How to act during a flood: the most important rules. How to survive the flood and after it

Let's skip the advice from the series "turn on the radio, TV and listen to recommendations." Naturally, it is necessary to turn on the mass media, this is already clear, their instructions will be in every way more accurate than mine, because. they are tied to a specific area, which has its own specifics, its own relief, etc.

Therefore, we will talk about the situation when big water took you by surprise, and you have no time to pack and think.

So, the water is in your yard, and it keeps coming.


1. Assess the situation

Your task is to understand how fast and from what source the flow is going, to estimate its direction (if the whole point is that the neighbors pipe burst, you are lucky). If it's raining, you have some time to pack. If the weather is clear and the current is fairly fast, move your feet as quickly as possible. Most likely the dam broke. And this means that a huge destructive mass of water is on the way.

2. pack your things

What to take with you when there is time for training, I think you will figure it out yourself. But how to get together in 5-10 minutes? You will need:

The documents. They will be needed when the registration for evacuation is announced. And in general, they will not interfere further in life. Therefore, everything that indicates your personality, position, property, take with you.

Canned food and other well-packaged food.

Matches-knife-rope. You can vary - a lighter, an ax, a rope. The essence is the same: these items will help to survive in any conditions. Also, food utensils, a flashlight, a compass, medicines, a set of needles and threads will not interfere.

Cloth. Depending on the time of the year and the time you have for training.

If possible, put everything in separate plastic bags (large ones for garbage are also suitable) and tie it up, you can use several bags to pack one item - it's less likely that everything will get wet at once. You can also connect yourself and loved ones from plastic bottles and rope life jacket.

After pre-packing, put everything in a backpack. It will free your hands - you will appreciate it to the fullest when you need to grab onto something.

3. Choose an evacuation waiting area

If you live in the city and above the level of the 3rd floor, get together and calmly wait for the evacuation. If it's lower, move up. If not possible - try to move to the highest points of the area. If these are buildings, choose capital concrete structures. dilapidated wooden buildings will not fit in any way - they will most likely be washed away.

However, I would not advise you to go far from the place of your permanent residence - the rescuers will carry out the evacuation, hoping that the local residents are on the ground.

While waiting for evacuation, give distress signals: during the day - a white flag (a piece of cloth), at night - a flickering lantern.


The main danger of water is its huge mass. Just imagine: in 5 cu. meters of water - 5 tons! It is impossible to resist the movement of a turbulent stream. The second danger arising from the first is that water can hit you hard on the surrounding structures.

Based on this, build your behavior. Once in the stream, throw off all heavy clothes and shoes (a backpack with things too - don't be greedy!), hide behind a tree, a pillar, a hillock on the ground - for any well-fixed structure. Trying to swim out is a waste of energy, especially if you are swimming against the current. Therefore, according to the movement of the stream, “steer out” and grab onto something, if you can’t grab onto it, try to find objects in the stream that will increase your buoyancy (boards, for example), so there will be more chances of survival.


When the water has subsided and there is no flow, pay attention to sagging electrical wires when moving - in such conditions there is a risk of electric shock. Before entering any building, check if it is in danger of collapsing or falling on you. individual structures. Upon entering, ventilate the building to remove any accumulated gases. Do not eat food that has been in contact with water - water could bring a bunch of infection in the stream.

In no case do not use any communications and open fire without a complete preliminary examination - it is possible that the elements could damage the power grid, gas equipment. It is clear that this is not to be joked with.

Be careful! She won't interfere with this. As well as the ability not to panic and make informed decisions. These two simple rules are as important as any of the above.


FLOOD - this is a significant flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea during the period of snowmelt, showers, wind surges of water, during traffic jams, ice jams, etc.

Floods caused by wind surge of water in the mouths of rivers are of a special type. Floods lead to the destruction of bridges, roads, buildings, structures, cause significant material damage, and at high water speeds (more than 4 m/s) and high water rise (more than 2 m) cause death of people and animals. The main cause of destruction is the impact on buildings and structures of hydraulic shocks of a mass of water, ice floes floating at high speed, various debris, watercraft, etc. Flooding can occur suddenly and last from a few hours to 2-3 weeks.


If your area often suffers from floods, study and remember the boundaries of possible flooding, as well as elevated, rarely flooded places located in close proximity to places of residence, the shortest routes to them. Familiarize family members with the rules of conduct during organized and individual evacuations, as well as in the event of a sudden and rapidly developing flood. Remember the storage areas for boats, rafts and building materials for their manufacture. Prepare in advance a list of documents, property and medicines taken out during the evacuation. Put valuables, necessary warm clothes, a supply of food, water and medicines in a special suitcase or backpack.


On a flood warning and evacuation signal, without delay, in in due course leave (leave) the danger zone of possible catastrophic flooding to the designated safe area or to elevated areas of the terrain, taking with you documents, valuables, necessary things and a two-day supply of non-perishable food. Register at the final evacuation point. before leaving the house, turn off the electricity and gas, put out the fire in heating furnaces, secure all floating items that are outside buildings, or place them in utility rooms. If time permits, move valuable household items to the upper floors or to the attic of a residential building.

Close the windows and doors, if necessary and have time, board the windows and doors of the first floors from the outside with boards (shields). In the absence of an organized evacuation, before the arrival of help and the subsidence of water, stay on the upper floors and roofs of buildings, on trees or other towering objects. At the same time, constantly give a distress signal: during the day - by hanging or waving a clearly visible towel lined with a pole, and in dark time- light signal and periodically voice.

When the rescuers approach, calmly, without panic and fuss, in compliance with the precautionary measures, go to the swimming facility. At the same time, strictly follow the requirements of the rescuers, do not overload the boats. During the movement, do not leave the assigned places, do not board the sides, strictly follow the requirements of the crew. It is recommended to get out of the flooded area on your own only if there are such serious reasons as the need to provide medical assistance to the victims, the continued rise in the water level, and the threat of flooding of the upper floors (attic). In this case, it is necessary to have a reliable swimming facility and know the direction of movement. During self-advance, do not stop giving a distress signal. Help people who are swimming in the water and drowning.


Throw a floating object to a drowning person, encourage him, call for help. When reaching the victim by swimming, consider the course of the river. If the drowning person does not control his actions, swim up to him from behind and, grabbing him by the hair, tow him to the shore.


Before entering a building, check to see if it is in danger of collapsing or falling. Ventilate the building (to remove accumulated gases). Do not turn on electric lighting, do not use open flames, do not light matches until the room is completely ventilated and the gas supply system is checked for proper operation. Check the serviceability of the electrical wiring, gas supply pipelines, water supply and sewerage. Do not use them until you have verified that they are working properly with the help of specialists. To dry the premises, open all windows and doors, remove dirt from the floor and walls, pump out water from the basements. do not use food products that have been in contact with water. Organize the cleaning of wells from the applied dirt and remove water from them.


Procurement of building materials for flood control (sandbags, stones, soil).

Teaching the population the rules of behavior in the flood zone.

Embankment of buildings and structures.

Destruction of accumulated ice.

Evacuation of people, material assets and farm animals.


If you receive a warning about the threat of flooding (flooding), inform your loved ones, neighbors about it. A flood warning usually contains information about the time and extent of flooding, as well as advice to residents about appropriate behavior or evacuation procedures.

Continuing to listen to local radio (if we are talking not about sudden catastrophic flooding), prepare to evacuate.

Before evacuation, for the safety of your home, you should: turn off water, gas, electricity, put out burning heating stoves, move valuable things and objects to the upper floors (attics) of buildings, remove agricultural equipment to safe places, close (upholster if necessary) windows and doors of the first floors with boards or plywood.

Upon receiving a signal to start an evacuation, you must quickly collect and take with you documents, money, valuables, medicines, a set of clothes and shoes for the season, a supply of food for several days and go to the declared evacuation point to be sent to safe areas.

In case of a flash flood, it is necessary to take the nearest safe elevated place as soon as possible and be ready for an organized evacuation by water. It is necessary to take measures that allow rescuers to detect in a timely manner the presence of people cut off by water and in need of help: in the daytime - hang out banners on a high place, in the dark - give light signals.


In a flooded area, you should not eat food that has come into contact with the incoming water and drink boiled water. Wet electrical appliances can only be used after they have been thoroughly dried.

Let's skip the advice from the series "turn on the radio, TV and listen to recommendations." Naturally, it is necessary to turn on the mass media, this is already clear, their instructions will be in every way more accurate than mine, because. they are tied to a specific area, which has its own specifics, its own relief, etc.

Therefore, we will talk about the situation when big water caught you by surprise, and you don’t have time to pack and think.

So, the water is in your yard, and it keeps coming.


1. Assess the situation

Your task is to understand how fast and from what source the flow is going, to estimate its direction (if the whole point is that the neighbors pipe burst, you are lucky). If it's raining, you have some time to pack. If the weather is clear and the current is fairly fast, move your feet as quickly as possible. Most likely the dam broke. And this means that a huge destructive mass of water is on the way.

2. pack your things

What to take with you when there is time for training, I think you will figure it out yourself. But how to get together in 5-10 minutes? You will need:

The documents. They will be needed when the registration for evacuation is announced. And in general, they will not interfere further in life. Therefore, everything that indicates your personality, position, property, take with you.

Canned food and other well-packaged food.

Matches-knife-rope. You can vary - a lighter, an ax, a rope. The essence is the same: these items will help to survive in any conditions. Also, food utensils, a flashlight, a compass, medicines, a set of needles and threads will not interfere.

Cloth. Depending on the time of the year and the time you have for training.

If possible, put everything in separate plastic bags (large ones for garbage are also suitable) and tie it up, you can use several bags to pack one item - it's less likely that everything will get wet at once. You can also tie a life jacket for yourself and your loved ones from plastic bottles and rope.

After pre-packing, put everything in a backpack. It will free your hands - you will appreciate it to the fullest when you need to grab onto something.

3. Choose an evacuation waiting area

If you live in the city and above the level of the 3rd floor, get together and calmly wait for the evacuation. If it's lower, move up. If not possible - try to move to the highest points of the area. If these are buildings, choose capital concrete structures. Dilapidated wooden buildings will not work in any way - they will most likely be washed away.

However, I would not advise you to go far from the place of your permanent residence - the rescuers will carry out the evacuation, hoping that the local residents are on the ground.

While waiting for evacuation, give distress signals: during the day - a white flag (a piece of cloth), at night - a flickering lantern.


The main danger of water is its huge mass. Just imagine: in 5 cu. meters of water - 5 tons! It is impossible to resist the movement of a turbulent stream. The second danger arising from the first is that water can hit you hard on the surrounding structures.

Based on this, build your behavior. Once in the stream, throw off all heavy clothes and shoes (a backpack with things too - don't be greedy!), hide behind a tree, a pillar, a hillock on the ground - for any well-fixed structure. Trying to swim out is a waste of energy, especially if you are swimming against the current. Therefore, according to the movement of the stream, “steer out” and grab onto something, if you can’t grab onto it, try to find objects in the stream that will increase your buoyancy (boards, for example), so there will be more chances of survival.


When the water has subsided and there is no flow, pay attention to sagging electrical wires when moving - in such conditions there is a risk of electric shock. Before entering any building, check whether it threatens to collapse or fall on you of individual structures. Upon entering, ventilate the building to remove any accumulated gases. Do not eat food that has been in contact with water - water could bring a bunch of infection in the stream.

In no case do not use any communications and open fire without a complete preliminary examination - it is possible that the elements could damage the electrical network, gas equipment. It is clear that this is not to be joked with.

Be careful! She won't interfere with this. As well as the ability not to panic and make informed decisions. These two simple rules are just as important as those described above.

How to escape from a flood Many regions of Russia are prone to floods. Even residents of large cities can be in the flood zone. This danger can also catch tourists on vacation in other countries. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how to help yourself and others in the event of such a natural disaster. The following signs can warn of an approaching flood: prolonged heavy rains, rising water in rivers and flowing lakes, anxiety and anxiety in the behavior of domestic animals. As soon as you notice the approach of a flood, immediately notify your relatives, friends, and housemates about it. Quickly gather yourselves and help the women, children, the elderly and sick people to gather. Take only the most necessary minimum with you: money, valuables, documents, food for 1-2 days, a survival kit. Try to leave the suspected flood area as soon as possible. Not only your life depends on the speed of your actions, but also the lives of those who are close to you. When choosing a driving route, go only on those roads that pass through elevated areas. If you need somewhere to hide, choose mountains, hills, plateaus for this. In the city - the upper floors and roofs of high-rise buildings. If the flood caught you far from settlements, warm clothes, knives, weapons, lanterns, first aid kits will be needed to survive. Make sure you have a charged mobile phone. If possible, get out of the disaster area by car or boat. If for some reason you cannot leave the flooded area, gather the necessary things and pack them in waterproof bags. Climb to the roof of a private house or to the upper floors of a high-rise building. Do not forget to make sure that the structure is reliable - during the flood, unreliable and weak buildings collapse. Immediately after that, take care of preparing a raft from improvised materials - wooden furniture, boards, empty bottles. Be sure to secure the raft so that it does not blow away. Collect a supply of plastic bottles, canisters, balls - they will help you not to drown if you find yourself in the water. Try to turn off the gas and electricity, and even better - turn off the power to the whole house. This will protect you from being hit. electric shock. Report yourself to rescuers or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This will speed up your rescue. Do not forget about those who, by the will of fate, were next to you. Help the sick, the elderly, women and children. From products, take what does not take up much space, does not require cooking, and may not deteriorate for a long time. These are canned food, chocolate, sweets, sausage and cheese, bacon, dried fruits. Take the necessary medicines for the sick, baby food for the children. Try not to get wet. Don't go into the water unless absolutely necessary. Hypothermia from prolonged exposure to water is the main danger to life and health. Even in warm weather, you are at risk. How to behave during a flood Flooding is a significant flooding of the area caused by a sharp rise in water in rivers, lakes or the sea. They usually happen suddenly and can last 2-3 weeks. The cause of the flood is the melting of snow, heavy rains and more. You need a boat Lifebuoy, rope, ladder, signal equipment, first aid kit, supply of water and food Instruction 1 Find out if your locality is in a zone of possible flooding. And if yes, then worry in advance and find out which routes will be used for evacuation. Prepare boats, rafts, life buoys, ropes, ladders, signaling equipment in advance. 2 If there is a threat of flooding, turn off the gas, water and electricity before leaving the house. Take the necessary clothes, documents, valuables, first aid kit, stock drinking water and groceries for 3 days. Those things that you cannot take with you, put them in the upper floors or in the attic. 3 Close the first floor windows and board them up with boards. This will prevent debris from entering the house and keep the glass from possible breakage. If you can, evacuate your pets. 4 If evacuation is not possible, go up to the attic or roof of the house. Tie children and weakened people to yourself or to pipes furnace heating. Attract the attention of rescuers with pieces of colorful or white cloth tied to an antenna or stick, at night give a signal with lanterns or torches. Do not climb trees, poles or weak structures as they may be washed away by water. 5 Provide first aid to victims during a flood. Rescue the people cut off by the flood from the rest. 6 Use car tires, wheels, tables to stay on the water. Jump into it only at a moment when there is no hope of salvation. Remove your shoes and loosen tight clothing if you are in danger of being in the water. Breathe in the air before you hit the water, grab the first floating object that comes across and go with the flow, keeping calm. 7 After the end of the flood, check if your house is in danger of collapse. Do not use open fire. Look for exposed wiring or gas leaks. Do not eat food that has been in flood waters. Also check the water before using it for contamination.

Floods can last several days, and the most significant of them can even lead to flooding. You should know that when sharp increase water in reservoirs can form flood waves. Under the destructive influence of such phenomena, areas located in the lowlands most often fall. Let's consider what actions should be taken in case of a threat of flooding, whether it is possible to prepare for it, and how to behave during a raging element.

How to Prepare for a Flood

If there is a risk of flooding, a warning message will be broadcast on radio and television. It provides information on the approximate time of arrival of water to residential areas, the territorial boundaries that are subject to flooding and the procedure for evacuation (if necessary).

After hearing such a message, you should prepare for the flood as follows:

  • All valuables, including household appliances and move the furniture to the attic or upper floor.
  • Seal doors and windows throughout. You can beat them with boards.
  • Ditches for water discharge must be cleared of debris, stones.
  • Everybody ventilation holes should be closed to prevent dirty surface water
  • Free cellars from food products and interior items
  • Take care of the animals. Dogs must be untied and removed from the chain.
  • Turn off all gas equipment, de-energize the room, shut off the water supply.
  • Pack medicines, dry spare sets of clothes and bed linen, documents, money in a waterproof bag.
  • You should always have a supply of food and water ready, which will last for 2-3 days.
  • You should take only the necessary things with you: a passport, food supplies, dry warm clothes, toiletries.
  • If you have a boat, then keep it ready, and you may also need any rescue equipment: a vest, a circle. Don't forget to put rope in the boat.

You should know in advance the location of the safest areas on a hill located near your place of residence. Find the best route for them.

When you arrive at the evacuation point, do not forget to register. Do not turn off the radio, information may be supplemented or changed depending on development.

How to act during a flood

Before leaving the house to the indicated point for evacuation to a safe area, it is imperative to check the electricity meters, gas supply valves and make sure that everything is closed. Floating objects that may present a danger need additional securing.

If the flood caught you suddenly or there is no organized evacuation, then you should leave on your own by a safe route to areas located on a hill. You can wait for help on the upper floors of the house, roofs, tall strong trees. Draw attention to yourself. In daylight, you can signal with a brightly colored cloth. For greater visibility, attach it to some kind of stick. At dusk and at night, a light or sound signal can indicate your location. For this, a flashlight or phone display is suitable.

Correct and consistent actions during flooding will help you wait for help without significant losses. When approaching rescuers, do not panic and fuss. Slowly, get into the boat. Do not overload the boat, follow the recommendations and advice of the rescue team. Control your emotions. Do not make chaotic active movements. While transporting you to safe place do not get up, change seats, or sit on the sides of the boat.

If you or someone close to you needs urgent medical attention, then with a reliable vessel you can leave the disaster area, but in this case, do not stop giving the signal. It is also important to know the right direction of movement. If you see a person drowning, help him. For this, a rope or a lifebuoy is suitable. Direct it with your voice, while taking into account the flow of water. You can read in detail how to help a drowning person in our article.

If the flood caught you in the car, leave it. Look for any tall items that will help you wait out the active period of the elements. When getting out of the flood zone by car, avoid washed out or flooded roads.

What to do after a flood

After the water began to subside, you should wait for official permission from the authorized bodies that you can return to your homes. You can not enter the room without first inspecting it for damage. Special attention focus on cracks in the walls and damage to the floors. Inspect electrical wiring, plumbing and sewer pipes.

Actions after flooding also include thorough ventilation of the building. However, for drying, do not use gas equipment, open fire. Do not use switches. It is desirable that their correctness be confirmed by specialists.

First of all, pump out the remaining water from the house. Remove dirt and silt from walls and floors. Water should be pumped out systematically, not all at once. So you will not cause severe damage to the foundation. Divert no more than 1/3 of the total amount of water daily. It is impossible to live in a building where moisture remains.

Throw away soaked products immediately. They are no longer fit for food. Wells should also be cleaned before they can be used. Cover stagnant water around the house with lime or big amount bleach. You don't need to raise the temperature in the room too quickly, in the hope that this will help the house dry out faster. As long as there is water in the room, the temperature should not be higher than + 4.

With the right and deliberate approach to floods, many disastrous consequences can be avoided. The main thing is not to panic and think about your actions in advance. Be sure to inform all relatives, especially children, about the danger of flooding and how to act during floods. For the elderly detailed plan or place the evacuation plan in a conspicuous place.