Round-the-world trip of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky: description, route of the expedition. First trip around the world


When Russia went to sea, found its own fleet and overseas colonies - Russian America - it only had to go forward. It was hard to believe that until quite recently the Russian fleet, created by the will of Peter I, did not exist at all. And now the idea arises of a round-the-world trip, which would be made under the Russian naval flag.


Under the phrase of the famous diplomat and traveler N.P. Rezanov “Let the fate of Russia be winged with sails!” Many people would sign - both commanders, and ordinary sailors, and those who, without going to sea themselves, did everything possible to carry out such expeditions. The great Transformer himself dreamed of long-distance sea voyages, Peter's plans included a trip to the West Indies, crossing the equator and establishing trade relations with the "Great Mughals".

These plans were not destined to come true. Nevertheless, in 1725-1726, a Russian ocean expedition to Spain took place under the command of Captain I. Koshelev, who later proposed the idea of ​​a round-the-world trip from St. Petersburg.

In 1776, Catherine II signed a decree on sending Baltic Sea ships in the first Russian round-the-world expedition. The campaign was to be led by a young captain G.I. Mulovsky, an experienced and skilled sailor. The expedition had to solve several problems at once: to deliver fortress guns to the Peter and Paul harbor, to establish trade relations with Japan, to take cattle and seed grain, as well as other necessary goods to settlers in Russian America, and in addition, to discover new lands and strengthen the prestige of Russia.

Preparations for a large-scale expedition were in full swing, the factories had already cast iron coats of arms and medals with images of Catherine, which were to be installed in the newly discovered territories. But the Russian-Turkish war began, and all the supplies were ordered to be distributed to the ships going to the Mediterranean Sea. Mulovsky himself was killed in a naval battle. During the reign of Catherine the Russian circumnavigation never materialized, but the idea had already taken hold of the minds.

The first Russian round-the-world expedition

Sometimes life turns out so strangely that in any book such a plot would look like a stretch. On the ship "Mstislav" was a very young midshipman, yesterday's midshipman. Ivan Kruzenshtern was only 17 years old when he entered under the command of Captain Mulovsky. It is difficult to say whether they were talking about the failed expedition, but it was Kruzenshtern who had to do what fate denied his brave predecessor.

I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern and his brother in the Naval Corps Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky, as young sailors who showed significant success, were sent for training in the English fleet. Kruzenshtern became extremely interested in trade with China, visited Chinese ports - and upon returning to Russia, in detail, with figures and calculations, he expressed his opinion that the organization of maritime communications between Russian colonies and China was extremely beneficial and useful for Russia. Of course, the opinion of the young lieutenant was ignored - the proposal was too bold. But suddenly Kruzenshtern was supported by prominent and authoritative nobles - State Chancellor Rumyantsev and Admiral Mordvinov, and soon the Russian-American Company (RAC) made a similar proposal - and so the fate of the first Russian round the world expedition.

The generous sponsorship of the RAC made it possible not to wait until ships were built that could withstand the hardships of the journey. Two suitable vessels were purchased in England, improved, named "Nadezhda" and "Neva". The RAC was powerful and wealthy enough to ensure that the expedition was supplied with the very best in record time.

Only volunteers were recruited for a long and dangerous journey - nevertheless, there were so many of them that it would be just right to complete three expeditions. The team included scientists, artists (to sketch landscapes, plants and animals unknown to science), an astronomer. The goal was to deliver the necessary goods to our Russian settlements in America, to take away their furs, to sell or exchange goods in Chinese ports, to prove the benefits of the sea route to Russian America compared to the land route through Siberia. And besides, to deliver an embassy to the shores of Japan under the leadership of chamberlain N. P. Rezanov.

Despite the "commercial" nature of the expedition, the ships sailed under the naval flag. Chamberlain Rezanov was far from the last person in the RAC, after all, the son-in-law of the head and founder of the company, G. Shelikhov, the heir to the capital of the "Russian Columbus". It was assumed that he was responsible for the scientific and economic part, and Kruzenshtern - for the sea. In August 1803, the Neva and Nadezhda set sail from Kronstadt. After the Hawaiian Islands, the ships, as agreed, dispersed. The Neva, under the direction of Lisyansky, sailed north to the islands of Kodiak and Sitka in the Gulf of Alaska, loaded with goods for the RAC, to rendezvous with the Nadezhda at Macao in September 1805. "Nadezhda" went to Kamchatka - and then - to Japan to fulfill Rezanov's diplomatic mission. On the way, Nadezhda got into a severe storm - and, as it turned out later, into a tsunami zone.

Alas, the mission was a failure - after almost six months of waiting in Nagasaki, the Russians were refused. The Japanese emperor returned gifts (huge framed mirrors), refused to accept the embassy and ordered to leave Japan immediately, however, he supplied the ship with water, food and firewood. In Macau, the captains met, exchanged furs for tea, porcelain and other rare and liquid goods in Europe, and set off for Russia. After the storm, having lost sight of each other, Nadezhda and Neva safely returned to Russia, first the Neva, then, a couple of weeks later, the Nadezhda.

Swimming did not proceed as serenely as we would like. Problems began almost immediately after sailing. Chamberlain Rezanov had a rescript signed by Alexander I, according to which he, Rezanov, was appointed head of the expedition, but with the proviso that all decisions be made jointly with Captain Kruzenshtern.

For the sake of accommodation on the relatively small "Nadezhda" of Rezanov's retinue, a number of people really needed in swimming had to be refused. In addition, Rezanov’s retinue included, for example, Count Fyodor Tolstoy, later nicknamed the American, an absolutely uncontrollable, cruel manipulator and intriguer. He managed to quarrel with the whole team, more than once annoyed Krusenstern personally with his antics - and in the end he was forcibly landed on the island of Sitka.

N. P. Rezanov

On a warship, according to the charter, there could be only one leader, whose orders are carried out unquestioningly. Rezanov, as a non-military man, did not accept discipline at all, and gradually relations between him and Krusenstern heated up to the limit. Forced to share one tiny cabin for a couple of years, Rezanov and Kruzenshtern communicated through notes.

Rezanov tried to force Kruzenshtern to change the route of the expedition in order to immediately go to Kamchatka - in fact, interrupting the trip around the world. Finally, Rezanov allowed himself to be rude towards the captain in the presence of the team - and this, from the point of view of the charter, was completely unforgivable. After a loud scandal, making sure that there was no one on his side, the offended Rezanov practically did not leave the cabin until the Nadezhda reached Petropavlovsk.

Fortunately, the experienced and cold-blooded commandant P. Koshelev sorted out the matter, regardless of the faces, trying to prevent a quarrel between two private individuals from interfering with the fulfillment of public duty. Kruzenshtern fully agreed with this, and Rezanov had to back down. At the end of the Japanese mission, Rezanov left Nadezhda - and he and Kruzenshtern did not meet again, to mutual satisfaction.

The further history of N.P. Rezanov, who went to California and met there the 14-year-old beauty Maria Concepción Arguello, the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco, is known as one of the most romantic pages not only in Russian, but probably in world history. The famous rock opera "Juno and Avos" tells about their tragic love, but this is a different, albeit very interesting, story.

Travel Kotzebue

Among the volunteers who went with Kruzenshtern on the Nadezhda was a 15-year-old cabin boy, German Otto Kotzebue. The boy's stepmother was Native sister lieutenant commander - Christina Kruzenshtern. When the Nadezhda returned to the port, Kotzebue was promoted to midshipman, and a year later - to lieutenant, and although he was not a graduate of the naval school, Otto Evstafievich received the best of the naval schools - the school of circumnavigation, and since then he has not thought of life without the sea and serving the Fatherland.

Brig "Rurik" on the stamp of the Marshall Islands

At the end of the circumnavigation, Kruzenshtern worked tirelessly on the results of the expedition, prepared reports, issued and commented on maps and the Atlas of the Southern Seas, and in particular, together with Count Rumyantsev, developed a new circumnavigation expedition. She was tasked with finding the Northeast Sea Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. The expedition was supposed to go on the Rurik brig. The command of the brig, on the recommendation of Krusenstern, was offered to Kotzebue.

This expedition returned after 3 years, having lost only one person and enriched geography with a mass of discoveries. Little-studied or generally unknown islands, archipelagos and coasts were plotted and described in detail on the map. Pacific Ocean. Meteorological observations, studies of sea currents, ocean depths, temperature, salinity and transparency of water, terrestrial magnetism and various living organisms were an invaluable contribution to science - and had considerable practical benefits.

By the way, the German scientist and romantic poet A. von Chamisso, Pushkin’s translator into Russian, took part in the voyage on the Rurik German. His novel Journey Around the World became a classic of adventure literature in Germany, and it was also published in Russia.

O.E. Kotzebue made the third trip around the world in 1823–1826. Prior to that, for a year he guarded the shores of Russian America from pirates and smugglers with his 24-gun sloop "Enterprise". The scientific results of the expedition on the "Enterprise" were almost more significant than the results of sailing on the "Rurik". The physicist E. Lenz, the future academician who went with Kotzebue, designed, together with a colleague, Professor Parrot, a device called a bathometer for taking water samples from various depths, and a device for measuring depths. Lenz studied the vertical distribution of salinity, scrupulously noted the temperature of the Pacific waters and diurnal changes in air temperature at different latitudes.

By the 20s of the 19th century, traveling around the world had ceased to be something unimaginable and out of the ordinary. Whole line glorious Russian captains circled the globe, leaving Kronstadt and heading towards the horizon.

Vasily Golovnin - unstoppable and fearless

Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin, a captain and an excellent seascape writer, was considered a man of the world even among his fellow captains. More than enough adventures fell to his lot. At fourteen, as a midshipman, he participated in naval battles- and was awarded a medal, and then returned to finish his studies, as he was still too young to become an officer.

He made his first independent circumnavigation of the world when he was only a lieutenant. The Admiralty changed its own rules and transferred the Diana sloop under the command of a lieutenant, because everyone understood what kind of person Lieutenant Golovnin was. And indeed, their expectations were justified - an excellent captain, Golovnin fully possessed calmness, courage, and an unbending character. When, due to the outbreak of war, Russian sailors were detained by the British in South Africa, Golovnin managed to escape from captivity and nevertheless completed the mission assigned to the expedition. Round the world trip on the sloop "Diana" in 1808-1809. completed successfully.

The "gentleman's" captivity of the British was not too burdensome for our sailors, but the conclusion during the second trip turned out to be no laughing matter. This time Golovnin and a number of his comrades ended up in a real prison - to the Japanese. Those did not like the fact that the Russian ship carried out a cartographic survey of the Kuril Islands - in 1811 Golovnin was instructed to describe the Kuril, Shantar Islands and the coast of the Tatar Strait. Japan decided that impudent cartographers violate the principle of isolation of their state - and if so, then the place for criminals is in prison. The captivity lasted two years, because of this incident, Russia and Japan were balancing on a dangerous edge - a war between them was quite possible.

Japanese scroll depicting the capture of Golovnin

Herculean efforts were made to save Golovnin and his people. But only thanks to the actions of Golovnin's friend officer P.I. Rikord and the help of the influential Japanese merchant Mr. Takatai Kaheya, with whom Rikord managed to establish purely human contact, it was possible to accomplish the almost unbelievable - to return Russian sailors from a Japanese prison. On the territory of the natural park "Nalychevo" in Kamchatka there are so-called "peaks of Russian-Japanese friendship" - Kaheya rock, Mount Rikorda and Mount Golovnin. Today, the "Golovnin incident" is one of the textbook cases in the history of world diplomacy.

Golovnin's notes about his adventures were translated into many languages, and became a bestseller in Russia. Returning home, Vasily Golovnin continued to work tirelessly for the benefit of Russian navigation, his knowledge, experience, energy were invaluable, and many young men who later chose the career of a naval officer read Golovnin's books about distant wanderings.

Baron Wrangel - Head of Alaska

In 1816, midshipman Ferdinand Wrangel, who served in Revel, filed a petition to participate in the expedition of Captain Golovnin on the sloop Kamchatka. The youth was refused. Then, having told his superiors that he was ill, he reached St. Petersburg and practically fell at the feet of Golovnin, asking him to take him with him. He strictly noted that unauthorized flight from the ship is desertion and worthy of judgment. The midshipman agreed, but asked to be put on trial after the voyage, on which he was ready to become at least a simple sailor. Golovnin waved his hand and surrendered.

This was the first circumnavigation of the world by Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel, after whom the now-famous reserve, Wrangel Island, was named. On board the Kamchatka, the desperate young man went through not only a maritime school, but also diligently filled in the gaps in his education, and also found true friends - future explorers and tireless travelers Fyodor Litke and yesterday's lyceum student, Pushkin's friend Fyodor Matyushkin.

Traveling on the Kamchatka turned out to be an invaluable forge of personnel for the Russian fleet. Wrangel returned from a voyage as an excellent sailor - and a scientific researcher. It was Wrangel and Matyushkin who were ordered to go on an expedition to explore the northeastern coast of Siberia.

Map showing Wrangel's travel routes

Few people gave so much effort and energy to the study of Alaska and Kamchatka as Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel. He explored North-Eastern Siberia from the sea and from land, went on a circumnavigation, commanding the Krotkiy military transport, was awarded orders, and in 1829 was appointed chief manager of Russian America, and, among other things, built a magnetic meteorological observatory in Alaska . Under his leadership, Russian America prospered, new settlements were created. The island is named after him, his works for the benefit of Russia were highly appreciated by the state and history. Less than fifty years have passed since the end of the first round-the-world voyage of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, and the Russian fleet flourished and developed rapidly - there were so many enthusiasts, truly devoted to their work, there were in its ranks.

Land unknown

“I went around the ocean of the Southern Hemisphere at high latitudes and did it in such a way that I undeniably rejected the possibility of the existence of a continent, which, if it can be found, is only near the pole, in places inaccessible to navigation ... The risk associated with swimming in these unexplored and ice-covered seas in search of the southern mainland, is so great that I can safely say that not a single person will ever dare to penetrate south further than I did., - these words of James Cook, the star of navigation of the XVIII century, closed the Antarctic research for almost 50 years. There were simply no people willing to finance projects that were obviously doomed to failure, and in case of success, they were still commercial failures.

It was the Russians who went against common sense and worldly logic. Kruzenshtern, Kotzebue and polar explorer G. Sarychev developed an expedition and presented it to Emperor Alexander. He unexpectedly agreed.

The main task of the expedition was defined as purely scientific: "discoveries in the possible vicinity of the Antarctic Pole" with the aim of "acquisition of the most complete knowledge about our globe". The expedition was charged with duties and was instructed by the instruction to mark and study everything worthy of attention, "not only related to maritime art, but generally serving to spread human knowledge in all parts".

V. Volkov. Discovery of Antarctica by the sloops Vostok and Mirny, 2008

In the summer of the same year, the Mirny sloop and the transport, converted into a sloop, the Vostok, set out towards the South Pole. They were led by two captains who were considered among the best in the Russian fleet - the expedition commander Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen, a participant in the round-the-world trip of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, and Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, a young but very promising captain. Subsequently, Lazarev will make three round-the-world trips, but these feats will not overshadow his fame as a polar explorer.

The voyage lasted 751 days, of which 535 days in the Southern Hemisphere, with 100 days in the ice. The sailors went beyond the Antarctic Circle six times. No one has approached the mysterious Antarctica so close and for so long. In February 1820, Bellingshausen wrote: “Here, behind the ice fields of small ice and islands, a mainland of ice is visible, the edges of which are broken off perpendicularly, and which continued as far as we could see, rising to the south, like a coast. Flat ice islands located near this mainland clearly show that they are fragments of this mainland, because they have edges and an upper surface similar to the mainland.. For the first time in the history of mankind, people saw Antarctica. And these people were our Russian sailors.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern and Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky were combat Russian sailors: both in 1788-1790. participated in four battles against the Swedes. The voyage of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky is the beginning new era in the history of Russian navigation

The purpose of the expedition

Route and map of the round-the-world expedition of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky

To make the first round-the-world voyage in the history of the Russian fleet. Deliver-pick up goods from Russian America. Establish diplomatic contacts with Japan. Show the profitability of direct trade in furs from Russian America to China. Prove the benefits of the sea route from Russian America to St. Petersburg in comparison with the land route. Conduct various geographical observations and scientific research along the route of the expedition.

The composition of the expedition

The expedition started from Kronstadt on July 26 (August 7), 1803. under the direction of , who was 32 years old. The expedition included:

  • Three-masted sloop "Nadezhda", with a displacement of 450 tons, a length of 35 meters. Acquired in England specifically for the expedition. The ship was not new, but endured all the difficulties of circumnavigating the world. The total team size is 65 people. Commander - Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern.
  • Three-masted sloop "Neva", displacement 370 tons. Bought there specifically for the expedition. He endured all the difficulties of circumnavigating the world, after which he was the first Russian ship to visit Australia in 1807. The total number of the ship's crew is 54 people. Commander - Yury Fedorovich Lisyansky.

Emperor Alexander I personally examined both sloops and allowed them to raise the military flags of the Russian Empire. The emperor took over the maintenance of one of the ships at his own expense, and the Russian-American Company and one of the main inspirers of the expedition, Count N.P. Rumyantsev, took over the costs of operating the other.

The sailors were all Russians - this was Kruzenshtern's condition

Expedition results

And in July 1806, with a difference of two weeks, the Neva and Nadezhda returned to the Kronstadt raid, making the whole trip in 3 years 12 days. Both of these sailboats, like their captains, have become world famous. The first Russian round-the-world expedition was of great scientific importance on a world scale. The studies conducted by Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky had no analogues.
As a result of the expedition, many books were published, about two dozen geographical points were named after famous captains.

On the left is Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. Right - Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky

Description of the expedition was published under the title "Journey around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships Nadezhda and Neva, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Kruzenshtern", in 3 volumes, with an atlas of 104 maps and engraved paintings, and has been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Italian and Danish.

But further fate sailboats "Nadezhda" and "Neva" was not very successful. All that is known about the Neva is that the ship visited Australia in 1807. "Hope" also died in 1808 off the coast of Denmark. In honor of the sloop Nadezhda, the Russian training sailing vessel, the frigate Nadezhda, was named. And the name of her truly great captain is the legendary barque Kruzenshtern.

A film about the first round-the-world trip of Russians

The film "Neva" and "Hope". First Russian swimming around the world." Channel "Russia"

Filming took place in locations associated with the expedition. These are 16 geographical points - from Alaska to Cape Horn. The viewer will get a clear opportunity to assess the magnitude of the accomplishments of Russian sailors. Filming also took place on the sailing ship Kruzenshtern. Instruments, household items, maritime traditions - everyone will be able to imagine themselves as a participant in the campaign, feel the hardships that have fallen to their lot.
For the first time, engravings made by members of the expedition and brought to life with the help of computer graphics will be shown. Some scenes were filmed in specially built pavilions and stylized as a movie from the beginning of the 20th century. For the first time, diaries of participants in the voyage will also be heard: they are read in the film by the peers of the heroes - famous actors.
The narrative of the journey is not limited to the historical film genre. The description of the voyage is interspersed with a story about today the most important stopping points of the expedition.

The first Russian circumnavigation of the world 1803-1806 Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky

The purpose of the expedition

To make the first round-the-world voyage in the history of the Russian fleet. Deliver-pick up goods from Russian America. Establish diplomatic contacts with Japan. Show the profitability of direct trade in furs from Russian America to China. Prove the benefits of the sea route from Russian America to St. Petersburg in comparison with the land route. Conduct various geographical observations and scientific research along the route of the expedition.

The composition of the expedition


Three-masted sloop "Nadezhda", with a displacement of 450 tons, a length of 35 meters. Acquired in England specifically for the expedition. The ship was not new, but endured all the difficulties of circumnavigating the world.

Three-masted sloop "Neva", displacement 370 tons. Bought there specifically for the expedition. He endured all the difficulties of circumnavigating the world, after which he was the first Russian ship to visit Australia in 1807.

Emperor Alexander I personally examined both sloops and allowed them to raise the military flags of the Russian Empire. The emperor accepted the maintenance of one of the ships at his own expense, and the expenses for the operation of the other were assumed by the Russian-American Company and one of the main inspirers of the expedition, Count N.P. Rumyantsev. Which ship was taken by whom is not specified.


Head of the expedition Kruzenshtern Ivan Fedorovich.

Age at the start - 32 years.

He is also the captain of the flagship of the expedition, the sloop Nadezhda.

On board the Nadezhda were:

    midshipmen Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Otto Kotzebue, who later glorified the Russian fleet with their expeditions

    Ambassador Rezanov Nikolai Petrovich (to establish diplomatic relations with Japan) and his retinue

    scientists Horner, Tilesius and Langsdorf, artist Kurlyantsev

    in a mysterious way, the famous brawler and duellist Count Fyodor Tolstoy, who went down in history as Tolstoy the American, also got on the expedition.

The sailors were all Russians to one - such was the condition of Kruzenshtern.

The total team size is 65 people.

Sloop "Neva":

Commander - Yury Fedorovich Lisyansky.

Age at the start is 30 years old.

The total number of the ship's crew is 54 people.

In the holds of both ships there were iron products, alcohol, weapons, gunpowder, and many other things for delivery to Russian America and Kamchatka.

Start of the first Russian round-the-world expedition

The expedition left Kronstadt on July 26 (August 7), 1803. On the way we went to Copenhagen, then to the small English port of Falmouth, where the ships were once again caulked.

Canary Islands

The expedition approached the archipelago on October 19, 1803. They stayed in the harbor of Santa Cruz for a week and on October 26 headed south.


On November 26, 1803, ships under the Russian flag "Nadezhda" and "Neva" crossed the equator for the first time and entered the Southern Hemisphere. According to the maritime tradition, the feast of Neptune was arranged.

South America

The shores of Brazil appeared on December 18, 1803. They stopped in the harbor of the city of Destero, where they stood for a month and a half to repair the mainmast of the Neva. Only on February 4, 1804 did both ships move further south along the South American coast.

Cape Horn

Before going around Cape Horn, Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky agreed on a meeting place, since both understood that in this place the ships were easily swept away by bad weather. The first version of the meeting was Easter Island, the spare - Nukagiva Island. The Nadezhda successfully rounded Cape Horn and on March 3, 1804 entered the Pacific Ocean.


Easter Island slipped through in strong winds, so Kruzenshtern went straight to the alternate meeting point, Nukagiva Island, where he arrived on May 7, 1804. On the way, the islands of Fetuga and Uaguga from the Marquesas group were mapped. On May 10, the Neva also approached Nukagiva. A week later, both ships set sail in the direction of the Hawaiian Islands.


Hawaiian Islands

The ships approached them on June 7, 1804. Here they were to part. "Neva" with a cargo of goods for the Russian-American company went towards Alaska, to the island of Kodiak. "Nadezhda" headed for Kamchatka, from where it was necessary to go with the embassy to Japan and explore the island of Sakhalin. The meeting of both ships was now to be held only in Macau in September 1805, where the Nadezhda would approach upon completion of the diplomatic mission, and the Neva with a load of furs from Russian America.

Journey of Hope


Nadezhda entered the Avacha Bay on July 14, 1804. The population of Petropavlovsk then was about 200 people. Governor General Koshelev arrived here from Nizhnekamchatsk (then the capital of the peninsula), who in every possible way contributed to the repair of the ship and preparations for a visit to Japan. The expedition was left by a doctor and an artist, and the brawler Tolstoy was forcibly "written ashore". August 30, 1804 "Hope" headed for Japan.


It is known from the history of Japan that any foreign ships were prohibited from entering Japanese ports. And the inhabitants of the islands of the rising sun were strictly forbidden to contact with foreigners. Such forced self-isolation saved Japan from possible colonization and trade expansion by Europeans, and also contributed to the preservation of its identity. Only merchants of the Dutch East India Company were allowed to trade in the port of Nagasaki, the southernmost point of the country. The Dutch had a monopoly on trade with Japan and did not let competitors into their possessions, hid sea charts with coordinates, etc. Therefore, Kruzenshtern had to drive Nadezhda to Nagasaki almost at random, simultaneously shooting Japanese coasts.

To Nagasaki

Kruzenshtern's ship with Ambassador Rezanov entered the harbor of Nagasaki on October 8, 1804. On board the Russians had several Japanese who had once fallen to the Russians as a result of the crash, and whom the expedition carried with them as translators.

A Japanese representative entered the ship and asked hu-is-hu, they say, where and why they arrived. Then the Japanese pilot helped the Nadezhda enter the harbor, where they dropped anchor. Only Japanese, Chinese and Dutch ships were in the harbor.

Negotiations with the Japanese

This topic deserves a separate story and a separate article. Let's just say that the Japanese "purged" the Russian "diplomatic mission" in the port of Nagasaki until April 18, 1805 - five and a half months! And Kruzenshtern and Rezanov had to go home without salty slurping.

The Japanese emperor “paused” for a long time, then answered through his officials that there would be no agreements with the Russians, and he could not accept the gifts of the Russian emperor - several huge mirrors in an expensive frame. Say, Japan is not able to equally thank the emperor of the Russians because of their poverty. Laughter, and more! Either the Dutch did a good job here, or the Japanese themselves did not want any contacts with Russia.

True, the Japanese administration supplied the ship with food all the time the ship was in the port. And loaded the road with food, water and lots of salt for free. At the same time, Kruzenshtern was categorically forbidden to return along the western coast of Japan.

Return of Nadezhda to Kamchatka

Coming out of the Japanese "captivity", Kruzenshtern decided not to give a damn about the Japanese ban and went precisely along the western coast, putting it on the map. At sea, he was his own master and was not afraid of anyone - past combat experience gave him every reason to do so. He landed on the shore several times and got to know this mysterious country as closely as he could. It was possible to establish contacts with the Ainu - the inhabitants of the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.


Nadezhda entered the Aniva Bay in the south of Sakhalin on May 14, 1805. The Ainu also lived here and the Japanese administration commanded. Kruzenshtern was determined to explore Sakhalin in more detail, but Rezanov insisted on a speedy return to Kamchatka in order to report to St. Petersburg on the results of his "embassy".


On June 5, Nadezhda returned to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Rezanov went ashore, sent a report to the capital, and left on a merchant ship for Russian America in Alaska. July 5, 1805 "Nadezhda" again went to sea and headed for Sakhalin. But Kruzenshtern failed to go around Sakhalin "around" and determine whether it was an island or a peninsula. On August 30, the Nadezhda team entered the Avacha Bay of Petropavlovsk for the third time. Kruzenshtern began to prepare for a campaign in Macau.


This is the name of the Portuguese colony-fortress-port on the Chinese coast. Leaving Petropavlovsk on October 9, 1805, Nadezhda was in Macau on November 20. The Neva was nowhere to be seen.

Travel "Neva"

Russian America

On July 10, 1804, the Neva sloop, under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Lisyansky, approached Kodiak Island on the southern coast of Alaska. The island was one of the first places of capital justification of Russians in America. Lisyansky brought the ship to the harbor of St. Paul - a kind of administrative center of this Russian province. Here he learned that the second center of the Russians - the Arkhangelsk fortress in Sitka Bay, much south and east of Kodiak, was attacked by the local Indians. The fortress was burned, the inhabitants were killed. The conflict flared up not without the help and instigation of the Americans, by that time they began to actively penetrate into these places.

Alexander Andreevich Baranov, the legendary ruler of Russian America, left "for war" to recapture the Arkhangelsk fortress with the help of Russian-friendly Indians and Aleuts. Baranov left a message for Lisyansky asking him to urgently arrive in Sitka to provide armed assistance. However, the crew of the Neva spent almost a month unloading the ship's holds and repairing the equipment. On August 15, the Neva headed towards Sitka.

Novoarkhangelsk - Sitka

On August 20, Lisyansky was already in Sitka Bay. Here he met Alexander Baranov, who made a strong impression on him. Together they worked out a plan for a military operation. The guns and sailors of the Neva played a decisive role in restoring the "status quo" in relations with the Tinklit Indians. Not far from the burnt old fortress, a new settlement, Novoarkhangelsk, was founded. On November 10, the Neva left Sitka and headed for Kodiak.

Back in Kodiak

"Neva" appeared in five days. Since winter was approaching, it was decided to spend the winter here, repair, rest and fill the holds with precious junk - furs of the Russian-American Company. At the beginning of the next summer, on June 13, 1805, Lisyansky's ship left the harbor of St. Paul and headed for Sitka to pick up the furs prepared by Baranov, and after that go to Macau.

Back in Sitka - Novoarkhangelsk

The Neva turned out to be June 22, 1805. During the winter, Baranov managed to rebuild the settlement, restore peace with the local Indians, and procure a large number of furs. Having loaded soft gold into the holds, Lisyansky on September 2, 1805 headed for Macau.

To Macau

Krusenstern arrived in Macau on November 20, 1805. Lisyansky reached the Chinese coast only on December 3rd. Here I had to stay for more than two months, "getting used" to local conditions, the economic and political situation, to maneuver, to bargain. In this, both military sailors Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky showed remarkable abilities. And they emerged victorious in the trade war with local merchants. Instead of furs, the holds of the ships were filled with tea, porcelain and other liquid goods in Europe. February 9, 1806 "Nadezhda" and "Neva" left the Chinese coast and headed for their homeland.

Across two oceans

The ships were swept away on the way to the Cape of Good Hope. The captains had previously agreed to meet at St. Helena. Krusenstern arrived at St. Helena on May 3, 1806. Here he learned that Russia was at war with Napoleon and France. Without waiting for the Neva, Nadezhda went north to her native land, deciding for safety to go around England from the north so as not to collide with the French in the English Channel.

Meanwhile, Lisyansky decided to set a kind of record - to go from China to Europe without calling at intermediate ports. The ship no longer had heavy cargo, took enough supplies of food and water, and went with full sail. Therefore, Lisyansky did not appear on the island of St. Helena and, accordingly, did not know about the war with France. He calmly entered the English Channel, and there he decided to go to the British port of Portsmouth. Having rested in Portsmouth for a couple of weeks, on July 13, 1806, the Neva again went to sea and on August 5, 1806 was already at home. And on August 19, 1806, the sails of the Nadezhda appeared in view of their native shores.

Thus ended the first round-the-world voyage of Russian sailors, an unprecedented trip filled with dangers and adventures, interesting and significant events for history.

It should be said that from the point of view of profit, the expedition fully justified itself, bringing considerable profit to the merchants, glory to the Fatherland and forever inscribing the names of Russian navigators Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky in the history of navigation.

Emperor Alexander I royally awarded I.F. Kruzenshtern and all members of the expedition.

    all officers received the following ranks,

    commanders of the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree and 3000 rubles each.

    lieutenants by 1000

    midshipmen for 800 rubles of a life pension

    the lower ranks, if desired, were dismissed and awarded a pension of 50 to 75 rubles.

    By the highest command, a special medal was knocked out for all participants in this first round-the-world trip.

“A journey around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships Nadezhda and Neva, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Kruzenshtern” in 3 volumes, with an atlas of 104 maps and engraved paintings. This was the name of the work written personally by Kruzenshtern and published at the expense of the imperial cabinet., St. Petersburg, 1809. Subsequently, it was translated into many European languages.

Russian travelers and pioneers

Again Travelers of the Age of Discovery

Let's get back to the topic of travel. We already have a story about the Kruzenshtern sailboat, let us finally turn to Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern himself, the head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition. A stamp in honor of Ivan Fedorovich and his voyage was issued in Russia in 1994 in a series dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet

The first Russian round-the-world trip

The first Russian round-the-world trip was planned back in the era of Catherine II in 1787. Five ships were equipped for the expedition under the command of Captain 1st Rank Grigory Ivanovich Mulovsky. But the expedition was canceled at the very last moment due to the outbreak of the Russian-Turkish war. Then the war with Sweden began and it was not at all up to long-distance travel. Mulovsky himself was killed in a battle near the island of Öland.

They returned to the idea of ​​a round-the-world trip only at the beginning of the nineteenth century thanks to the energy of Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern and the money of the Russian-American Company.

Ivan Fedorovich (at the birth of Adam Johann) Krusenstern was a descendant of a Russified German family. Born on November 8 (19), 1770, lived and studied in Revel (the former name of Tallinn), then in the Naval Cadet Corps in Kronstadt. In 1788, he was promoted to midshipman ahead of schedule and assigned to the Mstislav ship, the captain of which was just the failed head of the circumnavigation Mulovsky. Naturally, the talk about the preparation of the expedition, the discussion of its plans, could not but leave a deep mark on the soul of an inquisitive and brave young man. After the end of the war, Kruzenshtern served as a volunteer in the English fleet for two years, and his visits to India and China further convinced the young sailor of the need to explore distant frontiers. Russian fleet, which could bring considerable benefits to trade affairs. While serving in the English fleet, Kruzenshtern began to develop his plan for circumnavigating the world, which he presented upon his return to St. Petersburg. His ideas were coldly accepted, and only the ardent support of the then minister, Admiral Mordvinov, and the State Chancellor, Count Rumyantsev, made it possible to get things off the ground.

Portrait of Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern
Unknown artist. 19th century (from the collections of the State Hermitage)

Just at that time, the Russian-American Company (RAC), which received new rights and privileges under Alexander I, thought about establishing sea communication with its colonies in the Far East and America. The overland route was very long, expensive, cargo often disappeared or arrived damaged. For these purposes, it was decided to use the Krusenstern plan. For the expedition, two small sloops were purchased in England, named "Nadezhda" and "Neva". Kruzenshtern was appointed captain of the Nadezhda and leader of the entire expedition, and Kruzenshtern's classmate and friend Lieutenant Commander Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky became the captain of the Neva.

The purpose of the expedition was to deliver to our American colonies the goods they needed, to receive there a cargo of furs, which were to be sold or exchanged in Chinese ports for local goods, and to deliver the latter to Kronstadt. This main goal was joined by the production of hydrographic surveys in designated places and the delivery of an embassy to Japan to establish trade relations with this country. Chamberlain Rezanov, one of the main shareholders of the RAC, was appointed envoy to Japan. Both ships were allowed to have military flags.

Leaving Kronstadt at the end of June 1803, the expedition returned safely at the end of the summer of 1806, having fulfilled everything entrusted to it. The expedition in the colony went past Cape Horn, and on the way back - past the Cape of Good Hope. On this journey, on the way from the Cape Verde Islands to the shores of South America, on November 14, 1803, Russian ships crossed the equator for the first time. In honor of this, a volley of 11 guns was fired, toasts were raised to the health of the emperor, and one of the sailors, wearing a beard, delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the sea god Neptune.

The route of the first Russian circumnavigation of the world in 1803-1806.

After his return, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern wrote a detailed report, which was published in three volumes. The books are now digitized and available to everyone on the website of the Russian State Library (links are given at the end of the post).

I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky. Artist P. Pavlinov

Sloops "Nadezhda" and "Neva"

The sloops "Nadezhda" and "Neva" were bought in 1801 in England, they were personally chosen by Yu.F. Lisyansky. Their original names were "Leander" (Leander) and "Thames" (Thames). The purchase of both ships cost the Russian treasury £17,000, plus another £5,000 worth of repair materials. The ships arrived in Kronstadt on June 5, 1803.

"Hope" (aka "Leander") was launched in 1800. According to the classification of the ships of England of that time, sloop. The greatest length along the hull is 34.2 meters, the length along the waterline is 29.2 meters. The greatest width is 8.84 meters. Displacement - 450 tons, draft - 3.86 meters, crew of 58 people. The sloop was built for the merchant T. Huggins for trade between England and Africa. After returning from a trip, in the fall of 1808, the Nadezhda was chartered by the merchant of the Russian-American Company D. Martin to transport goods from Kronstadt to New York, and on the very first voyage, in December 1808, the ship, covered with ice off the coast of Denmark, died.

The Neva (formerly the Thames, no matter how strange it may sound) was launched in 1802. Like the Leander, it was a three-masted sloop armed with 14 small carronades. Displacement - 370 tons, maximum length with bowsprit - 61 m, crew of 43 people.

The journey for the "Neva" was by no means calm. "Neva" played a key role in the battle on about. Sitka in 1804, when the Russians recaptured Fort St. Michael the Archangel from the Tlingit who captured it in 1802. In 1804, Alexander Baranov, general manager of the Russian-American Company, failed in his attempts to recapture the fort. Baranov had only 120 soldiers at his disposal on four small boats and 800 Aleuts on 300 canoes (this is the question of how many forces we had in Alaska, whether it was worth it or not to sell it, and Russia could keep it in case of anything, if a gang from the key fort the Indians could not be knocked out for 2 years). At the end of September 1804, the Neva and three other small sailing ships undertook another siege of the fort with the support of 150 armed fur traders, as well as 400-500 Aleuts for 250 canoes. The attack was successful, the region returned to Russian control.

Sloop "Neva". Drawing from an engraving by I.F. Lisyansky

In June 1807, the Neva was the first Russian ship to visit Australia.

In August 1812, the Neva sailed from Okhotsk with a load of furs. The transition turned out to be difficult, the ship was pretty battered by storms, part of the crew died of scurvy. The crew decided to sail to Novo-Arkhangelsk, but before reaching the destination of only a few kilometers, the sloop in stormy weather on the night of January 9, 1813 hits the rocks and crashes near Kruzova Island. From the crew there were 28 people who managed to swim to the shore and wait out the winter of 1813.

About brand

As I said, the stamp was issued in November 1994 in a series dedicated to Russian geographical expeditions. In total, the series consists of 4 stamps with a face value of 250 rubles. each. Three other stamps are dedicated to the journey of V.M. Golovnin in 1811 on the study of the Kuril Islands, the expedition of F.P. Wrangel to North America and F.P. Litke during the exploration of the islands of Novaya Zemlya in 1821-1824.

The stamps were also issued in small sheets.

Image from JSC Marka website (

Circulation of stamps - 800,000 pieces, mini sheet - 130,000 pieces. Paper - coated, gravure printing plus intaglio, frame perforation 12 x 11½.

"Neva" and "Nadezhda" on other stamps

Travel stamps were issued by our neighbors, formerly sister republics, Estonia and Ukraine. Philately is not at all alien to politics, and, as in the case of the Dane, Ukraine and Estonia, with the help of stamps, remind the whole world that Kruzenshtern was actually born in Tallinn, and Lisyansky in the Chernihiv province.

Estonia, 2003

Ukraine, 1998


Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern and Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky were combat Russian sailors: both in 1788–1790. participated in four battles against the Swedes; sent in 1793 as volunteers to England to serve in the English fleet, fought the French off the coast of North America. Both had experience sailing in tropical waters; on English ships for several years they went to the Antilles and India, and Kruzenshtern reached South China.

Returning to Russia, I. Kruzenshtern in 1799 and 1802. presented projects of circumnavigations as the most profitable direct trade communication between the Russian ports of the Baltic Sea and Russian America. At Paul I the project did not pass, with a young Alexandra I it was accepted with the support of the Russian-American Company, which took on half the costs. In early August 1802, I. Kruzenshtern was approved as the head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

Y. Lisyansky in 1800 returned from India through England to his homeland. In 1802, after being appointed to a round-the-world expedition, he traveled to England to buy two sloops: the tsarist officials believed that Russian ships would not survive a round-the-world voyage. With great difficulty, Kruzenshtern ensured that the crew on both ships was staffed exclusively by domestic sailors: Russian noble Anglo-lovers argued that "the enterprise would by no means succeed with Russian sailors." The sloop "Nadezhda" (430 tons) was commanded by I. Kruzenshtern himself, the ship "Neva" (370 tons) - Yu. Lisyansky. On board the Nadezhda was Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, son-in-law G. I. Shelikhova, one of the founding directors of the Russian-American Company. He was on his way to Japan with an entourage as an envoy to conclude a trade agreement. At the end of July 1803, the ships left Kronstadt, and three months later, south of the Cape Zeleny Islands (near 14 ° N), I. Kruzenshtern established that both sloops were being carried to the east by a strong current - this was how the Intertrade countercurrent was discovered A warm sea current directed from west to east in the low latitudes of the Atlantic. Atlantic Ocean. In mid-November, for the first time in the history of the Russian fleet, ships crossed the equator, and on February 19, 1804, rounded Cape Horn. In the Pacific they parted ways. Y. Lisyansky, by agreement, went to Fr. Easter, completed an inventory of the coast and got acquainted with the life of the inhabitants. At Nukuhiva (one of the Marquesas Islands), he caught up with the Nadezhda, and together they moved to the Hawaiian Islands, and then the ships followed different routes: I. Kruzenshtern - to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky; Yu. Lisyansky - to Russian America, to Fr. Kodiak.

Having received from A. A. Baranova a letter testifying to his plight. Yu. Lisyansky arrived at the Alexander archipelago and provided military assistance to A. Baranov against the Tlingit Indians: these "koloshi" (as the Russians called them), instigated by disguised agents of an American pirate, destroyed the Russian fortification on about. Sitka (Fr. Baranova). In 1802, Baranov built a new fortress there - Novoarkhangelsk (now the city of Sitka), where he soon transferred the center of Russian America. At the end of 1804 and in the spring of 1805, Yu. Lisyansky, together with the navigator of the Neva Daniil Vasilievich Kalinin described in the Gulf of Alaska about. Kodiak, as well as part of the Alexander archipelago. At the same time, west of Sitki D. Kalinin discovered about. Kruzov, which was previously considered a peninsula. Large island north of Y. Lisyansky named Sitka after V. Ya. Chichagova. In the autumn of 1805, the Neva, with a load of furs, moved from Sitka to Macau (South China), where it joined the Nadezhda. On the way, uninhabited about. Lisyansky and the Neva reef, classified as part of the Hawaiian archipelago, and to the south-west of them - the Kruzenshtern reef. From Canton, where he managed to profitably sell furs, Y. Lisyansky made an unparalleled non-stop passage around the Cape of Good Hope to Portsmouth (England) in 140 days, but at the same time parted from Nadezhda in foggy weather off the southeast coast of Africa. On August 5, 1806, he arrived in Kronstadt, having completed a round-the-world voyage, the first in the annals of the Russian fleet.

The St. Petersburg authorities reacted coldly to Y. Lisyansky. He was given another rank (captain of the 2nd rank), but that was the end of his naval career. Description of his voyage "Journey around the world in 1803-1806. on the ship "Neva" (St. Petersburg, 1812) he published at his own expense.

The Nadezhda anchored at Petropavlovsk in mid-July 1804. Then I. Kruzenshtern delivered N. Rezanov to Nagasaki, and after negotiations that ended in complete failure, in the spring of 1805 he returned with an envoy to Petropavlovsk, where he parted ways with him. On the way to Kamchatka, I. Kruzenshtern followed the Eastern Passage to the Sea of ​​Japan and photographed the western coast of about. Hokkaido. Then he passed through the La Perouse Strait to Aniva Bay and made a number of determinations of the geographical position of noticeable points there. Intending to map the still poorly studied eastern coast of Sakhalin, on May 16 he rounded Cape Aniva, moving north along the coast with the survey. I. Kruzenshtern discovered a small bay of Mordvinov, described the rocky eastern and northern low-lying shores of the Gulf of Patience. The names of the capes assigned to them are also preserved on the maps of our time (for example, Capes Senyavin and Soimonov).

Strong ice floes prevented us from reaching Cape Patience and continuing shooting to the north (end of May). Then I. Kruzenshtern decided to put aside the descriptive work and go to Kamchatka. He headed east to the Kuril ridge and the strait, now bearing his name, went out into the Pacific Ocean. Unexpectedly, four islets (Lovushki Islands) opened up in the west. The approach of a storm forced the Nadezhda to return to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. When the storm subsided, the ship proceeded through the Severgin Strait to the Pacific Ocean and on June 5 arrived in the Peter and Paul Harbor.

To continue exploration of the eastern coast of Sakhalin, I. Kruzenshtern in July passed through the Strait of Hope into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the Sakhalin Cape Patience. After weathering the storm, on 19 July he began filming north. The coast to 51 ° 30 "N did not have large bends - only minor recesses (mouths of small rivers); in the depths of the island, several rows of low mountains (the southern end of the Eastern Range) were visible, stretching parallel to the coast and rising noticeably to the north. After a four-day storm, accompanied by dense fog (end of July), "Nadezhda" was again able to approach the coast, which became low and sandy. At 52 ° N. latitude, the sailors saw a small bay (they missed the other two, located to the south, they missed). The low-lying coast continued and further north, until on August 8 at 54 ° N I. Kruzenshtern discovered a high coast with a large cape named after Lieutenant Yermolai Levenshtern. The next day, in cloudy and foggy weather, the Nadezhda rounded the northern end of Sakhalin and entered a small bay (Northern), its input and output capes received the names of Elizabeth and Mary.

After a short stay, during which there was a meeting with the Gilyaks, I. Kruzenshtern examined the eastern shore of the Sakhalin Bay: he wanted to check whether Sakhalin was an island, as it was indicated on Russian maps of the 18th century. or a peninsula, as claimed J. F. La Perouse. At the northern entrance to the Amur Estuary, the depths turned out to be insignificant, and I. Kruzenshtern, having come to the “conclusion that leaves no doubt” that Sakhalin is a peninsula, returned to Petropavlovsk. As a result of the voyage, he first mapped and described more than 900 km of the eastern, northern and northwestern coast of Sakhalin.

In the autumn of 1805, Nadezhda visited Macau and Canton. In 1806, without stopping, she moved to Fr. Helena, where she waited in vain for the Neva (see above), then circled Great Britain from the north and returned to Kronstadt on August 19, 1806, without losing a single sailor from illness. This expedition made a significant contribution to geographical science, erasing a number of non-existent islands from the map and clarifying the geographical position of many points. Participants of the first round-the-world voyage carried out various oceanological observations: they discovered the trade wind countercurrents in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; measured the water temperature at depths up to 400 m and determined its specific gravity, transparency and color; found out the cause of the glow of the sea; collected numerous data on atmospheric pressure, tides and tides in a number of areas of the World Ocean.

The voyage of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky is the beginning of a new era in the history of Russian navigation.

In 1809–1812 I. Kruzenshtern published three volumes of his “Travel around the world in 1803-1806. on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva". This work, translated in many European countries, immediately won general recognition. In 1813, the "Atlas for a trip around the world by Captain Kruzenshtern" was published; most of the maps (including the general one) were compiled by Lieutenant Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen. In the 20s. Kruzenshtern published the "Atlas of the South Sea" with an extensive text, which is now a valuable literary source for historians of the discovery of Oceania and is widely used by Soviet and foreign specialists.


Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin, like his predecessors, a combat sailor, sailed as a volunteer on English warships to the Antilles. Then he showed himself as an innovator: he developed new marine signals. At the end of July 1807, commanding the sloop "Diana", V. Golovnin set off from Kronstadt to the shores of Kamchatka. He was a senior officer Petr Ivanovich Rikord(later one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society). Reaching Cape Horn. V. Golovnin, due to contrary winds, at the beginning of March 1808 turned to the Cape of Good Hope and arrived in Simonstown in April, where the British detained the sloop for more than a year due to the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian war. In May 1809, on a dark night, taking advantage of a fair storm wind, V. Golovnin, despite the fact that a large English squadron was in the roadstead, took the ship out of the harbor and into the sea. He rounded Tasmania from the south and made a non-stop transition to about. Tanna (New Hebrides), and in the fall of 1809 he arrived in Petropavlovsk. In 1810, he sailed in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean from Kamchatka to about. Baranova (Sitka) and back.

In May 1811, the Diana went to sea to the Kuril Islands, to the Strait of Hope (48 ° N). From there, V. Golovnin began a new inventory of the central and southern groups of the Kuril Islands - the old ones turned out to be unsatisfactory. Between 48 and 47° N. sh. new names of accurately plotted straits appeared on the map: Middle, in honor of the navigator of the Diana Basil the Middle(the islands near this strait are also named after him), Rikord, Diana, and in the southern chain - Catherine's Strait. This strait was discovered by the commander of the Russian transport "Ekaterina", navigator Grigory Lovtsov in 1792, when he delivered the first Russian ambassador Adam Kirillovich Laxman to Japan. So "Diana" reached Fr. Kunashir. There, V. Golovnin landed to replenish supplies of water and provisions, and was taken prisoner by the Japanese along with two officers and four sailors. They spent two years and three months in Hokkaido. In 1813, after Russia's victory over Napoleon I, all Russian sailors were released. On the "Diana" V. Golovnin returned to Petropavlovsk. His truthful Notes of Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin Captured by the Japanese (1816) were and are being read with riveting interest as an adventure novel; this work is the first (after E. KaempferThe German physician in the Dutch service, Engelbert Kaempfer, lived in Nagasaki from 1690–1692. His History of Japan and Siam was published in London in 1727.) a book about Japan, artificially isolated from the outside world for two centuries. The glory of V. Golovnin as a remarkable navigator and writer increased after the publication of his "Journey of the sloop" Diana "from Kronstadt to Kamchatka ..." (1819).

In 1817–1819 V. Golovnin made the second round-the-world voyage, described by him in the book “Journey around the world on the Kamchatka sloop” (1812), during which he specified the position of a number of islands from the Aleutian ridge.

command trusted a well-discovered twenty-five-year-old lieutenant Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, appointing him commander of the ship "Suvorov", which departed in October 1813 from Kronstadt to Russian America. Passing the Cape of Good Hope and Cape South about. Tasmania, he went to Port Jackson (Sydney), and from there he took the ship to the Hawaiian Islands. At the end of September 1814 at 13° 10" S and 163° 10" W. e. he discovered five uninhabited atolls and called them the Suvorov Islands. In November, M. Lazarev arrived in Russian America and spent the winter in Novoarkhangelsk. In the summer of 1815, from Novoarkhangelsk, he went to Cape Horn and, having rounded it, completed his circumnavigation in Kronstadt in mid-July 1816.

Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue had already circumnavigated the globe once (on the Nadezhda sloop), when Count N. P. Rumyantsev in 1815 he invited him to become the commander of the brig "Rurik" and the head of a research expedition around the world. Its main task was to find the Northeast Sea Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. invited as a senior officer Gleb Semenovich Shishmarev. In Copenhagen, on board the "Rurik" O. Kotzebue took an outstanding naturalist and poet, a Frenchman but by origin Adalberta Chamisso. On the brig "Rurik", a very small ship (only 180 tons), the crowding was extreme, conditions for scientific work- none.

O. Kotzebue left Kronstadt in mid-July 1815, rounded Cape Horn, and after stopping in Concepción Bay (Chile) for some time searched in vain at 27 ° S. sh. fantastic "Davis' Land". In April - May 1816, in the northern part of the Tuamotu archipelago, he discovered about. Rumyantsev (Tikei), Spiridov (Takopoto), Rurik (Arutua), Krusenstern (Tikehau) atolls and in the Ratak chain of the Marshall Islands - Kutuzov (Utirik) and Suvorov (Taka) atolls; part of the discoveries was secondary. Then he headed to the Chukchi Sea to the American coast. At the end of July, at the exit from the Bering Strait, O. Kotzebue discovered and explored Shishmareva Bay. With a fair wind in fine weather, the ship moved near the low-lying coast to the northeast, and on August 1, the sailors saw a wide passage to the east, and in the north - a high ridge (the southern spurs of the Byrd Mountains, up to 1554 m). At the first moment, Kotzebue decided that in front of him was the beginning of the passage to the Atlantic Ocean, but after a two-week survey of the coast, he was convinced that this was a vast bay named after him. The opening of Shishmareva Bay and Kotzebue Bay was helped by a drawing of Chukotka, compiled in 1779 by the Cossack centurion Ivan Kobelev. In this drawing, he also showed part of the American coast with two bays - small and large. In the southeastern part of the bay, sailors discovered Eschsholz Bay (in honor of the ship's doctor, then a student, Ivan Ivanovich Eshsholts, who proved to be an outstanding naturalist). On the shores of the Kotzebue Bay, scientists from the Rurik discovered and described fossil ice - for the first time in America - and found a mammoth tusk in it. Turning south, "Rurik" moved to about. Unalaska, from there to San Francisco Bay and the Hawaiian Islands.

In January - March 1817, the expedition members again explored the Marshall Islands, and in the Ratak chain they discovered, examined and put on an accurate map a number of inhabited atolls: in January - New Year (Medzhit) and Rumyantsev (Votye), in February - Chichagov (Erikub), Maloelap and Traverse (Aur), in March - Kruzenshtern (Ailuk) and Bikar. Together with A. Chamisso and I. Eschsholtz, O. Kotzebue completed the first scientific description of the entire archipelago, spending several months on Rumyantsev Atoll. They were the first to express the correct idea about the origin of coral islands, which was later developed by C. Darwin. Then Kotzebue again moved to the northern part of the Bering Sea, but due to an injury received during a storm, he decided to return to his homeland.

The only officer on the "Rurik" - G. Shishmarev withstood the double load with honor. He, with the help of a young assistant navigator Vasily Stepanovich Khromchenko, from which a first-class navigator emerged, later circumnavigating the globe two more times - already as a ship commander. On the way to the Philippines, the expedition explored the Marshall Islands for the third time and in November 1817, in particular, mapped the inhabited atoll of Heyden (Likiep) in the center of the archipelago, completing basically the discovery of the Ratak chain, which apparently began even in 1527 a Spaniard A. Saavedroy.

July 23, 1818 "Rurik" entered the Neva. Only one person from his team died. The participants of this round-the-world voyage collected a huge amount of scientific material - geographical, especially oceanographic, and ethnographic. It was processed by O. Kotzebue and his collaborators for the collective three-volume work “Journey to the Southern Ocean and the Bering Strait to Find the Northeast Sea Passage, undertaken in 1815–1818. ... on the ship "Rurik"..." (1821-1823), the main part of which was written by O. Kotzebue himself. A. Chamisso gave a highly artistic description of navigation in the book “Around the World Journey ... on the Rurik brig” (1830) - a classic work of this genre in German literature XIX v.

The task of opening the Northern Sea Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic was set by the government and before the Arctic expedition, sent in early July 1819 around the Cape of Good Hope on two sloops - "Discovery", under the command of a combat officer Mikhail Nikolaevich Vasiliev, he is also the head of the expedition, and "Good-meaning", Captain G. Shishmarev. In mid-May 1820, in the Pacific Ocean (at 29°N), the sloops separated by order of M. Vasiliev. He went to Petropavlovsk, G. Shishmarev - to Fr. Unalaska. They joined in the Gulf of Kotzebue in mid-July. From there they went out together, but the slow-moving "Benevolent" lagged behind and reached only 69 ° 01 "N, and M. Vasiliev on the "Opening" - 71 ° 06" N. sh., 22 minutes north of Cook: solid ice prevented further advance to the north. On the way back, they went through Unalaska to Petropavlovsk, and by November they arrived in San Francisco, where they made the first accurate inventory of the bay.

In the spring of 1821, the sloops through the Hawaiian Islands at different times moved to about. Unalaska. Then M. Vasiliev moved to the northeast, to Cape Newznhem (Bering Sea), and on July 11, 1821, he discovered at 60 ° N. sh. O. Nunivak (4.5 thousand km²). M. Vasiliev named it in honor of his ship - Fr. Opening. The officers of the "Discovery" described the southern coast of the island (two capes received their names). Two days later, Fr. Nunivak, regardless of M. Vasiliev, was discovered by the commanders of two ships of the Russian-American company - V. Khromchenko and a free sailor Adolf Karlovich Etolin, later the main ruler of Russian America. Etolin Strait is named after him, between the mainland and about. Nunivak. Having then passed into the Chukchi Sea, M. Vasiliev described the American coast between Capes Lisburn and Ice Cape (at 70 ° 20 "N), but because of the ice he turned back. In September, the sloop anchored in the Peter and Paul harbor.

Meanwhile, G. Shishmarev, according to the assignment, penetrated through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi Sea, but by the end of July, with the greatest efforts, he could reach only 70 ° 13 "N: opposite winds and heavy ice forced him to retreat. He arrived in Petropavlovsk ten days after M. Vasiliev. Both ships returned through the Hawaiian Islands and around Cape Horn in early August 1822 to Kronstadt, having completed their circumnavigation.

1823–1826 O. Kotzebue on the sloop "Enterprise" made his second round-the-world voyage (as commander of the ship). His companion was the student Emily Khristianovich Lenz, later an academician, an outstanding physicist: he studied the vertical distribution of salinity, the temperature of Pacific waters, and daily changes in air temperature at different latitudes. With the help of a barometer and a depth gauge designed by him, he performed many measurements of water temperature at depths of up to 2 thousand meters, laying the foundation for accurate oceanological research. Lenz was the first in 1845 to substantiate the scheme of the vertical circulation of the waters of the World Ocean. He presented the results of his research in the monograph "Physical observations made during a round-the-world trip" (Izbrannye trudy. M., 1950). I. Eschsholz, then already a professor, went with O. Kotzebue. On the way from Chile to Kamchatka and in March 1824 in the Tuamotu archipelago, O. Kotzebue discovered the inhabited atoll of the Enterprise (Fakahina), and in the western group of the Society Islands - the Bellingshausen atoll. In low southern latitudes, the ship got into a calm zone and moved very slowly to the north. May 19 at 9°S sh. showers and squalls began. O. Kotzebue noted a strong current, daily carrying the "Enterprise" to the west by 37-55 km. The picture changed dramatically at 3° S. sh. and 180°W d.: the direction of the current has become directly opposite, but the speed has remained the same. He could not explain the reason for this phenomenon. Now we know that O. Kotzebue collided with the South Equatorial Countercurrent. He made another discovery in October 1825: on the way from the Hawaiian Islands to the Philippines, he discovered the atolls of Rimsky-Korsakov (Rongelan) and Eshsholz (Bikini) in the Ralik chain of the Marshall Islands.

In 1826, at the end of August, two sloops of war left Kronstadt under the general command Mikhail Nikolaevich Stanyukovich; commanded the second ship Fedor Petrovich Litke. The main task - the study of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and the inventory of the opposite coasts of America and Asia - M. Stanyukovich divided between both ships, and each subsequently acted mainly independently.

M. Stanyukovich, commanding the sloop "Moller", in February 1828 found about. Leyson, and in the extreme northwest - Kure Atoll and basically completed the discovery of the Hawaiian chain, proving that it extends for more than 2800 km, counting from the eastern tip of about. Hawaii - Cape Kumukahi. Then M. Stanyukovich explored the Aleutian Islands and surveyed the northern coast of the Alaska Peninsula, and the navigational assistant Andrey Khudobin discovered a group of small islands of Khudobin.

F. Litke, commanding the Senyavin sloop, explored the waters of Northeast Asia, and in the winter of 1827–1828. moved to the Caroline Islands. He explored a number of atolls there and in January 1828, in the eastern part of this archipelago, visited by Europeans for about three centuries, he unexpectedly discovered the inhabited Senyavin Islands, including Ponape, the largest in the entire Caroline chain, and two atolls - Pakin and Ant ( perhaps it was a secondary discovery, after A. Saavedra). F. Litke described in detail the warm Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent, which flows eastward in the low latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (I. Kruzenshtern was the first to pay attention to it). In the summer of 1828, F. Litke astronomically determined the most important points on the eastern coast of Kamchatka. an officer Ivan Alekseevich Ratmanov and navigator Vasily Egorovich Semenov first described about. Karaginsky and the Litke Strait, separating it from Kamchatka. Then the southern coast of the Chukchi Peninsula from the Mechigmenskaya Bay to the Gulf of the Cross was put on the map, the Senyavin Strait was discovered, separating the islands of Arakamchechen and Yttygran from the mainland.

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