Baked garmelon in the oven recipe. Pumpkin baked in the oven - a recipe for cooking. Pumpkin baked in the oven in slices in citrus caramel with honey.

Although pumpkin is not uncommon in our latitudes, only two or three dishes are prepared from it. But in many European countries, pumpkin is simply idolized, adding it often and thickly to any dish. But the most revered pumpkin recipe, which is also a classic, is a pumpkin baked in slices in the oven. By the way, no sugar. It is refueled only with oil and spices and, including salt. There is another cooking method, but this is already clearly for gourmets.


  • medium-sized pumpkin - about 1/4 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • a mixture of herbs "hops-suneli" - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking pumpkin baked in the oven slices

Cut the pumpkin in half, and then cut one of the halves in half again. Since even an average pumpkin is quite impressive in size, we will cook a quarter of it. In any case, be guided by the size of the pumpkin you purchased and the number of servings you want.

With the help of a tablespoon, we extract the loose center with seeds, we will not need it.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into slices (cubes or sticks).

We take a form suitable for baking and put pieces of pumpkin in it.

Drizzle the pumpkin with a little olive oil, season with salt and sprinkle with the herb mixture.

We send the form with the pumpkin into a preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The finished pumpkin will be lightly browned and become incredibly soft and tender, sweet on the inside and savory on the outside. We serve the finished pumpkin in slices directly in the baking dish, and during the meal we lay it out in portions. This dish goes well with baked chicken or fish. Bon appetit!

More on this topic:

Of the many baked pumpkin recipes, my favorite is the unsweetened pumpkin baked in the oven in chunks. The recipe is very successful. Juicy, tender, fragrant, soaked in a sauce of Provence herbs, which include thyme, basil, marjoram and oregano, with a slight hearty aftertaste of baked garlic - such a pumpkin is good as an independent vegetable dish or as a side dish to fried meat or cutlets. It is prepared very simply, baked in record time - in just 20 minutes.


  • Fresh pumpkin - 1 kg,
  • Garlic - 2 teeth,
  • Salt - 2/3 teaspoon,
  • Seasoning "Provencal herbs" - 1 teaspoon,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

How to bake pumpkin slices in the oven

So, everything is simple. First, cut off a piece of pumpkin right size. I have a three-kilogram pumpkin, so I separated a third. The variety of this pumpkin is butternut. It has the shape of a bottle and the upper oblong part of it has no seeds at all, solid pulp. The skin of the pumpkin is quite dense, but it is removed quite easily. In order not to be cut off, put the pumpkin on cutting board just as they put up a log when they want to chop firewood from it. Cut down. Next, with a knife, we make a cut between the skin and the pulp and, as it were, “cut down” it, as if chips are separated from a log.

We cut the peeled pumpkin. Do not make too thin slices, otherwise they will not hold their shape when baked.

Put the pumpkin in a suitable container. I only had a saucepan free. But any bowl will do.

We collect everything for the sauce: oil, spices, salt, garlic, which must be peeled and grated on a fine grater.

Put everything in a bowl with pumpkin.

Stir so that all the pieces of pumpkin are covered with sauce.

Spread on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, or in a ceramic dish. Do not put on an enameled baking sheet, the pumpkin may stick. Another important point: pieces of pumpkin for baking in the oven should be laid out so that they do not touch each other. At a short distance. Otherwise, everything will stick together and you will get porridge.

Baked pumpkin is prepared very quickly - literally 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. It is important not to overexpose the pumpkin, otherwise it will spread into porridge.

Let the pumpkin stand for 10 minutes before serving so that it is better saturated with the sauce.

Bon appetit!

Pumpkin or "Orange watermelon" is a vegetable with mixed reactions. Pumpkin is either loved and eaten with pleasure in all forms, or they cannot stand it at all. There is also a third category of citizens who understand that the pumpkin is terribly healthy (which, in general, is true!), And eat it solely because of its usefulness. Here for pumpkin haters and those who are honestly trying to love it, we have selected several different recipes for baked pumpkin, ranging from salads to delicious desserts. Baked pumpkin is the most good option cooking pumpkin.

Greek style baked pumpkin salad

300 g pumpkin pulp
80 g olives
80 g feta cheese,
3 tbsp chopped oregano leaves
olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes, arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper. Bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 30 minutes. Cut the olives into circles, cheese into cubes, combine all the ingredients and season balsamic vinegar and salt.

Baked pumpkin with egg

600-700 g pumpkin,
4 eggs,
50 g butter,

Roast pumpkin, cut into cubes butter sprinkled with salt. Whisk the eggs with a fork, pour over the pumpkin and place in a hot oven. Bake until the eggs are done. As a healthier option for preparing this dish, we can recommend not frying the pumpkin, but simmering it in milk. Drizzle with sour cream when serving.

Cut the pumpkin into slices, arrange on a baking sheet, brush with vegetable oil and sprinkle with spices to taste. Place in hot oven and bake until browned. Serve with sour cream or fresh sauce.

Baked pumpkin, spicy

800 g pumpkin,
50-70 g raisins,
1 lemon
1 tsp allspice peas,
1 tsp pink peppercorns,
2 tbsp liquid honey,
salt, cinnamon.

Cut the pumpkin into large pieces and bake in the oven, preheated to 200ºС, for 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, soak the raisins in warm water. Pound allspice and pink pepper along with cinnamon and salt. Cut the finished pumpkin into cubes and mix with spices. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with honey, pour the mixture over the pumpkin and put in the oven for another 30 minutes.

1 small pumpkin
500 g hard cheese
1 l 35% cream,
50 g butter,
salt, ground nutmeg, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the lid off the pumpkin and remove the seeds with a spoon. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and pour into the pumpkin. Pour the cream so that about 3-5 cm remain to the top, otherwise the contents of the pumpkin will spill onto the baking sheet during baking. Salt, pepper, put a piece of butter and cover with a cut lid. Put the pumpkin in the oven, preheated to 180ºС, for an hour or a little more. Serve, scooping out pumpkin pulp along with creamy sauce, in deep bowls.

Pumpkin baked with millet porridge. Take a small pumpkin weighing no more than 2 kg. Cut off the lid and scrape out the pulp. Boil millet porridge. Put butter, sugar, then millet into the pumpkin, put butter and sugar on top and cover with a lid. With a needle, pierce the pumpkin just below the lid in a circle in 4-6 places and put in the microwave or hot oven and bake until tender (20 minutes is enough in the microwave). Stir the porridge with the pumpkin pulp with a spoon and serve.

500 g pumpkin,
2-3 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 lemon
1 bunch of green parsley,
1 tsp coriander seeds,
½ tsp black ground pepper,

Cut the peeled pumpkin into large pieces, chop the greens. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix with olive oil, add salt, pepper, coriander, chopped parsley and garlic, passed through a press. Grate the pieces of pumpkin with the resulting marinade. Line a deep frying pan with foil and place the pumpkin on it. Cover the pumpkin with foil, forming a pocket, wrap the foil well and put in the oven, preheated to 200ºС, for 30 minutes. Then open the foil pocket and let stand in the oven for another 15-20 minutes until browned.

Baked Pumpkin with Mexican Pork

1 medium pumpkin
1 kg pork
200 g canned corn,
400 g white beans in their own juice,
500 ml dark beer
1 onion
½ stalk leek,
4 pickled cucumbers,
2 small red chili peppers
100 g tomato paste,
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil.

grind onion, cut the leek into half rings. Cut the cucumbers into slices, chop the chili pepper, removing the seeds. Cut the meat into thin strips. In a preheated skillet with oil, sauté the onion, leek and chilli for 5 minutes, then add the meat and cook, stirring, for about 5 to 6 minutes. Add the beans and corn along with the liquid, simmer for 3 minutes, then add the cucumbers and 1-2 tbsp. cucumber pickle, stir and leave to simmer under the lid over low heat. In a separate bowl, mix tomato paste and beer, bring to a boil and pour into the pan with meat. Stir and simmer on low heat covered for 15 minutes. Salt. Cut the lid off the pumpkin, remove the seeds and put the meat with vegetables and sauce into it. Put the pumpkin on a baking sheet, cover with a lid and place in the oven, preheated to 180ºС, for 45-50 minutes.

1 medium pumpkin
500 g potatoes
500 g tomatoes,
250 g red lentils,
200 g dried apricots,
2 sweet red peppers
2 cobs of young corn
2 bulbs
5 garlic cloves,
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
3 tbsp butter,
1 bunch cilantro
1.5 tbsp cumin seeds,
1 tbsp coriander seeds,

Cut the lid off the pumpkin, remove the seeds and fibers. Butter the entire inside of the pumpkin and the cut, put the pumpkins on a baking sheet and bake in the oven, preheated to 180ºС, for about 1 hour. Cut the onion into rings, potatoes into large pieces, chop the garlic with a knife, cut the pepper into half rings. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Cut the corn on the cob into 5-7 pieces. Divide green cilantro into leaves. Roast the cumin and coriander seeds in a hot dry frying pan for 30 seconds and pour into a plate, cool and pound in a mortar and powder. In the same pan, heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion, garlic and pepper for 5 minutes. Add potatoes, tomatoes, lentils and dried apricots, pour in 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Add spices, stir, reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes. Salt, pepper, put the corn, simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Put the cilantro, put the stew in the pumpkin, cover with a lid and put in a hot oven for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with pumpkin pulp.

1 medium pumpkin
1 kg chicken
200 g dried apricots,
100 g butter,
1 stalk leek (white part)
½ stack rice,
vegetable oil for frying.

Cut the top off the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Boil the rice until half cooked, drain the water and transfer to a bowl. Cut the leek into half rings and fry in vegetable oil for 1 minute. Cut dried apricots into large strips. Mix rice, dried apricots and leeks. Cut the chicken into portions and fry in half the butter until golden brown. Lubricate the inner surface of the pumpkin with the remaining butter, lay out the rice, lay the chicken pieces on top, pour everything with oil from the pan in which the chicken was fried. Cover with a lid and put in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 2 hours.

1 medium pumpkin
1 kg pork
1 can of canned pineapple
500 g sweet pepper,
100 g of rice
2 large carrots
2 tbsp butter.

Cut the lid off the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Soak rice for 30 minutes in water. Cut the meat into strips and fry in oil. Grate the carrots on a grater for Korean carrots and sauté in oil in a separate frying pan. Combine meat and carrots, add Bell pepper, chopped into strips, and pieces of pineapple, salt, pepper, add a little water and simmer until half cooked. Slip with rice. Transfer the filling to the pumpkin, place in a cold oven and turn on the heat to 200ºС. After 2 hours, check the readiness with a knitting needle - it should freely pierce the pulp of the pumpkin.

1 kg pumpkin,
500 g veal,
2-3 apples
150 g cheese
250 g sour cream
2 bulbs
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the meat into pieces, fry until golden brown in butter and put in a baking dish. Cut the onion into cubes and sauté until golden brown, then put it on the meat. Peel the apples, cut into cubes and place on top of the onion. Peeled pumpkin cut into cubes, breaded in flour with salt and fry in butter until golden brown. Put the pumpkin in a mold, grease with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put in an oven preheated to 200ºС for 15-20 minutes.

Pumpkin baked with cottage cheese

450 g pumpkin,
250 g cottage cheese,
150 g milk
3 eggs,
120 g sour cream
50 g butter,

Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces and simmer in milk until tender. Mash with a fork, add cottage cheese, eggs, salt and mix. Place in an oiled skillet, level, brush with egg and bake until tender in a hot oven.

Here are some different recipes. And what kind of pumpkin desserts are obtained in the oven!

500 g pumpkin,
500 g sour cream
3-4 tbsp Sahara,
1-2 apples
½ stack raisins,
3-4 egg whites
1 stack Sahara,
cinnamon, chopped nuts - to taste.

Peeled pumpkin cut into cubes, put in a mold and pour sour cream. Put on fire and heat until all the moisture has evaporated. Then lay thin slices of apples on top of the pumpkin, sprinkle with cinnamon, sprinkle with raisins on top and cover with foam from whipped proteins with sugar, sprinkle with nuts and put in the oven.

"Candies" from a pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin with the skin into 3x3 cm pieces. Wet a baking sheet with water, place the pumpkin skin side down and sprinkle sugar on each. Put the baking sheet in a hot oven and watch - as soon as the sugar melts, pour more. Repeat this several times until the pumpkin pieces become translucent. Cool down.


500 g pumpkin,
2 apples
2 bananas
cinnamon, breadcrumbs, sugar, sour cream, butter.

Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Peel apples and seeds, cut into slices, also cut peeled pumpkin into slices, bananas into circles. Place on a baking sheet (form), sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and place in the oven, preheated to 130ºС, for 20-25 minutes. Drizzle with sour cream when serving.

500 g pumpkin,
1 kg of apples
¾ stack. semolina,
2 stack cream,
100 g butter.

Pumpkin, peeled and cut into cubes, fry in butter. Put the pumpkin and apples, cut into slices, in layers in pots, sprinkle with sugar to taste, pour over hot cream and put in a hot oven. At the end of cooking, add semolina in a thin stream, mix and leave for another 5 minutes.

800 g pumpkin,
75 g prunes,
1 lemon
2 tbsp honey,
1 tsp allspice ground pepper,
cinnamon, salt.

Peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces, place on a baking sheet and bake until tender, about 35 minutes. Soak the prunes for 20 minutes and cut into pieces. Mix allspice and a little cinnamon with lemon juice, honey and salt. Pour the resulting dressing over the pumpkin, sprinkle with prunes and serve.

1 large pumpkin
3 stack. rice,
100 g butter,
200 g raisins,
200 g prunes,
200 g dried apricots,
1 tbsp Sahara,
2 apples
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cut off the lid from the pumpkin, remove the seeds and make frequent notches on the pulp inside. Pour the pumpkin with boiling water and leave until the water cools completely. In the meantime, cut the peeled apples into slices, soak the dried fruits in water, rinse and dry. Mix apples and dried fruits, add sugar and mix. Divide the rice into three parts. Put one piece of rice on the bottom of the pumpkin, then put half of the fruit, another piece of rice, more fruit and top with the rest of the rice. Melt the butter and pour over the rice and fruit mixture in the pumpkin. Add hot water for her to cover upper layer rice. Place in a preheated oven at 180ºC for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Be sure to check out our vegetable recipes. And check out the tips on what to cook with pumpkin. Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Pumpkin in the oven reveals all its the best sides becomes even brighter and more fragrant. At the same time, everything beneficial features of this solar vegetable remain unchanged. By adding pumpkin to your diet, you can improve skin condition, vision, improve digestion and increase hemoglobin. All nutritionists unanimously recommend preparing it for both adults and children.

Another beauty of pumpkin is that it can be added to almost any dish. It is put in salads and soups, stews and meat sauces, pies and casseroles. The unique taste of this vegetable allows it to be combined with both salty and sweet ingredients.

Pumpkin in the oven can be baked in pieces, mixed with meat, mushrooms, vegetables or some kind of sauce. For dessert, in this case, honey and seasonal fruits are used. Pumpkin is also baked as a filling in pies, pies and buns.

Delicious and interesting dishes with pumpkin are obtained if you use a pot. In addition, you can stuff the pumpkin itself with any filling, making it a convenient baking container. It can be potatoes, porridge or rice, as well as any meat ingredients. To get a fragrant dish, pumpkin can be seasoned with any spices and spices.

Pumpkin baked in slices with honey in the oven

Baked pumpkin is low calorie but very sweet and delicious dessert. In addition, it has an amazing aroma, which is only enhanced by the addition of flower honey. It can be added more if no one in the family is allergic to such products.


  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 1 tsp flower honey;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and remove the seeds, cut the vegetable into large cubes.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine honey, water and vegetable oil, mix until smooth.
  3. Pour the pumpkin with the resulting sauce and transfer the pieces to a baking sheet with baking paper.
  4. Bake pumpkin for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Interesting from the network

Cottage cheese casseroles, perhaps, will never go out of culinary fashion, since it is difficult to imagine a more healthy and, at the same time, delicious dessert. To diversify your favorite dish, just add pumpkin pulp to it. It will not only make the casserole fresher and lighter, but also improve appearance dessert. This innovation will surely appeal to children.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 4 eggs;
  • ½ cup semolina;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • ½ cup sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, boil.
  2. Gradually add semolina to the pan, constantly stirring the milk.
  3. Bring the semolina to readiness and remove it from the heat.
  4. Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes and fry in butter until tender.
  5. Put pumpkin and semolina in one deep plate, beat in 3 eggs.
  6. Add sugar and cottage cheese, mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Transfer the resulting mass to a baking dish, greased with oil.
  8. Smooth the surface of the casserole with a spoon.
  9. Beat the remaining egg and brush the top of the dessert with it.
  10. Cook the casserole for 25 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

It is difficult to imagine a more spectacular dish than meat baked in a pumpkin. Such an original "pot" will make a splash among the guests and will become the most discussed event of the evening. Coping with this dish is not difficult at all, so even a novice cook can safely take on the implementation of the recipe.


  • 1 pumpkin;
  • 500 g lamb;
  • 1 onion (red);
  • 50 g butter;
  • 6 canned tomatoes;
  • 1 pinch of sugar;
  • Greens;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully cut off the top of the pumpkin, clean out the seeds and grease the inside with butter.
  2. Return the top to its place, bake the pumpkin in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
  3. Cut the lamb into cubes and fry in butter until half cooked.
  4. Add spices to taste and chopped onions, simmer the meat for another 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, send them to the pan with lamb, sugar.
  6. Continue stewing over low heat for 30 minutes, then sprinkle the meat with chopped herbs.
  7. Transfer the resulting filling to the pumpkin, cover it again with a “lid” and bake for 20 minutes at the same temperature.

In pots, pumpkin is especially juicy and fragrant. In addition, she shares these qualities with the rest of the ingredients around her. The dish will turn out to be hearty and very tasty, improve your mood and not damage your figure. If dried mushrooms are not at hand, you can cook a dish without them.


  • 600 g pumpkin;
  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 50 g dried mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 4 tsp vegetable oil;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak dried mushrooms in cold water for 60 minutes, then drain the water, chop and let the mushrooms dry.
  2. Peel the pumpkin and onion, rinse the fillet, cut everything into cubes.
  3. Mix pumpkin, fillet, mushrooms and onions in one plate, divide everything equally into 4 pots.
  4. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into each pot, add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Pour the dish with water, cover with lids, cook for 50 minutes at 180 degrees, without preheating the oven.

Despite being a vegetable, pumpkin is great for all kinds of desserts. Among them, the most popular is the apple pie, which is perfectly complemented by juicy orange slices. Depending on the sweetness of pumpkin and apples, the amount of sugar should also be adjusted.


  • 150 g flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 1 apple;
  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs well with sugar, combine with sour cream and melted butter.
  2. Peel pumpkin and apple, remove seeds.
  3. Cut the apple into cubes, grate the pumpkin, add everything to a common plate.
  4. Gradually add flour and baking powder, mix.
  5. Pour the batter into a deep baking dish, set the temperature to 190 degrees and cook the cake for 45 minutes.

Now you know how to cook pumpkin baked in the oven according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin in the oven easily turns into a bright main dish, appetizer or dessert. At the same time, it can be not only one of the ingredients, but also act as an original pot. Several recipes on how to cook a pumpkin in the oven will definitely not hurt the modern housewife, and experienced chefs will share the secrets of this interesting dish:
  • To make the pumpkin more tender, before cooking it in the oven, you need to fry the vegetable in butter. It is important to remember that such a procedure will increase the calorie content of the dish;
  • If you bake a whole pumpkin, grease it from the inside with oil, otherwise the vegetable will be dry;
  • If the recipe requires boiled pumpkin, it is better to boil it in milk. This will give the vegetable a special flavor and maximize its aroma;
  • You do not need to preheat the oven before cooking the pumpkin in the pot. It is important that the temperature rises gradually.

delicious recipe dietary, vegetable, seasonal savory dish, served on its own and as a side dish. On the tables of Russians, this bright, healthy melon culture is a rare guest. The main reason is ignorance of recipes and inability to cook it. The knowledge of the majority is limited to sweet options for using a vegetable - baked with honey or cooked with millet porridge. I am not a fan of sweet foods, but sunny ripe pumpkins often take their rightful place among purchased vegetables. We cooked a lot of savory dishes from it, but the simplest is the favorite - pumpkin baked in the oven in pieces. It takes a minimum of time to prepare it, and the result is excellent, especially served with pickles. It should be noted: with a low calorie content, the dish turns out to be quite satisfying, which is a huge plus for fighting extra pounds and maintaining a slim figure.

For baking, preference should be given to pumpkin varieties with sweet, bright orange flesh. Fruits with greenish flesh are distinguished by a specific flavor that not everyone will like.

Baking a pumpkin in slices in the oven is extremely simple: cut the pumpkin peeled, seeds into slices, coat them with a thin layer of refined olive oil, salt a little, season with spices if desired, and bake. Pumpkin baked in the oven in pieces turns out to be tastier, softer, more tender, more appetizing, more convenient for eating whole pumpkin. Pumpkin slices are baked, smeared with a minimal amount of refined olive oil, which forms a thin oil film on the vegetables, which preserves the natural juiciness of the dish during cooking.

Olive oil was not chosen by chance for the preparation of the dish: due to the content of monounsaturated fatty acids during heat treatment, it forms more easily digestible substances than traditional for Russians sunflower oil. You can bake the pumpkin in slices in the oven on a baking sheet greased with refined olive oil or use a wire rack. The baking tray allows you to simultaneously cook large quantity servings. Grilled pumpkin slices absorb less vegetable oil, making them more low-calorie and easily digestible. When cooking on a grill, excess vegetable fat, heating up, without overcooking, drains from pumpkin slices. To avoid oversaturation of the pumpkin pulp with excess oil, the baking sheet should be lubricated with a minimum amount of olive oil.

Pumpkin baked in the oven in slices is prepared in various variations: only with salt or seasoned various variations combinations of herbs and spices. Spices, seasonings give the dish a new varied taste from soft spicy when added nutmeg and cinnamon to tangy saucy when used in combination herbs with hot pepper Chile. You can experiment with flavors endlessly.

Spices should not be carried away when preparing pumpkin for baby food, sparing diets, diets for weight loss. When using spices, you should always remember about strong medicinal properties spices, which, along with healing qualities, have contraindications for use.

In the photo, pumpkin baked in the oven in slices, seasoned with curry, chili, chopped garlic. The finished dish is served hot as an independent dish, decorated with chopped herbs, with lightly salted or pickled cucumbers or as a side dish, complementing the main second course. Baked pumpkin slices for breakfast will please you if you serve them with low-fat sour cream.


  • Pumpkin peeled - 500 g
  • Refined olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

Pumpkin baked in the oven - recipe

  1. Thoroughly wash the pumpkin, peel it, remove the core with seeds. Cut the resulting pumpkin pulp into slices about 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Coat the resulting pieces with a thin layer of refined olive oil. Salt carefully.
  3. If desired, add spices to taste.
  4. When choosing a baking sheet, grease the latter with a minimum layer of refined olive oil.
  5. We spread the prepared pumpkin slices on it.
  6. The grate before cooking can not be lubricated. There is enough oil on slices prepared for baking. Cooking on a wire rack allows excess oil not to be absorbed into the vegetable pulp, but to flow down as it heats up. To collect them at the bottom oven it is advisable to put a heat-resistant tray.
  7. Bake the pumpkin in the oven at a temperature of 150-180C for about 15 minutes. Readiness is indicated by the appearance of a golden crust and softness when pierced with a knife or fork.
  8. The cooking time is selected individually: it depends on the thickness of the pieces, the variety of pumpkin, the power of the electric stove and electrical network at home.
  9. Golden pumpkin slices are served hot. For breakfast - poured with low-fat sour cream. As a second course or side dish, sprinkled with chopped herbs. Sweetish pumpkin slices are deliciously combined with lightly salted or pickled cucumbers.

Pumpkin baked in the oven- a dietary, low-calorie dish of soft consistency. It is recommended for the organization of healthy and baby food, diets for weight loss, and sparing diets. Delicate pumpkin pulp is easily digestible, rich in fiber, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When baking, it preserves the valuable dietary and nutritional properties of the vegetable, vitamins, macro- and microelements as much as possible. Pumpkin pulp is rich in vitamins B, A, PP, P, C, E, contains vitamin T, which accelerates metabolic processes and prevents obesity. The high content of iron, the presence of magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur provides the body with essential trace elements. Pectin provides the release of excess cholesterol, toxins from the body. The bright yellow color of the pulp indicates a high content of carotenoids: lutein, which is important for vision. Plant antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce the risk of cancer cells.