Dreaming about kissing other people. Beware of deceiving feelings! Kissing in a dream with a man you like ▼

How to reliably and as accurately as possible explain why you dream of kissing?

Worth considering whole line nuances - it turns out that everything is not so simple in the dream book.

In general, kissing dream scenarios are as follows:

  • You saw a kissing couple from the side.
  • They kissed themselves (with a stranger, with a loved one, with an enemy, with a girl, and so on).

In addition, it is very important to remember what emotions in a dream you experienced while kissing. This characteristic must be added to common interpretation sleep that you get from the dream book.

If you felt incredible pleasure, joy and euphoria, kissing someone on the lips in a dream, any interpretation takes on a positive connotation, and a good prediction only intensifies. Conversely, if you have experienced disgust, fear, or anxiety, then you should be careful.

Remember all the details of your actions in a dream, your emotions and feelings - and you will find out why you dream of kissing in a dream.

Sweet kiss

The most important point for the interpretation of such dreams is who exactly you kissed with: a stranger or loved one, former or current, enemy or friend.

1. A dream in which it was not you who had to kiss, but you saw from the sidelines how a guy kisses on the lips with a girl, portends that you will soon be drawn into some kind of adventure or risky business.

It may sound fun and interesting, but be careful not to overstep the line, maintain your reputation and conscience, and not risk your safety.

2. A kiss with a stranger in dreams - to surprises and something new. Here, what emotions and experiences you experienced in dreams plays a special role.

  • If, kissing a stranger, you felt pleasure, you were pleased, - be sure: you are expected pleasant changes, joyful surprises.
  • On the contrary, if you did not want to kiss, felt displeasure, then be careful and get ready for unpleasant surprises or not the most joyful news.

3. Kissing with a loved one portends love and harmony. If in recent times in your love union there are frictions with a partner, conflicts or misunderstandings - they will pass, reconciliation and complete harmony await you.

4. If you have seen a strange dream where you had to kiss your own enemy, rival, rival, ill-wisher, or just someone who invariably dislikes and dislikes you - this is very interesting.

The dream interpretation indicates your inner readiness to yield and reconcile. Probably, you are already spiritually ripe to internally accept this person, forgive him everything and if you do not recognize him as a friend, then at least no longer hold any grudge against him.

5. As the dream book says, kissing a familiar person, for example, with a friend, colleague, neighbor - in general, with such a person with whom you would never have thought of doing it in reality, is a signal of an obvious and acute lack of adventure, new emotions and acute experiences.

Think of something! Take a vacation, do something exciting, go to a new place. Just do not go beyond the limits of prudence, do not rush to extremes after reading the instructions of the dream book!

6. I wonder why you dream of kissing a man for whom you secretly feel sympathy. It can be either your friend or unknown guy whom you sometimes meet somewhere and have a hidden feeling for him.

A dream of this kind promises a novel - a new and dizzying one. But the insidious dream book is silent about whether this romance will begin with the same hero of the dream, or whether you are about to meet someone new. But in any case, you will be happy!

7. A kiss in dreams on the lips with a certain girl - to quarrels and conflicts, to squabbles at work or at home. Such a dream is a reason to be more restrained and tolerant, not to break down, to try to avoid conflicts.

8. If you kissed in a dream with your girlfriend - this is also a symbol of conflict, but with someone close. Not necessarily with her, with this friend - maybe you will break off at home or "nag" your loved one.

As in the previous case, the advice is this: keep yourself in hand, do not be hot-tempered. It's easier to avoid conflict than to smooth it out later.

9. A kiss in dreams with ex-lover does not promise, as it might seem, reconciliation and return to relations with his “ex”. This dream portends some kind of adventure, new, vivid emotions and unforgettable events. Something truly incredible awaits you!

10. It also happens that in dreams you kissed on the lips, but with whom exactly - do not remember, and in night dreams it somehow did not matter. Such a dream portends a new, very interesting and promising acquaintance, pleasant flirting, and if you wish, the beginning of a novel. Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream interpretation of AstroMeridiana

Why dreamed of exchanging Kisses

Kiss - Physical intimacy is symbolic in itself, as it reflects not only feelings, but also the act of union or reconciliation. But if hugging with family or lover is easy to explain, then, for example, why dream of a kiss with a person who is hostile to you? Under the circumstances, lip contact portends immense respect or dependence on others.

  • Kiss with a friend in a dream - in reality, good news awaits you.
  • A kiss with a stranger foreshadows an early reconciliation, a resolution of a conflict situation in an inner circle of acquaintances.
  • I dreamed that the children were kissing each other on the cheek - peace and perfect mutual understanding would reign in the family.
  • Seeing a touching kiss on the cheek of your mother will be a blessing: any of your undertakings after such a story will be crowned with success.
  • Kissing someone on the lips in the light? Your nobility and dedication will resonate in the hearts of those around you. However, kisses in the dark inform about the danger due to a dissolute lifestyle, they demand to be more restrained.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What Kissing dreamed about

Kissing a Boyfriend - A light touch of the lips is a sign of politeness or an expression of passion. Psychoanalysts point out that a kiss can be dreamed of both during intense excitement or changes in personal relationships, and on the eve of spiritual liberation due to the presence of some negative energies. As a symbol of domination and suppression, a dream kiss acquires a certain meaning only in combination with the object it is directed at.

  • With your family, you feel the maximum comfort, so a kiss from a relative is a sign of spiritual harmony. You enjoy life, feel joy in everyday life and perceive the world like an endless holiday.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a nodding acquaintance or boss betrays suspicions: a subconscious feeling of anxiety and the anticipation of imminent problems associated with this person. If someone breaks into a dream and interrupts an intimate moment, beware of betrayal by friends.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of a Kiss

Kissing a Girlfriend - Deep emotions don't always show up in reality, so don't be afraid to see the kiss and enjoy it: intimate action symbolizes the evolution of feelings.

  • If spouses kiss each other even in dreams, their bond is incredibly strong, and the time spent together will only strengthen it. Plot circumstances are regarded as signs of impending changes in relationships.
  • Why dream of a passionate kiss with a lover in the light means that simple dates will gradually develop into something more promising, sincere and favorable.
  • The dream is colored by impenetrable darkness, the twilight of a club or flickering candles, and a stranger turned out to be a partner in a kiss in a dream? This symbolizes the hardships in the relationship: the dreamer will face serious trials, betrayal or disappointing intrigues. Understand your feelings or break up with your lover.

The meaning of a dream about Violation of personal space (Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers)

Kiss - Dreaming that some shadowy figures are kissing a sleeping person - in this form, the esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) takes place with correct Christian prayer. After such dreams with kisses, the practicing prayer book feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, emancipation and inspiration - this is the meaning of sleep.

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of a Kiss

  • Dreaming of a kiss with a beloved girl in the dark means reckless debauchery.
  • A kiss in a dream with a guy you like portends respect and deference towards women.
  • I dreamed of a kiss of children - peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from my work.
  • I dreamed of a kiss on the mother's cheek - to successful entrepreneurship, love and respect of friends.
  • In a dream, a kiss with a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpreting Kisses from Your Dream

  • Dreamed friendly kiss with ex-boyfriend, symbolizes parting.
  • I dreamed of a sensitive kiss passionately - portends that the disease will soon recede.
  • Dreamed of a man's long kiss - a painful long parting or a strong quarrel.
  • Coldness on the lips after kissing in a dream - death itself marked you.
  • Pain in the lips after a kiss in a dream - release from painful expectation, care.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of a kiss in a dream

  • You kiss children - means a happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work.
  • To dream that you are kissing your mother - that success in entrepreneurship, love and respect of friends awaits you.
  • A kiss in a dream with a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.
  • A kiss in a dream with a beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and a kiss with her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.
  • Kiss in a dream unfamiliar woman- a harbinger of immoral acts.
  • Seeing that a rival kisses your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.
  • For spouses, to see a dream with a kiss to each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.
  • You kiss an enemy means that you will succeed in reconciling with a friend.
  • Why dream of kissing a young lady with a fan, interrupted by a casual observer - the dream foreshadows her daring actions on the part of her imaginary friends, this is how the Kiss dream book is deciphered, and everything that you dream about.
  • A kiss on the lips with relatives? You have good and interesting friends with whom you have fun in your free time.
  • A kiss on the lips with a friend indicates troubles, problems that will arise through the fault of your partner from a dream.

Modern dream book

Kisses - what do they mean for the dreamer

  • If you dream of a kiss, in reality you will face deception from your friends, their hypocrisy, betrayal, treachery.
  • A dreamed friendly kiss warns of the emergence of hostility or misunderstanding between people.
  • A kiss with a relative predicts the loss of trust, mutual respect, squabbles.
  • Kissing with a regular partner is an empty dream that throws images at you from memory.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a stranger speaks of a situation that will bring a lot of anxiety and negative emotions.

The newest and most full dream book 1918 g.

Why dream in a dream Kiss

  • If in a dream you dream of a hand kiss from a gallant man, portends a chance to get rich, which you can miss, underestimating the consequences of your rash act.
  • If in a dream a tipsy friend of your husband is trying to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for that.
  • Kissing with your chosen one - such a dream portends a quick wedding for a young girl.
  • Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of marital infidelity in reality.
  • Seeing the kiss of men - to disappointment in failures, women - in reality, you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.
  • Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring the opposite result to what was expected.
  • The kiss of a child portends new worries.
  • Kissing children dream of - a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.
  • A mother kissing you in a dream foreshadows the love and care of loved ones. Kissing in a dream with a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway means that, having sufficient funds, you will unreasonably spend them, trying to throw dust in the eyes of the person whose love you want to achieve by everyone possible ways and whatever the cost to you.
  • Why dream of a kiss with your groom for the bride foreshadows the upset of the wedding on the very eve.
  • If, on the contrary, he kisses you, it means just an annoying misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.
  • A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men.
  • Kissing freaks or lustful old men means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result.
  • Kissing the forehead of a dead man in a dream means that joys and sorrows will be evenly interspersed in your family life.
  • Kissing a cross or the Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Assyrian dream book

Magic of the Kiss - what does it mean for the dreamer

Dreaming kisses often mean romantic feelings, such as the kiss that woke Sleeping Beauty from deep sleep... Another kiss can symbolize betrayal, such as the kiss of death, with which Judas betrayed Christ. Whether the dreamer accepts the kiss or kisses himself, as well as the feelings that arise during the kiss, determine the meaning of the symbol.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

7777 Dream Interpretation: Kiss

  • According to the dream book, to see children kissing - you had a quarrel in your family, now reconciliation will come.
  • Seeing a kiss with someone unfamiliar - a new love interest awaits you, and here you have no power over yourself; just try not to make too many sacrifices.

Many girls are interested in the question of what a kiss with a loved one is dreaming of. But few people know that there are several meanings and interpretations of this plot. It's time to find out all the possible meanings this dream when dreaming about a kiss with a loved one. More on this later.

What if dreaming about a kiss with a loved one?

Had a kiss with your beloved? I must say that this dream can have several meanings and interpretations at once.

So, the first of them may mean that a rather long stage of warm and tender relations has been outlined in a couple.

Lovers will not leave each other a step. All the time they will not have enough of their second half, and therefore it is quite possible that soon there will even be a desire to live together. However, such a decision must be very deliberate and balanced. Otherwise, it may be undesirable to force events, which will only harm the relationship.

In general, the pair will be stable. The guy and the girl who are in it will certainly be happy for a very long time. long period own life. Therefore, it remains only to enjoy each other's company.

By the way, there are the most good days for such a dream. For example, it will be great if he dreams on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, from Thursday to Friday, and also from Sunday to Monday. This will color the entire coming period with joy and love.

What other meanings does a dream have in which a kiss occurs with a beloved man? It is likely that there is a little parting ahead. But don't be scared! This little test can strengthen relationships, make them more meaningful, touching and sensual.

The above-mentioned separation will be short-lived and, most likely, will be associated with the work of the second half. Therefore, you need to be patient in order to steadfastly endure these hardships and the temporary inability to see your beloved.

What portends?

By the way, it is very important to pay attention to exactly what the kiss with your loved one was like in a dream. From this, its value can be slightly adjusted.

For example, a long kiss on the lips may mean that the couple is still very long time will spend together. It is possible that in the future they may become husband and wife.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the cheek, then this means that between partners on this moment there are feelings, but at the same time there is some kind of obstacle. It is because of this that the relationship cannot fully develop. This cause must be understood and eliminated.

Had a passionate, hot, but short kiss? This means that the relationship between a guy and a girl will be exactly the same. As a result, each of them will become a participant in a very passionate, but short romance.

It is important to pay attention to whether there are any other details about the dream. So, a bouquet of flowers can portend a quick wedding. If there is some kind of outsider, then it is quite possible that he has some kind of influence on one of the partners.

These are the interpretations of a dream in which a kiss is seen with a beloved man. It is these values ​​that are the most accurate, truthful and close to reality. Therefore, you can safely listen to them and make your life much brighter and more colorful.

Kissing in a dream is ambiguously interpreted various dream books... Therefore, it cannot be said that if you dreamed that you were kissing with someone, then you do not need to look for what this means in the first dream book that comes across. First you need to remember who you dreamed about and under what circumstances. After that, you can see why kisses are dreamed of in different dream books.

Why do you dream of kisses according to Miller's dream book?

Kissing a loved one in the dark promises his debauchery, or danger, if this happens in the light, then this means good relationship to the opposite sex.

Kissing your mother means honor, respect from friends, and success in all your endeavors. If you kissed a stranger, then this promises an immoral act in reality.

A kiss with a blood brother or sister means that pleasure and friendship await you. If you saw in a dream that your rival was kissing your beloved, then you should expect a loss of respect on her part.

Kiss in a dream - Wangi's dream book

Wangi's dream book interprets a kiss with a spouse to be filled with consent and harmony life together... Kisses with enemies promise a quick truce with friends after a quarrel. Kissing with a child in a dream - to enjoy the results of your own work.

If you saw yourself kissing and were noticed by strangers, this means that your fake friends will commit meanness towards you.

Why dream of kisses according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you saw in a dream that you are kissing your loved one for a long time, this means that he will always be devoted to you. Kissing your lover on the other means his insincerity and callousness. A kiss with a person you shouldn't have done this signals fake friendship and fake love.

Why dream of kisses according to Freud's dream book?

If a representative of the fair sex dreamed that she was kissing with someone, then she will meet a stranger who, in fact, turns out to be a gigolo and a scoundrel.

If you see that someone is kissing in front of your eyes, then in reality you will become a participant in an unpleasant situation. To see a man in a dream that he is kissing someone means that he devotes too little time to his beloved.

Why did you dream of a kiss on Longo's dream book?

Kisses in a dream promise good luck in everything. If in a dream you felt that someone was kissing you, then you should prepare for a joyful unexpected event in your life.

If you saw in a dream that you were kissing someone's feet, expect resentment and humiliation. A kiss with an animal promises joy and peace. And if you kiss in a dream with your friend, then he should wait for danger.

What does it mean dreamed of kisses in Azar's dream book

If you see that you are being kissed in a dream, then this may indicate an imminent separation, as well as the betrayal of a loved one.

If a man dreams that he is kissing a man, and a woman with a woman, then this may mean that soon you will have enemies. It can also bode well for all sorts of disagreements. A kiss with a child (infant) means that you will remain young for a long time.

If you are being kissed, then this may indicate deception. A kiss with a vampire can be a harbinger of imminent death. Kisses with men dream of treason, and kisses with women - to quarrels and various kinds of conflicts.

Why dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend, ex-husband?

If in a dream you kiss with your ex-husband(or boyfriend), this may mean that you want to renew the relationship with him. Such a dream indicates that you cannot let go of your former lover in any way.

Your feelings after a dream are of some importance. If you are upset and depressed, then you want reconciliation with your ex. And if you woke up, on the contrary, in an excellent mood, then this may mean that in your dream you marked the end of the relationship with a kiss, summed up a kind of result.

Dream interpretation - a kiss with a friend, classmate

A kiss with a classmate portends an early quarrel with him. If in your dream you are kissing a friend, then this may also mean that soon you will have to leave (for example, he will leave for another country).

Why dream of kissing your beloved husband, boyfriend?

If you kiss in a dream with your beloved, you should expect eternal devotion from him. But it all depends on the conditions under which you do it: kisses in the dark can portend betrayal and deception. If you are the initiator of kisses, then this speaks of mutual tender feelings.

And if they kiss you, then this can be a harbinger of separation. For a young girl, kisses with her chosen one can portend an imminent wedding. But, if you see in a dream that your lover is passionately kissing another woman, this may signal a betrayal in reality.

A kiss on the lips in a dream portends that your marriage will be not only happy, but also long-lasting. But a kiss on the cheek, on the contrary, can signal the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.

Why is a passionate kiss dreaming?

In most dream books, you can read that passionate kisses in a dream promise quick sadness. In addition to this interpretation, you can also find a version that a kiss that is too passionate is a harbinger of a serious disagreement.

Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should be as tolerant of your partner as possible in order to maintain your relationship.

Dream interpretation passionate kiss

Why is a passionate kiss dreaming? Most dream interpreters say that such a symbol, although it seems pleasant, in real life portends bad events.

If the sleeping person remembers the close contact with the lips with another person, then such an interpretation will be just as relevant. Despite the fact that a passionate kiss in a dream can be interpreted negatively, you can always find positive transcripts.

Kiss in a dream

What can you think about?

As the dream book describes, a passionate kiss does not just dream, and such a symbol needs detailed consideration.
Before proceeding with deciphering, you will need to pay attention to every little thing that at first glance will seem insignificant.

Who was that?

At the initial stage of interpretation, the sleeping person should try to remember the person with whom he touched his lips.


If a sleeping person passionately kisses with someone, then in reality certain difficulties in communication will await him. Without making any effort, you can face more big problems and it will end in an even bigger fight.

Dreamed of a kiss and hugs with by a stranger- a positive symbol, the plot of which tells that there will be more luck in life. However, one should not rely only on chance; one should not forget about one's own efforts, which play the greatest role.


NSkiss with your beloveda person has a completely opposite meaning. Most likely, such a dream will tell you that harmony and complete understanding has come in family life. However, you should not be satisfied with what has already been achieved, since any relationship can be developed, making them even better.

Kissing on the lips in a dream with a loved one

Kissing with a relative may confuse a sleeping person a little, but what does it mean? According to the dream interpreter, such a symbol portends serious problems in a relationship with a kissable person. Your task is to try to smooth out every quarrel, preventing further development.

What do other dream books say?

You may dream of an unexpected act of passion that you need to learn how to properly characterize. The sleeping person must understand that each dream is unique, and it is not so easy to find an identical scenario, and therefore you need to turn to different sources.

The Wanderer's Works

Why dream of a passionate kiss with a guy? The interpreter says that such a symbol portends illness, but they should not be feared, since they will pass quickly, leaving no trace behind. If the kiss was very sensual and protracted, then most likely the lovers will have to endure a long separation. Such a test will be extremely useful as it will show that the intentions are true.

If, after a kiss with a man, discomfort and even pain in the mouth appeared, then very soon the oppressive thoughts will cease to disturb. The main thing is to realize the fact that the difficulties that have arisen are of an exclusively temporary nature and do not pose any danger.

Miller's works

Reading the work of psychologist Miller, you can come to conclusions that relate to kissing with other people. If you had a dream in which your lips touch the lips of a stranger, then you can commit an immoral act.

To dream of another kissing her husband

Before making any decision, even if not always prudent, you will need to weigh the pros and cons. If a sleeping person had to kiss his enemy, then, most likely, in real life will happen long-awaited renewal of relations with an old friend.

Seeing someone kissing your husband is a loss of his respect, and therefore you need to think several times before committing any act.

Psychological dream book

A passionate kiss with a man for the fair sex reflects dissatisfaction with her own gentleman. His personality traits are annoying because there is no balance in them: he is too rude or gentle.

Thus, the subconscious is trying to push the dreamer into a frank conversation, where it will be possible to establish contact. If a guy sees passionate kisses, then in reality he will experience dissatisfaction with the sexual aspect of his own life. After seeing a dream, he will face some problems in relation to girls, but you should not take everything to heart.

Dream interpretation of Medea

In Medea's opinion, the image that is being removed can be interpreted in several directions:

  • kisses with the dead - to an impending illness or death;
  • with famous person- to the growth of authority among colleagues and close associates;
  • kissing a loved one - to deterioration housing conditions, returning to the previous level will not be as easy as it seems at first glance.

Different points of view

If a man kisses a man, what does that mean? Such an image should not cause any fear in the dreamer, since the interpretation reflects devotion and the high price of friendship, which is expressed in such, albeit unconventional, way.

A kissing child portends joy and well-being. A sleeping person should not be afraid of innovations that have entered his life. Passionate kisses dreaming with a brother or sister on the eve of good news.