How to open a mailbox on google. Google (Google) mail - login (registration)

Currently, any user of the World Wide Web can get himself an email account, because it is very simple to do this. It is quite another matter which resource to choose for this. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registering on For those who are not in the know, this is an email service owned by the most famous search engine in the world, Google.

It is worth noting that mail from Gmail is very convenient and thoughtful. However, in our opinion, the greatest charm of this service lies in the fact that there is a so-called two-step identification, which allows you to link your email account to your mobile phone. Therefore, no one but you will be able to read your letters, since in order to enter mailbox, you must first enter the code that came to the cell. For those who keep valuable information in the mail, this is a very important service.

Free mailbox registration

Now let's move on to registration. Go to and click "Create an account". It either looks like this:

Either like this:

What is your name. It is easy to guess that here you must indicate your first and last name. Whether they should be real or fictitious is up to you, however, we believe that it is better to indicate real data, as this is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but will also help restore mail in case of loss of access to it.

Come up with a username. You have to come up with a nickname (), which you will use for authorization in the mail. It's worth noting that most "simple" logins are already taken by users, so you'll probably have to come up with something special. We hope this won't be a problem.

Create a password. The password must be complex. Don't hesitate to use simple types qwerty or 123456 - attackers pick them up very quickly. You can create a complex password in this way: take Russian word, for example, "Mowgli". Write it to English layout- get Vfeukb. Wonderful. Now add some numbers and symbols here, something like this: %?Vfeukb1975. We received a password of 12 characters, which is very difficult to guess. And if you use dual authorization, then it will be simply impossible to get into the mailbox.

Confirm the password. Enter the password above again in the field.

Date of birth, Gender. Whether or not to include this information is up to you.

Mobile phone. At this stage, adding a cell number is optional.

Alternate email address. If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In case of loss of access, all the necessary information will be sent to it.

Prove you are not a robot. Proving this is easy - you just need to enter a captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to enter incomprehensible characters.

The country. Here you need to specify the country of residence, although it is usually automatically set for your region.

NECESSARILY check the box next to "I accept the Terms of Use ...", because without this it is impossible to continue registration.

After all the information is filled in, click on the "Next" button. Congratulations, registration is complete!

In the next step, you will be asked to add your photo, but you can choose not to do this - as you wish.

In order to enter the mail, at the top of the page of the same Google, click on the icon in the form of dots, and then select the mail service.

Dual Authorization

And now we got to the most interesting. Now we will tell you about how to enable dual authorization so that no one but you, of course, can get into your mailbox.

On the right side of the screen, you can see the avatar. Click on it and select "My Account" from the drop-down menu.

Enter your phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is highly desirable to use only the one that is issued in your name as a phone number. If you lose this phone, you are unlikely to be able to regain access to your account. Be careful!

The Google search engine is very popular and every day a large number of users are interested in logging into and registering a mailbox. Many services are integrated into the mail options. It is a convenient, reliable and secure email service.

By creating your own account in Gmail mail, it is automatically integrated into the social network Google+, YouTube, Play Market (Android applications), Disk (10 GB of space for storing personal information), Documents, etc. After registering and entering the mail, the data is synchronized.

  • enter your email address and password;

  • the email login link will be displayed at the top of the Google page.

  • you can also enter Gmail mail (Gmail) from the page of the Google search engine, with the button on the right " To come in".

If the login failed due to an incorrect password, you need to check the layout language, uppercase or uppercase mode ( caps lock), whether the optional keyboard is enabled ( Num Lock). If all else fails, click the " Need help" and, following the instructions, recover the password (for more details, see the article below).

Registering with

If there is no registration in the gmail mail yet, then you should first go to the Google search engine. Thereafter:

  • the page for entering the data required for registration will open;

  • fill in all the lines, enter the verification number from the picture and click " Further";

Automatic login to

On the Gmail login page (registration should already be completed), the “ Remain in the system". After launching the browser by pressing the button " To come in" mailbox opens. Now gmail will open automatically.

Email notifications without logging into Gmail

For more convenient operation special applications have been created with the mail, which are integrated into the Google Chrome browser (download) and will automatically notify you of the mail sent, without entering the mail page. These add-ons include Checker Plus for Gmail. After installing it, on the right in the browser ( Google Chrome) will display a mail icon and notification of incoming mail (more than detailed information after clicking on it).

Also, this add-on makes it easier to work with several personal mailboxes at the same time, has voice notification and control, makes it possible to use mail even when the browser is closed, etc.

Login to without a password - password recovery

This service is very attentive to the difficulties of users and all steps to restore mail have already been carefully worked out. The technical service has thought out a method of clarification by which it is possible to determine the real owner with a high probability. This guide will cover the most complicated method- without access to the number mobile phone and not having a second mailbox attached:

  • On the email password entry page, click the link " Need help";

  • a page will open with a selection of probable problems, where you need to select " I do not remember the password" and enter the email address (if it does not appear automatically). After that, press the button " Continue";

  • on the next page you need to specify the password in the form in which it is remembered and select " Continue" or " Difficult to answer";

  • you will be prompted to use a phone number. Because in this manual, the method without access to the phone number is considered, then the item “ I can't use the phone";

If the mobile is available, the button " Continue", SMS code is entered and a new password is set. This completes the restoration of access for those who have a phone linked to their account at hand.

  • the dates of the last entry into mail and registration are entered;

  • the next step is the answer to the security question entered during registration. Here you can enter the correct answer and select " Continue" or click on the button Skip this question" if the question itself is forgotten;

  • all subsequent steps are aimed at proving their belonging to this box. Each omission of the question will only stretch the gmail ( mail recovery procedure. Upon completion, the system will process all these responses and grant access to the mailbox.

In the future, it is better to play it safe from such cases and write down the data in a safe place. It does not hurt to attach a valid phone number or a second mailbox to the mail. You can do this in your account profile settings.

History of mailbox creation

The first google mailbox was launched in 2004. After three years spent on its creation, the news published a revolutionary announcement. The mail service available to everyone, promising free gigabyte storage, was initially perceived by the public as a joke.

In the future, thanks to gmail (gmail), great leaps forward took place in this area and almost all Internet mail services began to use these technologies.

To register with Google for free, you can use one of two options: create a new Google mail (that is, create a Google account), or use an existing one. email, for example, to or Yandex.Mail.

Before moving on to these options, it should be noted that Google is not only a search engine, but also a whole set of services, which include:

  • Search;
  • youtube();
  • Google Play (Google Play);
  • news;
  • cards;
  • mail (;
  • disk;
  • the calendar;
  • Google Wallet (Google Pay)
  • and etc.

Registering with Google for free means creating a new Google email (in other words, creating a Google account), or linking an existing email in order to use all Google services. In other words, by registering with Google, you thereby create a Google account on your computer, and at the same time start Google mail, register in Google play, in the Google play market, in social network Google plus, in Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Docs and get access to other Google services and features.

Thus, if you register with Google for free, then as a result you will have a universal key - an email and a password that gives you access to all Google services.

In order to use these services, registration with Google is required. There are two options for this:

  1. create a new google account,
  2. or use any mail.

Let's consider each of them.

I Create a Google account to register with Google for free

Step 1. Open any browser (Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, etc.).

Step 3. The "Create Google account”, in which you must fill in at least the required fields:

Rice. 2. Create a new Google account (that is, open new

8 in fig. 2 - you can select from the drop-down menu desired language, for example, Russian, if you have a different language option on the screen.

1 in fig. 2 - Enter the first name, last name.

2 in fig. 2 - Now we need a "Username". We invent. It can be either your name or some fictitious nickname. You can use Latin letters, numbers and dots. The main thing is that the username must be unique, unique and inimitable on the entire Internet.

3 in fig. 2 - By the way, Google tells you which available usernames you can choose for your e-mail address. But you can ignore these tips and come up with your own name for Google mail (or Google account).

4 fig. 2 - Let's consider the "Use current email address" option. In the meantime, we do not pay attention to this link, because it is not needed to create a new Google account.

But it must be borne in mind that when registering on foreign sites, including foreign online stores, letters to confirm registration, for example, to mail (, may simply not reach.

To register with Google with the email you already have, follow the link

and click "Use current email address" (Fig. 2). The "Create a Google Account" window will appear:

Rice. 6. You can use any email address to sign up for Google

6 in fig. 6 - you can immediately select the "Russian" language, if necessary.

1 in fig. 6 - Enter the first name, last name.

2 - Specify the existing email - no errors, because a letter with a code will come there to confirm that this mail is yours.

4 - We come up with a password of at least eight characters. It may be the same as the password for an existing email, but from a security point of view, the same password for mail and Google account is bad.

The "Confirm email address" window will open (the address that was specified in Fig. 6):

Rice. 7. Enter the confirmation code to register with Google with your mail

To confirm your email address, go to your mailbox and look for a letter there. If it's not there, then it may have ended up in the Spam folder. In mail, a letter from Google to confirm the address looks like this:

Rice. 8. Email Verification Required

We open the letter, find the code there and enter it in the "Confirm email address" window (Fig. 7).

After the mail is confirmed, we get to the "Welcome to Google" window:

Rice. 9. To register with Google, you must specify the date of birth, gender. You can enter a phone number if you wish.

1 in fig. 9 - it is not necessary to enter the phone number, but it is still desirable to do this for the security of the account, including for ease of recovery.

2 - when entering age, it is necessary to take into account age restrictions Google, about which see above after fig. 3.

3 in fig. 9 - select the gender in the menu from four options: female, male, not specified, optional.

Rice. 10. You must accept the Google privacy policy

As you can see in Figure 10, you can immediately set the security settings for your Google account. See more about them, immediately after fig. 4.

How to log out of Google and then log in

It is enough to register with Google once, and then you can log out of Google and log in again. You need to log out of your Google account, for example, in order to log into another Google account. In addition, you should always log out of your Google account if you logged in from someone else's device.

In order to log out of your Google account, you should click on the icon with your name in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 11), then click "Log out" (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Sign out of Google account (or sign out of Google mail)

To sign in to your Google account, go to .

Enter your login and password. If you started a new Google mail, then you enter its address and password for it (which you entered during registration - Fig. 2).

If other mail was used (for example, [email protected]), then to enter your Google account you need to enter its email (for example, [email protected]) and password for Google account (entered during registration - Fig. 6).

Google account on Android phone

Today, Google e-mail on the website is created very often, because it is necessary for those who use electronic devices based on the Android operating system.

You can create a new account on your smartphone by following the same steps as described above.

It may be easier for someone to register with Google first on a computer, and then use this Google account on an Android smartphone, for example, as an account.

Safety regulations

You can make security settings in your Google account. Perhaps more important than these settings are the elementary security rules that every user should use to avoid unpleasant surprises:

  • it is important to create complex passwords for logging into the system;
  • for greater security, the password can be changed periodically (once a week, or once a month, or at least once a year);
  • you should not include the dates of birth and the names of your loved ones, as well as your own, in passwords;
  • do not share your login information with anyone;
  • if an account is needed to perform your work or for financial transactions, it is better to create a separate one;
  • log in to your account from new devices and in unfamiliar places as little as possible.

Hey! Today I would like to talk about Gmail mail service(email from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him, I personally met relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I “sat” on, but after switching to Gmail, I realized that the latter is really the best in the world. Why? I will talk about this a little lower.

What made me switch to another mail service? This is beautiful, that is, now my mail looks like this: [email protected] site. Not bad, right? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I settled on Gmail and I don’t regret it at all. Registering on is not difficult, but still, I recommend that instead of the usual registration, you immediately make a beautiful mail with your own domain name (I told you how to do this).

How do I use Gmail email

1. I clear the Inbox folder.

In my inbox, I only have relevant letters that require some action: reply, follow some actions, etc. When a certain letter becomes irrelevant, I just send it to the archive. What is an archive? These are emails that are not visible in the Inbox but are searchable. Here is the "Archive" button:

Also, letters that are sent to the “Archive” are available through the “All Mail” folder. Thus, in my inbox, I always have cleanliness. If you are sure that a particular letter will definitely never be useful to you, then instead of “Archive” you can safely click on the “Delete” button.

2. I mark important letters.

Some letters require an urgent response or are extremely important to me. And while I'm sorting through the mail, the first thing I go to is the "Starred" folder:

Marking a letter is very simple: just click on the “star” in the upper right corner:

If one star is not enough for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings –> General –> Stars:

3. I use "Shortcuts".

For example, in this moment passes and it is very convenient for me to collect letters from each participant in a separate folder. What did I do for this?

Thus, you can filter messages by mailbox, subject, etc.

Assign a specific color to each label, thereby increasing visibility at times:

4. I mark as read automatic letters.

Often letters come from exchanges, such as Rotapost and others. I need them, but I don't like it when they are "unread emails". For such letters from exchanges, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous paragraph (see above), I check the box next to “Mark as read” (I do not create labels for these letters):

You can also “skip” some letters past the “Inbox” folder or delete them altogether.

Advice: necessarily learn how to use filters, thus you will greatly simplify your life when parsing the mailbox.

5. In the Inbox folder, I first display unread letters.

By default, Gmail sorts all emails by date. It is much more convenient for me when unread letters are located at the very top. To do this, just click on the arrow to the right of the “Inbox” folder and check the box next to “Unread first”:

6. Actively use the search.

Need to collect all correspondence with a specific addressee? No problem! It's very easy to do this in Gmail. Just enter the email address of the person you need and voila! , all letters from him before your eyes:

It saves a lot when the person with whom you correspond does not use the message history in email. Then they wonder why I don't answer their letters? And sometimes I don’t even remember what I talked about with this person. Honestly, the search is very helpful. I am also looking for any keywords and really find the letters I need.

Also in Gmail it is very pleasing that all letters that are replies are collected in chains of letters(saving space in the list of letters and the convenience of tracking history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail via mobile phone.

You can easily find an application for almost any phone here . Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail site, it's still very convenient (the mail "shrinks" to fit the screen). Also, a lot of applications are released by third-party developers. For example, on my beloved iPhone, I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. On the iPad, I use mail in the browser, everything works great.

8. I open all attached files directly in Gmail.

Did you attach a Word document to the letter? What I usually did: download the file to the computer, open it, after reading it, most often delete it. In Gmail, everything is very simple: open the document directly in the browser, saving yourself from unnecessary gestures:

9. I use ready-made answers.

It often happens that you receive the same type of letters and you have to respond in the same way. For such letters, “Ready-made answers” ​​were invented. That is, when you receive a letter, you simply select the desired response from the templates:

This is an experimental feature, to activate this feature you need to go to the mail settings –> Lab –> Response templates –> Enable:

And in general, in this “Laboratory” you can turn on a lot of different functions. Look through them, maybe you will find something suitable and interesting for yourself.

10. Hot keys.

It is very convenient, as in any program, to use “hot keys”. To enable them, go to mail settings –> General –> Keyboard shortcuts –> Enable:

  • C - New message.
  • O - Open message.
  • E - Archive.
  • R - Reply.
  • F - Forward.
  • Tab + Enter - Send.
  • ? – Calling help on “hot keys”.

I think these 10 tips are enough to understand that electronic Gmail really the best And I hope these tips will make your life easier.


I would be very grateful for the retweet, all the best!

Before a person who gets on the Internet for the first time, the first task is to register his e-mail box. There are a huge number of services offering such services, but one of the most popular is Gmail from the well-known company Google. The mail system has been functioning since the spring of 2004, and every year it acquires millions of satisfied users. Why is this post better than the rest? Let's take a look at the main advantages that have allowed Gmail to take a leading position in the market:

  • the mailbox can hold up to 10 GB of information;
  • built-in instant messaging and video calls;
  • quick search by the specified word among the messages;
  • powerful anti-spam system;
  • high degree protection;
  • Availability mobile applications for all popular operating systems;
  • one account for several services (YouTube, GoogleDisk, GoogleMaps, etc.)
  • all letters and contacts can be marked and structured;
  • built-in control for spelling errors;
  • every minute backups to prevent data loss in case of Internet loss.


Before you can take advantage of the benefits described, you will need to go through a short registration process. To do this, go to

Click on the "Create an account" button and you will be taken to the profile data filling page.

Enter the required information. Be careful when creating a password from the mail. You should not use a combination consisting of your birthday date or your mobile phone number. For best security, the password should contain both alphabetic characters and numbers.

After all the points have been filled in, click the "Next" button. An agreement window pops up to acquaint the user with Gmail's privacy policy. After reading, click "Accept".

If everything is done correctly, then you will be transferred to such a window with congratulations.

Immediately after creation, you will automatically be authorized in the mail. Even if you close the site and return to it in a couple of days or weeks, your mailbox will still be open. There is no need to enter a password each time. However, if you use a public computer or several mailboxes at the same time, then logging out of your account is inevitable. For these situations, we'll walk you through the authorization process and tell you how to log in to your Gmail email.

Login to jimail mail

Go to the page and enter the address e-mail box. We press "Next".

Important! Do not enter your details on other sites. The only valid email address is

A window appears asking you to enter a password.

If the password is correct, you will be sent to your mailbox.


To log out of your account, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the window that opens, click "Exit".

Working with letters

Thanks to the user-friendly interface of the mailbox, working with letters has become a real pleasure. All mail can be structured, marked with various markers, saved as drafts and mass mailings can be created.

To start writing a message, click on the red button in the upper left corner of the screen.

One of the main conveniences is that the message box appears as a tab. Thus, you can simultaneously write a new letter and interact with the mailbox.

The bottom panel allows you to attach various files to the letter from a computer or from a virtual GoogleDisc, insert emoticons, and instantly print the text.

Various mailbox settings

Gmail is considered the best for a reason. For comfortable use, Google programmers have provided the mail system with a whole list useful settings. Let's briefly talk about the most important ones.


The service is equipped with the ability to save the necessary email addresses. You no longer need to remember the mail of a work colleague or an old friend. Moreover, you will be able to fill in the information about the person (name, date of birth, phone number) yourself.

Adding a contact is incredibly easy. To get started, you need to go to home page mail and find the Gmail tab in the upper left corner.

Click on it and a small menu will open.

Press the "Contacts" button and get into the list of added addresses. This window displays the people with whom you communicate most often. If right person is not in the list, then click on the red label in the lower right corner of the screen.

A window opens where you can find the right person. Simply enter his first and last name, and then search by photo.

Import from other mailboxes

Another important feature that will come in handy for those who use multiple mailboxes at the same time. To transfer a contact or an important letter from one mail to another, there is no need to copy all the information. The whole process is simplified to a couple of mouse clicks.

To do this, in the "Contacts" window, click the "More" button in the left column.

The menu opens. We are looking for the "Import" button.

Select the service from which you want to import contacts.

That's it, now important addresses or messages in other mailboxes are available on Gmail.