How to parse a verb morphological parsing. Parsing a verb

There are several independent parts of speech in Russian. These include verbs. This part of speech denotes an action or state of an object and is one of the most used in Russian. It is thanks to the verbs that the most colorful and vivid descriptions and pictures in literature are created. You can create entire texts using only this part of speech. Therefore, it is quite important to know the features, grammatical meaning and also be able to do morphological analysis verb.

a brief description of

The words of this part of speech answer the questions "what to do?" and "what to do?" They denote, as already mentioned earlier, a state, an action that a particular object or object performs. Among the main characteristics of verbs, the following are distinguished: the initial form of the verb, mood, kind, conjugation, gender and voice. It should also be noted that the verb plays an important syntactic role in the sentence. Let us examine everything in more detail in order to avoid mistakes in the morphological analysis of this part of speech. The only thing that we will not touch on in the article is the parsing of the verb by composition.


Each verb has an initial form, or, to put it scientific language, infinitive. In some sources, it is also called the indefinite form of the verb. The infinitive of a verb is most often formed with the suffix "t". It should be noted that the indefinite form of the verb has no signs other than the form. When analyzing, you need to be able to determine the form of the verb in order to correctly determine its form.

Inclination of the verb

Another feature of this part of speech. The following moods are distinguished: indicative, conditional and imperative. Each of them has its own special lexical connotation. The indicative mood denotes those actions and states that actually occur or will occur. It has a neutral tone and is used in any style of speech. The conditional mood of a verb denotes actions that are possible under certain conditions. They can also mean desired action... These verbs are formed using the indefinite form of the verb using the suffix "l", the particles "would" or "b", which can appear both in front of the verb and after it. In addition, cases are allowed when the particle and the verb are separated by other words. Quite often, such verbs are used in colloquial speech, fiction... The imperative mood often expresses a request or a motivation for action, an order. Basically, the verbs of this mood are used in the second person. These verbs are formed using the suffix "te" or the suffix "and", zero suffix. If the particle "ka" is added to the verb, the order is softened. Quite often used in a formal business style.

Verb tense

It is worth noting that verbs also have a category of tense in the indicative mood. Allocate the present, future and past tense in imperfective verbs, and the past and future in perfect verbs. The tense of the verb is determined using questions. Knowing this information will help you make the correct morphological parsing of the verb.

Kind of verb

The verb has the form - perfect or imperfect. Imperfect means an action taking place at a given time and has no action boundary. For example, "read", "swim". Perfect denotes an action that has a limitation. For example, "finish reading", "swim". This action is limited in time. Most verbs can take one form or another with special suffixes and prefixes, but some verbs have only one form. For example, the word "to be found" refers to the perfect species, and the word "to belong" refers to the imperfect one.

Conjugation of verbs

Verbs also have a conjugation category, that is, a system for changing verbs by person and number. There are two groups of verb conjugation. Each of the groups has its own ending when conjugating verbs. Verbs in 1 conjugation have the ending "ut", "ut" in the third person of the plural. For example: "they dig, plant, run". Verbs 2 conjugations have the ending "at", "yat" in the third person of the plural. For example: "feed, stand, hold." Knowing the conjugation of verbs helps to avoid annoying mistakes when writing texts and passing exams.

Gender of verbs and reflexivity

Also, verbs have a gender, which is determined only in the past tense and is determined by the ending, just like nouns. There are feminine, masculine and neuter gender. Also, verbs have a category of transitivity. Transitive verbs have the postfix "сь" or "sya".

Collateral and transitivity

Verbs have a passive or instrumental voice. Passive is used when an action is performed on an object, for example: "The film was watched by Masha." The instructive is used in the event that the action is performed by an object. For example: "Masha is watching a movie." Another category of verbs is transitivity. There are transitive and intransitive verbs. Those verbs that denote an action that passes to an object are called transitive. At the same time, they can carry a noun or pronoun with them without a preposition in accusative case... All other verbs are intransitive. You may need this knowledge even if you decide to do morpheme parsing verb.

The syntactic role of the verb

Verbs, like nouns, can perform various syntactic functions in a text. Moreover, they can be both main and secondary members of the proposal. So, the verbs that answer the question "what?" Can be the subject: "To live is to breathe." What? Live... Predicate verbs answer the question "what to do?" and "what to do?" For example: "I am reading a book." What am I doing? I read... If the word answers the questions of indirect cases, then it acts as an addition: "I ask you to sit down." What do I ask? Sit down... There is also a verb and a definition, if it answers the question "which one?" For example: "The thought of getting enough sleep was one of the most annoying." What thought? Get some sleep... If the verb answers the questions: "why?", "How?", "Why?", "Where?", "From where?", "Where?" and why?" - then he acts as a definition. Example: "I went to a course to study." Why did you go? To learn... As you can see, the verb can be any member of the sentence. That's all you need to do the morphological parsing of the verb.

Morphological analysis scheme

In order to correctly parse a verb as part of speech, you need to know the analysis scheme. We present the most simple scheme analysis. Thanks to her, you can quickly and easily analyze the verb:

1. Write out the analyzed word from the sentence.

2. We write down its initial form or infinitive.

3. Marks constant morphological features:



4. We note inconsistent signs:


5. We note its syntactic role in the sentence.

It is worth noting here that in the absence of any of the inconsistent morphological categories, it should not be noted. This point of parsing is either skipped, or it is reasonedly explained why this feature cannot be detected. As you can see, everything that we have discussed above is necessary for you in order to analyze the verb as part of speech.

An example of verb analysis

Let's consolidate everything we read and analyze one of the verbs on the very simple example... Let's analyze this sentence: "She went to the forest."

1. Write out the verb "let's go."

2. The initial form is "to go".

3. Permanent signs:

The view is perfect;

Irrevocable verb;


4. Irregular signs:


Past tense;



5. The syntactic role in the sentence is the subject.

As you can see, everything is pretty simple. The analysis itself takes only a minute or two.


So, you learned what a verb is, what questions it answers, what constants and variable features... And also learned how to do morphological analysis of the verb.

Morphological parsing of a verb, one of the most difficult parts of speech, relies on a well-known basic analysis scheme.

First, we determine the general grammatical meaning of the word, then the initial form, according to which we further deduce constant features, then we find the word form in the text, establish inconsistent features and syntactic role.

When parsing a verb, mistakes are often made in determining the species. But you just need to ask the questions "what to do?" or "what to do?" and not to confuse two-species verbs (Soviet kind - he will be executed tomorrow; non-Soviet kind - I have been punishing myself for that act all my life).

Confusion also comes out with the clarification of the transitivity of the verb. This property means the ability of a verb to control a noun in V. p. without a pretext (I watch a film, see the sun, write a letter, go fishing, build a house) and in R.P. when negating (I do not see the table), as well as when designating any part (drink water, but not all of the water). Even if there is no dependent noun in the text, it is necessary to substitute it to make sure that the verb is transitive.

It is easier to cope with recurrence, but sometimes they lose the postfixes -СЯ, -СЬ in the initial form.

There are no special difficulties with determining the mood either: real action that has already happened, is happening now or will happen, refer to the indicative, the unreal is represented by two moods, one of which is imperative (go, go, come / they go, go, go, let go / go), and the other is conditional, it can be called still subjunctive), in these forms it is impossible to determine the time.

Recall the fickle signs of the verb:

1. It denotes the action of an object (impersonal verbs denote the state of a person or nature).

2. Has the forms of 1, 2, 3 persons (in the present and future tense - I sing, I sing; sing, sing; sings, sing; and also in the imperative mood).

3. Has gender forms (only in the past tense of the indicative mood, as well as in the conditional mood - lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying).

4. Has singular and plural forms (standing, standing, standing; standing, standing, standing).

5. It has the forms of indicative, conditional and imperative moods (sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep; sleep, sleep, sleep; sleep, sleep, stay, stand, leave, leave).

6. The sentence depends on the subject and agrees with it, performing the role of the predicate.


1. Impersonal verbs have no number and no face (it was getting dark, getting dark, it will get dark, freezing, freezing, I was sick, sick, sick), and the infinitive is an unchangeable form and has no inconsistent signs.

2. All reflexive verbs are intransitive.

3. Person and gender exclude each other (I / you / he came).

4. You can find out the conjugation by the indefinite-form suffix before -TH, when the endings are unstressed, with the shock endings we use the 3rd person plural form (drink - drink, fly - fly, sleep - sleep).

5. Sometimes the verb is used figuratively: Well, I'm off! (the past tense in the meaning of the future), He walks down the street yesterday (the present in the meaning of the past), would you treat me to something! (conditional mood in the meaning of the imperative), Had I known about this before, I would never have come (imperative in the meaning of the conditional).


1. Part of speech and general grammatical meaning.

2. Initial form (infinitive) and morphological features:
Permanent (P.p.):
- view,
- transitivity,
- recurrence,
- conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- inclinations,
- time (only in the indicative mood),
- numbers,
- faces (only present and future tense and in the imperative mood),
- gender (only in the past tense singular).

3. The syntactic role of the verb (simple and compound verb predicate, compound nominal predicate).

Let's re-read the beginning of the seventh chapter of "Visiting Beorn" from the fairy tale novel by John R.R. Tolkien and perform a morphological analysis of some verbs.

At dawn Bilbo was awakened by the bright rays of the sun. The hobbit jumped up to look at the clock, put the kettle on the fire - and realized: he was not at home. There was no tea or ham and croutons for breakfast, only the cold leftovers of yesterday's lamb and rabbit. And after breakfast it was necessary to immediately hit the road.

This time the hobbit was allowed to climb the eagle on its back and nestle between the wings. The wind blew in his face, and Bilbo closed his eyes. The sun was still illuminating the peaks of the extreme eastern mountains. The morning turned out to be cool, in the valleys and depressions, a fog crept up to the glaciers and peaks.

Don't pinch, - said the eagle. - You are not a rabbit, although you look like him. Do not be afraid. There is nothing more pleasant than a cool morning and a light breeze. What could be better than flight?

The plain was crossed by a river, in the middle of which stood either a rock or a stone hill, resembling a fragment of a mountain, as if some giant had thrown it here during a game. The eagles quickly descended on the rock and left the travelers there.

Farewell! May you be lucky as you hike until you return to your nests! - This is how eagles usually say goodbye.

Sample parsing

At dawn Bilbo was awakened by the bright rays of the sun.

1. (The rays) woke up

2. Initial form (infinitive): wake up
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- II conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- plural.

The hobbit jumped up to look at the clock, put the kettle on the fire - and realized: he was not at home.

1. Look is a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. infinitive - view
P. p.
- perfect view,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- II conjugation, exception.
N. p.

3. Syntactic role: circumstance.

There was no tea or ham and croutons for breakfast, only the cold leftovers of yesterday's lamb and rabbit.

1. Was not - a verb, as it denotes the state of the object.

2. N. f. to be
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- not transition,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation,
- used in an impersonal meaning.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
has the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- cf. kind,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

And after breakfast it was necessary to immediately hit the road.

1. To send is a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. infinitive - to go
P. p.
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- returnable,
- I conjugation.
N. p.
does not, since it does not change.

3. Syntactic role: compound verb predicate.

The wind blew in his face, and Bilbo closed his eyes.

1. (Bilbo) closed his eyes - a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. close your eyes
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- intransitive,
- returnable,
- II conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- m. kind,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

The sun was still illuminating the peaks of the extreme eastern mountains.

1. (The sun) illuminated - a verb, since it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. illuminate
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- cf. kind,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

The morning turned out to be cool, in the valleys and depressions, a fog crept up to the glaciers and peaks.

1. (Morning) turned out - a verb, since it means the action of an object.

2. N. f. stand out
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- intransitive,
- returnable,
- multi-conjugate.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- cf. kind,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: compound nominal predicate.

Don't pinch, - said the eagle.

1. Do not pinch - a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. pinch
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- returnable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- imperative mood,
- 2 persons,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

The plain was crossed by a river, in the middle of which stood either a rock or a stone hill ...

1. (River) crossed - a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. cross over
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- well. kind,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

May you be lucky as you hike until you return to your nests!

1. (Let) accompany - a verb, since it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. accompany
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- imperative mood,
- 3 persons,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

1. (You) will not return - a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. return
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- intransitive,
- returnable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- 2 persons,
- plural.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

This is how eagles usually say goodbye.

1. (Eagles) forgive - a verb, as it means the action of an object.

2. N. f. saying goodbye
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- returnable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- 3 persons,
- plural.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.


Perform a morphological analysis of the verbs from the following sentences:

sang 3... (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

Arina Petrovna gets up from her seat and looking out 3

shone 3 stars. (M.A.Sholokhov.)

Go out 3

let's take 3... (V. Kozlov.)

confuse 3... (V. Peskov.)

Get out 3

Leaves ran 3


An Angel flew across the midnight sky, and he sang 3... (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

1. (He) sang 3- a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. sing
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- m. kind,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

Arina Petrovna gets up from her seat and looking out 3 at the door, as if Snail had gone away. (M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin.)

1. (Arina Petrovna) looking out 3- a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. look out
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form

Indicative mood,
- present,
- 3 persons,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

At night in the charred black sky shone 3 stars. (M.A.Sholokhov.)

1. (Stars) shone 3- a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. shine
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- plural.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

Go out 3- the blue blinds you. (N.G. Astafieva.)

1. (You) v go out 3 - a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. go out
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- irrevocable,
- II conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- present,
- 2 persons,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

We take you as a doctor on an expedition let's take 3... (V. Kozlov.)

1. (We) let's take 3- a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. take
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form

Indicative mood,
- future tense,
- 1 person,
- plural.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

The size of the victim of a crocodile is small confuse 3... (V. Peskov.)

1. (Size) confuse 3- a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. embarrass
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- transitional,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form

Indicative mood,
- present,
- 3 persons,
- plural.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

Get out 3 rather, a mouse. Why are you sitting in a hole there?

1. Get out 3- a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. get out
Permanent (P.p.):
- imperfect species,
- intransitive,
- irrevocable,
- I conjugation.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- imperative mood,
- 2 persons,
- singular.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.

Leaves ran 3 on the way to. This means: autumn is on the doorstep.

1. (Leaves) ran 3 - a verb, as it denotes the action of an object.

2. N. f. run away
Permanent (P.p.):
- perfect view,
- intransitive,
- irrevocable,
- multi-conjugate.
Non-permanent (N.p.):
used in the form
- indicative mood,
- the past tense,
- plural.

3. Syntactic role: simple verbal predicate.


1. Types of analysis in the lessons of the Russian language. A guide for teachers. - M., Education, 1978.

2. Voronichev O.E. On the logical basis of morphological analysis of significant words / Russian language at school and at home. - 2008. - No. 1, 4, 6.

3. Litnevskaya E.I. Applicants to Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. Morphological analysis at entrance exams / Russian literature. - 1995. - No. 4.

§1. Parsing the verb as parts of speech

Morphological analysis of any part of speech is performed in a strict order. Let's get acquainted with the plan for the morphological parsing of the verb.

For example: word burned denotes the action of the object and answers the question - what did you do? burned - therefore, this is a verb.

For example, for the verb burned initial form - what to do? - burn.

In Russian, two types of verb conjugation are distinguished: 1 conjugation and 2 conjugation. The conjugation of a verb is determined by its ending or the suffix of the verb in an indefinite form. 1 conjugation includes verbs with the endings y, yu, eat, it, eat, eat, ete, ete, et, eot, ut, yut. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs with endings - u, u, im, ish, ite, it, at, yat.

Verbs change in tense and are present, past and future tense. Present tense verbs denote an action that occurs at the moment the speaker speaks and answer the questions what does he do? what are they doing? If the action happened before the moment of speech, this is a past tense verb. Such verbs answer the questions - what did you do? What did you do? The action that occurs after the moment of speech is indicated by the future tense verb. These verbs answer the questions - what will do? what will he do?

When a verb denotes the action of one person or object and answers questions, what does it do? what will he do? is a singular verb. The plural verb denotes the action of a group of persons or objects and answers the questions - what are they doing? what will they do?

Present and future tense verbs change by person. In order to determine which person the verb belongs to, it is necessary to reconcile it with the pronoun of 1, 2 or 3 persons. For verbs of the past tense singular, gender is determined. Distinguish between feminine, masculine and neuter verbs. For past tense verbs, plural gender is not defined.

§2. An example of oral parsing of a verb

Let's perform an oral analysis of the verb “admire” from the sentence “People admire beautiful flowers”.

1. Admire is a verb. The word denotes the action of an object and answers the question: what are people doing? admire.

2. The initial form is (what to do?) To admire.

3. Permanent signs: first conjugation. The verb has the ending -yt-, which indicates the first conjugation.

4. Inconsistent signs: the verb is used in the present tense (the action takes place at the moment the speaker speaks, the verb answers the question - what are they doing?), In the 3rd person (consistent with the pronoun they), in plural(denotes an action that is performed by a group of people).

5. In a sentence is a predicate: People (what are they doing?) Admire.

§3. An example of written parsing of a verb

Written morphological analysis of the verb is as follows:

People admire the beautiful flowers.

Admire - (what are they doing?) Vb.,

n.f. - to admire,

1 ref., Present vr., 3rd l., plural, predicate.

§4. Brief summary on the topic of the lesson

The characteristic of a word as a part of speech, taking into account the peculiarities of its use, is called morphological analysis. When parsing a verb as a part of speech, all its constant and non-constant grammatical categories are indicated. The morphological analysis should be performed according to the plan:

1. Part of speech. Which means what question is answered.

2. Initial form (indefinite form).

3. Conjugation.

4. Time. Person and number - for verbs in the present or future tense, gender and number - in the past tense.

5. Role in the proposal.


Pupils of schools and students of philological faculties must carry out morphological analysis different parts speech. Among them, the verb is usually considered the most difficult to analyze, since it has many grammatical categories which are difficult to define. To make the morphological analysis of a verb correctly, it is important to know exactly all the requirements for it, follow the algorithm, and take into account all the features of each grammatical category. The analysis itself must be carried out carefully, be attentive to any point, do not forget about general rules analysis. It is morphological analysis that becomes an excellent way to regularly and effectively repeat the grammatical categories of the verb, it helps in practice to determine the properties of the verb, not to confuse categories and to correctly determine them using specific examples.

We carry out morphological analysis of the verb. Basic principles of parsing, features of grammatical categories of the verb
Do the morphological analysis of the verb carefully. Try to understand the content of the text, the meaning of the analyzed word. This is necessary for the correct definition of the infinitive, the syntactic role of the word. Concentrate and do not be distracted by extraneous factors. Work on a draft first. Only after completing the parsing completely, having checked it, you can start rewriting to the clean copy.
  1. First you need to specify indefinite form verb, infinitive. To do this, you need to put the word in a form that answers the question what make? or what to do? Please note: the question must match your verb. If in front of you the verb "reads", you need to ask a question what to do? (what is he doing? - is reading), but not what to do? That is, the infinitive for the verb reads - read, not read. Do not confuse verbs of different species, as species is a constant feature of a verb. It persists when you define the infinitive.
  2. Pupils and students often forget to write down the general grammatical meaning of a word as parts of speech. Do not skip this point. Here you just need to indicate what you have already learned total value verb - action. It is the same for all units.
  3. The next category is verb reflexivity. At school, many are accustomed to the fact that it is very simple to determine recurrence: just look at a word, find out if it has a formal indicator of recurrence. It is the postfix –sya, or –s. For example: I'm in a hurry, laughing. In fact, this category needs to be treated more carefully, and the word needs to be analyzed deeper and more thoroughly. Remember a few important points.
    • Only an intransitive verb can be reflexive. It is better to first determine its transitivity, and only after that analyze the recurrence. However, in parses, it is customary to first indicate the recurrence. Therefore, it is better to make a morphological analysis of the verb first on a draft, and then rewrite in a given order.
    • The postfix –я or –с is a mandatory sign of recurrence.
    • Do not confuse non-reflexive verbs with postfixes –ca or –с with reflexive ones. Reflexive verbs are not those that have these formal indicators (postfixes), but refer to verbs that have an impersonal meaning or indicate the intensity of the action. For example: I don't think knocking... These verbs are irreversible.
  4. Identify the transitivity of the verb precisely. It is customary to find out the transitivity of the verb in a simple way... You just need to compose a phrase with a verb in such a way that the dependent word is in the accusative case. Write down the phrase. Notice if there is a preposition in it. The absence of a preposition is a formal indicator of the transitivity of the verb.

    A transitive verb should denote an action directed at an object in your phrase. The object itself changes as a result of the action, arises. Remember: it is important for you to find out the potential of the word, to choose the right phrase, and not just to see if there is a preposition in the existing context.

  5. The grammatical category of the species most often does not cause difficulties in morphological analysis.
    • An imperfect form denotes an action that has not yet been completed, is in the process and development. It is not yet finished, which gave the name to the species. Please note that the form in this case does not depend on time: imperfective verbs are used in all three tenses. For example: he fulfills work, he will fulfill work, he performed work. The past tense does not give us an idea of ​​the completeness of the action, its result: perhaps the person performed the work, but did not complete it.
    • Perfect appearance signals the completion of the action. The action has been terminated, it has reached its limit. Often, perfective verbs are formed from imperfect ones using the prefixes: read - read.
    • An easy way to find out what a verb looks like is to ask a question. Perfect verbs answer the question "what to do?", And imperfect - "what to do?"
    • An important point: perfect verbs are not used in the present tense.
  6. Verb conjugation is a very difficult grammatical category to define. You will need knowledge of exceptions, verb endings that relate to a specific conjugation. It is best to learn the endings well, as well as a few verbs related to the second conjugation.
    • When the personal ending of a verb is stressed, you can determine the conjugation by it. It is best to put the verb in the third person plural form.
    • The endings of the verbs of the first conjugation: -y (-y), -ut (-yut), -eh, -et, -em, -ete.
    • The endings of the verbs of the second conjugation: -im, -it, -you, -ite, -at (-yat), -y (-yu).
    • If the personal ending of the verb is unstressed, determine the conjugation by the infinitive.
    • Verbs of the first conjugation - all verbs with an unstressed personal ending, as well as the words to lay, shave.
    • Verbs of the second conjugation are all verbs that have an unstressed personal ending, with an infinitive ending in –it, as well as a few exception words: hear, breathe, hold, drive, offend, endure, hate, look, twirl, see, depend.
    • There are also multi-conjugated verbs in Russian: run, want. There are verbs that are inflected with special endings. For example, create, give.
  7. The next category in which you need to be well versed in order to make the morphological analysis of the verb correctly is the mood category. There are three forms of mood: subjunctive (conditional), imperative, indicative. Most often you come across indicative verbs, but you need to be able to identify any mood.
    • The verb in the indicative mood has the forms of tense, person, number, and also gender, if it is used in the past tense. Verbs in the indicative mood denote actions that will happen, happen or happen sometime.
    • Imperative verbs encourage action, express a request, order, or recommendation. In this mood, verbs can change only in numbers.
    • The desired or possible action is indicated by verbs in the conditional mood. These verbs vary in number and gender, but do not have tense forms.
  8. The category of tense is only for verbs in the indicative mood, in other cases it is not necessary to define it. Pay attention to some of the nuances:
    • Perfective verbs do not have present tense.
    • The complex form of the future tense is formed by imperfective verbs. For example: I will watch.
    When identifying fickle signs, do not forget that not all of them may be present in your verb. Remember the peculiarities of grammatical categories so as not to waste time on establishing any sign.
The order of morphological parsing of the verb: stages of work
  1. Write the word out of context - exactly as it is used there. This is the word form of your verb.
  2. Find out the indefinite form of the verb. Write down the resulting infinitive.
  3. Indicate the general grammatical meaning of the verb - action.
  4. Determine in order all the unchangeable grammatical categories of the verb:
    • return;
    • transitivity;
    • view;
    • conjugation.
  5. Define mutable grammatical categories of the verb:
    • mood;
    • time;
    • number;
    • face;
    • genus.
    It is advisable to use the traditional formulation: the verb is used in the form.
  6. Find out the syntactic role of the verb in the sentence. Most often, verbs are predicates. Write out the sentence and underline the verb in it in accordance with its syntactic function... Write down which member of the proposal he is.
Do not forget about the main features of the grammatical categories of the verb, the nuances of morphological parsing, perform the analysis in accordance with the algorithm. Then you can make the morphological analysis of the verb carefully and correctly.