Seeing a dark sea in a dream. Dream interpretation: sea with fish

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing a calm and calm sea in a dream is a sign of a stop, a delay in business. At the same time, the restless sea in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and the fact that your business will be realized only if you make every effort to do so.

Look at the sea - to receive news from afar. Looking through binoculars is a sign of expectation of important news or an early solution to a mysterious incident. Dark sea water portends the receipt of gloomy news, and light sea water predicts that the news will be joyful. Sailing on a calm sea surface and not encountering obstacles on your way in a dream means that you will be rich, healthy and happy. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a desire. To be in the sea in a dream or fall into it is a sign of loss, loss, experience. Walking on the sea surface as if on land in a dream portends well-being and good luck in business. Especially for those who are going on a long journey.

For a woman, such a dream portends that passion will burn her. To see a storm at sea in a dream - to chagrin and loss. If you see a small ship fighting the waves in a stormy sea, then know that your hopes to occupy a certain position in society will fail this time after much effort and effort. To make a sea cruise in a dream - to receive interesting news. Meeting pirates at sea is a bad omen that warns you of a possible accident on the road. Walking along the seashore in a dream means that soon you will have to go somewhere. See ship, water, storm, wind.

Why dream of the sea in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

The sea in a dream reflects an emotional and creative upsurge, the element of the unconscious in a person. Blue, clear sea - joy, favor of fate. Stormy sea, storm - your incontinence will create problems for you; broken love. Flying over the sea is a dream come true. Fall into the sea - you will lose an expensive thing. Drowning in the sea - you will be to blame for many of your misfortunes. Swim in the sea - risk health. Sailing on the sea on a ship means that in reality they are waiting for you happy events. To be shipwrecked is bad news. To see the distant light of a beacon - in the very near future, the path to success will be open to you.

Why dream of the sea in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of the sea - to the trouble. If you dreamed of a calm sea - to a quiet, measured life; stormy sea in a dream - to turmoil in the family; fall into the sea in a dream - you will get into a very dubious business; drowning in a dream in the sea - getting into trouble due to your own stupidity.

Dreams in which you see the sea can only indicate that you dream of spending your vacation on the beach, admiring the glare of the sun on the sea waves. However, such dreams may have another interpretation, described in the dream books of famous interpreters.

Hasse counts the sea in dreams reflection of your existence. For example, a calm sea in a dream indicates that in the near future your life will be filled with peace, and a seething one, on the contrary, indicates the approach of some significant events that will have a significant impact on your life. In his interpretation, dreams in which you swim in the sea will warn of a possible risky event in which you will be invited to participate, and falling into the sea is considered to be the personification of future losses.

Miller sees in such dreams a message about the futility of hopes and expectations, and Tsvetkov points out that dreams in which you admire sea water portend news or an unexpected meeting, while walks on the beach, especially along the water, they say that they will soon have to pack on the road.

Esoterics in their dream book they note that the sea in a dream personifies your life as a whole, so you need to pay attention to your own behavior and feelings in a dream.

French dream book says that all dreams about the sea have a positive connotation. Seeing the surging sea - to victory over circumstances, very calm or, conversely, too stormy - to the upcoming trials, from which you will come out with honor.

And in modern dream book such dreams are considered to be a harbinger of bankruptcy or serious financial losses. In addition, a storm at sea in a modern dream book is seen as a warning about an impending quarrel with the person from whom you least expect it. And swimming in a calm sea, according to modern interpreters, is considered a harbinger of conflicts with relatives and relatives, while the reason for them may turn out to be very insignificant.

"Marine" interpretations of Freud

Freud's dream book filled with interpretations that have sexual overtones, however, the sea deserves special attention, because it is a reflection of your sexual satisfaction and personal life in general. Dreams in which you see the sea in the distance, but do not approach it, indicate that at this stage of life there is no place for sex in it, and this component is considered something difficult or completely inaccessible to you. In addition, Freud points out that this state of affairs is due to your dissatisfaction with your own appearance and inability to appreciate your own attractiveness, and, moreover, to believe in it.

If in a dream you look at the calm sea, then, most likely, in life you just lack peace and stability. Swim in the sea- everything in your life is wonderful, you are happy with everything. At the same time, Freud believes that the prevailing favorable situation due to the fact that your sex life began to suit you.

See yourself entering the churning sea- a harbinger of a stormy night of love, which you previously only dreamed of. The interpreter is sure that such a dream indicates an imminent improvement in your personal life, which will happen unexpectedly and without your efforts.

Swimming underwater- not a very good dream, because it personifies your curiosity, which will not be useful, and possibly upset you. But in order to better understand this dream, find out how the interpreters decipher it - this will give a more accurate assessment of the dream.

The dream in which you see someone swimming in the sea, suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to help this person in some business that he alone will clearly be unable to do. Pay attention to whether you saw in such a dream a friend, relative or some unknown person to you.

Specific interpretations

Use blue sea dream predictions - you can do a lot now.

Worth worrying about real life if you dreamed about the surging sea?

Sea and beach

The dream speaks of a calm, measured family life a man who dreamed of the sea and the beach, and this will always be his fate, no matter what he does and no matter how hard he tries to change. He will never be at the epicenter of passions and will not feel a storm of emotions, everything will be dry and restrained.

The stormy sea, on the contrary, warns that you should not show your intemperance, you should try to be more calm and prudent, especially when it comes to working moments and conversations with colleagues and bosses.

Sea and ship

Such a dream symbolizes the end of one life stage and the gradual entry into another. The ship means that all important things will be completed on time and done correctly, you will be satisfied with yourself.

A ship at sea is traditionally considered a symbol of hope. Accordingly, a restless sea with high waves and a storm signify that to achieve what you are striving for in this moment it will be very difficult. If the sea is clear and calm, you can be sure of your victory over your opponents.

Sea and dolphins

You should expect joyful events and positive news. Your mood will be playful and positive, tune in to receive gifts or rewards for your progress. Dolphins in nature live in harmony with each other and with the surrounding reality, so the one who had such a dream will enjoy life and can even receive spiritual enlightenment. In real life, you do not have enough friends who could inspire with their examples and give smiles to others. Soon you will meet exactly the person who will be your soul mate.

Sea and mountains

Such a dream means that there are serious obstacles on the way to your goal. If you can clearly see the mountain, you will receive significant help from stranger. If the top of the mountain is hidden by fog or covered with snow, you are planning to do a noble deed. By ending it the way you want it, you will help many people who will repay your service and support in kind. The mountain barely visible beyond the sea symbolizes decline. You cannot achieve what you are striving for.

Sea shore

The seashore signals that the most the main objective in your life successfully achieved. Now you are waiting for a well-deserved rest and celebration of a great event. A smooth, gently sloping shore suggests that in the life of the one who saw this dream, everything will go smoothly and clearly. A steep slope - to problems in the family. The seashore, visible in the distance - to the setting of new grandiose goals.

Black Sea

You or someone close to you will break dangerous disease. Try not to put your health at risk and visit a specialist at the first complaints of pain in order to be able to determine the type of disease as early as possible and start treating it before it is too late to do so. If you liked this dream and, waking up, you feel joyful excitement, you will be given a big burden of serious and, perhaps, even dangerous work. If you can manage it, you will be respected as a valuable employee and consulted with you on key issues.

Swim in the sea

You will be satisfied with the events taking place in life, you will be surrounded by joy and pleasure. Soon in your life will happen a situation that would be fateful. Swimming in a calm sea promises the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of what was planned, but if the sea is worried and raging, then your road to a happy and comfortable family life will be difficult and thorny, will be littered with many obstacles.

Why is the sea dreaming? We tend to see different plots and images in a dream. Psychologists explain this fact in their own way. In general, they all agree with one opinion - the human body rests during sleep, therefore it is transferred to another world - the world of illusions. Often dreams reflect our secret desires, because at the subconscious level the human brain works in its usual mode. At the same time, at the stage deep sleep, sometimes we can see the most unpredictable visions that are inexplicable. But the dream books of famous seers give us answers to any questions, and each of them interprets the dream in his own way. So let's find out - why can we dream of the sea? Does such a dream really reflect our desire to relax somewhere on the shore exotically? beautiful sea, enjoy the breath of the sea air? Or maybe we're just tired and already thinking about a vacation? Let's find out the answer from the most popular dream books.

Why the sea is dreaming - Freud's dream book

Old Freud in his repertoire and his dream book beats the sea like this. In his interpretation, seeing the sea in the distance is nothing but your sexual temperament and you do not consider sex as a means of satisfaction. Most likely, you cannot relax in sex for a banal reason - you do not like your body. But this does not mean that your partner / partner does not like your body.
If you enjoy a quiet and calm sea from the shore or ship in a dream, then you do not have stability. Relax - it will be here very soon! You dreamed that you were swimming in the sea - this symbolizes good luck in all areas of your activity. And the reason for this is your full-fledged sex life, which you did not believe in before.
Are you entering a raging sea in a dream? Get ready - a passionate night is waiting for you. Moreover, it will be a surprise for you!
I dreamed that you were swimming in the depths of the sea - this reflects your desire to find out the unknown. You can be prepared for the fact that you will face great disappointment.

Why the sea is dreaming - Miller's dream book

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, seeing the sea in a dream is a symbol of unfulfilled expectations, both spiritually and materially. You heard in a dream the monotonous sound of the surf - your life is meaningless at this stage. There is no friendship, love and aspiration. Rather change your lifestyle.
If a young woman dreamed that she was swimming in the sea with her boyfriend, then all her wishes would come true. A long and happy life lies ahead.

Seeing the blue sea in this dream book means a possible trip to the water. If you dreamed of a raging sea - this is a possible surge of emotions on the professional front.

Why dream of a calm sea - this is a change in personal life

What is the dream of the sea according to Wangi's dream book

Vanga believes that if a person saw a calm in the sea in a dream, or how else can one say - he dreamed of a calm morning, then everything is going well in his life, friends and work colleagues will soon have respect. A calm and balanced life awaits you. But those of you who saw a storm in a dream or dreamed of a noisy sea can lose their reputation. Beware of conspiracies against you.
You bathed in a dream in a pleasant sea ​​water- you expect pleasure from life. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to ask yourself - did you deserve it? Of course!!!

If you dreamed that you were drowning in the sea - this is a new difficulty in your life, but don't worry, you have enough strength to cope with it

What is the dream of the sea - dream book of Nostradamus

Did you dream about the sea? Calm, quiet sea? How does the dream book of Nostramus interpret the dream of the sea? This is a good sign that symbolizes good health, well-being. If a sick person dreamed of the sea, then this suggests that she will soon be successfully cured of her ailment.

you saw in a dream sea ​​waves which means you need to put things in order. And the sooner the better. In addition, if you are a business person, then sea waves can symbolize your victory in business.

You were drowning in a dream - it means that everything that is currently happening in your life is quite natural. The reason for this is your early mistakes. And when a sleeping person sees in a dream his friend who is hanging out in the sea, this indicates that a person close to you is waiting for all possible help from you. Do not refuse him - he will not be able to cope with his problems on his own.

Why the sea is dreaming - Hasse's dream book

And how does Hasse's dream book interpret the sea in a dream? Hasse prophesies a calm and harmonious life to those of you who saw a calm sea in a dream. And if in a dream you saw a stormy sea, then you will have a stormy life. When a person dreams that he is swimming in the sea, then you should be wary - you have started dangerous things. Seeing a person falling into the sea in a dream incurs losses for you, and if you drown in the waves of the sea, it means that you yourself are the cause of your misfortune.

To figure out why the sea is dreaming, such dreams should be interpreted depending on the following dream criteria. When you build a logical system of dream images, you can open the dream book and see what the sea is dreaming of.

  • Who are you - a man, a woman, a young girl?
  • Do you swim, stand (sit, lie) on the shore or look at the sea from afar?
  • Is the sea that you saw in a dream calm? Or is it covered by big waves? If you see a storm?
  • Do you see a clean, transparent or dirty sea in a dream?
  • Do you dream of any living creatures in the sea - dolphins, whales, or maybe sharks?
  • Are there ships in the sea?

Depending on the gender and age of the dreamer

The sea in a dream for a woman is most often a symbol of her love and family relationships or a state of health.

Seeing an idyllic picture in a dream: a clear blue sky, the sun, the sea, white sand is most often a symbol that a woman is completely satisfied with her relationship, including their intimate side.

According to the dream book, swimming in the sea, if it is dirty or restless, raging - on the contrary, to diseases, scandals.

  • For a young girl who does not yet have a lover, a dream in which the sea is clear, blue, calm and transparent can portend the imminent acquisition of love and boundless happiness.
  • A dream in which a storm rises on the sea warns her that she should be more careful and not trust people too much, otherwise trouble will happen.
  • Some events are likely that will seriously threaten the reputation of a woman.
  • If a man dreams of the sea - most often for him this is a harbinger of the fact that wide prospects are opening up before him, he is free in actions and in choosing tactics. Therefore, in any business he will be successful.

Why see the coast, the beach?

If you dream of a pleasant vacation by the sea, a clean, beautiful and well-groomed beach - most likely, such a dream portends you calm and serene times, a period when you don’t have to feverishly make any important and fateful decisions. Everything happens by itself exactly the way you would like it to.

If in a dream you have to make your way through a crowd of people, then in reality, in order to achieve your goal, you will have to overcome whole line obstacles, sometimes quite difficult.

To dream about how you are going on vacation somewhere to a seaside resort means to go somewhere in reality. It will not necessarily be a sea voyage, but in any case, the trip will be pleasant and very memorable.

Seeing a deserted beach in a dream and wandering along it alone is a symbol of vain dreams, longing and loneliness.

What does the sea surface look like in a dream?

Why dream of the sea if it is calm , Is the water clear and clean? Most often, such a dream speaks of the purity of thoughts. Swimming in such water means gaining great luck in the very near future.

Dirty water, on the contrary, warns that you should beware of gossip and illness, take a closer look at your close circle. However, according to the interpretation given by female dream book the sea is dirty a symbol of the fact that material wealth awaits you.

And for a woman to see that she is swimming in dirty sea water or that sea water accidentally got into her mouth is an omen of an imminent pregnancy.

If the sea in your dream is covered with small waves, you should prepare for minor, but very annoying troubles, which, most likely, can be overcome without much loss.

Strong, big waves, passing into, portend serious problems. But there is always a chance to avoid them and literally get out of the water dry. In the event that the elements raging in a dream did not overwhelm you with your head.

Big waves, however, can have another interpretation. They dream of people who need to put things in order as soon as possible if they want to succeed.

What does ship mean?

Why dream of the sea and the ship in it? Dream Interpretations do not give an unambiguous answer to this question, but they firmly agree that the ship is a symbol of hope and future changes for the better.

According to the dream book, the positive effect of such a dream is enhanced if the sea is calm and quiet, the water in it is clean, and there are no obstacles for the movement of the ship on the water surface.

If you dream of a raging sea, and the ship is forced to overcome the storm, this can mean both a complete collapse in business (if the ship goes to the bottom), and the fact that you take a confident, firm position, control the situation and are not afraid of any difficulties ( if you are on board the ship).

A ship that has run aground or is at anchor may portend temporary difficulties in business, a slowdown in resolving complex issues.

Why do sea creatures dream?

If you dream of a sea in which dolphins or whales swim, this is a very good sign. Swimming with is a harbinger that in the near future you will find a reliable, faithful and devoted friend or receive help from a loved one.

Dolphins in general mean only good: good health, promotion, pleasant meetings. For women, dolphins also symbolize attractiveness and beauty.

Seeing in a dream is also a very good sign. Such a dream promises help, support and protection, often even from an unexpected side.

But a shark in a dream is not the most positive image. Swimming in the sea among sharks means exposing yourself to serious danger in reality, and doing it consciously.

Sharks swimming in clear sea water hint that in general everything is going well in your life, but ill-wishers want to destroy this idyll.

A dead shark, oddly enough, is a symbol of peace and prosperity, and if you killed it, it is also a sign that you can easily defeat any enemy.

If in a dream you see a shark tearing its prey apart, in reality you will probably have to rush between feeling and duty (as an option, between career and love).

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • The ocean symbolizes the sea of ​​life, your subconscious mind, and the tremendous intuitive power within you. It's time to delve into the primal wisdom that lives within you. Trust your intuition.
  • The meaning of this sign may vary depending on the condition of the water. A calm, calm ocean testifies to great inner strength, as well as emotional and spiritual balance. The stormy, restless ocean requires great courage from you to embark on a journey to calm waters through emotional storms. (See also Water)

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • good value
    If you dreamed that you were swimming in the sea, now it is very good time to start your business. So that you do not have any problems with the business, at the initial stage, drink a tablespoon of sea water every day.
  • bad value
    If you dreamed that you were drowning in the sea, they are trying to use you. To prevent a person from working out, take a bath by candlelight before going to bed.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • The sea is a symbol of infinity and greatness, the element of the unconscious in man.
  • Dreams about the sea - they say that in life there comes a period when you depend not so much on your own strengths, but on external ones.
  • A clear, calm, serene sea, reflecting the luminary - joy, serenity, in-depth contemplation of the world and life.
  • Stormy sea - unconscious forces in you are out of control, damage from this.
  • The surf with even and calm beats of the waves is a calm life / time of spiritual growth.
  • Sea foam in abundance - deceptive hopes.
  • Fall into the sea - harm, disaster.
  • The moon among the gloomy clouds over the raging sea is a dream fatal for the development of your destiny, something unusual and unfavorable.
  • Quiet sea with moon and moonlit path over the sea - peaceful happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • The raging sea - they can tell us that we must learn to look not superficially, but to delve into the depths of our emotions and experiences.
  • Waves are strong feelings and experiences. A muddy, dirty overflowing wave - to a big quarrel or a serious illness.
  • The tide is the fulfillment of hopes, new opportunities. If you are standing on the shore and watching the surf - a quick resolution of matters.
  • Look at the sea - get news from afar; walk along the seashore - a road awaits you; sail the sea on a steamboat - serious changes await you.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See the sea in a dream

  • The light sound of the sea, heard in a dream, promises melancholy and loneliness.
  • In general, dreams about the sea are rather sad. They testify to the futility of expectations and spiritual emptiness.
  • But the girl who dreams that she quickly glides over the surface of the sea with her lover is waiting for a happy dream come true.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

See the sea in a dream

  • Long journey. Quiet, calm sea - the trip will be successful and enjoyable. The stormy sea portends many problems and worries.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

See the sea in a dream

  • It symbolizes the opportunities that open (or close) before you. Qualitative characteristics the seas indicate the situation in which you find yourself: stormy, dirty, addictive - you are at an impasse; clean, transparent, on which you easily swim - everything is in order, before you are endless new possibilities.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

See the sea in a dream

  • A dream about the sea is always favorable, because it promises health, peace of mind, prosperity. If the sea is slightly worried in a dream - the dream portends your victory over circumstances; perhaps this is a sign that you will be able to restore order in your affairs after many years of confusion. Too calm or very stormy sea in a dream is a warning: fate is preparing a test for you, and you must endure it steadfastly. Good dream in which you fall into the sea - he promises long health or recovery of the patient.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • Boundless sea. - Great happiness and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • Standing on the shores of the turbulent sea - to a stormy life, entertainment and love adventures. If you see yourself in the waves during a storm, expect stormy scenes in the family or with your loved one. For a young woman, a dream in which she and her lover are sailing on the sea in calm promises the fulfillment of the desires of youth and a long joyful life.

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • If someone sees that he is traveling by sea, then in reality he will prevail, confronting an important dignitary.
  • Seeing yourself drowning in the sea is a harbinger that the leadership will invite you to their place for a report.
  • The dream in which you dreamed that there were waves on the sea means anxiety and a painful mood.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • If you hear the melancholy sound of the sea in a dream, it means. You are destined to a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation.
  • Dreams about the sea testify to the futility of your expectations, as, indulging in carnal pleasures. You will yearn for the delight of the spirit, which the flesh cannot replace.
  • If a girl dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her beloved, it means that her girlish dreams will happily come true, and joy will guard vows of fidelity.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • The sea - to see beautiful, calm, but not foamy or swim in it - the fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • walk along the coast, the beach - the road;
  • look at the sea - lead from afar;
  • sail on a boat - important changes;
  • blue water, blue - meeting;
  • swim in the sea - fulfillment of desires;
  • sea ​​depth - stomach; hidden anxiety.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • The sea that you see in a dream from afar indicates that you currently think of sex as something inaccessible and unreal, at least not that you can enjoy it. In fact, the reason for such an idea is your attitude towards your own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to fully relax and enjoy.
  • The calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from the ship indicates that you lack the peace that you are looking for wherever you can. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you lack so much.
  • If you dreamed about someone swimming in the sea, the dream has a good meaning - you can help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that at present you feel great, everything works out for you the way you yourself wish, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although so far you have not given it no value.
  • If in your dream you tried to enter a restless, raging sea, then expect such a night of love that you have not had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like this. Do not do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself.
  • Swim underwater in the sea - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only be upset.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • Dreams about the sea are a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and aspirations. Even if material needs are satisfied, spiritual needs remain. If you hear in a dream the measured sound of the surf, evoking sadness, then this can predict a meaningless and painful life in which there is no place for friendship and love. If a young woman dreamed that she and her lover were sailing on the sea in calm, then this dream promises the fulfillment of the desires of youth and a long joyful life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • The sea is joy; worried - sadness.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • Your life; what a sea, such is life; where you are in the sea, there you are in life (at the bottom, on the surface, on the shore).

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • It means the possibility of endless development and symbolizes the organism as a whole. Changes in the sea indicate the condition of the subject's body.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Yellow Emperor

See the sea in a dream

  • Primary elements - water.
  • Elements - cold, wind.
  • Emotions - fear, anger.
  • Organs - kidneys, liver.
  • Planets - Mercury, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and interpretation
  • Like the wind, water has no shape, but it easily wraps any shape and fills (takes shape) any volume. The energy of water is a passive (without combining with yang activity) slowing down yin-energy - drowning, like water, the energy of calming and stopping the development process (without wind, water becomes stagnant - dead). When a person lacks yang energy (the gallbladder, bladder and intestines are weakened), then internal energy of the yin organs goes outside (according to the rules of yin - inside, yang - outside), which in a dream is perceived as immersion in water - immersion in oneself, in one's state of lack of will. Physiologically, this image is explained by the fact that blood flows inward and overflows dense organs, which gives rise to a state of heaviness, immobility (sinking and not being able to move, row), depression, fear and fatigue with indifference to the future. Then there is an image of submission to a huge (impossible to fight) and all-consuming elements (absorbing everything into its bosom). Sea ( big water) see/cross/swim/sink - if the yin energy of the organs is in an overwhelming yang-energy calm, then a person dreams that he is sailing on the sea and he is scared. Drowning in a dream is a sign of complete depletion of yang energy and submission to negative emotions. Submission to both internal and external difficulties in a dream is perceived as drowning. Doctor's advice (kidneys) and a change of scenery (rest) are needed. Sailing on the sea / water in a dream and struggling with difficulties, despite the formidable superiority on their part (refers to any situation: health, work, family, etc.) - an active search for a way out, revision and awareness of real internal forces. Striving and action are in themselves favorable; fate usually sends help to those who struggle. Swim out - reach the shore / escape: a dream predicts a favorable outcome and unexpected help. However, you should still check for possible health losses (kidneys).

See the sea in a dream

  • The primary elements are earth, water, wood.
  • Elements - cold, humidity, wind.
  • Emotions - thoughtfulness, fear, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, pancreas, kidneys, liver, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter.
  • The sea has always been for man a symbol of unlimited freedom of spirit and possibilities. Despite the fact that the elements of the sea can threaten a person with disaster at any moment, people like to look at both the calm and the raging sea, people are attracted to the sea by an unknown force, and those who have chosen the profession of a sailor usually do not abandon it for the sake of the most tempting benefits on land. In other words, the sea is a powerful combination of three primordial elements, the energy of the sea is so great that even just looking at it removes stagnation and blocks in the movement of energy in the body. The sea cleanses souls, and a soul cleansed and liberated from the captivity of everyday habits easily corrects and cleanses its own body. To see the sea in a dream with admiration for its boundlessness - a yin-yang state of depth and length, maximum fullness of volume. To admire the boundlessness of the sea in a dream means to anticipate and realize the life path, not only as a distance and the sum of years and actions, but also as a way to simultaneously comprehend oneself and the world, without which all actions are aimless, and life is a random set of unnecessary facts. The road is not only overcoming the distance, but also changing one's own worldview of the path, revising one's past and new ideas about the future. But on the road, all this is done gradually. The sea is a space that has both length and depth; this is a voluminous and at the same time immense space, since its shores and bottom are out of sight of the observer. Therefore, the sea in a dream is a comprehension of everything life path at the same time both humanity and one's own. Feeling himself a part of the universe and at the same time realizing his only self - this is a man in volume, a man boundless, like the sea. The dream is favorable: the fullness and infinity of the life of the sea is the fullness and infinity of one's own creative ideas and spiritual potential, but the dream does not predict specific events. Watching the sea with fear is unfavorable: consciousness is on the verge of abandoning the very need for spiritual movement, which ultimately leads to fixation on the little things of life and the gradual erasure of the only self to the level of a thing. Those who observe a too stormy sea in a dream should remember that too active Napoleonic plans will cause a response movement of the elements: a stormy situation can sweep away its creator. Such a dream in the winter season indicates a favorable fullness of strength, however, there is a not very favorable divergence of the dreamer's rhythms from the seasonal rhythms that require rest. Stormy plans can be held until spring.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

See the sea in a dream

  • Calm - calm life; turbulent - stormy life; fall into the sea - incur losses; sail the sea - start dangerous things; drowning in the sea - he is to blame for his misfortune.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

See the sea in a dream

  • The quiet, calm sea seen in a dream is a sign of a balanced relationship with the second half, a complete idyll in bed.
  • A storm at sea in bad weather means that it's time for you to think about a temporary separation, because your mutual jealousy haunts both of you.
  • Male reproductive organs
  • A dream vision of male genital organs can be interpreted by some representatives of psychoanalysis as a symbol of strength, the personification of a certain sexual principle that gives an incentive for the development of the individual and society, because Freud's theory paid attention primarily to male sexuality. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that this dream does not carry a pronounced sexual connotation, therefore its interpretation has a slightly different direction than it could have received from the orthodox supporters of the founder of psychoanalysis.
  • Based on the general theoretical principles of psychoanalysis, we will be able to draw a conclusion that, in our opinion, will be more correct than the one that Freud himself could come to: let's move away from his characteristic sexualization of the libido and its manifestations in sleep. Interpretation this dream should be done in the following way.
  • It is obvious that you are in need of authority. In other words, around you you can not find people worthy of emulation, whose example you could follow. Thus, the sexual interpretation is translated into a much broader and generally significant one: the search for an object of imitation in order to compare your actions with it, which sometimes cause you doubts. It is also possible that at the moment you are in need of advice because you are hesitant to accept important decision on one's own. Male striptease
  • As stated modern philosophy, male striptease is a very young phenomenon in human culture. After all, its consumers are women, and for many centuries, until the end of the last century, they played the role of a model and an object that a man contemplates, but they themselves never played the role of a beholder. And yet, male striptease not only takes place in real life, but sometimes appears in our dreams.
  • If a woman saw a dream with similar content, this can be considered as some reflection of the processes of emancipation taking place in society and everyday life. What was previously exclusively the privilege of men is now becoming available to women. And striptease here is a typical example of this trend. Seeing this type of entertainment in a dream means the desire to free oneself from male oppression. Apparently, you consider yourself a woman born for freedom, and not to be crushed by the authority of the strong half of humanity.
  • Nevertheless, liberation is one of those problems for you that is difficult to solve without sacrificing something dear. But such is our life: you have to pay for everything. The only question is that the result will justify your sacrifices. So before taking appropriate action, you should think carefully about your actions.
  • If a man dreams of a striptease, in this case the dream has, of course, a different interpretation. Classical psychoanalysis will probably declare the latent homosexuality of such a person. But we, going in line with a balanced interpretation of dreams, will assume that the plot of night vision expresses some degree of dissatisfaction caused by the fact that in your work the practice does not correspond to the results that you originally expected.

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