Description: examples. Artistic description of nature

I love the unenveloped Russian expanses ...
I love the beauty of my nature ...
I love steppe flowers in the spring ...
Especially to look at them with a soul
How amicably everyone strives for the blue sky,
So that no one can stay in the land.
to fill the steppe ...

https: //

Nature is rare, beauty, phenomenal, wonder of the world,
Everything in her is always harmonious, she always gives answers.
And to your question, find your any in real nature,
The answer will be with you in your soul, life-giving fire.
Mother nature is so deep, she ...

https: //

It is also present, you cannot help but think about it. Must accept nature darkness because it is the same nature sleep is the same nature death and is the same nature ignorance. The first thing that will open to you when you meditate ... is meaningless and you cannot change it. You can decorate it, but you cannot change it. You can beautiful color it, you can paint on it, but you cannot change it. Only one transformation is possible, only one revolution, and ...

https: //

Beautiful woman

Beautiful woman-this is a gift,
A refined whim of fate.
Under the bow neat braid neat
A cherished surprise is hidden.
He will suddenly burst into the holiday of the sun
On the wings of a distant dream
And the heart, frightened, will slightly flutter
From this crazy ...

Sun day

Night disappeared behind a charming cloud, and a pink morning descended to the ground. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already flashing on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people. But why is he not yet? Maybe still sleeping in a sweet dream? Or maybe they quarreled with the ground and doesn't want to shine anymore? Now what? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose over the horizon, majestic, beautiful.

It quickly illuminated the forest, surrounding fields, people's houses with a ray of water. The earth sparkled like a green carpet in its radiance. When the sunbeam reached my face, I woke up, smiled at him cheerfully, opened my eyes and happily greeted the new day.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the very time of the year.

In the spring, everything on earth awakens to new life. Snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves bloom on trees and bushes. In the spring they return to us migratory birds: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests, prepare shelter for future chicks.

I love watching spring nature. To see how everything around is renewed, decorated after the winter sleep. Streams sing merrily, feathered musicians glorifying the arrival of spring in all voices. The air is filled with the aromatic scent of plants. Spring is a renewal in nature. That's why I love her.


I really love to meet the first flashes of the awakening of a new day. Long before sunrise, the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays, extinguishes the stars.

I love to meet the sun, play and flutter the morning flashes of its rays. First, a purple-red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around was filled with the sun. And as if for the first time you see a green leaf, a tree that grows up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown awakens to a new day.

And now the dawn is replaced by a new day, filled with the cares of people's lives, and I hear a gentle: “ Good morning, son! "

Golden autumn

The warm summer has passed. Autumn has come. Imperceptibly she crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, forests. Back in late August, the trees began to cover yellow leaves, and now it was already sparkling in the sun like gold. The trees stood in a crimson, yellow letter that slowly came to the floor. The ground was covered with colored leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love listening to the rustle of fallen leaves, looking at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves. A short Indian summer flashed by, the winds began to chill, the feathered musicians fell silent. Now it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Essay-description based on the painting Belokur "Flowers behind a wattle fence"

In the picture Belokur - beautiful flowers against the background of a clear, serene sky. They can be divided into two bouquets. One, the neighbor, is in the shadow, the second is more expressive, light, illuminated by the sun's rays. There are few colors: red, green, white, blue. But many intermediate colors are accepted.

I think the craftswoman is very fond of nature, immensely in love with flowers. And there are many of them here. Pink mallows are reaching for the sun. Along a birch branch A curly birch wandered. Enchant the eye snow-white daisies and orange lilies, pink-red tulips and cherry-veined nasturtium petals.

The picture captivates with the harmony of colors and shapes, delights with beauty and craftsmanship.

So, let's begin to present an artistic description of rain. To begin with, let's define how the usual description of rain differs from the artistic description. And it differs in that the first can be anything and does not even have to be distinguished by the skill of execution and a refined syllable.

But it simply has to be an exciting work, a monument of prose, or, at worst, be beautiful and interesting. Its obligatory features are all kinds of epithets, speech turns and other means of expressing feelings and natural phenomena inherent in our great and mighty Russian language.

But let's return directly to the subject of our conversation. You can start, for example, like this:

“Gloomy, gloomy, lead-gray clouds swirled against the serene and calm sky not long ago, crushing the sun with their weight. The luminary, as if at a loss, completely disappeared behind their heavy sides ...

Lightning flashed, and a few seconds later, thunder rumbled not far off, confirming with its grumbling that it was about to fall to the ground. Both people and animals begin to fuss, trying to quickly hide from the inevitable approaching rain.

As soon as the trees, flowers and grass begin to tremble joyfully, unfolding in the air that has immediately become cool, rejoicing in the quick escape from the heat ...

And so the first fell to the ground, being instantly and without a trace swallowed up by the parched earth. But other drops are already flying behind them, there are more and more of them, they collide with their sides, bustle, squeeze and push - each seeks as soon as possible, preferably the very first to fall on the surface of the earth, sidewalks and houses heated in summer.

Everyone wants to be the first - after all, it is about the first drops of rain that writers write. In extreme cases, about the latter - but no one writes about those drops that fell in the midst of the rain ... There are already so many raindrops that they merge into continuous streams and the rain diverges, it is already pouring from a bucket ... "

But, and you can tell about them in different ways. For example, an artistic description of autumn rain might look like this:

“There are many rainy days in autumn, but there are some among them that are distinguished by some particularly light and lyrical mood. On such days, it usually starts to drizzle in the morning - quiet, unhurried, sometimes not even rain at all, but drizzle, rain dust scattered in the air.

And the sky is not as gray and low as it usually is at this time of year, but only a little frowned, as if the sky was a little sad, thinking about something ...

And even my tongue does not dare to call this autumn rain - it is light and bright, only slightly sad. It is this kind of rain that inspires poets, pushing them to write immortal lines ...

The rain shyly taps on the rooftops, on the windowsills and window panes, with gentle long fingers, touches the leaves remaining on the trees, smoothes the withered grass. He seems to console nature, promising her early peace and sweet winter sleep after a long and stormy summer. "

But there is also - also a completely different character, a completely different story:

“Spring has already completely seized power into its own hands, driving winter to where there are still tiny islands of her possessions - to the forest ...

Everything breathes with novelty and freshness, but still something is missing, nature is waiting - refreshing, invigorating.

And in the middle of a very ordinary day, clouds suddenly come, but they are not at all scary, even the sun is not afraid of them and now and then is accepted, playing hide and seek with them, now, hiding behind their sides, now sticking out ...

Cheerfully, fervently thunder rumbles, the first spring thunder, signifying that a new cycle in nature has begun, life has begun anew! And the rain in spring, joyful, reckless, infecting everything around with its stormy gaiety. All living things happily absorb moisture, as if living water... When the rain stops, buds will burst on the trees, butterflies will fly in the air and a rainbow will appear - the first spring rainbow. "

The Russian territory stretches for a third of the mainland and is characterized mainly by a continental climate: all four seasons with pronounced summer and winter. Due to the different climatic conditions and the presence of several natural tundra, taiga, mixed and deciduous forests, steppe, semi-desert and desert, Russian nature is incredibly diverse.

For each of us, endless expanses and endless meadows with variegated herbs, birch groves with evening nightingale singing, taiga fishing bears, fragrant chamomile and cornflower fields with colorful butterflies fluttering above them are symbolic. The incredibly beautiful is sung by the poets inspired by her and forever freezes in the canvases of Russian and foreign artists.

Plants of the arctic desert of Russia

The northern zone, located along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, is occupied by the Arctic desert. There is cold all year round, and the land is covered with glacier and rocky debris, so the plants here are not very diverse. The icy desert surfaces are covered only with sparse moss and lichen.

And only a short summer temporarily paints dry slopes with small bunches of small snow, alpine foxtail, arctic buttercup, yellow polar poppy. Perennial grasses have frost-resistant rhizomes that can survive in harsh conditions.

The nature of the Russian tundra

The wildlife of the tundra, which stretches along the Arctic Ocean, is represented by mosses and lichens, sedges, dwarf birches and willows, crow and other plants. Here you can find: cuckoo flax, lichen, viviparous mountaineer, heather, wild rosemary, etc. The tundra is good in summer, when in a short period the plants manage to bloom and give seed together. And in the fall it turns into gray glades of blueberries and orange glades of the famous cloudberries, with in some places the caps of various mushrooms sticking out between them.

The nature of the taiga region

A wide, endless strip of taiga spreads from west to east of the country, representing an amazing kingdom of evergreen trees. The wildlife of this region is adapted to warm short summers and cold snowy winters. Cedar, pine, spruce, larch, fir - these coniferous trees endure severe frosts.

Dense and gloomy taiga forests practically do not let in sunlight, so there is no grass or shrubs here. Only fluffy moss covers the ground under the canopy of trees in a continuous carpet, and there are wild berries - lingonberries and blueberries.

Taiga is rich in water bodies. In the southeast of Siberia, there is the deepest beautiful lake Baikal, which is considered one of the seven wonders of Russia. The banks of the northern rivers and lakes are surrounded by a round dance deciduous trees: mountain ash, birch, aspen, alder. Taiga bears and other animals love to profit from juicy raspberries and currants. Rare open lawns are full of yellow spring, orange Asian swimsuit and lilac rhododendron, bright juniper and rowan berries.

Nature of forests

Russian plants forming are represented by numerous grasses, shrubs and trees. The upper "floors" are slender birches, aspens, tall lindens, pines, and spruces. Relatively mild climatic conditions allow them to fully develop. Further south, Russian forests are characterized by big amount broadleaf tree species such as oak, maple, linden, elm.

V warm time year, a walk in the forest will be unforgettable: the abundance of sweet wild raspberries, strawberries, drupes and viburnum pleases; you can pick up a basket of aromatic porcini mushrooms and russula. Dense thickets form bushes of hazel, elderberry, euonymus and buckthorn. A forest glades in spring and summer they are decorated with bright blue bells, golden marsh marigold, honey meadow clover, tender lilies of the valley, fescue, buttercups.

The true symbol of Russia is considered to be the white-trunk birch, which forms whole groves in some mixed forests. It is very beautiful and unusual tree its original color is due to the outer layer of the bark, which contains a special white substance betulin. Birch bark serves as an ideal protection for the tree from winter frosts, excess moisture, as well as from harmful microorganisms. A spring birch tree is capable of exuding a useful vitamin drink through the thickness of the bark - birch sap, which people have learned to collect.

Russian forests are also bogs, lakes, streams where local and migratory birds nest. The real queen of swampy places can be called a white water lily. In the evening, its luxurious flowers close, and a long stalk-stalk twists, pulling them under the water, so you can enjoy the spectacle of the lake strewn with water lilies only during the day.

Steppe plants

The Russian nature of the once boundless steppe regions was only gray-haired, swaying under the onslaught of the wind, feather grass waves. Now these fertile chernozems are mostly plowed up and sown with wheat, rye and vegetables.

Each season in the steppe is beautiful in its own way, but spring is the most beautiful of all. Nature at this time comes to life with cheerful grasses, blue violets, bright yellow and pink tulips, and a little later - fragrant sage. The vast expanses of the Russian steppes are crossed by numerous rivulets, along the banks of which there are oak forests and small groves of willow, elm, and alder.

Desert and semi-desert nature

The most famous plants in Russia, growing in the desert areas of the Caspian lowland and some areas of the Volgograd region, are wormwood, bulbous bluegrass, hodgepodge, and two-spiked ephedra. Naturally, the nature in these places is not very diverse, since the climate is rather harsh: saline, gray-brown barren soils. Desert plants are characterized by small size and powerful root system, capable of extracting scarce moisture from the deep layers of the earth.

The mountains

Russian nature is incredibly rich in the mountainous regions of the country, which stretch along the southern and eastern borders. The highest mountains are the Caucasus Mountains. The rest of the ridges and highlands are located in the Crimea, the Urals, northeastern Siberia and the Far East. The mountain climate changes markedly towards cold depending on the altitude. Therefore, the lower slopes are covered with forest-steppe with dense deciduous and mixed forests, and a little higher - only conifers, including pines, spruces, fir, larch.

High in the mountains grow mainly undersized herbaceous plants forming a luxurious flowing smoothly into the tundra. Eternal snow caps sparkling from the sun cover the high peaks. Edelweiss, barberry, alpine poppy, spring gentian, badan, etc. grow on the approaches to them.

Natural resources of the Far East

The Far East is fabulous, especially when spring comes. Nature breathes with freshness and explodes with bright colors of fragrant flowers: fragrant wild magnolias bloom with huge flowers in the Kuriles, and miraculous ginseng covers the glades in the Ussuriysk region.

The flora of the Far East surprises with its originality and contrast: you can travel through the northern coniferous taiga among the permafrost and suddenly find yourself surrounded by subtropical vines and thickets manchu walnut, and then - in a rich mixed forest, among noisy oaks, birches and spreading hazel trees.

Russian nature generously rewarded this region different kinds flowering herbs, among which: lemongrass, actinidia kolomikta, weigela, peony milk-flowering, daylily, zamaniha, Amur grapes etc. Numerous reservoirs - perfect place nesting places of birds.

A unique stone birch grows in Kamchatka, and in the most popular tourist place, the Valley of Geysers, hot streams are compared as if by an invisible clock. groundwater, noisily thrown up by seething fountains.

You can describe beauty and greatness for a long time natural resources different regions countries, but one thing is clear: every corner is beautiful in its own way, it is the property of our state and can be of value for world tourism.

If I was suddenly asked how to correctly describe nature in fics, and even in fantasy ones, I would shrug my shoulders in bewilderment. But to the question, how do you describe her, mother, I would answer - this is how I will write below. Therefore, I do not take on the importance of considering all possible options, I will note only those that I use.

We must immediately take into account that there are few Prishvins and Paustovskys among us, not to mention the Turgenevs with their hunting notes, and yet nature does not have bad weather, but without nature, the fic is clearly losing something. Let's think about why:

1) Yes, because we are all children of nature and live in it, even if there are no trees outside the window. After all, nature is everything: the sky, the sun and the water, and our heroes must come into contact with them, relatives.

2) Because the description of nature is beautiful, if you choose the right epithets and, in general, be able to correctly look at the world around us.

3) Because with words we are trying to create a picture in front of the reader's mind's eye, and in this picture, as in a photograph, there is always a background - and in most cases it is nature.

4) Because in fics we try to reveal the feelings of the heroes, and comparison with nature helps us to better convey experiences. Just remember from the literature lessons of the poor prince Bolkonsky with his oak tree!

Now I will move on to my understanding of the necessity of nature, namely where and when I include my descriptions.

In order not to go far from the application, I will immediately describe the need for descriptions of nature in fantasy. In this genre, we acquaint the reader with the fictional world and, like a child, explain our fantasy to him by means of comparison with the reality around us. Like, here we have a blue sky, and they have a purple-pink as if at sunset. The picture in the brain clicked - the passage was a success. Or we describe a world that is very similar to the one in which we live, then by describing nature, we confirm this fact. In general, nature in fantasy is necessary to immerse the reader in a new, unknown world.

So, from here we immediately deduce a fad of a descriptive nature:

1) The description of nature creates a picture in front of your eyes, so it is important here not to spread your thoughts along the tree, but to immediately find the oak tree that is in the foreground in the picture. Sometimes it is enough to describe the color of the sky, the number of trees in the background and the state of the grass on this moment... Non-princely reader from more detailed description gets tired. But a sophisticated reader can be killed on the spot by the richness of the language that opens in the descriptive part of nature - the cobweb trembled like a thin shawl on a girl's shoulders ... Or better, like Yesenin's - as if I rode a pink horse with a spring early in the spring ... Where did the pink horse come from, you ask ? Yes, many critics at first believed that it was just for rhythm and rhyme, that is, a beautiful word, but it turned out that the white horse at dawn was really pink, but only the poet's observant eye caught it and put it into words.

Therefore, for good descriptions you need not only a rich language, but also observation - you can wander the streets and take pictures, or you can simply save your favorite nature photos found on the Internet to an album, and then, like at school, write an essay from the picture. So, it's time to put an end, because you can talk about pictures forever.

2) The second point is very close to me - I am trying by nature to enhance the drama of the narrative, that is, comparisons of two types are used:

Nature suffers or rejoices with the hero. Like, according to Rosenbaum, “nature was saddened by the rains”. Here we describe a gloomy sky and a gloomy face, rains flowing down his cheeks mixed with tears, and now the reader cries with the hero, because nature itself sympathizes with him.

Nature does not care, that is, the hero is crying, and sunbeams are laughing in the yard. This is very appropriate when the heroes are not understood by the world - neither people nor nature cares about them. Yet sometimes contrast also shows the depth of the experience. Like, he would now ride with the sparrows through the spring puddles, but he does not even have the strength to raise his leg to step over this very puddle.

3) The item is reflective. The hero sits and looks at nature, like the same Prince Andrew. So I, too, was covered with a crust and tired of life - beautiful on top and rotten inside. Excellent - this is the place of action and the state of the hero.

Well, something like this. Maybe not exactly what the author wanted, but I tried to write a drubble. If anyone likes it, I will gladly develop each item. While this is so, brainstorming on the subject of the application.

Thank you all for reading! And good weather in your fics!