Time is running out quotes. Wise sayings about the times of great people

Once upon a time Plato said: “Time takes everything away” - and although this expression is more than one hundred years old, it still remains relevant. But not only Plato loved to philosophize about the course of life and the transience of life. Many famous writers and great thinkers have similar sayings. So many lines have been written on the topic "Time" that it is simply impossible to re-read them all.

Therefore, let's plunge into the world of literature and draw a little wisdom from there. Consider the brightest and beautiful statements great about time and its course - about the eternal succession of life and death. And who knows, perhaps this knowledge will be able to radically change someone's worldview.

The transience of everything

I would like to start with the fact that many statements about time show us how fast everything in the world is. It would seem that only yesterday we were little kids and ran around the parental yard, but today we are already watching our own grandchildren grow up. And this order of things applies to everything that surrounds us.

That is why many sayings about time remind us that everything in this world has its end.

  1. "Minutes, like fast horses, fly without looking ahead. You look around - the sunset is so close that you can't turn it back" (Al-Maarri).
  2. "Life will fly by like a crazy wind, and nothing will hold it back"
  3. “Alas, you cannot regain your youth, become again the same unrestrained impudent and beautiful. Even a young walk cannot be turned back” (Yu. Bondarev).
  4. "The closer the old age, the faster the hand of the clock strides."
  5. "In this life, only the tide and time wait for no one" (W. Scott).

Learn to value your time

However, realizing the transience of time is only half the battle. After that, you need to learn to take care of it, cherish every second lived. After all, time is the most expensive currency in the world. But unlike real bills, it cannot be borrowed or stolen from another person.

And therefore, many tirelessly remind us of how important it is to appreciate every second of your life:

  1. "Reasonable use of time makes it even more precious" (J. J. Rousseau).
  2. "Learning to enjoy the past means learning to live doubly" (Martial).
  3. “The one who dares to waste an hour of his time simply does not know how to live” (Charles Darwin).
  4. "Time waits for no one, and even more so it does not forgive a single lost moment" (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky).
  5. "One today is much more expensive than two tomorrow" (B. Franklin).

How to spend your life right

Well, for those who have realized everything, there is only one thing left - to learn how to spend it wisely. After all, there are thousands of different possibilities and chances that should be tried and tested. This is the only way to feel the true taste of life, so as not to regret anything later. And here are the most vivid expressions about time, proving this truth:

  1. "Every new day is a disciple of yesterday"
  2. “Life ceases to be short for those who have learned to use it wisely” (Seneca Jr.).
  3. “Only a few are able to see the world in all its details. The majority involuntarily limits themselves to one of its versions or several areas; but the less a person knows about the present and the past, the more fragile his hopes for a brighter future become” (Sigmund Freud).

Quotes about time: the wonderful world of clocks

In conclusion, we will give a few more sayings about the passage of time, left to us by the great minds of the past. And let the depth of their wisdom become a real find for the inquisitive minds of our time.

  1. "People with a sour expression pass thousands of hours by themselves, forgetting to enjoy them. And then, with the advent of old age, they remember them with sadness" (A. Schopenhauer).
  2. "Mediocre man thinks about how to kill time. Talented - strives to use it correctly "(A. Schopenhauer).
  3. "Only time can heal all wounds" (Menander).
  4. "Life seems long if it is filled with something important. Therefore, let's measure it by actions, and not by the past hours" (Seneca).
  5. "If time is the most precious thing, then wasting it is the biggest crime."

Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn to dust what turns out to be fragile.

The time given by God to each of us is like a precious fabric on which we embroider, whoever can.

A person cannot order anything in to a greater extent than time.

Time is the greatest innovator.

A person who does not know what to do with his time shamelessly takes away someone else's.

Time is the fabric that makes up life.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Don't waste time because it makes up life.

Keep all your belongings in their places, have their own time for each activity.

Since you are not even sure of one minute, do not waste one hour.

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

One today is worth two tomorrow.

Each business has its own time.

Take your time! Guard him any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it slips away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy accomplishment!

If you want to have leisure, do not waste time in vain.

Time is like a fickle and capricious mistress: the more you chase after her, the more you try to keep her, the sooner she leaves you, the sooner she changes.

Time is like a skillful steward, constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared.

Starting your career, do not waste, O young man, precious time!

There was so little time in her watch that she couldn't keep up with anything.

Alarm: home phone time.

As we listen to the ticking of a clock, we notice that time is ahead of us.

Time - there is nothing longer in the world, for it is the measure of eternity, and there is nothing shorter, because it is not enough to fulfill our desires; nothing is slower for the one who waits, nothing is faster for the one who eats pleasure; it reaches infinity in the great and is infinitely divisible in the small; people neglect him, and having lost - they regret; everything takes place in time; it destroys offspring unworthy in memory.

Cold wit, flat ambiguity, jokes, jokes, and fake laughter, mistaken for hilarity, make up the brilliance of society. Thus, the pointless and vulgar crowd takes advantage of the time that flies away.

Thanks to love, time passes imperceptibly, and thanks to time, love passes imperceptibly.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it is killing its students.

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.

He lived a long time, who lived well, and the time spent incorrectly was not spent, but wasted.

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden the soul with either the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive:
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear to be indigent.

What was, it will not be again.

Statements, quotes about time, about time in English with translation.

All in good time.
Everything has its time.

Everything is good in its season.
All is well in due time.

Happiness takes no account of time.
For happy time does not exist.

Lost time is never found again.
Wasted time can never be turned back.

Time and tide wait for no man.
Time and tide wait for no one.

Time cures all things.
Time heals everything.

Time is a great healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time is money.
Time is money.

Time is the great healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time works wonders.
Time works wonders.

Then choose time is to save time.
Choosing time means saving it.

Time is a waste of money.
Time is a waste of money.

Statements, quotes about time, about time in Latin with translation.

Temporibus servire decet.
One should obey the (requirements) of the time. Wed: Keeping pace with the times.

Suis quaeque temporibus.
All in due time (i.e. in chronological order).

Haud multum distanti tempore.
A little time later.

Melioribus annis.
V better times(that is, in those years that they remember with pleasure).

Fugit irreparabile tempus.
Irretrievable time is running. Wed: You can't stop time.

Omnia fert aetas.
Time takes everything away.

Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus, singula dum capiti circumvectamur amore.
But meanwhile, the irreversible time is running, running, while we, captivated by the love of the object, linger on all the details.

Tempus fugit.
Time is running out.

Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis, et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
Time is running out and we are silently aging over the years, the days are running away and it is impossible for us to contain them.

Tempus edax rerum.
All-consuming time.

Tempus edax rerum, tuqu (e) invidiosa vetustas, omnia destruitis vitiataque dentibus aevi paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte.
Time is a devourer of things - and you, o envious old age. You destroy everything; wounded by the tooth of time, you destroy everything with a gradual slow death.

Utendum (e) st aetate, cito pede labitur aetas: nec bona tam sequitur, quam bona prima fuit.
Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The day that has passed is always better than the present day.

Tempori parce.
Save time.

Quem mihi dabis, qui aliquod pretium temporiponat?
Whom will you name me, who would be able to value time in the least?

Suum cuique rei tempus.
Each business has its own time.

Carpe diem.
Take advantage of the (current, present) day.
Seize the moment (Seize the day)

Currit ferox aetas.
Time flies uncontrollably (flies).

Fuga temporum.
The run of times (time).

Rapit hora diem.
The hour carries along the day.

Tempus tantum nostrum est.
Only time belongs to us.

Grata superveniet, quae non sperabitur hora.
It will be pleasant to come to an hour that you did not hope for.

Honesta lex est temporis necessitas.
The rule of time is a law worthy of respect. Wed: Time dictates its own laws. The inexorable power of time.

The aphorisms published below about time will enable the reader to understand the essence of time and how to use it. After all, time in our life is an important detail. There is no time in eternity as such. In essence, this is our perception. An hour of happiness seems like a minute, a minute of misfortune seems like an hour. Differences in the speed of the passage of time in childhood and old age.

And in a critical situation, in a state of passion, in general, such a slowdown occurs that everything around begins to move slowly. From here it follows that you can also learn to control its course. However, be that as it may, everything in the manifested universe is subject to time, it changes constantly, every moment, however, just like us. The body is aging, even though everyone has it in different ways and of different lengths, again the same time.

After all, the moment of perception immediately becomes the past, time, as it were, constantly flows and under its influence everything changes. At the same time, the future is approaching, coming, and few are turned to face this future. People, for the most part, in best case with their backs to future events. A person who is in the moment of his full perception can face the meeting of life. Keeping up with the times, so to speak! After all, going backwards is not comfortable both physiologically and internally. And the person, naturally, will turn around. Time is sacred and more deeply studied for all true schools leading to the evolution of awareness. Any perception of the past, present and future is the result of tuning. Any waste of time should be inconceivable, to do this means to miss the opportunity that arises to be in the universal every second creation of the world, which, just like once started and continues to be created in this moment, how can you measure it? This is a broader topic.

These aphorisms, as well as sayings on other topics of our life, contain deep meaning and wisdom. An explanation of the laws and patterns of life, in all its breadth. You will learn the essence of time and its patterns, for a reasonable use ...

♦ Truly great is the person who managed to master his time!


♦ Time doesn't like to be wasted.

Henry Ford

♦ When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.


♦ A person who has decided to waste at least one hour of his time is not yet mature enough to understand the full value of life.

Darwin C.

♦ A person cannot dispose of anything more than time.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

♦ The average person is concerned with how to kill time, while a talented person seeks to use it.

Arthur Schopenhauer

♦ The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

Dante Alighieri

♦ Time is an honest person.

Beaumarchais P.

♦ The wisest thing is time, for it reveals everything.


♦ Alas, not time passes, we pass.

Pierre de Ronsard

♦ Wise timing is the basis for action.

Comenius J.

♦ It's not about running fast, it's about running out early.

Francois Rabelais

About the difference in the perception of time ...

♦ The days are so long and the years are so short!

Alphonse Daudet

♦ ... Happy people consider time to be minutes, while for unfortunate people it drags on for months.

Cooper F.

♦ Time is such a vague thing. One seems very long. To the other, the opposite is true.

Agatha Christie

♦ Time is the mother and nurse of all the best.

Shakespeare W.

♦ To choose the time means to save time, and what was done out of time is done in vain.

Francis Bacon

♦ Moments are always replacing each other.

♦ Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The day that has passed is always better than the present day.


♦ Use the current time in such a way that in old age you do not reproach yourself for youth that was lived in vain.

Boccaccio Giovanni

♦ Time is the most precious of all means.


♦ Good use of time makes time even more precious.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

♦ He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

Luc de Clapier Vovenargue

♦ If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

Benjamin Franklin

♦ There is time for everything: your hour for conversation, your hour for rest.


♦ In life, every minute is fraught with a miracle and eternal youth.

Camus A.

♦ With each new minute a new life begins for us.

Jerome Klapka Jerome

♦ Time is the enemy of people who love a quiet life ...

Maksim Gorky

♦ Time is ticking for different persons different.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Very few people know how to properly manage their condition, even fewer are those who know how to allocate their time, and of these two things, the last is the most important.

Chesterfield F.

♦ How scary it is to feel that the passage of time takes away everything that you possessed.

Pascal Blaise

♦ The closeness of the beloved shortens the time.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Time heals love anguish.


♦ Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn to dust what turns out to be fragile.

Anatole France

♦ Time is the doctor of all inevitable evils.


♦ Time is an endless movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be thought otherwise.

Tolstoy L. N.

♦ The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is at rest, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if the thoughts are wide, a tiny hut will contain the whole world.

Hong Zicheng

♦ Any savings ultimately come down to time savings.

Marx K.

♦ You cannot kill time without harming eternity!

Henry David Thoreau

♦ A millennium in comparison with eternity is a shorter period than the blink of an eye in comparison with the motion of the slowest celestial body rotating in infinite space.

Dante Alighieri

♦ A thousand years is hardly enough to create a state, one hour is enough for it to crumble to dust.

George Gordon Byron

♦ Anyone who is in no hurry is successful everywhere.

Michael Bulgakov

♦ What is time? If no one asks me about this, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don’t know.

Aurelius Augustine

♦ Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

Hector Berlioz

♦ Time even crumbles a stone.

Sergey Yesenin

♦ Losing time is the hardest for the one who knows the best.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ All that is hidden now, time will reveal once.

Quintus Horace Flaccus

♦ Time passes slowly when you follow it ... It feels being followed. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

Camus A.

♦ Never be afraid of moments - this is how the voice of eternity sings.

Rabindranath Tagore

♦ Of all critics, the greatest, the most ingenious, the most infallible is time.

Belinsky V.G.

♦ Those who are under attack from the side of their time are not yet far enough ahead of them or behind them.

Nietzsche F.

♦ No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for the one who only observes its movement.

Samuel Johnson

♦ Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

Balzac O.

♦ Time is a mirage, it shrinks in moments of happiness and stretches out in hours of suffering.

Aldington R.

♦ Keep track of every day, count every minute spent! Time is the only place where stinginess is commendable.

Mann T.

♦ Whoever won time - won everything in the end.


♦ The rainbow, which has been visible for a quarter of an hour, is no longer looked at.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Every lost moment is a lost business, a lost benefit.

Chesterfield F.

♦ The time is quite long for the one who uses it; he who works and who thinks expands his limits.


♦ ... time is expansive. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with.

Samuel Marshak

♦ Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

Jean Paul

♦ Consuming time.


♦ There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is lacking for all our undertakings ... All people neglect it, everyone regrets its loss.


♦ Time is such a fleeting thing that it is impossible to keep up with it.

Ali Absheroni

♦ Time is the same as money: do not waste it and you will have plenty of it.

Gaston Lewis

Phrases folded into rhyme ...

♦ As the waters flow quickly into the sea, so days and years flow into eternity.

Derzhavin G.R.

♦ Time is a horse, and you are a buster; Ride bravely in the wind.
Time is a sword; become a tough stick to win the game.


♦ Patience and time provide more than strength or passion.


♦ Time like the tide never waits.

Walter Scott

♦ The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time.


♦ Time is running out, and we are silently getting older over the years, the days are running away, and it is impossible for us to contain them.


♦ Time is the most faithful ally of perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ The power of time is a law worthy of respect.


♦ Neither the river nor the fleeting time can stop.


♦ If you want you to have little time, do nothing.

A.P. Chekhov

♦ Time erases the error and polishes the truth.

Gaston Lewis

♦ Most people work most of the time to live, and the little free time they have is so worrisome that they do their best to get rid of it.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

And then whole paragraphs of the characteristics of time went ...

♦ Take your time to live. There is a time for everything - and everything will be a joy to you. For many, life is too long because happiness is too short: they missed the joys early, did not enjoy them enough, then they would like to return them, but they have gone far away from them. Throughout life, they rush by post, add their haste to the usual running of time; in one day they are ready to swallow what they cannot digest in their entire life; they live the joys in debt, devour for years ahead, hurry and hurry - and squander everything. Even in knowledge it is necessary to know the measure, not to gain the knowledge that is not worth knowing. More days have been allotted to us than blessed hours. Enjoy yourself slowly, but do not hesitate. Acts are over - good; the joy is over - it's bad.

Second expression ...

♦ A person who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to rule yourself, then you will rule over others. To an auspicious occasion you have to go long paths of time. As long as you deliberately hesitate, future successes grow, secret plans mature. With the crutch of time you will go further than with the bound mace of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a bludgeon. It is wisely said: "Time and I - for any enemy." Fortune herself rewards patience with her gifts.

Gracian y Morales

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There is something that has a special magic not to depend on us! What's this? Time! And no matter how we want, no matter how we strive, no matter how much effort we make, time is not interested in us, or our opinion, or what days and years have been doing to us! This is an indicator highest strength that exists in this world. It is this concept that rules everything and always, and even our life is subordinate to it! And that is why there are the most poignant statements about him, they have always spoken about him with special admiration and respect. Here, too, you will find quotes about time. We will show the phrases of great people about time, what they thought and how they treated it.

We would like to tell you about those words and sayings that can characterize time:

  • Einstein expressed his opinion on such a constantly fickle concept;
  • What are the opinions about time and love;
  • The dictum that time flies unnoticed by a person.
Everything has its own biography. But time doesn't have it. It is difficult to imagine that time was once born. And before that? Wasn't it? Is it possible? Catch phrases help to understand the definition of this concept and its meaning for people.

Quotes of the great

How often do quotes about time show that we do not understand its course, transience, its influence and its price. Someone says that time is money. And another claims that time is priceless. And one of the greatest scientists of the Universe, Einstein, accustomed to analyzing everything, understanding and checking facts, suddenly announced to the whole world that what he so often used as a quantity, on which all his famous theories are based, which turned the understanding of this world, is just ... an illusion! Yes Yes! Delusion, deception, fantasy and phantom! This is how reference publications characterize the word "illusion".

If Einstein knew what he was talking about, then how can this "fantasy" influence us so inexorably that people, unwillingly, begin to plan their short days and lives, scheduling minutes, hours and years? But there are other characteristics, other aphorisms about time. Not only Einstein, but philosophers from different times and cultures expressed their opinions. What these extraordinary personalities thought, and how they will help us expand this concept, will become clear from the words they said about time with meaning.

Three things never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. So ... don't waste your time, choose your words, don't miss the opportunity.
(Confucius) Baby hour longer than an old man's day.
(Arthur Schopenhauer) You have to look at the day like a little life.
(Maksim Gorky) Don't waste time on a man who does not seek to spend it with you.
(Gabriel Marquez) True love not that one that can withstand years of separation, and one that can withstand years of intimacy.
(Helen Rowland) The word "tomorrow" is invented for indecisive people and for children.
(Ivan Turgenev)

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.
(Coco Chanel)

Happy hours are not observed.
(Alexander Griboyedov) Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.
(Honore de Balzac) Time- money.
(Benjamin Franklin) Time is sand... Life is water. Words are the wind ... Be careful with these components ... So that it doesn't work out - dirt ...

Beautiful and meaningful

Unlike the opinion that Einstein had about an indefinite, almost mysterious illusion, other thinkers attached time more value and defined it in a very clear outline. Such diverse views provide the most voluminous information and reveal all the possibilities that time has, quotes help to see this.

Someone gives healing properties to this concept, saying that time heals. The author understands exactly how important it is to be patient at times while waiting for changes. Like a pill taken, the period passed should affect the well-being and circumstances of people, if unhappiness falls on them. The same principles are followed by people who expect something good from life, but do not have what they want for a long time.

Time strengthens friendships but weakens love.
(Jean La Bruyere) It's foolish to make plans for life, not even being the master of tomorrow.
(Seneca) Life is very a short time between two eternities.
(Carlyle Thomas) Time is passing, that's the trouble. The past is growing and the future is shrinking. There are less and less chances to do something - and more and more offensive for what he did not have time to.
(Haruki Murakami)

The time will come, when you decide it's over. This will be the beginning.
(Louis Lamour)

And whatever happens to us TOMORROW...
we have TODAY and NOW in stock!

To find out the price of the year, ask the student who failed the exam.

To find out the price of a month, ask a mother who gave birth prematurely.

To find out the price of a week, ask the editor of the weekly.

To find out the price of an hour, ask a lover who is waiting for his beloved.

To find out the price of a minute, ask the person who missed the train.

To find out the price of a second, ask the one who lost loved one in a car accident.

To find out the price of one thousandth of a second, ask the Olympic silver medalist.

The hands of the clock will not stop running. Therefore, cherish every moment of your life. And appreciate today as the greatest gift that has been given to you.
(Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels)

The common man thinks how to spend the time. Smart man thinks about how to use the time. Every minute when you get mad at someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson) Time is like a mosquito: it's good to kill him with a book.
(Konstantin Melikhan) All that matters is not urgent. All that is urgent is just vanity.
(Xiang Tzu)
Among the statements there is also about love. These themes have been intertwined for centuries, since there is no time for eternal feelings, and one cannot even limit them to a whole life. Some are still fresh, as if it comes O modern people and their feelings.

Is it possible to find the day, hour, year? Nobody heard about this. But there are cases of wasted time when it was wasted by those who did not value it. It is no coincidence that in the modern world there is a really operating organization that has put minutes above money. And in it you can get services on certain conditions. And the time spent with benefit is a good use of it, which characterizes it with dignity.

About the transience of life

Aphorisms about time and its swiftness are probably the most famous and widespread. These words are the best, they tell about its main features. After all, sooner or later, but each person thinks about how quickly his life flew by. I would like to find an explanation for this, and understand what the meaning of existence is.

There are many such expressions, since each of us wants to give an assessment of the past period and the outlined plans for the future. Any such quote only asserts in the thought that life is fleeting, and there are not always a few of these plans and ideas. But understanding of this does not always come on time. That is why the experience of those who came to such an idea and shared it is invaluable.

Take advantage of every moment, so that later you do not regret and do not regret that you missed your youth.
(Paulo Coelho) It takes you too much what was and what will be ... Sages say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is granted. Therefore, he is called real.
("Kung Fu Panda") Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.
(Jackson Brown)

Between success and failure lies the abyss, the name of which is "I have no time."
(Franklin Field)

Time wasted with pleasure, not lost.
(John Lennon) Yesterday- this is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today's is a gift!
(Alice Morse Earl)
Time flew like a bird. It cannot be stopped or returned. And how you spend your life will show if you were wise enough to learn from the experiences of those who shared their observations. This true collection that is presented on our website is saturated with magic real people, where each destiny is an invaluable lesson for all those who are looking for explanations of who we are, what and where our lives are going, what matters we considered more important for ourselves, that we gave them so much importance.

Life is always happening Now. Make yourself comfortable in the present moment ...

Time statements have never been popular. And all because it is extremely difficult for a person to face the truth. Empty talk, meaningless thinking about what needs to be done, and as a result, doing nothing kills time, leaving him not the slightest chance for life. Time is silent, if you do not appreciate it, then it will certainly go away, leaving behind a handful of memories, a few missed opportunities and a gray veil of the past.

Lost time

Statements about time often carry truths that we refuse to notice. Abu-l-Faraj said that a person is amazingly built: he is so saddened by the lost wealth, but not at all saddened by the lost time. The years are too fleeting. Before you look back, you need to decorate the tree again and prepare for the New Year. It's worth asking yourself what happened in those 12 months. In most cases, people understand that nothing has changed in their life. And life gradually passes.

Belinsky once said: "In important matters you need to rush as if everything should perish from the loss of one minute." This is a very wise saying about time. Not a single person knows how long is allotted to him for life. And if he strives for something, wants something and thirsts above all else, even one wasted minute can become fatal. A missed call, a failed conversation, a missed opportunity - in this matter, time is merciless. If it threw up an opportunity, it is worth taking advantage of it, there will be no other chance.

Great teacher

Although it is fleeting, time teaches. G. Berlioz once remarked: "Time is an unsurpassed teacher, it is a pity that it kills its students." Only after several years has a person been able to understand true meaning their actions and the actions of other people.

And yet it is a pity that several decades must pass until a person understands who was his friend and who was his enemy. Who was ready to give his life for him, and for whom he was just a toy. Time reveals the truth, and it is not always pleasant for a person. Saying about time contains many useful tips:

  • « Whoever does not know the price of time is not born for glory"- L. Vovenarg.
  • « You can expect anything from people, just like from time."- L. Vovenarg.
  • « There are two tyrants on earth: time and chance"- I. Herder.
  • « Destructive time weakens everything around"- Horace.
  • « Sooner or later, time will reveal all the secrets"- Horace.

Priceless capital

Statements on the topic of time more than once refer to it as a precious capital that must be used wisely. Honore de Balzac knew for sure that time is the priceless capital of the knowledge worker. Whether it is a writer or a scientist, it is precisely having enough time that is for them important factor in professional activities.

Time is worth taking care of. They say that it is always not enough. But this is true only for those who do nothing. Anton Chekhov also said: "If you want you to have little time, then do nothing." In fact, when a person wants something badly, he finds not only time, but strength and opportunities. And then he will never complain about the lack of hours, and every day will be happy to spend. Here's what they say about the person and the time of the utterance:

  • « The one whose evening ends with the work of a lifetime does not need time"- Seneca.
  • « A person works the bulk of his time to live, and the insignificant part of his free time that remains begins to worry. Therefore, he is trying in every way to get rid of him."- I. Goethe.

Your time

It is not typical for time to wait for someone, but only a person does not understand this. In a fleeting waltz of autumn leaves, the year flies by, and together with them, like sand through your fingers, life escapes. Statements about time often try to point out to a person his folly, but these words, alas, go unnoticed:

  • « Only the loss of time cannot be compensated for"- J. Buffon.
  • « The hardest time to waste is the one who knows the most"- I. Goethe.
  • « A person who has decided to waste at least an hour of his life is not yet mature enough to realize the value of his existence"- Charles Darwin.
  • « The inability to take care of one's own and other people's time is a real lack of culture"- N. Krupskaya.

How to not waste your time?

It is natural for a person to wonder how to save the time allotted to him. The statements of great people can give several good advice, but first of all, you need to be guided by your own sanity and be able to prioritize:

  • « Wise allocation of time is the basis of activity"- I. Komensky.
  • « The regret given to a person for an unwisely wasted time does not always help to wisely spend the rest"- J. La Bruyere.
  • « There is no need to put off anything until tomorrow - this is the secret of someone who knows the true value of time."- E. Laboulaye.
  • « Time is the same as money, if you do not waste it, then there will be enough for everything"- G. Lewis.
  • « You don't need to deviate from your goal for a single day - this is the only way to extend the time."- G. Lichtenberg.

What are we wasting time on?

In statements about time, it is rare to find references to what exactly takes a person's priceless hours of life. Surely everyone at least once noticed that if you wait for someone, then the minutes crawl like snails, and if you have fun, watch movies or sit in in social networks, then the day flies by like a moment. But TV and the Internet are not all time killers.

Pointless quarrels, work that you don't like, relatives who strive to guide you on the right path, they also take up time. Unrestrained entertainment, dreams that lead nowhere, relationships that have come to a standstill. In short, anything that does not bring happiness and benefit takes time. But a person does not have so much of it.

As Thomas Mann once said: "Time is a precious gift given to a person in order to become smarter, better and more perfect in him." Also good saying about time with meaning in Karl Marx: "Time is a space for the development of abilities."

Asking about the importance of time is like talking about the futility of your own existence. Our life is a small segment in the time stream of the Universe. No one knows how long he is destined to live: he will die young or live to a ripe old age. That is why every minute of life is valuable. Time is a fruitful field, endless power and opportunity. And if someone wants to achieve something, he must conscientiously fill his time with meaning.

My friend is my enemy

Seneca once said that only time belongs to man. He comes into the world with nothing and leaves it in the same way. The only thing he can dispose of is his days and years of life. Only here an amazing paradox can be traced. Michel de Montaigne was the first to notice. A person never gives his money to others just like that, but time and life is easy.

Time is the fabric of life, but we waste it on trifles, although in most cases we do not even know about it. Francesco Petrarca noticed one very interesting fact: “Talking with friends is the most time consuming and unnoticeable thing”. Based on this, it can be assumed that friends are the biggest robbers of time. Indeed, rarely does anyone follow the clock when a cheerful friendly conversation is being conducted. So now? To be a loner and not communicate with anyone? Not at all. You just need to be able to manage time, then it will be enough for friends, and for sleep, and for making dreams come true.

It is a burden for wise people to waste their precious minutes of life on empty and useless things, this brings anxiety and dissatisfaction. This fact needs special attention.

The wisdom of the times: sayings

Truly great and important is the person who managed to gain power over the minutes and seconds. How could he achieve this? He just did his job without complaining, not postponing or avoiding it. As a result, such a person has everything in life that he ever wanted. He did not know more than the others and did not have more than others, he just realized that the second hand would never go in the opposite direction.

Perhaps life experience helped him understand such a simple truth, or maybe these were statements of people from the distant past:

  • « A person can only control his own time."- L. Feuerbach.
  • « Only for the one who observes from the side, the minutes go very slowly"- S. Johnson.
  • « Life is multiplied by the amount of time saved"- F. Collier.
  • « It happens that procrastination is like death"- M. Lomonosov.
  • « If you procrastinate with an easy thing, it will turn into difficult, and if you procrastinate with a difficult thing, it will become impossible."- D. Lorimer.
  • « No matter what a person saves, in the end he will always try to save time."- K. Marx.

And it also heals

What else can you say about time? Only that it does not like to wait for someone. Its natural course must be reckoned with, otherwise then you will not keep up with it and you will miss everything. And also time heals. It carries sorrow on its wings, heals wounds, erases mistakes and polishes truths.

Of course, one can argue with this, saying that after a few years a person simply gets used to living with his broken dreams and a torn heart. Maybe it really is. But there is no one to ask. The only one who knows the answer to this question is time, but it is silent. It is always silent and silently leaves, leaving behind a few pictures, a handful of memories and a sea of ​​regrets.

If you do not learn to appreciate it, then it will turn into a gray and inglorious past, which will merge with a thousand other paths of life and darken from the bright light of the sage, who counts every minute.