Processing onions before planting from diseases and pests. Onion processing before planting - increase your yield and forget about the onion fly! How to process the garden before planting onions

To get a good harvest of onion sets, you need to work hard in the spring before planting, when the period for preparing planting material begins, and directly planting in the ground. Most gardeners use onion sets to grow onion plantations. The process of processing planting material before planting the bulbs in the soil is very important in terms of the quality and quantity of the crop, since untreated seeds can give poor germination and poorly resist various diseases.

For planting, small bulbs with a diameter of not more than 1-3 cm are used, which were grown from seeds. Sevok can be bought at a specialized store or you can grow it yourself. Preparing a seed before planting requires following a few simple processes. First, all the bulbs must be sorted out, healthy and diseased bulbs sorted. Bulbs that are slightly flaky, rotten or black moldy, or dried out are not suitable for sowing. Further, the selected bulbs must be warmed up a couple of days before the date of planting in the ground. To do this, it is enough to melt a sheet of paper or newspaper near a radiator or stove, and spread the seed in one layer.

Temperatures of 35–40 degrees Celsius will be quite sufficient for warming up. If you missed this moment, then on the day before planting, you can carry out an emergency “awakening”: pour hot, but not boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then lower it into cold water for one minute. Such processing is necessary so that the planted onion sets "do not go" into the arrows. Heated seed requires pre-soaking in a nutrient substance. To feed the bulbs, you can use any complex fertilizer. After placing the bulbs in a net or bag, leave them for 10 hours in a nutrient solution or in a solution of ammophoska, nitroammophoska (1 tablespoon of the composition is used for 10 liters of liquid).

After, the next "bath": without washing, lower the net with onion heads for 10 minutes in a solution of copper sulfate. The composition is prepared on the basis of the following proportions - 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate is placed per 10 liters of water. Such water procedures prevent fungal attacks in young heads of onion sets. After rinsing with clean water, the seed is ready for direct planting in the ground. Alternatively, you can treat the onion before planting with a regular saline solution. Salt kills fungal spores of an unpleasant onion disease - nematodes. 3 cups of table salt are placed in one bucket of water, and for 24 hours you leave the small heads to “soak” before planting.

Disease protection

Disease protection is an important step in getting a good harvest after planting. A variety of pests and diseases prevent the growth of onion sets, turning green feathers yellow and the bulb itself soft or rotten. It is unlikely that it will be possible to save such a crop in autumn and winter, therefore, before sowing, take care of the quality protection of onions from diseases.
Among the most common diseases of onion sets, two can be distinguished:

  • onion fly;
  • downy mildew.

Affected onion fly plants wither and dry from the top of the feather down, while the central leaf breaks off easily, because it rots from the very base. If you look closely, then pest larvae are visible inside or around the bulb. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to treat the seeds with a solution of TMTD or fentiuram. If we are talking about affected seedlings, then wood ash or charcoal crushed into crumbs, which is sprinkled on the soil around the seedlings, will come to your aid. For young plantations, you can use nexion (0.1%) from the consumption of 0.5 liters of solution per 1 meter of soil. Repeat watering every two weeks.

White spots on the feathers of the set, which increase over time and become covered with a gray coating, are a sure sign of downy mildew. The cause of the disease is too humid air or soil. When the first signs of the disease appear, treatment is required every week with one of the following compositions:

  • 80% cuprosan (0.4%);
  • ditan M-45 (0.20%);
  • Bordeaux liquid 1%.
  • early sowing;
  • timely removal of weeds;
  • top dressing and sufficient watering;
  • collection and removal of diseased crops;
  • fertilizer before digging and deep digging of the soil in the fall.

In this video you can hear valuable tips on processing onions immediately before planting.

Features of care and cultivation

The root system of onions does not have much power, and the fibrous structure allows you to actively respond to various top dressings. In autumn, the first stage of preparation is carried out: the introduction of rotted manure. It must be applied at the rate of 20–40 kg per 10 sq. m, after which the site is dug up. It is strictly forbidden to use fresh manure, as the plant can become ill with Fusarium.

Onion sets respond well to nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The application rate is as follows: 0.6–0.9 kg per one hundred square meters of land. In the autumn, it is best to apply phosphorus and potassium, but in the spring, apply nitrogen fertilizers. It is important not to overdo it with the introduction of nitrogen, as its excess can adversely affect the long-term storage of the crop. Pre-sowing fertilizer is applied to a depth of 10–15 cm.

There are two ways to plant onion sets: in rows and two-line ribbons. The distance between individual bulbs varies from 3 to 6 cm, depending on the size of the onion head, but the average planting depth is 4–6 cm. After another week, you will already see the first shoots. After planting, all care comes down to timely watering, feeding and protection from pests. For the entire period of growth, it is worth watering the onion 5-7 times. And 21 days before harvesting, watering is stopped.

Young shoots should be fed as soon as the first rows appear. Bird droppings or fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) are used as top dressing. In the second growing season, the application of nitrogen fertilizers should be limited. If the bow gives arrows, then they must be immediately broken off, then the bulb will be full. By listening to our recommendations, you will certainly get a good harvest of onions, which can easily be stored until the next sowing.

It seems that growing onions is very simple and it will not bring any problems. But this is not so, a lot of people face many problems when growing. The main problem is the shooting of the plant, it does not make it possible to grow a dense and large fruit, and this also includes various diseases that will bring all your efforts and work to waste. To get around such problems, you first need to plant the plants on time and process them before that. If properly disinfected, this will help provide good protection against diseases and allow for a very generous and large harvest.

The first and very important stage is the processing of planting material before planting, first necessary sort out. The selection must be done as follows:

  • Very soft and bad small onions should be thrown away immediately, because they will not give a good harvest. And also you need to get rid of completely dried seeds.
  • If the sevka bulb does not yet have feathers, it is recommended to “cut” it. To do this, you need to carefully cut off the husk, this procedure will speed up the germination of the plant.
  • Then you need to dry the selected seeds in a dry and warm place.
  • after that, you need to warm up the planting material. This is done in several stages. First, the seeds are kept at a temperature not less than twenty degrees, this is done for about three weeks, and then for ten hours they are heated at thirty-five or forty degrees. You need to carefully watch the time so that the onion is not overexposed, otherwise it will give a poor harvest.

And you can also recommend another approach, which will be an alternative to such a long warm-up. This method involves soaking the seedlings in water with a temperature of up to fifty degrees for ten minutes, then they need to be bought in a nutrient mixture of fertilizers and cold water. This procedure takes about six hours, and the effect is the same.

How to process onion sets before planting

Processing sevka in the spring- This is an obligatory preparatory stage. Processing is performed before landing and consists of the following procedures:

Instead, potassium permanganate, you can use Fitosporin or copper sulfate, the dosage should be the same.

Soil and its preparation for planting onions

Only properly processed plant seeds can give an excellent harvest. But for this you need to choose the right place for their planting and prepare the soil for this. You need to start this process in the fall. Do not forget that onion seeds love places where there are a lot of sun. And also the seeds love moisture, but a large amount of it will lead to their death. For this reason, it is necessary to choose a place that is well lit by sunlight and where there is no groundwater.

In autumn, the area for sowing must be carefully dug up and fertilized; a mixture of manure and peat is suitable for fertilizer. The optimal conditions for growing onions on acidic soils are to carry out its liming.

If you do not want to grow onions only on a feather, then you do not need to apply fertilizer before planting. In addition, such treatment can stimulate the growth of weeds, and you will be forced to weed the beds all summer to get rid of them. In the spring there will be little work, it will be necessary to loosen the soil a little to remove a hard crust and you can start planting onions.

In areas where crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, peas and cabbage grew before planting the onion, the plant will grow very well. An additional defense of the onion can be a carrot, which is planted next to it. Her phytoncides will drive away the onion fly and will allow you to collect a very good harvest.

Disease and pest control

important stage to get a good harvest after planting is to protect the onion from diseases and pests. The growth of onion sets is often interfered with by various diseases and pests, they damage the feathers and make the bulb rotten and soft. A damaged crop cannot be saved, for this reason, onions must be protected from pests before planting. The most famous onion diseases are:

  1. Onion fly.
  2. Powdery downy mildew.

If the plant is damaged onion fly, then his feathers will dry and fade, and the central sheet will break off very easily, as it begins to rot from the base. If you look closely at the plant, you can see small onion fly larvae.

In order to prevent the appearance of an onion fly, the seeds must be treated with fentiuram or a solution of TMTD. If the onion fly struck the seedlings themselves, then it will help you wood ash or crushed charcoal, which needs to be sprinkled on the soil around the seedlings. Nexion (0.1%) diluted in 0.5 liters of solution can be used for young plants.

A sign of downy mildew is white spots on the feathers of the onion, they begin to increase over time, and a gray coating also appears. The cause of this disease is high humidity. To fight this disease will help:

To protect the plant from diseases you need:

  • Plant bulbs early.
  • Remove weeds promptly.
  • Periodically water and feed the plant.
  • Collect and remove damaged crops.

Onions are characterized by fast germination and rapid growth. But on the soil, the culture can be damaged, up to complete destruction, by various pests and diseases. In order to grow a high-quality rich crop, it is important to carry out a disinfection procedure for onion sets before planting. Preparation not only allows you to grow healthy bulbs, but also ensures that they are stored unchanged until the next harvest.

Planting onions

Onion planting occurs in May in warm, moist soil. For planting, prepare a bed in a well-lit and ventilated place. The crop requires soil with a high content of organic matter. A bed is well suited after zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers. Onions are not planted after the onions and garlic themselves. The soil is well loosened before planting, a furrow is marked and it is shed from the spout of the watering can without a sprayer.

It is convenient to plant onions in a furrow in a checkerboard pattern, so during the season it will be possible to choose a product from the ridge for greens, because it is not recommended to pick off feathers separately from a common bed. If the green part is cut off, a good bulb will not form. A bulbous unprotected cut can cause a fungal infection.

Planting process

Why process onions before sowing

To get the best results from growing a crop, you need good seed and know how to decontaminate onion sets before planting. The sevok should be dense, clean, without damage. Dry, sprouted or with signs of rot specimens are not suitable for planting.

For growing bulbs, take medium-sized sets, up to 3 cm in diameter. Empty damaged bulbs should be discarded, and sprouted or large ones can be used to plant separately on greens. Before starting various treatments for pests and diseases, the seeds are sorted and heated.

Whyprocessing needed:

  • increase germination;
  • increase the quality and size of the crop;
  • reduce the formation of flower arrows;
  • protect against pests and diseases.

Onions are often stored incorrectly, especially in warehouses at low temperatures. For sevka, the desired storage mode is at a temperature of + 18 ° С. Well-dried sevok does not germinate before planting time. Purchased seed should not be planted immediately after purchase. The sevok stored at low temperatures will leave when planting in the arrow and does not form a large bulb. Therefore, the purchased planting material should be dried and warmed up for several weeks at home. For this, the seedlings are kept for 14-20 days at a temperature of +20°C.

You can warm up by laying out the sevok near the batteries, other heating devices. Before planting, for 8-10 hours, the seed is heated at an elevated temperature of + 30 ... + 40 ° C, while not overdoing and not exceeding the temperature. A warmed bow shows better survival and will shoot less. The method also helps against infection with neck rot and powdery mildew. Sometimes, so that an onion arrow does not form, soaking in a soda solution is used. But soda is less effective than pre-sowing heating.

Note. There is also a quick way to warm up the sevka, if for some reason the time for a long warm-up is missed. The seed is soaked in water at a temperature of +45 ... +50 ° C - this is hot water that the hand endures. The soaking time is 10-15 minutes, then the seeds are immediately lowered into cold water for the same time.

For rapid germination, it is important to remove the dry husk from the set. Non-shelled scales release substances into the soil that inhibit the germination of the head. All dry husks are removed until the first juicy scales appear. Undress the onion carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Dry onion tops are cut off to speed up the release of the feather. But due to inexperience, you can mix up the parts of the onion and cut off the root or cut the neck too much. Therefore, with this technique, you can wait a little, with subsequent soaking, the dry neck will soften itself, and pruning is not required.

Treatment with salt and potassium permanganate

Processing onions before planting with salt and potassium permanganate is needed in order to disinfect and disinfect onions. Such processing methods are suitable for various planting dates, whether it is spring or autumn.

Onions lose a lot of moisture during storage, therefore, before soaking in saline, it must be properly moistened, for this, planting material is placed in ordinary water for 2 hours. Further, the use of saline for onions before planting will become more effective. Salt solution is prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. salt in 5 liters of warm water. Soak for 3-4 hours, then wash the onion from salt with a change of several waters.

salted onion

If it was not possible to treat the seedlings with a saline solution before planting, you can use a saline water composition for watering the beds. 300 g of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water and the ridge is watered. After this procedure, it is important to wash off the salt from the onion feathers by spraying them with plain water. This watering method should be applied once a season. Watering onions with salt can get rid of onion flies, but with large volumes of this method, the earth will become too saline. If the soil is often salted, then the plants on it will develop poorly or not grow at all. Salt is difficult to wash out of the soil and remains there for a long time.

If the saline solution for onions helps to reduce pest damage to the crop, then the seed can be treated with a manganese solution from fungal spores that may be in the set. This applies not only to purchased material, but also to home. It is impossible to determine the presence of infections in the inoculum by visual inspection.

Manganese solution is prepared dark purple. No more than 30 min. - how much to keep onions in potassium permanganate before planting. After such dressing, the seeds should be quickly rinsed with warm water.

Interesting. For the convenience of processing onions in various disinfectant solutions, they are folded into a net.

After treatments, planting material can be dried for planting or left covered for 6-8 hours under a film so that it releases roots. Planting seed with roots that have appeared requires caution - if damaged, they will slow down the survival of the bulb.

The result of treatment with salt and potassium permanganate

After soaking in a saline solution, and then processing the onion in potassium permanganate before planting, the seed is completely ready for transfer to open ground. Salt becomes a prevention against pests that cause damage to the culture: these are the onion fly, onion thrips and onion mites. Potassium permanganate prevents fungal diseases.

There is a method of how to pour salt on onions planted on the beds from the appearance of an onion fly. For this, in addition to salt, ammonia is used. A solution is being prepared with the following ratio of elements: 1 cup of salt, 10 ml of ammonia, 10 liters of water. It is necessary to water the beds with such a connection in the evening and between the rows, and not along the leaves or under the bulbs. After the procedure, the bed is watered with water for better penetration of substances. The pest disappears. It is important to use such substances in moderation when growing plants. The use of large amounts of ammonia, like salt, is harmful to the culture.

Interesting. To prevent the appearance of an onion fly, it is recommended to plant carrots, marigolds, calendula between rows or next to the crop.

Components such as salt and potassium permanganate should be used in combination, because individually they affect only one adverse factor: pests or diseases.

Onion processing before planting with phytosporin

Treatment with phytosporin has the same effect as disinfection with potassium permanganate. Phytosporin is an organic microbiological preparation that is effectively used to treat planting material from fungal and bacterial diseases. Available in powder, paste and liquid form. The drug spreads through the vascular system of the plant and begins to have a positive effect on crops from the moment of treatment. It is based on a spore culture - a bacterium that, by producing products of its vital activity, suppresses the reproduction of pathogens. When using sevka treatment, the drug has a detrimental effect on the development of diseases such as bacteriosis, peronosporosis or downy mildew, various types of rot.

Phytosprin packaging

Phytosporin should be used in cloudy weather. The active bacterium of the drug dies when exposed to sunlight. It is important not to combine phytosporin with solutions that have an alkaline reaction. Phytosporin, which is produced in the form of a paste, contains humic acids in its composition; if it is used, no additional use of growth stimulants is required.

Paste and powder are pre-soaked for 2 hours in water, the required proportion of which is indicated in the instructions. It is ineffective to simply pour phytosporin. To activate bacteria, preliminary preparation in water is required, otherwise the drug will be useless. To dilute phytosporin forms, chlorinated tap water should not be used. Such water is detrimental to living bacteria. You can use melted, rain or boiled water.

Important! Planting of seedlings is carried out immediately after treatment with the drug, without subsequent rinsing.

Fitosporin paste is prepared in two doses. First, a concentrated solution is prepared at the rate of: 100 g of paste per 200 ml of water or any other amount, but while maintaining the ratio of 1:2. The concentrated solution can be stored. Before use, it is diluted at the rate of: 3 tbsp. l for 1 glass of water. The finished solution is sprayed with sevok before planting.

The powder is suitable for soaking and spraying planting material. Prepared at the rate of: 10 g of powder per 500 ml of water. Soak the sevok before planting for 2 hours.

Phytosporin only prevents the spread of certain diseases, and the drug does not help against harmful insects, such as onion salt treatment.

Phytosporin can be watered onions on the ridge. The drug is safe for humans, and the feather can be eaten on the day of treatment. Processing is carried out no more than once a month, it should be sprayed with an interval of 2 weeks.

Bulbs can be treated with a disinfectant before storage.

How to disinfect onions before planting

Potassium permanganate and phytosporin have a good preventive effect, but there are other ways to disinfect onion heads before planting. It is important to choose one treatment for pests and one for diseases. Otherwise, the drugs may enter into a reaction that is unnecessary for the plant. For example, manganese and phytosporin are not used together with each other and together with copper sulphate. Empirically, each gardener selects an onion treatment that is suitable for its growing conditions. Disinfection is also used by such means as:

  • Copper vitriol;

Treatment with copper sulphate is carried out in order to prevent infection with fungal diseases of the culture. Processing is carried out after all other procedures, before landing itself. At the same time, an effective remedy is not completely safe, it refers to toxic substances. Treatment with such a substance is carried out in protective clothing.

blue vitriol

Copper sulfate in the amount of 30 g is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water, thoroughly mixed until the solution acquires a copper shade. The bulbs are placed in the solution for 2 hours. After they are taken out, the seed is dried, and it is ready for planting.

  • wood ash

With the help of wood ash, sevok is treated from decay, and is also used as a growth stimulator. For processing, you will need to dilute 250 g of ash in 5 liters of water. Soak the planting material in the solution for 10 minutes. Before planting, the seedlings are dried in the sun for 2-3 hours. After such treatment, additional feeding may not be necessary, because the ash contains all the microelements necessary for the culture.

wood ash

In addition to ash, industrially produced growth stimulants are used, they will also make the culture more resistant to adverse growth factors, and seedlings will appear quickly and amicably.

Growing onions may seem simple, at first glance, a matter - I bought a set and planted it. But often, without proper pre-sowing treatment, the crop is not of high quality, it does not perform well during storage, especially when it is winter. So that the culture does not occupy the garden in vain, labor is not expended in caring for it, attention should be paid to simple pre-sowing preparation.

In order for the onion harvest to please in the fall, you need to take active measures in the spring before planting it. After all, it is in the spring that onion sets are prepared for planting in the ground.

Almost all gardeners use onion sets to harvest onions. Seed treatment plays a very important role in its preparation for planting, since if the seeds are not treated, they will germinate for a long time or undergo various diseases.

For planting, small onions with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm are selected. Sets can be bought at any specialized store or grown independently. Seed preparation takes place in several stages.

Stages of preparation for sowing

  • All the onions need to be sorted out, the good ones selected and the unhealthy bulbs thrown out. Peeled, rotten, moldy, dried up - such turnips are not suitable for planting. If the bulb has not started a feather, it needs to be "cut". To do this, carefully cut off the husk at the crown. This will greatly speed up germination.

In addition, with proper pruning, the soaking procedure will be more effective: the solution will penetrate between the scales of the head very quickly. If you approach the preparation of seed with all responsibility, then you can eliminate the troubles associated with growing bulbous crops.

When pruning, you need to ensure that you do not cut off excess from the top. This will provoke the process of decay, and will not allow the onion to release the stems.

  • Suitable bulbs should preferably be cooked a few days before sowing. To do this, spread paper or newspaper near the heat source, and spread the onion sets in one layer.

At a temperature of 35–40 degrees, the onion warms up well. If, for some reason, warming up is not possible, and the sevok already needs to be planted, then the following steps can be taken to “wake up” the seeds: pour hot water into a basin with onions for 2 minutes, and then dip it in cold water.

Such measures will exclude the possibility of further “shooting” of onion sets. After all, he "shoots" because of the conditions of improper storage: too cold room. At this time, flower buds are born in the bulbs, which will begin to develop.

  • Warmed onion heads should be soaked in nutrient liquid in advance. To feed the bulbs, you can use any fertilizer complex. After pouring the bulbs into the net or bag, you need to leave them soaked for 10 hours in a nutrient mixture with Ammophos, Nitroammophos (1 tablespoon of the composition is taken for 10 liters of liquid).
  • After that, you need to arrange a “bath”: without rinsing from the remnants of the solution, dip the net with onion sets for 10 minutes in an aqueous solution with the addition of copper sulfate. Mix as follows: for 10 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate.

It is these water procedures that prevent the development of fungal diseases in young onion sets. After washing the seed with running water, you can safely plant it in the ground.

There is also a bath recipe. You can dip the onion in a normal saline solution. Salt fights fungal nematode spores. The recipe is as follows: for one bucket of water, 3 cups of table salt. He must stand 24 hours before landing. You can also treat the sevok with infusion of ash or "Fitosporin".

You can also disinfect the sevok with potassium permanganate. Despite the fact that many effective modern substances have appeared, this remedy still remains the most effective and at the same time inexpensive.

Processing before planting occurs in this order: dilute 35 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water, immerse the seeds in the resulting solution for 2 hours. This method will provide protection against any diseases of the plant.

  • In order for the seeds to germinate quickly and give a good harvest, it is recommended to treat it with growth stimulants before planting. The most affordable and versatile way is to treat it with wood ash, which is rich in potassium and natural antiseptics.

Disease protection

It is also important to protect sevok from ailments after planting. Various insects and diseases that affect the heads and prevent their growth, in the course of their life, turn green feathers into yellow, the scales of the bulb become soft and rotten. Such a bow will not survive until winter, so emergency measures must be taken.

The most common diseases of onion sets are:

  • onion fly.

Destroyed by an onion fly, the feathers of the set wither and dry from the top of the feather to the very base, so the central petiole breaks off, rotten to the very bulb. Looking closely, you can see insect larvae in the bulb itself or on its surface. To exclude the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to treat the seeds with a solution of TMTD or fentiuram.

If an onion fly has struck young greens, wood ash or crushed charcoal will help, which you need to sprinkle seedlings with. For the treatment of young plants, Nexion (0.1%) is often used from the consumption: 0.5 l of solution per 1 meter of soil. Watering should be every two weeks.

  • downy mildew.

The whitish spots that cover the sevka arrows gradually spread and after some time become already gray bloom - this is a defeat by downy mildew. The most common cause of this problem is the increased humidity of the air or soil in which the onion grows.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to start treatment with any of these agents:

  • 80% cuprosan (0.4%);
  • ditan M-45 (0.20%);
  • Bordeaux liquid 1%.

Before planting onions, it is worth deciding how and with what to process the sets and the ground. Timely fertilization of the beds and preventive procedures will save onions from a number of diseases and ensure a rich harvest.

Soil preparation

All crops will develop well on fertile soil. Therefore, in the fall, before plowing the site, they take care of enriching the soil with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Soil acidity

In a new plot, it is always necessary to find out the level of soil acidity using laboratory analysis, because onions produce a bountiful harvest only at a neutral pH. If necessary, acidic soil is optimized by adding alkalizing agents so that the reaction is close to neutral. All substances are used before autumn plowing.

  • 150-200 g of dolomite flour are added per 1 square meter, which will also increase the level of calcium and magnesium in the soil.
  • Once every five years, acidic soil is alkalized with slaked lime, 500 g each - 1 kg per 1 m 2.
  • 2-3 years after autumn liming, wood ash is used - 2-4 kg per 1 m 2. Ash is brought in in autumn or spring, it is also sprinkled with seedlings and young onion plants to prevent diseases and protect against pest attacks.

You can not mix manure and ash in the fall.

Soil restructuring

For effective onion cultivation, it is often necessary to change the structure of the soil: enrich peat soil, make heavy clay soil more loose, or add nutrients to sandy soil. Together with compost, humus or manure, mineral complexes are also added at the same time. The table below shows the application volumes per 1 m 2 . Instead of the mentioned fertilizers, you can use any mineral complexes that are suitable for onions. Minerals, like humus (but not fresh manure), can be used in the spring when cultivating the site.

soil typeOrganic fertilizers and additivesMineral fertilizers
Clayey6 kg of humus or 7 kg of compost, 5 kg of peat, 10 kg of sand
Loamy5 kg of humus, 4 kg of peat,30 g superphosphate, 5 g carbamide
Sandy10 kg of humus or compost, 10 kg of peat, 10 kg of loam or clay soil, a bucket of sawdust40 g nitrophoska
Peat6 kg of humus, 10 kg of sand, 10 kg of loam - sod land30 g superphosphate, 5 g carbamide

For the area where onions will grow, potassium chloride is used only in the fall. In the spring, potassium sulphate is added or onions are fed with this fertilizer during growth.

Disease and pest prevention

In the spring, small onion beds are treated with various means, including substances used according to popular experience. There is a kind of disinfection of the soil, due to which the culture will develop without problems.

  • Shed high beds with boiling water.
  • The beds or larger areas are covered for 3-4 days with a plastic film folded in several layers. The main condition: carefully strengthen all the edges of the film so that air does not enter inside. The temperature under the film in sunny weather reaches 70 degrees.
  • In the spring, a week before planting, the soil is watered with Fitosporin-M (dissolve 5 g of powder in 10 liters of water) or Trichodermin, Alirin-B according to the instructions.
  • Heal the soil with the help of biopreparations "Baikal" or "Gumat" according to the instructions that are attached to the products. Watering with such substances is carried out in warm, but cloudy weather 15-20 days before planting the onion, so that useful microorganisms, once in the soil where the onion will grow, have time to multiply.
  • The ridges are treated with infusions of needles or tobacco dust, as well as rotten hay. Hay stick is a part of "Fitosporin".
  • Dissolve in 10 liters of hot (up to 50 o C) water 20 g of copper sulfate. The mixture is poured over the ground and covered with polyethylene.

bulb processing

Two weeks before planting, the bulbs are sorted out and rejected specimens with obvious flaws and those that have sprouted. An ideal onion set is about 1 cm in diameter. Larger bulbs can go into the arrow, and smaller ones develop poorly.

The pre-sowing treatment of sevka is diverse, and everyone can choose any option they like.

  • Onions are placed for 50-60 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. For this procedure, it is better to put the seed in a plastic mesh bag. The water is warm, up to 45 o C.
  • The purchased sets are heated from two days to two weeks at temperatures up to 40 ° C. Usually the bulbs are placed near the battery.
  • On the day of planting, pour the onion, placed in a bag, with very hot water for 2 minutes and quickly transfer it to cold water. Such processing is carried out so that there are no arrows.
  • Before the “hot baths”, the onion is still soaked in a solution of any complex fertilizer (nitroammophoska, ammofoska): 20 g per bucket of water. The procedure lasts up to 10 hours.
  • After impregnation with fertilizers, onion sets are disinfected for 10 minutes in blue vitriol: 5 g of the drug per bucket of water. This will protect against possible fungal infections.
  • After such impregnations, the seeds are washed in clean water. Bulbs can be planted without drying.
  • The traditional way is to use a salt solution. 500 g of salt are dissolved in 10 liters of water and the seedlings are placed there for a day. There is another version of the saline solution: 3 tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 3 liters of water. Processing cleans the onion from nematode infection.
  • A 2-4-hour impregnation with birch tar is used: 1 tablespoon of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Before the “bath”, the onion sets are dried for a day on a battery, the husks are removed and the tops are lightly cut off.

Funds during boarding

When planning beds, arrange rows of onions next to carrots. The phytoncides of this culture repel the onion fly, which spoils the feather. When planting, the grooves where the bulbs are planted are also treated in several ways:

  • sprinkle with salt;
  • make preparations "Zemlin", "Bazudin", "Pochin", which protect the site from the onion fly;
  • after planting the sets, the soil from the onion fly is sprinkled with tobacco dust, wood ash, ground black pepper, or a mixture thereof;
  • the use of funds is repeated during the summer of the pest, which coincides with the time of flowering of dandelions.

Compliance with crop rotation will help to avoid the characteristic fungal diseases of onions. Repeatedly on the same bed, onions are planted in the 5th year.

How to protect onions from diseases and pests?

Proper preparation of the soil and planting material will protect the onion at first. But then there are new threats that need to be dealt with.

Disease/PestsignsControl measures
neck rotAt the bottom, the stem softens, a gray coating appears. The rot turns into an onionAvoid damage to feathers; harvest onions in dry weather; dry before storage.
Peronosporosis, or downy mildewLight spots on the feathers are gradually covered with a gray fluffTreat onion leaves 10 cm long with a solution of 20 g of copper oxychloride per 10 liters of water. Add a spoonful of liquid soap to make the composition sticky.
stem nematodeThe juicy scales of the bulbs are loose, there is a garlic smell. Feathers are twisted, turn yellow earlyIt is necessary to process the onion for 15 minutes before planting with saline: 3 tablespoons per bucket of water. Also, 1 m2 of soil is shed with three liters of solution.
onion flyThe larvae damage the bulb and feathers. Leaves drooping, twisted200 g of tobacco dust are infused for 2 days in hot water, then 20 ml of liquid soap and 5 g of ground black pepper are added, diluted in 10 liters of water. When spraying diverges 1 liter per 1 m2

By following the advice of experienced gardeners, you can grow a good crop of onions, without which any family table cannot do.