What is water drilling and what types of wells are there? Well drilling - types of wells, general concepts about drilling What is oil well drilling

Drilling- technical process of destruction of rocks using special equipment - drilling equipment. (less often by thermal, water erosion, explosive and other methods) with the removal of destruction products. Well drilling is the process of constructing a directed cylindrical mine opening, the diameter of which is significantly small compared to its length along the shaft, without the possibility of human access to the face. The beginning of a well on the surface of the earth is called the mouth, the bottom is called the bottom, and the walls of the well form its trunk.

There are three types of drilling:

  • Vertical drilling
  • Directional drilling
  • Horizontal drilling

When drilling, destruction is carried out over the entire face area (coreless drilling), less often only along the annular space for core extraction (core drilling). The diameters of the excavations being drilled are tens of millimeters (holes), hundreds of millimeters (boreholes), thousands of millimeters (mine shafts). The drilling depth is determined by the area of ​​its application and ranges from several meters (mainly boreholes), tens of meters (wells for placing explosives, fixing rocks by cementing, freezing, etc.), hundreds and thousands of meters (wells - exploration for water, oil and gas , operational, etc.). The process of constructing deep wells also includes fastening the walls of the barrel with casing pipes and pumping cement mortar into the annular gap between the pipes and the walls.

Drilling of deep wells is carried out with drilling rigs, blasting - with drilling rigs, mine shafts - with shaft-boring units, holes - with drill hammers, drills, etc. Drilling technical means also include a drilling pump or compressor for supplying drilling fluid and gas, drill pipes, a drilling rig with a traveling rig system, rock cutting tools, equipment for preparing the flushing liquid, its cleaning from sludge and degassing, blowout prevention equipment and instrumentation. Drilling is carried out mainly mechanically: the drilling tool directly acts on rocks, destroying them with a drill bit or drill bit; When drilling blast holes in quartz-containing rocks, thermal drilling (flame jet) is used. Mechanical drilling methods based on the method of impact of the tool on the bottom are divided into rotary drilling, impact drilling, rotary impact and rotary impact drilling.

According to the type of rock-cutting tool used, auger drilling, roller-cone drilling, diamond drilling, shotgun drilling, etc. are distinguished; according to the type of drilling machine - hammer drilling, pneumatic percussion drilling, hydraulic percussion drilling, rotary drilling, turbine drilling, etc., according to the direction and method of drilling wells - cluster drilling, vertical, directional, multi-hole, etc. Drilling is developing and specializing in relation to three main areas of mining: extraction of liquid and gaseous minerals, prospecting and exploration of minerals, and explosive mining of solid minerals. This historically established division is very arbitrary, but methodologically convenient for a brief presentation of such a multifaceted concept as “drilling”.

In Russia, the drilling of the first wells dates back to the 9th century. and is associated with the extraction of table salt solutions in Staraya Russa. Then salt mines developed in Balakhna (12th century) and Solikamsk (16th century). The emergence of new methods and drilling techniques dates back to the 19th century. due to the growing need to supply large cities with drinking water. In 1831, the “Society of Artesian Fountains” was formed in Odessa and 4 wells with a depth of 36-189 m were drilled.
In the middle of the 19th century. manual percussion drilling began to be replaced by portable mechanical machines. In Russia G.D. Romanovsky was the first to mechanize work in 1859, using a steam engine to drill a well near Podolsk. The first oil well drilled with a percussion drilling rig was drilled by Drake in 1859 (USA, Pennsylvania). An offshore well was first drilled in 1897 in the Pacific Ocean off Somerland Island (offshore of the California Peninsula, USA), and later offshore drilling became widespread. In the Caspian Sea, offshore drilling began in 1924 near the city of Baku.

The development of exploratory drilling for solid minerals is associated with the invention of the diamond drill by the Swiss J. Leschaux (1862). In 1899, American engineer Davis proposed shot drilling. In the USSR, shot drilling was used in 1927-28. Soviet scientists V.M. Kreiter and B.I. Vozdvizhensky for core drilling, which made it possible to replace diamond drilling in strong eruptions and metamorphic rocks with this method. In 1928-29 in the USSR, the production of drilling rigs with lever feed for rotary core drilling at depths of up to 300-500 m began; since 1947, machines with lever differential feed, multi-speed machines for depths of 300-2000 m, and self-propelled drilling rigs have been created. Since 1960, work began on the development of hydraulic percussion drilling, which ensured a significant increase in the productivity of carbide core drilling. Diamond drilling is being radically improved, the volume of which for searching for mineral deposits is increasing. When exploring steeply dipping ore bodies, when several wells are drilled to intersect them at different horizons, directional multilateral drilling is used, which is carried out using deflection devices installed in the well at different depths. Exploration drilling for solid minerals is carried out mainly by the rotary method, which accounts for about 80% of the footage of drilled wells; Rotary impact, hydraulic percussion, auger, vibration drilling, etc. are used to a limited extent. Work in the field of exploration drilling is aimed at ensuring the safety of what is extracted from great depths

Drilling is the procedure of breaking rocks using special drilling equipment. Drilling, like many other technologies, has several directions.

The drilling process involves breaking up rocks using drilling equipment, resulting in a well.

These directions depend on the position of the rock formation:

  • vertical;
  • oblique directional;
  • horizontal.

The process of laying a directed cylindrical shaft in the ground is called drilling. Subsequently, this channel is called a well. Its diameter should be less than its length. The wellhead (beginning) is located on the surface. The bottom and walls of the well are called the bottom and the wellbore, respectively.

Preparation for the process

When drilling wells, first:

The drilling process is impossible without special drilling equipment.

  1. Drilling equipment is brought to the drilling site.
  2. Then the drilling process begins. It consists of deepening the wellbore by flushing it and drilling.
  3. In order to avoid the collapse of the walls of wells, separation of layers is carried out - work to strengthen the layers of the earth. To do this, pipes are lowered into the drilled ground and laid, which are connected into columns. Then the entire space between the pipes and the ground is cemented (packed).
  4. The last stage of work is called well development. It includes opening the last layer, installing the near-wellbore zone, as well as perforation and inducing outflow.

In order to start drilling again, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

First, documents are drawn up allowing the felling and clearing of the forest, but for this you need to obtain the consent of the forestry department. When preparing a site for drilling, the following work is carried out:

Before you start drilling wells, you need to clear the area of ​​trees.

  • division of zones into sections according to coordinates;
  • cutting down trees;
  • layout;
  • construction of a workers' settlement;
  • preparing the base for the drilling rig;
  • preparation and marking of the site;
  • installation of foundations for tanks at a fuel and lubricants warehouse;
  • arrangement of warehouse enclosure, preparation of equipment.

The next stage of work is the preparation of tower installation equipment. For this:

  • install equipment;
  • installation of lines;
  • installation of substructures, foundations and blocks;
  • installation and lifting of the tower;
  • commissioning works.

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Preliminary work

After the drilling machine is installed, a special commission arrives to check the equipment, technology and quality of work.

When the drilling rig is ready, pre-drilling work begins. As soon as the drilling machine is installed and the construction of the structures is completed, the drilling rig is inspected by a special commission. The foreman of the drilling team, accepting the commission, together with it monitors the quality of work, checks the equipment and compliance with labor protection.

For example, according to the method of execution, lamps must be in an explosion-proof casing; emergency lighting at 12 V must be distributed throughout the mine. All comments made by the commission must be taken into account before the start of drilling work.

Before drilling begins, the equipment is equipped with the appropriate equipment: a square hole, drill pipes, a bit, small-scale mechanization devices, casing pipes for the conductor, instrumentation, water, etc.

The drilling rig should have houses for living, a gazebo, a dining room, a bathhouse for drying things, a laboratory for analyzing solutions, equipment for extinguishing fires, auxiliary and working tools, safety posters, first aid kits and medicines, storage for drilling equipment, and water.

After the drilling rig has been installed, a series of work begins on re-equipping the traveling system, during which equipment is installed and small-scale mechanization equipment is tested. Drilling technology begins with the installation of a mast. Its direction must be set exactly in the center of the tower axis.

After centering the tower, drilling is carried out according to the direction. This is lowering the pipe to strengthen the wells and filling its upper end, which should coincide in direction with the gutter, with cement. After the direction in the process of drilling wells has been established, the alignment between the axes of the rotor and the tower is checked again.

In the center of the well, a square hole is drilled and lined with a pipe in the process. Drilling the well hole is carried out with a turbo drill, which is held by a hemp rope to prevent too rapid rotation. One end of it is attached to the leg of the tower, and the other is held in the hands through a block.

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After the preparatory work, 2 days before the launch of the drilling rig, a conference is organized where the entire administration (chief engineer, technologist, chief geologist, etc.) participates. The conference discusses:

Scheme of the structure of geological rocks at the site of oil discovery: 1 – clays, 2 – water-saturated sandstones, 3 – oil deposit.

  • well structure;
  • rock structure at the location of the geological section;
  • complications that may arise during the drilling process, etc.;
  • then consider the regulatory map;
  • work on trouble-free and high-speed wiring is discussed.

The drilling process can begin upon completion of the following documents:

  • geological and technical work;
  • permission to put the drilling rig into operation;
  • regulatory map;
  • logbook;
  • journal on drilling fluids;
  • occupational safety journal;
  • accounting for diesel engines.

The following types of mechanisms and materials can be used at the drilling rig:

  • cementing equipment;
  • posters with messages about safety and labor protection;
  • logging equipment;
  • drinking water and technical;
  • Helipad;
  • cement mortars and drilling mortars;
  • chemical reagents;
  • casing pipes and drilling pipes.

Well drilling is a method of cutting down rock to form a mine. Such mines (wells) are tested for the presence of oil and gas. To do this, the wellbore is perforated to provoke an influx of oil or gas from the productive horizon. Then the drilling equipment and all derricks are dismantled. A seal is installed on the well indicating the name and date of drilling. After this, the garbage is destroyed, all barns are buried, and the scrap metal is disposed of.

Typically, at first the maximum diameter of the wells does not exceed 900 mm. At the end it rarely reaches 165 mm. The drilling process consists of several processes during which the wellbore is constructed:

  • the process of deepening the bottom of wells by painting rocks with a drilling tool;
  • removal of broken rock from their well shaft;
  • well bore fastening;
  • carrying out geological and geophysical work to study fault rocks and discover productive horizons;
  • lowering and cementing depth.

Depending on the depth of the well, there are the following types:

  • shallow – 1500 m deep;
  • medium – depth up to 4500 m;
  • deep – 6000 m;
  • ultra-deep – over 6000 m.

The drilling process is the breaking of rocks with drill bits. The broken parts of this rock are cleaned out with a stream of washing (liquid) solution. The depth of the wells increases as the face is destroyed over the entire area.

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Complications that arise

The collapse of the well walls can occur due to the unstable structure of the rock.

During the process of drilling a well, some complications may arise. It can be:

  • mine wall collapses;
  • absorption of washing liquid;
  • accidents;
  • inaccurate borehole drilling, etc.

Landslides can occur due to the unstable structure of the rock. Their sign can be:

  • high blood pressure;
  • the viscosity of the flushing fluid is too strong;
  • too much debris when washing the mine.

Absorption of the washing solution occurs due to the fact that the solution poured into the shaft is completely sucked into the formation. This usually happens when the formations have a porous structure or high permeability.

Drilling is a process in which a rotating projectile is brought to the bottom and then raised again. In this case, the wells are drilled to the bedrock, cutting 0.5-1.5 m. After this, a pipe is lowered into the mouth to prevent erosion and so that the flushing liquid, leaving the well, enters the trench.

The rotational speed of the drill bit and spindle depends on the physical properties of the rocks, the diameter and type of the drill bit. The rotation speed is controlled by a feed regulator, which creates the desired load on the bit. At the same time, it creates a certain pressure on the projectile cutters and the walls of the face.

Before you start drilling a well, you need to draw up its design drawing, which indicates:

  • physical properties of rocks: their hardness, stability and water saturation;
  • well depth and inclination;
  • final well diameter, which is affected by rock hardness;
  • drilling methods.

Drawing up a well design begins with choosing its depth, diameter at the end of drilling, drilling angles, and structure.

The depth of mapping wells depends on geological analysis followed by its mapping.

Enough broad term "well drilling" involves not only drilling for the extraction of resources from the subsoil, mainly hydrocarbons, but also work on drilling wells for water extraction, horizontal directional drilling, drilling for piles, drilling for geothermal heating.

- the process of destruction of various rocks with subsequent removal of destruction products.

Drilling of the wells- this is the drilling of a directed cylindrical mine working with securing the walls (barrel) of the well to prevent rock collapse.

Wellhead is the beginning of a well on the surface of the earth.

The bottom of the well is the bottom of the well.

Wellbore – well walls.

Drilling water wells - drilling a well to an aquifer(sand, limestone) and construction of a well, taking into account the equipment of the water intake zone for the possibility of drawing water from the bowels of the earth.

Basic methods of drilling wells

Rotary with direct flushing

The most common way. It is used when drilling wells in rocks of different hardness and to different depths.

Direct circulation well drilling diagram

  1. Collecting settled drilling mud from the sump
  2. Suction-pressure line
  3. Mud pump
  4. Discharge line
  5. Swivel
  6. Casing
  7. Bit

Rotary with backwash

Mainly used for drilling large diameter industrial wells.

Scheme of drilling a well with reverse circulation

  1. Bit
  2. Mixer
  3. Air supply pipes
  4. Drill pipes (drill rods)
  5. Compressor
  6. Rotor
  7. Swivel
  8. Sleeve
  9. Sump (sump for drilling mud)
  10. Drill cuttings
  11. Delimiter
  12. Gutter

Rotary with air purge

Used when drilling in stable rocks. When using a pneumatic hammer, a high speed of well creation is achieved. Relevant when performing work in areas composed of rocky or hard rocks, as well as when working with fractured rocks.


It is used when drilling wells in difficult hydrogeological conditions to a depth of 100-150 meters. This method is characterized by low drilling speed and the difficulty of drilling in unstable rocks (quicksand, aquifer sands).

The main advantages of this method include:

  • obtaining a reliable geological section;
  • the near-filter zone and the filter are not clogged with clay solution (as during drilling with flushing) or destroyed rock - a reliable characteristic of the aquifer.

Rotary screw

It is used when drilling in soft and loose rocks to a depth of 30-40 m. Auger drilling is the main drilling method for creating shallow wells for sand (filter wells, see below), for drilling holes and holes (pit drill).

Pit drills are basically hydraulic attachments based on an excavator, manipulator crane and other construction equipment. It is used to speed up the work process, replacing manual physical labor - digging holes, planting seedlings, installing poles, piles, supports and other structures fixed in the ground.

How is well drilling carried out?

A vertical excavation is created by a rotating “drill string”. This is the name for a structure made of series-connected pipes, in the lower part of which a chisel, turbo or electric drill - tools for destroying rocks - is fixed.

To remove cuttings and drilled soil, a clay solution is pumped into the resulting shaft. With this method, drilling is carried out with flushing.

When drilling with an auger, the drilled rock rises to the surface in a spiral (like a drill).

When drilling wells with blowing, the drilled soil is blown out with a powerful air stream.

Casing pipes are used to strengthen the walls of the mine.

This is the most general idea of ​​rotary well drilling. With its help, the largest number of these structures are built, intended for industrial, research or private use.

Main types of wells

In relation to drilling not for industrial purposes, but for private use, engineering structures can be divided into several types of wells.

Filter wells

They are used to extract water from shallow (10-60 m) sand deposits.

Typical sand well design

A filter well (sand well) is a well built on unstable water-bearing rocks, represented by heterogeneous sands, sometimes with inclusions of gravel, boulders, and sandstones. An integral part of a sand well is the filter water intake part, in other words, a filter. Most often it is made from a perforated pipe with a stainless or polymer mesh wound around it.

Artesian wells (limestone wells)

They are used to extract formation fluid from carbonate deposits and limestone, which, in particular, in the Moscow region are located at elevations exceeding 200 m.

Wells for geothermal heating

The stock of “private” wells today is not limited only to the production facility. When arranging a heating system, the use of heat pumps is becoming popular. This technology allows you to use the heat of the earth to heat real estate remote from central communications. For the needs of these units, vertical or inclined workings are drilled, which are filled with a working medium and thereby create a thermal circuit.

  1. Horizontal collector (located below the freezing depth)
  2. Vertical probe (installed in the well)
  3. Heat pump (transfer of heat from the earth to a coolant circulating in the house).

Horizontally directed wells

Drilling such wells is used to lay communications without trenching. Modern technologies make it possible to control the drilling trajectory and set the required direction of movement of the drill. Horizontal directional drilling is in demand when conducting communications in densely populated areas, under overpasses, bridges, roads, oil pipelines and other capital structures.

Directional drilling is ideal for connecting to utility networks in densely built areas.

Wells for studying the geological structure and mining

  • reference, structural-search - to obtain global information about the geological structure of the region;
  • exploration, appraisal - drilling is carried out in order to identify the location of saturated deposits and determine their productivity;
  • production and injection - extract reserves and carry out operations to increase production volumes - injection of water, steam, gas.

How are wells drilled in the Moscow region?

The depth of the deposits and the properties of the rocks to be penetrated determine what equipment to use for drilling wells. For the private sector, the most widely used installation is on the URB 2-A2 wheeled chassis, which is used for work in the entire “range of elevations,” even if the deposit is more than 200 m away from the surface.

Drilling rigs on wheeled chassis (KAMAZ, Ural) are also used when drilling at shallower depths, when the section consists of hard rocks.

At depths of up to 100 m, small-sized and self-propelled units are used, which can be placed on a trailer - Drill unit Strong, Partner of the TS, TM series, on a tracked base - Partner series SBU, Lutz Kurth, Drill unit SBU.

When drilling wells for industrial purposes, URB-3A3, 1BA-15V installations are mainly used.

The Vodnaya Pomoshch company has a wide fleet of drilling equipment and is capable of solving problems of autonomous water supply in difficult hydrogeological conditions, in areas with limited access, throughout the Moscow region and neighboring areas. Provides a full range of installation and maintenance services for engineering and technical support networks.

Drilling is the impact of special equipment on soil layers, as a result of which a well is formed in the ground through which valuable resources will be extracted. The process of drilling oil wells is carried out in different directions of work, which depend on the location of the soil or rock formation: it can be horizontal, vertical or inclined.

As a result of the work, a cylindrical void in the form of a straight trunk, or well, is formed in the ground. Its diameter may vary depending on the purpose, but it is always less than the length parameter. The beginning of the well is located on the soil surface. The walls are called the trunk, and the bottom of the well is called the bottom.

Key milestones

If medium and light equipment can be used for water wells, then only heavy equipment can be used for drilling an oil well. The drilling process can only be carried out using special equipment.

The process itself is divided into the following stages:

  • Delivery of equipment to the site where the work will be carried out.
  • The actual drilling of the mine. The process includes several works, one of which is deepening the shaft, which occurs through regular washing and further destruction of the rock.
  • To prevent the wellbore from being destroyed and clogging it, the rock layers are strengthened. For this purpose, a special column of interconnected pipes is laid into the space. The space between the pipe and the rock is fixed with cement mortar: this work is called plugging.
  • The last job is mastery. The last layer of rock is opened there, a bottom-hole zone is formed, and the mine is perforated and fluid is drained.

Site preparation

To organize the process of drilling an oil well, it will also be necessary to carry out a preparatory stage. If development is carried out in a forest area, it is required, in addition to completing basic documentation, to obtain consent for the work from the forestry enterprise. Preparation of the site itself includes the following steps:

  1. Cutting down trees on the site.
  2. Dividing the zone into separate parts of the land.
  3. Drawing up a work plan.
  4. Creation of a settlement to house the workforce.
  5. Preparing the foundation for a drilling station.
  6. Carrying out markings at the work site.
  7. Creation of foundations for the installation of tanks in a warehouse with flammable materials.
  8. Arrangement of warehouses, delivery and debugging of equipment.

After this, it is necessary to begin preparing the equipment directly for drilling oil wells. This stage includes the following processes:

  • Installation and testing of equipment.
  • Wiring lines for power supply.
  • Installation of bases and auxiliary elements for the tower.
  • Installing the tower and raising it to the desired height.
  • Debugging of all equipment.

When the equipment for drilling oil wells is ready for operation, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from a special commission that the equipment is in good condition and ready for work, and the personnel have sufficient knowledge of safety rules for this kind of production. When checking, it is clarified whether the lighting devices have the correct design (they must have an explosion-resistant casing), and whether lighting with a voltage of 12V is installed along the depth of the shaft. Remarks regarding performance and safety must be taken into account in advance.

Before starting work on drilling a well, it is necessary to install a pit, bring in pipes to strengthen the drill shaft, a bit, small special equipment for auxiliary work, casing pipes, instruments for measurements during drilling, provide water supply and resolve other issues.

The drilling site contains accommodation facilities for workers, technical premises, a laboratory building for analyzing soil samples and the results obtained, warehouses for equipment and small working tools, as well as medical care and safety equipment.

Features of drilling an oil well

After installation, the processes of re-equipping the traveling system begin: during this work, equipment is installed, and small mechanical means are tested. Installing the mast opens the process of drilling into the soil; the direction should not diverge from the axial center of the tower.

After the alignment is completed, a well is created according to the direction: this process means installing a pipe to strengthen the trunk and filling the initial part with cement. After setting the direction, the alignment between the tower itself and the rotor axes is adjusted again.

Drilling for a hole is carried out in the center of the trunk, and during the work, casing is done using pipes. When drilling a hole, a turbo drill is used; to adjust the rotation speed, it is necessary to hold it with a rope, which is fixed on the tower itself, and physically held by the other part.

A couple of days before the launch of the drilling rig, when the preparatory stage has passed, a conference is held with the participation of members of the administration: technologists, geologists, engineers, drillers. Issues discussed at the conference include the following:

  • Layout of strata in an oil field: a layer of clay, a layer of sandstone with water carriers, a layer of oil deposits.
  • Design features of the well.
  • Rock composition at the research and development point.
  • Taking into account possible difficulties and complicating factors that may arise when drilling an oil well in a particular case.
  • Review and analysis of the standard map.
  • Consideration of issues related to trouble-free wiring.

Documents and equipment: basic requirements

The process of drilling an oil well can begin only after a number of documents have been completed. These include the following:

  • Permission to start operating the drilling site.
  • Map of standards.
  • Journal on drilling fluids.
  • Journal on ensuring labor safety at work.
  • Accounting for the functioning of diesel engines.
  • Shift log.

To the main mechanical equipment and consumables that are used in the process of drilling a well, The following types include:

  • Equipment for cementing, the cement mortar itself.
  • Safety equipment.
  • Logging mechanisms.
  • Process water.
  • Reagents for various purposes.
  • Water for drinking.
  • Pipes for casing and actual drilling.
  • Helicopter pad.

Well types

In the process of drilling an oil well, a shaft is formed in the rock, which is checked for the presence of oil or gas by perforating the shaft, which stimulates the influx of the desired substance from the productive area. After this, the drilling equipment is dismantled, the well is sealed indicating the start and end dates of drilling, and then the garbage is removed and the metal parts are disposed of.

At the beginning of the process, the trunk diameter is up to 90 cm, and by the end it rarely reaches 16.5 cm. During the work, the construction of a well is done in several stages:

  1. Deepening the bottom of a well, for which drilling equipment is used: it crushes the rock.
  2. Removing debris from the mine.
  3. Secure the trunk with pipes and cement.
  4. Work during which the resulting fault is examined and productive locations of oil are identified.
  5. Descent of depth and its cementing.

Wells can vary in depth and are divided into the following types:

  • Small (up to 1500 meters).
  • Medium (up to 4500 meters).
  • Deep (up to 6000 meters).
  • Ultra-deep (more than 6000 meters).

Drilling a well involves crushing a solid rock formation with a chisel. The resulting parts are removed by washing with a special solution; The depth of the mine becomes greater when the entire face area is destroyed.

Problems during oil drilling

While drilling wells, you may encounter a number of technical problems that will slow down or make work almost impossible. These include the following phenomena:

  • Trunk destruction, collapses.
  • Discharge of liquid into the soil for flushing (removing parts of rock).
  • Emergency conditions of equipment or mine.
  • Errors in drilling the barrel.

Most often, wall collapses occur due to the fact that the rock has an unstable structure. A sign of a collapse is increased pressure, greater viscosity of the fluid used for flushing, as well as an increased number of pieces of rock that come to the surface.

Liquid absorption most often occurs when the underlying formation completely absorbs the solution. Its porous system or high degree of absorbency contributes to this phenomenon.

During the process of drilling a well, the projectile, which moves clockwise, reaches the bottom and rises back. The drilling of the well reaches the bedrock formations, into which cutting up to 1.5 meters occurs. To prevent the well from being washed out, a pipe is immersed at the beginning, which also serves as a means of carrying the flushing solution directly into the trench.

The drill bit, as well as the spindle, can rotate at different speeds and frequencies; this indicator depends on what types of rocks need to be punched and what diameter of the crown will be formed. The speed is controlled by a regulator, which regulates the level of load on the bit used for drilling. During the work, the necessary pressure is created, which is exerted on the walls of the face and the cutters of the projectile itself.

Well drilling design

Before starting the process of creating an oil well, a project is drawn up in the form of a drawing, which outlines the following aspects:

  • Properties of the discovered rocks (resistance to destruction, hardness, degree of water content).
  • The depth of the well, its angle of inclination.
  • The diameter of the shaft at the end: this is important to determine the extent to which it is affected by the hardness of the rock.
  • Well drilling method.

Designing an oil well must begin with determining the depth, the final diameter of the shaft itself, as well as the level of drilling and design features. Geological analysis allows us to resolve these issues, regardless of the type of well.

Drilling methods

The process of creating a well for oil production can be carried out in several ways:

  • Shock-rope method.
  • Work using rotary mechanisms.
  • Drilling a well using a downhole motor.
  • Turbine type drilling.
  • Drilling a well using a screw motor.
  • Drilling a well using an electric drill.

The first method is one of the most well-known and proven methods, and in this case the shaft is pierced with chisel blows, which are carried out at certain intervals. The blows are made through the influence of the weight of the chisel and the weighted rod. The lifting of the equipment occurs due to the balancer of the drilling equipment.

Working with rotary equipment is based on the rotation of the mechanism using a rotor, which is placed at the wellhead through drilling pipes that perform the function of a shaft. Drilling small wells is done through the participation of a spindle motor in the process. The rotary drive is connected to a cardan and a winch: this device allows you to control the speed at which the shafts rotate.

Drilling with a turbine is carried out by transmitting rotating torque to the column from a motor. The same method allows you to transfer hydraulic energy. With this method, only one energy supply channel operates at the level before the face.

A turbo drill is a special mechanism that converts hydraulic energy in solution pressure into mechanical energy, which ensures rotation.

The process of drilling an oil well consists of lowering and lifting the column into the shaft, as well as holding it suspended. A column is a prefabricated structure made of pipes that are connected to each other using special locks. The main task is to transfer different types of energy to the bit. In this way, movement is carried out, leading to the deepening and development of the well.