If you dream that you are kissing a boy. Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

A kiss with a guy in a dream is not always deciphered as a positive sign. Popular dream books claim that such a dream portends scandals, disappointments, deceit, betrayal and illness. For correct interpretation you need to remember all the details: what relationship connects the guy from the dream and the dreamer, what were the feelings, emotions during the kiss and the situation, who became the initiator, as well as other details.

Interpretations on various dream books

General value sleep:

  • Esoteric dream book: a dream means a need for male weasel, attention from your lover.
  • Ukrainian: to big trouble. If the girl took the initiative, then the guy she kissed will soon fall ill. If the young man was active - problems in personal relationships and in business area at the dreamer.
  • French: good luck, incredible luck, a happy coincidence. Not knowing who is kissing, but enjoying caresses with a stranger is a pleasant surprise.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy, depending on the circumstances of the dream:

  • Female. Kissing with a guy dark room- to debauchery and recklessness. A kiss with a young man who likes, in bright light - to sincere and tender feelings.
  • Small Velesov dream book. Passionately kissing your ex in a dream - cheating on your current man in real life or think about the other person during intimacy.
  • Dream interpretation of Smirnov. A kiss passionately - to a deterioration in the well-being of a sleeping woman and her state of health. Long and sensual on the lips - to disappointments, quarrels and a break in relations with a loved one. Feeling cold on the lips after a kiss - to a fatal illness, pain - liberation from a heavy burden.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. Kissing a friend's boyfriend is a sign of strong friendship with this person. kiss with by a stranger- to surprises.

If such a dream occurs from Thursday to Friday, you can expect passionate kisses in real life. From Friday to Saturday - to love adventures. From Saturday to Sunday - to a fun and interesting pastime.

Miller's opinion

Kissing with a lover in the dark - to deceit and hypocrisy. In the light of day, there is respect and mutual understanding between young people, they are honest with each other and cannot live without their other half. Seeing a kiss with her ex-boyfriend or husband - the sleeping woman wants to renew her friendship with this person. Kissing the enemy in a dream is to renew friendly relations with those whom the dreamer offended in real life.

Kissing passionately with a guy you like - you should expect intimacy with this person in real life. If someone interfered with the caresses of young people in a dream, an outsider may interfere in the dreamer's personal relationships.

Some dreams are considered prophetic, but sometimes visions are a warning or can guide a person on the true path. Why dream of a kiss between a guy and a guy, is it possible to assume that the dreamer has a non-traditional orientation?

What if a guy kisses a guy in a dream?

Kissing a guy with a guy in a dream can cause a slight shock in the dreamer. Not all people are tolerant of such manifestations of love. If such a vision comes to a young man, this may mean that the dreamer has certain inclinations. It is not necessary to have a relationship with the stronger sex. Sometimes you have to deal with hidden inclinations, when a person is afraid to admit them even to himself.

Kissing a guy in a dream for a man also portends a rapprochement with his best friend. This interpretation option is relevant if, shortly before the arrival of sleep, a person quarreled with one of his friends. This incident disturbed the sleeper very much, did not give him rest. But there is no need to worry ahead of time. Very soon, everything will work out and peace will reign again in relations between friends.

You should not take what you see in a nightmare seriously if, shortly before sleep, a person saw kissing men on TV or in real life, or found out about the homosexual inclinations of someone they knew. It is possible that emotions from real life are reflected in visions.

When a married man dreams of a kiss between a guy and a guy, this may mean that the roles in his family are not distributed correctly. Most likely, the dreamer's wife has a very tough character. The sleeper would like to see a softer and more feminine companion next to him, but is afraid to talk about it with his wife. In this case, the dream is a kind of warning that the time has come to change something in the relationship. You can have a serious talk with your spouse or try to take the initiative more often. If no steps are taken in time, this will lead to even greater distance from each other and parting.

For young man a dream in which men kiss can portend loneliness. All his attempts to improve his personal life will fail. Unfortunately, in the near future, you will have to watch the happiness of others from the outside.

What portends?

If in a dream men kiss, who are work colleagues for the sleeping person, you need to be more careful. Most likely, a conspiracy is being prepared against the dreamer. Someone wants to take his place in the company. You don't need to trust your colleagues with secrets of the heart. This could end very badly. Seeing kissing men in a dream and experiencing very discomfort- in reality show intolerance. This will cause condemnation from loved ones and relatives. The dreamer needs to understand that all people are different and this is their charm. Do not despise those who somehow stand out from the crowd. Screaming at kissing men in a dream - in real life, show excessive aggression. To avoid conflicts with other people, you need to learn to control yourself and express your feelings more calmly. Kissing in a dream with a male relative for a representative of the stronger sex portends a rapprochement with parents.

Watching kissing men in a dream means being lonely in real life. Some interpreters believe that the vision may indicate the presence of homosexual inclinations in the dreamer, which he himself may not even be aware of.

Many people love to kiss. But what does a kiss in a dream mean? Why dream of a kiss with a guy? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy - the main interpretation

It is believed that seeing a kiss in a dream is a quarrel in reality. But it is worth fully interpreting the dream in order to catch its hidden meaning. It is important to pay attention to the following details:

What guy do you kiss in a dream;

Do you want this kiss;

What emotions do you experience during a kiss in a dream;

What was the reason for the kiss?

If in a dream you kiss ex boyfriend, then you should take care that your partner has enough love and care. Try to surround him with affection, otherwise you risk losing this relationship.

Such a dream can also mean that someone from the past will suddenly appear in your life and bring a lot of trouble into it. Try not to focus on the negative, look for the positive in any situation.

If a man from the past begins to actively interfere in your real life- Ask him not to disturb you in the future. If this does not help, in no case do not make concessions to him. He may try to tempt you. But he does it more out of envy than out of sincere and pure feelings.

If you dream about how some stranger is trying to kiss you - you lack a variety of sensations in life. You really want to change something in life, to embellish it, but you cannot decide what you yourself want.

Perhaps you are tired of the old relationship, and you want to meet another partner? Or you want to build a strong trusting relationship with this partner. The dream book advises you to understand the true motives of your feelings and motives, otherwise it will be very difficult for you. You will be dissatisfied with everything that happens in your life. You will begin to look for flaws in the people who surround you.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy on a train - you are waiting for tremendous changes in life. And this applies not only to personal relationships. You will fall into the cycle of events, and you will not know how to get out of it. Try to take advantage of all the upcoming events in your life.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy in public place- you have long wanted to put something on public display. Perhaps you like to draw too much attention to yourself. The dream book says that now is not the right time for this. You should be more modest. Behave within the limits of what is permitted, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

If you dream that someone is kissing you, you turn around, and it turns out to be your boyfriend, a pleasant surprise awaits you, which will be a long-awaited gift for you. To see a dream in which you kiss with your boyfriend on the bed - a quarrel is possible in your relationship.

If you see a lot of kisses with him, the spat will be long. In order to understand the cause of the quarrel, you need to interpret the entire dream. But, the dream book advises not to give the guy a reason for jealousy.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy on the lawn, a romantic meeting awaits you, which will end in sadness for you. You will not only be disappointed in him, you will for a long time You don't want to be in a relationship with anyone. If in a dream your boyfriend gives you a ring and then kisses you on the lips, you should not expect an offer from him in reality. Most likely, he does not even consider you as a possible partner for marriage.

The dream book advises you to think about whether you really have mutual understanding with your partner, or whether each of you stands your ground and requires too much attention for yourself. If so. In order not to completely destroy the relationship, it is worth distributing responsibilities in pairs.

A dream in which your girlfriend's boyfriend kisses you promises you quarrels with her and hostility. The reason for this may not be your betrayal with her lover. The reason for this will be her inability to listen and hear. Each of you will wait for support and understanding from the other. The result of this expectation will be mutual grievances. The dream interpretation advises to maintain friendship and not pay attention to household trifles. If the issue of a quarrel is too fundamental for you, wait out the storm. Everything will work out the way you want.

If you dream that the guy first squeezed you tightly in his arms, and then kissed you - such a dream means that you will be forced to obey someone else's will. You will be forced for some time to sacrifice your interests for the sake of a common goal.

If you kiss your boyfriend in a dream and experience discomfort or other negative emotions, you should expect a cooling of feelings and emotions. The reason for this will be difficult everyday issues that will simply overwhelm you. Do not shift the burden of everyday life on your personal life.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy according to the Esoteric dream book

V Esoteric dream book it is said that if you see a kiss between a guy and a girl, you yourself lack affection and love. You want someone to take care of you, so in a dream you imagine other people between whom tender feelings have arisen. The dream book encourages you to reconsider your attitude to life in general.

If you dream that a stranger is kissing you, you want new unforgettable emotions and relationships. You should by all means get rid of the past, from negative experiences in relationships. And attract new connections into your life that are in no way similar to the previous ones.

If you dream that a kiss with a guy was interrupted by a phone call, you should be wary of gossip and gossip around your relationship. Someone will try in every possible way to prick you with a word, to inconvenience you. Do not get involved in this tricky game.

If you dream of a late night walk with a guy that ended in a kiss, hidden opportunities and hidden reserves await you. You will be able to use all your strength to achieve your goal. Here we can talk not only about personal relationships, but also about the professional sphere.

A dream in which you see yourself from the side, kissing a guy - promises you condemnation from men. If you have been trying to find a partner for yourself for a long time, such a dream portends you a meeting with a dishonorable man. He will get your location and after that - he will condemn you. Try not to ruin your reputation with random connections.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says why a kiss with a guy is dreaming. Such a dream promises treason and betrayal. If you kiss your boyfriend in a dream, you should expect betrayal from him. If in a dream you see the image of another young man who kisses you, you yourself will betray the relationship.

The dream book claims that after such a dream, you can expect to meet men who will offer you a hectic intimate life. And you might even agree. You will do such an act rather out of desperation. Since we are very tired of spending evenings alone.

A dream in which a guy kisses you in the dark promises hidden sexual fantasies that you should have satisfied long ago. You should talk frankly with your boyfriend about your preferences in intimate relationships. If your tastes differ, the dream book advises you to understand the sincerity of feelings for a partner.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that if a pregnant girl dreams of a kiss with a guy, she will be betrayed by her loved one. But the dream book does not recommend panicking. Most likely, he is simply tired of the routine and lacks thrill. The dream interpretation advises to diversify communication and leisure.

V Big dream book it is said if a guy kisses your hand - you can get a rich and generous boyfriend who will turn your life into a holiday. You will be able to spend a lot of carefree and joyful time with him. But the boyfriend will not be aimed at a serious relationship, he will rather be interested in light flirting and open relationships.

Aesop's dream book says that a kiss with an ex-boyfriend promises trouble rather than joyful events. Such a dream speaks of the intentions of the ex-boyfriend to reappear in your life. Most likely, the relationship has already outlived its usefulness, and your return to them will only bring pain and disappointment.

Whatever the dream, you should not shift responsibility for your own actions onto it. Dreams are designed to prompt and guide along the right, or the easiest path. You live your own life on your own, having dreams as assistants.

Kisses and hugs - what could be nicer and more romantic than that? In reality and in a dream, a kiss is always something mysterious, unusual and new every time.

But in dreams, everything is very unusual, and it is far from always necessary to kiss the one you want so much. And sometimes, on the contrary, that person who is inaccessible in reality, like a star in the sky, in dreams finds himself in our arms ...

What is it - a flight of imagination, a game of hidden desires or a sign from above? Dream Interpretations can tell a lot about what a kiss is for, no matter what it is in a dream. And dream a variety of things! You can kiss in dreams with a loved one or a stranger, with a friend, neighbor, or even ... a dead person! On the lips, cheek or neck - all this has its own, completely different meanings. To learn more about what dreams of kissing are, let's see what plots the dream books offer:

  • Kiss someone in a dream.
  • Why dream of kissing a man or a young man who you like in reality.
  • Kiss in a dream with a stranger.
  • With the dead.
  • Dreaming of kisses on the lips, cheek, neck or hands.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a guy or a man that you love.
  • With a person of the same gender.

These are just general plots, and you will remember the details yourself and find out from the dream book why you dream of kissing - with anyone.

Do you know him or not?

In reality, it is unlikely that someone often had to kiss a stranger, but in a dream - easily. What does this mean?

1. As the dream book says, a kiss on the lips, cheek or neck with someone you didn’t even remember (or didn’t see) is a chance to meet interesting person in reality. And the dream book also hints that you have a secret admirer. Perhaps he will soon let you know about his feelings!

2. A kiss in a dream with a complete stranger portends pleasant change on the personal front. Obviously, a bright streak awaits you, and soon there will be many reasons for joy!

3. As the dream book assures, kissing in dreams with a handsome, handsome stranger is a pleasant sign. A great unexpected joy awaits you! Something will happen completely unexpectedly, and you will be delighted.

4. If the kiss was unpleasant, and the person himself is scary, ugly or simply repulsive, the dream book says that a moment is coming when you want and can step over yourself, do something unacceptable for your goal. Whether or not you should do this is up to you.

5. And if you had to kiss in a dream with a stranger of your own gender, expect a pleasant surprise from fate.

Everything is possible in dreams. And if in a dream you happened to kiss with a person whom you know in reality - with a friend, employee or neighbor - do not be surprised. Better yet, find out why.

Why dream of a kiss on the cheek, lips, or even a passionate one - with a friend, buddy? You will have a pleasant pastime in good company. But do not conflict with friends, be more positive and friendly.

If in a dream you had to kiss with an unfamiliar man, this is a hint of a lack of attention. It's time to go out, become more sociable! Do not withdraw into yourself and open up to people, and you will be surrounded by pleasant attention.

And why dream of kissing in a dream with an enemy, with someone who is unpleasant to you in reality, with whom you have a tense relationship? With him, or with someone else, reconciliation awaits you. You will be able to show wisdom and build relationships with a person! This is very good, and life will become much more pleasant.

As the dream book says, kissing in a dream with a guy who does not arouse interest, does not like it, portends a surprise ahead. You will receive news that will surprise you, or some event will occur that you did not expect. Life will not be boring!

Beloved, only...

Of course, kissing in a dream with someone you really like, with your most beloved guy, is very pleasant, and often you don’t want to wake up from such a dream. But this is why a kiss on the lips or on the cheek with a loved one is dreamed of, what this means, the interpreters will tell.

1. As the dream book describes, a kiss with a young man who you secretly like is a harbinger of meeting him or some kind of surprise that will be associated with him. Maybe invite you on a date? Or perhaps it’s time for you to very subtly hint to him of your sympathy, then the long-awaited changes will come!

2. If you had a kiss with your current "soulmate", be very careful. Interpreters portend a quarrel or conflict! And they hint that you should be more tolerant, calmer and wiser. When you are offended or dissatisfied - remember your grandmother's "glass of water" method: be silent for a couple of minutes, keep sharp words, and the conflict will not spoil your wonderful relationship!

3. Let's see why a kiss is dreaming of - an unexpected symbol that can really surprise every girl. Unexpected news - that's what's in store for you! You will be very surprised, maybe someone is preparing a pleasant surprise.

4. A kiss in a dream with a close friend you love on the lips, neck, cheek is a symbol of the difficulties that you have to overcome together. Do not be afraid of them, they are your valuable experience! And they will certainly bring you together, make your couple strong. So boldly and decisively overcome any difficulties, and love will help you!

5. A pleasant kiss in a dream with a loved one who is now far away is a good sign. He thinks about you, looks forward to meeting you and loves you very much! Yes, and you do not let go of thoughts about him and see him not only in fantasies, but also in dreams.

Other options

With whom else you can kiss in a dream, the interpreter will show us. Even the strangest dreams can be deciphered.

The worst thing, perhaps, is a kiss in a dream with a dead person, but don't be scared. This is just a warning - take care of your health, do not treat yourself too carelessly. Be vigilant and take care of yourself so as not to get sick!

If you had to kiss in a dream with unknown woman, then there will be some surprise! Something will surprise you very much, and it's nice!

But why dream of a kiss with a girl, girlfriend or friend? The interpreter warns - take care of relationships and be more careful. Such a dream can talk about a quarrel and even enmity and simply remind you that a good relationship with friends you need to protect and support.

If you kissed someone's hands, such things are dreamed of to indicate to the dreamer his pride. You will have to be proud of yourself or some of your achievements, but do not turn up your nose - be objective, do not overestimate yourself too much so as not to turn people away from you.

As the dream book says, kissing an elderly person, an old man or an old woman is a symbol that events in your life will take an unforeseen turn, and you will be very surprised. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will go exactly as you plan and envision.

Kissed in a dream? You will have health and great happiness, and besides, you will be loved.

Let dreams be pleasant or strange, they never bring trouble. And they can even give valuable advice! And if you believe in the best, then the most pleasant predictions will certainly come true.

Girls are creatures of fine mental organization, and therefore they take every dream to heart. This is especially true of pleasant dreams, when a young man dreams and his closeness is felt. Why dream of kissing with a guy - the most frequently asked question which interests young ladies. Let's try to answer it.

So what are the kisses for?

Since there are many dream books, the interpretations are different. For example, by famous dream book Miller, if a girl sees herself kissing in the dark, this means her debauchery and some danger. A kiss in the light speaks of a woman's generosity towards men.

When in a dream a representative of the weaker sex caresses her lover, this can be interpreted as a sign of mutual affection. Such dreams are more likely to occur during separation between partners. Kissing with a friend means having a spiritual close connection with him, as between a brother and sister. A French kiss in a dream means sexual lust.

If a woman dreams of a kiss with her husband, harmony reigns in their family. When in a dream the feeling that someone noticed the kiss does not leave, expect the betrayal of friends.

Well, according to the esoteric interpretation, kissing in a dream portends a girl a warm relationship with her soulmate. The small dream book says: this “plot” speaks of the existence of gossip. If a woman kisses in secret, the family will face major changes and troubles. Kissing in a dream with an enemy means an early reconciliation with a dear person.

Freud's dream book says that a kiss with a stranger portends an acquaintance with a pleasant man, but you should be careful.

What does this dream portend?

Studying Longo's dream book, we can conclude: kisses signal good luck. In turn, if during a kiss you see a stranger in front of you, this is a sign to be more careful.

A gypsy dream book interprets a kiss with a guy as a harbinger of a quarrel, and with a stranger - a fight, misunderstanding, conflict. This is the opposite of the Slavic dream book, which in such a case speaks of a find.

Oriental female dream book interprets kisses with someone as a break in relations and parting in reality. Jews believe that kissing a vampire is considered a harbinger of death. Dream Interpretation Hasse says: kissing in a dream is a signal of separation from a loved one.

Believe it or not?

So, belief in dreams depends on how much a person is susceptible to suggestion. Of course, in dream books you can get a lot of different information, but thoughtlessly agreeing with it is unreasonable. To believe or not is the right of each of us. Someone notes that dreams come true, and someone says that it was only a “night movie”.

And in conclusion, we note that almost all interpreters recommend paying attention to the sensations that a girl experiences. If they are pleasant and do not cause fear, then there is nothing to fear.