The history of life is poor Lisa. Analysis of the story N.

The writing

The story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Poor Lisa" is considered to be the top of Russian prose sentimentalism. Prose who put the life of the heart and manifestation of human feelings in the chapter angle.

Perhaps these days when the life values \u200b\u200bare shifted, aggression, betrayal and murder will not see anyone, "poor Lisa" will seem to the work of naive, far from the truth of life, the feelings of the heroes -Not-like, and the whole story with a sweet, shut-off The taste of excessive sentimentality. But "poor Lisa" written by Karamzin in 1792 will forever remain the most important step, milestone in the history of Russian literature. This story is an inexhaustible source of themes, ideas and images for all subsequent Russian authors.

In this essay, I want to dwell on the form of Lisa and on the role that this image has played for all Russian literature.

In the story of several actors: Peasant Lisa, her mother, nobleman Erast and narrator. The scene is the story of love between Estaurant and Liza. Stories in which a man seduces, and then throws a girl, a lot in literature. But the feature of the history of Lisa and Erast is that it is precisely such an arrangement of forces in Russia of the eighteenth century that was the most common: Barin, a landowner, nobleman, using his position, without a branch of conscience, without punishment, and, most importantly, without condemning society, seduces a girl, which is below its social status.

For the first time, the name of Lisa appears in the title of the story. Already at this stage, we can understand that it is the female image that will become in the work of the main thing. In addition, from the title, we can catch the author's attitude to Lisa: He calls her "poor".

For the second time we meet with Lisa in the memoirs of the narrator: "It all more often attracts me to the walls of the SI ... Nova Monastery Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa, poor Lisa." Judging by the epithets that the narrator consumes, saying about Lisa, ("beautiful", "kind") - the reader may seem that the narrator was a man in love with Lisa, and only finishing the story to the end, we understand that he simply regrets the poor Girl. In general, the storyteller in the story is an expressive of the author's relationship, and Karamzin loves his heroine. Why?

Lisa is a peasant woman, she lives in the hut "with the old woman, his mother." The lysine Father, "Corollaish Saladan" died, so "his wife and daughter was impoverished" and "we were forced to give their land, and for very little money." Her mother could not work, and "Lisa, who remained after the Father Fifteen Years, is one Lisa, without sparing their tender youth, without a rare beauty of his own, worked day and night - Canvas fabrics, knitted stockings, rolled flowers, and in summer I took the berries - and sold them in Moscow. " We are not yet familiar with the heroine, but we already understand that she is hardworking, ready for sacrifices for their loved ones.

Gradually, step by step, Karamzin opens a deep and surprisingly clean soul of the main character. She has a very soft and sensitive heart: "Often, gentle Lisa could not keep his own tears - ah! She remembered that she had a father and that he did not become, but to calm the mother tried to hone the sadness of his heart and seem deceased and fun. " She is very shy and timid. With the first meeting with Estaurant Lisa, paint confuse is constantly poured: "She showed him flowers - and flashed."

The main character of the story is extremely honest. Her honesty towards other people is manifested in the episode with the purchase of flowers: when Erast offers Lisa Ruble instead of five kopecks, she replies that she is not necessary for her. " In addition, the heroine is to a funny naive: she easily reports where her house is the first ongoing person to her.

When describing the main character, attention attracts its speech characteristic. It is on this basis that it can be said that the image of Lisa as a representative of his estate was not worked out quite clearly. Its speech gives it not a peasant in it, living in her hard work, but rather the airway from the Supreme Society. "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he was now passing my herd herd; Oh! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where do you drive your herd? "And grows here green grass For your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat. " But despite this, the image of Lisa became the first in Russian literature of a woman from the people. In this, progressive for the XVIII century, an attempt to bring to the scene is not an ordinary heroine for a love novel - a young lady, namely the peasant, laid deep meaning. Karamzin, as it were, destroys the boundaries between the estates, indicating that all people are equal before God and before love, "for and the peasants can love."

Another innovation of Karamzin became the interpretation of a female image. Recall that in the eighteenth century, a woman did not have enough freedom. In particular, the woman did not possess freedom to love on their own selection. The choice for a woman did her parents. It is easy to imagine that with this state of affairs, happy marriagesIn which the spouses loved each other, were unlikely to be frequent. An attempt to love according to his will, contrary to public opinion was regarded as a crime against morality. This topic proposed by Karamzin will also find its reflection in the works of later authors. In particular, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky.

But in the "poor Lisa" author allowed his heroine to love. Love at the kettling of the heart, on your own will. Love the flames, passionately and forever. "When you, -wood Lisa Erant, - When you say to me:" I love you, my friend! "When you press me to my heart and look at me with our own eyes, ah! Then it happens so good, so it's good that I forget myself, I forget everything except Eras. Wonderful? Wonderful, my friend, that I, without knowing you, could live calmly and fun! Now it's not clear to me, now I think that without you, life is not life, but sadness and boredom. Without your eyes, your daekene is a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing; Without your breath, the breeze is unpleasant. "

The author allowed the heroine to love and does not condemn her for it. On the contrary, it is a erast that seems to the reader of the scoundrel and villain, after he, deceiving, throws Lisa. The author condemns his hero who does not pass the test with the strongest feeling on earth - love. This technique of "love tests" will be very important in the work of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. He will find its most complete incarnation in the novels "Fathers and Children", "Rudin", "Noble Nest". In the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov" the main character also had to undergo a test of love.

Hero Karamzin, Erast, betrayed and killed love. For this he will be punished and after the death of Lisa. He "until the end of his life" will be unhappy: "Having learned about the fate of lysine, he could not comfort and read himself a murderer." At the end of the story, we learn that Erast is dying: the narrator "met him a year before his death."

Lisa not only passes the test of love. The image of her in love is revealed in the entire fullness and beauty. "What belongs to Lisa, then she completely giving him, he only lived and breathed, in everything, as a lamb, who obeyed his will and was the pleasure of his happiness ..."

In general, Lisa is endowed with almost all Christian virtues. Even in a difficult moment, in separation with a loved one, she discovers such excellent qualities as respect for parents and willingness to sacrifice everything for a loved one. "What holds me to fly after a cute erast? War is not afraid for me; Scary where there is no friend. To live with him, I want to die with him or death to save his precious life. " "She already wanted to run behind the erast, but thought; "I have a mother!" - stopped her. "

One of the most important points In the disclosure of the image of Lisa is her suicide. The purest, the angelic soul commits a sin that was considered and considered in Christianity one of the most terrible. The heroine was distraught from grief. "I can not live," Lisa thought, "it's impossible! .. Oh, if the sky fell on me! If the Earth absorbed the poor! .. No! The sky does not fall; Earth does not hesitate! Woe is me!". "She left the city and suddenly saw himself on the shores of a deep pond, under the shadows of the ancient oaks, which in a few weeks before those were silent witnesses of her delights. This memory shocked her soul; The terrible heart effect was depicted on her face ... She rushed into the water. "

Suicide Lisa makes her image of vital and tragic. Lisa appears in front of us by another, who could not withstand grief, broken, defined. Killed most important in her life, purpose and higher meaning - Love. And Lisa dies. Surprisingly, the author belongs to the death of his heroine. Although Karamzin, remembering that suicide is sin, does not give the soul of a lysine rest. In the empty hut "Will the wind, and superstitious posts, hearing this noise, they say; "There is a dead man! There is a poor Lisa! "." But the writer forgives his heroine. The mysterious phrase of the narrator - "When we are there, in the new life will see you, I recognize you, tender Lisa!" - Opens the author's love of our heroin. Karamzin believes that his Lisa, this purest soul will fall into paradise, in a new life.

For the first time in Karamzin, a woman acts as a higher moral ideal. It was the woman Karamzin intended to introduce such an important and defining theme into Russian literature as the elevation of the human spirit through suffering. And finally, it was Karamzin who determined that women's images in Russian literature will be tutors of feelings.

New life For Lisa, or rather, for her image began, much later, in the next century. Lisa was reborn again in the heroines of Pushkin, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy. The image of the poor Lisa anticipated the whole gallery of beautiful female Russian characters: from Pushkin Lisa from the "young shelter-peasant women" and the Duni from the "Stationander" to Katerina Kabanova from "Dospernitsy" and Katyusha Maslova from Sunday.

Other writings on this work

"Poor Lisa" Karamzin as a sentimentalist story The image of Lisa in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" through the eyes of a modern reader Review of the work of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Characteristic of Lisa and Erast (according to N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa") Feces of sentimentalism in the story "Poor Lisa" The role of the landscape in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The characters of the main characters. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" as an example of a sentimental work Characteristic Lisa Analysis of the story "Poor Lisa" Overall on the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Summary and analysis of the works of "Poor Lisa" Feature ERAST (Karamzin, Tale "Poor Lisa") The features of sentimentalism in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" The main problems of love in the story of Karamzin Poor Lisa

The story "Poor Lisa," owned by Peru Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, became one of the first works of sentimentalism in Russia. The love story of a poor girl and a young nobleman conquered the hearts of many contemporaries of the writer and was adopted with a big delight. The work brought unprecedented popularity to the even unknown 25-year-old writer. However, what descriptions begins the story "poor Lisa"?

History of creation

N. M. Karamzin was distinguished by love for Western culture and actively preached her principles. His role in Russia's life was huge and invaluable. This progressive and active person traveled a lot in Europe in 1789-1790, and on the return published the story "Poor Lisa" in the Moscow Journal.

The analysis of the story indicates that the work has a sentimental aesthetic orientation, which is expressed in interest to regardless of their public situation.

While writing the story, Karamzin lived at the cottage from his friends, not far from which was found to be believed that he served as the basis for the start of the work. Thanks to this, the story of love and heroes themselves were perceived by readers as completely real. And the pond near the monastery began to call "lysine pond".

"Poor Lisa" Karamzin as a sentimentalist story

"Poor Lisa" is, in fact, nobody wrote in Russia to Karamzin in Russia. But the innovation of the writer is not only in choosing the genre, but also in the direction. It was behind this story that the title of the first work of Russian sentimentalism was entrenched.

Sentimentalism arose in Europe in the XVII century and focused on the sensory side human life. The questions of the mind and society went for this direction to the background, but emotions, the relationship between people became priority.

Sentimentalism has always strived for the idealization of what is happening, the embellishment. Responding to a question about what descriptions the story "poor Lisa" begins, you can talk about the idyllic landscape, which readers draws Karamzin.

Topic and idea

One of the main themes is social, and it is connected with the problem of the relationship of the noble class to the peasants. Not in vain, Karamzin elects a peasant girl to the role of carrier of innocence and morality.

Contrasting images of Liza and Erasta, the writer is one of the first to raise the problem of the contradictions of the city and the village. If you turn to what descriptions the story "poor Lisa" begins, we will see a quiet cozy and natural world that exists in harmony with nature. The city scares, terrifies his "huge houses", "gold domes." Lisa becomes a reflection of nature, it is natural and naive, there is no false and pretend.

The author acts in tale from the position of Humanist. Karamzin depicts the beauty of love, its beauty and strength. But the mind and pragmatism can easily destroy it. wonderful feeling. The story is obliged to be an incredible attention to the personality of a person, his experiences. "Poor Lisa" caused sympathy from his readers due to the amazing ability of Karamzin to portray all mental subtleties, experiences, aspirations and thoughts of the heroine.


The full analysis of the story "Poor Lisa" is impossible without a detailed consideration of the images of the main characters of the work. Lisa and Eraste, as already noted above, embodied various ideals and principles.

Lisa is an ordinary peasant girl, the main feature of which is the ability to feel. She enters according to the classroom of his heart and feelings, which in the end and led it to death, although her morality remained untouched. However, in the image of Lisa, little peasantic: her speech and thought closer to the book language, but the feelings of the first-loved girl were transferred to the incredible truthfulness. So, despite the external idealization of the heroine, its internal experiences are transmitted very real. In this regard, the story "Poor Lisa" does not lose its innovation.

What descriptions begins the work? First of all, the character of the character of the heroine that helps to learn it. This is a natural idyllic world.

Completely different appears to the readers of the ERAST. He is an officer who is puzzled only by finding new entertainment, life in the world tires him and brings boredom. He is negloupe, kind, but weak character and changed in his affections. Erast really falls in love, but he doesn't think at all about the future, because Lisa is not his circle, and he will never be able to take her wife.

Karamzin complicated the image of Erast. Usually, a similar hero in Russian literature was easier and endowed with certain characteristics. But the writer makes him not a cunning seductor, but sincerely fell in love with a person who could not be tested and preserved his love. Such a type of hero was new for Russian literature, but immediately passed on and later received the name of the "excess person."

Plot and originality

The plot of works is quite simple. This is the story of the tragic love of the peasantry and nobleman, the result of which was the death of Lisa.

What descriptions begins the story "Poor Lisa"? Karamzin paints the natural panorama, the grudge of the monastery, the pond - exactly here, surrounded by nature and lives the main character. But the main thing in the story is not the plot and not the descriptions, the main thing - feelings. And these feelings, the narrator should awaken from the public. For the first time in Russian literature, where the image of the narrator always remained outside the work, the hero appears. This sentimental narrator learns the history of love from Erast and with sadness and sympathy retells the reader.

Thus, in the lead three main characters: Lisa, Eraste and the author-narrator. Also, Karamzine introduces the reception of landscape descriptions and slightly facilitates the heavy style of the Russian literary language.

Meaning for Russian literature Tale "Poor Lisa"

The analysis of the story, thus, shows the incredible contribution of Karamzin to the development of Russian literature. In addition to the description of the relationship of the city and the village, the appearance of an "excess person", many researchers note the birth of a "little man" - in the form of Lisa. This work influenced the work of A. S. Pushkin, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, who developed topics, ideas and images of Karamzin.

Incredible psychologism, which brought Russian literature world glory, also spawned the story "poor Lisa". What descriptions this work begins! How many beauty, identity and incredible stylistic ease are in them! It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of Karamzin to the development of Russian literature.

Lisa is a young innocent girl living near Moscow one with a mother who constantly shed tears in early deceased husband early, and Lisa had to fulfill all the work on the house and care for her. Lisa was very honest and naive, she got used to believe people, she had one piece, that is, if she gave out any feeling or case, then it made this action completely, to the end. At the same time, she did not know life at all, because all the time he lived with the God-fearing mother aside from all sorts of noisy rustic entertainment.

Mother calls Lisa "courtesy", "Mile": Karamzin puts these epithets in the mouth, proving that the peasants have a sensitive soul.

Lisa believed a young beautiful erant, because she really liked him, and she also never met with such elegant severity. She loved Erast, but her love was Platonic love, she did not perceive herself as a woman. Erasta was at first suited, since after the depraved metropolitan life he wanted to relax from constant sexual intrigues, but after he inevitably faded Liza as a woman, because she was very beautiful. Lisa did not understand this, she only felt like something changed in their relationship, and it was disturbing. The event of Erast on the war was with a genuine misfortune, but she could not think that Erast had some of his plans . When she saw Erast in Moscow and talked to him, he experienced the strongest shock. All its credulity and naivety were deceived and attacked and the dust. As an extremely impressionable nature, she did not stand such a blow. All her life, which before it seemed to her clear and direct, turned into a monstrous journey of incomprehensible events. Lisa could not survive the treason of Erast and committed suicide. Of course, such a decision was a desperate means to get away from solving a vital problem, which in front of her got up, and Lisa could not cope with her. Frightened real life And the need to get out of the illusory world, she chose to die cramlessly than to fight and try to understand the life of such as it is in reality.

You can use a modern analogy, which describes such situations very well: it was so immersed in the "matrix" that real world It turned out to be hostile and equivalent to the complete extinction of the person.

  1. New!

    The story "Poor Lisa" is bEST WORK N. M. Karamzin and one of the most perfect samples of Russian sentimental literature. There are many beautiful episodes that describe subtle spiritual experiences. There are excellent on the work ...

  2. The story N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" was one of the first sentimental works of Russian literature of the XVIII century. Her plot is very simple - a slightly accrastful, although the good nobleman Erast falls in love with the poor peasant girl Lisa. Their love ends ...

    Lisa is a poor peasant girl. She lives with her mother ("sensitive, good old") in the village. To earn money on bread, Lisa is taken for any job. In Moscow, selling flowers, the heroine gets acquainted with a young noble entrant and falls in love ...

  3. New!

    Erast was a rich young nobleman, satisfied and tired of life. He had a good deposit and tried to be honest as her strength; At least he understood what he was doing sincerely, but what. We can say that wealth spoiled him because he ...

  4. Sentimentalism is one of the most significant literary directions of the XVIII century in Russia, the brightest representative, which N.M. became Karamzin. Writers - Sentimentalists showed interest in the image of ordinary people and ordinary human feelings. By...

What phrase, in your opinion, defines the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "poor Lisa"? Justify the answer.

The phrase - "and the peasants can love." Sentimentalists, in contrast to classicists, preferred the cult of feelings before the cult of mind. At the same time, they argued the submission value of a person, its high moral qualities. This key phrase has Karamzin gives a New Look on the problem of social inequality. Differences in the social and property situation still do not indicate the superiority of one class over the other. High moral values \u200b\u200bhave a father and mother Lisa, she herself worked a lot. The author describes in detail the development of her love feeling from the origin to despair. For Lisa, loss of love is equivalent to loss of life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is concentrated in the phrase given by us, which has become a formula of sentimental literature.

It is important for understanding the author's position and the manner of clarifying the feelings, which is peculiar to the main character of the story: in his vocabulary, according to the concepts and ideas, it does not differ from the expression of the feelings of the formed ladies. V.I. Korovin explains this by the fact that the "artistic assignment of Karamzin partly and was to bring the feelings of the peasant to the feelings of the formed young lady and thereby erase the differences in the content and forms of spiritual experiences."

Describe the main heroine story. What kind artistic means Chosen by the author to create its external and internal appearance? How is the attitude towards her writer?

The image of Lisa is described by the author in detail. The heroine inherited high parents moral qualities and beliefs: hard work, honesty, sincerity, kindness. She is clean, naive, disinterested and therefore is poorly protected from the defects that rule around her. It is open to natural manifestations of feelings and therefore tend to delusions, after which the tragic insight comes. The author belongs to his heroine with a gentle feeling, admires, deeply worries her joy and tragedy, constantly worries her fate. Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa make it "shed tears of tender grief." And in the title itself, the sympathetic and sentimental attitude of Karamzin to Lisa is pronounced.

The characteristic of the external and internal appearance of Liza is made up of the author's descriptions and comments by its actions, as well as through the indirect transfer of removals of the mother or love of Erast. Karamzin notes that Lisa worked, without sparing "the rare beauty of his own, without sparing his tender youth." The impression she "did in his heart" says about her beauty. A kind of old mother called Lisa God's grace of the feeder, the gloomy old age, prayed that the Lord awarded her for what she was doing for the mother. From this we learn that Lisa is virtuous, that she not only honors the mother, but also frees it from all the worries that are unbearable for its weak health.

What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Liza to the erasta - from a timid attachment before the straw passion?

An essential detail with which the acquaintance of Lisa and Eras began, there were flowers that Lisa traded. Related by him Please tear flowers only for him, the first feeling in the soul of the girl was taught. She was for her more significant than for Erast, and because the next day, when he did not come, she did not sell the valley to anyone and threw them into Moscow river. Another detail is a timid gaze that she threw on young man. Karamzin notes the expression of the feelings of Lisa in appearance - "The cheeks were burning, as dawn into a clear summer evening" - as they are increasing. The kiss of Erast and his first recognition in love responded in her soul of amazing music. As you can see, the color-sound details are important in the transfer of movement of feelings from a timid attachment to anodged passion. Achieving the apogee of love, which led, according to the writer, to the death of the heroine's impurity, is also accompanied by a number of important verbal details. A new word appears rushes (in his arms). Before that, they hugged them on dates, their hugs were clean and immaculate. Now the changes occur around them and in nature, and in the color-sound row: the kisses were flames, the darkness of the evening (unlike the quiet moon, a bright month) of the desire; "A single sprocket shone in heaven - no beam could not highlight the delusions." After the sighted "flashed lightning and rushed thunder. Lisa trembled. " "Strokely rustled storm, the rain raged from black clouds - it seemed that the Nature was compiled about the lost lysine innocence." After such a turning point in the relationship of Lisa and Erast, Karamzin began to transfer the internal state of a young man in more detail in more detail, who became more indifferent to his beloved. From this time, natural symbols have almost disappeared in the narration. Only twice mentioned ancient oaks who have witnessed their love. Epteat Gloomy now belongs to the oak over the grave of poor Lisa.

Pay attention to the role of the gesture in disclosure internal state Heroes. Analyze this taking of the author.

The gesture in the literature is one of the important techniques in the transfer of the internal state of the character. The Karamzin is widely used. Let us analyze the scene of the meeting of Liza and Erast in the city when she saw him in a carriage approaching the house. Her feeling of joy from the meeting was expressed in gestures: Rushed, he felt in the arms. Although it is said that he felt in his arms, the author thereby emphasizes the swiftness of her joyful action. The swiftness of its movements is the swiftness in the expression of feelings. Further, his gestures become rapidly - he wants to free himself from Lisa, so that no one saw him in the embrace of a simple peasant woman on the eve of a profitable marriage: He took the door, led to the office, locked the door, put the money to her in his pocket, brought out the office and told the servant to spend Girl from the yard. And all this is so fast that Lisa could not even come together.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826) was greatly influenced by the development of Russian literature, converting Russian, freed him from complex Latin structures and satelms, brings to living human speech.

Features of sentimentalism

The writer's creativity brings up feelings, calls for good and mercy. So the new direction in Russian literature is born - sentimentalism, assigned main role inner world man.

Perhaps today the work of "poor Liza" seems somewhat distant from life, and the feelings of heroes are unnatural. However, it should be remembered that Karamzin worked in and the work of "poor Lisa", written in 1792, served as a source of inspiration for the next Russian writers, being an excellent model of this genre. For sentimentalism, sharp conflicts are characterized, often leading to the death of the hero, and "poor Lisa" is no exception. The death of the girl is amazing and makes the many generations of readers already empathize.

New name

In addition to the new genre, Karamzin presented our country and the new name, made it popular. Translated Elizabeth means "honoring God". So called the mother of the wife of the High Priest of Aaron. This name practically did not meet Russian writers until the 80s of the 18th century. It is worth noting that in European literature the given name was often associated with the image of the maid, maid, usually frivolous and flirty, and was used mainly in the comedies. The image of Lisa in the story of the works read below), however, does not follow this tradition. Graying the usual framework the meaning of the word, Karamzin and broke into it with classicism, its established definitions.

Lisa's image in the story "Poor Lisa" played important role In the development of Russian literature as a whole, so I would like to stay on it. You will see that it was a strong nature, not at all that it was accustomed to depicting European authors. We suggest to consider the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" with quotes and a short content of the work.

Actors, plot

But to begin with, we start our other actors to the story and briefly describe its basic events. In addition to the peasant of Lisa, the main characters include: Her mother, Eraste and the narrator. The plot of works in general is not new: a man seduces a young girl, and then throws her. However, this story had its own characteristics. The author described the situation typical of Russia for Russia: a nobleman, a landowner, knowing his impunity and using it, seduces the peasant, a young girl. It is striking in this story that at that time in this situation the society did not want to condemn the landowner, and the truth was in any case it was on his side.

Already in the title, the attitude of the author himself to his heroine is guessed: he calls Lisa poor.

First meeting with heroine

The story begins with the description of Moscow, where there are some events in the future, as well as in the vicinity of which he was subsequently buried heroine.

The first time on the pages of the work the author describes us Lisa with the eyes of a storyteller. Speaking about her, he uses many epithets ("courtesy", "beautiful", etc.), so that the reader may even come to mind that the narrator loved Lisa. However, the ending of history gives a clear understanding of what he just regrets her. It should be noted that in this story, the narrator expresses the attitude of the author himself to his heroine. Why does Karamzin love and regret lysu?

Past Lisa

We turn to the past of the heroine and describe the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" briefly. This girl on the origin of the peasant, lives in a poor hut with his old mother. When our heroine was 15 years old, her father, "convolving village", died, and after his death the family had a meant and had to give the land for rent for a very small fee. Mother because of weak health did not have the opportunity to work, and Lisa had to work very much to somehow feed themselves and mother. The girl was engaged in different crafts - knitted stockings, calaves, in the spring, collected and sold flowers in Moscow, and in the summer - berries. We are still not personally familiar with Lisa, but we already understand that she is selfless, ready to go to victims for loved ones, hardworking.

Character of Lisa

As the plot develops, the nature of the main character, the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" N. M. Karamzin is revealed. Poor Lisa - the heroine is quite attractive. We understand that this is a pure and deep soul with a susceptible and soft heart. Lisa was often sad because of the death of the father, but the mother tried this not to show it and sought to seem "deceased and fun." Girl in nature of his timid and shy. For the first time having met with Eraste, she "showed him flowers - and flashed."

Such is the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa". The plan of this image is complemented by another detail. The honesty of the heroine should be noted. When Eras wanted to buy flowers from her and offered a ruble instead of five kopecks, she said that he did not want too much. Lisa is naive, sometimes to the extreme: she immediately reports where he lives, a completely unfamiliar man.

Speech of the main heroine

Analyzing this, it can be said that in this image of Lisa in the story "poor Lisa" was not worked enough: her speech sometimes not like the peasant, but like a girl from the highest society. It is clear that an uneducated simple girl just could not be expressed. Despite this, the image of Lisa in the story of "poor Lisa" Karamzin is considered the first women from the lowest class in Russian literature. The image of a girl from the people in the 18th century was very progressive and atypical, especially as a heroine of a love novel. Karamzin invested in the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" a deep meaning: there is no classes before God and love, all people are equal, "and you can love the peasantry."

Later, A. S. Pushkin, in his work, the "Baryshnya-peasant" continued this topic, but for the first time it was introduced into the literature it was Karamzin.

New attitude towards a woman

Another innovation of the writer was the attitude towards a woman. Indeed, in the 18th century, she was counted below the man, she had no freedom. The woman could not love the one whom the parents were looking for her daughter. Of course, with such a situation, it was rare to meet happy married couples. Those who tried to love contrary to the will of their parents were subjected to a shame in the eyes of society, such love was considered immoral. The image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" N. M. Karamzin clearly shows it. Later, other writers, in particular Ostrovsky, are developing the topic.

The crime of Lisa was that she dares to love contrary to public opinion. And the Russian peasants always knew how to love passionately, flamingly and forever. Refusing to marry a rich peasant son from the neighboring village, Lisa was completely given to his beloved.

Betrayal Erast

But Erast was a scoundrel, throwing Lisa. The heroine will only accidentally find out about his treason. Going to Moscow to buy a pink water, she accidentally faces the street with his carriage. Lisa rushes to her, but the carriage passes by her and stops at the courtyard of the big house. The heroine runs up, hugs his beloved, but he quietly reports that he marries (as it turns out later, he married a rich widow to fix his position, because he lost almost all his money in the campaign) and asks to leave him alone, trying Pay from Lisa with money. And Karamzin does not justify her hero, and it condemns him openly. For his betrayal, ERAST will be punished: he was destined to be unhappy and blame himself in the death of Lisa. At the end of the work he dies.

Continuing to analyze the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin, we must note another important detail "She loved Erast, but at the same time did not forget about her mother, and it was precisely the concern for her stopped Lisa from attempts to go to war for his beloved." Although the heroine was very worried about Eras, was afraid that he would be killed in the war. After all, Lisa could not even write his beloved message, because he just did not know how to do it.

Death of poor girl

Suicide Lisa is a very important episode in the disclosure of its character. After all, this girl seemed to be the embodiment of Christian virtues. How could such a pure soul decide on such a serious sin? The heroine decides to be drowning, rushing into the water. But it is impossible to condemn Lisa - the grief deprived of her last strength, and the heroine simply could not stand it. Even before his death, she does not forget about the mother: walking on the pond to be drowning, she conveys a neighbor girl a hundred rubles with a request to give them to her mother and say that her daughter loved man, and he changed her. The writer although not justifies the suicide of the heroine, still forgives Lisa. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin believes that, despite the gravity of the crime, the soul of Lisa will fall into paradise.

Meaning value

Many writers of the 19th century (Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Ostrovsky, Goncharov, Tolstoy) dragged inspiration from this image and created many bright female characters, the same clean and selfless, as the image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa".

In this story, the author touched upon important topics Imperfections of the device of society and the shortcomings of human nature. We cannot fix something on our own, it remains only to take it as a fact, but to condemn and reproach someone meaningless. There is no villain in the work, there is only a person who belongs to the secular circle acting according to generally accepted opinions. Erast had a good heart from nature, however, the "artificial" education and education they have spoiled his character. The writer sympathizes him, because in this situation, not a person, but the morals of the epoch and society, at which he lived is to blame.

Immediately after his publication (in 1792), the work caused great interest that did not weaken over several decades. Even frank imitations, for example, "seduced Henrietta" Cushkinsky (1803), "Poor Masha" Izmailov (1801) appeared.

The image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa", summary Which you just considered, I remember the readers for a long time. And now it is not forgotten, because humanistic ideas are always relevant.