Lintels made of aerated concrete GOST 25485 89. Preparation for testing


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Applies to all types of autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concretes, except for naturally hardened concretes, and establishes technical requirements to aerated concrete, materials for their manufacture, as well as to technological processes and methods for controlling the technical characteristics of these concretes. The requirements of the standard must be followed when developing standards and technical conditions for products and structures made of aerated concrete, regulatory and technical, design and technological documentation, as well as in the manufacture of products from aerated concrete.

  • Replaced by GOST 25485-89 “Cellular concrete. Technical conditions "IUS 8-1989

2. Technical requirements

3. Methods of control and testing

Appendix 2 (informative) Names of the main types of cellular concrete

Appendix 3 (informative) List of industry standards and specifications for materials for the preparation of aerated concrete


  • GOST 11118-73Panels from autoclaved aerated concrete for external walls of buildings. Technical requirements . Replaced by GOST 11118-2009.
  • GOST 12504-80Panels wall internal concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings. General technical conditions. Replaced by GOST 12504-2015.
  • GOST 19570-74Panels from autoclaved aerated concrete for internal load-bearing walls, partitions and ceilings of residential and public buildings. Technical requirements . Replaced by GOST 19570-2018.
  • GOST 3476-74Blast furnace and electrothermophosphoric granulated slags for the production of cements
  • GOST 9179-77Construction lime. Technical conditions. Replaced by GOST 9179-2018.
  • GOST 12730.1-78Concrete. Density determination methods
  • GOST 12852.5-77vapor permeability coefficient
  • GOST 12852.6-77Cellular concrete. Method of determination sorption moisture
  • GOST 23732-79Water for concrete and mortars. Technical conditions. Replaced by GOST 23732-2011.
  • GOST 4.212-80The system of indicators of product quality. Construction. Concrete. Nomenclature of indicators
  • GOST 5742-76Heat-insulating cellular concrete products
  • GOST 2263-79Technical caustic soda. Technical conditions
  • GOST 3252-80Mezdrovy glue. Technical conditions
  • GOST 4221-76Reagents. Potassium carbonate. Technical conditions
  • GOST 10178-76Portland cement and slag Portland cement. Technical conditions
  • GOST 12852.4-77Cellular concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance
  • GOST 12852.3-77Cellular concrete. Method for determining drying shrinkage
  • GOST 21520-76Small cellular concrete blocks
  • GOST 8736-77Sand for construction work. Technical conditions

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The price is 5 kopecks.

Official edition


Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

Central Research Institute building structures them. V.A.Kucherenko (TsNIISK) Gosstroy of the USSR

Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF) Gosstroy of the USSR

Leningrad Zonal Research and Design Institute for Typical and Experimental Design of Residential and public buildings Gosgrazhdanstroy of the USSR

Ministry of Industry building materials the USSR


T.A. Ukhova, Cand. tech. Sciences (topic leader); B.P. Filippov, Cand. tech. sciences; B. A. Novikov, Cand. tech. sciences; B. A. Usov, Cand. tech. sciences; N.I. Levin, Cand. tech. sciences; I. Ya. Kiselev, Cand. tech. sciences; V. A. Pinsker, Cand. tech. sciences; E.O. Nesley; L. I. Ostrat; I. I. Kostin

SUBMITTED by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

Deputy Director N. N. Korovin

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs of August 9, 1982 No. 204

1. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for external walls of buildings in accordance with GOST 11118-73.

2. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for interior load-bearing walls, partitions and ceilings of residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 19570-74.

3. Products made of cellular concrete are heat-insulating in accordance with GOST 5742-76.

4. Small wall aerated concrete blocks in accordance with GOST 21520-76.

5. Internal wall panels, concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 12504-80.

Note. Autoclaved aerated concrete is allowed to be used for the manufacture of the entire recommended range of products. Aerated concrete of non-autoclave hardening is recommended for the manufacture of small wall blocks and heat-insulating products.

APPENDIX 2 Reference


Cellular concretes are given names, in which they first reflect the type of blowing agent, the type of siliceous component and the main binder, and then the purpose and method of heat treatment.

The name does not reflect the method of heat treatment, if autoclave treatment is used, the type of silica component - in the case of using fine sand and products of concentration of various ores.

When used as a binder Portland cement or a mixed binder based on cement and lime, slag, shale ash, the material is called "concrete".

When used as a binder of highly basic (shale) ash or slag, as well as a mixed binder based on them, the material is named "slate concrete" and "slag concrete", respectively.

When used as a binder of lime and lime-belite

the binder is called "silicate".

short name

Revised name

Structural cellular concrete

Structural aerated concrete Foam concrete Structural gas silicate Structural foam silicate G azoslag concrete structural neat slag concrete structural neat slag concrete Structural foam slag concrete Structural aerated ash concrete Structural foamed ash concrete Aerated concrete Structural aerated concrete Aerated concrete structural Aerated concrete

Gas slag ash concrete constructional non-autoclave

Structural non-autoclave foam slag ash concrete

Structural heat-insulating concrete of cellular structure

G azo concrete for construction and heat insulation Foam concrete for construction and heat insulation Gas silicate for construction and heat insulation

Structural and thermal insulating foam silicate

Gas slag concrete constructional thermal insulation


short name

Revised name

Structural and heat-insulating cellular concrete

Structural and heat-insulating gas slate concrete

Foam and slag concrete constructional and heat-insulating

Structural and thermal insulation foam concrete

Aerated concrete, structural and heat-insulating

Structural and heat-insulating foam concrete

Gas-solosilicate constructional and heat-insulating

Structural and heat-insulating foamozolosnlicat

G azozol and slag concrete constructional, heat-insulating

Foam ash and slag concrete constructional and heat-insulating

Gas-ash concrete constructional and heat-insulating yayavtoklavny

Non-autoclaved constructional and heat-insulating foam concrete

G azoshlakozolobeton constructional and heat-insulating non-autoclave

Foam slag ash concrete non-autoclave constructional and heat-insulating

Heat-insulating cellular concrete

Heat-insulating aerated concrete Heat-insulating foam concrete Heat-insulating aerated concrete Heat-insulating foam-silicate Heat-insulating gas-slag concrete Heat-insulating foam-slag concrete Heat-insulating foam-slag concrete Heat-insulating foamed slag concrete Heat-insulating foamed ash-concrete Heat-insulating concrete Aerated concrete heat-insulating Foam ash-concrete heat-insulating Concrete azo-ash slag concrete

Non-autoclave heat-insulating foam concrete

Gas slag ash concrete heat-insulating nsav-toklavny

Non-autoclave heat-insulating foam slag ash concrete

APPENDIX 3 Reference


for materials for the preparation of aerated concrete

industry standards and specifications

Editor V. P. Ogurtsov Technical editor V. N. Prusakova Proofreader A. G. Starostin

Rented at nab. 11/04/82 For example, for printing. 11/30/82 1.0 p. L. 0.S3 academic-ed. l. Shooting gallery. 25000 Price 5 kopecks%

Order "Badge of Honor" Standards Publishing House, 123557. Moscow. Novopresnensky per., 3 Type. "Moscow printer". Moscow, Ldoin per., 6. Zak. 1230

The price is 5 kopecks.



Electric current strength

Thermodynamic temperature

Amount of substance

The power of light


Flat angle

Solid angle



Itpei expression

OOINY1I ■ do-


Naisioaa *

delivered SI


M "" kg C "*


Electricity quantity

Electrical voltage

m? kg with "5 A" "

Electric capacity

m “* kg’ s 4 * A *

Electrical resistance "splash

m * kg with "* A" *

Electrical conductivity

I- "KG- s" A "

Flux of magnetic induction

m "kg with" * A ""

Magnetic induction

kg s * 9 A "'


m * kg with "5 A" * 5

Light flow


m-g CD Wed

Radionuclide activity


Absorbed dose of ionizing radiation

Equivalent dose of radiation

UDC 666.173.6: 006.354 Group Ж13



Cellulary concretes. Specifications



By the decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated August 9, 1982 No. 204, the date of introduction is set

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to all types of autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concretes, except for natural hardening concretes, and establishes technical requirements for aerated concretes, materials for their production, as well as technological processes and methods for monitoring the technical characteristics of these concretes.

The requirements of this standard must be observed in the development of standards and specifications for products and structures (hereinafter referred to as products) made of aerated concrete, regulatory, technical, design and technological documentation, as well as in the manufacture of products from aerated concrete.


1.1. Aerated concretes, which are subject to the requirements of the standard, are subdivided according to:

hardening conditions;

type of blowing agent;

the types of binders and siliceous components used.

1.2. According to the conditions of hardening, cellular concrete can be:

autoclave, hardening in saturated steam

under pressure above atmospheric;

non-autoclave, hardening in an environment of saturated water vapor or during electric heating at atmospheric pressure;

Official edition

1.3. By the type of blowing agent, cellular concretes are divided into:

Reprinting prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1982

GOST 25485-82

aerated concrete;

foam concrete.

1.4. By the type of binders used, cellular concrete can be based on:

cement binders, in which the content of Portland cement is more than 50%;

lime binders, consisting of lime-boiling water (in an amount of more than 50%) in combination with slag, gypsum or without them;

slag binders, consisting of slag (more than 50%) in combination with lime, gypsum or alkali;

highly basic ashes, in which the ash content is more than 50%;

mixed binders, consisting of Portland cement (in an amount of 50% or less) in combination with lime or slag.

1.5. By the type of siliceous component, cellular concrete can be on:

natural (finely milled quartz and feldspar sands); siliceous secondary products of industry (fly ash from thermal power plants, secondary products of concentration of various ores).

1.6. Depending on the main purpose, cellular concretes are divided into:

heat insulating;

structural and thermal insulation;


special (heat-resistant, soundproof, etc.).

1.7. The names of cellular concrete must comply with GOST 25192-82 with the addition of the following specific features: the type of pore former used, the silica component and the method of heat treatment.

Examples of the name of aerated concrete are given in reference annex 2.


2.1. Cellular concrete

2.M. Quality aerated concrete must meet the requirements of this standard and ensure the manufacture of products that meet the requirements state standards and technical specifications for these products.

2.1.2. Depending on the guaranteed values ​​of the compressive strength of concrete in accordance with ST SEV 1406-78, the following classes are established: VO, 35; VO, 75; VO, 85; IN 1; 1.5; B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10; B12.5; B15; B17.5; IN 20.

Note. For products made of aerated concrete, designed without taking into account the requirements of ST SEV 1406-78, compressive strength indicators are characterized by grades: M5; M10; M15; M25; M35; M50; M75; Ml00; M150; M200;

2.1.3. According to the indicators of average density (bulk density) and frost resistance, the following brands of aerated concrete are established:

by average density (bulk density) - PlZOO, Pl400, PlbOO, PlbOO, Pl700, Pl800, Pl900, PlYuOO, Pl1100, Pl1200;

frost resistance - Mrz 15, Mrz25, MrzZb, Mrz50, Mrz75, Mrz 100.

2.1.4. Indicators of the main physical and technical properties (average density, strength, frost resistance, drying shrinkage, thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and sorption moisture) of cellular concrete must comply with the requirements of state standards and specifications for certain types products, as well as the data given in table. 1 and 3 for autoclaved concretes and in table. 2 and 3 - for concretes of non-autoclave hardening.

Table 1

Concrete type

Compressive strength class

Heat insulating

MrzZb; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz25; Mrz 15


Mrz75; Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25;



Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz25; Mrz 15

MRZ 100; Mrz75; Mrz50; Mrz35;

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz75; Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25;

Mrz35; Mrz25

MRZ 100; Mrz75; Mrz50; Mrz35;

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz75; Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25;

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz75; Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25;

Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

GOST 25485-82

Continuation of table. 1

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density

Concrete grade by axial compression strength

Compressive strength class

Concrete grade for frost resistance


Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15 Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15 Mrz25

Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15

Mrz25; Mrz15

Mrz50; Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15

Mrz25; Mrz15

Note. The amount of shrinkage during drying of autoclaved aerated concrete with an average density of PlZOO-Pl400 is not standardized, and with an average density of Pl500 - Pl1200 should be no more than 0.7 mm / m for aerated concrete on ash and 0.5 mm / m - for aerated concrete on sand and secondary products of concentration of various ores.

table 2

Concrete grade by

Concrete type

on average



Concrete grade for frost resistance


at axial

for compression

Thermal insulation


Mrz25; Mrz15



Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mre15

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Continuation of table. 2

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density

Concrete grade by axial compression strength

Compressive strength class

Concrete grade for frost resistance


Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz15 Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz35; Mrz25; Mrz 15

Mrz25; Mrz 15

Note. After heat and moisture treatment, cellular concretes of non-autoclave hardening must have a compressive strength of at least 70% of the brand.

The amount of shrinkage during drying of cellular concrete of non-autoclave hardening with an average density of Pl300-t-Pl500 is not standardized, and with an average density of Pl600- ^ Pl1200 should be no more than 3 mm / m.

Table 3

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density

Coefficient of thermal conductivity, kcal / m -s- ° С, not more, in a dry state of concrete made

Steam permeability coefficient, r / m-h, not less, of concrete made

Sorption humidity (at a relative humidity of 76x), h. no more than concrete made



heat insulating


2.1.5. Depending on the working conditions and the type of products in the standards or technical conditions for specific types of products, other indicators of the quality of concrete may be established, provided for by GOST 4.212-80.

2.1.6. The stability of the density and compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete should be characterized by the coefficients of variation.

The batch coefficients of variation are shown in table. 4.

2.2. Materials (edit)

2.2.1. Materials for the preparation of aerated concrete must meet the requirements of current standards, technical specifications for these materials and ensure that the concrete is obtained with the specified technical characteristics.

2.2.2. For the preparation of cellular concrete, the following types of binders are used:

highly basic ash binder (from burning oil shale);

lime-belite binder.

2.2.3. The following are used as the siliceous component: quartz sand according to GOST 8736-77;

fine feldspar sand; sour fly ash from TPPs;

finely dispersed secondary products of ore dressing.

2.2.4. Water for the preparation of aerated concrete must meet the requirements of GOST 23732-79.

2.2.5. The following are used as blowing agents: a blowing agent - PAP-1 grade aluminum powder according to

foaming agents based on:

production of products from aerated concrete ", approved in established order.


3.1. Materials for the preparation of aerated concrete must be tested in accordance with the requirements established by the standards for their test methods.

3.2. Specifications aerated concrete is determined in accordance with the requirements of the following state standards:

average density (bulk density) - according to GOST 12730.1-78 l "Instructions for the manufacture of products from aerated concrete"; drying shrinkage - according to GOST 12852.3-77; frost resistance - according to GOST 12852.4-77; vapor permeability - according to GOST 12852.5-77; sorption humidity - according to GOST 12852.6-77; thermal conductivity - according to GOST 7076-78.

GOST 25485-89






Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to aerated concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete).

The requirements of this standard must be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and specifications, design and technological documentation for products and structures made of these concretes, as well as during their manufacture.


1.1. Concretes must meet the requirements of GOST 25192 and they must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. main parameters

1.2.1. Concrete is subdivided into:


Curing conditions;

The method of pore formation;

Kinds of binders and siliceous components.

1.2.2. By designation, concretes are subdivided into:


Structural and thermal insulation;

Heat insulating.

1.2.3. According to the conditions of hardening, concretes are subdivided into:

Autoclave (synthesis hardening) - medium hardening saturated steam at a pressure above atmospheric;

Non-autoclave (hydration hardening) - hardening in natural conditions, with electric heating or in saturated steam at atmospheric pressure.

1.2.4. According to the method of pore formation, concretes are subdivided:

Aerated concrete;

Foam concrete;

Aerated foam concrete.

1.2.5. By the type of binders and siliceous components, concretes are subdivided:

By the type of the main binder:

on lime binders, consisting of lime-boiling water more than 50% by weight, slag and gypsum or cement additives up to 15% by weight;

on cement binders, in which the content of Portland cement is 50% or more by weight;

on mixed binders, consisting of Portland cement from 15 to 50% by weight, lime or slag, or slag-lime mixture;

on slag binders consisting of more than 50% slag by weight in combination with lime, gypsum or alkali;

on ash binders, in which the content of highly basic ashes is 50% or more by weight;

By the type of silica component:

on natural materials - finely ground quartz and other sands;

on by-products of industry - fly ash from TPPs, hydro-removal ash, by-products of beneficiation of various ores, ferroalloy waste and others.

1.2.6. The names of concretes should include both basic and specific features: purpose, hardening conditions, method of pore formation, type of binder and siliceous components.

1.3 Characteristics

1.3.1. The strength of autoclaved and non-autoclaved concrete is characterized by compressive strength classes in accordance with ST SEV 1406.

The following classes are established for concretes: B0.5; B0.75; IN 1; B1.5; IN 2; B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10; B12.5; B15.

For structures designed without taking into account the requirements of ST SEV 1406, the compressive strength of concrete is characterized by the following grades: M7.5; M10; M15; M25; M35; M50; M75; M100; M150; M200.

1.3.2. According to the indicators of average density, the following grades of concrete in a dry state are prescribed: D300; D350; D400; D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200.

1.3.3. For concrete of structures exposed to alternate freezing and thawing, the following brands of concrete for frost resistance are prescribed and controlled: F15; F25; F35; F50; F75; F100.

The designation of the concrete grade for frost resistance is carried out depending on the operating mode of the structure and the calculated winter temperatures of the outside air in the construction areas.

1.3.4. Indicators of the physical and mechanical properties of concrete are given in table. ...

Table 1

Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of concrete

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density

Autoclaved concrete

Non-autoclaved concrete

Compressive strength class

Frost resistance grade

Compressive strength class

Frost resistance grade

Heat insulating



Not standardized







Not standardized




Structural and heat-insulating



F15 to F35




F15 to F75

F15 to F 35




F15 to F100



F15 to F50







F15 to F75




AT 10

F15 to F75








F15 to F50


F15 to F50

AT 10




AT 10



AT 10




AT 10


In addition, when studying the new properties of concrete and for the data required for normalizing the design characteristics of concrete, the quality of concrete is characterized by prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength.

1.3.9. Materials (edit) Binders used for concrete:

Highly basic ash according to OST 21-60, containing CaO not less than 40%, including free CaO not less than 16%, SO 3 - not more than 6% and R 2 O - not more than 3.5%. Silica components used for concrete:

Foaming agent based on:

caustic technical soda according to GOST 2263;

scrubber paste according to TU 38-107101 and other foaming agents. Regulators of structure formation, growth of plastic strength, hardening accelerators and plasticizing additives:

Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone in accordance with GOST 4013;

Soda ash in accordance with GOST 5100;

Liquid sodium glass in accordance with GOST 13078;

Triethanolamine according to TU 6-09-2448;

Superplasticizer C-3 according to TU 6-14-625;

Carboxylmethylcellulose according to OST 6-05-386;

Sodium sulfate crystallization according to GOST 21458 and other additives. Water for the preparation of concrete - in accordance with GOST 23732. Selection of concrete compositions - according to GOST 27006, methods, manuals and recommendations of research institutes, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. Labeling and packaging

The marking and packaging of concrete products and structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for specific types of products and structures.


2.1. Acceptance of concrete products and structures - in accordance with GOST 13015.1 and standards or specifications for specific types of structures.

2.2. Acceptance of concrete in terms of strength, average density and release moisture content is carried out for each batch of products.

2.3. The control of concrete in terms of frost resistance, thermal conductivity and shrinkage during drying is carried out before the start of mass production, when changing technology and materials, while in terms of frost resistance and shrinkage during drying - at least once every 6 months and in terms of thermal conductivity - at least once every year.

2.4. The control of concrete in terms of sorption moisture, vapor permeability, prismatic strength, elastic modulus is carried out according to standards or specifications for products and structures of specific types.

2.5. Concrete strength control is carried out in accordance with GOST 18105, average density - in accordance with GOST 27005.


Control of physical and technical indicators is carried out:

Compressive and tensile strength - according to GOST 10180;

Frost resistance - according to the application;

Drying shrinkage - per application;

Sorption humidity - according to GOST 24816 and GOST 17177;


Transportation and storage of concrete structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for products and structures of specific types.


1. External wall panels made of concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 11024.

2. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for internal load-bearing walls, partitions and ceilings of residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 19570.

3. Products made of cellular concrete are heat-insulating in accordance with GOST 5742.

4. Small wall blocks of cellular concrete in accordance with GOST 21520.

5. Internal wall panels, concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 12504.

6. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for external walls of buildings in accordance with GOST 11118.

Note. Autoclave concretes are used for the manufacture of the entire recommended range of products and structures, non-autoclave concretes are used mainly for the manufacture of small wall blocks and thermal insulation.




The essence of the method is to determine the change in the length of the sample (in millimeters) of concrete when its moisture changes from 35% to 5% by weight.

1. Manufacturing and sampling

Laboratory drying cabinet SNOL type;

Bathtub with a lid;

Anhydrous potassium carbonate in accordance with GOST 4221.

3. Preparation for testing

3.1. In the center of each end face of the sample, a stainless steel benchmark is fixed with a rapidly polymerizing glue; for this, a square plate with a thickness of at least 1 mm with ribs of at least 10 mm and a hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm in the center is used.

It is allowed to use glue of the following composition, g:

Epoxy resin …………………………………… 80

Polyethylene polyamine ………………………………. 3

Dibutyl phthalate ………………………………………. 1

3.2. Before testing, measure the length of the samples and weigh them.

Sample measurement error - in accordance with GOST 10180.

4. Testing

4.1. The samples are saturated with water by immersion in a horizontal position in water at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С for 3 days to a depth of 5 - 10 mm.

4.2. After saturation, the samples are kept in a tightly closed desiccator over water at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С for 3 days.

4.3. Immediately after removing from the desiccator, the samples are weighed and an initial reading is made on the indicator.

The error in weighing the samples should be ± 0.1 g, the error in determining the change in the length of the samples should be ± 0.005 mm.

4.4. A series of samples are placed in a tightly closed desiccator positioned over anhydrous potassium carbonate. For a series of samples every 7 days of testing, (600 ± 10) g of potassium carbonate are taken. Every 7 days, wet potassium carbonate is replaced with dry.

4.5. The temperature of the room in which the samples are tested should be (20 ± 2) ° C.

4.6. During the first four weeks, the change in the length and weight of the samples is determined every 3 to 4 days. Further measurements are carried out at least once a week until the samples reach a constant mass.

The weight of the samples is considered constant if the results of two successive weighings carried out with an interval of one week differ by no more than 0.1%.

4.7. After completion of the shrinkage measurement, the samples are dried at a temperature of (105 ± 5) ° С to constant weight and weighed.

5. Processing of results

5.1. For each sample, calculate:

Drying shrinkage value (e i), mm / m, after each measurement according to the formula

where t i - mass of wet sample after i days of exposure in a desiccator over potassium carbonate, g;

m 0 - mass of the sample dried at a temperature of (105 ± 5) ° С, g.

5.2. By the values ​​of e i and w i a shrinkage curve is constructed for each sample. An approximate shrinkage curve is shown in fig. ...

A chamber for thawing samples, equipped with a device for maintaining relative humidity (95 ± 2)% and temperature (18 ± 2) ° С;

Sample saturation bath;

Mesh racks in the freezer;

Mesh containers for holding samples.

2.2. To control the frost resistance of concrete, chambers with automatic temperature and humidity control can be used, providing the ability to maintain the temperature and humidity specified in clause.

3. Preparation for testing

3.1. Concrete frost resistance tests are carried out when it reaches the compressive strength corresponding to its class (brand).

3.2. Frost resistance of concrete is controlled by testing cube specimens with dimensions of 100 × 100 × 100 mm or specimen cylinders with a diameter and height of 100 mm.

3.3. Samples (cubes or cylinders) are cut out only from the middle part of control unreinforced blocks or products in accordance with GOST 10180. It is allowed to make samples in individual forms that meet the requirements of GOST 22685 when carrying out research work, as well as for testing foam concrete.

3.4. Samples designed to control frost resistance are taken as the main ones.

Samples intended for determining the compressive strength without freezing and thawing are taken as control.

3.5. The number of samples for testing according to table. should be at least twenty one (12 - main, six - control for the established and intermediate cycles and three - to determine the loss of concrete mass).

Concrete grade for frost resistance


The number of cycles after which concrete specimens are tested for compression

4.7. The compressive strength, mass and moisture content of the main and control samples are determined through the number of cycles indicated in table. ...

4.8. In the event of the appearance of obvious signs of destruction of the samples, they are tested for compression ahead of schedule, earlier than the cycles indicated in table. ...

5. Processing of results

5.1. According to the results of the compression test of the main samples after the specified in table. the number of cycles, as well as control samples, determine the strength and calculate the coefficient of variation of control samples according to GOST 10180, which should be no more than 15%; and also determine the loss of their mass.

5.2. The relative decrease in strength ( R rel),%, of the main samples are calculated by the formula

Where T n is the average value of the mass of the main samples after water saturation according to item, g;

w n is the average moisture content of the control samples, in parts from one, after water saturation according to p.;

The average value of the mass of the main samples after passing the established or intermediate number of cycles, g;

The average moisture content of the main samples, in parts from one, after passing a specified or intermediate number of cycles.

5.4. The moisture content of concrete is determined in accordance with GOST 12730.2 on samples from control samples after the completion of their water saturation and from the main samples - immediately after their strength test.

Samples for moisture determination are taken from three control and three main samples.

5.5. The frost resistance grade of concrete corresponds to the required one if the relative decrease in concrete strength after passing the number of test cycles equal to the required one is less than 15%, and the average weight loss of a series of main samples does not exceed 5%.

5.6. The frost resistance grade of concrete does not correspond to the required one if the relative decrease in concrete strength after passing through cycles numerically equal to the required grade is more than 15% or the average weight loss of a series of basic concrete samples exceeds 5%. In this case, the frost resistance grade of concrete corresponds to the number of cycles equal to the previous grade.

5.7. The concrete grade in terms of frost resistance does not correspond to the required one if the relative decrease in concrete strength after passing the intermediate test cycles is more than 15% or the average weight loss of a series of main samples is more than 5%.

5.8. Initial data and test results of control and main samples should be entered in the test log in the form given in the appendix.


Form of the journal of testing concrete samples for frost resistance

Baseline data for control and master samples


Date of receipt of samples

Lot number (series) and markings

Dimensions, mm

Manufacturing date

Compressive strength class (grade) of concrete B (M)

Design grade of concrete for frost resistance F

Signatures of the responsible persons who accepted the samples for testing

test date

Weight, g

Compressive strength, MPa

Humidity, %

Table continuation

Sample test results

Conclusion on the results of testing concrete for frost resistance

Signatures of responsible persons



Intermediate tests

Final tests

Start date of concrete frost resistance test

Mass of samples in a saturated state before testing, g

test date

Number of intermediate cycles

Weight, g

Compressive strength, MPa

Humidity, %

Signature responsible person who conducted the tests

test date


Weight, g

Compressive strength, MPa

Humidity, %

Head of laboratory ___________________ ____________________________________

(Full Name)



This method applies to design-age non-autoclaved concrete and autoclaved concrete and establishes the modulus of elasticity when testing bend specimens.

The method is based on the equality of the values ​​of the modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression and tension using a graph (diagram) of the dependence "load - deformation" of the stretched surface of the sample, recorded under continuous loading at a constant rate until failure.

1. Samples, their production and selection

1.1. The modulus of elasticity is determined on beams with dimensions of 40´ 40´ 160 mm.

1.2. Samples are made in batches. The lot must consist of at least three samples.

1.3. Samples are cut from finished products or from unreinforced control blocks manufactured simultaneously with the products. Cutting patterns are adopted in accordance with GOST 10180. The longitudinal axis of the samples should correspond to the direction of determination of the modulus of elasticity, taking into account the operating conditions of the structure or product during operation (perpendicular or parallel to the direction of concrete swelling).

1.4. Deviations of the size and shape of the samples from the nominal should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 10180.

2. Requirements for equipment and devices

2.1. The following are used for testing:

Testing machines or loading installations and a device for testing concrete for tensile bending in accordance with GOST 10180;

Conducting strain gauges with a base of 20 mm on paper backing according to GOST 21616;

An electrical force measuring device, for example, a strain gage force sensor according to GOST 28836. The error of the force meter should not exceed ± 1%;

An intermediate measuring transducer, for example, a strain-gauge amplifier and a two-coordinate recorder matched with it according to TU 25-05.7424.021;

Glue for sticking strain gauges, for example BF-2, in accordance with GOST 12172;

Devices and means for weighing samples, measuring them, determining geometric accuracy, etc. according to GOST 10180.

2.2. Testing machines, installations and devices must be certified and checked in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with GOST 8.001 *.


* Within the territory of Russian Federation PR 50.2.009-94 is valid.

3. Preparation for testing

3.1. On the samples, the faces are selected to which forces should be applied during the loading process, and the stretched surface on which the strain gage should be glued, and the places of support, transfer of forces and stickers of the strain gages are marked according to the loading scheme of the prototype shown in Fig. ... The bending plane of the specimens during drying should be perpendicular to the direction of concrete swelling at the longitudinal axis of the specimen and parallel to the swelling direction if the longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the direction of concrete swelling.

3.2. Measure the linear dimensions of the samples in accordance with GOST 10180.

3.3. Before testing, the samples must be kept for at least 2 hours in the laboratory room where the test is carried out.

4. Testing

4.1. The samples are weighed (within ± 1%) and placed in the test apparatus.

4.2. The strain gauge is connected to the measuring system.

1 - prototype; 2 - strain gauge base 20 mm; 3 - electric force meter

4.4. The sample is loaded according to the scheme shown in fig. , a continuously increasing load, providing the rate of stress growth in the sample (0.05 ± 0.2) MPa / s [(0.5 ± 0.2) kgf / (cm 2 × s)], record the diagram "load-deformation" the stretched surface of the sample until the moment of its destruction.

4.5. After the destruction of the sample, the section of its rupture is examined and, in the presence of defects, their location and size are recorded in the form of a diagram on the recorded diagram.

4.6. Determine the moisture content of the sample material according to GOST 12730.2.

5. Processing of results

5.1. The elastic modulus is determined for each sample from the recorded load-deformation diagram of the stretched surface of the sample e bt in the following way:

To the curve F - e bt draw a tangent at its initial point at F= 0 (damn). The tangent cuts off on the line corresponding to the breaking load F u, a segment, the length of which is equal to the elastic component of the limiting relative tensile deformation e ubt;

The graph of the dependence of the deformation of concrete on a tensile surface
specimen from bending load

F u - e bt - deformation of the stretched surface of the sample;
e u bt - ultimate tensile strain

Elastic modulus value E b is calculated by the formula

Where M u - breaking bending moment, N × m (kgf × cm);

l - distance between supports, m (cm);




Official edition


UDC 666.973.6: 006.354

Group W13



Specifications GOST

Cellular concretes.

ISS 91.100.30 OKP 58 7000

Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to aerated concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete).

The requirements of this standard should be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and specifications, design and technological documentation for products and structures made of these concretes, as well as during their manufacture.


1.1. Concrete must meet the requirements of GOST 25192, they must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. main parameters

1.2.1. Concrete is classified according to:


Curing conditions;

The method of pore formation;

Kinds of binders and siliceous components.

1.2.2. By designation, concretes are subdivided into:


Structural and thermal insulation;

Heat insulating.

1.2.3. According to the conditions of hardening, concretes are subdivided into:

Autoclave (synthesis hardening) - hardening in saturated steam at a pressure above atmospheric;

Non-autoclave (hydration hardening) - hardening in natural conditions, with electric heating or in saturated steam at atmospheric pressure.

1.2.4. According to the method of pore formation, concretes are subdivided into:

Aerated concrete;

Foam concrete;

Aerated foam concrete.

1.2.5. By the type of binders and siliceous components, concretes are subdivided:

By the type of the main binder:

on lime binders, consisting of lime-boiling water more than 50% by weight, slag and gypsum or cement additives up to 15% by weight,

on cement binders, in which the content of Portland cement is 50% or more by weight,

on mixed binders, consisting of Portland cement from 15% to 50% by weight, lime or slag, or slag-lime mixture,

Official edition Reprinting prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1989 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003

on slag binders consisting of more than 50% slag by weight in combination with lime, gypsum or alkali,

on ash binders, in which the content of highly basic ashes is 50% or more by weight;

By the type of silica component:

on natural materials - finely ground quartz and other sands,

on by-products of industry - fly ash from thermal power plants, hydro-removal ash, by-products of various ore dressing, ferroalloy waste and others.

1.2.6. The names of concretes should include both basic and specific features: purpose, hardening conditions, method of pore formation, type of binder and siliceous components.

1.3. Specifications

1.3.1. The strength of autoclaved and non-autoclaved concrete is characterized by compressive strength classes in accordance with ST SEV 1406.

The following classes are established for concretes: VO, 5; VO, 75; Bl; Bl, 5; IN 2; B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; BIO; B12.5; B15.

For structures designed without taking into account the requirements of ST SEV 1406, the compressive strength of concrete is characterized by the following grades: M7.5; M10; M15; M25; M35; M50; M75; M100; Ml50; M200.

1.3.2. According to the indicators of average density, the following grades of concrete in a dry state are prescribed: D300; D350; D400; D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200.

1.3.3. For concrete of structures exposed to alternate freezing and thawing, the following brands of concrete for frost resistance are prescribed and controlled: F15; F25; F35; F50; F75; F100.

The designation of the concrete grade for frost resistance is carried out depending on the operating mode of the structure and the calculated winter temperatures of the outside air in the construction areas.

1.3.4. Indicators of the physical and mechanical properties of concrete are given in table. 1.

Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of concrete

Table 1

Concrete type

Autoclaved concrete

Non-autoclaved concrete

Compressive strength class

Frost resistance grade

Compressive strength class

Frost resistance grade

Heat insulating

VO, 75 VO, 50

Not standardized

Not standardized




F15 to F35

F15 to F75

F15 to F35

F15 to F100

F15 to F50

F15 to F75

1.3.5. Drying shrinkage of concrete, determined according to Appendix 2, should not exceed, mm / m:

0.5 - for autoclaved concrete grades D600-D1200, made on sand;

0.7 - the same on other siliceous components;

3.0 - for non-autoclaved concretes of D600-D1200 grades.

Note. For autoclaved concretes of average density grades D300, D350 and D400 and non-autoclaved concretes for average density D400 and D500, drying shrinkage is not standardized.

1.3.6. The thermal conductivity of concrete should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 2, more than 20%.

Normalized indicators of physical and technical properties of concrete

table 2

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density

Thermal conductivity, W / (m- "C), no more than concrete in a dry state, manufactured

Vapor permeability coefficient, mgDm h-Pa), not less than concrete made

Sorption moisture content of concrete,%, no more

at a relative humidity of 75%

at a relative humidity of 97%

Concrete made


Note. For concrete grade by average density D350, the normalized indicators are determined


1.3.7. The release moisture content of concrete products and structures should not exceed (by weight),%:

25 - based on sand;

35 - based on ash and other production wastes.

1.3.8. In standards or technical conditions for structures of specific types, the indicators of sorption moisture and vapor permeability are set, given in table. 2, and other indicators provided by GOST 4.212.

In addition, when studying the new properties of concrete and for the data required for normalizing the design characteristics of concrete, the quality of concrete is characterized by prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength.

1.3.9. Materials (edit) Binders used for concrete:

Portland cement in accordance with GOST 10178 (not containing the additives of tripoli, glezh, trails, clay, flask, ash), containing tricalcium aluminate (C 3 A) not more than 6% for the manufacture of large-sized structures on cement or mixed binder;

Calcium quicklime lime according to GOST 9179, quick and medium quenching, having a slaking rate of 5-25 minutes and containing active CaO + MgO more than 70%, "burnout" less than 2%;

Granulated blast-furnace slag in accordance with GOST 3476;

Highly basic ash according to OST 21-60, containing not less than 40% CaO, including free CaO not less than 16%, S0 3 not more than 6% and R 2 0 not more than 3.5%. Silica components used for concrete:

Sand according to GOST 8736, containing SiO2 (total) not less than 90% or quartz not less than 75%, mica not more than 0.5%, silty and clay impurities not more than 3%;

Fly ash from TPPs according to OST 21-60, containing SiO2 no less than 45%, CaO no more than 10%, R 2 0 no more than 3%, S0 3 no more than 3%;

Ore dressing products containing SiO2 not less than 60%. The specific surface area of ​​the materials used is taken according to the technological documentation depending on the required average density, heat and moisture treatment and the size of the structure. It is allowed to use other materials that ensure the production of concrete that meets the specified physical and technical characteristics established by this standard. Blowing agents used for concrete:

Gas generator - aluminum powder grades PAP-1 and PAP-2 in accordance with GOST 5494;

Foaming agent based on: bone glue in accordance with GOST 2067, flesh glue in accordance with GOST 3252, pine rosin in accordance with GOST 19113, caustic technical soda in accordance with GOST 2263,

scrubber paste according to TU 38-107101 and other foaming agents. Regulators of structure formation, growth of plastic strength, hardening accelerators and plasticizing additives:

Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone in accordance with GOST 4013;

Potassium carbonate according to GOST 4221;

Soda ash in accordance with GOST 5100;

Liquid sodium glass in accordance with GOST 13078;

Triethanolamine according to TU 6-09-2448;

Trisodium phosphate in accordance with GOST 201;

Superplasticizer C-3 according to TU 6-14-625;

Technical caustic soda according to GOST 2263;

Carboxylmethylcellulose according to OST 6-05-386;

Sodium sulfate crystallization according to GOST 21458 and other additives. Water for the preparation of concrete - in accordance with GOST 23732. Selection of concrete compositions - in accordance with GOST 27006, methods, manuals and recommendations of research institutes, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

1.4. Labeling and packaging

The marking and packaging of concrete products and structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for specific types of products and structures.


2.1. Acceptance of concrete products and structures - in accordance with GOST 13015.1 and standards or specifications for specific types of structures.

2.2. Acceptance of concrete in terms of strength, average density and release moisture content is carried out for each batch of products.

2.3. The control of concrete in terms of frost resistance, thermal conductivity and shrinkage during drying is carried out before the start of mass production, when changing technology and materials, while in terms of frost resistance and shrinkage during drying - at least once every 6 months and in terms of thermal conductivity - at least once every year.

2.4. The control of concrete in terms of sorption moisture, vapor permeability, prismatic strength, elastic modulus is carried out according to standards or specifications for products and structures of specific types.

2.5. Concrete strength control is carried out in accordance with GOST 18105, average density - in accordance with GOST 27005.


Control of physical and technical indicators is carried out:

Compressive and tensile strength - according to GOST 10180;

Average density - according to GOST 12730.1 or GOST 17623;

Vacation humidity - according to GOST 12730.2, GOST 21718;

Frost resistance - according to Appendix 3;

Drying shrinkage - according to Appendix 2;

Thermal conductivity - in accordance with GOST 7076, sampling - in accordance with GOST 10180;

Sorption humidity - according to GOST 24816 and GOST 17177;

Water vapor permeability - according to GOST 25898;

Prismatic strength - according to GOST 24452;

Elastic modulus - according to GOST 24452 and (or) Appendix 5.


Transportation and storage of concrete structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for products and structures of specific types.

2. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for internal load-bearing walls, partitions and ceilings of residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 19570.

3. Products made of cellular concrete are heat-insulating in accordance with GOST 5742.

4. Small wall aerated concrete blocks in accordance with GOST 21520.

5. Internal wall panels, concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings in accordance with GOST 12504.

6. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for external walls of buildings in accordance with GOST 11118.

Note. Autoclave concretes are used for the manufacture of the entire recommended range of products and structures, non-autoclave concretes are used mainly for the manufacture of small wall blocks and thermal insulation.

APPENDIX 2 Mandatory


The essence of the method is to determine the change in the length of the sample (in millimeters) of concrete when its moisture changes from 35% to 5% by weight.

1. Manufacturing and sampling

1.1. The drying shrinkage of concrete is determined by testing a series of three prism specimens measuring 40 x 40 x 160 mm.

1.2. Samples of a series are cut from a structure or from an unreinforced control block, the length and width of which must be at least 40 cm, the height is equal to the height of the structure, made simultaneously with the structure from its middle part so that the end faces of the samples are parallel to its pouring, and the distance to the edges of the structure - at least 10 cm.

1.3. Samples from the structure are cut out no later than 24 hours after the end of the heat and humidity treatment and stored in closed desiccators over water until testing.

1.4. Deviations of the linear dimensions of the samples from the nominal ones specified in and. 1.1, - within ± 1 mm.

2. Requirements for control methods

The following are used for testing:

A tripod with a dial indicator with a graduation of 0.01 mm and a stroke of 10 mm, shown in fig. 1;

Technical scales in accordance with GOST 24104;

Laboratory drying cabinet SNOL type;

Desiccator in accordance with GOST 25336;

Bathtub with a lid;

Anhydrous potassium carbonate in accordance with GOST 4221.

3. Preparation for testing

3.1. In the center of each end face of the sample, a stainless steel benchmark is fixed with a rapidly polymerizing glue; for this, a square plate with a thickness of at least 1 mm with ribs of at least 10 mm and a hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm in the center is used.

It is allowed to use glue of the following composition, g:

Epoxy resin ...................... 80

Polyethylen or oliamine .................... 3

Dibutyl phthalate ......................... 1

3.2. Before testing, measure the length of the samples and weigh them.

Sample measurement error - in accordance with GOST 10180.

4. Testing

4.1. The samples are saturated with water by immersion in a horizontal position in water at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С for 3 days to a depth of 5-10 mm.

4.2. After saturation, the samples are kept in a tightly closed desiccator over water at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С for 3 days.

4.3. Immediately after removing from the desiccator, the samples are weighed and an initial reading is made on the indicator.

The error in weighing the samples should be ± 0.1 g, the error in determining the change in the length of the samples should be ± 0.005 mm.

4.4. A series of samples are placed in a tightly closed desiccator positioned over anhydrous potassium carbonate. For a series of samples every 7 days of testing, (600 ± 10) g of potassium carbonate are taken. Every 7 days, wet potassium carbonate is replaced with dry.

Tripod diagram with dial indicator

1 - base; 2 - rack; 3 - bracket; 4 - indicator; 5 - ball joint

4.5. The temperature of the room in which the samples are tested should be (20 ± 2) ° C.

4.6. During the first four weeks, the change in the length and weight of the samples is determined every 3-4 days. Further measurements are carried out at least once a week until the samples reach a constant mass.

The weight of the samples is considered constant if the results of two successive weighings carried out with an interval of one week differ by no more than 0.1%.

4.7. After completion of the shrinkage measurement, the samples are dried at a temperature of (105 ± 5) ° С to constant weight and weighed.

5. Processing of results

5.1. For each sample, calculate:

Drying shrinkage value (g), mm / m, after each measurement according to the formula

where / 0 is the initial reading of the indicator after water saturation of the sample, mm,

C - readout by the indicator after i day of exposure of the sample in a desiccator over potassium carbonate, mm,

L is the length of the sample, m;

Moisture content of concrete (by mass) (w),%, after completion of the test for the measurement period according to the formula

where nij is the mass of a wet sample after i days of exposure in a desiccator over potassium carbonate, g, t (] is the mass of a sample dried at a temperature of (105 + 5) ° С, g.

5.2. According to the values ​​of e (and w, build a shrinkage curve for each sample. An approximate shrinkage curve is shown in Fig. 2.

5.3. Damn. 2 determine the drying shrinkage of the sample from moisture (e 0), mm / m, in the range from 35% to 5% by weight according to the formula

e 0 = e 5 - e 35, (3)

where e 5 is the value of shrinkage during drying of the sample from its water-saturated state to a moisture content of 5% by weight, mm / m;

e 35 is the value of shrinkage during drying of the sample from a water-saturated state to a moisture content of 35% by weight, mm / m.

5.4. The control value of the drying shrinkage g k for the test concrete is determined as the arithmetic mean e 0 of the three tested samples.

5.5. Concrete meets the requirements if the control value of the drying shrinkage gk does not exceed the normalized ei, taken in accordance with clause 1.3.5 of this standard, and the shrinkage value of individual samples is 1.25 e „.

5.6. The results of the determination and control of drying shrinkage should be recorded in the test log.

The journal indicates:

Batch number, date of manufacture, dimensions and weight of samples;

The date and results of each determination of the change in the length and weight of the samples;

The date and results of the calculation of the moisture content of each sample;

Conclusion on the results of concrete shrinkage tests.

Approximate drying shrinkage curve for concrete specimens

О 5 10 20 30 35 40 50 w f%

APPENDIX 3 Mandatory


1. General Provisions

1.1. This method applies to structural and structural heat-insulating concretes.

1.2. Frost resistance of concrete - the ability to maintain physical and mechanical properties under repeated exposure to alternating freezing and thawing in air above water.

Frost resistance of concrete is characterized by its frost resistance brand.

1.3. For a concrete grade in terms of frost resistance F, the set number of cycles of alternating freezing and thawing according to the method of this annex is taken, in which the compressive strength of concrete decreases by no more than 15% and the loss of concrete mass of the samples is no more than 5%.

2. Requirements for controls

2.1. To control frost resistance apply:

Freezing chamber in accordance with GOST 10060.0;

A chamber for thawing samples, equipped with a device for maintaining relative humidity (95 + 2)% and temperature (18 + 2) ° С;

Sample saturation bath;

Mesh racks in the freezer;

Mesh containers for holding samples.

2.2. To control the frost resistance of concrete, chambers with automatic temperature and humidity control can be used, providing the ability to maintain the temperature and humidity specified in and. 2.1.

3. Preparation for testing

3.1. Concrete frost resistance tests are carried out when it reaches the compressive strength corresponding to its class (brand).

3.2. Frost resistance of concrete is controlled by testing cube samples with dimensions of 100 x 100 x 100 mm or cylinder samples with a diameter and height of 100 mm.

3.3. Samples (cubes or cylinders) are cut out only from the middle part of unreinforced control blocks or products in accordance with GOST 10180. It is allowed to make samples in individual forms that meet the requirements of GOST 22685 when carrying out research work, as well as for testing foam concrete.

3.4. Samples designed to control frost resistance are taken as the main ones.

Samples intended for determining the compressive strength without freezing and thawing are taken as control.

3.5. The number of samples for testing according to table. 3 should be at least 21 (12 - main, six - control for the established and intermediate cycles and three - to determine the loss of concrete mass).

3.6. The main and control samples of concrete before testing for frost resistance must be saturated with water at a temperature of (18 + 2) ° C.

The saturation of the samples is carried out by immersion in water (with the provision of conditions excluding their emergence) at 1/3 of their height and subsequent holding for 8 hours; then immersion in water to 2/3 of their height and keeping in this state for another 8 hours, after which the samples are immersed completely and kept in this state for another 24 hours. In this case, the samples should be surrounded on all sides by a layer of water of at least 20 mm.

4. Testing

4.1. The main samples are loaded into a freezer at a temperature of minus 18 ° C in containers or installed on the mesh shelves of the chamber racks so that the distance between the samples, the walls of the containers and the overlying shelves is at least 50 mm. If, after loading the chamber, the air temperature in it rises above minus 16 ° C, then the beginning of freezing is considered the moment when the temperature in the chamber reaches minus 16 ° C.

4.2. The air temperature in the freezer should be measured in the center of its working volume in the immediate vicinity of the samples.

4.3. The duration of one freezing cycle at a steady-state temperature in the chamber of minus (18 + 2) ° С should be at least 4 hours, including the time of temperature transition from minus 16 ° С to minus 18 ° С.

4.4. After unloading the samples from the freezer, they are thawed in the thawing chamber at a temperature of (18 + 2) ° C and a relative humidity of (95 + 2)%.

The samples in the thawing chamber are installed on the mesh shelves of the shelves so that the distance between them, as well as from the overlying shelf, is at least 50 mm. The duration of one defrost cycle must be at least 4 hours.

4.5. The number of cycles of freezing and thawing of basic concrete samples within 1 day should be at least one. During forced breaks during testing for frost resistance, the samples should be in a thawed state, excluding their drying (in the thawing chamber).

4.6. Before the compression test, the control samples are kept in the thawing chamber for a time corresponding to the number of cycles specified in table. 3.

Table 3

4.7. The compressive strength, mass and moisture content of the main and control samples are determined through the number of cycles indicated in table. 3.

4.8. In the event of the appearance of obvious signs of destruction of the samples, they are tested for compression ahead of schedule, earlier than the cycles indicated in table. 3.

5. Processing of results

5.1. According to the results of the compression test of the main samples after the specified in table. 3 numbers of cycles, as well as control samples, determine the strength and calculate the coefficient of variation of control samples in accordance with GOST 10180, which should be no more than 15%, and also determine the loss of their mass.

5.2. The relative decrease in strength (R K,),%, of the main samples is calculated by the formula

where /? mtn is the average value of the strength of the main samples after a given number of test cycles, MPa;

i? mtk is the average value of the strength of the control samples, MPa.

5.3. Weight loss D t,%, samples are calculated by the formula

m n (l-w n) -m n (l-w n) (5)

Dt = -p -; - "100>

^ m n (1 - w n)

where t p is the average value of the mass of the main samples after water saturation according to clause 3.6, g;

w n - average value of humidity of control samples in parts from one after water saturation _ according to clause 3.6;

m p - the average value of the mass of the main samples after passing the established or intermediate number of cycles, g;

w n - the average moisture content of the main samples in parts from unity after passing a specified or intermediate number of cycles.

5.4. The moisture content of concrete is determined in accordance with GOST 12730.2 on samples of control samples after the completion of their water saturation and from the main samples - immediately after their strength test.

Samples for moisture determination are taken from three control and three main samples.

5.5. The frost resistance grade of concrete corresponds to the required one if the relative decrease in concrete strength after passing the number of test cycles equal to the required one is less than 15%, and the average weight loss of a series of main samples does not exceed 5%.

5.6. The frost resistance grade of concrete does not correspond to the required one if the relative decrease in concrete strength after passing through cycles numerically equal to the required grade is more than 15% or the average weight loss of a series of basic concrete samples exceeds 5%. In this case, the frost resistance grade of concrete corresponds to the number of cycles equal to the previous grade.

5.7. The concrete grade in terms of frost resistance does not correspond to the required one if the relative decrease in concrete strength after passing the intermediate test cycles is more than 15% or the average weight loss of a series of main samples is more than 5%.

5.8. Initial data and test results of control and main samples should be entered in the test log in the form given in Appendix 4.

Head of laboratory

Surname, name, report


This method applies to design-age non-autoclaved concrete and autoclaved concrete and establishes the modulus of elasticity when testing bend specimens.

The method is based on the equality of the values ​​of the modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression and tension using a graph (diagram) of the "load-deformation" dependence of the tensile surface of the sample, recorded under continuous loading at a constant rate until failure.

1. Samples, their production and selection

1.1. The modulus of elasticity is determined on samples-beams with dimensions of 40 x 40 x 160 mm

1.2. Samples are made in batches. The lot must consist of at least three samples.

1.3. Samples are cut from finished products or from control unreinforced blocks made simultaneously with the products. Cutting patterns are adopted in accordance with GOST 10180. The longitudinal axis of the samples must correspond to the direction of determination of the elastic modulus, taking into account the operating conditions of the structure or product during operation (perpendicular or parallel to the direction of concrete swelling).

1.4. Deviations of the size and shape of the samples from the nominal should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 10180.

2. Requirements for equipment and devices

2.1. The following are used for testing:

Testing machines or loading installations and a device for testing concrete for tensile bending in accordance with GOST 10180;

Conducting strain gauges with a base of 20 mm on a paper base in accordance with GOST 21616;

An electrical force measuring device, for example a strain gauge force sensor according to GOST 28836. The error of a force measuring device should not exceed + 1%;

An intermediate measuring transducer, for example, a strain-gauge amplifier and a two-coordinate recorder matched with it according to TU 25-05.7424.021;

Glue for sticking strain gauges, for example BF-2 in accordance with GOST 12172;

Devices and means for weighing samples, measuring them, determining geometric accuracy, etc. in accordance with GOST 10180.

2.2. Testing machines, installations and devices must be certified and checked in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with GOST 8.001 *.

3. Preparation for testing

3.1. On the samples, the faces are selected to which forces should be applied during the loading process, and the stretched surface on which the strain gage should be glued, and the places of support, transfer of forces and stickers of the strain gages are marked according to the loading scheme of the prototype shown in Fig. 3. The plane of bending of the specimens during drying should be perpendicular to the direction of swelling of the concrete with the longitudinal axis of the specimen and parallel to the direction of swelling if the longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the direction of swelling of the concrete.

3.2. Measure the linear dimensions of the samples in accordance with GOST 10180.

3.3. Before testing, the samples must be kept for at least 2 hours in the laboratory room where the test is carried out.

4. Testing

4.1. The samples are weighed (within + 1% error) and placed in the test apparatus.

4.2. The strain gauge is connected to the measuring system.

4.3. Set the scale of recording on a two-dimensional recorder. The expected breaking force (scale of the vertical axis) is established by testing one or two specimens without strain gauges. The expected maximum deformation (scale of the horizontal axis) is taken equal to 1.2 mm / m.

Test sample loading scheme

1 - prototype; 2 - strain gauge with a base of 20 mm; 3 - electric force measuring device

4.4. The sample is loaded according to the scheme shown in fig. 3, a continuously increasing load, providing the rate of stress increase in the sample (0.05 + 0.2) MPa / s [(0.5 + 0.2) kgf / (cm 2 s)], and record the diagram "load - deformation »The stretched surface of the specimen until the moment of its destruction.

4.5. After the destruction of the sample, the section of its rupture is examined and, in the presence of defects, their location and size are recorded in the form of a diagram on the recorded diagram.

4.6. Determine the moisture content of the sample material according to GOST 12730.2.

5. Processing of results

5.1. The modulus of elasticity is determined for each sample from the recorded load-deformation diagram of the stretched surface of the sample e s as follows:

A tangent line is drawn to the F-e s curve at its starting point at F = 0 (Fig. 4). The tangent cuts off on the line corresponding to the breaking load F u a segment, the length of which is equal to the elastic component of the limiting relative tensile deformation e ^;

The graph of the dependence of the concrete deformation of the tensile surface of the sample on the bending load

F is the load; F u - breaking load; ey is the deformation of the stretched surface of the sample; еаы - ultimate relative tensile deformation

The value of the modulus of elasticity E b is calculated by the formula

Eb = K s / £ ubP (6)

where R bt is the value of the tensile strength in bending, MPa (kgf / cm 2), calculated by the formula

R H = M u / W = FJ / 6W, (7)

where M and - destructive bending moment, N m (kgf cm);

/ - distance between supports, m (cm);

W- moment of resistance cross section sample, m 3 (cm 3), calculated by the formula

where b is the width of the cross-section of the sample, m (cm); h is the height of the cross-section of the sample, m (cm).

5.2. The modulus of elasticity of concrete in a series is determined as the arithmetic mean of the modulus of elasticity of all tested samples.

Note. If there are significant defects in the sample rupture section, the result of its test is not taken into account when calculating the average value.

5.3. The average density of the material of each sample is calculated according to GOST 12730.1.

5.4. The log of test results must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10180 and GOST 24452. Recorded deformation diagrams must be attached to the log.


1. DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

The Central Scientific Research and Design Experimental Institute for Complex Problems of Building Structures and Structures named after V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIISK named after V.A.Kucherenko) of the USSR State Construction Committee

Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF) of the USSR Gosstroy; Leningrad Zonal Research and Design Institute for Standard and Experimental Design of Residential and Public Buildings (LenZNNNEP) of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction by the State Construction Committee of the USSR

SUBMITTED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated 03.30.89 No. 57

3. REPLACE GOST 25485-83, GOST 12852.3-77, GOST 12852.4-77


Section number, paragraph, application

GOST 4.212-80

GOST 4221-76, appendix 2

GOST 8.001-80

Appendix 5

GOST 5100-85

GOST 5494-95

GOST 2067-93

GOST 5742-76

Annex 1

GOST 2263-79,

GOST 7076-99

GOST 3252-80

GOST 8736-93

GOST 3476-74

GOST 9179-77

GOST 4013-82

GOST 10060.0-95

Appendix 3


Section number, paragraph, application

Section number, paragraph, application

GOST 10178-85

GOST 22685-89

Appendix 3

GOST 10180-90

3, appendices 2, 3, 5

GOST 23732-79

GOST 11024-84

Annex 1

GOST 24104-2001

Appendix 2

GOST 11118-73

GOST 24452-80

3, appendix 5

GOST 12172-74

Appendix 5

GOST 24816-81

GOST 12504-80

Annex 1

GOST 25192-82

GOST 12730.1-78

3, appendix 5

GOST 25336-82

Appendix 2

GOST 12730.2-78

3, appendix 3, 5

GOST 25898-83

GOST 13015.1-81

GOST 27005-86

GOST 13078-81

GOST 27006-86

GOST 17177-94

GOST 28836-90

Appendix 5

GOST 17623-87

OST 6-05-386-80

GOST 18105-86,

GOST 19113-84

TU 6-09-2448-78

GOST 19570-74

Annex 1

TU 6-14-625-80

GOST 21458-75

TU 25-05.7424.021-86

Appendix 5

GOST 21520-89

Annex 1

TU 38-107101-76

GOST 21616-91 GOST 21718-84

Appendix 5 3

ST SEV 1406-78

5. REPUBLICATION. April 2003

Editor V.P. Ogurtsov Technical editor N. S. Grishanova Proofreader V.S. Black Computer layout S.V. Ryabova

Ed. persons. No. 02354 dated 14.07.2000. Donated to the set 04/16/2003. Signed for printing on June 16, 2003. Conv. 1.86. Academic and Publishing House 1.50.

Circulation 124 copies. From 10813. Zak. 510.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076 Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. e-mail:

Typeset in the Publishing House on a PC

Branch IPK Publishing house of standards - type. "Moscow printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

This standard applies to aerated concrete.
The requirements of this standard must be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and specifications, design and technological documentation for products and structures made of these concretes, as well as during their manufacture.
1.1. Concrete must meet the requirements of GOST 25192 and must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
1.2. main parameters
1.2.1. Concrete is subdivided into:
by appointment;
according to the conditions of hardening;
by the method of pore formation;
by types of binders and siliceous components.
1.2.2. By designation, concretes are subdivided into:
structural and thermal insulation;
heat insulating.
1.2.3. According to the conditions of hardening, concretes are subdivided into:
autoclaved (synthetic hardening)? hardening in saturated steam at a pressure above atmospheric;
non-autoclave (hydration hardening) - hardening in natural conditions, with electric heating or in saturated steam at atmospheric pressure.
1.2.4. According to the method of pore formation, concretes are subdivided:
on aerated concrete;
on foam concrete;
for aerated concrete.
1.2.5. By the type of binders and siliceous components, concretes are subdivided:
by the type of the main binder:
on lime binders, consisting of lime-boiling water more than 50% by weight, slag and gypsum or cement additives up to 15% by weight;
on cement binders, in which the content of Portland cement is 50% or more by weight;
on mixed binders, consisting of Portland cement from 15 to 50% by weight, lime or slag, or slag-lime mixture;
on slag binders consisting of more than 50% slag by weight in combination with lime, gypsum or alkali;
on ash binders, in which the content of highly basic ashes is 50% or more by weight;
by the type of silica component:
on natural materials - finely ground quartz and other sands;
on by-products of industry - fly ash from TPPs, hydro-removal ash, by-products of concentration of various ores, ferroalloy waste and others.
1.2.6. The names of concretes should include both basic and specific features: purpose, hardening conditions, pore formation method, type of binder and siliceous components.
1.3 Characteristics
1.3.1. The strength of autoclaved and non-autoclaved concrete is characterized by compressive strength classes in accordance with ST SEV 1406.
The following classes are established for concretes: B0.5; B0.75; IN 1; B1.5; IN 2; B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10; B12.5; B15.
For structures designed without taking into account the requirements of ST SEV 1406, the compressive strength of concrete is characterized by the following grades: M7.5; M10; M15; M25; M35; M50; M75; M100; M150; M200.
1.3.2. According to the indicators of average density, the following grades of concrete in a dry state are prescribed: D300; D350; D400; D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200.
1.3.3. For concrete structures exposed to alternating freezing and thawing, the following frost resistance grades of concrete are prescribed and controlled: F15; F25; F35; F50; F75; F100.
The designation of the concrete grade for frost resistance is carried out depending on the operating mode of the structure and the calculated winter temperatures of the outside air in the construction areas.
1.3.4. Indicators of the physical and mechanical properties of concrete are given in table. 1.



GOST 25485-89


1. Technical requirements

2. Acceptance

3. Control methods

4. Transportation and storage

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5


Date of introduction 01.01.90

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to aerated concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete).

The requirements of this standard must be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and specifications, design and technological documentation for products and structures made of these concretes, as well as during their manufacture.


1.1. Concretes must meet the requirements of GOST 25192 and they must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. main parameters

1.2.1. Concrete is subdivided into:

by appointment;

according to the conditions of hardening;

by the method of pore formation;

by types of binders and siliceous components.

1.2.2. By designation, concretes are subdivided into:


structural and thermal insulation;

heat insulating.

1.2.3. According to the conditions of hardening, concretes are subdivided into:

autoclave (synthesis hardening) - hardening in saturated steam at a pressure above atmospheric;

non-autoclave (hydration hardening) - hardening in natural conditions, with electric heating or in saturated steam at atmospheric pressure.

1.2.4. According to the method of pore formation, concretes are subdivided:

on aerated concrete;

on foam concrete;

for aerated concrete.

1.2.5. By the type of binders and siliceous components, concretes are subdivided:

by the type of the main binder:

on lime binders, consisting of lime-boiling water more than 50% by weight, slag and gypsum or cement additives up to 15% by weight;

on cement binders, in which the content of Portland cement is 50% or more by weight;

on mixed binders, consisting of Portland cement from 15 to 50% by weight, lime or slag, or slag-lime mixture;

on slag binders consisting of more than 50% slag by weight in combination with lime, gypsum or alkali;

on ash binders, in which the content of highly basic ashes is 50% or more by weight;

by the type of silica component:

on natural materials - finely ground quartz and other sands;

on by-products of industry - fly ash from thermal power plants, hydro-removal ash, by-products of enrichment of various ores, ferroalloy waste and others.

1.2.6. The names of concretes should include both basic and specific features: purpose, hardening conditions, method of pore formation, type of binder and siliceous components.

1.3 Characteristics

1.3.1. The strength of autoclaved and non-autoclaved concrete is characterized by compressive strength classes in accordance with ST SEV 1406.

The following classes are established for concretes: B0.5; B0.75; IN 1; B1.5; IN 2; B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10; B12.5; B15.

For structures designed without taking into account the requirements of ST SEV 1406, the compressive strength of concrete is characterized by the following grades: M7.5; M10; M15; M25; M35; M50; M75; M100; M150; M200.

1.3.2. According to the indicators of average density, the following grades of concrete in a dry state are prescribed: D300; D350; D400; D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200.

1.3.3. For concrete of structures exposed to alternate freezing and thawing, the following brands of concrete for frost resistance are prescribed and controlled: F15; F25; F35; F50; F75; F100.

The designation of the concrete grade for frost resistance is carried out depending on the operating mode of the structure and the calculated winter temperatures of the outside air in the construction areas.

1.3.4. Indicators of the physical and mechanical properties of concrete are given in table. 1.

Table 1

Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of concrete

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density

Autoclaved concrete

Non-autoclaved concrete

compressive strength class

frost resistance grade

Compressive strength class

Frost resistance grade

Heat insulating

Not standardized

Not standardized

heat insulating

F15 to F35

F15 to F75

F15 to F35

F15 to F100

F15 to F50

F15 to F75

F15 to F75


F15 to F50

F15 to F50

1.3.5. Drying shrinkage of concrete, determined according to Appendix 2, should not exceed, mm / m:

0.5 - for autoclaved concrete grades D600-D1200, made on sand;

0.7 - the same on other siliceous components;

3.0 - for non-autoclaved concretes of D600-D1200 grades.

Note: For autoclaved concretes of average density grades D300, D350 and D400 and non-autoclaved concretes for average density D400 and D500, drying shrinkage is not standardized.

1.3.6. Coefficients of thermal conductivity of concrete should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 2 by more than 20%.

table 2

Normalized indicators of the physical and technical properties of concrete

Concrete type

Concrete grade by average density


Sorption moisture content of concrete,% no more

thermal conductivity, W / (m * C), no more than concrete in a dry state, made

vapor permeability, mg / (m • h • Pa), not less, of concrete manufactured

at a relative humidity of 75%

at a relative humidity of 97%

Concrete made








Heat insulating

Structural and heat-insulating


Note. For concrete grade by average density D350, the normalized indicators are determined by interpolation.

1.3.7. The release moisture content of concrete products and structures should not exceed (by weight),%:

25 - based on sand;

35 - based on ash and other production wastes.

1.3.8. In standards or technical conditions for structures of specific types, the indicators of sorption moisture and vapor permeability are set, given in table. 2, and other indicators provided by GOST 4.212.

In addition, when studying the new properties of concrete and for the data required for normalizing the design characteristics of concrete, the quality of concrete is characterized by prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength.

1.3.9. Materials (edit) Binders used for concrete:

Portland cement - in accordance with GOST 10178 (not containing additives of tripoli, glezh, trails, clay, flask, ash), containing tricalcium aluminate (C 3 A) not more than 6% for the manufacture of large-sized structures on cement or mixed binder;

quicklime calcium calcium - according to GOST 9179, quickly and moderately quenched, having a quenching rate of 5 - 25 minutes and containing active CaO + MgO more than 70%, "burnout" less than 2%;

granulated blast furnace slag - according to GOST 3476;

high-basic ash - according to OST 21-60, containing CaO not less than 40%, including free CaO not less than 16%, SO 3 - not more than 6% and R 2 O - not more than 3.5%. Silica components used for concrete:

sand - according to GOST 8736, containing SiO 2 (total) not less than 90% or quartz not less than 75%, mica not more than 0.5%, silty and clay impurities not more than 3%;

fly ash from TPPs - according to OST 21-60, containing SiO 2 not less than 45%, CaO - not more than 10%, R 2 O - not more than 3%, SO 3 - not more than 3%;

ore dressing products containing SiO 2 not less than 60%. The specific surface area of ​​the materials used is taken according to the technological documentation depending on the required average density, heat and moisture treatment and the size of the structure. It is allowed to use other materials that ensure the production of concrete that meets the specified physical and technical characteristics established by this standard. Blowing agents used for concrete:

gas generator - aluminum powder of the PAP-1 and PAP-2 brands - in accordance with GOST 5494;

foaming agent based on:

bone glue - in accordance with GOST 2067;

skin glue - in accordance with GOST 3252;

pine rosin - in accordance with GOST 19113;

caustic technical soda - according to GOST 2263;

scrubber paste - according to TU 38-107101 and other foaming agents. Regulators of structure formation, growth of plastic strength, hardening accelerators and plasticizing additives:

gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone - in accordance with GOST 4013;

potassium carbonate - according to GOST 4221;

soda ash - in accordance with GOST 5100;

liquid sodium glass - in accordance with GOST 13078;

triethanolamine - according to TU 6-09-2448;

trisodium phosphate - according to GOST 201;

superplasticizer C-3 - according to TU 6-14-625;

technical caustic soda - in accordance with GOST 2263;

carboxylmethylcellulose - according to OST 6-05-386;

crystallization sodium sulfate - according to GOST 21458 and other additives. Water for the preparation of concrete - in accordance with GOST 23732. Selection of concrete compositions - in accordance with GOST 27006, methods, manuals and recommendations of research institutes, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

1.4. Labeling and packaging

The marking and packaging of concrete products and structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for specific types of products and structures.


2.1. Acceptance of concrete products and structures - in accordance with GOST 13015.1 and standards or specifications for specific types of structures.

2.2. Acceptance of concrete in terms of strength, average density and release moisture content is carried out for each batch of products.

2.3. The control of concrete in terms of frost resistance, thermal conductivity and shrinkage during drying is carried out before the start of mass production, when the technology and materials are changed, while in terms of frost resistance and shrinkage during drying at least once every 6 months and in terms of thermal conductivity - at least once a year ...

2.4. The control of concrete in terms of sorption moisture, vapor permeability, prismatic strength, elastic modulus is carried out according to standards or specifications for products and structures of specific types.

2.5. Concrete strength control is carried out in accordance with GOST 18105, average density - in accordance with GOST 27005.


Control of physical and technical indicators is carried out:

compressive and tensile strength - according to GOST 10180;

medium density - according to GOST 12730.1 or GOST 17623;

release moisture - according to GOST 12730.2, GOST 21718;

frost resistance - according to Appendix 3;

drying shrinkage - according to Appendix 2;

thermal conductivity - in accordance with GOST 7076, sampling - in accordance with GOST 10180;

sorption humidity - according to GOST 24816 and GOST 17177;

vapor permeability - according to GOST 25898;

prismatic strength - according to GOST 24452;

modulus of elasticity - according to GOST 24452 and (or) Appendix 5.


Transportation and storage of concrete structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for products and structures of specific types.


1. External wall panels made of concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings - in accordance with GOST 11024.

2. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for internal load-bearing walls, partitions and floors of residential and public buildings - in accordance with GOST 19570.

3. Heat-insulating products made of cellular concrete - in accordance with GOST 5742.

4. Small wall aerated concrete blocks - in accordance with GOST 21520.

5. Internal wall panels, concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings - in accordance with GOST 12504.

6. Panels made of autoclaved aerated concrete for external walls of buildings - in accordance with GOST 11118.

Note. Autoclave concretes are used for the manufacture of the entire recommended range of products and structures, non-autoclave concretes are used mainly for the manufacture of small wall blocks and thermal insulation.

