The most famous lover is Jacomo Casanova. Kazanova - Who is this? History of Jacomo Casanov

Jacomo Girolamo Kazanova was born on April 2, 1725 in Venice, in the dancer family and actor Gaetano Giuseppe Casanov and actress Zarette Farusi (and was their first son). In addition to him, there were five more brothers and sisters. The Venetian republic was considered the European "capital of various ways of pleasures", since in those years the government still encouraged tourism, and tolerantly related to public vices. When visiting the Gran Tour, any tourist certainly attended both Venice, these tours were very popular among young English aristocrats. Amazing carnival, various homes for games and curtains managi many tourists here. Kazan grew up in this atmosphere, which made him the most famous Venetian XVIII century.

In the youthful years, Giacomo was brought up with his grandmother, marching baldisser, his mother was constantly toured together with the theater throughout the European territory. In the eight of the age, he lost his father. As a child, the boy suffered from abundant bleeding from the nose, so his grandmother turned to one witch: "My grandmother and I went to the barn, where they found an elderly woman who sat and kept the black cat in their hands, there were about five cats." Despite the fact that the ointment of the sorcerer did not help him, the boy remained the admiring rite of witchcraft.

When Dzhacomo turned 9 years old, he was sent to the boarding house, which was in Padua to cure the illness of the child. He believed that this act of his parents was a reason to get rid of him. In this pension there were terrible conditions of detention, so he asked him to be given to the care of Abbot Gotszi, who was his first teacher who studied science and a violin game. Starting from 1734, for three years, Jacomo lived with a priest and his family.

Jacomo Girolamo Kazanova's biography at an early age is quite saturated with different events. In young years, he showed an inquisitive and sharp mind, a great desire for knowledge. In November 1737, when he was at the age of twelve, Casanova arrived at the Padan University and graduated from five years later (in June 1742), having received a scientific degree of a lawyer. The priest believed that the young man would become a church lawyer. In addition, he became interested in learning ethics, chemistry, mathematics, and also deeply deepened in the study of medicine: "It would be better for me to make the opportunity to do what I like, and study medicine."

During his studies, he began to play gambling for money and soon the mired in debts, so he was sent back to Venice, where his grandmother crossed him well, but everything was in vain - he already originated a passion for the game. After levies to Venice, he began to work as a church lawyer at one lawyer named Manzoni, and in January 1741 he became a novice of the Patriarch Venice.

While studying at the university, he managed to go to Padu and return back. By this time, he has already become a pretty guy - black eyed, high and dark, with long dark hair. He soon appeared a patron saint, an elderly senator of Venice Alvizo Gasparo Malipiero, who was the owner of Palazzo Malipierro. Senator taught him good manners, taught to understand good wine and food. But when Kazanova began to care for the famous actress Teresa Imer, which he decided to seduce the senator, he kicked them out of both of his estates. Casanova more and more began to get involved in relations with women, which led him to the first sexual experience with sisters, Maria Savoryan and Nasette, sixteen and fourteen years.

The mass of scandals overshadowed his career perspective in the church. After the death of Grandma Kazanova, (March 18, 1743), for a short time he entered the seminary for St. Cyprian in Murano, but at the beginning of 1743 he was put in prison for card debts in the Fort of St. Andrew. His mother wanted to provide him with a place at Bishop Bernardo de Bernardis, but the Son refused such a sentence. And decided to get a job in Rome as secretary of the famous Cardinal Trojano Aragon Aragon (1744). And he also helped one Cardinal and amounted to him love letters. But when Casanova was chosen as a "scapegoat" in one broken scandal, cardinal Aquaviva decided to dismiss him and, thus, forever put the point on his church career.

In search of a new work of Casanova, a patent of the officer of the Venetian Republic was acquired. And in August 1744 he began to serve together with the officers of the Venetian army of Corfu Island, from where he went to Constantinople. He believed that his promotion was very slow, and the duties were tedious, and spent most of the salary for the game Pharaoh. At the end of 1745, he left the Venetian army and returned to Venice.

At the 21st age, Casanova decided to become a professional player, but lost all his savings and in search of work decided to seek help to his former benefactor Alvizo Grimani. He began working violinist at the San Samuel Theater. He said: "My work was not a noble thing, but it did not worry me. I soon developed all the habits of my colleagues from the bottom. " Casanova, together with his colleagues, "constantly spent ... nights, Buyan in various homes, where they are fun, invented some of the most scandalous draws and performed them themselves."

Again, Fortuna was on the side of Casanova - after the rescue of the life of the Venice Senator Giovanni Di Matteo Bragadina, who has suffered a blow when he returned from the wedding party in one gondola. Young people immediately stopped Gondola to make Giovanni Blooding. Already later, in the palace of this very senator, the doctor again made bloodsinking, which led to the emergence of a rather strong fever, and Bragadin began to choke because of the swollen trachea. Then the priest was invited, because they believed that he was already the dead.

But Kazanova gave an order to the doctor to change the method of treating the senator - remove mercury ointment from the patient's chest and wash it with cool water. As a result, the Senator managed to correct his health, thanks to a long bedding and healthy food. Since on a young age, Jacomo received medical knowledge, the senator and several of his friends decided that the boy was not able to receive knowledge in this area by year. The Senter decided to adopt Casanova and became his patron throughout his life.

Over the next three years, Casanova lived under the auspices of this person, and on the documents was listed by his referent. He lived as a regular secured nobleman, glannedly dressed, often played in various gambling and performed immoral actions. Senator endured all his antics, but he warned Giacomo, which ultimately will pay for such a lifestyle; But Kazanova only faded over his prophecies without changing his lifestyle.

But once he had to go beyond Venice because of the swollen scandals. It was like this: Casanova decided to take revenge on his enemy by his enemy with the help of a draw, and for this purpose dug down a dead man, but his enemy paralyzed as a result of this draw. Otherwise, one girl was deceiving accused him of rape and turned to the police for help. Subsequently, the young man was justified due to the lack of evidence of his involvement in rape, but by that time he was already outside the territory of Venice.

Having left for Parma, Kazanova began to meet with a Frenchwoman, which he gently called "Herrietta"; Their novel lasted only three months. According to him, it was the true love of his life: this woman combined the mind, beauty and good upbringing. He said that "those men who believe that no woman can make them happy for the whole day, have never been familiar with Henrietta, who filled his soul with joy. Since she was very well-read and possessed an innate taste, then made the right judgments on any topic. " She probably judged in a similar way and about him.

The last years of the Life of Kazanov was the castle of Dux, in Bohemia, in the Czech Republic, where he worked as a library caretaker at the Count Josef Karl von Waldshtein, who also was the emperor chamber. The graph is very attached to Kazanov, since he had the same addiction as Jacomo; They met the residence of Fotoskarini Ambassador. Despite the fact that Valdstein's work made it possible to live safely and have good earnings, he speaks of his last years of life, as boring and tedious days of his life. But for his work, it is worth noting, these years were the most productive.

When his state of his health deteriorated, he sometimes went with short stops in Dresden or to Vienna to spend their vacation and relax.

Giacomo tried not to spoil relations with his boss, which was much younger and often showed his temper. Graph constantly ignored him and did not imagine important guests. Well, the other inhabitants of the castle generally considered Casanova a hot-tempered stranger, and they treated him with dislike. From the side it seemed that his friends were only focister. One day, Jacomo wanted to commit suicide, but then decided not to do this to write his memoirs over which he worked until the last days of his life.

In 1797, Casanova heard that Venice no longer exists, and that she was captured by Napoleon Bonaparte, but it was too late to return to their homeland. He died on June 4, 1798, at the age of 73 years. According to those who were next to him in the moments of his death, the last words they said were: "I lived as a philosopher, and in the Christian."

We draw your attention that in the biography of Kazanov Dzhacomo, the most highlights of life are presented. Some minor life events may be missed in this biography.

It was rich and brilliant in the age of XVIII - Fashion on the dazzling luxury and all sorts of pleasure rearly reigned in society, with ease of attacking any bans that prevent pleasure and fun. Of course, in addition to balls and techniques in the world there were poverty, plague and inquisition, threatening the carefree-frivolous flow of life. However, in Baora, they preferred not to spend time on the thoughts about the bad. It was the time of the triumph of graceful arts, free morals and dangerous connections. Later, this century will name "gallant" - he gave the world a whole Pleiad of great composers, artists and thinkers. And it is the XVIII century that we owe the most famous adventurers, fraudsters and lovers. Their exciting stories of life are rewritten in dozens of novels, and their names have long become nominated. Jacomo Casanova is a bright example.

Incredible, the fate of this forever in love with an almost three centuries exciting the minds of historians and writers. Many contemporaries tended him to oblivion, but the story ordered otherwise, giving this tireless cavalor immortality.

The most famous lover: Biography of Jacomo Casanov

Giovanni Dzhacomo Kazanova was born in Venice on April 2, 1725 in the family of actors. His beauty mother was a soul and body was predicted the theater, had enviable success and the hanghead, and for this reason, she had no time for the upbringing of children. The fact that all of her children subsequently found a worthy place in life can be considered a miracle.

Golden Jacomo The first years of life brought up her grandmother. The child was painful and forever hungry. When Kazanov turned nine, the doctors advised the change of climate, and the boy from Venice was sent to a cheap guesthouse in Padua.

Abbot Gotszi, his first teacher, who took him to his house, saved from unprotective stagnation in Jacomo's poverty. Here, Kazanova quite successfully received primary education and, if you believe his memories, I first fell in love. He was eleven. The muse has become the younger sister of his teacher, who was a little longer than Giacomo. Again, if you believe the memoirs, after a year, Casanova arrived at the Padan University, in order to receive a scientific degree of a lawyer in five years.

By the way, he hated the jurisprudence and dreamed of a doctor's career, but adults insisted that he become church law. So Casanova put on the Sutan Abbat. But he was not destined to become a spiritual face, he was too attracted by cards, women and secular life. Thanks to the talent talent and natural wit, he easily secured a place in society, and his unfinished origin would seek at all and did not prevent him. From the very beginning, he knew how to get along with the strengths of this world, to receive privileges and positions, to achieve his own. But despite this, his church career failed. And then Kazanova decided to try himself in a military field. He bought an officer's patent, tried to the uniform, but very quickly bored, which made a bunch of money and quickly resigned. In life, a beginner adventurer did not tolerate two things boredom and restrictions. And he returned to the highest light, women and cards.

Came. Had seen. Seduznil

For his long life - and he lived 73 years old - Jacomo Casanova tried many professions. He was a professional player not indifferent to the shoe tricks. He worked as violinist in the theater. I tried myself in dramaturgy, satire and philosophy, was engaged in medicine and alchemy and even the Royal Finance Advisor. But in no case he did not achieve special success. And only on the path of love, he was not equal. Kazanova adored women and gave it to this passion selflessly. But he was not a hunter or collector. Each new novel was for him theatrical premiere, where he and his beloved played the main roles. The acting talent was his main family jewelery and the main means of victory.

With each woman, he convincingly argued that only she was his strongest and only love, and at the same time he himself believed his words. Maybe that's why women believed him every time and threw a white flag of the finest batista. The scenery of his love romance became Baura, monastic cells, the stable courtyards and the poor hives, and no class framework and prohibitions did not exist for the Great Lover. The one who owned his heart was always the most beautiful and desirable, even if only one hour ...

Kazanova loved to repeat that for him the most important thing is to make a woman happy, and that he found pleasure for himself. Maybe in this and was the main casanov's secret. He did women happy, and they were ready to forgive him everything. Several of his ardent and mutual novels almost ended with a wedding. But at the last moment Kazanov always found a sufficient reason for which he could not tie himself to marriage.

Yes, this man was from whom to choose, but he remained bachelor to the end of his life. He loved the women too much to choose one of them. Later, at sunset life, alone, he preventedly described his love adventures in detail. Peopleful readers counted in the memoirs of Casanov's "total" 122 women and immediately carried out the verdict that for the great seducer it is not so much. But if you believe the Casanov itself, then for him the number just did not matter at all. Everyone in love with, he was sure that this is the first and last time ...

Hand agility and no witchcraft

During the time of the gallant century, everything is forbidden and unusual in fashion. So, for example, alchemes were engaged in the same interest and the pharmacists and kings. I was looking for a philosopher's stone and the elixir of youth, encouraged mediums and astrologers, very valued perfumers and statements. Here it was rapid for skillful magicians and shameless scammers. Famous Count Caliosostro's County and Count Saint-Germain made themselves a career and a state, telling about their immortality and committing "wonders" for everyone who could pay for it. Casanova also distinguished himself on this Niva - he practiced numerology and was interested in alchemy and thanks to his personal charm and dexterity became a recognized mother of the occult. By the way, he adored to read and possessed excellent memory, and it helped him successfully fond the head around. Kazanova loved to repeat that "Fool deception is a matter of a worthy of a smart person." But sometimes secrets of Kabbalah and magical rituals were only a pretext to start acquaintance with the next secular beauty and conquer her.

It can be said that Casanov led to occupation occupation by occultism: once he saved the life of Patricia on the name of Bragadino (medical knowledge was useful), which gratitude the young and non-adverse person not only as a patronage, but also "secret" knowledge. And, like all the famous people of that time, the great seducer was a member of the Masonic lodge.

Casanova knew how to squeeze adventures and play dangerous games. And, of course, one day they had to be interested in the Inquisition. The bowl of patience of the Holy Fathers was overflowing on July 24, 1755 - on this day, according to the preserved protocol, an order was given to the arrest of Casanov. For "publicly committed crimes against the Holy Faith", he was thrown into one of the chambers of the "lead" prison located on the upper floor of the Venetian Palace of the Doge.

By the way, only noble criminals and conspirators were placed here, so it could be said that Casanova and here was in the Higher Society.

Escape, amazing and incredible

Let's just say: from the prison of Casanova fled. Although they say that it was impossible to escape from there. He was proud of this feat the rest of his life and even published the story of his escape in the form of an independent literary work. Later skeptics and evil tongues assured that all this fiction that Kazanova and his high patrons simply bribed the head of the prison. However, in the archive of the Dozh Palace, documents still are stored, which fully confirm everything written by the Great Adventurerist.

Conditions in prison, as it should be terrible. In the summer, there was stuffy and hot in the chamber, and in winter wildly cold: among other things, Kazanov was placed in the worst camera, where the ceiling was very low. According to the sentence, which no one has announced a prisoner, he had to spend long five years in this prison. Kazanova loved her life too much to destroy her in a similar way, besides, he was sure that he received a lifelong conclusion. Therefore, by spending a few months under the lead roof, he began to look for the opportunity to run. To begin with, during a walk, he found a piece of marble and a fragment of the iron rod, which became the main tool to achieve the goal.

His first attempt to do a hole in the floor ended a very offensive failure when the secret work of the prisoner was almost completed, he was suddenly translated into another chamber. Such a blow of fate could finish anyone. But Kazanova was incredibly stubborn and used to seek her at any cost. The second plan of escape was much more complicated and demanded an assistant. But this particular option was successful. This time it was decided to break the hole in the roof and get up. That Casanova and his comrade in misfortune with success and great difficulty were done. What they managed to descend from the roof and flee from the city, can be considered a miracle. Or supernatural luck.

So Casanova gained freedom, but was separated from his homeland. Venice, which he loved most in the world.

Odyssey in love Casanov

Perhaps, Jakomo Casanova could have gone to the glory of the Great Traveler. He managed to go around many cities and countries, and this is despite the fact that in the XVIII century, movement on the roads was long, not very comfortable and rather dangerous for life. Who knows how the fate of the most great lover would have happened if it were not for a scandalous reputation, threats from the authorities and the thirst for new impressions did not make him move from place to place? However, it is impossible to submit it to the extended and respectable citizen of the Venetian Republic.

Alas, over the years, luck - a capricious woman - more and more often began to turn away from the Kazanov. He traveled almost all of Europe, even reached Russia, and everywhere he was looking for light money, loud glory and recognition of his genius. Again and again he was a player, a charger, a doctor and a writer, a clever fraudster, an actor and a witty mockery. And as well as passionately loved women. By the way, meeting his former beloved, he never appealed to the feelings remaining in the past. He always preferred new acquaintances and new stories. Perhaps the necessary novelty of impressions reconciled him with constant wanderings. Life forced him to master another profession - spy. It brought money and provided the patronage of the strengths of this world, but Kazanova could not stay for a long time, because scandals, duels invariably pursued him. By the way, it's amazing that he lived such a long life - besides everyday adversity, he regularly experienced health problems. And not the last role was played by numerous disorderlies, after which they had to be treated from venereal diseases. At that time, Panacea from "Love Diseases" was considered to mercury, which successfully killed not only infection, but also patients. It is known that Casanov had many times during the life of the "bring victims of Mercury" (the planet corresponding to the Element "Mercury"). However, he survived many of his beloved, friends and enemies. At the end of the life of a wandering, he led him to Bohemia, in the castle, Duka, where he received a place of librarian. Here Jacomo Casanova wrote memoirs, who brought him world fame, - twelve volumes of memories, under the unaccompanible title "The History of My Life".

Court story

Kazanov had four younger brothers and sisters. All of them began during the lifetime of well-known and respected people. The famous seducer could well go into oblivion as a "lousy sheep in herd", and all his relatives were convinced that it would be so. However, fate had other plans. Thanks to the memorandum written, the elder brother Jacomo entered the story as the most famous lover, surrounding the surname of the attractive halo of romantic obscenity.

The last book of Kazanov miraculously saw the light, was edited several times and reworked, printed in abbreviated translations and suffered from censorship ... In the end, she was still published entirely and had a dizzying success. Casanova came out of non-essential after death, as in life he left a debt prison. "I am not repent of anything," the author warns and invites you to plunge into my memories recorded neatly and detail. Later, many tried to challenge the authenticity of Memoirov Jacomo Casanov, doubted the authorship and in the veracity of the facts outlined. And even those who claimed that all love adventures he came up with the beginning to the end ... However, others immediately argued that this work was quite reliable and, most likely, really belongs to Peru of legendary Casanov, except that the author allowed himself Some liberty in handling facts and dates. Yes, this favorite Venus has always allowed himself a liberty, because it did not tolerate boring rules and did not seek the light paths, and also adored to be a hero of the scandal. And thanks to this, the history of the life of Casanova and his biography, continue to worry the hearts and inspire the feats, disputes and philosophical reasoning.

Who is Jacomo Casanova? Some say that he was a writer, a translator, a lawyer, a musician, a financier, traveler, a diplomat and even a librarian. Others are a slit gambler, a duelist, a secret agent, a healer, a predictor and the ladies. What is all true of this? Find out in this article.

Childhood and Youth Giacomo Girolamo Casanov

On April 2, 1725, in the family of actors Gaetano Giuseppe and Farusi, Zarette Kazonov had a big joy - the firstborn, whose name was called Jacomo Girolamo.

While parents were on tour, the boy brought up her grandmother. At 9 years old sent him to the boarding house. This event has become a big disappointment for the child. He regarded the act of his relatives as a betrayal and later in his memoirs he wrote that in this way "they got rid of me." In the boarding house there were terrible conditions, so Jakomo asked to give it to the care of Abbot Gotszi, who became the first teacher for him. The boy lived with Goczi and his family until 1737. The house of Abbot became a place where Kazanov fell in love for the first time. It was for him at that time 11 years.

"Bettina (the younger sister of Gozzi - approx. Ed.) It was a beautiful, cheerful, fascinated by reading the novels. I immediately liked the girl, although I didn't quite understand why. It was she who gradually squeezed in my heart the first sparks of that feeling, which then became my main passion, "Jacomo wrote in his autobiography.

Early manifested themselves from Casanov and thrust to knowledge. At the age of 12, he entered one of the oldest universities in Europe, to the Padan University, and graduated from him at age 17. In June 1742, the young man received a scientist degree of a lawyer, to which, if you believe the memoirs, a disgust was experiencing. Much more than Dzhacomo interested in other sciences: chemistry, mathematics and medicine.

"It would be better for me to do what I wanted, and become a doctor, for which professional quantity is even more suitable than in legal practice," he recalled.

Young Kazanova

Entry in adulthood: first sexual experience and first debts

Despite its dislike for jurisprudence, after studying at the University, Jacomo began working as a lawyer at the church and was adopted in the novices by the Patriarch of Venice. At that time, 76-year-old senator drew attention to young KazanovAlvizo Gasparo Malipiero. Taking a young man under his wing, he told him about behavior in the highest layers of society, and also taught to understand food and fault.

However, their friendship lasted long.

It turned out that Kazanov and Malipiero liked one woman, actress Teresa Imer. The girl repudiated with a more young cavalier, because of which the senator kicked both out of his house. By the way, after that, the Roman Kazanov and Imer immediately stopped. However, the young man did not burn for a long time. Soon he had the first sexual experience with two sisters, the Nisnet and Maria Savoryan, 14 and 16 years. After the occurrence of Casanova, he finally decided with his vocation in life - he became a ladies. The love of young men to women and cards in the future destroyed his religious career, and for the first time he first looked into prison.

Lawyer replaced soldier

After the church lesson for Giacomo ended sharply, a man decided to find another calling. In August 1744, Kazanov bought a patent officer of the Republic of Venice. Jointing a new position, the first thing he took care of his appearance:

Understanding that now I will hardly succeed in the field of the church, I decided to try on my soldier's clothes ... I requested a good tailor ... He brought me everything I needed to become an embodied follower of Mars ... My uniform was white, with a blue before And silver with gold epoles. I bought a long saber and with my elegant cane in his hand, in an elegant hat with a black cocardia, with a bundle bar and an overhead tail was impressed by the whole city.

But the city was never impressed. A new role quickly bored Casanov. He began to pull to the empires, and by no means a military. Therefore, in October 1744, he interrupted his service and returned to his native Republic.

Further search for yourself

At 21, Dzhacom Casanova decided to become a professional player. However, luck was not on his side: in the first few months he lost all his money, which remained from the sale of officers. Once upon a mel, and even with debts, the man was forced to abandon the career of the gambler.

In search of work, a failed player asked for help to his old benefactor Alvizo Grimani. He did not refuse Kazanov and helped him to make a violinist at the San Samuel Theater. However, the man's spoiled life and this work soon did not like.

"My lesson was not noble, but it did not care. Calling all the prejudices, I soon acquired all the habits of my fallen colleagues. We often spent the nights, Buyan in different quarters of the city, inventing the most scandalous draws and fulfilling them, was entertained, the gondolas moored with private houses, which then carried out the flow, "said Casanova.

Everything decided the case.

Returning from the wedding ball, the musician sat down with his fate in one Gondola with the Venice Senator Giovanni Di Matteo Bragadin. On the Officer's Road, I had enough blow, and Casanova immediately made him bloodshot. In the palace, the doctor repeated the procedure and put the patient with a mercury ointment on the chest (at that time mercury, despite the toxic properties, was considered a universal medicine). As a result, Bragadina became even worse, and he began to choke because of the swollen trachea. Related already called upon the priest, who would let the sins of the dying. But then Casanova intervened, who owned medical knowledge. He ordered the doctor to remove the sienator's ointment from the chest and rinse with it with cold water. Soon the official recovered from the disease and adopted Kazanov, providing him with a worthy life.

"I accepted the most commendable, noble and only natural way of life. I decided to put myself in such a position in which I would not need to deprive itself of essentials. And about what exactly I needed, no one could judge better than I, "Chanova wrote in his memoirs.


Pjombi prison

After the Senator's salvation, Casanova went to the Gran Tour. He visited many cities in Europe. Most of all, he, of course, liked Paris. In France, he lived 2 years. All this time, Dzhacomo actively engaged in creativity and wrote a lot of comedy pieces, among whom "Fesselli, or Harlequin on Shabash" and "Molokkaida".

Returning to Venice, Kazanov brought the anger of the Inquisition and was arrested. The man was placed in Piombi prison for political criminals. After 5 months of imprisonment, Jacomo took a desperate attempt to flee, but was caught. The second attempt was successful, and Kazanova went to live in Paris.

"So the Lord prepared me everything you need for escape, which should have done if not a miracle, the event, worthy of surprise. I confess, I am proud that fled; But my pride happens not because I managed to do it - there is a large proportion of luck, but because I missed it feasible and had the courage to bring my idea to execution, "said Casanova.

Further fate

Once in France, Jacomo declared himself an alchemist and acquired unprecedented popularity among the most outstanding figures of that time, including the Marquis de Pompadur, Count Saint-German, Dalamber and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Thus, he began to visit the highest light, earned a lot of money and tied new novels.

However, fate was not long to be favorable to Kazanov.

Soon the incorrigible gambler again got into debts for which was again arrested. Thanks to the Marquise d'Iurf, after 4 days, he was released. Wanting to move away from trouble, he decided to leave. For several years, Kazan wandered: he visited Holland, Cologne, Switzerland, Marseille, Genoa, Florence, Rome, Naples, Modena, Turin, England, Belgium, and even in Moscow and St. Petersburg. All this time his life was full of adventure and trouble. By the way, in 1766, after a duel on pistols with a colonel, Count Barnitsky was expelled from Warsaw, in 1767 he was forced to leave for the Vienna's cheerry, and in 1768 in Barcelona almost killed. In 1771, after several years of walnings, Jacomo decided to return to his homeland. To obtain the resolution and favor of the Venetian authorities, he took up commercial espionage. After a few months, Casanova received the long-awaited permission to enter and read with tears in his eyes:

"We, government inquisitors, according to the reasons for us, give Gaakomo Casanov's freedom, making it right to come, leave, stop and returning, to have connections where it will be used without permission and interference. Such is our will, "it was said in a letter.

In September 1774, after 18 years of expulsion, Kazanova finally returned to Venice. The wanderer was cordially accepted in his homeland: at first he was known and famous. But soon all this ceased and the most famous fate in the world had to get a job with a little salary. Poverty soon broke up Kazanov. He began to write a bile satire directed against Bohemia, for whichin January 1783, he was again expelled from Venice.

Forced to resume his wanders, Kazanova returned to France. Having lived in Paris for a few months, he left for the Czech Republic, where she settled by the Count Josef Karl von Waldshtein's library in Duztsovsky Castle.

In recent years, Casanova has been engaged in a lot of creativity. Shortly before death, he began to write memoirs who called "the story of my life." He dreamed that future generations knew him and remembered (as we see, his dream was fulfilled). Jacomo Casanova died on June 4, 1798 in the Czech Republic, aged 73 years. The people close to him remembered that his last words were: "I lived as a philosopher and dying a Christian."

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Kazanova Giacomo

Full name of Jacomo Dzhirolamo Kazanova de Seicalt (born in 1725 - mind. In 1798)

Venice adventurer of an international scale, soldier, writer and a secret agent in the service of the French king Louis XV. The author and hero of the world-famous memories, distinguished by limit frankness in the description of the intimate life of their creator. Memoirs brought him scandalous fame and made his name by synonymous with disbelief and rutting.

About the great Italian seductor of women, Giacomo Casanov known to the whole world. But for sure, few people know that the famous adventurer tried his strength not only on this field. Casanova's contemporaries appeared as a writer, translator, a chemist, mathematician, a historian, a financier, a lawyer, a musician, an alchemist ... The main thing in his desires was definitely a sensual pleasure remained. However, the only genuine symbol of life Giacomo became ... game. Who was it all the same? At different times, the famous adventurer gave itself behind the Catholic priest, then for Muslim, then for the officer, then for diplomat. In London, he once said to the familiar lady: "I am a libertine by profession, and you have acquired a bad acquaintance today."

He wrote about himself: "I, Jacomo Casanova, Venetian, on the inconsistencies - a scientist, in habitats - an independent person and so rich that I do not need any help. I travel for pleasure. During my long suffal life, I am a victim of intrigue from the rogue. " Memoirs, he completed the assurances that "he lived, as he likes the philosopher," and "dies, as a Christian applies." Gompany Gomakov give the best answer to the question of which the famous interlocutor of crowned persons was, a prisoner of European prisons and frequenter of gambling homes and vertets.

He enjoyed the Milostas of the Prussian King Friedrich the Great, who was interested in his opinion on the affairs of public administration, was an adviser to Stuttgart Prince, whose court instilled in French morals, dined with the wife of Louis XV, led the conversation with the Marquis de Pompadour. Casanova was familiar with Catherine II and even wanted to become a personal secretary of the Empress or the educator of the Grand Duke. Meanwhile, each of the acts of the famous Italian became only another adventure.

The future great seducer was born on April 2, 1725 in the brilliant republic Venice in the family of actor Gaetano Casanov and the daughter of the shoemaker Zarette Farmitus. However, there is reason to believe that the real father of Dzhacom was the owner of the San Samuel Theater Venetian Patricia Michele Grimani. "I was not born nobleman - nobility I achieved myself," announced once Kazanova, for which the question of its origin was always very sensitive.

Giacomo was 2 years old from the family when his mother, a young actress, went to London. There she played in the Italian comedy, became the mistress of Prince Wales and gave birth to a child from him. On this basis, it is assumed that the brother of Kazanov, Francesco, is the illegitimate son of the King of England George II. Francesco Casanova became a famous artist, the author of battle paintings. This is him Ekaterina Great ordered a picture of the "Battle of Ochakov", which is stored in the Hermitage. Kazanov had two more brothers and sister: Giovanni - artist, student Mengs, Director of the Dresden Academy of Arts; Gaetano - priest and preacher; Maria Magdalina - Dresden Opera House dancer.

For the first nine years of his life, Jakomo lived at his grandmother Marce Farusi. His father died when the boy was eight years old.

Two years later, his mother goes to St. Petersburg with the troupe of the Actors "Comedi Del Artte." And Jacomo is sent to Padu, where he lives in a guesthouse from Dr. Gotszi, who gives him violin lessons and introduces sciences. Casanova's education continues at the University of Paduan. In 1741 he takes a tonsure and becomes a novice. Then begins to travel: first on Corfu, then in Constantinople.

In 1743, Kazanov is accepted into the spiritual seminary, but soon they drive out from there for behavior, not confrontation of the spiritual person. And again in the path - Ancona, Rome, Naples, Calabria, Naples, again Ancona. In Rome, Kazanova was adopted by Cardinal Aquaviva and talked with Pope Benedict XIV. Charged in the complication of the kidnapping of one maiden, in which he was absolutely unique, Casanova is forced to leave Rome. In Ancona, he meets Teresu-Bellino, a young singer-castrate. It is covered by suspicions that the singer is actually a disguise woman ...

After the adventure with Bellino (her real name - Angeola Calori - an outstanding singer, who later received all-European fame) Kazanova removed the regime and entered military service. On the island of Corfu, he became an adjutant of the commander of Galeasi Jacomo da Riva. From Corfu is sent again to Constantinople. In 1746, Kazan is returning to Venice and becomes an ordinary violinist at the San Samuel Theater. He played at weddings and parties, even helped the famous Antonio Vivaldi in the composition of the oral. And seduced, seduced ...

For the sake of a couple of wonderful eyes, a failed clergyman moved from the city to the city. With some ladies, he led the philosophical conversations, and one even presented a whole library. Casanova slept with aristocrats, prostitutes, nuns, with girls, with her niece, maybe with her daughter. But for life, it seems, no mistress has been reproached. However, love was for Casanov not only a vital need, but also by the profession. He bought the girls who liked him (most of all he had a young thin brunette), he taught them a love science, secular severity, and then with great benefits for himself inferior to other - financiers, venels, king. Drawing up happiness of poor girls - so was one of the constant sources of income for the Kazanov.

In the spring of 1746, in one of the dark nights, Kazanova met in the Venice of a man in the Red Mantle, who dropped a letter in his eyes. Jacomo raised and returned this letter to the owner. A man in the mantle was the Venetian senator Matteo Giovanni Bragadini. As a sign of gratitude, Bragadini suggested that Kazanov suggested on his gondola. In the way, Senator had a blow. Kazanova ordered to stop the gondola and locked the doctor. After the first medical care, he delivered a patient home, where two friends of the senator immediately came running - Venetian Patricia Marco Dandolo and Marco Barbaro. Casanova realized that the doctor heals the patient incorrectly, and began to work himself. The next Senator felt excellently. So the acquaintance of Kazanov with his patrons occurred.

Venetian patricians secretly engaged in Kabbalistic and Alchemy. Kazanova admitted that he was fond of this and that he had his own Kabbalistic method, although he is not quite confident in his reliability. All together they took cheap - and the method worked. Bragadini, Barbaro and Dandolo asked different questions, and Oracle gave them exactly the answers they expected. Patricia was convinced that the young Casanova great magician.

The trick with its own Kabbalistic method of Casanova is applicable more than once, especially in Paris with Madame d'Iurf, rich in Marquis, who blindly believed in the magical abilities of Casanov.

Leaving the musical field, Casanova, using friendship and blessings of Bragadini, settled in his house as a named son and became at leisure to engage in magic and predictions. An adventurer characterized her then in a few words: "I was not a poor, gifted with a pleasant and impressive appearance, a desperate player, a wrapper, Krasnobay and Zabiik, not a coward, a female fan, a dexterous disposal of rivals, a cheerful companion ... I wondered my enemies on Each step, but I could stand up for myself and therefore I thought that I could afford anything anything. "

In Kazanov, first of all, he conquered his innate artistry, the ability to attract and instantly interest. The famous Italian brilliantly skilled, remaining himself, alternately and thoughtfully turn into a secular lion, an irresistible eater of female hearts, then in a wise philosopher who has absorbed the texts of hundreds of scientists of books, then in a hype-free specialist in ore and finance, which gives competent advice on These issues, then in a prominent policy, then in a mastty diplomat ...

About his appearance, the contemporary wrote: "He would be handsome, when it was not ugly: High, folded as Hercules, the face was dark ... He is proud, for he has nothing ... Rich fantasy and natural liveliness, experience of numerous travels, tried Professions, hardness of the spirit and contempt for everyday benefits make it a man rare, most interesting for dating, worthy of respect and devoted friendship of a small number of people who saved his location. "

Patronens of Casanov Senator Bragadini and his friends Barbaro and Dandolo advised him for a while to remove from Venice - they feared that the state inquisition could accuse their friend in blasphemy and filmkins.

But at that time, Roman Jacomo with Anrietta was played by Roman, who inspired the creation of literary works, among others, the English writer Richard Oldington and Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaev.

No other woman indulged in the soul of Casanov's such gentle memories as Anriette, which he met in the society of the Hungarian officer in Cesen. Three months he lived with her in Parma was a happiest time in his life: "Who thinks the woman cannot fill all the hours and moments of the day, he thinks so because he never knew Herryetta ... We loved each other with all By force, what were only capable, we completely satisfied with each other, we completely lived in our love. "

In 1750, Kozanova went to France: "In Lyon, I became a free bricklayer. Two months later, in Paris, I rose on the second step, and after a few months - on the third, in other words, became a master. This step is the highest. All other titles that were given to me over time - just pleasant fictions and, although they have a symbolic meaning, nothing adds to the rank of the wizard. "

Then Casanova made a trip to Central Europe and returned to Venice, where the previous lifestyle continued. He brought his hostility of the Inquisition and on July 26, 1755, he was accused of freezing, a leaning lifestyle, free-industrial complex, the occult and sentenced to a five-year detention in the palace of the guild. After 15 months, Casanova fled from Piombi prison, which later told about the "History of my flight" written in French and published in Prague in 1788

And again wandering: Milan, Ferrara, Bologna. Everywhere the game, everywhere, ... In Paris, Kozanova entered the confidence in the Minister of Shiazel, tried his strength in business and trade, but he struck himself ... And again it was put in the wanderings: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Russia and again - Europe.

He played a lot in these years, because the game, essentially, was the only genuine meaning of his life.

At the age of twenty, the Italian wrote: "I need to somehow earn a living, and in the end I chose the profession of the player." Good luck often accompanied Kazanov in gambling, which gave a serious reason to many of his biographers of that time to clearly hint: the famous Italian "suspiciously used the favor of His Majesty's case in everything that concerned gambling." However, luck could be explained by the fact that Casanova remembered the instructions of his named father of Bragadini well: "Do not pay duty, if I lost to the word, never to be visibly, but to keep the bank yourself and throw the game immediately, as soon as luck begins to go to the side of the partner .

Stories are known that only once, being in Venice and going to the gambling house, where the privilege of keeping the bank used, by the way, only players of noble origin, Kazanova lost 500,000 gold zehin in one night. However, he soon managed to completely compensate for the losses incurred. True, the main merit belonged here to his next mistress, which for his own money managed to play off, it would seem, irrevocably lost gold. However, the most significant amount in his life the Italian earned not on the game, but on the organization of the state lottery in Paris in 1757

Then the King of France conceived to open the Higher Military School. But this idea required 20 million livres. At the same time, the government did not want to contact the help of a state or royal treasury, and intended to obtain the necessary amount from the people. But how to make people voluntarily fork out? And here the scene came out Casanova, offering the king to organize a lottery.

He convincingly argued that the people would be happy to accumulate lottery tickets, as there would be quite large prizes in the draw, and the revenue money would surely bring a profit to the king. In addition, the lottery, according to a fraudster, was to be held under the auspices of the crown, and not on behalf of private entrepreneurs, which would significantly strengthen the confidence in her by the townships and dispel any doubts about the honesty and decency of the organizers. In the end, the proposal was adopted, and Kazanova was appointed official representative of the king responsible for holding the lottery. He then turned around, heading six of the seven branches for the sale of lottery tickets. Moreover, Casanov was assigned a reward of 4 thousand livra.

For two months, Casanova rich and cheered. He hired a good apartment, perfectly furnished her, got a carriage and surrounded himself with a luxury appropriate to the collector of the Royal Million. Soon all Paris knew him. Everywhere - in the theaters, on a visit, people were approached on the balls to him, seduced by the opportunity to win, pushed money into their hands and asked to send lottery tickets. Than all this ended, the story is silent. But it is known that Never Fortune has gone to Kazanov with its favor in such a size. The idea with the lottery, according to him, turned out to be the most successful, albeit the last large enterprise of the brilliant passing.

Than just did Jacomo for the remaining 35 years of life! I sold a "recipe for eternal youth" and "Formula of the Philosophical Stone", traded the beauty of young girls. But not only. When the days of Jacobin terror came in Revolutionary France, the old Casanova sent a random multi-page letter, where there were such words: "What are you right to break the lives of thousands and thousands of people for" universal happiness "? We must leave the people of their beliefs, even their prejudices - I argued about this with Voltaire in 1760. Otherwise, you make them unhappy. "

The next few years of his life is an endless series of bushes, romantic incidents and a card game. However, in the end, the suggestion was raised, tested fatigue. Increasingly, in love affairs, various kinds of tricks and gambling Games, the failures waited.

"Love is only curiosity" - this phrase is often found in the Memoirs of Casanov. Tireless curiosity was a real passion of this person. He was not a banal favorite of women, was not a happy bale, a random amateur. For rapprochement with women, he treated as a serious and diligent artist belongs to his art. Casanova was not always immersed in a hurried and unintelligent debauchery. Such periods happened to him only when he wanted to drown out of the world that he had just passed great love and eternal thirst for a new one.

Among countless women mentioned by this "Lentler by profession," there are a few leaving a deep mark in his soul. They are dedicated to the best pages of memoirs. Talking about them, Casanova avoided obscene details. Their images become for readers as close and alive as the image of the Venetian adventurist. The first love of the young seducer was in the spirit of peaceful Venetian novella. He was sixteen years old, and he loved Naznut and Marton, two nieces of good syigns Orio: "This love, which was my first, did not teach me anything in school, because she was completely happy, and no calculations or worries broke it "

The light shade of Elegy appeared in his second love. Perhaps this is because it proceeded in Rome, in the everlasting gardens of Louis and Aldobrandini. There, Jacomo loved Lucretia: "Oh, what delicate memories are connected to me with these places! .."

During his stay on the island of Corfu, Kazanova experienced love resembling its complexity and painfulness of the theme of modern novels. Long the history of this love is dramatic. Many years later, the memories of the Venetian aristocrat of Andrian Fotoskarini, hidden behind the initials "F. F. ", made Kazanov exclaim:" What is love? This is the madness, over which the mind has no power. This is a disease that a person is susceptible at any age and which is incurable when she is striking the old man. Oh love, creature and feeling indefinable! God of nature, your bitterness is sweet, your bitterness is cruel ... "

Another girlfriend, Rosalia, he picked up in one of Marseillenty: "I tried to bring this young person to myself, hoping that she would stay with me until the end of days and that, living with her in agreement, I would not feel more need to wander from one Love to another. " But, of course, Rosalia left him, and his wandering began again.

Instead of the devotee, Jacomo met a small dancer La Cortichelli, who made him experience jealousy and bitterness. She was from Bologna and "just did what she laughed." She causing Casanov a lot of troubles of all kinds: intrigued against him and changed him at each other case. But the tone of his stories gives out that he has never, even for a minute of their final gap, this "madman" was not indifferent to the heart of the aggressive adventurist.

So it lasted until 1764, when in London 38-year-old Kazanova, passionately fell in love with a young curtisanka Sharpillon, met a cold and contempt, and not reciprocity. And then, Kazanova recalled, "I understood - youth behind ..."

After a stormy novel with Sharpilon, the great seducer decided to leave on peace. Over the next thirty years in his life, there were probably no women at all. I received the pleasure of Casanova now only from food, from writing memoirs and from reading. He began his extensive memories of his age. They did not printed for a long time, for the publishers, apparently, were afraid of his revelations, and the next generation of romantics did not believe in the existence of the Casanov himself.

Ultimately, he had to return to Venice, where he found earnings as a police informant. In 1782, the next scandal forced him to leave Italy.

The three spacious rooms of the ancient castle in the picturesque corner of the North Czech Republic became the last refuge of the adventurist and writer Jacomo Casanov. Once on the way from Vienna to Berlin in 1785, he met Count Joseph Valdshtein. And he suggested a staring elder (Giacomo went on the seventh tenth) to become a librarian in his castle, where Kazanova spent the last thirteen years of his life.

Here in the Duks, in Bohemia (modern Duchkov) from the feather of the famous Venetian, Memoirs and a five-volume novel "Ikozameron" came out. The memories of Casanov, written in French, were brought only to 1774. At first, their authenticity was questioned, but special studies confirmed the accuracy of the historical events and characters mentioned in them. The author clearly embellished his adventures, representing himself "hero of breaking and love victories."

He led a lively correspondence with numerous addressees in different cities of Europe, and many even met, but in the end turned into an eternally dissatisfied, patient and grieving old man who lived his days almost completely loneliness. On June 4, 1798, Jacomo Girolamo Casanova died. The name of the great Italian adventurist is still a nominal one to this day. And no matter how it was, he left his mark in history ...

"Love is my calling, not a profession," loved to repeat Kazanova. For him, love itself has always contained the highest meaning of life, all other victories, defeats and benefits - compared to it - are secondary. This amazing person has been convinced that it is impossible to share love for the "high feeling" and "sales", "low-albele", "carnal" passion, for the soul and the body is a single whole, because all the inseparable components of love are united. And even though (and maybe, thanks to this), that Kazanova honestly admitted: "I loved women to madness, but always preferred them with freedom," the incomparable Italian did not know defeats in love.

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From the book of the author

Kazanova is one Venetian, which I never forgotten. We will try to compare his biography in terms of experienced (and not the spiritual essence or depth of knowledge), for example, with Biographies Goette, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and other contemporaries. As narrow-controlled,

Jacomo Giroolamo Kazanova (Ial. Giacomo Girlamo Casanova), Chevalé de Sengalt (April 2, 1725, Venice - June 4, 1798, Dux Castle, Bohemia) - famous Italian adventurer, traveler and writer, author of a detailed autobiography "History of My Life" (FR. Histoire de Ma Vie).

In 11 years, Kazanova was going to marry 13-year-old Bettina, the sister of the priest from Padua, who he then lived. However, the arguments of the Holy Father convinced Giacomo in the fact that, having become a abbot, he would be happy rather than becoming an exemplary family man. When the boy was 15 years old, he recovered in his hometown of Venice. To start, Dzhacomo achieved the position of a preacher in the Venetian church San Samuel, in which he was baptized. A young charming abbot circled his head of the parishioners. However, the abbot's career collapsed because of drunk antics.
Glory about the young abbot quickly spread throughout Venice. Signoras and senorites showered their lover with cute baubles: diamonds, gold coins and expensive furs, they called to buy in their estates. But Jacomo all this quickly bored, and he preferred to go to the San Cyprian seminary on the island of Murano. But from there for love sins, he was sent to corrected to the Venetian Fort San Andrea Di Lido, which at the exit to the Adriatic. So Dzhacomo from the Abbot turned into a prisoner.
However, Dzhacomo fell ill. Doctors could not identify a strange disease (only in 1879 she was called "Gonorrhea"). Nevertheless, he was prescribed six weeks of strict fasting and cold mercury grazers. Kazanova recovered, although during treatment could not refuse the society of pretty women. He even was proud of the first of his "professional injuries" (by the end of their life, they are scored 11 varieties).

From Venice Casanova fled to Kalabria, south of Italy. At the joy, he went to the brothel, where he earned the second disease and lost all the money on the companies of the jaws of the monks. The province did not occur to Kazanov to taste, and he goes to Rome. The Colosseum seemed to him with dark ruins, but the labyrinths of the ancient Villa Aldobrandini and the Gardens of Villa Borgseza, which on the shore of the Tiber was for him a real paradise. What is not surprising, because young girls are constantly walking there! Whether it is not a dream!
Casanov was 25 years old when he first visited Paris. Jacomo settled at the hotel De Burgon, famous for the fact that Moliere lived there. Gradually, he began to earn the "supplier" with rich citizens. Love for him is no longer just a vital need, but also a profession. He seduced by the girls who liked him (most of all he had a young thin brunette), he taught their love science, secular severity, and then with great benefits for himself inferior to other - financiers, nobles and even the king himself.
Soon, Kazanova, accused of next sins, fled to Austria. This country Kozanov was terrified, because compared with the good-natured dad, the Roman and the fun French courtyard, Empress Maria-Teres looked a real malicious inquisite. Kazanova initially behaved modestly and earned the location of Mary-Teresa and King Franz Stephen. But soon he could not resist and seduced a thirteen-year-old girl, for which he received an order immediately and forever leave Austria.

At dawn on July 25, 1755, the Inquisition accused Kazanov in faith in Satan, as he ate meat in the post. Kazanov entered into Piombi Prison (I Piombi) for 5 years. Ostrog represented small rooms under the roof of the Doge Palace. And the roof of this palace was covered with lead plates.
Escape from imprisonment became a relentless dream of Casanov. A year later, he ran from prison for three months, which was always considered impossible. He made the escape by doing the hole in the ceiling and choosing to the roof. The flight of Casanov from Piomby made a lot of noise in Europe and brought fame to the Avenue. So at 31, Jacomo Casanova again became a free person, but already with a reputation as a political emigrant.

In Paris, he had two homes: luxury apartments on Monttorgel Street and PH PHARDS (Little Poland). He rummaged on a small hill, next to the Royal Park for Hunting. Casanova Radded and became a real mortgagor of life. It came to open clashes with representatives of justice.
After some time, Kazanova was arrested on Saint-Denis Street in his own stroller. The police brought him to the prison of Fortune and kept there for two days while Duke Elbeff (one of the Lovers of Casanov) did not pay a pledge. Kazanova was released and went to Holland, and then moved to Switzerland.

On December 15, 1764, on the sixth of the horses in the fifteen-perdus mulosis of Casanova went to St. Petersburg. Here it was interested in everything: factories, churches, monuments, museums, libraries. He visited the royal village, Peterhof and Kronstadt. In the summer garden, Jacomo talked to Catherine II.
A year later, Dzhacomo returned to Germany. For 39 years, 122 women entered the Donjan List of Casanov. He slept with aristocrats, with prostitutes, with nuns, with girls and, maybe, even with her daughter. There is a version that in Dresden Casanova met his daughter Sophie, who was married and wanted to have children, but her husband turned out to be fruitless. Kazanova was always happy to please a pretty woman, especially his own daughter. Sophie got pregnant, and happy father went to Spain. From 1775 to 1783, Kazanova was an informant of the Inquisition, he confessed about reading prohibited books, on freestricted ingredients, performances, etc. He even had a pseudonym - Antonio Pratolini.

Years went, and only walnia remained constant in the life of Casanov. He vagrants in Austria, Holland, France. When he learned about him a young and very rich Count Waldstein, Kazanova was aware of Teplice (the city in the modern Czech Republic). The Count has provided a librarian's post in his Bohemian castle of Dux (spirits). There, Jacomo has already been engaged in non-love conquests (due to impotence and gout), but by writing memoirs. In memoirs "The History of My Life" (written in 1791-1798, and published in 1822-1828) described his numerous love and adventure adventures. Memoirs of Casanov received worldwide fame since that time and were soon translated into many European languages. His book admired Standal, Mussy, Delacroix, Akhmatov, Block, Tsvetaeva.
Kazanova died on June 4, 1798. He is buried in the cemetery in Duks, but the exact finding of his grave, no one knows.