How to restore a mailbox. Password recovery from email

V modern world There are practically no people in computer technology who do not have a personal e-mail box. Moreover, many people have several such electronic mailboxes (e-mail), which they use for work and personal purposes. There are many different services for creating mail, and you can create an unlimited number of mailboxes.

Sometimes it happens (especially if a person is registered on many different servers) that the mail login is forgotten.

Login is your name or nickname, a combination of symbols, letters or numbers that you entered when registering for a particular service. If you forget one of the login or password lines, then you will not be able to access your mail. Let's figure out how to restore your username and access to your email account.

Recovering mail

  1. In the process of registering a mailbox on a particular resource (, Google,, etc.), an additional mail address is requested for security purposes. With its help, you can later recover the lost data, be it a username or password. After making a request for recovery, you will receive an email with the data you are interested in. You just have to go to the mail site (from which you forgot your login), click on the "Restore" button, then - "Forgot your username or password" or "Help" and request a letter with your data, just following the instructions. In this case, the service can act in two ways:
    • send you to another mail address forgotten login and password;
    • send a letter with a link to reset your password (the login will remain the same and will be indicated in the letter).
  2. You can also ask relatives and friends with whom you communicated by mail to remind you of it (for example, dictated by phone).
  3. It is also possible to restore access on some servers using a mobile phone. To do this, after pressing the help or recovery button, enter your mobile phone and your data will be sent to you in a message.

To protect against intruders and unauthorized access to your mailbox, the administration of most services sends a verification code to your cell number to access the resource. But for this you need to have a phone number previously linked (and confirmed) to your mailbox. In some cases, you may need to specify it as well.

You can restore access to your account yourself using a verified phone number, email address, or a reply to Security Question... Follow the instructions on the restore access page to get started.

If for some reason you are unable to restore access on your own, the recovery questionnaire will help you.

Restoring access using a questionnaire

To ask for help, fill out the access restoration questionnaire. First, Yandex.Passport will check the profile automatically, and as a result, it can immediately restore access to your account. Therefore, try to remember as much as possible about your account.

Advice. If possible, fill out the questionnaire on the computer (phone, tablet) from which you usually log into Yandex. When restoring, Passport tries not to trust the new IP addresses and computers, so that it would be more difficult for attackers to gain access to your account.

In some cases, additional verification may be required, and your profile will be sent to support.

How it works

All data you entered is checked automatically, so try to fill in the fields as accurately as possible : with the same letters e / ё, in transliteration, if you used it, and so on... If you are not sure if you remember exactly your old password or the exact spelling of the first and last name, enter as you remember or add other options (to do this, click the + button next to the field).

The more you remember how you used your account and what data you specified in it, the more likely it is that access to your account will be restored. At the last step, you will need to attach your passport photo, driver's license or passport. We ask you to take a photo with the document so that no one can access your account by stealing your document.

Photo requirements

If after sending the questionnaire you receive a message "The data of the questionnaire does not match the information about the account.":

    Check if you entered the correct username before filling out the form. Our recommendations will help you remember the correct spelling of your login.

    Try to answer all the questions, the answers to which you remember at least approximately.

    Try to fill out the questionnaire again on the same computer or mobile device from which you usually go to Yandex.

There are life circumstances due to which people delete accounts in social networks and mail servers... But over time, there is a need for recovery personal accounts: some friends, acquaintances and colleagues send correspondence to the already defunct mailbox... Therefore, we will consider how to restore Yandex account after deletion.

Recovering a deleted mailbox

In addition to manually deleting a mailbox, it can be automatically eliminated by the system if it was hacked by fraudsters and sent spam or was not used for six months.

Attention! If letters are not sent from the mail, but they come regularly, the mailbox is considered used and cannot be deleted.

To restore a mailbox, log in with your personal data and find the "Create mailbox" menu item. After this step, you will be able to receive and send emails again.

Attention! After restoring a mailbox, the information stored in it until it was deleted will be unavailable. Data is lost forever!

Returning access to a deleted account

It is already more difficult here. You only have two options to restore your account: contacting technical support or registering a new one.

You need to immediately understand: the data that was saved in the profile cannot be restored.

  1. If you just deleted your account and changed your mind, contact support with a request for recovery. In this case, indicate the data specified during registration: the answer to the secret question, login, password, phone number and other personal information. The more information, the better. In the message, write that the account was deleted by hackers after hacking. In this case, there is a chance that all profile information, including the contents of the mailbox, is restored.
  2. If more than three months have passed since the account was deleted, it cannot be restored, it has been deleted forever. The only solution maybe registration of a new one account using the old login (which should be freed).

The failure may be due to the fact that a user with the same name already exists. This means that you are late: the other person managed to use the free login faster than you. In this case, account recovery is not possible - you will have to create a new account.

On this moment these are all the existing mechanisms for recovering a Yandex account after deletion. If you know other ways - share them in the comments.

This article is being written at the request of one of our group members. social group"Classmates". In one of the previous articles, we examined the process of creating an account on the service () But life goes on as usual. It may turn out that you long time did not use the service, during this time they forgot the password, perhaps the phone number has already been changed (not the number that you specified during registration). Namely, now you need to get into this account for personal use. How can you restore access to your mailbox, having scanty data about it in your memory?

Well, let's try to do something. First we go to home page and click on the link "Forgot your password"

Go to the password recovery page. We enter your mailbox. As an example, we will restore access to the account that we created in the above article.

Be careful when entering your mailing address. Click the "Restore" button. If a mistake was made, a notification will appear. If the entered address exists in the service database, then go to the next page.

Since we have tied a phone number to our mailbox, it would be enough for us to enter the specified code from the picture and click "Receive code by SMS". But we will complicate the task for ourselves, suppose we have not used this account for 2-3 years, have changed the operator or changed the number. In short, we cannot receive an SMS message with a code to the phone number associated with the account. What then? To choose another way to restore access, click on the link "I do not have access to the specified phone number"

On the next page, you will be asked to enter the data that you remember: first name, last name, date of birth from the account to which you are restoring access. It is advisable to specify the password that was used during registration. If you don't remember, enter a new password. To contact you, enter another mailing address to which you have access. Enter the code from the picture and click "Send".

Next, you will be asked to remember the addresses to which you sent your letters, from whom you received, with whom you corresponded, the phone number attached to your account. Try to fill in as many fields as possible, specify additional data. After filling in the fields, click the "Send" button

After that, we are notified that our application will be reviewed by the support service as soon as possible. We are waiting and periodically checking the mailing address that we provided for contacting us.

Now you know how to restore a mailbox on, even if you have forgotten your data.

When you rarely use email, your address gets lost, especially when you have multiple accounts. And if you needed to go to the old mailbox, you will need to remember it, find out the e-mail with the help of friends, support service. How to find the address Email if you forgot? There are several ways, depending on the type of postal service, whether you remember your login, whether your account is linked to the phone. Read below how to act in different cases, choose for yourself suitable way how to find out your email address... For those who have forgotten it, we have compiled detailed instructions.

How to regain access to your e-mail - we will tell you below

E-mail recovery instructions

  1. The easiest way is to ask your friends, acquaintances whom you wrote to from your lost account. They will copy the sender's data from the email they received from you.
  2. If the automatic login is saved, but the owner has forgotten exactly the address itself, you can go to the "Sent" letters and there you can see the information about the sender yourself.
  3. If you remember your login from the e-mail under which you registered, then you just need to add @ to it, and then - the domain of the mail service, for example, You write down everything without spaces, together. Some services offer several domains, just check each of them if you don't remember which one you chose during registration. Again, provided that you can log into your account, try sending an email to yourself for verification. How to find out your email address if you forgot your domain, read below.
  4. If the box was tied to a phone or to another box, you can use the reminder functions available at the service. Unfortunately, there is no such hint on Yandex does not have a separate reminder either, however, a hint appears in the Restore Access window if you previously entered from the same carrier (computer). But, for example, in Google it is done quite quickly and without unnecessary complications:

      • you go to start page;
      • click on the "Need help" link;
      • then select "I do not remember the username";
      • restore the name through a linked phone or other mail, fill out information about yourself. If you specify a mobile notification, you are offered to choose an SMS or a call;

    • enter the received verification code in a special field; After verification, Google will show you your address attached to the named phone number or box.
  5. You can contact the technical support service, they may be able to help you recover your mail. For example, they can help when changing the phone number associated with the box. You will need to provide some information to confirm that you are the owner of this mail.