“Rana’s interaction with the new ministry will follow the same rules as with Fano. Such valuable diplomas Same rules as

The rector of the Russian New University (RosNOU), chairman of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia, Vladimir Zernov, told TASS back in 2017 that there are 250 non-profit universities in Russia and all of them are deprived of state support. Zernov complained that the state burdens universities with taxes “according to the same rules as in a kiosk.” The Association of Non-State Universities of Russia (ANVUZ) tried to measure the “general temperature in the hospital” by surveying all private universities about the state of affairs. “The picture is not very cheerful,” says Vladimir Zernov. “The answers are written as if they were carbon copies: working conditions are getting worse from year to year. Almost no private university has the opportunity to acquire normal gyms or stadiums, as required by licensing rules,” - he said, clarifying that in total today the higher education system includes about 250 private universities, 150 of them are united in ANVUZ.

He sees the reasons in the “complete lack of government support”, the need to pay taxes according to the same rules as in the stall, the inability to win government grants, the meager admission targets and restrictions in the development of promising scientific directions, which are imposed on private universities by Article 284 of the Tax Code, according to which a university can receive only 10 percent of its income from its scientific activity, and the remaining 90 - from educational. According to Zernov’s observation, many private universities are trying to solve problems that arise not together, through the Association, but individually.

According to Zernov, about a hundred private universities are quite strong, they can be found in a dozen regions of the country - in Moscow and St. Petersburg, on Far East, in Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Voronezh, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Kursk, in the North Caucasus. According to another expert, Viktor Bolotov, who served as Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation in the early 1990s, when the private sector in higher education in Russia, there are about 50 strong universities in the private sector. Among them, Bolotov named RosNOU and the Russian Economic School (NES, Moscow), the Eastern Institute of Economics, humanities, management and law (Bashkiria), TISBI University of Management (Togliatti), Samara Humanitarian Academy, European University in St. Petersburg.

Bolotov said that the majority of successfully operating non-state universities belong to the first wave, sharing the observation that for the creators of the first private universities it was not just a business, they were full of ideas. "Their creators are successful in Soviet time managers and teachers could have created any other business, but wanted to use their knowledge, energy and potential in modernizing higher education.

Oleg Leshukov, a research fellow at the design and educational laboratory "University Development" at the Higher School of Economics, noted that the analysis of Russian private universities indicates significant differences in this sector of education in Russia and in the West.

"In the British-American version, private universities are often divided into three very different groups. The first consists of elite universities, not very large, with high tuition fees, seeking to attract the most talented applicants and with leading teachers and experts: Harvard, Stanford, Yale "The second group includes cultural or religious universities, intended for special categories of students, also small. The third category includes universities of mass education with a large flow of applicants, where they teach mass specialties in the field of economics, management, management," he noted, citing publications by professor and private education researcher Daniel Levy.

The Russian situation, according to Oleg Leshukov, is noticeably different. There are not many private universities here that applicants associate with elite ones, but they do exist: the European University in St. Petersburg, the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (MSHSEN, Shaninka), which strive to provide a liberal arts education at the level of the best Western European samples, as well as NES, where economic education is given on the basis of the works of foreign economists, and training is conducted on English language. He considers universities like NES to be niche - created as a response to the demand of the labor market and society.

The expert also included some multidisciplinary private universities, such as the Russian New University, into a separate group, since this is a large private university where engineering and technical specialties are taught - nanotechnology, IT, etc.

According to Viktor Bolotov, the private sector can find its niche in the field of education for people with special or increased demands for services, for example, for the disabled or people with requirements for increased comfort, and in general will not be able to compete with state universities, and in quantitative terms occupy no more than a quarter of the total volume of university education. Rector of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation Vladimir Stepanov believes that private universities have more flexibility and the ability to introduce “specialties from the atlas of new professions.”

Today, the demand for private education continues. According to Oleg Leshukov, private universities “are certainly needed, if only because they expand the number of people gaining access to higher education, and an educated person works more efficiently and earns more,” spends more, warming up the country’s economy as a whole.

The ability to register an Internet resource as a media outlet and receive all the rights that traditional media journalists have today is one of the main changes planned to be made to the media law. Deputy Minister of Information Pavel Legkiy announced this to the site on the eve of a round table on the new media law, which was held at the SB press center on Friday.

"There are quite a lot of fundamental things in the proposed changes; I will highlight a couple of positions that, in my opinion, are important for the development of the industry. First of all, this is, of course, the possibility of virtually free registration of Internet resources as mass media – a novelty of this law. But also, of course, the responsibility of Internet resources for the dissemination of information in accordance with the law on the media, which is not the case now", noted deputy minister.

This norm, according to him, was not born in the corridors of the ministry; some Internet resources have long wanted to work as mass media.

“What does this give? First of all, this is the opportunity to be accredited for official events. These are all the rights that journalists of official media have. Without being registered as a media outlet, it was not possible to use such rights.”, - he said.

Now you can register, go through this procedure and work as a media outlet, Legky noted. The procedure, by the way, will still be clarified, the deputy minister emphasized, since the existing requirements may not be entirely applicable to Internet resources. This, for example, concerns work experience in the media for the head of an Internet resource.

Today we are witnessing the rapid growth of Internet resources, which in fact work as media, but are not such. This is not entirely normal, the deputy minister emphasized.

We should also not forget about the responsibilities of those who work on creating and distributing content.

"They must bear the same responsibility as their colleagues who work in a legal field. Same job. This means that the approaches from the point of view of law should be absolutely identical.", noted Easy.

"For example, we were criticized for the fact that the law added more grounds for restricting access to Internet resources. But why has the list of these restrictions expanded? We believe that more efforts should be focused on the protection of minors. We need to focus on limiting the resources that drive people to suicide. It is necessary to limit the possibilities for disseminating information related to the manufacture of explosives, etc.", - said the deputy minister.

All these points, of course, are in the by-laws, but we bring them up

At the level of the law, understanding that the problems mentioned above exist and must be dealt with, he noted. Including such measures.

The deputy minister emphasized that criticism of the proposed changes to the media law comes not only from the non-state sector, but also from the state media, since everyone has their own interests.

Our task as a ministry is to act as a regulator, an arbiter. Together with parliamentarians, we are preparing the law for the second reading, summed up Pavel Legky.

Read more about the event at the SB press center round table Read about changes to the law on the media in the upcoming issues of SB. Belarus Today.

Tom ran faster than Dick. Tom ran faster than Dick.

John ran fastest. John ran the fastest.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs with the suffix –ly are formed using more And most.

Can you walk a bit more slowly? Can you walk a little slower?

Before superlative adverbs the article is never used.

The adverbs well, badly, little, much form degrees of comparison from other roots, similarly to the corresponding adjectives.

This garden looks better since you tidied it up.

This garden looks better since you removed it.

Indefinite pronouns some/any

Lesson objectives:

· generalization and systematization of material on the topic “Indefinite pronouns some/any”;

· develop the ability to use indefinite pronouns some/any in speech

Class organization form

The student must


· features of the use of indefinite pronouns some/any in speech;

be able to:
use indefinite pronouns some/any in speech

What are the main features of the use of indefinite pronouns some/any in speech?

Lesson reporting form

Used to denote an indefinite (small) quantity of objects or substance. They are usually modifiers of nouns and are used instead of articles.

Some/any used with countable nouns in plural and with uncountable nouns.

Some is used, as a rule, in affirmative sentences and has the meaning:

- “several”, “some”- with plural countable nouns

I do some exercises every morning. In the morning I do some exercises.

When we were on holiday, we visited some very interesting places.

When we were on holiday we visited some interesting places.

There are some pictures in the book. In the book some pictures.

I'll buy some apples. I will buy some apples

-“Some (small)” quantity - with uncountable nouns. In this case the pronoun some

He gave me some money. He gave me money.

There is some ice-cream in the refrigerator. There is ice cream in the refrigerator.

He could give me some information. He was able to provide me with information.

It's hot in this office. I'm going out for some fresh air.

It's hot in the office. I'll go out for some fresh air.

Any usually used in interrogatives Any”, “any”, “somewhat”

and in negative sentences and has the meaning “ no”, “not at all”.

Very often pronoun any not translated into Russian

Has he got any friends? You have friends?

Do you need any help? Do you need help?

Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

There isn't any orange juice in the refrigerator. Is there no orange juice in the refrigerator?

Pronoun Any can be used in an affirmative sentence meaning “ any".

Please, take any book you like. Take it any the book you like.


Formation and use of verbs in Past Simple/Indefinite

Lesson objectives:

· generalization and systematization of material on the topic “Formation and use of verbs in the Past Simple/Indefinite”;

· develop the ability to use Past Simple/Indefinite in speech;

· development of general competencies 1, 3, 5, 6;

Class organization form: individual, group, pair

The student must


Forms of verb formation in Past Simple/Indefinite;

Meanings of the tense form of the verb in Past Simple/Indefinite;

be able to:
use Past Simple/Indefinite in speech;

Questions to check students' readiness for practical training

1. What are the main meanings and uses of Past Simple/Indefinite?

Lesson reporting form: written exercises in a notebook for practical work

The Past Simple is used to express one-time or repeated actions that ended in the past. These actions occurred in a period of time that has now ended. Typically, when using the Past Simple, it is indicated when the action occurred (e.g. yesterday, two days ago, last week, etc.)

They first met three months ago.

Last summer we often went to the beach together.

Since the fraction is equal to the quotient 2: 3, then the quotient of dividing one expression by another can be written using a line. For example, the expression (41.3 - 4.4) : (15.3 + 33.9) can be written as follows: . Having completed these steps, we find the value of this expression: 0.75, or .

For example, - fractional expressions.

The expression above the line is called the numerator, and the expression below the line is called the denominator of the fractional expression. The numerator and denominator of a fractional expression can be any numbers, as well as numeric or alphabetic expressions.

With fractional expressions you can perform operations according to the same rules as with ordinary fractions. Example 1. Let's find the value of the expression.

Solution. Multiplying the numerator and denominator of this fractional expression by 6, we get:

Example 2. Let's find the work.


Example 3. Let's find the amount.


When adding fractional expressions, it is more convenient to first represent them in the form of ordinary fractions, and then perform the addition:

Self-test questions

  • Which expression is called a fraction?
  • What is the expression above the line called? below the line?

Do the exercises

692. Name the numerator and denominator of the expression:

693. Write a fractional expression whose numerator is 3b and the denominator is 6.7x + y.

694. Write the quotient as a fractional expression:

(3,8 4,5 - 0,7) : (6,3: 2,1 - 2,6).

Find the meaning of this expression.

695. Find the meaning of the expression:

696. Follow this action:

697. Follow these steps:

698. Find the meaning of the expression If:

699. Find the value of the expression if:

700. Using a microcalculator, you can find the value of the expression using the program:

and the meaning of the expression according to this program:

Perform calculations using these programs.

Build a program to find the value of an expression and perform calculations on it:

701. Calculate orally:

702. The numbers a and b are marked on the coordinate beam (Fig. 30). Is it possible to indicate a point on the ray with the coordinate ?

Rice. thirty

703. Calculate:

704. Find the product of fractions and the product of the reciprocals of the given fractions. What properties do these two works have? Test your assumption with one more example. Prove this property in general view(using letter expressions).

705. Find the largest and smallest values ​​of the expression if x = .

706. Create a problem using the equation:

707. Vanya and Tanya were supposed to meet at the station to travel together on the train, which leaves at 8 a.m. Vanya thinks that his watch is 35 minutes fast, although in reality it is 15 minutes behind. And Tanya thinks that her watch is 15 minutes behind, although it is actually 10 minutes ahead. What will happen if each of them, relying on their watches, tries to arrive 5 minutes before the train leaves?

708. Seryozha’s age is his father’s age. Seryozha is 12 years old. How old is father?

709. A combine operator mowed wheat from an area of ​​3 hectares in 1 hour, which is 15% of what he mowed in a day. How much area did the combine harvester mow in a day?

710. Pears make up 25% of all trees in the garden, the remaining 150 trees are apple trees. How many pear trees are there in the garden?

711. The area of ​​60 hectares is 0.75 of the field area. What is the area of ​​the field?

712. Find the number if:

713. A plot of land with an area of ​​6 a is a garden, and the area of ​​a garden is only personal plot. What is the area of ​​the entire plot of land?

714. According to the plan, the team must repair 25% of the road between the two villages in a month. In the first week, 2 km 100 m of the road were repaired, which amounted to 30% of the monthly plan. What is the length of the entire road between the villages?

715. Solve the problem:

  1. The book has 240 pages. On Saturday the boy read 7.5% of the entire book, and on Sunday - 12 pages more. How many pages does he have left to read?
  2. 2600 tons of feed were prepared for the poultry farm. In the first month, 8.5% of the feed was consumed, and in the second month - 30 tons more. How many tons of feed are left?

716. Find the meaning of the expression:

717. During the basketball match, forwards Kolya and Nikita brought all the points to their team. How many points did this team score in the match if Kolya scored 7 points more than Nikita?

718. A train traveling at a speed of 68 km/h covers the distance between cities in 6 hours. How long will it take a cyclist to travel this distance at a speed of 17 km/h?

719. An alloy was obtained from a piece of copper with a volume of 15 cm 3 and a piece of zinc with a volume of 10 cm 3. What is the mass of 1 cm 3 of the alloy, if the mass of 1 cm 3 of copper is 8.9 g, and the mass of 1 cm 3 of zinc is 7.1 g? Round the result to the nearest tenth of a gram.

720. A kitchen of 10 m2 is 0.4 total non-residential premises apartments. The area of ​​non-residential premises is the area of ​​the entire apartment. Find the area of ​​the entire apartment.

721. Cut from thick paper the figures shown in Figure 31 and glue the figures shown in Figure 32. These figures are called prisms. A straight prism has side faces that are rectangles, and the top and bottom bases that are equal polygons. Figure 32a shows a triangular prism, and Figure 32.6 shows a quadrangular one. Each rectangular parallelepiped is a quadrangular prism.

Rice. 31

Rice. 32

Stories about the history of the emergence and development of mathematics

In the most ancient written sources that have reached us - Babylonian clay tablets and Egyptian papyri - there are not only integers, but also fractions.

Fractions were needed to express the result of measuring length, mass, area in cases where the unit of measurement did not fit into the measured value an integer number of times.

Then a new, smaller unit of measurement was introduced. The names of these new units of measurement became the first names of fractions. For example, a fraction is still called “half”; Among the Romans, the word “ounce” was first the name of the twelfth part of a unit of mass, but then the ounce began to mean one twelfth of any value (they said: “Seven ounces of the way,” i.e., seven twelfths of the way).

In Ancient Babylon, as you know, fractions were sexagesimal. Using modern notation, the number could be written, for example, as 4; 52; 03. This meant: .

And now, when we write 3 hours 21 minutes 47 seconds, then, in fact, we write down fractions of an hour in the sexagesimal number system:

The Egyptians had special signs for fractions and a common way of writing for fractions (i.e. fractions with a numerator of 1). They wrote all other fractions as a sum of shares.

For example:

(Think about how you can quickly find such a sum.)

Writing fractions using a numerator and denominator appeared in Ancient Greece, only the Greeks wrote the denominator at the top and the numerator at the bottom. The Hindus first began to write fractions in the form we are familiar with about 1,500 years ago, but they did not use a line between the numerator and denominator. The fraction line became commonly used only in the 16th century.

In the old days it was mainly used common fractions. This was explained by different ratios between units of measurement: they were divided into 12, 16, and 40 parts. But then it was noticed that decimal fractions are the most convenient for calculations. From the XVII-XVIII centuries. they became widespread, especially after the creation and introduction of the metric system of measures in most countries.

US agriculture is experiencing better times. International competition from both developed and developing countries. Opportunities for exporting products are also not always favorable. Thus, from 1992 to 2012, agricultural exports to the Russian Federation decreased from 723 million to 267 million dollars, according to the Foreign Trade Division of the US Bureau of Statistics. After the failure of the WTO Doha Round negotiations in Geneva in July 2008, US foreign trade authorities placed emphasis on concluding regional free trade agreements.

In October 2011, the US Congress ratified free trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia. From 2010 to present Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam are negotiating the creation of a free trade zone in the Pacific region. Last week, another round of negotiations on this agreement took place in Salt Lake City, USA. Observers expect an agreement to be reached early next year.

This summer saw North America experience its worst drought since the 1930s. In October, a number of regions of the country were hit by sudden snowfall, which coincided with a 16-day government “shutdown”, as a result of which the Ministry Agriculture The US was unable to fully document the damage suffered by farmers, which negatively affected the amount of compensation. At the same time, subsidies for rural areas are jeopardized.

For reference: Every five years, the United States adopts an agricultural payment program for farmers. In 2008, another farm bill was passed, allocating $288 billion over the next five years. However, due to opposition from far-right Republicans in the House of Representatives and Democrats in the Senate and White House, the farm bill was not passed last year. In various variations, rural support programs were extended for one year. Moreover, this year in the House of Representatives it was split into two separate bills: one authorizing a farm subsidy program, the second a food stamp program for the poor. However, at a time when farmers most need support, sequestration was carried out. Three years ago, the 2010 Budget Control Act was passed, authorizing the creation of a bipartisan commission whose responsibility was to develop a system of reasonable budgetary savings measures. As an incentive for its work, a mechanism was created for automatically sequestering all items of the federal budget in equal proportions, which was launched in March of this year.

The farm lobby, once a powerful force in Washington, is slowly losing ground. Due to change demographic situation, urban population growth and rural decline, farmers represent an increasingly less influential electoral force. The years 1930-50 can be called the “golden age” of the farm lobby. At that time, organizations such as the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Farmers Union were frequent guests at parliamentary hearings, and sometimes chaired meetings of relevant committees, a practice unprecedented in the history of the US Congress. The 1960s saw the fragmentation of the farm lobby. Hundreds of industry structures have emerged to defend the interests of producers individual species agricultural products. However, farmers are still strong enough to periodically extend the rural subsidy program. Although, as noted earlier, there are failures. Farmers have spent more than $162 million on campaign contributions to candidates for office since 1990, with Democrats accounting for 38 percent and Republicans 62 percent, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Lobbying expenses are also growing; from 1998 to the third quarter of 2013, expenses increased from $8 million to $16 million.

We spoke more about the problems of American farmers with the vice president for government relations of the National Farmers Union Chandler Gole.

– Last year Russia joined the WTO, the American Farm Bureau Federation came out in support of this process, what is your position? Is the White House helping resolve trade disputes?

– We want Russia to play by the same rules as other countries. Constant manipulations with the access of American beef and chicken to the Russian market have a negative impact on agricultural producers in the United States. It is extremely harmful for farmers to switch the market like a switch on a light switch. Japan and South Korea do the same, so Russia is not the only country with an unpredictable regulatory regime. Barack Obama has a much more positive international image than the previous US president, which has a positive impact on his ability to reach international agreements.

– What is your position on the negotiations regarding the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement? Are you able to convey your position to the Barack Obama administration? Given the current level of confrontation between Congress and the White House, will this agreement be approved by Parliament?

– The next round of negotiations took place last week in Salt Lake City, USA. Until now, we have not been able to even glance at the text of the document. As a result, all this causes a negative reaction from the public different countries. We believe that it was a mistake for Canada and Japan to join the negotiations. We even managed to create a coalition with our fellow farmers from the Land of the Rising Sun, although this did not bring results. We don't like the excessive penetration of agricultural products from Australia and New Zealand, where the government heavily subsidizes farmers. I believe that we should not expect the completion of negotiations until the end of the first or even the second quarter of next year. If the White House manages to conclude an agreement, Congress will approve it. However, I'm not sure how quickly this will happen. If we had been within the framework of the original negotiation plan, the final text of the agreement would have been ready by now. In addition, it is very difficult to reconcile multiple interests. Bilateral agreements are extremely difficult to conclude; I don’t understand why the White House thinks that it will be easier to harmonize the interests of many countries.

– What is your assessment of the situation with the farm bill, which should have been adopted last year?

“The National Farmers' Union is strongly opposed to the division of the Farm Bill into two parts. The current configuration of five-year rural support programs has been a historical alliance since the late 60s. The USDA, which administers farm subsidies, also administers food stamps for poor Americans. It makes sense to approve both components at the same time. Farmers are extremely compassionate, they cannot ignore those who are experiencing food shortages. This is why the union of those who produce food and those who need it has been such a great mechanism. This attempt by the House of Representatives to split the farm bill in two demonstrates that there is a segment of the Republican Party that simply wants to eliminate the safety net for American farmers and low-income citizens. I think the two bills will eventually be combined again, it's just a matter of how big the cuts to the food stamp program will be. I think the farm bill will be passed this year in December. Speaker Beiner received a strong beating on this issue and needs rehabilitation.

– This summer, the United States experienced its worst drought since the 1930s. What were the consequences for American farmers? Has the drought helped raise the profile of agricultural support enough to secure the required level of subsidies for the next five years? Or did the sequestration carried out in March of this year win?

“In the 2008 Farm Bill, we were able to pass a number of good programs village support. Thanks to advanced farming technologies in the United States, there were no dust storms like in the 1930s, when all fertile soil was blown away by the wind. Legislators passed this terrible law, which was not supposed to come into force, but in the end it did. Unfortunately, the sequestration turned out to be more important factor, and agricultural subsidies were cut by millions of dollars while the population suffered from drought.

– How did the 16-day government shutdown affect farmers?

– Many farmers harvest in September-October, and if you had a loan guaranteed by the state, or you were expecting a payment under one or another rural support program, then you were simply left without money. At this time, there was an unexpected snow storm in Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska, more than 40 thousand head of cattle died. As a result, it was not possible to document the damage due to the lack of appropriate inspectors from the Ministry of Agriculture and subsequently receive appropriate compensation. After the “discovery,” the Ministry of Agriculture tried to help these farmers, but time had already passed and not everything could be corrected. Thus, the government shutdown had extremely negative consequences for American farmers, which, unfortunately, did not receive adequate coverage in the media.