Harmonious colors on the 18th lunar day. Lunar birthday

Symbol- mirror.
Stones- white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

A mirror day that reflects your inner being. Today, the events and people around you are your mirror image. From people you can find out how they see you from the outside. If you have been pointed out your shortcomings, do not be offended, but think about how to fix them. If you are praised for something, then do not take it as flattery. Today people tend to speak the truth face to face.

Passive Energy Day. A person can relax and fall under the influence of someone. It is impossible to adopt someone else's way of life, to imitate a stranger. People unconsciously let and deceive each other. A day of masks, deceptions and intrigues. You can stumble upon a hypocrite, get into trouble. To avoid trouble, you should objectively assess yourself from the outside. Keep a sober mind. Watch your bad habits, do not let selfishness and vanity take over you. Today it is easy to succumb to illusions and base instincts, so it is important to concentrate and not relax.

A happy day will be for those who are prudent and restrained. For the rest, there is a risk of falling into sin. Those who have not been able to overcome their bad habits will feel deprived, imperfect. Nightmares will overcome them. It may feel like someone is trying to knock you off the right way... Do not succumb to the call of dark thoughts, and even more so - to someone else's influence. Complacency and pride are your worst companions today. Be self-critical, but don't turn it into self-reproach. Do not wish people ill. If you are uncomfortable with someone's company, it’s better to be direct about it. Dreams are prophetic today, they often come true and carry information about your health and about ways to overcome life's difficulties.

Health and nutrition... It is recommended that you sleep less and talk less. Cleanse your bowels and skin. You can go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath. Anti-aging procedures are useful. Drinking and smoking is not recommended, the amount of food should be limited. The vulnerable organ is the kidneys. Fasting is beneficial today. It is better to refuse meat, and the use of nuts and vegetable oil will benefit. Lunar energy favors healers and people working with karma.

Your behavior can make your health worse. You can not taunt others and sarcastically. Mimicking, trying to educate or remake a person will lead to poor health and, possibly, illness. The diseases that arise today can be long-term, but you should not be afraid - they are not fatal. Treatment is usually delayed, as the disease is "masked", confuses the doctor. As a result, a person can be misdiagnosed and treated for a completely different disease. Healing is facilitated by karmic cleansing, fasting, objective self-esteem.

Love and relationships... Quarrels with colleagues, relatives, loved ones are possible today. The first half of the day presents nasty surprises... The reasons for conflicts seem to arise out of nowhere. Misunderstanding and selfishness reign. Be discreet and don't be provoked. Protect other people, stand on the side of justice.

The day is equally bad for marriage, as well as for intimacy and the conception of a child. The child will be vain, perhaps he will get rich, but overestimating his capabilities, excessive self-confidence will ruin him. In addition, he will be in poor health.

Work and creativity... All important business and negotiations should be postponed. Exercise stress should be minimal. If you dare to take on serious and large projects, then difficulties await you. You can crash. Litigation and real estate transactions are unacceptable today. It's good if your day off fell on the eighteenth lunar day. Then you can devote yourself to home decoration or creativity. The day is favorable for scientific research and flight of imagination.

Born on this day becomes creative creative personality... He serves a high idea, but at the same time he can remain in the shadows. Such people make healers. Their hard work and high efficiency will subsequently bring wealth. But in order not to deviate from the right path, these individuals need to fight selfishness. Temptations soar around them. It is useful for these people to practice asceticism, to starve.

People who can not resist temptations, overly self-confident and selfish become a "distorting mirror" for those around them. They make fun of kind people, scoff and dirty trick. These people run the risk of becoming cynical and self-destructive. Their lives will be miserable. They will become addicted to illusions and are more likely to be alone.

Details of the 18 lunar day in relation to various fields of activity - classic interpretation

sphere of life better days
undertakings- poorly when is it better?
communication- poorly when is it better?
business- poorly when is it better?
monetary transactions- poorly when is it better?
communication with bosses, taxes- norm when is it better?
change of job- norm when is it better?
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)- poorly when is it better?
creation- norm when is it better?
the science- norm when is it better?
art- OK when is it better?
training (exams)- norm when is it better?
trips- perfect when is it better?
recreation- norm when is it better?
feast- norm when is it better?
alcohol- poorly when is it better?

The 18th lunar day is a mirror image of your personality. All the events taking place today, all the surprises and oddities help to take a closer look at your inner “I”.

Description of the eighteenth lunar day

Characteristics of the 18th lunar day- hoaxes, deception, passive energy. The day is perfect to analyze your actions, pay attention to your thoughts and emotional condition... The ability to evaluate oneself from the outside on this day is unusually strong. If you do not suffer from high self-esteem and self-love, this day will help you find out the cause and effect of your past mistakes. Make the right conclusions and you will be able to achieve success in business, improve family relationships.

Features and properties of the 18th lunar day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a mirror, ice, a monkey;
  • astrologers include spinel, lilac amethysts as talisman stones; opals; white agates;
  • element - fire;
  • the main colors are emerald, all shades of green, malachite.

The main rule of the 18s lunar days- to correctly assess the course of events, to look at everything from the outside. What is happening today should make you think about your behavior, reveal the essence of your negative actions. If you have learned this lesson, it means that in the future you will be able to move in the right direction and achieve significant success.

On the eighteenth day, you need to be wary of fraud, gossip, intrigue and deception. Try to be extremely collected, carefully follow the actions and words of other people, so as not to fall under the influence of people and not be involved in a bad story.

This is not the easiest day of the lunar cycle. On this day, all energy should be focused on working on oneself. Engage in spiritual practices to help clear your thoughts and strengthen your positive sides... On this day, do not judge anyone harshly, show leniency to people who are trying to deceive you. Do not wish anyone harm, step aside, remain prudent and do not sort things out. Let the universe deal with those who try to harm others.

Lunar relationships on the 18th day

The eighteenth lunar day is fraught with quarrels in the team, quarrels between lovers, scandals in the family. In the morning, unpleasant and unexpected events can occur. All aggression and conflicts arise out of the blue, as if it weighs in the air. Do not allow yourself to be provoked, restrain your emotions, show restraint.

On the eighteenth day of the lunar cycle, try not to be like a terry egoist and cynic. Don't look at the world with an arrogant grin. Today you can lose much more than the respect of others. You could lose your job or family. Consider your actions, follow the conversation. Sometimes words do much more damage than actions.

Spend this day in contemplation, reading spiritual literature, meditation. If there is no way to retire, try to narrow the circle of your communication.

At home, load the household with something important, but individual work... For joint activities and violent games with children, this day is not suitable. Children will be capricious and annoy you. The other half will argue and take offense at trifles.

Relationship design and sex

On the 18th lunar day, it is better to refuse marriage. Especially if it is built not on mutual love, but on calculation. Such a marriage will not be happy and long. Deception, betrayal, constant quarrels - this is what awaits the spouses.

Only couples whose feelings have been tested for a very long time can get married. These newlyweds can count on their union to be blessed and to keep heaven.

Sex should not be too violent and varied. Give preference to gentle, calm hugs. Astrologers believe that it is worth watching so that during lovemaking you are not reflected in the mirror surface. This will lead to the rebirth of your entire being into a dissolute astral demon.

Conceiving a child

The 18th day is quite suitable for conception. Despite the fact that a child may not be born very strong physically, he will live a long and prosperous life. Conceived children on this day grow up to be talented, smart and hardworking people. They achieve fame and recognition, sometimes they are able to accomplish a feat, often become healers.

The main task of parents is not to let the child feel like an absolute. In this case, he will end his days in poverty and loneliness.

Working on this moonlit day

The very passive 18th lunar day is not conducive to too active actions. The day is unpredictable, aggressive and quite difficult. Don't start any important projects, do not make responsible decisions, do not develop far-reaching plans.

On this day, there is a high probability of deception, mistakes and obstacles arising from nowhere. Continue the work you have already started, do what you have been putting away for a long time.

Bad day for teamwork. You can make a mistake, and a resourceful colleague who has long dreamed of "hooking you up" will not miss his chance. Keep communication with superiors to a minimum. Today is not the time when you can go to his office with a heap of rational proposals.

In business, it’s best to be careful and not tackle the decision. important issues... Do not conduct large financial transactions, do not sign documents, do not enter into promising contracts with partners. This day is not suitable for real estate transactions and visits to banking institutions.

The day is right for creative activity- ideas are in the air, inspiration does not leave the whole day. Today, an amazing work of art can be created, which displays a mirror image of its creator.

Should I change my old job for a new one?

The eighteenth lunar day is not like a layoff or a job change. One can easily end up in the hands of scammers or deceitful people. You will be told a fairy tale about the benefits and benefits of a new job, and the result is complete disappointment. Therefore, in order to get a job on new job choose another lunar day.

Health on a lunar day

On the eighteenth lunar day, pay Special attention on the kidneys and appendicitis. Try not to eat spicy, sweet, high-calorie foods. Do not drink store-bought juices or alcoholic beverages. In general, it is better to refuse to eat and only drink water.

Today is not a very good day for health. May escalate chronic diseases or old wounds become inflamed. It is advisable to spend the day in a relaxed atmosphere, try to reduce physical stress on the body.

Pay attention to your skin - perform cleansing procedures, make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

Today, going to the hairdresser is not so simple. On the one hand, this day is a complete sold-out - the hairstyle done today will retain its shape very long time... In addition, some astrologers claim that the 18th lunar day is good for changing the image - choosing a new haircut. This will add an irresistible charm to your look, and will also have a good effect on the functioning of the excretory and respiratory systems.

The teachings of the Tibetan mystical school prohibit going to the hairdresser on this day. They claim that today is an extremely bad lunar day for cutting hair. The cut off strands "burn" your energy and harm your physical and mental health. There may also be a situation in which you lose large amount money, valuable property or even real estate. In order not to risk it again, postpone the trip to the stylist to another lunar day.

Characteristics of people born on the 18th lunar day

One who was born on this lunar day has many talents. They are manifested in creativity, in work, in building a career ladder. Twelve often serve lofty ideals, but at the same time remain in the shadows. High efficiency and diligence with which they give themselves to their work, bring them recognition and wealth.

However, the "twelfth people" should constantly work on themselves and engage in self-development. Self-centeredness, cunning and greed all flourish to the fullest when they succumb to temptations. Those who fail to cope with their arrogance and pride will ruin their lives and be left without family and friends.

People who were born today should constantly engage in spiritual practices, take this world and people into their hearts. Compassion and kindness will help them realize their path, their vocation, the purpose of life. Often people born on the 18th lunar day become healers, preachers, doctors, teachers.

Children born on the eighteenth lunar day

Children born today have a very delicate and sensitive organization. They take everything to heart, they care about every little thing that happens to them and their family. Parents should protect babies from severe shocks, not to overstrain their psyche.

In a family where there are no scandals, stormy showdowns, children are calm and cheerful. Their talents are manifested and multiplied.

Children born on the eighteenth day are very diligent. They can indulge in their favorite pastime for hours, forgetting about the whole the world... Adults must teach the child to live full life rather than getting attached to one thing. It is important to teach the "twelve" to relax and rest so that they do not "burn out" and do not lose interest in their favorite business.

What do dreams mean on the 18th lunar day

Dreams on the 18th lunar day, perceive as a mirror in which your inner world... If your real image does not correspond to how you saw yourself in a dream, it is time to think about the disturbed harmony within your “I”. You rush between your desires and reality, losing your integrity and peace. If you remember your dream well, take it apart "to the bone" and perhaps you can determine the cause of your disharmony.

There is no need to attach great importance to dreams in which you see yourself as a real monster. This may indicate that in life, on the contrary, you lack stubbornness, resilience and courage.

Rituals of the 18th lunar day

It is good to spend today the rituals related to the theme of the lunar day. For example, remove all negative energy from the mirrors.

Cleaning mirrors

Through the looking glass is a whole world into which the uninitiated are not allowed to enter. Mystics believe that a mirror can influence a person's health and destiny. So almost all esoteric teachings advise smiling at the mirror. Do not under any circumstances say: "How awful I look!" Mirrors demand respect for what they reflect.

Today is the day when you can take care of the mirrors. Wipe all the mirrors in your home with holy water. Then, polishing the mirror "dry" say the following words: "As I wipe the mirror clean, I protect my family from evil." So you scrub all negative energy which could be left in your mirrors by unfriendly and envious strangers.

Then bring a burning church candle to the mirror and say: "The candle burns out and the mirror cleans." Make a circular motion with the candle and "walk" the flame along the contour of the mirror. Perform this ritual every 18th day of the lunar calendar.

Symbol- mirror.
Stones- white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

A mirror day that reflects your inner being. Today, the events and people around you are your mirror image. From people you can find out how they see you from the outside. If you have been pointed out your shortcomings, do not be offended, but think about how to fix them. If you are praised for something, then do not take it as flattery. Today people tend to speak the truth face to face.

Passive Energy Day. A person can relax and fall under the influence of someone. It is impossible to adopt someone else's way of life, to imitate a stranger. People unconsciously let and deceive each other. A day of masks, deceptions and intrigues. You can stumble upon a hypocrite, get into trouble. To avoid trouble, you should objectively assess yourself from the outside. Keep a sober mind. Watch your bad habits, do not let selfishness and vanity take over you. Today it is easy to succumb to illusions and base instincts, so it is important to concentrate and not relax.

A happy day will be for those who are prudent and restrained. For the rest, there is a risk of falling into sin. Those who have not been able to overcome their bad habits will feel deprived, imperfect. Nightmares will overcome them. It may feel like someone is trying to lead you astray. Do not succumb to the call of dark thoughts, and even more so - to someone else's influence. Complacency and pride are your worst companions today. Be self-critical, but don't turn it into self-reproach. Do not wish people ill. If you are uncomfortable with someone's company, it’s better to be direct about it. Dreams are prophetic today, they often come true and carry information about your health and about ways to overcome life's difficulties.

Health and nutrition... It is recommended that you sleep less and talk less. Cleanse your bowels and skin. You can go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath. Anti-aging procedures are useful. Drinking and smoking is not recommended, the amount of food should be limited. The vulnerable organ is the kidneys. Fasting is beneficial today. It is better to refuse meat, and the use of nuts and vegetable oil will be beneficial. Lunar energy favors healers and people working with karma.

Your behavior can make your health worse. You can not taunt others and sarcastically. Mimicking, trying to educate or remake a person will lead to poor health and, possibly, illness. The diseases that arise today can be long-term, but you should not be afraid - they are not fatal. Treatment is usually delayed, as the disease is "masked", confuses the doctor. As a result, a person can be misdiagnosed and treated for a completely different disease. Healing is facilitated by karmic cleansing, fasting, objective self-esteem.

Love and relationships... Quarrels with colleagues, relatives, loved ones are possible today. The first half of the day brings unpleasant surprises. The reasons for conflicts seem to arise out of nowhere. Misunderstanding and selfishness reign. Be discreet and don't be provoked. Protect other people, stand on the side of justice.

The day is equally bad for marriage, as well as for intimacy and the conception of a child. The child will be vain, perhaps he will get rich, but overestimating his capabilities, excessive self-confidence will ruin him. In addition, he will be in poor health.

Work and creativity... All important business and negotiations should be postponed. Physical activity should be minimal. If you dare to take on serious and large projects, then difficulties await you. You can crash. Litigation and real estate transactions are unacceptable today. It's good if your day off fell on the eighteenth lunar day. Then you can devote yourself to home decoration or creativity. The day is favorable for scientific research and flight of imagination.

Born on this day becomes a creative, creative person. He serves a high idea, but at the same time he can remain in the shadows. Such people make healers. Their hard work and high efficiency will subsequently bring wealth. But in order not to deviate from the right path, these individuals need to fight selfishness. Temptations soar around them. It is useful for these people to practice asceticism, to starve.

People who can not resist temptations, overly self-confident and selfish become a "distorting mirror" for those around them. They make fun of good people, scoff and dirty tricks. These people run the risk of becoming cynical and self-destructive. Their lives will be miserable. They will become addicted to illusions and are more likely to be alone.

Details of the 18 lunar day in relation to various fields of activity - classic interpretation

sphere of life better days
undertakings- poorly when is it better?
communication- poorly when is it better?
business- poorly when is it better?
monetary transactions- poorly when is it better?
communication with bosses, taxes- norm when is it better?
change of job- norm when is it better?
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)- poorly when is it better?
creation- norm when is it better?
the science- norm when is it better?
art- OK when is it better?
training (exams)- norm when is it better?
trips- perfect when is it better?
recreation- norm when is it better?
feast- norm when is it better?
alcohol- poorly when is it better?

Stones: white agate, lilac amethyst, opal

Today can be figuratively called a lunar mirror. Today, nature itself reflects what is within you. There is an unfolding of your inner “I” outside. Events taking place in 18 lunar day can illustrate the following image: the surrounding reality is, as it were, a mirror image of our inner essence, our thoughts and actions. Each of us deserves his own mirror: one is crooked, the other is even and clean, the third, as if a mirror shard has hit the eye, so he sees everything in a distorted image. The shown observation on the eighteenth lunar day will help you find out how you are doing today. On the eighteenth lunar day, the whole world around reflects what you have developed in the past. If suddenly someone offends you, expresses a bad opinion about you, then do not be offended. It's even good. Get the universe through this person showed you in which direction you need to work in order to become better. On the contrary, if today you hear gratitude, praise, it means that you love the world and the people around you.

On this lunar day, nothing is accidental. Pay attention to every little thing. If you have seen for a long time that a button on your trousers is coming off, but have not done anything, then do not be surprised if it comes off completely today. This will be a symbol of your laziness. On the 18th lunar day, it is necessary to see the hints of the Universe, understand them correctly, soberly assess the situation and draw the appropriate conclusions. The next step in your development is to eliminate this disadvantage... Today should be viewed as a lesson taught specifically to you, and from how much you learn it, your life will continue to develop. Figuratively speaking, if you somehow re-sew the button, then tomorrow it will come off at the most inopportune moment, and you will find yourself in a stupid and awkward position.

The 18th lunar day presents us with a mirror image of our attitude to the world, and the essence of this day can be briefly summarized in the phrase: "The world is a mirror, and it returns to everyone its own image." Many people, unwittingly, let others down. The day requires prudence and restraint. Quite often we painfully experience the events of this day and the information received today, since all this is connected with the collapse of illusions. If you learn to accept everything that comes to you on this day, without emotion, as a necessary lesson in life, you can reap many benefits for yourself.

The eighteenth lunar day is a passive day. Only act according to the circumstances if you feel that the situation requires your intervention. The symbol of the eighteenth lunar day is a monkey, according to other sources, a mirror. In any case, on this day there is a thoughtless passive imitation, a person easily falls under the influence of other people's thoughts. You can easily be led astray, but don't fall for it. Be flexible and gentle in standing up for your beliefs. Do not allow conflicts. Remember that the reason for failure lies not in the world around you, but in your wrong views on life. Change your perception, and the world will appear in front of you in new rainbow colors.

For people who do not want to fight their base instincts, the day will be quite difficult, nightmares, seduction, temptations will prevail, secret obstacles will appear. On this day, it is especially necessary to work with your bad and impure thoughts, develop an objective view of the world, give up illusions, look at yourself from the outside, renounce vanity, selfishness, and show maximum prudence and restraint. The eighteenth lunar day makes it possible to understand what sins we have committed, what hinders, what does not allow us to succeed. And one more thing: note that the events of this day are symbols of your actions and thoughts. They do not become some kind of irreparable catastrophe, but they are a warning and a warning.

And also for actors and travelers.

On the 18th lunar day, thefts often occur, so be careful. But, if, nevertheless, it happened, think about it, maybe you did something wrong with someone, or simply - you simply don't need this thing.

Dreams tend to come true. If you have nightmares on the eighteenth lunar day, then you have stumbled in something, made a serious mistake.


The eighteenth lunar day is not very suitable for dating. They leave a feeling of emptiness and loneliness in the soul. Consider this, especially if your relationship is in its infancy. Today, you may hear a lot about yourself that you may not like very much. On this day, you are equally likely to experience meanness and selfishness, as well as love and care. If your relationship is already strong, then listen carefully to what is said about you. close person... This will help you find out your weak points and work on them.

Pay attention to casual acquaintances that happened on this day, they can be very promising. On the eighteenth lunar day, we can meet the love that we deserve, because the partner will be our mirror image. If you are tight-fisted, then he will be an outspoken curmudgeon. If you are extravagant, then he is a mot and a player. If you are generous and compassionate, then you will get the same partner. So, if on this day you found some flaw in your "half", look for a similar one in yourself and try to get rid of it. Then your partner will suddenly change for the better.

Household chores

On the 18th lunar day, you can do a variety of chores and household chores, including those that require a significant load. Auspicious day for collecting seeds.


On the eighteenth lunar day, many spiritual teachers recommend fasting. This is one of the best lunar days for fasting. It is helpful to cleanse the small and large intestines. You can engage in self-healing and self-medication, cleansing procedures. A visit to the bathhouse, health massage, any ablution, water and rejuvenating procedures will have a very beneficial effect on your health.

Pay attention to your kidneys and lower back, on this day, they are especially vulnerable. Skin diseases, manifested on the eighteenth lunar day, speak of internal impurity, "impure" thoughts. It is necessary to protect health by all means, since the disease that began on this day can last a very long time and even turn into a chronic form. But it is better not to go to doctors on this day, since there is a high risk of misdiagnosis, and therefore, treatment may not help, but harm. Doctors are not to blame - it's just that the diseases of this day like to manifest themselves in an atypical way for themselves. Overdose of drugs and drug allergies are possible on this day.

A good day to visit a psychologist or psychoanalyst, for introspection and work with your complexes and problems.

Business and money

On the 18th lunar day, you can solve simple financial issues and it is better not to take any serious steps. Any of your activities will be useless, so postpone all important matters until a more appropriate time. Too many unknown parameters, including sudden, unexpected changes. In a word, complete unpredictability. The first half of the day is a time of conflicts, mental discord, sudden situations, unexpected troubles. Everything bad that happens during these hours appears as if by itself, without any special visible reasons. Highly difficult time for negotiations - it is difficult to defend your point of view and at the same time it is easy to fall under someone else's influence.

The plans and projects of the eighteenth lunar day resemble a "shape-shifter". On this day, everything can change so quickly that you will not have time to learn about the changes and draw erroneous conclusions.

> 18 lunar day

- characteristic of the day of the calendar and the beginning of the eighteenth lunar day of the waning moon. Find out what and how auspicious lunar day today.

  • Symbol: Mirror
  • The inside is reflected through the outside.
  • Everything that happens in reflects our hidden nature, so today it is useful to look within ourselves and find the reasons for our opinions and actions. By changing your reaction to the world around you on this day of the Moon calendar, you are able to transform your whole life.

Effects of the 18 lunar day on health

Kidneys are activated. Do a bowel and kidney cleanse. Recommended fasting, skin cleansing, massage and a relaxing bath with big amount pair.

The main product is nuts. Avoid meat and hard liquor. Wine is allowed, but only red. This is the perfect day for fasting food. Add more vegetable oil.


Mood 18 lunar day depends entirely on your inner state.

What should be done on the 18 lunar day

  • cancel all important tasks;
  • closely monitor everything that happens around;
  • consider minor material issues;
  • in the first half of the day, avoid quarrels and be on the lookout;
  • pay attention to details;
  • be diplomatic in a dispute with an opponent;
  • if the boss, then be more attentive to subordinates. You might find a great assignment;
  • do the job efficiently;
  • demonstrate your best abilities and do everything on time;
  • do everything individually;
  • be calm and restrained in a team;

What not to do on the 18th lunar day

  • swim against the current;
  • negotiate;
  • show excessive activity, as there will be no results;
  • do your job quickly;
  • get under the influence;

Relations in

A wedding ceremony is recommended. Cancel your romantic date and get ready to hear new information About Me. Pay attention to everything that your soul mate says, as this is useful information about your connection. Casual dating they carry a perspective. In order to better understand the relationship, we recommend that you read the instructions below.

Dreams on the eighteenth lunar day

This is your display. If you dream that you are active and energetic, but in reality you are not like that, then you need to find a balance. You need to be quick in some situations and patient in others. If in a dream you are exactly the same, then in you there is no desire to change and you do not suffer from contradictions. Otherwise, you need to write down everything and track the problems that arise, which will have to be dealt with. Dreams also indicate what interferes with life. It can also be hints on how to get rid of the disease. Positive imagery will bring profit and internal transformation... For a more accurate interpretation of sleep, use our section.

  • Meditation: mirror and theater.
  • The whole world is a theatrical performance, and the people in it are actors. Shakespeare's quote best describes how what is the moon day today you have to go through. Delve into each interlocutor, as this is a reflection of your essence. Spend the evening alone, analyzing your behavior. Then start meditating. Imagine the sun slowly approaching the horizon and smiling at you with its rays. They touch the body, filling it with joy. See your reflection and bring joy to it. This light image is your ideal I. When the picture is completely filled with light, direct these rays to yourself, let them pierce the aura and activate all cells. Unite with yourself in the present, because you are this light. Fix these sensations until you realize that all bodies are connected into one structure.
  • The Svadhisthana chakra is involved.