Ganoderma mushroom show from all sides. Can ganoderma be called a miracle remedy? Diseases of the cardiovascular system

This mushroom in the Russian version is called varnished tinder fungus. This type of tinder fungus is characterized by the fact that it has a leg, which other representatives do not have. It is easily identified by its kidney-shaped cap and cantilever growth.

The mushroom has a predominantly red or brown color, a flat cap and dense flesh. Growth rings are clearly visible on the outside of the cap. Among other similar Ganoderma looks very impressive due to the bright color and glossy surface.

Where does it grow

Due to the increase in popularity and demand for Ganoderma, many companies are considering increasing profits from the sale of this fungus. One of the marketing ploys is to rely on the uniqueness of preparations from it, since the mushroom is very valuable, whimsical and rare, almost several places on Earth expose its places of growth.

So that the consumer does not go to the tricks of sellers and does not overpay extra money for uniqueness, it is worth answering the question of where the ganoderma mushroom grows. In fact, this saprophyte has spread quite widely across all continents. It can be found in the wild, or successfully cultivated on its own using the submerged cultivation method.

Ganoderma is also growing in Russia. You can meet this type of tinder fungus mainly in the forests of Altai or in the south of the country: Krasnodar, Stavropol, the North Caucasus. An invariable condition for the favorable growth and reproduction of Ganoderma, as well as other tinder fungi, is heat, humidity, and the availability of places for resettlement: stumps, dry tree trunks and deadwood. It can also grow on the ground. Polypore mushrooms can be harvested up to three times a year. Seeing how lingzhi grows, one can judge its healing properties.

The use of parts of this mushroom in China and Japan dates back many centuries. It is considered a unique medicine that has practically no contraindications and side effects.

Medicines with Ganoderma have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, namely, they contribute to blood oxygen saturation, arterial expansion, and prevent cardiac ischemia and myocardial infarction.

Reishi means mushroom of immortality in Chinese. In the study of extracts of the fungus, scientists have identified anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. He is also credited with acting against various tumors and allergies. Another unique mushroom has similar actions -.

Macro- and microelements, vitamins and biologically active substances in the composition of lingsha are an excellent immunostimulant, its use is justified in autoimmune and cancerous diseases, terpenoids significantly increase resistance to stressful situations and remove feelings of anxiety and fear. We can say that Ganoderma is a mushroom of health.

Ganoderma remedy has become widely used in a number of the following conditions:

  • allergy;
  • pulmonary diseases, including those of an infectious nature;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • decrease in the general tone of the body;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • tumors and cancerous conditions;
  • reduced immunity and autoimmune conditions;
  • liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • increased body weight.

The systemic introduction of mushroom powder into the diet helps to increase mental activity, endurance and body resistance to aggressive environmental conditions. Also known is the ability to resist harmful radiation and cleanse the body of toxins, salts and toxins. This is the basis for the production and sale of a number of drugs for weight loss.

Application for weight loss

Despite the fact that the mushroom can be used to treat many diseases, its fame is reduced to one use. In our country, varnished polypore is in great demand as part of drugs aimed at losing weight. Preparations based on this fungus are considered very effective in improving metabolism and reducing weight for a long time while maintaining weight loss results.

The action of the drugs is aimed at:

  • removal of excess fluid from the body, elimination of edema;
  • decreased appetite and decreased food intake;
  • resorption of chronic fat deposits;
  • improvement of metabolic function;
  • giving a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength;
  • smoothing the skin, improving its elasticity and improving complexion.

The drug ganoderma not only reduces weight, but also blocks the absorption of fat after a course of use. Thanks to him, the result obtained is fixed for a long time and does not lead to a gradual set of new kilograms.

Ganoderma mushroom for weight loss on sale is presented in several versions. These are capsules, powder, dried mushroom plates, tea, green and black coffee, hot chocolate. Naturally, the most expensive type of product is a natural mushroom in its pure form, but not all companies offer it.

Available mushroom preparations and their uses

According to customer reviews, tincture has the greatest effect. For its preparation, a couple of tablespoons of ganoderma powder and 300 ml of boiling water are used, everything needs to be mixed, simmered on low heat for no more than 5 minutes and insisted for 10 hours. In addition, you can prepare a tincture of the product for alcohol. At the same time, 20 g of raw materials are poured with vodka and infused for about two months in a dark place. The method of application is based on the addition of such a tincture to tea or another drink.

Ganoderma tea has a less concentrated composition. It can be bought in packaged individual bags or brewed at home from the crushed parts of the mushroom. The method of using tea is reduced to the use of 2 tbsp. before meals 5 times a day. Tea leaves can be used multiple times. There are no recommendations on the timing of the use of such a drink.

The well-known healing properties of green coffee have found their application in the preparation based on tinder fungus and coffee. This dual action of active substances is designed to correct the figure more effectively.

Capsules with a drug are in great demand due to their ease of use. No need to prepare the drink and wait for the time of its infusion. There are several such drugs on the market for body shaping products. These are capsules Lingzhi Mushroom, Lingzhi, Reishi Plus. They belong to a more expensive price category than powders and teas. The scheme of application includes taking capsules in the morning and afternoon.

Another drug is an extract. In addition to Ganoderma, its composition includes ginseng extract, honey, alcohol and purified water. The drug is sold in packaging No. 10, one ampoule with an extract is used per day.

Despite the popularity of this drug based on lacquered tinder, its direct effect on the body, the inclusion of fat burning mechanisms and body shaping has not been experimentally proven. If we take into account that its action can be compared with the action of dietary supplements on the body, we can judge the effectiveness of the application by the presence of the individual characteristics of the organism and the selective action of the composition. This suggests that this type of weight loss has its supporters and opponents.

Ganoderma - lacquered polypore mushroom, the healing properties of which have been known to folk healers for a long time, it is believed that influential and wealthy people drank tincture from it to achieve immortality. Many people would like to know what ganoderma is and where it grows, it is known that this fungus is common in the east of Russia and in the neighboring countries of China, Korea, Tibet and Japan. However, the plant can also be found in the southern regions, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory. Having learned where ganoderma grows, some people want to get it and start treatment, but it is quite difficult to find it, so the fungus prefers to grow in places inaccessible to the average person. In addition, the plant is whimsical and does not settle on all trees, in ancient China they tried to plant it on plums, but only in 10 cases out of 10,000 Ganoderma took root.

It is known that Chinese healers passed down the Ganoderma mycelium from generation to generation, what this mushroom looks like, all students of healers should have known. The hat of this miracle of nature is oval, flat, because of the shiny skin, this type of mushroom is called varnished. From above, you can see concentric circles that are darker in the middle, and become light beige towards the edge. But basically the color of the cap varies from bright red to purple. The pulp of the fungus is dense, porous, the older the ganoderma, the harder its body becomes, in some cases it reaches the hardness of a tree. In various reference books, you can read how Ganoderma grows, in what places it can be found, botanists say that Lacquer Polypore prefers to settle on dying, weakened trees, at their base or on the roots.

To find a miracle mushroom, it is not enough to know its habitat, you need to understand on which trees Ganoderma grows, and she prefers plum, serata, passonia, and the plants must be old, rotten. Mycelium does not take root on every tree, ignoring all the efforts of botanists who still have not understood what conditions must be created for this capricious plant. Now many people are addicted to oriental medicine, in which ganoderma is widely used, the description of the mushroom contains the appearance of its cap, lower part and legs. The upper part can be not only red or purple, but depends on the surrounding area and the age of the plant. Sometimes the cap can be beige or brown, but the stem is almost always dark brown, hard, up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

In Japan and America, biologists have been studying the properties of ganoderma for 25 years, where this mushroom grows, and how to grow it in artificial conditions. The plant is quite capricious and even in very favorable conditions it is difficult to make it grow. This mushroom needs moist and warm forests, a certain type of tree. It is believed that it takes root best on the drain, but even here success is not guaranteed. Scientists study this mushroom so diligently because it contains substances that normalize metabolism and slow down aging. When a person starts drinking capsules with Ganoderma spores, nothing happens at first, the plant studies the organism it has entered. After two weeks, the drug begins to work, harmonizing all processes, so many diseases are cured and the patient feels much better.

Ganoderma is currently gaining worldwide popularity, where this mushroom grows and what it looks like, many healers know, but it is still quite difficult to find it, especially to process and preserve it correctly. When purchasing capsules with spores or dried parts of a plant, one should be wary of fakes from unscrupulous suppliers. After all, the mushroom is very similar to the common tinder fungus, of which there are many in the forests of the middle zone. Chinese healers claim that if you take preparations from Ganoderma from youth, then you can become, if not immortal, then certainly a long-liver. Several thousand years ago, emperors used a tincture made according to a special recipe, and until their venerable age remained strong men.

To lose weight, girls use many ways - they starve, they work out for hours in gyms, now this is not necessary. It is already known that ganoderma can put the body in order and normalize metabolism, as a result, excess fat cells will simply leave the body, leaving a beautiful figure. Scientists claim that Ganoderma in capsules helps to reduce blood sugar, after taking a course of the drug, memory is significantly improved. This biological supplement is advised to drink for athletes and people involved in hard physical labor to restore strength. Some healers claim that ganoderma even helps to cope with cancer.

Beautiful and slender is everyone's dream. True, when conversations begin about a balanced, and other such nonsense, we immediately lose optimism and change the subject. Much more interesting to take a magic pill and wake up in the morning in the body of Angelina Jolie or another Hollywood beauty or supermodel. Demand, as you know, gives rise to supply, so in the information space you can easily find a huge number of a wide variety of products, by purchasing which, as the manufacturer assures, you will quickly and painlessly get rid of.

It can be miracle belts and vibration massagers, dietary supplements, body wraps and other cutting-edge ways to solve the problem. One thing unites them: you don’t need to sit on or go to, you just need to buy this product right now and from us - and you will be happy. Are all such products really effective, and most importantly, safe - a rhetorical question.

But perhaps there are exceptions, and does that same “magic diet pill” still exist? The topic of our conversation today is the Ganoderma mushroom, aka Reishi. Let's get acquainted!

Description and composition

If you ask an experienced mushroom picker what ganoderma is, he may shrug his hands in bewilderment. But it is worth mentioning the name "tinder fungus", and they nod joyfully at you - we know how! Actually ganoderma and tinder fungus are different names for the same mushroom, also known as ling chi or linchi(which translates from Chinese as a mushroom), reishi or flights(which is translated from Japanese as a mushroom of spiritual strength), mannentake(ten-thousand-year-old mushroom in Japanese).

As you can already guess, reishi is considered a very healing mushroom, the roots of which come from, where healers knew about the miraculous properties of ling-zhi even before the start of the new chronology.

Did you know? They say that a certain “Sacred Book of miraculous medicinal plants”, compiled in China more than two thousand years ago, contains a mention of tinder fungus as a precious drug that heaven gave people to heal from ailments. Moreover, supposedly, even the ginseng root, which is unique in its properties, was considered by the Chinese to be less valuable than reishi. It is also claimed that this mushroom was described with almost the same notes in the ancient Japanese book "Shinnoh Honsohkyo". But here is an amazing fact: you will not find any other references to these treatises in the network, except in connection with the amazing healing properties of the reishi mushroom. Perhaps this is something to think about?

However, back to what constitutes a reishi mushroom. According to the classification, it belongs to the so-called saprophytes, that is, organisms whose food is the remains of living organisms. Such mushrooms grow on diseased or dying parts of trees, usually deciduous, and look like not very appetizing growths on the bark.

It may seem surprising to some, but the tinder fungus grows not only in China, but practically all over the Earth, moreover, it is quite possible that each of you has seen such mushrooms in your own region (sometimes they are found literally in an ordinary city yard ). Such and, by the way, are very tasty, in particular, in pickled form. Only they need to be cooked very quickly, under the influence of oxygen, their flesh becomes stiff very quickly and after that it is almost impossible to chew it, most of all it resembles rubber.

In fact, there are quite a few types of tinder fungus, lacquered tinder fungus is called ganoderma, but it also grows almost everywhere.

For a tree, by the way, such a fungus is by no means curative; on the contrary, it destroys wood and, moreover, is a source of such a pathogen as white rot.

Reishi is a fairly large fungus its cap can reach 25 cm in diameter. From above it is covered with a smooth shiny skin, oval in shape. The surface of the cap is wavy, heterogeneous, covered with multiple growth rings of different shades. The pulp is almost tasteless, orange in color, the smell is not pronounced. The structure is very dense, after cutting, as mentioned, it quickly becomes stiff. The leg is high and rather thick (height - up to 25 cm, thickness - up to 3), also exceptionally dense in structure.

The legendary beneficial properties of varnished tinder fungus, of course, are determined by its composition. In addition to which all mushrooms are rich in, the composition of ganoderma includes (mono- and polysaccharides, triterpenes, including steroids with high biological activity), (lipids), alkaloids, (including extremely useful peptides, which, when entering the body, seem to debug its ability to self-regulation and self-healing), glycosides, as well as volatile essential oils.
Reishi contains, as well as those necessary for humans, among which copper, manganese, and germanium can be distinguished. But the main benefit of ganoderma is still in polysaccharides and triterpenes.

Triterpenes, along with steroid hormones, prevent the development of malignant tumors, improve blood properties and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Polysaccharides positively affect and prevent the appearance of neoplasms, stabilize blood pressure, lower the level and have antibacterial properties.

It has the same effect on a person. germanium, which, among other things, helps to provide all tissues with oxygen, improves performance, stimulates the body's defenses in the fight against microbes, viruses and pathogenic fungi, and does not act as an analgesic.

It performs an equally important function, due to which it is possible to reduce the amount of heavy and high-calorie foods, and this component also has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

The tonic effect on us is provided by those contained in Ganoderma amino acids. Due to them, immunity improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system stabilizes, a person becomes more and even begins to “think faster”.

98% of the composition of reishi is a vegetable protein that helps regulate metabolic processes and maintain muscle mass.

So, no magic. The chemical composition of ganoderma really allows us to say that we are dealing with valuable and beneficial to health. With its proper use, you can strengthen your own and make up for the lack of a number of substances we need. Moreover, many of the beneficial properties of Reishi can indeed be used in one way or another by people who are overweight and dreaming. But does this circumstance make the mushroom of immortality the same magic pill that is in itself?

Is it really useful?

Again. The fact that ganoderma is indeed in no way in doubt, it is not for nothing that this mushroom has long been used in oriental medicine as having a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect (it was used to treat bronchitis and prostatitis, and kidney disorders, and nervous disorders). But the topic of our analysis is ganoderma as a means for. That is, as a drug, the intake of which, ceteris paribus, in itself will lead to harmony and grace.

On this occasion, there are two opposite points of view - enthusiastically laudatory and actively negative. There is practically no middle ground. It is characteristic that manufacturers and distributors of preparations from Ganoderma act as representatives of one camp, while other doctors, as well as those who have tried the power of this miraculous drug, have concentrated on themselves.
So, is tree fungus from China really an effective and simple remedy for?

What the manufacturers say

Manufacturers of reishi mushroom-based products claim that with its help you can get rid of two and a half kilograms within a week, and all that is needed for this is to swallow one cherished pill and drink it once a day in the morning. Thus, in a month, as we are assured, weight loss will be as much as ten kilograms, and all this is completely harmless and, moreover, lo and behold, forever!

True, after that they modestly add that if the month mentioned above is only low-calorie food and generally sit down on, the result can be doubled. And if you also do it, then in general the effect is guaranteed. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Quite right - the famous Russian fairy tale about porridge from an ax.

Particularly incredulous and meticulous distributors of dietary supplements explain the "mechanism of action" of the mushroom of immortality as follows:
Firstly, it reduces . That is, you will simply turn away with disgust from that extra cookie, which, to paraphrase Verka Serduchka, "was superfluous."

Secondly, the miraculous mushroom will break down long-term fat deposits in your body, which you couldn’t get rid of, exhausting yourself and denying yourself every extra piece of delicious.

Thirdly, ganoderma promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, which not only causes swelling, but is also reflected on the arrow of the scales in the form of extra pounds.

Fourth, the food that you usually, under the influence of the substances contained in reishi, will be absorbed faster and, accordingly, will not be deposited on yours in the form of disgusting folds.

Thus, attempts to explain the uniqueness of the drug are nothing more than a mix of outright lies and a description of the real properties of certain substances that are actually contained in the tinder fungus, but are by no means unique, they can be obtained from a huge number of others, including those used by us daily.

Did you know? Women's craving for weight loss-interesting phenomenon. By the time they reach adulthood, eight out of ten girls have already managed to sit on, and of all the representatives of the weaker sex, regardless of age, 90% are unhappy with their weight. For men, this show is ten times lower. At the same time, it is interesting that almost half of the people who made the decision actually weigh even less than the norm!

It is worth saying, by the way, that the ganoderma mushroom is the subject of research by many quite serious scientists, several dissertations have been defended on this topic only in Moscow. However, noting and confirming the numerous beneficial properties of this type of tinder fungus, you will not find confirmation in any scientific work that it can be used as a “clean” and panacea for those who want to lose weight.

What testers say

As you probably already guessed, nutritionists and practitioners not only do not confirm the myth about the ability of Reishi to provoke weight loss, but also directly refute it. In principle, the same conclusion suggests itself from the reviews of real people who drank dietary supplements from ganoderma to get rid of excess weight.

Did you know? Studies show that thin people do not differ much from each other in terms of the amount of food eaten and other eating habits. But, which the well-fed part of the population spends during the day, on average two and a half hours more than slender people, which “saves” about 350 calories daily. Only due to this, the difference in weight between two people who eat the same food can be up to 15 kilograms!

Doctors, who, unlike manufacturers and distributors, are neutral, uninterested, and because of this circumstance more trustworthy, argue that the Chinese mushroom does not have any unique qualities similar to what is said in the advertisement. Moreover, many of the usual ones can be distinguished in which all the above properties are expressed to a much greater extent.
But, as the character from the movie "What Men Talk About" said, a toast can't cost $15, but a crouton can! The fact that the mushroom is used in oriental medicine does not mean at all that it can be used for weight loss, but advertising and marketing specialists are valued so highly because they are able to sell any product at a high price, inventing a beautiful fairy tale for it.

Important! There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of Ganoderma mushroom as a weight loss agent. Moreover, there is every reason to believe that the point is not the lack of relevant studies, but quite the contrary, that there is nothing particularly unique in this mushroom.

Girls who bought into an advertising trick and took dietary supplements in dreams of a beautiful figure, at best, did not achieve the desired result, at worst, they felt health problems in the form of nausea and vomiting, stomach upsets, weakness, and other side effects that are common with illiterate and unreasonable scientifically taking drugs containing active substances.

How to use Ganoderma for weight loss

Ganoderma for weight loss is sold in the form of ready-made capsules, they are produced by various companies, mainly Chinese. Instructions for use for such a product are not always applied, and this also cannot but alert. It is interesting, by the way, that if there is such an instruction, it usually provides for slightly different indications for use than a diet pill.

You can also purchase this drug as an extract (manufacturer Harbin Yeekong Herb Inc), in the form of Ganoderma, and also in dried form.

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: reishi mushroom, like many other gifts of nature, has numerous beneficial properties (although it also has a number of contraindications). But all this has nothing to do with miracles. If you want to have a slim figure, you cannot do without making serious adjustments to your lifestyle and, most importantly, without making very real efforts. There is no magic cure, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner your dream of a thin waist will become a reality!

Mushroom Ganoderma (Ganoderma Lusidum) , Reishi mushroom(Reishi is called in Japan) is known as Ganoderma lucidum, it is called lingzhi mushroom(in China) or "Mushroom of Immortality", varnished polypore or Chaga mushroom(in Russia). In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reishi has been given the "highest" category in terms of breadth of action and lack of side effects. Ganoderma belongs to the class of higher fungi. The importance of this mushroom for human life is very large.

Chemical composition.

Proteins contain all the essential and non-essential amino acids and amides.
Fats contain mostly unsaturated fatty acids.
Mushrooms are rich in vitamins (mainly B3, B5, C and D) and minerals (in particular calcium, phosphorus and iron).
Ganoderma contains the most active polysaccharides among medicinal plants. Only this type of mushroom serves as a source of a group of triterpenoids known as ganoderic acids.

Mechanism of action.
Polysaccharides and ergosterols together have a stimulating effect on natural immune functions. The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level.
They have no toxic effects on the human body, and they are safe from a medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, including AIDS, and antitumor activity depend on the duration of treatment with Ganoderma.
Ganoderic acids have an anti-allergic effect and improve the absorption of oxygen.
Ganoderma is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic drug. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen, it helps to adapt to stress.

Clinical Trials:
Modern laboratory and clinical studies have revealed anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiallergic and antitumor properties of Ganoderma.
Clinical trials have shown that in 65% or more of patients, Ganoderma fungus normalized blood pressure, it is also effective for symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and diseases, including angina pectoris, palpitations, arrhythmia, dizziness, headache, difficulty breathing, insomnia and fatigue, memory loss .
Reishi or Ganoderma is a true adaptogen that improves the health and normal functioning of the body. It enhances some components of the immune response in cancer patients, and also suppresses pathological changes in the immune system in autoimmune diseases such as myasthenia gravis.
There are cases when ganoderma reduced the production of histamine associated with allergic reactions and helped prevent anaphylactic reactions. In 2000 patients with chronic bronchitis, an increase in the level of immunoglobulin A was noted.
Ganoderma fungus has a special therapeutic value in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In one of the studies of patients with chronic bronchitis, a decoction of ganoderma was taken for 2 weeks. In 60-90% of them, a pronounced improvement in well-being was noted.
An almost mystical property of ganoderma is its ability to increase fortitude, increase a positive emotional mood.
More than two millennia ago, the priceless book Shinnoh Honsohkyo was written in Japan, which is the original textbook of oriental medical science. This source mentions 365 species of herbs and mushrooms, which are not only classified but also explained. Medicines are classified mainly into three categories:
120 are "superior" drugs, another 120 are "average", and 125 are in the "fair" category.
The "fair" category includes herbs and mushrooms that have the ability to treat certain diseases.
Among the "superior" remedies listed in the text, Ganoderma was number one. Centuries ago, ganoderma, the scientists of the Aesculapius believed, was a remedy that could provide eternal youth and longevity.
Then it was argued that this is the most valuable remedy for cancer of any kind. The always inconsolable relatives of oncological patients who were given a "death sentence" by doctors were looking for Ganoderma, since this was the only way of salvation.
In Japan and China, Ganoderma (Reishi) extract is used for almost any disease, but each disease has its own dosing method.

Useful properties of the mushroom:

The first is a strong antitumor effect(when taking the drug from ganoderma, any tumors regress - both benign and malignant).

The second is to treat cardiovascular diseases I, and it is so pronounced that not only is it not inferior to shiitake, but exceeds its effect by an order of magnitude.

Third - ganoderma treats mental illness. This rare property was first noted in the 17th century, when epilepsy was cured with the help of Ganoderma in the heir of the Mikado.

Fourth - treat allergic diseases. When studying the chemical composition of ganoderma at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called "lanostan" was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. Now bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations are successfully treated (and cured!) with the help of ganoderma.

Fifth - the treatment of any pulmonary diseases.
Of course, treatment with ganoderma is a long process (it takes one to two years), but it is effective and does not cause any side effects!

Help for a specialist:
Reishi mushroom polysaccharides and ergosterols have a stimulating effect on natural immune functions. The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, the stimulation of interferon and in the overall improvement of the immune response at the cellular level. At the time of the discovery in 1972 by the Japanese Shigeaki Mori of the method of growing Ganoderma, it ceases to be the rarest mushroom and becomes available to most sick people. In addition, the availability of a sufficient amount of cultivated mushroom for experiments gives impetus to serious scientific research in the field of medicine and pharmacology.
The mushroom is grown in natural climatic conditions that are most favorable for the cultivation of all six types of mushrooms, which are similar to 6 internal human organs - kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, lung and brain, selected from more than 200 known species of Ganoderma. For the preparation of health-improving preparations, only a 3-month-old mushroom is collected, which carries the maximum number of active elements (over 200) and has the maximum energy and therapeutic potential. In the manufacture of health-improving preparations, both the body of the fungus and its mycelium are used.

What diseases can be treated with Ganoderma Lucidum?

1. Oncology (treatment of malignant tumors).
As a result of cooperation between the National Center for the Study of Cancer and the Department of Agrochemistry at Shizuoka University (Japan), one of the most powerful was opened in 1980? - ganoderma glucans. It was named GL-I-2a-beta, which means Ganoderma Lucidum - Immunomodulator.
In a healthy body, there is a constant struggle with mutating cells - the body does not allow newly formed atypical cells to unite and form a dense tumor. This struggle is waged by the so-called. antitumor immune surveillance - three types of cells: Macrophages, Natural Killer (NK-cells) and Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs). The macrophage eats and digests the malignant cell; CTL, having detected it, throws out polymer proteins “perforins”, which make holes in the outer membrane of the malignant cell, thereby equalizing the osmotic pressure inside the cell and outside, as a result of which the cell dies, and if not, then the so-called. proteins - "granzymes", destroying its core. Natural Killer is a special cell, one of the most powerful antitumor, it recognizes any altered cells that are not recognized by Macrophages and CTLs.
In oncological patients, all three types of cells are in a depressed state: the majority are young, immature elements, incapable of active action, moreover, their maturation rate is extremely low. The life span of these cells is short, and most importantly, their antitumor activity is at a low level. It is possible that the combination of these factors leads to the destruction of the body's antitumor shield.
What is the mechanism of antitumor action of Ganoderma?
Ganoderma beta-glucans accelerate the maturation of these cells, which contributes to the emergence of a large number of mature combat-ready forms;
increase the life span of Macrophages, CTLs and NK cells by several times;
and most importantly, they activate Macrophages, CTLs and NK cells, after which they not only become capable of destroying atypical malignant cells, but also show high cytotoxic activity towards any altered cells.
Also, Ganoderma polysaccharides cause a 10-30-fold increase in Tumor Necrosis Factor - Beta (TNF-Beta) and interleukins 1 and 6. In addition, it was found that Ganoderma triterpenoids have a direct inhibitory effect on the tumor.
Clinical studies have shown that patients taking Ganoderma are better able to tolerate courses of chemotherapy and radiation. They do not have a pronounced drop in leukocytes and immunological parameters.

2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system .
We know from archives that Chinese physicians of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and earlier periods treated patients with heart disease with Ganoderma (Reishi) preparations and prescribed it to those who complained of "constricted chests."
Over the past decades, scientists in China, Japan, Korea and Canada, taking as initial data the positive effect of ganoderma on the cardiovascular system known since ancient times, have conducted large-scale studies, first on animals, and later on volunteers.
The effect of Ganoderma on the violation of fat metabolism is associated with the ability of triterpene ganoderic acids of Ganoderma (Reishi) to reduce the level of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins in blood plasma by 68-74% in people at risk.
Lowering blood pressure - Ganoderma triterpenes significantly lower blood pressure.
- Reduction of oxygen starvation of the myocardium. A number of cardiological effects of Ganoderma are also associated with a high content of pure organic germanium. This element aroused interest in the medical community in 1950 when it was shown to increase the supply of oxygen to tissues. It is assumed that organic germanium in the blood behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which also carries a negative charge and, like hemoglobin, participates in the process of oxygen transfer in body tissues. When a molecule of this element enters the tissues, it “drags along” six oxygen molecules. This prevents the development of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at the tissue level.
- And most importantly - Reduction of heart failure: the presence of the adenosine nucleotide in the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma causes a number of positive effects:
- reduced aggregation (gluing) of platelets in the blood, which leads to an increase in blood flow velocity and improved blood supply to tissues and a decrease in the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.,
- adenosine is able to reduce the heart rate and, as a result, reduce the load on the heart, as well as maintain the myocardium during the period of oxygen starvation by expanding the coronary arteries and reducing myocardial oxygen consumption.
- Ganoderma has a moderate cardiotonic effect, helps to reduce the manifestations of heart failure. According to the reception of ganoderma in a specialized cardiology clinic, it was effective in 81.8% of patients when administered within a month, and in 93.3% of patients when taking the drug for up to 4 months.

3. Allergic diseases.
Recently, we have seen an unprecedented increase in the number of allergic diseases in industrialized countries. The knowledge that the ganoderma mushroom has been used to treat chronic bronchitis and allergies for centuries prompted Japanese pharmacologists to investigate the active ingredients in the hope of finding the best remedy to combat this ailment. In the 1970s, several large-scale studies were conducted in China on the use of ganoderma extract in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and other types of allergies. More than 2000 cases of these diseases have been investigated in various hospitals and clinics. Ganoderma mushroom extract (Reishi) was prepared for testing in hospitals during 1973-1974. It was effective in 60-91.6% of cases.

4. Autoimmune diseases.
Sometimes the human immune system stops recognizing its own cells and starts making mistakes. In this case, the cells-defenders begin to attack the healthy cells of the body and damage them. This is the principle of the development of autoimmune diseases: various types of allergies, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and many others. In addition, many diseases of a viral and bacterial nature have a so-called autoimmune component. In this case, the reaction of the immune system to a virus or bacterium becomes more dangerous than the infectious factors themselves.
Traditionally, the presence of an autoimmune disease is a contraindication to the use of immunostimulatory drugs. This is due to the fact that stimulation of the immune system will lead to an increase in the damaging effect on one's own tissues. The uniqueness of Ganoderma lies in the fact that its extracts do not have a stimulating, but a regulating effect, increasing suppressed functions and restraining excessively activated indicators. Therefore, preparations from ganoderma are ideal for complex treatment and prevention programs in patients with various autoimmune diseases.

5. Correction of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.
Recent studies show that maintaining a stable normal blood sugar level is an important condition for preventing a wide variety of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer and many others.
Ganoderma is used as an anti-diabetic adjuvant. With long-term use of reishi, a decrease in sugar levels, stabilization of the course of diabetes and a decrease in the dose of hypoglycemic drugs are observed.
In addition to diabetes, stabilization of blood sugar levels is important in immunodeficiency states, frequent colds, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension and many other diseases.

6. Effects on the central nervous system.
This property has been used by Buddhist monks since ancient times to achieve the state of "getting closer to nature."
Ganoderma affects the activity of the central nervous system by acting on regulatory molecules (endorphins) and their receptors. Ganoderma calms the "overexcited" nervous system, but does not cause drowsiness. The secret lies in the fact that the components of Ganoderma do not oppress or excite, but regulate. Thus, the changes are not quantitative, but qualitative. The result of this harmonizing action is the normalization of sleep and activity during wakefulness.

7. Antioxidant activity.
Due to the content of a complex of antioxidants and vitamins, Reishi preparations have their own antioxidant activity. But the most valuable is the ability of mushrooms to influence the increase in their own antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase). These enzyme systems increase their activity in all organs and tissues, but the greatest protective effect was found in relation to the liver. The noted action is especially important for increasing the body's resistance to a wide range of influences, curbing the aging process. It is the antioxidant activity that determines the cosmetic effects of long-term use of Ganoderma Lucidum.

8. Anti-inflammatory action.

Among the kings of medicinal mushrooms (Shiitake, Cordyceps, Maitake), Ganoderma has the most pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Ganoderma preparations reduce swelling and pain associated with inflammation. Ganoderic acids A, B, G, H and substance C6, isolated from the extract of Ganoderma lucidum, have a pronounced antinociceptive activity and reduce pain of various origins.

9. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
COPD is a group of diseases that are manifested by chronic expiratory dyspnea due to impaired bronchial patency; COPD includes chronic obstructive bronchitis and emphysema (sometimes also cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis obliterans).
The exacerbation of the disease is characterized by abundant secretion of mucus, which leads to a deterioration in bronchial patency, shortness of breath increases, weakness appears, and acute respiratory failure is possible. Most often, an infection leads to an exacerbation against a background of reduced immunity. Ganoderma (Reishi) preparations improve immunity parameters and allow to achieve better results of standard therapy, reduce doses of toxic drugs, reduce their side effects and improve the quality of life of patients. During the period of remission, taking Ganoderma (Reishi) helps prevent the development of an exacerbation.

10. Diffuse liver diseases.
This group combines a large number of diseases of various nature, accompanied by damage to the liver tissue.
For all liver diseases, the appointment of so-called hepatoprotectors is necessary. Hepatoprotectors are a conditional isolated group of substances, one of the effects of which is to increase the resistance of hepatocytes to various exogenous influences.
Reishi preparations can be carried out both in conjunction with antiviral drugs, and as a separate treatment, what makes Ganoderma possible to achieve in these conditions?

First, reduce viral activity. Ganoderma polysaccharides improve immune defense parameters, which counteracts the reproduction of the virus.
Second, improve biochemical parameters that reflect the degree of liver damage.
Thirdly, medicinal mushroom therapy is accompanied by an improvement in the quality of life that cannot be achieved by any other methods. The fact is that weakness and decreased performance is the most common manifestation of chronic hepatitis. Many people are forced to stop working, to give up their favorite work. The effect of taking Ganoderma (Reishi) is so pronounced that some patients are afraid of the onset of good health and a surge of strength. In addition, long-term therapy with mushrooms helps to reduce itching of the skin, reduces pain and a feeling of heaviness in the liver, pain in the region of various joints.
Fourthly, medicinal mushrooms inhibit the processes of fibrosis and the development of the cirrhotic stage. At the cirrhotic stage, the value of fungotherapy increases many times over, since in most cases doctors refuse any treatment.

Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine

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