Life code and relationship code. A series of master classes on purpose

Every person wants to live happily. People, congratulating each other, wish happiness. First of all, they wish it to the newlyweds. But how to achieve it - they do not tell because they themselves do not know. Our people have lost the landmark of this happiness.

And happiness is the presence of God. But how is this coveted presence achieved? Why doesn't the Lord take the newlyweds in his arms and carry them along the road happy life? Because each of us considers different things to be happiness. This is wealth, and power, and health, and beauty, and fame, and favorite work. Of course, all this should be present in reasonable measures in happy family when they follow one - the only rule. And the rule is: serving God, not sparing your belly.

“Yes, we know that, and this is just not new for us, we go to church and observe fasts,” anyone who has read these lines will say. But, the modern church does not know or does not want to know, and maybe it deliberately hides the mechanism of serving God on earth for an ordinary person and his family.

And the mechanism is simple. God chooses and anoints the King for the kingdom. The king serves God. The husband serves the King. The wife and children serve the husband. There is no flaw in this chain. Everyone in her is holy. And the saints are blessed, and bliss is the highest point of happiness on earth.

Who can voluntarily leave this chain? Who wants to lose happiness? Only a madman. And this madman became the Russian people, who lost the code of a happy life, rebelled against the source of their happiness - God Himself, refusing to serve His Anointed One. The husband refused to serve the Tsar, the wife stopped serving her husband, the children stopped respecting their parents.

Soon a hundred years have passed since the Russian people have been wandering in the desert of democracy and democracy, and they will not see the end of the ordeal. This endless labyrinth of deception, invented by the enemy of the human race, can only be terminated by God, again through the Anointed One chosen by Him.

How can you serve God's Anointed One if he is not there? I assure you, he is, as God is, only we do not see him, just as we do not see God. What will happen to him if the Lord reveals him to us now? We will betray him again as the Tsar - the redeemer of Nicholas II. Let's betray from our insecurity, from our weakness.

Regardless of whether the people want to serve the King and God, not sparing their belly, or not, and how many loyal subjects there will be, everything revealed to the Apostle John the Theologian will still be accomplished: “I looked, and behold, a white horse, and on it a rider who a bow, and a crown was given to him; and he went out victorious, and to overcome ”(Revelation 6:, 2). The rider on a white horse is the victorious Tsar, who will restore righteousness and truth through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what the Revelation of St. John the Theologian testifies to us: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him in order to show His servants what should be soon” (Revelation 1: 1). For some reason, these very important lines at the very beginning of the apocalypse are lost sight of. And they testify to us that the apocalypse is not written about Jesus Christ, but is the testimony of Jesus Christ Himself about His Anointed Christ the Lord, the victorious Tsar and the restoration of truth on earth.

What happiness awaits those who will serve the victorious Tsar, we read further: “In the middle of his street, and on both sides of the river, the tree of life, bearing fruit twelve times, bearing fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree - for the healing of the nations ... And the night will not be there, and they will not need either a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God illuminates them; and they will reign forever and ever ”(Revelation 22: 2.5). And the lucky ones will not just live, but they will reign: “and made us kings and priests to our God; and we will reign on the earth ”(Revelation 5:10). Here is wealth and glory, strength and power, health and beauty, like those of the blessed sons of God.

“He who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be my son. But the fearful and the unbelievers, and the abominable and murderers, and the fornicators and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone ”(Revelation 21: 7,8).

It's easy to disbelieve what you read. It is possible to argue with what has been said. But quite happy person it is impossible to find. There are people on earth who love their work, their wealth, beauty, but one cannot be happy by half or by a third. Complete harmony can be achieved by acquiring the likeness of God and restoring the earthly kingdom, similar to the Kingdom of Heaven. And the image of God cannot be unhappy.

According to the statements of numerologists, using ordinary numbers, you can easily find out the karmic code of life, which is written to you in your family. To do this, you just need to brush up on your mathematical knowledge, stock up on a calculator and a pen and start performing interesting calculations.

To find out your karmic destiny code, you need to make a gradual addition of all the digits of the date of your birth. Here's a specific sample:

At the same time, there is no need in this case to reduce the two-digit figure to a single-digit one. This means that the number 35 will become fateful in your life, and after every 35 years you will undergo major changes. Also, this number can tell a lot of interesting information about you.

Deciphering the karmic code of fate

  • Number ten. You are patronized by Mrs. Fortune, all business will end in success: if you wish, you can easily build an excellent career, you will be happy in family life... You have very light karma, not burdened by heavy transgressions. But one should beware of esoteric practices.
  • Number eleven... You will have to face various challenges. You are too gullible to others, easily influenced. In past incarnations, you committed crimes, for which you are now paying the price. Don't do magic!
  • Number twelve... You are very naive and often take on the role of the victim. Try to worry less about trifles. In previous reincarnations, you conspired and plotted against others.
  • The number is thirteen. Your life will be filled with many interesting events... Constant changes are your faithful companion, but they will not always be positive. You could be a slave in past life and strove for freedom with all their might.
  • The number is fourteen. It is a personal Apocalypse. You will be haunted by various extraordinary events, you should be afraid of accidents, emergencies. You are advised to practice tarot cards or astrology.
  • Number fifteen. You are very attractive, do not suffer from a lack of fans. The sphere of your realization is art, but beware of being dishonest towards others.
  • The number is sixteen. The number of evil doom. In your life, you often face destruction, you cannot achieve predictability. The reason for this lies in past incarnations, when you tortured people. If you turn to magic, you can go crazy.
  • . You are very lucky to have good relationships with members of the opposite sex. In this area, you will be fine - create strong family and you will be happy. Avoid practicing esotericism!
  • The number is eighteen. Your life is a struggle and violence. Such people often become sadists, take part in various gangster organizations, and are destroyers. You need to work on yourself so as not to go down to the bottom!
  • The number is nineteen. The solution to any problem is easy for you, your life is filled with harmony. The main sphere of realization is family and offspring. Runology (especially Celtic) suits you.

The next video offers even more interesting information about the karmic code of life.

What is destined for you (numeric values ​​from 20 to 29)

These numbers will show you how to correct the mistakes of past reicarnations.

  • Number twenty. The most important thing for you is specific goals. Develop your spirituality, give your love to others. Magic will come to your aid.
  • Number twenty one. In life, you keep up with good luck, you tend to win in everything. Activity is important to you, so avoid routine.
  • Number twenty two... You are by nature a quiet and good-natured person who is distinguished by gullibility and is inclined to "hang in the clouds." Learn esotericism to improve your life.
  • Number twenty three. Light forces patronize you. Various things are easily given to you, luck simply follows you on your heels. You can do great in the realm of magic.
  • Number twenty four. You are lucky, both in personal relationships and in money and in other areas of life. But in any case, do not harm anyone, so that luck does not leave you. Develop your intuition.
  • Number twenty five... There are many mistakes in the early years of life. It is important to realize the cause of your delusions and correct them - then you will receive mercy from above. You have unique magical abilities.
  • Number twenty six. You have powerful intuition that keeps you safe from danger. You will face many troubles in life, but the sixth sense will take you away from unhappiness. Develop love in yourself!
  • Number twenty seven... If you live right, working on yourself and doing good, you will achieve happiness (the financial sphere is especially successful).
  • Number twenty eight. You are very talented, have amazing abilities, but often cannot find correct solution problems. Do not break the law!
  • Number twenty nine. You often encounter insincerity from your surroundings. You can calm down when you find your soul mate with which you will find happiness. Magic is not given to you.

Karmic life code (numbers from 30 to 39)

People who fall into this category are teachers who influence the lives of others. Your goal in this life is to teach and help others change their reality.

  • Number thirty. You have a developed intellect, but strive only for success and financial well-being. Change your behavior, do not ignore other people - then you can become happy.
  • Number thirty one. Indicates a loner who deliberately chose such a life. You feel comfortable when no one is around. In past lives, you were an actor, you practiced polygamy. You can develop your magical abilities.
  • Number thirty-two. You have developed communication skills, you are loved in any team. You, too, should give love to the world around you. Try to talk less about yourself so as not to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You can predict the future.
  • Number thirty three. You feel the support of others in any matter. You are also very attractive to the opposite sex. Realize yourself as a spiritual guide. You are shown to engage in esoteric practices.
  • Number thirty four. The first part of life is more difficult than the second, which will begin at about 35 years old. But first you have to work hard to succeed. Practice magic, but in the second part of your life.
  • Number thirty five. You can hardly be called lucky - there will be a lot of suffering in life. There will be problems with loved ones, it is possible various dependencies... Use your magical knowledge only to protect yourself.
  • Number thirty six. This is the number of hard work, you can only receive benefits through tremendous effort. You can often feel lonely, but there is no need to lose heart - your happiness will definitely find you. Use money magic.
  • Number thirty seven. Promises you a happy and fortunate life. Practice Slavic magic.
  • Number thirty eight... You will often face betrayal and lies. Therefore, carefully double-check any information and be especially vigilant in matters of money. Give up mysticism.
  • Number thirty nine. You have high intelligence, but you often suffer from envy. Beware of substance addiction. Runes will help you achieve success in life.

Numbers from 40 to 48

They are the highest step. Your main karmic goal is to comprehend the secrets of the universe, spiritual guidance.

  • Number forty... You are a rather closed person, you often distance yourself from other people, you are not very lucky with money. Concentrate mainly on yourself. You can practice magic, but not overuse it.
  • Number forty one... You are distinguished by tremendous attractiveness for others and increased emotionality. You are characterized by narcissism and insecurity. Engage in cards and runes, as well as astrology, but only for yourself.
  • Number forty two... You are a sane person, so you will be happy in this life. You are an avid materialist.
  • The number is forty three. Indicates a not very happy fate filled with various trials and misfortunes. It is not recommended to engage in esotericism!
  • Number forty four... You will often face troubles, threats to your life and health. This is due to the past lives in which you killed. Give up magical actions and change.
  • Number forty five... Stick high moral principles, develop spiritually, then after forty years you will not know the need for anything. But magic is not a helper for you.
  • The number is forty six. Choose a love partner, then you will be very happy. Don't put money above your feelings. You can practice for yourself and others.
  • The number is forty-seven. You love to be in noisy companies. But you often suffer from meanness and insincerity. You are forbidden to practice magic in order not to face various pathologies.
  • Forty eight. Is a fight number. From birth you have karmic knot leadership, you can make a dizzying career in the sports, military or political field. You do not recognize magic in any form.

Knowing your karmic number, as well as those negative aspects that you need to work on, you can improve your karma, and therefore turn your life in a more positive direction.

A series of master classes on how to understand your mission, your potential and creative possibilities... How to realize the potential of relationships and realize what is the meaning of the lessons of fate?

Alla Revenko owns unique methods of transformation: Raja Yoga, Heartfulness, Mindfulness, a unique numerological system Code of Life, Rapid Personal Transformation, Tetta healing, life couching, quantum methods transformations, etc.

Member of The Sound Healers Association, USA.
She is the author of more than 120 audio programs (tunes) for reprogramming the subconscious, and the author of the "Matrix of Success" computer program.

What is the unique Code of Life?

Unique numerological system Code of Life specializes in revealing the secret of the purpose of the life of an individual and clarifying the purpose of any relationship that a person enters into in his life.

This wisdom, this unique knowledge came to humanity from the Master, whose name remained a secret. Alla Revenko received this knowledge in the USA and has been applying the wisdom of this unique system during consultations. Thousands of people have confirmed the accuracy of this knowledge, the resonance of the information received with deep knowledge about oneself, which was often hidden behind a veil of prejudices and imposed patterns of thinking. Obtaining this knowledge brings clarity to the meaning of your life, understanding the reasons for the lessons of fate and understanding what to do next.

The Life Code is determined based on the date of birth. It consists of only a few numbers that are of great importance to the owner of the Code. Each number in the Code of Life defines the tasks and lessons of fate, opportunities and talents that a person's potential keeps, as well as weak sides that prevent them from realizing their unique potential.

Knowing the secrets of the Code of Life will help a person understand himself, choose his own unique path, despite the opinion of others and age, which will make life happier, full of meaning, and the path to goals will be much easier and more joyful.

Often people ask themselves questions: “What is the meaning of my life? Why am I unlucky? What to teach children? Why are children so different in the same family? How to build happy relationships with your spouses? Why is there a lot of struggle and little joy in life? What is the reason for failure, loneliness and other problems? "

Information about the Code of Life and the Skin of Relationships will give you comprehensive answers to these and other questions.

How can you improve your relationship? Find out the Purpose Code of any Relationship!

Much in our life depends on relationships with people with whom we are friends, communicate, work, cooperate. Family relationships have the greatest impact on our destiny. There are relationships that we value, that we value, that delight us. There are relationships that are stressful, but we cannot end them for one reason or another. There are short relationships, and family relationships last a lifetime, even if there is no active communication. These are the conditions for life on Earth. Therefore, it is very important to be able to understand the meaning and purpose of your relationships with people. However, it is not easy to understand the purpose of relationships, it is hidden behind the joy and pain that always exist in human relationships. When we learn the purpose of relationships, studying the knowledge about the Code of Relationships and the Code of Life of all participants in the relationship, it is easier for us to create high-quality relationships, it is easier for us to go through difficult periods in relationships and in life.

Knowing the tasks of your life is very important knowledge. But for a happy life of a person, high-quality relationships are needed not only with themselves, but also in the family, with friends, colleagues. Therefore, getting to know the purpose of life for children, parents, spouses and friends will help improve the quality of relationships with your loved ones. You will begin to understand them, to become aware of the deep motives for their actions, their desires, their preferences, and, of course, the reasons for their weaknesses. Judgments, assessments, grievances, resentments, claims and unnecessary expectations will leave the relationship, but clarity and understanding of everyone who is dear to you will appear.

Remember the expression: "Happiness is when you are understood"? Knowledge of the science of the Code of Life is within the power of every person, it can become yours if you listen to the information in the master classes of Alla Revenko, who generously share this unique knowledge with you. Make life's skin science your wisdom! It is this knowledge of yours that can make you happy those you love.

Find out the secrets of your destiny, its purpose, the meaning of lessons and tasks, encoded in the Code of Your Life, right now. Alla Revenko will generously share with you the secret of knowledge about the numerological system Code of Life in her 10 master classes, which have great success with thousands of people from different countries the world. Alla Revenko received a lot of gratitude from people for giving this knowledge with all her heart to those who are interested in learning deeper meaning your life and your relationships.

Master class 1

Master class 2

Master class 3

Master class 4

Master class 5

Master class 6

Master class 7

Master class 8

Master class 9

Master class 10

Lecture on Relationship Code

Numerologists claim that karma, and hence the fate of a person, can be calculated using the most ordinary numbers.

And it's very simple ...

It is very simple to do this - add up all the numbers of your date of birth in sequence.

For example, if you were born on December 11, 1982, then you have to add the numbers as follows: 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 25. But the final figure does not need to be reduced to a prime number. 25 is your fateful number, a kind of karmic code.

Numbers 10-19

You are in the first stage of development. Your task is to contemplate the world without changing anything in it. You should focus on the development of your personality, cultivate willpower, improve your body and spirit.

10 - lucky sign... You are confident in yourself. Your life path is bright and auspicious, and the future is cloudless. You will not have any special problems in your life. You will climb the career ladder playfully. Personal life, health, offspring ... everyone will bring you joy.
- You have good karma, in your past life you were a farmer and did not commit any crimes.

11 is a complex number. Warns about hidden danger, tests. You are too gullible, you easily succumb to persuasion. Until old age, you will change partners in search of the ideal. But is it possible to find something that does not exist in nature? Several marriages. Lots of kids.
- In a past life, you were a traitor or a criminal.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. You are easily vulnerable, naive and defenseless. Every now and then you become a victim of scammers and schemers. Constantly worry and worry, even if there is no cause for concern. In love, you are forced to adjust to your partner, please him and obey.
- In a past life, you were a conspirator, terrorist or revolutionary.

13 - a symbol of change, change of plans, move. You will never be bored. After all, your whole life is a constant change of scenery and participation in an attraction called "Roller Coaster". Change will haunt you all the time. And, alas, they will not always be positive.
- In a past life, you were a prisoner or captive (slave) who dreamed of freedom all his life.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, fire, water and air. Along with this, it favors transactions, business, career growth. You need to keep your ears on top of your head all your life, be careful not to get involved in extreme sports. Be vigilant on the water, always prefer rail over air. Do not climb high in the mountains, do not rest on the islands.
- In a past life, you were a sailor or a military man. But they were killed or died in an accident.

15 - the number of charm. You have a bright temperament and natural magnetism which you often use to achieve your goals. You are undoubtedly a wonderful artist, actor or musician who cannot imagine life without art. The number 15 bodes well, but makes people resort to deception and betrayal for their own ends.
- In a past life, you sold your body and talent for money.

16 - a messenger of impending catastrophes and collapse of plans. This number warns of evil fate that constantly hovers over you. Make any decisions carefully and deliberately to avoid unfortunate consequences. Make the words “Measure seven times, cut once” as the motto of your life.
- In a past life, you were a reigning person or a person close to her. They were distinguished by a tough disposition, bathed in luxury, but did not differ in a special mind.

17 - a number that brings happiness in personal life. In relationships with the opposite sex, you will always be lucky. Joint projects, be it a business or a family, will bring a lot of joy and allow you to look to the future with confidence.
- In a past life, you were a man with a sick heart. They suffered a lot, died in poverty and loneliness.

18 - the number of destruction. People of this number are cruel - they are family rowdy and despots, brawlers, oppositionists, revolutionaries who believe that the end always justifies the means. They are successful in business, but only in crime. At the end of life, violent death or accident.
- In a past life, you were a witch.

19 - the number of recognition and veneration. In life, you will succeed in everything that you have conceived, but you will find your happiness in children. They will idolize you and continue the business you started. It is possible that you will become the founder of a famous dynasty.
- In a past life, you were a shepherd or a traveler. They died at a ripe old age, surrounded by numerous relatives.

Numbers 20-29

Your task is to work off your karma and not repeat the mistakes of the past in the present.

20 - a call to action, the implementation of ambitious plans. You are a strategist and a great figure who does not think of your existence without any goal. The only pity is that obstacles always arise and will arise on your way. Develop your spirituality, give people good, and there will be fewer obstacles.

In a past life, you were a banker.

21 - the number of honor and victory. Your life is like a battlefield, battles go on one after another, and almost always you are victorious. And all because 21 is very lucky number... It promises success in all your endeavors. The main thing is not to sit still. After all, your only enemy is boredom.

In a past life, you were a blacksmith and enjoyed unlimited respect.

22 - the number of the dreamer. You are a kind, gullible person with a bag of mistakes on your shoulders. Your favorite pastime is to dream, and therefore you are now and then mistaken and live in the captivity of illusions. You stick your head out of the shell and turn on real life only at the moment of danger.

In a past life, you were a petty thief.

23 - possesses magical effect... Whatever you do in life, you will be under the auspices higher powers, and therefore you will always be successful. Help in business, career and personal life will come immediately, at your first request.

In a past life, you were a seamstress.

24 - lucky number. Success and support in all matters, as well as luck in love, are guaranteed to you. The future will be cloudless, but only if you do not do evil and do bad deeds that burden karma.

In a past life, you were an icon painter.

25 - education. In the first half of your life, because of your character, you are unlikely to be happy. You will make a lot of mistakes, but catch yourself in time and begin to correct them. After that, heaven will replace anger with mercy, and you will live the second half of your life in harmony with yourself and the world.

In a past life, you were a royal person, traveled a lot and lived in the East.

26 - danger warning. Your intuition is very well developed. You are capable of anticipating many troubles. And this is good, because you literally at every step await danger, deception and disappointment. Be careful. Trust your inner voice.

In a past life, you were a doctor.

27 - good sign. You will definitely be rewarded for your righteous life, hard work, selflessness, and kind heart. The second half of life will be much happier than the first.

In a past life, you were a scientist (mathematician, astrologer or philosopher). And they were incredibly happy in their marriage.

28 - a sign of contradictions. You have great abilities and talents, but law and morality are not for you. Rather, you have your own ideas about the norms of behavior and ethics. You are a rebel by nature and a fighter against injustice. Your future cannot be called bright and prosperous.

In a past life, you were suicidal.

29 - the number of deception. Insincerity and even betrayal from others will constantly accompany you. Every now and then you will have to face difficult trials and betrayals. If you do not find a kindred spirit, then in the future you will be completely disappointed in people and become a hermit.

In a past life, you were a wealthy merchant who did not disdain anything for the sake of enrichment.

Numbers 30-39

The third level of development is the level of people capable of influencing others. If you are on the third level of embodiment, then your calling in this life is to teach others wisdom and the right attitude to life.

30 - the number of superiority. In mind and intellect, you are much superior to those around you. But instead of looking for harmony and serving people, constantly pursue fame and money. If you get a little distracted from this race, you will find true happiness.

In a past life, you were a poet or writer.

31 - the number of loneliness. You are self-absorbed, withdrawn and alone. Any company prefer a book or conversation with a philosopher like you. An unsettled personal life does not bother you at all, as well as the lack of money and domestic disorder. After all, you know better than others that all this is not the main thing.

In a past life, you were a good actor, comedian. They changed women like gloves. They had many illegitimate children.

32 - the number of harmony. You are purposeful, active and optimistic. You are in good, friendly relations with a huge number of people. But still talk less and learn to hide your Napoleonic plans from others. Otherwise, they will not come true.

In a past life, you were a traveler who did not have a wife or children.

33 - a lucky number that guarantees success and support in all endeavors, good luck in love. Your future will be bright and cloudless, especially if you begin to develop the gift of a teacher, educator, mentor, inherent in you by nature.

In a past life, you were a court magician and influenced the fate of the greatest rulers in the world.

34 - reward. Your path in life began with difficulties, but luck will await in the second half. After thirty-five, you are guaranteed a happy personal life, good financial position, love from your children. Up to thirty-five there are a lot of difficulties and hardships.

In a past life, you were a knight who died in your prime.

35 - mortal danger in the future. Alas, there will be a lot of deception and disappointment in your life: betrayal by a loved one, difficulties with children due to their addiction to drugs or alcohol, financial problems ...

In a past life, you were a singer with a difficult fate and a failed personal life.

36 - hard labor. This number is a sign that you will achieve everything in your life with your own labor. There will be no help from anyone. Personal life is unlikely to work out well. Those you like will reject you. Your spouse will live with you for money or position.

In a past life, you were a criminal exiled for grave sins to hard labor.

37 - a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship. Promises good luck in any endeavors and promises happiness in family life.

In a past life, you were a religious leader or a hermit.

38 - the number of deception. Alas, insincerity, deception and betrayal on the part of others will literally haunt you. Don't trust anyone, especially business partners.

In a past life, you were a woman of easy virtue.

39 - a sign of the mind. You are a smart person and a great intellectual, but you have a significant drawback - you always envy everyone. It eats away your karma, causes disease, and makes you addicted to drugs and alcohol.

In a past life, you were a gambler and a gambler.

Numbers 40-48

The highest level of consciousness, outstanding intellectual, philosopher, teacher. Your task is to know higher meaning being and the foundations of the universe.

40 - the number of the hermit. In life, you are a loner. They are eternally immersed in themselves and are completely incomprehensible to others. They are unlucky in money, in family life they are selfish. However, neither one nor the other bothers you. After all, you have a completely different purpose.

In a past life, you were a writer.

41 - a sign of a magnet. You are incredibly emotional and attractive, although you may not possess special beauty. There are always a lot of fans, friends and just friends around you. You cannot imagine your life without an entourage ... If you look more closely, it turns out that you are secretive, selfish and for the sake of profit are capable of deceiving.

In a past life, you were a beautiful poet and turned the head of more than one man.

42 - lucky number. You have a sober mind and a practical approach to life. Therefore, you are guaranteed success in any business, and you can not be afraid for your future.

In a past life, you were a brewer and lived in Germany.

43 - test sign. The blows of fate will now and then begin to pour on you. Conflicts will arise both at work and in family life.

In a past life, you were a royal person. You were executed for treason to your husband.

44 - danger warning. All your life you will walk as if on a razor's edge. Dangers and disasters lie in wait for you literally everywhere. Be careful and discreet.

In a past life, you were a tyrant who ruined more than one life.

45 - number of awards. With your productive mindset, creative work, and high intellectual ability, you are sure to receive a reward. And after forty years you will not need anything. There are many disappointments and losses early in life.

In a past life, you were a doctor who saved more than one life.

46 - a sign of happy love and friendship. Harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and success in joint projects are guaranteed to you. Everything in your life will be fine if you marry (marry) for love and mutual respect. A marriage of coercion or of convenience will not bring happiness.

In a past life, they were a military leader, commander and died on the battlefield.

47 - the number of insincerity. You love parties and friendly gatherings. But not all of your friends are sincere and honest with you. Therefore, every now and then you will have to face deception and even betrayal from others.

In a past life, you were an alchemist or sectarian, leading an extremely solitary life.

48 - a sign of a warrior. It says that you have a huge potential as a leader hidden in you. Assumes an unexpected career. Good for the military, athletes and political leaders.

- In a past life, you were a gunsmith, fanatically dedicated to your work.

In numerology, there is such a thing as a personal code of luck. It is used to normalize different spheres life. However, the name itself speaks for itself.

The article will discuss three components:

1. How the code is calculated.

2. How it is used and what it is for.

3. What does it mean from the point of view of numerology.

Luck code calculation

The numerical luck code consists of 4 digits, and its calculation is quite simple. Add the digits of the day, month and year of birth in succession until you get one digit (that is, if after adding 2 digits, then for the final result, add them as well). This is how we get the first three values ​​of the code. It is much easier to explain with an example:

Let's take an arbitrary date of birth. For example, 29.03.1986

First code number: 2 + 9 = 11.1 + 1 = 2

Second: 0 + 3 = 3

Third: 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24.2 + 4 = 6

The fourth value is obtained by adding the first three:

2+3+6 = 11. 1+1 = 2

So, the personal numerical luck code for a person born on March 29, 1986 will be:


I note right away that there is a universal code that is applicable to all people - these are four eights: 8888

It is convenient to use it when, for example, you have forgotten your personal code or your date of birth :)

How to use the code

Everything is simple here. The more often, in any way, you turn to him, the more you activate him, that is, more and faster luck will come to you.

The numeric luck code can be:

  • Pronounce (aloud and to yourself)
  • Draw on wallet
  • Pointing in your dream drawings or collages
  • Use as passwords, PIN codes on your phone or credit cards (which is very convenient, since it consists of 4 digits).

In short, its application is limited only by your imagination.

It should be noted that the code that attracts luck can be used both on its own and in combination with a certain desire. In the first case, you will strengthen, manifest your purpose and all spheres of life (both spiritual and material). A little bit of everything. In the second situation, the fulfillment of your desires will be accelerated as much as possible: you can think about the desire and say the code, or, in your imagination, imagine a picture of what you want and put numbers on it.

The meaning of the code from the standpoint of numerology

And finally, a little theory about the meaning of the four magic numbers from the point of view of numerology. The numerical code of luck is a kind of key that opens the door to the inner Universe of a person. This is a kind of display of human vibrations through a sequence of numbers. An experienced numerologist can describe a person's portrait by an individual code of luck:

  • Who is he
  • Why does he live, what is his purpose
  • What actually happens to him
  • How a person interacts with other people.

Use your personal code of luck, and may success come to you more and more often. And if results from practice appear, write about them in comments.