Bumblebee bitten - what to do at home. Dangerous insects: does a bumblebee bite or not? Bumblebee bitten in the head

Bumblebee, unlike wasps and even bees, is considered a very peaceful insect. It rarely stings and only if the person poses a threat to him or his hive. Therefore, not everyone knows how to alleviate the bite of a bumblebee - what to do immediately after the sting, how to treat the wound, prevent its infection and the spread of poison throughout the body.

What to do after a bumblebee bite?

To begin with, you should remember a few facts about these insects:

  1. Only a female bumblebee can sting.
  2. The sting is different from a bee sting - it does not have notches and therefore does not remain in the skin.
  3. During a bite, a microscopic dose of poison, consisting of proteins, is injected.
  4. Allergy to bumblebee toxins is extremely rare (about 1% of cases) and only after repeated stinging.

It is worth noting that any person after a bite develops a local reaction in the form of swelling, pain, itching and skin irritation. These symptoms can persist for 1-10 days, depending on the location of the wound. The reaction to stinging sensitive areas of the skin lasts the longest, especially near the eyes.

Here is what to do when a bumblebee bites a leg or finger, palm, other parts of the body:

  1. Disinfect the wound. For this, any antiseptic solutions are suitable - alcohol tinctures, potassium permanganate, vinegar with water, hydrogen peroxide. You can wash the bite site or soak it in liquid cotton pad, then apply it to the damage for a few minutes.
  2. If somehow the sting of the bumblebee still remains in the skin, pull it out with tweezers. First, it is important to treat the instrument with an antiseptic or alcohol.
  3. Try to slow down the absorption and spread of the poison through the bloodstream. An ice pack works well for this. Slightly absorbs toxins a piece of refined sugar.
  4. With severe pain and symptoms inflammatory process take aspirin.
  5. To reduce swelling and itching, treat the wound with specialized local preparations, for example, Azaron, Fenistil, Psilo-balm.

If a bumblebee stung in a more sensitive area - eyelid, lip, bikini area, armpit, it is also advisable to take a non-steroidal pain medication. Well, in such cases, ibuprofen-based products help.

What to do with a tumor after a bumblebee bite?

As already noted, puffiness will appear in any case when an insect stings. This is called a local reaction, which occurs as a result of venom injection. Therefore, it is completely normal if an arm or leg is swollen after a bumblebee bite - what to do and what means to use are described in the previous section. Such reactions can spread not only in the sting area, but also to neighboring areas of the skin, which is also not considered a pathology.

A more serious situation occurs when the victim was re-bitten by a bumblebee and became allergic to protein compounds in the insect's venom. The immune response is of 4 types, depending on the severity of the lesion:

If you experience any signs of allergy to bumblebee venom, it is important to immediately call a medical team or take the person to the hospital. To alleviate his condition, you can give the victim an antihistamine (Tavegil, Clemastin). Sometimes more potent drugs are required - (Dexamethasone), injection of adrenaline.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, because it is this period that is so rich in all kinds of fruits and berries. But do not forget that juicy fruits and nectars are loved not only by humans, but also by insects such as bees and bumblebees.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember simple rules behavior in nature and keep a close eye on your children.

Unlike ordinary people, for whom a bee or bumblebee sting will bring only temporary inconvenience, little child or allergic encounter with such insects can be life-threatening.

Everyone should know how to behave in this situation and what first aid to provide to the victim.

Why does a bee or bumblebee sting a person?

There is a theory that a bee will never attack just like that, because, losing its sting, the insect dies. The bumblebee only injects poison into the victim, but remains alive. Thus, insects are protected from external factors that could threaten their lives.

What is a bumblebee or bee sting?

Quincke's edema

When bitten, poison penetrates under the skin of a person, which is a combination of amino acids, which over time spreads throughout the body through the blood.

The danger is that the immune system of some people will calmly react to foreign proteins that have entered the body, while others may develop a terrible allergy, up to or.

What are the symptoms of a bite?

The normal reaction of a healthy adult body is redness of the affected area and a small swelling (see photo above), accompanied by itching and cutting pain. It may also occur:

  • temperature rise;
  • dizziness;
  • a decrease in pressure, which is facilitated by a slight swelling of the affected area;
  • nausea.

In addition, against the background of a bumblebee or bee sting, a person may develop an allergy, which is accompanied throughout the body and, in the worst case, pulmonary edema or shock.


Depending on the reaction of the body, 4 levels are distinguished:

  1. 1 level- slight redness, swelling, redness and slight itching, soreness when pressed.
  2. 2 level- there are dyspeptic disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  3. 3 level- slight pulmonary edema, the victim may experience suffocation, shortness of breath, dizziness, a decrease or increase in pressure, arrhythmia,.
  4. 4th level- develops only in people with allergies. Loss of consciousness, bronchospasm,.

What can not be done with a bumblebee or bee sting?

  • in no case should you comb or rub the bite site, this can lead to even more irritation and infection;
  • it is not advisable to drink alcohol, because alcohol dilates blood vessels, due to which poisoning of the body with poison will occur faster, severe edema will develop, and the effect of drugs will be inhibited due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the body;
  • do not try to cool the bite site with water from open water or earth, as you can become infected with such a serious infectious disease as tetanus.

What should I do if I get bitten by a bumblebee or a bee?

Contacting a medical organization is not always necessary for a bumblebee or bee sting.

If the person is not allergic, stung soft tissues, for example, an arm or a leg, then you can provide first aid to yourself on your own.

If a bumblebee or a bee has bitten in the eye, mouth or throat, the victim has an allergic reaction, or if the insect has bitten the child, you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital as soon as possible.

First aid is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to examine the bite site and assess the degree of reaction. If there is a sting, then it should be carefully removed, you can do it with tweezers so that nothing remains in the wound.
  • Flush the place clean water, you can with soap.
  • If, apart from a slight redness, there are no other manifestations, then the affected area must be treated. It is necessary to wet a clean cloth with alcohol, a solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or vinegar and apply to the wound.
  • After treatment, you can apply ice and spread with a soothing cream, these actions will help relieve slight swelling.
  • Even if there was no previous allergy, it is still recommended to take some kind of antihistamine: "Tavegil", "Suprastin", "Tsetrin", "Zodak" or use ointment: "Fenistil gel", "Advantan".
  • After being stung by a bee or a bumblebee, it is advisable to drink a large amount of liquid, herbal infusions so that the poison is quickly excreted from the body. In no case should it be alcoholic beverages.

If there are at least some signs of an allergic reaction, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible or go to the hospital. Symptoms include:

  • growing swelling at the site of the bite or throughout the body;
  • the appearance of a rash, redness, itching, urticaria;
  • vomiting, nausea,;
  • breathing problems, dizziness, low blood pressure;
  • persistent cough and nasal discharge that has not been observed before.

You should also seek help from a medical organization if:

  • the insect stung in the eye, arm, head or neck;
  • the victim was a child;
  • there were several bites.

If a bumblebee or a bee stings in the eye, it may swell. Looks in this case the person is not in the best way, lips, cheeks increase, the so-called "slit-like eyes" appear (see photo below).

Severe swelling threatens the occurrence serious illnesses inflammation of the eyelids and mucous membranes, up to loss of vision.

In the upper part of the human body there are a large number of blood vessels, which contributes to the rapid spread of poison throughout the body if a bumblebee stings. The risk of allergies will increase, so a bite to the arm, head and neck is much more dangerous than, for example, the lower limbs.

People, even in adulthood, do not always know the reaction of their body to external stimuli, let alone children. A small organism is more often sensitive to an insect bite.

If a bee stings several times, large quantity poison enters the body. This fact also increases the likelihood of developing allergies and complications.

First aid for victims who develop allergies and develop swelling after a bee or bumblebee sting

Eliminating the local reaction and treating the wound for people with a particular reaction will not be enough.

Allergies can lead to anaphylactic shock, which develops very quickly and can progress to death, so it must be taken seriously.

Assistance must be provided immediately to avoid complications, it is best to show the patient to a specialist.

  • Taking antihistamines. It is much better if the medicine is administered intramuscularly or intravenously as an injection. The sooner the agent begins to act, the less likely the development of edema. The drug will avoid the development of allergies to other organs.
  • Special attention should be paid to the question of how to remove swelling and swelling.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, which leads to a violation normal operation organs. When a bumblebee or a bee stings a person, the poison is released into the body, which contributes to the appearance of a tumor. It can last for several days, and bring not only physical discomfort, but also cosmetic.

To remove the tumor, you need to apply a cold compress, take antipyretic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, the patient should observe bed rest, periodically raising his legs so that the swelling subsides.

If the tumor is rapidly spreading throughout the body and cannot be treated at home, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination.

  • If you have a first aid kit on hand, then the area of ​​​​skin that the bee stung can be chipped around with adrenaline and saline in a ratio of 1:10, respectively. It is forbidden to inject more than 0.5 ml at a time.
  • After helping the victim it is necessary to remain under the supervision of a medical professional, most likely, he will be prescribed hormonal drugs, which should be taken until all symptoms disappear completely.

Folk and improvised means

What to do at home if there is no access to a large number of medicines at hand and in the near future there is no way to call an ambulance.

Some drugs and solutions can be replaced with products that are in almost every apartment.

So, instead of disinfecting solutions, you can apply to the bite site:

  • tampon moistened with vodka;
  • wet refined sugar;
  • gauze soaked in dissolved activated carbon;
  • a bowl of soda.

Pain relief can be achieved by:

  • dissolved aspirin tablet;
  • vegetables or fruits cut into slices: apples, cucumbers, onions;
  • compress with acetic or citric acid.

In addition to all this, if a bumblebee or a bee has stung, all kinds of lotions using medicinal plant materials will help relieve swelling and inflammation: mint, dandelion, garlic, aloe, parsley.

Since when bitten, the human body is poisoned and, trying to get rid of the poison, loses a lot of fluid, you need to take a lot of water. An excellent substitute for her will be infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula or sage.

Chamomile tea recipe.

For one large mug with a volume of 250 ml, add one teaspoon of dried chamomile inflorescences. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

A cabbage compress for edema.

Remove the veins from a large white cabbage leaf, mash slightly until juice appears and apply to the swollen area. Fix with gauze or bandage, preferably done at night.

Lotion of mint leaves.

Pour two cups of water into a small saucepan, put on the stove and let the liquid boil. After that, add two tablespoons of mint and cook over low heat for five minutes. Let the infusion cool down. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the bite, this will help relieve inflammation.

A few differences between bee and bumblebee stings

  • Only a female bumblebee can sting.
  • The sting of these insects differs in structure, and therefore the bee leaves it in the skin, but the bumblebee does not.
  • It is quite rare for a person to be allergic to bumblebee stings, it can develop only after a relapse.


What you need to do so that the rest goes without consequences:

  • The main occupation of these insects is pollination. flowering plants. They are very sensitive to smells, so when going to nature it is not advisable to apply a large amount of harsh perfumes and fragrant cosmetics.
  • Proper behavior next to the bee is a guarantee of success. In no case do not try to kill the insect, do not wave your arms, do not make sudden movements, otherwise it will feel the danger and try to sting. Try to take a calm posture or move away slowly.
  • Close windows while in the car.
  • Eat carefully in nature. This is especially true for fruits and sweets. Don't leave them bitten off or unwrapped, a bee or bumblebee might sneak in wanting to eat.
  • When going to nature, it is best to wear clothes of soft colors that tightly cover open areas body.
  • While in the apiary, it is also necessary to choose the right clothes and equipment, at this moment there must be a specialist nearby, whose advice must be followed impeccably.
  • When the insect completes its life cycle, it stops flying and starts crawling. Therefore, it is not advisable to walk barefoot on the grass, a bee or a bumblebee can bite on the leg.

Also, do not forget to monitor the behavior and games of your children in nature. The insect will not attack unless disturbed. A curious child may climb into the hive, wanting to watch the insect, which will frighten and anger him.

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In terms of pain, the bite of a bumblebee is even more unpleasant than the sting of a bee. Only a female can attack a person - she has a sting, which she uses for defense purposes. For a person, even a single sting is dangerous. If you are not lucky enough to become a victim of several bumblebees, then an acute toxic poisoning guaranteed.

When asked if bumblebees bite, we have already answered - yes, and it hurts and with consequences. But does every bumblebee have a sting? Males do not have it, and they cannot bite. The sting of a bumblebee, more precisely, of a female, does not have notches, and therefore does not remain in the skin. If an insect leaves a sting, it is only because of its breaking off.

Nevertheless, the venom of the common bumblebee is quite toxic and quickly enters the body when stung. ? Rather not, but a predisposition to allergies can provoke unforeseen reactions. In particular severe cases suffocation develops and the person dies.

The toxicity of the poison also depends on the type of insect. There are several types of bumblebees:

The life span of insects is short. On average, a working female exists for 2 weeks. Males live a little longer, and the bumblebee queen is able to live the whole season.

In order not to become a victim of an insect, you should know how a bumblebee bites. Hymenoptera have a peaceful disposition and rarely attack for no reason. Bumblebees become aggressive only if there is a threat to their life or the safety of the family.

ICD code 10

International disease classification ICD 10 codes bumblebee sting W57. This category includes various stings by non-poisonous insects. If we are talking directly about allergic reactions to a bite, then the disease is coded as T78.

Bite symptoms

A dot or a red spot remains at the site of the sting. After a while, its size increases. The skin changes color at the site of the bite. The color of the spot is usually pink or red, less often cyanotic. Signs of acute poisoning are the following manifestations:

  • an increase in temperature in the sting zone;
  • burning pain;
  • irritation and itching;
  • nausea, disorientation;
  • swelling and swelling;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.

Symptoms will be more severe if the bite fell on the head area. In this case, inflammation of the mucous membranes is observed, their functions are disturbed. Very painful sting in the tongue. Such lesions, accompanied by dizziness and signs of general intoxication, are especially dangerous. Bites in the face area permanently disfigure the appearance and often lead to allergic reactions. With repeated stinging, unpleasant symptoms develop faster.

When bitten by a bumblebee, atypical reactions may occur. As a rule, they are associated with increased sensitivity of the body to poison. In this case, the bites provoke a feverish state, body aches, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system and of cardio-vascular system. If there is an allergy to the poison released during the bite of a bumblebee, life-threatening conditions are not excluded. Edema develops rapidly, suffocation occurs. Without emergency medical care, death can occur.

It must be understood that the bumblebee stings in exceptional cases. Do not rest near the nest of insects or try to catch them. Hymenoptera also react negatively to the smell of alcohol or perfume. In this case, the likelihood of an attack increases. If it was not possible to avoid the sting, they pay attention to the symptoms of the bite - people are not afraid of stings in the limbs, which are accompanied only by soreness and redness.

Another thing is an attack on a child or a pregnant woman. What does the sting place look like in this case? The swelling will be stronger, the pain will be more acute, and the signs of intoxication will be brighter. Sometimes it is even difficult to understand that the cause of the malaise was an insect bite - general reactions strongly pronounced, it is difficult for the victim to breathe and speak, he begins to panic.

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee

To help from the bite of a bumblebee will be able to antihistamine drug. It is given even if there is no tendency to allergies. In case of hypersensitivity to beekeeping products, the agent is taken urgently in the maximum allowable dosage.

What to do in the field? First, don't panic. If anxiety and panic begin, then other bumblebees, which are probably nearby, may take this behavior of a stranger for aggression, which means that new bites will follow. Secondly, you should leave the dangerous place and find where you can lie down. If the female's sting breaks off, it is removed from the skin. The wound needs to be processed. You can anoint the bite site with any antiseptic, but it is better if it is not an alcohol-based drug - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate solution.

Why alcohol is treated with caution? Ethanol accelerates the blood and increases the rate of entry of the poison. At the same time, the processing itself enhances pain. In order not to bring the infection into the wound, you can use a soda solution. To do this, you need to dissolve soda in a small amount. drinking water and lubricate the sting site. This procedure will reduce negative reactions to insect venom.

First aid for bumblebee bites includes:

  • cold compress- constricts blood vessels, reduces the speed of spread and severity of the action of the poison, reduces swelling and relieves pain;
  • a lot of liquid- the more you drink, the less likely a toxic reaction;
  • peace- a bite to the head can cause disorientation or severe headache. Until the symptoms subside, it is better for the victim to lie in a cool, well-ventilated place;
  • anesthesia- usually use local preparations - gels and ointments, which have an anesthetic and sedative effect. You can smear the bite site with Fenistil. The juice of an acidic fruit - lemon, apple - will be able to anesthetize the wound. The acid partially neutralizes the effect of the poison.

Increased attention is paid to the treatment of the consequences of a bite in children. If the symptoms do not cause concern, they manage with antiallergic drugs and drink plenty of water. At home, use compresses from parsley or plantain leaves. First aid for a bumblebee bite does not exclude the use of herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula. They anesthetize, soothe and disinfect the affected area.

More dangerous than a sting in the neck or face. When a bumblebee stings on the lips or nose, the swelling can make breathing difficult. If the sting of a bumblebee gets into the eyes, the mucous membranes must be washed with cold strong tea, you can attach a tea bag.

It is easier to provide first aid for a bumblebee bite in the leg or other limb. If the hand is swollen, it is immersed in cold water. An interesting method pain relief and swelling relief is frozen milk in cubes. When a bumblebee bites your finger, which happens more often, you can make compresses from dandelion leaves or use the juice of the plant. When the limb is very swollen, it is placed above the level of the body, raw potatoes or chilled olive oil are applied. What to do next after a bumblebee bite, the doctor will tell you. or a bumblebee, so it is an acute intoxication. If the sting of the bumblebee remains in the human body, then the bumblebee venom continues to flow. If the allergic reaction to the bite is too violent, antihistamines are not enough. In this case, the bite treatment involves the use of medications such as Dexamethasone, Dimedrol.

It is possible to remove puffiness and swelling by local means - hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan. Folk remedies will also be beneficial. Treatment at home after a bumblebee bite does not exclude the use of aloe pulp, cucumber juice. Pharmacy ointments, gels and balms - "Psilo-balm", "Rescuer", "Diprospan" will also help get rid of the effects of stinging. They relieve swelling, soothe, eliminate redness. Remedies such as Apis and Ledum will be able to cure the bite.

Complications and consequences

Negative consequences after a single bumblebee sting rarely develop. The danger is acute allergic reactions that turn into anaphylactic shock. If a person has heart disease, then the complications of a bite cannot be avoided. These can be pressure surges, angina pectoris, arrhythmia and other conditions that are detrimental to health.

Bites are also dangerous for pregnant women. Among possible consequences- bleeding, abortion, fetal fading.

The danger of stinging is determined by the damaged area. The closer the bite to the head or heart, the worse its consequences.


In order not to become a victim of an insect, you need to be careful on vacation outside the city. You should not approach the nests, pester hymenoptera workaholics or try to study them. A bumblebee, whose bite can be fatal, does not sting without a reason. In order not to irritate the insect, you should not use strong perfumes or abuse alcohol in nature. Can protect against hymenoptera in the house Mosquito nets.

Dear readers of the 1MedHelp website, if you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your feedback, comments, share stories of how you survived a similar trauma and successfully coped with the consequences! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

Bumblebees belong to the family of bees of the hymenoptera order, the body of which is densely covered with short hairs, painted in black or yellow-orange stripes. Bumblebees are presented in three groups: queens, worker bumblebees, drones. Only worker insects and queens can sting. However, in comparison with their relatives, bumblebees are more peaceful and use their sting exclusively for defense purposes. If we compare the sting of a bumblebee with a bee, then in the first it is even, devoid of notches, as a result of which it does not remain at the site of the bite.


When bitten by a bumblebee, a person may develop the following types of reactions:

1. Local or non-allergic

It manifests itself in a significant swelling of the bite site, redness of the skin and itchy sensations. The occurrence of this reaction, as a rule, occurs almost immediately after a bumblebee bite, but sometimes after a few hours. Swelling and itchy sensations tend to disappear on their own after some time without special assistance, however, there are times when the signs in question last for several days. If the bumblebee has bitten hard, then the local reaction is characterized by spreading to a larger area of ​​​​the body, which suggests a longer recovery period.

2. Allergic

A distinctive feature of such a reaction is its delayed onset after the bumblebee has bitten. This fact is caused by the absence of corresponding antibodies in the human body. An allergic reaction occurs half an hour after the bite and, in accordance with its intensity, several degrees are distinguished, differing in their characteristic features who need certain first aid measures:

3. Toxic

Such a reaction develops due to a large number of bites received over a short time period, and is characterized by a violation of the heart rhythm, as well as the respiratory process.

4. Hyperventilation

The trigger for this type of reaction is the fright that occurs after a bumblebee has bitten, in combination with severe allergic reactions. In combination with symptoms characteristic of the 4th degree, it can occur.

If bitten by a bumblebee, it is important to provide first aid, since there is a high probability of developing severe complications. For this reason, you must do the following:

What can not be done?

Sometimes first aid may consist not only in the implementation of certain actions aimed at the "rehabilitation" of the victim, but also in their absence. When a bumblebee has bitten, it is not recommended to do the following:

Bumblebee Bite Prevention

As mentioned above, bumblebees are the most good-natured insects from the entire Hymenoptera family, which begin to attack solely for reasons of self-defense. As a result, so that the bumblebee does not bite, it is necessary to observe a number of useful warnings:

  • do not touch and, moreover, do not pick up an insect;
  • do not come close to places of large concentrations of insects, represented by an apiary, markets or garbage containers;
  • refuse to cook and eat food on the street;
  • during the period of activation of bumblebees, make special mosquito nets on the windows so that insects cannot enter the house;
  • behave calmly and not make sudden movements in the form of waving or running, which can only provoke an insect to attack;
  • be careful if walking with bare feet is carried out, since most bumblebee clusters are located underground;
  • if you plan to travel out of town, you should abandon bright colors in clothes, and also completely eliminate the blue tint;
  • if there is a need for gardening and garden work, clothing should be given preference closed options and tight shoes, while leaving a minimum number of exposed parts of the body;
  • monitor the absence of the smell of alcohol and sweat, as they awaken aggression in insects;
  • before a trip to the country, you should abandon various perfumed or aromatic products with a pungent odor;
  • it is also preferable to rid yourself of various decorations, since the smell that occurs when the skin comes into contact with metals provokes bumblebees to attack.

Bumblebees belong to the genus Hymenoptera. They are widespread in the wild nature of many countries of the northern hemisphere. In addition, bumblebees serve as pollinators in horticulture and crop production. Science knows a large number of varieties of bumblebees, which differ from each other in external signs, for example, in color.

In many ways, the bumblebee is close to the honey bee. Bumblebees, like bees, are social insects. Together they get food, water, defend themselves from enemies, using their stings and poison. The stinging apparatus is possessed exclusively by females. However, the stingers of bumblebees are even and smooth, so they do not leave them in the skin of their prey, unlike bees.

How to prevent a bumblebee sting

Bumblebees are considered more "peaceful" insects than bees and wasps. They sting relatively rarely. Collecting nectar, bumblebees practically do not pay attention to people. Even the intentional stirring of a flower does not scare them away. Bumblebees attack only when protecting themselves or their nest, or feeling aggression. Therefore, to prevent a bumblebee bite, it is enough:

  • do not touch or pick up this beautiful insect;
  • do not approach apiaries and other places where insects accumulate (markets, garbage containers);
  • do not eat or cook food on the street;
  • during the departure season of bumblebees, drape the windows in the house using a special mesh;
  • do not provoke the bumblebee to attack with sharp, waving movements of the hands or head;
  • remain vigilant during summer walks barefoot, as many colonies of bumblebees are located underground;
  • do not wear bright colors when traveling out of town, avoid all shades of blue;
  • when gardening and gardening, leave a minimum number of open parts of the body, wear long-sleeved pants and blouses with thick fabric, wear shoes with hard soles and be sure to wear a hat;
  • to prevent the appearance of odors of alcohol, sweat,
  • do not use perfume, perfumed soap, aftershave lotion and others cosmetical tools with a pronounced aroma before country trips;
  • prevent the smell of oxidizing metal, which appears as a result of skin contact with metal products: rings, bracelets, watches, chains, etc.

Consequences of a bumblebee sting

There are several types of reactions to a bumblebee sting:

  • non-allergic, topical
  • allergic
  • toxic
  • hyperventilation

local or non-allergic reaction implies swelling of the bite site, the appearance of redness and itching. A reaction of this type can occur immediately after a bite, and a few hours after it. Swelling and itching may disappear after a few hours, or may last for several days. It happens that the reaction extends to a larger area of ​​​​the body. In such cases, it lasts longer.

An allergic reaction, or, as it is also called, a general or anaphylactic reaction, never occurs after the first bite, since at this time there are still no antibodies in the human body. This reaction occurs in about 1% of cases after repeated bumblebee stings. As a rule, it manifests itself for a short time after the bite, ranging from a few seconds to half an hour.

Depending on the intensity of the reaction, 4 levels are distinguished:

  1. At level 1, there is itching, redness, and swelling all over the body.
  2. At level 2, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are added to level 1 symptoms.
  3. At level 3, level 1 and/or level 2 symptoms are accompanied by labored breathing and/or a feeling of suffocation.
  4. Finally, at level 4, palpitations, syncope, anaphylactic shock are added to the symptoms of level 1 and/or level 2 and/or level 3.

Toxic reaction is the result of numerous bites that were received over a short period of time. With this type of reaction, heart rhythm and breathing can be disturbed.

Hyperventilation as a result of fright, combined with severe level 4 allergic reactions, can cause unconsciousness.

What not to do when bitten by a bumblebee

Firstly, in no case should you slap or crush a stinging insect, since the substances it releases can provoke uncontrolled aggression on the part of its relatives.

Secondly, it is forbidden to rub or comb the bitten place, since such movements contribute to the spread of poison to all neighboring tissues. And the risk of infection also needs to be borne in mind.

Thirdly, alcohol should not be consumed, contrary to the popular belief that it neutralizes poison. Alcohol has a dilating effect on the vessels, which, in turn, leads to an acceleration of the spread of the poison.

What to do with a bumblebee bite

With a local, that is, non-allergic reaction, as a rule, there is no need for special medical treatment. However, in this case, it is advisable to minimize the reaction at home, especially if a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, for example, the eyelid, has been stung. With this arrangement, you can:

1. Disinfect the wound with any alcohol solution, potassium permanganate solution, ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:5 or simply rinse it with clean water.

2. Relieve pain and itching by taking an anti-inflammatory or pain reliever, rubbing aspirin powder into the bitten place, applying a cold compress, saline solution or herbal ingredients to it:

  • dandelion juice,
  • cucumber cut,
  • onion juice or onion slices,
  • plantain or rhubarb leaves
  • parsley leaves and its root, chopped.

If your mouth or throat has been stung, you should immediately go to the hospital, as this is fraught with breathing problems.

In the event of a level 1 allergic reaction, you can try to wait at home. However, if vomiting occurs, and especially symptoms of levels 3 and 4, medical attention should be sought immediately.

With a reaction of levels 3 and 4, it is necessary, first of all, to introduce adrenaline intramuscularly, which has a stimulating effect on the work of the heart, promotes vasoconstriction and expansion of the respiratory tract. At home, this can be done independently using a special auto-injector with adrenaline. If you've already had an allergic reaction to a bumblebee sting, your doctor may be able to write you a prescription for a similar auto-injector.

In case of a toxic reaction, you should also immediately go to the hospital.

  • A bumblebee can stick its stinger several times in a row on the same occasion.
  • The Asian giant bumblebee not only stings its victims, but also crushes tissue with its large jaws. Every year about 70 people die from its bites.