, its style is romantic. The main theme is the relationship between the moods of man and nature, the change of contrasting states in nature and the human soul.

The composition of the poem is based on antithesis. It opens with a charming winter landscape and an appeal to his beloved:

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, lovely friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open eyes closed by bliss Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

We already have the antithesis in the first line of the poem - “frost” (stiffness, something dead, frozen) and “sun” (warmth, life, love). In the same stanza, the image of the heroine is presented - this is a beauty, a “star of the north”, cold, proud and impregnable. She is immersed in bliss, calmness, sleep, it is difficult for her to "awaken to life." The image of the heroine here approaches the image of a long, cold winter. Lyrical hero on the contrary, alive, cheerful, full vitality, striving for warmth and light. And already in this we see a certain opposition.

In the second stanza, recalling yesterday evening, the poet creates a landscape contrasting with this morning:

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,

And you sat sad -

And now ... look out the window ...

The state of nature here is consonant with the state human soul. The gloomy, gloomy atmosphere of evening nature gives a special poignancy to the morning impressions of the hero. It is impossible to appreciate a joyful, sunny morning if there has not been a rainy evening in life. And this thought of the poet is symbolic. We are talking here not only about a change in the weather, but also about the alternation of life storms and cloudless happiness in a person’s life.

In the third stanza, we again see a wonderful picture, full of colors, of life:

Under blue skies, magnificent carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies,

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

There is also an antithesis in this stanza: magnificent carpets of snow are opposed to a forest that blackens in the distance, transparent and naked, a river bound by ice.

In the fourth stanza, we see a description of the room, we are transferred to an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, light. The hero's soul is open to the future - a new beautiful day:

The whole room is illuminated with amber brilliance. Cheerful crackling The flooded stove cracks.

It's nice to think by the couch.

But you know: shouldn't you order the Brown Filly to the sled?

There is also an antithesis here. The merry cod of the stove is opposed by a couch, associated with sleep, peace, immobility. "The energy of fire here is opposed to the inertia of everyday life."

In the last stanza, the motive of movement arises, running, as opposed to peace and stillness in a frozen winter nature:

Gliding through the morning snow

Dear friend, let us give ourselves to the run of the impatient horse And visit the empty fields,

The forests, recently so dense,

And the shore, dear to me.

Here the hero speaks of places close to his heart. He seems to be inviting his beloved to share his affection with him.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter, sextins. The poet uses a variety of means artistic expressiveness: epithets (“charming friend”, “gloomy clouds”, “impatient horse”), personification (“the blizzard was angry”), comparison (“the moon, like a pale spot”), intentional tautology and alliteration (“The flooded stove cracks with a cheerful crackle” ).