A sample of a professional production characteristic for obtaining a disability. Performance characteristic for ITU - filling rules

To establish the degree of disability of an employee after injury or illness a medical and social examination is required... ITU specialists are guided not only by the results of the examination, but also by documents describing the state of the employee. Such a document is disability performance.

List of characteristics per employee

Production characteristic is an official document drawn up and issued by the head of the organization at the request of the employee. Purpose is a factor that determines the shape of a performance characteristic.

In total, there are varieties such as:

  1. General- issued to an employee of the organization so that he can present it at the place of request. It can be government bodies, law enforcement agencies, etc.
  2. Per student- issued after any industrial practice in the organization.
  3. Per employee- issued for medical and social examination or medical and labor expert commission.

Regulatory framework for 2018

Questions regarding filling out the characteristics should be regulated by local acts in force within the organization.

According to the law, there are only some norms in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation from Articles 86-90, which must be taken into account when drawing up regulatory acts.

The main regulatory act on which it is worth relying on when compiling a characteristic for disability is Federal Law No. 181 "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation."

According to him, citizens receive the ability to have your rights and defend them... This law determines the format of the record, the ability to refuse the document, and so on.

Who needs a document and when

The document is official so it has full legal force... Writing an opinion cannot be done without taking into account the consideration of documents. From a legal point of view, such a characteristic is factual evidence that the employee has some restrictions in the field of work duties for health reasons.

At the same time, the restriction applies only to one person, the rest of the employees employed in a similar position have full responsibilities. For each employee with a disability, a performance characteristic is compiled individually.

Unlike ordinary production characteristics, a document prepared in relation to a citizen with a disability will have a number of features... An important aspect is that it cannot be positive or negative, it should carry only a neutral and informative message.

Exist many situations where ITU may be needed. For laconic and correct filling, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and conditions for creating a document. To fill in the characteristics, it will be mandatory following documents:

  • sick leave;
  • discharge epicrisis;
  • request in form 2.

Each piece of information collected will have its own weight on the final decision, according to the compiled characteristics. Therefore, all factors should be taken into account in the form in which they are in this moment when the employee fulfills his direct duties prescribed in the concluded labor contract.

Specific design with a sample filling

Let us analyze the type of characteristics for an employee, which is issued for the passage of a medical and social expert or medical and labor expert commission.

If an employee is sick or injured, then he is required to issue a production certificate for disability, with the help of which its group and degree will be determined.

To fill in the production characteristics, it is provided special form to be completely filled. Next to the fields, the data of which is unknown, you need to put dashes.

For medical and social expertise, it is very important to have a characteristic for an employee, in which the details of the company are necessarily indicated. The document must bear the seal of the organization, its absence is possible only if the organization officially refuses to use it. The characteristic must be signed by the head of the organization and the doctor.

Sample filling:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the employee.
  2. The name and transcript of the organization where the employee works (indicate the full or abbreviated mode and organizational and legal form).
  3. The actual and legal address of the organization.
  4. Type of work performed (machine or manual).
  5. In which department does the employee work (workshop, department, farm, team, etc.).
  6. Position (category, specialty, etc.).
  7. Feedback from the employer about the employee (whether he meets the necessary requirements).
  8. Table of the number of salaries for the last 12 months, also indicate the average monthly salary.
  9. Working conditions, that is, the nature of work, duration, mode, shift, travel, business trips, physical and mental stress and hygienic conditions.
  10. Personal productivity of the employee (frequency of breaks for Last year).
  11. Work restrictions (exemption from physical activity, night shifts, etc.).
  12. Whether the employee was transferred in the last year, if so, indicate to what position.
  13. An indication of the previous work, if it was attended by difficult working conditions (name of the organization).
  14. Additional information, if needed.

When compiling characteristics for ITU and VTEK, there are peculiarities:

  1. Information about all features should be indicated labor activity performed by the employee (date of employment in the organization, career and professional growth).
  2. Personal qualities of an employee, relationships in the team.
  3. Indicate the estimate of the production rates.
  4. The ability to change qualifications, which is necessary to reduce working hours and lighten responsibilities in general.
  5. Hygienic working conditions.

General requirements to the document:

  1. Compiled from a third person.
  2. Form A4 is filled in.
  3. Filled in by hand.
  4. The timing of the story is not important.
  5. Must be signed by the head or head of the personnel department.

The characteristics of the workplace are an important part of the whole work process, especially for a disabled person. Depending on the group of disability and the cause of inferiority, each employee with health problems will need an individual arrangement of the workplace. Everything conditions created for the employee must be reflected in the characteristics in the real state.

Required items and requisites

The form consists of eighteen points, which include complete information about the employee and the organization where he is employed. Items to be filled in:

  • Items 1, 2, 3 are the source of basic information. Their characteristics are entered. To confirm the status of the document, two stamps are put: in the left corner - the outgoing stamp of the organization, which must contain the details, and in the right corner - the stamp of the enterprise with codes and legal address.
  • Item 4 contains information about the form of organization of work, which is determined for the citizen in relation to whom the characteristic is drawn up. Various information can be indicated, but most often a standard regimen is assigned for the disabled of the 3rd group, and for the disability of the 2nd group - an individual one, developed taking into account the damage to the body and the complexity of the work performed.
  • Item 5 must be completed only if the citizen does not work. The corresponding record is put. If the citizen works, then a dash is required.
  • Items 6, 7, 8 carry the data that was indicated in the employee's personal card.
  • Clause 9 especially difficult to fill. It is here that the data should be entered that directly characterize the working conditions that are provided for the disabled person. It is important to consider that they are consistent with the restrictions imposed by the health condition. From this point comes 9.5, which indicates the stage of the disease (mild, medium, severe). Further, if there is attestation data, then they are entered into the item. In their absence, certification is replaced by individual data on the employee for whom the production characteristic is drawn up.
  • Clause 10 carries data on the degree of labor intensity. It must be described in detail and fully. For this, moments are described that include emotional stress. Subclause 10.2 contains information on the degree and complexity of the intellectual load. Subclause 10.3 - sensory loads to the extent that they are imposed on the employee in real volume and in percentage, for ease of comparison.
  • IN point 11 data is entered in the form brief description work performed. To do this, you need to analyze functional responsibilities and manufacturing operations. For example, he makes financial statements, is an assistant to the management, which is why additional papers pass through him, and so on.
  • Clause 12 must show in which plan the employee is provided with facilitated working conditions. If a bad condition was noticed, then the citizen should receive a vacation or a day off, which is recorded here.
  • Clause 13- the opportunities provided by the enterprise.
  • Clause 14 it is a little more difficult to fill in than the rest of the document. ITU will find it difficult to determine the disability group of an employee in the case when the previous paragraphs contain information that the citizen does not have indulgences, works full day and so on (any data indicating that this is an ordinary employee). The question of completing this item should be addressed by a person who is objective, so that he can determine the disability. This will directly affect the assigned tasks, responsibilities, the determined work schedule of the disabled employee.
  • Items 15, 16, 17, 18 filled in based on data from accounting documents and sick leave, If there are any.

All information to be filled in must be reliable... If the employee, in respect of whom this document was drawn up, doubted the credibility of the transmitted data, he has every right to contact higher authorities to investigate the case and resolve the issue. The characteristic should show the working conditions of the employee and the work performed by him.

To establish the degree of disability of an employee who has been diagnosed with a disease or who has been injured, a medical and social examination (MSE) is carried out. Within the framework of the ITU examination, experts draw conclusions not only on the basis of an examination of an employee, but also on the study of documents that describe his condition. These include a manufacturing characteristic for disability, a sample of which you will find in the article.

What characteristics the employer draws up for an employee

A production characteristic is an official document that the head of the organization draws up and issues to the employee so that he can subsequently transfer it to the place of demand. The form of a production characteristic (a sample of filling out a production characteristic for a disability) is due to the purposes for which it is issued.

Download related documents:

The following types of characteristics are distinguished:

Performance characteristic for disability fill pattern

The characteristic of an employee for passing the medical and social expert commission (MSEC) or the medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) is another special type of characteristic. A production characteristic for disability is a mandatory document when passing a medical examination of a sick employee in order to determine the degree of disability, as well as the group of disability.

The production characteristic for VTEK (filling sample) is drawn up on a form specially designed for this. It is necessary to fill in all the fields of the form. If there is no relevant data and there is nothing to enter, then dashes are put down. When conducting a medical and social examination characteristic is a very important document. It must contain the details of the company without fail. Also, the characteristic is affixed with the seal of the organization, except for the case when it is in established order refused to use seals. The signatures under the characteristic are put by the head of the organization and the doctor.

Practice question

How to make a description of an employee?

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors

Valentina Andreeva answers,
to. and. D., professor of the department labor law and social security rights of the Russian Academy of Justice

A production characteristic is an official document that is drawn up and issued by the head of the organization to an employee for further transfer to the place of demand. The form of this document depends on the type of characteristics and the purposes for which the document is intended.

The following types of characteristics are distinguished:

  • (to law enforcement agencies, government bodies, other organizations);
  • or the medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) ...

Ask your question to experts

Sample performance data for IUE: fill sample

When filling out the production characterization, be sure to indicate the personal performance of this employee. Show how he is performing as a percentage of the plan and how often he is interrupted. Describe the nature of labor activity, namely manual or machine labor is used, whether there are business trips according to the position and how long they are. Write down the working conditions in detail, namely the noise, the presence of chemical. substances, average temperature etc.

Practical situation

Two correct and three wrong ways to remove disciplinary action

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the journal "

Svetlana NIKULINA answers,
lawyer, head of the Higher School of Human Resources

You can remove the disciplinary action ahead of schedule only in two cases. Personnel officers often make mistakes due to the fact that they are confused when it is necessary to remove a penalty, and when to cancel. These are different procedures with different consequences.

The employer has the right to remove the disciplinary punishment ahead of schedule, that is, before the expiration of a year from the date of collection, on its own initiative ( ). Discipline can be removed at the request of his immediate supervisor. We will describe below how to write a description of an employee and fill out an application. ...

The full version of the answer is available after a free

Filling performance specification for wtc filling sample

Filling of the production characteristic for wtc (MSE): let's analyze a filling sample.

  1. Item 1. Enter the full name. employee.
  2. Clause 2. Reflect the name of the employer.
  3. Clause 3. Prescribe the address of the place of work.
  4. Item 4. Reflect workplace, that is, workshop, department, workshop, farm, brigade, and so on.
  5. Clause 5. Indicate the position held, specialty, category or other.
  6. Clause 6. Reflect whether the employee is coping or not coping with his labor duties.
  7. Clause 7. Prescribe what income the employee received in the last year. It is necessary to write down the income for each of the 12 months separately, and then indicate the average monthly income.
  8. Clause 8. Here they reflect working conditions employee. The nature of the work is described separately (in particular, the duration of the work shift, the mode, whether there are trips and business trips). The following describes the load, physical work (heavy, moderate or light) and mental, in this case, the complexity of the intellectual load is indicated, it comes on the preparation of plans, reports, schedules, etc. Hygiene conditions (work indoors or outside, noise, humidity and dust levels, temperature regime, do they affect harmful substances etc).

How to fill in the rest of the itemsperformance characteristic for IUE (sample filling 2016)no errors, read .

Thus, in the article we considered when an employer will need to fill out a job description for a disability. We also analyzed the features of filling the production characteristics for the wtc, you can download the current sample of filling.

Important information update!

Observer and Healer the doctor gives for a medical and social examination(ITU) or a medical-labor expert commission in a special bureau.

To do this, it is necessary to collect the installed one, in the list of which there is (PX).

Such the document is filled in by the head of the enterprise, where the applicant works, in the presence of a physician (if there is a medical office).

There are several more cases for which it is provided:

  • for registration in a sanatorium, dispensary or hospital;
  • when applying to the embassy of a foreign state for affixing a visa;
  • when changing the organization (to be filled in at the previous workplace);
  • for admission to study, provided that the delivery of documents takes place after getting a job.

Reference! The manager may charge a specialist with the responsibility to fill out personnel service... But in any case, all responsibility lies entirely with the leadership itself. Before applying for his visa, he must carefully check all points.

List of required papers to fill out

Not everyone can apply for an expert opinion to determine the limited actions of an employee. Accordingly, for this there must be a certain kind of indicators at which it is possible to undergo an additional examination.

Before entering data into the characteristic, a small list of documents should be prepared:

You also need to know:

  1. Working conditions in which you had to work for the last 12 months.
  2. The level of harm, compliance with hygiene standards, how dangerous his type of employment was.
  3. How often did I have to go on business trips, in what area.
  4. Income level and frequency of being on sick leave, indicating the disease.

PC filling instructions

PX can be drawn up at the request of the ITU, or at the request of the applicant indicating the location of the request.

General requirements

Information is entered on a special A4 form, in duplicate. The copy remains in the personal file, the original goes to the employee. You can also enter information arbitrarily, but you must take into account all existing requirements. If an employee of the enterprise works, then everything is indicated in the present tense, if he has already quit, in the past.

Note! The form contains 13 or more items, depending on the illness of the applicant. It is necessary to fill in everything.

Consider what you need to write in each section of the document:

Particular attention should be paid to those sections that indicate difficulties in performing certain loads (for example, paragraph 8). It should be taken into account that it is important to display the actual amount of work done, and what percentage is fulfilled.

There is no need for a spatial presentation of information about the functions of the employee, it is enough to explain briefly and concisely.

In more detail, it is necessary to indicate what opportunities for movement were provided, to facilitate actions, and whether there is such an opportunity today.

There is no need to compliment the employee. This the document is filled out not to search for another place of income to indicate positive traits and it is not a recommendation. It is needed so that doctors can really assess the patient's condition, the level of complexity of his disease.

The head of the enterprise, or the head of the personnel department, signs the form and certified with the wet seal of the organization. If there is a medical staff, then the PX is also certified by his signature.

Disagree with the decision of the ITU Commission? Do you think that the expert opinion is unfair?

Workplace description

Such a requirement has no official concept; it is not used in the personnel management of the Russian Federation. The concept of characteristics does not have federal status, but it is often used in some regulations.

Due to this, this kind of document does not have a specially provided form... It is filled in when the need arises, based on the situation that has arisen in which it became necessary to provide it.

In our case, the document is being considered, which plays an important role in the passage of the ITU, where the level of disability of the population is established.

Basic the task is to correctly characterize the patient's workplace who asked for help. How to fill in information about the nature and working conditions of a worker for ITU:

  • what is the equipment with all the necessary inventory and equipment;
  • lighting;
  • the level of noise effects;
  • the specifics of the activity itself.

Important! The filling should be taken seriously, as it can affect a person's health, his future life. Will he be assigned a disability group, or will they be able to offer him another position so that the person will not be left without a livelihood.

Related Videos

You can find out how to fill out a production characteristic for ITU in this video:


Health is a very sensitive topic. Each manager should try to carefully monitor the state of his staff: monitor the conditions created in the workplace; supervise the technical security services, so that everyone is always instructed on time on safety measures in fulfilling their obligations, in order to avoid accidents that may lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.

When applying for a job, educational institution, as well as in some other cases, it is necessary to provide production characteristics. This document reflects the capabilities of a person, his skills and abilities. On its basis, employees of the organization make a decision - to accept a person or not.

The information provided below will help in drawing up a production profile for different cases - for VTEK or ITU, upon dismissal for a new job or upon admission to an educational institution.

What is this document?

A production characteristic is an official document describing a person's labor success, his professional and moral qualities.

In some cases, if the employee has reprimands or disciplinary action they should also be reflected in this document. Issued by the management of the organization where the person works.

A production characteristic is drawn up in a simple written form, there are no strict requirements for the content. However, in practice, there are certain requirements that should be adhered to when writing this document.


Currently there several types production characteristics.

The most common ones are:

  1. Performance characteristics for an employee to pass the medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) or medical and social expertise (MSE). In these cases, on the basis of the document we are considering, a conclusion is made about the person's ability to work or a certain group of disability is assigned.
  2. Characteristics of the employee from the place of work. Such a document contains information about the professional and personal qualities of a person, the presence or absence of disciplinary sanctions and reprimands.
  3. Characteristics for the student. As a rule, it is necessary if a person has completed an internship at one of the manufacturing enterprises.

The above list is not comprehensive. There are other types of performance characteristics. However, they are rarely required.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it became!

Rules for registration and compilation

The production characteristic, as noted above, is an official document. That is why the main requirement for its content is the compliance of all information provided.

Despite the fact that the preparation of this document is within the competence of the head of the organization or the director of personnel, it is often written by one of the ordinary employees or even the person himself who needs it. In any case, the manager is responsible for the authenticity of the production characteristics, therefore he must carefully check everything that is written in it and put his personal signature.

It should be remembered where exactly this document is required. For example, when deciding on a loan, for example, a bank has absolutely no need to know about a person's labor exploits, but when entering an educational institution, this information may come in handy.

Registration of production characteristics in the very general view can be divided for the following actions:

  1. Above is the name of the document, the date of its execution and the assigned number.
  2. After - the last name, first name and patronymic of the person in the nominative case. It is also necessary to tell about the position he occupies, his marital status and date of birth.
  3. The main part is the stages of professional development in the company. Information is indicated in chronological order, starting from the moment of entering the job and ending with the time of drawing up the document.
  4. The fact of the existence of disciplinary sanctions and awards should also be reflected in the production profile.
  5. After that, you can begin to describe the business and personal qualities of a person.
  6. Sometimes the purpose of drawing up the document is also prescribed, in particular, the place (for example, for submission to the bank).
  7. The document is completed by the signature of the person who made the document, the head and the stamp of the organization.

These are the main points that must be present in the production characteristic. Its content can be changed in accordance with the place of demand.

Writing order

Performance characteristic per employee for VTEK or ITU should be drawn up on a single form approved by the management of the organization.

The document must necessarily be reflected the following information:

  1. Position.
  2. Seniority.
  3. Education level and qualifications.
  4. Features of work.
  5. Conditions of work and rest.

If there is a medical unit in the company, or at least a medical worker, this document should be drawn up by him. Otherwise, the development of production characteristics for VTEK and ITU falls on the shoulders of the personnel department. But in any case, the personal signature of the head must be on the document.

Drawing up characteristics for an employee from the place of work carried out in any form.

However, in her anyway should be present the following information:

  • the official name of the organization;
  • the position held by the person;
  • length of service in the company.

In addition, the document should describe the business qualities as detailed as possible, given psychological characteristic(you can briefly).

Characteristic per student also compiled in free form. The preparation of this document is fully within the competence of the head of the practice.

In such a production characteristic you must specify:

  1. The period of the student's internship.
  2. His business qualities.
  3. The degree of mastering the professional material.
  4. Characteristics of the work performed by him.

In addition to the signature of the head of the practice, this document must also be signed by the HR director of the organization in which the student passed the practice, and in his absence, by its head.

The nuances of drawing up some types of characteristics

Deserves special attention negative performance characteristic... Since the document must be completely objective, sometimes it is impossible to avoid such an unpleasant situation. However, it is impossible to give vent to emotions, whatever the employee is. It is necessary to give a constructive assessment of his negative actions.

A negative performance characteristic has the same structure as a positive one. However, all points are considered from negative side... For example, instead of responsibility, it is said about the inability of the employee to fulfill the duties assigned to him on time, instead of hard work, it is said about the person's lack of love and respect for the position he occupies, etc.

You should also dwell on the production characteristics. for rewarding... In most cases, this document is for internal use. It should reflect information about the most significant qualities of the employee, which allowed him to achieve success.

In general, such a production characteristic should represent a person in the best possible light in order to motivate others to increase the effectiveness of their work.

No less important is the need to emphasize the fact of full compliance of the awarded employee internal regulations organizations.

If the performance characteristic for the award is required for external use, it will not be superfluous to consult with the employee himself. This practice is fairly common and is not a violation.

The types of characteristics and the rules for their compilation are described in this video plot:

There is no special form of production characteristics, it is drawn up in free form. A sample of its filling can be downloaded free of charge.

The production characteristic is issued by the institution where the person works. Areas where it may be required are very different: for VTEK, ITU and others. A comprehensive study of the patient allows the expert commission to make the correct conclusion about the state of health. There is no special form; production characterizing paper is issued in free form. However, it is necessary to include mandatory items for a specific institution where it is required. The sample filling, considered on the page, shows the approximate filling of the document. It can be downloaded for free.

Due to the uniqueness of each production area, professions and working conditions, and even more so the person being characterized, each production characteristic will be unique and unrepeatable. As a rule, the document is prepared by the personnel department and signed by the head of the enterprise. The constituent parts, depending on the body requiring the characterizing material, will also differ. Many organizations do not read the content of the text, but require materials for their simple presence in the personal file. This approach is not correct and requires a detailed study of the production document.

Mandatory items of production characteristics

  • Title of paper information carrier;
  • Full name, date of birth of the person being characterized;
  • Full details of the company where the subject works. His position and work experience;
  • The nature of the performed labor function, specific features;
  • Comparison with other workers, whether it copes with the set production tasks;
  • Breaks in activities, with which they were associated, schedule by dates;
  • Other information;
  • At the end, traditionally, the manager puts his own visa and stamp.
It is important to distinguish the topic of the page in question from other types of production characterizing materials coming from the employer. Registration will be completely different if the paper is requested by the police, court, military registration and enlistment office, guardianship and guardianship authorities and other structures .. The lack of the required form will be filled in the near future. It will be even better and more effective if you say this directly by contacting the site administration.