Materials of the workshop "technology of the round table". The magic of the circle, or How to organize a lesson "Round table

Round tables is one of the most popular formats for holding scientific events. In fact, the Round Table is a platform for discussion of a limited number of people (usually no more than 25 people; by default, experts, respected specialists in a particular field).

But you should not use the concept of "round table" as a synonym for the concepts of "discussion", "polemics", "dialogue". It is not right. Each of them has its own content, and it only partially coincides with the content of others. A round table is a form of organizing an exchange of views. What will be the nature of the exchange of views, this term does not indicate. In contrast, the concept of "discussion" presupposes that in the course, for example, " round table»Its participants not only make reports on some issue, but also exchange remarks, clarify each other's positions, etc. Within the framework of the discussion, there is a free exchange of views (open discussion of professional problems). "Polemics" is a special kind of discussion, during which some participants try to refute, "destroy" their opponents. "Dialogue", in turn, is a type of speech, characterized by situationality (dependence on the situation of the conversation), contextuality (conditioned by previous statements), a low degree of organization, involuntary and unplanned character.

The purpose of the round table - to provide the participants with the opportunity to express their point of view on the problem under discussion, and in the future to formulate either a common opinion or clearly delineate the different positions of the parties.

Organizational features of round tables:

    the relative low cost of holding compared to other "open" formats of events;

    lack of a rigid structure, rules of conduct. That is, the organizer has practically no tools to directly influence the program (you cannot force guests to say what the organizers need), but there are only indirect ones. For example, you can divide the entire discussion into several semantic blocks, thus formalizing the structure of the event, but everything that happens within these blocks entirely depends on the moderator of the Round Table; ... significant restrictions in terms of the number of visitors;

    the intimacy of the event.

Moderation (maintenance).

A key element of any Roundtable is moderation. The term "moderation" comes from the Italian "moderare" and means "softening", "restraining", "moderation", "restraint". The moderator is the host of the "round table". V modern meaning moderation is understood as a technique of organizing communication, thanks to which group work becomes more focused and structured.

The facilitator's task- not just announce the list of participants, outline the main topics of the event and start the Round Table, but keep everything that happens from beginning to end in your hands.

Rules for the round table participants:

    the participant must be an expert on the topic under discussion;

    you should not agree to participate in the Round Table just for the very fact of participation.

    Stages of preparation of round tables:

    1.Choosing a theme. Consider here general rule: The more specific the topic is, the better. In addition, the topic should be of interest to the audience.

    2. Selection of the leader (moderator) and his preparation. The moderator must have such qualities as sociability, artistry, intelligence. Personal charm and tact are important.

    3. Selection of participants and selection of experts for the Round Table. The essence of any Round Table is to try to brainstorm on a specific problem and find answers to some important questions... To do this, it is necessary to gather in one place people with the necessary knowledge on the problem requiring lighting. These people are called experts or specialists. The initiator needs to identify potential experts who could provide qualified answers to questions arising from the discussion of the stated topic of the Round Table.

    5. Preparation of a questionnaire for the participants of the Round table - the purpose of the questionnaire is to quickly and without spending a lot of time and money get an objective idea of ​​the opinion of the Round Table participants on the issues discussed. Questioning can be continuous (in which all participants of the Round Table are interviewed) or selective (in which part of the participants of the Round Table is interviewed).

    6. Preparation of the preliminary resolution of the Round Table. The draft final document should include a stating part, which lists the problems that were discussed by the participants of the Round Table. The resolution may contain specific recommendations to libraries, methodological centers, governing bodies different levels, developed in the course of discussion or decisions that can be implemented through certain activities, indicating the timing of their implementation and responsible.

Round table methodology.

The presenter opens the round table. He introduces the participants in the discussion, directs its course, follows the rules that are determined at the beginning of the discussion, summarizes the results, summarizes constructive proposals. Discussion within the framework of the Round Table should be constructive, should not be reduced, on the one hand, only to reports on the work done, and on the other, only to critical speeches. Messages should be short, no more than 10-12 minutes. The draft final document is announced at the end of the discussion (discussion), additions, changes, amendments are made to it.

Roundtable options:

    The first option - the participants make presentations, then they are discussed. At the same time, the moderator takes a relatively modest part in the meeting - he distributes the time for speeches, gives the floor to the participants in the discussion.

    The second option - the moderator interviews the participants of the Round Table or puts forward theses for discussion. In this case, he makes sure that all participants speak, "keeps" the course of the discussion in line main problem, for which a round table meeting was organized. This way of holding the Round Table arouses greater interest among the audience. But it requires from the presenter more skill and deep knowledge of the "nuances" of the problem under discussion.

    The third option is “methodical gatherings”. The organization of such a round table has its own characteristics. For discussion, questions are proposed that are essential for solving some key tasks of the educational process. The topic of discussion is not announced in advance. In this case, the skill of the moderator of the Round Table is to summon the audience to a frank conversation on the issue under discussion in a relaxed atmosphere and bring them to certain conclusions. The purpose of such "gatherings" is to form the correct point of view on a specific pedagogical problem; creation of a favorable psychological climate in this group of listeners.

    The fourth option is “methodological dialogue”. Within the framework of this form of the Round Table, listeners get acquainted in advance with the topic of discussion, receive a theoretical homework... A methodical dialogue is conducted on a specific problem between the presenter and listeners or between groups of listeners. The driving force of the dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of the listeners. The overall emotional atmosphere is of great importance, which allows you to evoke a sense of inner unity. In conclusion, a conclusion is made on the topic, a decision is made on further joint actions.

Presentation of the materials of the Round Table.

The most common options for publishing the results of the round table discussions are as follows:

    a short (reduced) summary of all the speeches of the Round Table participants. In this case, the most important thing is selected. The text is given on behalf of the participants in the form of direct speech. At the same time, the presenter of the Round Table should discuss with the speakers what exactly will be selected for printing from each speech. These rules dictate ethical requirements that must always be followed when working with authors of texts.

    general summary drawn from various presentations made during the discussion. In fact, these are general conclusions based on the material that was voiced during the conversation or discussion of the Round Table.

    a complete summary of all the participants' speeches.

We sat like a crescent in love and friendship,
as one whole, where no one suspects the other, because they saw each other.
So they can hear each other
and argue with each other until the correct decision comes out.
Rashi ("Commentaries on the Babylonian Talmud")

A round table is a form of organizing a discussion of a topic, in which several points of view are initially laid down. The purpose of the round table is to identify contradictions, compare different points of view and choose positions and solutions that are acceptable to all participants.

Roundtable lesson: preparation and delivery

Stage 1. Choosing a topic

The most difficult stage of preparation for the lesson.

  • First, the topic should initially assume the presence of different points of view on the same issue, that is, be multivariate.
  • Secondly, the topic must be well studied.
  • Thirdly, it is desirable that the topic could be tied to modernity, everyday life, that is, it should be relevant.

For example, the geography topic "The Shape of the Earth" cannot be used for a round table in any way. But the variation "Historical ideas about the shape of the Earth" is quite suitable, as it allows you to put forward different assumptions, put forward arguments in favor of one version or another, correlate with the current state of affairs.

Most often lessons in the form of a "round table" are held in humanitarian subjects (literature, history, social studies). Although this form can be used in the lessons of mathematics, chemistry, physics.

  • Maths. For example, "Methods for Multiplying Numbers: Traditional and Unusual";
  • Chemistry. For example, the topic "Metallurgy", where different groups you can give different tasks: what is metallurgy, classification of metal ores, production of steel, cast iron, environmental impact of metal processing, etc.
  • Physics. Theme " Alternative sources energy ".

Stage 2. Preparing students

It is impossible to conduct such a lesson spontaneously. Therefore, it is recommended to advise students in advance, talk about the principles of organizing a conversation, about the assessment system. Consultations can be both group and individual (at the request of the children).

It is very important to discuss the following rules during preparation:

Rules for participation in the "round table"

  • Regulations (by time).
  • Mutual respect.
  • Inadmissibility of "going personal".
  • Take turns speaking.
  • Do not interrupt the speaker.
  • Participate actively, etc.

These rules can be formulated by the children themselves, or by the teacher.

  • Evaluation rules (conciseness, argumentation, accuracy of the statement).

It is advisable to write all the rules on separate posters (blackboard) so that during the "round table" they are in front of your eyes.

Stage 3. Preparation of the premises

The desks are in a circle. If you intend to use technical means, blackboards or visual aids, it is more expedient to make desks in a semicircle.

During the classes

1. Presenter's introduction

The moderator announces the topic chosen for the round table, the rules for each presentation, the order of presentation and the grading system.

2. Organization of the discussion

Organization of students

In general, the round table format assumes the independent participation of each student. But listening to the point of view of everyone in the class is a long and unproductive task. Therefore, it is more convenient to pre-form microgroups (2-5), depending on the complexity and variability of the topic.

For example, in a history lesson on the topic "The political development of Russia after the overthrow of the monarchy," you can invite children to prepare one or another version of the development of the political situation, choosing the program of a certain party or politician.

Or, according to literature, the topic “The structure of the novel“ A Hero of Our Time ”” was chosen for the round table. Participants can be divided into two groups:

  • the first group will defend the logical arrangement separate parts novel;
  • the second group is the sequence suggested by the author.

It is possible to form a third group of students who will offer their own vision of the structure of this work. The main thing is that all opinions are supported by arguments.

Groups can also be formed by role. For example, the topic "Drug addiction is the scourge of modern society" is being discussed. In one group there may be "doctors", in another - "psychologists", in the third - "parents", in the fourth - "drug addicts", in the fifth - "lawyers".

Discussion of issues

How many questions to choose? And what? It all depends on the topic of the lesson, on the goals set by the teacher, on the degree of preparation of the class.

Option 1: It is recommended to choose one main question to which several minor ones are composed. These additional questions should cover different aspects of the main thing, show the versatility of the problem under discussion. The facilitator asks questions, guiding the conversation and the discussion.

One of the most difficult challenges in holding a roundtable is shaping the discussion. For example, the proposed question for discussion "The importance of oxygen in human life." The participants expressed themselves in the spirit: "Yes, oxygen is important and necessary." And that's it! There is no discussion. It is for such situations that secondary questions are needed that will guide the children. For example, let some talk about the importance of oxygen from a medical point of view, others think about photosynthesis, others give examples of the use of oxygen in the chemical industry, etc.

Option 2: Cards with questions are being prepared for each student. Questions can be of both reproductive and problematic nature, contain simple and difficult questions, questions-riddles, questions-surprises, comic questions.

For this option, it is better to choose the most general topic, not tied to a specific work or a specific subject. For example, the topic of discussion "Does a person need an ideal?" (literature), "Evaluation of the reforms of Peter the Great" (history), "Mathematics - the queen of sciences" (mathematics), "The role foreign language v modern society" (foreign language).

Option 3. The topic for discussion does not have to be formulated in questions. Instead, you can offer quotes, assignments, video. For example, the topic for discussion is "Modern Russian". You can offer students quotes from classics about the meaning of language, offer video fragments of different programs or films in which different styles language, you can submit for discussion the language of the Internet and SMS (fragments of SMS, Internet correspondence in chats, forums).

Organization of discussion

After a participant (group) speaks on one of the issues, it is important to organize a discussion of the expressed opinion. Therefore, it is important to orient other participants so that they do not just listen, but ask questions of the speaker. Questions may be of a clarifying nature, or may contain a counterargument.

3. Practical tasks.

After the round table, many teachers conduct the stage “ practical assignments". It allows you to go back to main theme discussion, but already demonstrate not only knowledge of the subject, but also practical skills. This work can be done in the form of tests, compilation, pivot table. Although this stage is not necessary, if in the course of the discussion there was already a connection to the present time, to the practical value of knowledge.

4. Summing up the results of the "round table"

This stage is no less important than the organization of the discussion itself. It is completely unacceptable to end the lesson in the spirit of: “Thank you for your attention and participation. Everyone learned something useful from the lesson. Goodbye".

At the debriefing stage, the moderator should:

  • remind about the goals that were set at the beginning of the lesson;
  • briefly show the final arrangement of opinions of the participants on the basic issues of the discussion;
  • formulate a common opinion;
  • to voice aspects that did not find proper coverage during the discussion;
  • give a self-study assignment.

And only then the assessment follows and the words of gratitude sound.

The nuances of organizing a "round table" in the lesson

  • In what order should you give the floor to the participants?

It is important that every student is involved. The floor is given in turn to all comers, indicating that there should be no repetitions.

Another option: in micro groups. Then the word can be presented to the leader of the microgroup, who summarizes and expresses the opinion of each member of the group. But it is desirable that a different group representative be selected for each question.

  • How do you grade students?

It will be difficult for the leader (teacher) to remember the degree of participation of each student. Therefore, you can choose one of the options:

  • The average score, which consists of three: self-esteem, evaluations of comrades sitting on the left and right.
  • Create a micro-group of experts (jury) who, during the lesson, will record the performances of each participant.
  • In the created microgroups, select one "duty officer" who will also record the degree of participation of each student and evaluate according to previously agreed-upon criteria.

Pros and cons of the round table lesson

A lesson in the form of a "Round Table" has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • Helps to summarize the studied material.
  • Helps to comprehend the topic through the prism of their own life experience.
  • Forms the ability to conduct a dispute, to express their point of view, giving arguments and evidence.
  • Helps to develop the skills of coherent monologue and dialogical speech.
  • Forms skills independent work, as well as the ability to work in a team, together.

Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted:

  • A long and difficult stage of preparation, which requires voluminous and thorough work not only by the teacher, but also by the students.
  • The difficulty of organizing an effective discussion, because it is important that everyone takes part, gives their opinion. In this case, it is also necessary to bring the conversation "to a common denominator."
  • The lesson is possible in a class with a high level of preparation. Though individual elements Round table can be introduced into the system of lessons gradually.

Thus, the lesson in the form of a "round table", despite its complexity, allows a fairly objective assessment of the knowledge of students, their skills and abilities.

I would like to hear the opinions of teachers who practice such lessons. What was the main difficulty? How effective, in your opinion, is the round table?


Preparation and holding of the round table

The competence-based approach puts forward in the first place not the knowledge and theoretical knowledge of the specialist, but his ability to see the essence of the problem and find ways to solve it based on practical application available knowledge. As one of the organizational active forms of interaction, allowing to deepen and strengthen the teacher's objective position, the "round table" has great opportunities for discussing acute, complex and current issues in the professional sphere, exchange of experience and creative initiatives. The idea of ​​the round tables is to meet like-minded people seeking to find common decision on a specific issue in the format of a given topic, as well as an opportunity for everyone to enter into a discussion or polemics on issues of interest. Discussion of the problem, exchange of views, valuable experience, establishment of close contacts, search for additional opportunities and discussion when discussing special, "hot" issues give the "round table" dynamism and eccentricity.

Target"Round table" - to reveal a wide range of opinions on the issue selected for discussion from different points of view, to discuss unclear and controversial points related to this issue, and reach a consensus.

The task Of the "round table" is the mobilization and activation of the participants to solve specific urgent problems, therefore the "round table" has specific features:

1. Personification of information (during the discussion, the participants express not a general, but a personal point of view. It may arise spontaneously and not be fully formulated. Such information must be treated especially thoughtfully, choosing bits of valuable and realistic, comparing them with the opinions of other participants (debaters)).

2. The polyphony of the "round table" (in the course of the "round table" business noise and polyphony may reign, which corresponds to the atmosphere of emotional interest and intellectual creativity. "For the main thing, to give the opportunity to speak out to everyone and continue to support this background, since it is this that is a feature of the" round table ").

The round table assumes:

1.the willingness of the participants to discuss the problem in order to determine possible ways her decisions.

2. the presence of a certain position, theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

It is possible to organize such a round table when the discussion is deliberately based on several points of view on the same issue, the discussion of which leads to positions and solutions acceptable to all participants.

Thus, the integral components of the round table:

1. unresolved issue;

2. equal participation of representatives of all interested parties;

3. Development of decisions acceptable to all participants on the issue under discussion.

When holding a "round table" to achieve a positive result and create a business atmosphere, it is necessary:

  • Provide for the optimal number of participants (if the circle of specialists is large, you need not one leader, but two.
  • Ensure the operation of technical means for audio and video recording.
  • Establish a time limit for speeches.
  • Ensure the appropriate design of the audience (it is desirable that the "round table" is really round and communications are carried out "face to face", which contributes to group communication and maximum involvement in the discussion.)

Methodology for organizing and conducting a "round table"

Usually there are three stages in organizing and conducting a "round table": preparatory, discussion and final (post-discussion).

I Preparatory stage includes:

· Choice of the problem (the problem should be acute, urgent, with different ways of solving). The problem chosen for discussion can be interdisciplinary in nature, it should be of practical interest to the audience from the point of view of the development of professional competencies;

· Selection of a moderator (the moderator is in charge of the "round table", therefore high level master the art of creating a trusting atmosphere and maintaining discussion, as well as the method of increasing information);

· Selection of debaters. The composition of the round table participants can be expanded by attracting representatives of executive authorities, professional communities and other organizational structures;

· Preparation of a scenario (holding a "round table" according to a pre-planned scenario avoids spontaneity and chaos in the work of the "round table").

The script assumes:

Definition of the conceptual apparatus (thesaurus);

List of discussion questions (up to 15 formulations);

Development of "home-made" answers, sometimes contradictory and extraordinary, using a representative sample of information;

Closing speech by the moderator;

· Equipping the premises with standard equipment (audio and video equipment), as well as multimedia in order to maintain a business and creative atmosphere;

· Consulting the participants (allows to develop certain beliefs among the majority of participants, which will be defended by them in the future);

· Preparation of the necessary materials (on paper or electronic media): these can be statistical data, materials of an express survey, an analysis of the available information in order to provide participants and listeners of the "round table"

II Discussion stage comprises:

1. moderator's speeches, in which the definition of problems and the conceptual apparatus (thesaurus) is given, the rules are established, the rules of the general technology of the lesson in the form of a "round table" and information about the general rules of communication.

2. The general rules of communication include recommendations:

· - avoid common phrases;

· - focus on the goal (task);

· - be able to listen;

· - be active in conversation;

· - be short;

· - carry out constructive criticism;

· - do not make offensive remarks to the interlocutor.

· The moderator must act in a directive manner, strictly limiting the time of the participants of the "round table".

3. carrying out an "information attack": the participants express themselves in a certain order, using convincing facts that illustrate state of the art Problems.

4. presentations of the debaters and identifying existing opinions on the questions posed, focusing on original ideas... In order to keep the discussion sharp, it is recommended to formulate additional questions:

5. answers to discussion questions;

6. summing up by the moderator of mini-results on speeches and discussions: formulation of the main conclusions about the causes and nature of disagreements on the problem under study, ways to overcome them, about the system of measures for solving this problem.

III Final (post-discussion) stage includes:

· Summing up the final results by the presenter;

· Establishing the overall results of the event.

“I saw the Round Table in action in the schools I visited and was impressed by the difference.”

"Round table"

Move the tables (desks) and seat the students in a circle. Make sure the circle has correct shape so that everyone can see everyone's face. The teacher is part of a circle and sits on the same chair or stool as everyone else. This helps prevent anything out of the ordinary that might be happening in the classroom; in this case, the teacher is a mediator, not a leader.

The ideal number of children is six to eighteen; if there are more, the conversations become burdensome. It is also necessary to establish basic rules. I recommend using the minimum amount, but the following three rules are required.

I recommend taking the time to prepare the classroom for the roundtable. Take a roll of duct tape, which adheres quickly and easily to the floor. Chairs or stools can be placed in the formed circle.

How to hold a round table?

Only one person can speak at a time.

Nobody is obliged to speak if he does not want to.

Nobody is allowed to be rude or unkind.

Have a conversation with younger students, for example about a bear. The one who has the bear in his hands is the storyteller. When the toy is handed over, the child holding it becomes the next storyteller (a pillow or any other object can be used together with the bear). The object of the conversation is transmitted in a circle, and the only person who is allowed to speak is the one who holds it in his hands. This maintains order and prevents everyone from speaking at the same time. It also gives any shy child a chance to participate in the conversation.

“The qualitative model of the“ round table ”transforms closed, negative-minded teams. It will help all adults and children fight bullying in schools, destructive behavior and bad relationships. This program should be at the heart of a new learning strategy. ”

Where to start and how to end?

Start the roundtable with a game to break the ice and stimulate listening skills. As you move on to a guided discussion, start with a neutral topic such as "My favorite weekend activity."

A round table can also be used to address a specific problem. For example, if the group junior schoolchildren is drawn into the process of intimidation, this behavior could be openly discussed in a close circle. Another example would be the following: when a student is excluded from the group due to incompatibility of opinions; a roundtable discussion could be held that would focus on the human right to be different, not like everyone else. This can be done so as not to draw attention to the excluded person, but to make other children reflect on the reasons for the isolation.

And in conclusion I would like to say: always finish the work of the round table correctly. Come up with something to use as a signal to end. Some teachers use relaxation or stretching exercises, while others recite a short poem.

Round table against school bullying

The benefit of a round table is that it makes it easier to provide assistance and creates a respectful atmosphere in school, improves communication skills and helps children develop their sense of dignity and self-confidence. The method also promotes the development of citizenship, teaches democracy and problem solving, nourishes creative potential... In addition, the round table increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the education system and supports the school staff.

The Round Table is already regularly used in many schools in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the USA and plays important role in the prevention of school bullying. The method helps adolescents develop skills such as listening and empathy. The Round Table promotes the development of a sense of respect for other people and an individual sense of self-worth. The method creates a mini-forum within which the nature and consequences of bullying can be considered, and can also be used to collectively develop an anti-bullying policy framework to which all members of the school community contribute.

A round table is a fairly common event in almost any field where you have to work with people, negotiate or hold meetings. Consider what kind of public speaking it is and what are its features.

A round table is a type of group discussion. It is held in order to give a group of people the opportunity to listen to the speeches of several experts on a particular topic, as well as to discuss problematic issues and listen to the personal points of view of the participants in the event.

A round table can help participants gain a deeper understanding of a particular issue, as well as consider the positions of other participants on the issue.

How to hold a round table

Identify the issue or topic that resonates. The topic can be formulated in the form of a question, hypothesis, real life situation, etc.

  1. Select experts, that is, participants who are competent enough to speak on the issue. It is also desirable that they represent different points of view on the problem. The round table usually involves 3 to 5 experts.
  2. Choose a leader or moderator - someone who will follow the discussion, turn over the floor to the participants and steer the discussion in the right direction, using the “Speaking to listeners” oratorical technique to present questions for consideration.
  3. Choose the format of the event

The round table can be held in different formats... For example, in this:

  • The leader of the round table or his moderator voices the topic, and the experts present their vision of the problem for a set period of time
  • Participants freely discuss the topic among themselves, asking questions or providing counterarguments. A certain amount of time is allocated for the discussion. The discussion is moderated.
  • The moderator closes the discussion and summarizes the expert presentations and discussions

Obligations of the organizer of the round table

  • Identify problematic topics for discussion
  • Make sure that the participants and the moderator are familiar with the roundtable procedure so that everyone can effectively fulfill their role and avoid common public speaking mistakes.
  • If necessary, provide assistance to the participants of the round table (sources of information, necessary materials on the topic, etc.).
  • Before the start of the round table, familiarize the participants with its principles, namely:
  1. Freedom of discussion
  2. The right to one's own (reasoned) opinion
  3. Respect for other opinions
  4. Tolerant attitude towards participants
  5. Friendly tone of discussion

The recipe for success for a roundtable is the same as for any other public speaking. Remember that the purpose of the round table is to look at the problem in all its aspects, in all its aspects. It makes no sense to convince others of their own rightness, denying the opinions of others. Truth is born in discussion.

In our public speaking courses, we sometimes have discussions where everyone will be in the role of both moderator and participant.