Who are such lice. Wrench is what? Description and photos

Despite the fact that every year the standard of living in our country increases, the risk to infect such a disease as pediculosis is large enough. Many people believe that the sewage is only peculiar to beggars and homeless people who live in unsanitary conditions. In fact, this is not the case, insects much more like purely washed hair, but in order to become infected, it is enough to lean against an infected person in transport or take advantage of someone else's comb. In order to take measures to eliminate the disease in time, you need to know the signs of lice on your head.

Who are such lice

Switch is powered by blood, piercing the skin with a special needle. In the resulting wreck, the saliva of an insect, causing itching and preventing blood coagulation.

Insects inhabit only those parts of the body, which are covered with hair: head, pubic zone, armpits. Sometimes there are wrenches on the eyelashes.

Gida on the hair

  • Contact actions, including handshake, any touch;
  • Sharing towels, comb, hairpin;
  • Visiting pools and baths. Wrench can exist in water and for a long time survive without air;
  • We carry other people's headgear, especially fur, insects may remain after wearing.

Danger of infection Laughs a man in any public place: School, Hospital, Children's camps, Transportation and others.

Symptoms of pediculosis

How to understand that you have a lice? To do this, you need to know the basic symptoms of this disease. These include constant itching, insect bites, irritability, the formation of chatins on the head.


Other symptoms of pediculose can not be noticed at once even with a carefully conducted examination, and itchy immediately attracts attention. If the head is scratching at night, hair washing does not bring relief - this indicates the presence of lice in humans. The behavior of infected is changing: it is constantly itching, tread, combing, straightens his hair. Babies in such a situation begin to constantly capricious and cry without visible reasons.

Bitches and their consequences

Such features are characteristic of the development of pediculosis in places where there is no possibility to regularly carry out hygienic procedures (stray life, expedition, war). Hair very quickly sticks out and strongly twisted into chatins. This allows you to determine the presence of a disease.

Complications of pediculosis

The person can judge the complications that manifest themselves with the development of the disease. In some cases, the first signs of the lice remainless, further changes are difficult not to notice:

  • The appearance of guns on the affected areas of the skin;
  • Nervous instability, irritability associated with constant itching;
  • Pyodermia;
  • Sleep disorders.

Inspection at home

  1. Choose to check well lit place or bring the lamp closer so that the flow of light falls on the human head.
  2. If the hair is long, they should be dissolved and combing strands.
  3. For inspection, a comb with frequent teeth and magnifier will be required. For each strand, it is necessary to carry out the comb and carefully consider the hair through the magnifying glass.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the buying areas, because it is most often the income is located.
  5. Check yourself in this way problematic, it is better to ask for someone from loved ones.

At first glance, the crides resemble the flakes of perchot. How to check what is it really? You need to slightly shake the hair. Dandruff is easily eliminated, and shortening, glued special composition, keep tight, it is not always possible to separate them even with the help of a special comb.

It is always necessary to carefully follow their health in order to detect signs of the appearance of lice on time. In modern pharmacies, the means from pediculosis are presented in a huge assortment, there are and folk Methodshelping to get rid of lice. Among these options should be the most secure proven treatment method. Even better if the drug selects a qualified specialist.

On a note!

There is a statement that there are the following types of human lice: head, wrapping and pubic. In reality, the lice of a person on the head and in his clothes are morphothy. According to laboratory research, if they are placed together, they may well be cross and even give offspring. Accordingly, these are the same representatives of the detachment of Pediculus Humanus.

The photos of the types of lice living on the human body are presented below.

Head Vershi.

Are the most common in humans. The disease they cause is called. Insects are striking an exclusively hairproof head. Sometimes they can move to the chin area, to dwell in the beard and ussa representatives of the strong floor. Contact I. household methods: with close communication, when using other people's heads or hair care objects (comb, hairpins, etc.).

Compared with its relatives, the size of the lice living on the human head is greater (up to 4 mm). Males are much smaller females (2-3 mm). The piercing-sucking type of the oral apparatus allows the insect to contact the skin of a person and feed on its blood.

On a note!

No food no more than a day. The life expectancy of the Bloodina is about three weeks, during this time the female is able to postpone up to 5 eggs daily (GDID). Favorable for is the temperature in the range of 23-40 degrees. below 0 and above 45 degrees.

What is lice and shorter, can know a person who has already come across a pediculosis to one degree or another. Small (up to 0, 8 mm) Eggs of the heads have a light shade, with the form they very much resemble pearl beads. The female is firmly attached to the hair with the help of a secret adhesive, usually 2 cm from the surface of the skin. Injecting person is difficult. As egg ripen, the eggs increase in size and acquire more dark color. The larva appeared on the light becomes a hawk after 5-6 days. , Vividly demonstrates the photo.

Hard or have a similar structure and body sizes. The main one a distinctive feature is white or gray-yellow color. By the name of this type of pests, it is clear that insects are inhabited mainly in clothing or underwear of people, making on hairless parts of the body. However, settling in things that a person puts on infrequently, the bloodsuit is waiting for an inevitable death. That is why possessors most often become people of low social level or tramp, rarely subjected to washing clothes.

The life expectancy of the lush lice within 1.5 months. During this time, the female is able to generate not one hundred descendants. Very small eggs (up to 0.5 mm) White wrens are laying right in clothes. The development cycle of larvae takes about two weeks.

Lobkovy Vershi.

On a note!

The habitat of the pubic lice is a groin zone, they can also meet in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression, on the eyebrows and. Sexual contact and use of someone else's clothing are the main ways of infection with pubic lines.

Signs of living of any kind

Knowing the signs of lice and ways to deal with them, you can take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

  1. The itching of the skin, as a result of which strong bumps appear. Such damage can contribute to the development of secondary infection.
  2. The appearance of rash. After a few days from the moment there are red spots that later have a bluish shade.
  3. At the place of damage, uluses and furuncular are developing, as well as pigmentation and seals.
  4. The presence, alive, as well as the lice themselves.

Methods of treatment

  1. To remove the head and pubic lice, you can use, or, the basis of which insecticides are included. The selected means is used as described. After which the hair is washed flowing water And give them to dry in a natural way.
  2. The next step of struggle is, which is carried out using a special scallop. It differs from ordinary combing small and frequent teeth, the distance between which does not exceed 0.2 mm. For better combing, hair should be divided into strands.
  3. Washing I. thermal processing It is necessary to accept things and bed linen of an infected person.
  4. Most often, when shampooing or spray, the need for re-processing the head appears. This is explained by the fact that it has an action in most part on adult individuals. Of the remaining living GNIDs, new larvae will appear after a few days, which will reproduce again.

On a note!

Special popularity B.

Depending on the location of the localization of the lice there are 3 varieties:

  • head;
  • hards;
  • lobkovy.

There are the following paths of infection with heads of lice:

  • close contact with man, patient pediculosis;
  • the use of personal believes of the carrier of lice (combs, headdress, towels, accessories);
  • through bedding;
  • while staying in the public pool (in water, the company is able to remain viable up to 2 days).

More comfortable headwheat feels on long hairoh. That is why the holders of luxury hair are susceptible to the large risk of infection. Signs of defeat with head pediculosis become:

  • traces of bites in the hairpins of the body (on the head, in a beard, mustache, eyebrows);
  • the appearance of a strong itching in the field of the nape, temples, ears;
  • swelling of lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of crusts on the skin;
  • anxiety and nervousness.

Read more about the symptoms of the disease, how to understand what your lice is read on our site.

Selection and laying of eggs become the cause of tangling hair, appearance unpleasant odor. Heavy cases of head pediculosis are accompanied by the formation of chatunins (lumpy lumps).

Note! The risk of infection is absent during the handshake and, when it is from a patient at a distance of more than 50 cm. It is erroneous is the opinion that pediculosis spreads pets. Human lice Do not feed them with blood and do not settle in wool.

The bites of the wraising lice are subject to the neck, the upper section of the back, shoulders, waist, the waist. Harding pediculosis is much less common to the head. Basically, it is found in persons who do not comply with personal hygiene. In the risk group, people living in unsanitary conditions, rarely changing bed linen.

Infection with wrappings occurs in the following cases:

  • wearing a sick man;
  • close to things or sleep in bed of pediculosis carrier;
  • finding in places of large cluster of people;
  • fitting clothes on natural markets or in second-handers.

Symptoms of infection with linen lies are obvious: the presence of traces from bites that are healing for 4 days, strong itching, urticaria. Attack of insects often leads to the appearance of bluish color spots. In more heavy cases The temperature of the body may rise. Headaches are developing, nervous disorders, digestion is disturbed.


The pubic lice (bodes) cause a type of pediculosis known as FTIRIAZ.The favorite place of localization of insects is pubis. They also populate outdoor genitals and axillary depressions. In these places are located in large quantities of apocryne glands that attract the smell of the smell. Often, this type is established in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, on the eyelashes, legs and chest. On your head, these insects are almost never found.

The size of them is small - up to 1.5 mm. The body of the insect is flattened, light brown. Food pubic lice, like the two previous species, is the blood of a man. The lice is not able to live in the body areas devoid of vegetation. That's why shaving intimate zone - good tool FTIRIAS prevention.

Female individuals lay eggs at the roots of the hair. Temperature ambient Less than 20 ° C and more than 40 ° C are unfavorable to reproduce offspring. In such conditions, lice stop multiply.

Ways of transfer of FTIRIAS:

  • sexual intercourse with a sore partner;
  • contacting the skin of the disease of the disease;
  • using things infected;
  • stay in the baths, pools, saunas, public restrooms, solariums.

After infection incubation period lasts up to 30 days.Signs of the development of the disease: itching, small hemorrhages in the damage zone. The owners of sensitive skin often appear blisters.

Another indicator of the presence of pubic pediculosis is traces of lice of lice on underwear. They have a kind of dark small specks. Insects themselves become more noticeable after it is full of blood.

Who are these lice?

The subverse of the lice is renhable around the world: they live everywhere where there are their victims

The development of lice is three stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • imago (adult individual).

A person is annoyed by two types: Pediculus Humanus and Phthirus Pubis (and). The remaining squad representatives are also divided by the victim on which they can exist. For example, there are rat and pork lice. There are about 500 species.

Sometimes you can meet the information that a person is annoyed by 3 types: head, wraising (linen) and pubic. But, from the point of view of biology, this is a delusion, because the first two are varieties of Pediculus Humanus with small morphological differences.

Description of adult individuals

The mouth of the insect corresponds to the requests of his lifestyle: it is a piercing-sucking type. The basis is the tube, at the external end of which there are hooks clinging for the skin of the victim for stability and dense contact. Two sharp styles in the form of needles are hidden in it. When the insect does not eat, it pulls the proboscis in the head capsule. Nature took care of the interesting function of the front of the FEA Whether: when nutrition, it is reduced and expands, performing the role of the pump. Thanks to this, the insect sucks blood.

Insects have no organs of view, although some species replace pigment stains. The eyes of the Vsham are not needed: they are oriented in space with a short mustache. They capture odors, performing an olfactory function.


Almost all his life lies on the body one owner, only in emergency cases looking for a new victim. Duration, how many Vershi live, averages 38 days. The insect is very sensitive to environmental conditions:

It should also be paid to the attention of the many questions, how many lice live outside of a person. Having lost the power source, the insect will soon die: usually it takes 2 days, although the most alive individuals can hold out to 10 days.

On the body of a person, Vershes choose the warmest and secluded places. The lounge variety is usually hiding in the neck of the neck or in armpits, and the head - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nape and the ears.

They live exclusively on the scalp and never moves to other parts of the body. This feature is associated with the structure of its paws. They are suitable for moving only on hair with a circular cross section. If you look at the incision of the hair growing on the body, it will be triangular.

Wrench life cycle, despite short, rather interesting. For insects, sexual reproduction is characterized, which takes place in three stages:

The continuation of the genus requires the actively nutrition of female blood. The reproduction is impossible if the ambient temperature is less than 21 ° C and higher than 37 ° C. The term of the development of embryos inside the eggs also depends on this indicator. If it is about 36 ° C, then the larvae will appear in 4-8 days. When the temperature holds around 23 ° C, the development process can take up to 16 days. When decreasing to 22 ° C and increase to 40 ° C, the larvae from eggs do not hatch.

The vitality of the population of lice is explained by the fact that how many eggs put out the lush: from several tens to several hundred in prolific species.


Wrench - insect with intensive power mode. For 24 hours, they "feed" more than 10 times, and for each "squeezing" the individual absorbs approximately 0.5 ml of blood. The process of blood sucking itself, which became possible due to the special structure of the mouth, passes in several stages:

  1. Two sharp styles in the form of needles appear from the trunk located at the end of the head of the Wrench upper layer Skin. Such knives are modified parts of the lower lip and the upper jaw.
  2. From the fold, which surrounds the trot tube, hooks prohibit appear when turning it out. With the help of them, the mouth of the insect is tightly connected with the skin of the victim.
  3. Through the hole made by the hole injects saliva into the skin, in the abundance generated by the glands. It contains coagulants, with the introduction of which the blood ceases to coat and, therefore, the wound is not delayed.
  4. An alternating reduction and expansion of the tube of the esophagus is made of blood from the capillaries in the insect abdomen.

The only substance suitable for the nutrition of lice is the blood of warm-blooded animals. No other organic body particles - for example, hair or dead skin scales their oral apparatus is unloaded. But this is capable of the next relatives of the lice: Pukhedy and Vlashedov, which is sometimes a confusion occurs.

Nizda and Nymphs

Nicky is the eggs of lice, of which the next stage of the insect development - the nymph appears. They have an oval shape. Embryos are reliably protected from unfavorable conditions Environmentally dense shell having a yellowish shade.

In order for development to be successful, there must be a suitable temperature and humidity, otherwise embryos in the eggs die. On the body of a person, conditions are almost perfect, whereas outside of his income die. The eggs are securely attached to the hairs and fibers of clothing with the adhesive agent allocated in special glands in the female during egg laying.


It is not so easy to fight with the lice: they are very tightly attached to the hair in their habitat, as well as to the cloth of clothing. Therefore, simple shaving and washing the head will not be enough.

Therefore, if the person had a lice, they need to immediately begin their destruction. The danger of infection is that insects are easily transferred to those surrounding with personal contact and sharing with household objects.

  • relapsing fever;
  • volyn fever;
  • rat tit;
  • relapsing fever.

All these ailments are dangerous to the human body. They are defeated by the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as other organs. Previously, the infection of the title meant a high probability of death, but with the beginning of the use of antibiotics, the chances of a favorable outcome are repeatedly increasing.

Neighborhood story with lies

Wrestling Wrestlers

The key point is the observance of hygiene. We must try not to use other people's towels, comb and other personal items.

To this day are widely used folk remedies. They provide for the use of plant ingredients (for example, black cumin) and substances aggressively affecting insects: for example, vinegar and kerosene. But the easiest and most fast "folk" way to get rid of the lice is to paint hair with a hydrogen peroxide content, closing them with applied chemical composition polyethylene package.

In modern society, it is not customary to discuss such a problem as lice. It is considered that this is a lot of poor, and only those who do not support personal hygiene suffer from it. However, despite the development of medicine, people still continue to infamous in the lice in all corners of the planet, regardless of living standards. How to protect yourself and your children, as well as cope with the disease independently can be found from this article.

Who are such lice and what harm do they apply to a person?

It feeds on human blood. This makes it a carrier of infectious diseases, such as typhoid or fever.

Scientists revealed that a person's pediculosis can be caused by three sublovats of lice:

  1. head - The lice live on the scalp;
  2. hardware - in the hairproof on the body;
  3. lobkov - in intimate zones.

IMPORTANT! Most of the cases of pubic in the pubic swash occurs through intimate contact.

Despite the fact that the lice is not only in humans, but also in most mammals, it is impossible to get infected from a dog or a cat, since each type of animals has their subspecies.

Life cycle

Wrench develop rapidly. Daily female leaves 10 eggs in her hair, which are called crides. With a special sticky composition, it attaches it to the base of the hair. A week later, larvae begin to appear. Outwardly, they look like a reduced copy of the adult lice. After another week, the larva becomes adult individualcapable of postpone new nisses.

Thus, in just a couple of weeks, the population of the lice can argue to a whole colony that can poison the life of a person and cause serious consequences in the body.

Where can Vershi come from?

I do not know how to jump far away, fly and quickly run, and it is also impossible to pick up from wild or domestic animals, nevertheless can each be infected, regardless of the lifestyle and the level of cleanliness.

Contact with an infected person

The main reason for the appearance of lice is a contact with an infected person. It is enough to get in touch with patients with pediculose in public transport or in any other place of cluster of people. Infection is possible with any bodily contact with the carrier - Kiss, joint game on the playground, embrace. Therefore, in the event of pediculosis in children's teamHe is transferred from a child to a child with a lightning speed.

ATTENTION!Summary cannot exist for a long time without a person, since it is deprived of the only power supply - blood.

Things and care products

This method of infection is less common, however, cases of transmission of GDID through household subjects Fixed often.

You can get infected with lshami after sharing:

  • comb;
  • towels or clothing;
  • blankets and pillows;
  • hats, especially fur;
  • funds intimate hygiene.

Musture yourself from such a way of infection is quite simple - you should not share clothes and care products with other people. If there is a suspicion that the thing was used by a sick person, it is necessary to undergo its heat treatment.

Pools, standing reservoirs, baths

The lice is easily transferred to stay in water, and can also do for a long time without oxygen, so one of the ways of infection can be visited by the bath, pool or bathing in a standing reservoir after a person patient with pediculosis.

Places with great cluster of people

The denser of the settlement of people, the higher the probability of grabbing lice. Stories are known cases of mass infection among refugees in camps and military in barracks. Nowadays, there can be mass events, working groups, children's camps and public transport in places of great accumulation of people. The appearance of a person with pediculose in such places can lead to massive infection of others.

Children in children

The greatest prevalence of the lice was obtained in children's teams. There are several reasons for this:

  • closer contact with each other - arises as a result of joint games and hugs;
  • contact frequency with peers - Children visit kindergartens and schools daily, where the high probability of the emergence of the source of the disease and its rapid propagation;
  • lack of personal hygiene observance skills - Use of other people's comb, toys, beds and clothes.

How to identify lice?

Symptoms of pediculosis are not immediately after infection, but only a few days or even weeks later. This is due to the fact that the infection occurs not by the lice themselves, but by mines, on the development of which on the body of the new medium it is necessary.

Symptoms of infection with lshami:

  • itching scalp - arises during and after bite;
  • discovery of GDID - Eggs of lice look like grains of sesame and attached at the base of the hair;
  • nervous state - often occurs in children at the moment of infection;
  • allergic spots - saliva insects can cause an allergic reaction;
  • footprints of ukuusov - You can detect them on open areas heads, for example, near the ears and eyebrows, as well as on temples;
  • combs and purulent wounds - appear in the launched form of the disease;
  • inflammation of the apron of lymphatic nodes - There is a complication of pediculosis during the complication of infectious infection of the place of bite.

If there is a suspicion of a person's infection with a pediculosis, a visual inspection of the scalp should be visual inspection. This is necessary for the following rules:

  • pre-prepared a special comb and a white napkin;
  • inspection is carried out with good lighting;
  • hair must be unraveling and combing;
  • separate several strands and swap;
  • the comb wipes on the napkin;
  • an inspection of the napkins for the presence of lice and the GDID is carried out.

How to get rid of lice?

Mechanical methods

Complete by the Shepherd method - the most effective I. safe method Getting rid of lice for a person. The technology allows you to completely get rid of lice and GDID, while maintaining the health of the skin and hair. The method is suitable for children, pregnant women and people with sensitive skin of the head, which are contraindicated by the use of potent poisonous means.

After the first procedure, a large part of the lice will be removed from the hair. Further combing needs in order to get rid of larvae and the remaining GDIDs.

From the minuses of this method, you can note:

  • procedures can not be carried out to itself;
  • it will not be possible to get rid of lice in one day;
  • the price of a good firm gets from 1 thousand rubles;
  • the full course of procedures will need a lot of time and effort.

To enhance the effect, simultaneously with the combination, chemical or folk remedies can be used to eliminate lice.


A radical way to combat pediculosis will suit men or young children. The essence is to completely shave the head cover "under zero". Previously, you can handle any means of lice. There is no place to postpone the eggs on the smooth shaved skin in the insect, and that means they will not be able to multiply again.

IMPORTANT! In order to avoid further infection, the hair must be burned.

Chemical methods

In a short period of time, the pediculosis can be cured by pharmacy preparations that are divided into:

  • liquid shampoos;
  • dry funds;
  • gels and ointments;
  • lotions and balms;
  • aerosols.

The equipment includes various toxic substances that destroy nervous system insect. Such drugs are sold without a recipe. Application is to apply a means to the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of lice.

To the same category include synthetic means, As part of which there is dimethicone and cyclomethicone. After applying, they envelop insect with a thin film and overlap the air intake. Such drugs are enough high efficiencyHowever, they do not guarantee full deliverance from lice.

Herbs, Plant Juices, Essential Oils

Their task is to kill or scare away. For this B. folk medicine Used: Heranian chambers, chamomile, wormwood, pyress, needles and mint, garlic juice, essential oil tea tree, mint, souls, sage, lavender and rosemary. According to reviews, the effect of such treatment is obtained low and more suitable as prophylaxis.

The task of such means is to kill the living lice and destroy the chitinous membrane of the GDID due to the aggressive alkaline and acid medium. Apply cranberry juice, lying, tar or laundry soapas well as hydrogen peroxide. In fact, the means have an average result of efficiency.

Enveloping funds

As in the case of synthetic preparations, such products are deprived of oxygen lice. In folk medicine, mayonnaise or vaseline is used for this. Depending on the density of the composition, the means are capable of providing a good effect.

Toxic means

Thermal method

Method B. last years Received abroad. The lice is destroyed by a jet of hot air, the temperature of which is 60 degrees. This uses a special hair dryer. Despite the simplicity and safety of the method, in Russia it has not yet received widespread use, and the range of suitable equipment leaves much to be desired.

IMPORTANT! Conducting a processing procedure by a typical hairdryer, a catch or hair iron, it is easy to get a thermal burn.


Individual measures of prevention include:

  • regular inspection of the head for the presence of lice and GDID;
  • wearing long hair owners of neat hairstyles;
  • the use of preventive pharmacy funds;
  • carrying out the procedure of combing during the disease of some of the acquaintances;
  • maintaining hygiene, regular bed linen change;
  • avoiding close contact with unfamiliar people.

Pediculose protection measures for children:

  • regular medical examination by a specialist;
  • introduction of quarantine B. educational institution in the event of an outbreak of the disease;
  • sanidacity room.