What does the coat of arms of Ukraine mean. The arms of the ancient Russian cities - the Golden Ring

APRIL 29TH, 2014

Rurikovichi signs - heraldic signs that used old-Russian princes to denote ownership of certain items. Depicted on the stamps, seals, coins of Rurikovich. Unlike the noble coat of arms, such emblems belonged not to the whole family or family, but were personal signs: every prince had his own "coat of arms."

As a rule, on coins kiev princes There are figures that resemble the launched letter "P", to which the "processes" from the bottom or in the middle, as well as points, crosses, etc., the same signs could look different, depending on the subject on which they were depicted . Thus, the princess emblems on the seals were shown schematically, in the most simplified form, whereas on the coins the same symbols had many additional ornamental elements.

Writing with a dlinge with the ruins of the Tenty Church in Kiev

The heraldic signs of the ancient Russian princes reached us not only in the form of images on coins and seals, but also on suspensions, perrsts, weapons, etc. For these finds, you can not only trace the evolution of princely symbols Ancient RussiaBut also try to restore their origin.

The use of cyzuben and trident images brings closer signs of Rurikovichi with complex royal coat of arms of the Bosporian kingdom, the main elements of which were also these characters. On the connection of the Bosporian and Old Russian Princely Emblems, the preferential use of milk is as the basis of the composition of the coat of arms.

Picking Falcon - the symbol of Rurik, the founder of the city of Novgorod and the prince of the prince, who later became the royal, Dynasty Rurikovich.

Another point, bringing closer to the emblems of the Old Russian princes with the coat of arms of the Bosporian kings, is the hereditary nature of their development. As mentioned above, the princely "coat of arms" of ancient Russia were personal signs that were not transmitted by inheritance, but, as well as the symbols of the Bosporian kingdom, who had a single base in the form of a bubbin, to which each ruler was added (or from which was carried) elements in the form of of all sorts of "processes", curls, etc.

Among the "coat of arms" of the Old Russian princes, there were also complete analogues of the emblems of the Bosporovsky rulers. For example, a personal sign of Yaroslav Wise on the belt plaques found in the forecast and in the vicinity of Suzdal, almost completely coincides with the collap of the Poltava region, made in the VII century VII-VIII century, made in the VII century-VIII century. Both the other image resembles a trident.

Similar signs (doubles and tridents) were widely used in the territory Khazar Kaganata As the symbols of the supreme power - they were Tamgs of the rude birth. It was a continuation of the Sarmato-Alanian tradition of using such signs, ascending to the times of the Bosporian Kingdom

Twisted and trident tamga are known in VIII - IX centuries. In the Khazar world on the details of the belt headset (Podorovsky burial ground), in the form of graffiti on stone blocks and bricks of fortresses (Sarkel, Mayutskoy, Semikarakorskoye, Khumarinsky settlement), in the form of pottery stamps on the vessels (Dmitrievsky burial ground). Perhaps in ancient Russian environment such signs got exactly from Khazaria, like the title "Kagan", perceived by the first Russian princes

In 1917 after the October Revolution, when on the territory of the former Russian Empire New states began to be created, the trident of Prince Vladimir was proposed by the historian Mikhail Grushevsky as the national symbol of Ukraine. The status of a small coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic was received by Vladimir's personal sign on March 22, 1918 as a result of the resolution of the Central Rada. In the future, this symbol was used with some changes and additions to Ukrainian state formationsCreated from 1918 to 1920. With the establishment of the Soviet power in Ukraine, the trident has lost its state status, but continued to be used by organizations ukrainian nationalistsAs well, with the addition of the Cross to the prong, as the component of the coat of arms proclaimed in 1939 by the Carpathian Ukraine. In 1941, he was used by the Ukrainian State Board

After the liquidation of the USSR in 1991, the decision of the Supreme Council of Ukraine dated February 19, 1992, Trident was approved as a small state emblem of Ukraine. In accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996, the main element of the Great State Emblem of Ukraine is the sign of the Prince of Vladimir Great State (Small National emblem Ukraine) "(which, despite the state status of this decision, is some historical stretch: as mentioned above, the" coat of arms "of Vladimir Saint was only a personal symbol, like other Rurikov's emblems of that time).

You can remember in connection with this and such an image:

This version is: on the coat of arms of Ukraine, as well as on the emblem Vladimir, the Khazar Tamga is depicted, which was broadly used in the Khazar Kaganate.

The opening of the Khazar graphics has contacted the Don Cossacks. Mining construction material For its buildings, they disassembled the walls of ancient fortresses. Some of the first finds of the Khazar graphics were discovered on several of the settlers of the left bank of Don (Sarkel, Right-Bank Tsimlyanskaya, Mayutskaya, Semikarakorskaya) at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Generic Tamga in antiquity was a scalar symbol associated with the patron saint of the family (family). The symbol of the genus was put on bricks from which the walls of houses and fortresses were erected. When the brick is represented into the wall, the generic seal was hidden from the eyes finally. Thus, granting to understand the future generations of the true owner of the settlement (home ownership).

Thus, the haharkaya Tamga is nothing but a stamp. It also meets the mention of him as a trident of Yaroslav Novgorodsky, but the essence of the same, the very first mention of the image belong to Khazaras.

Give today any interpretation of the Khazar duzubtsu and the trident in best case unprospectively. How the curiosity was considered different versions Deciphering the reverse side of the first Russian coins Authors of many domestic labor on medieval coins - against a trident. As they wrote, assumptions replace each other: from the Norman cap to a schematic pigeon - the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, at present in scientific World Article approved that the sign can be Tamgia. By itself, the fact of imitation is not something special. In the early shears of German peoples (for example, Vandalov), the mint types, usually imitating Rome (sulk in a wreath, Victoria, holding the crown), an image of the horse's head can be carried on the back side. In the early Anglo-Saxon coins you can see a snake or dragon explained by the consequence of the ancient local beliefs in which the monstrous wotan (Vodan-One) played an important role.

Then, after the adoption of Christianity in Russia, a cross appears on the coins of Vladimir on the Khazar Tagge, and the extent that Christianity was strengthened, and the victory over Khazaria became history, magazine signs disappear from use on the coins of Russia.

This coincided with time when the title of Russian ruler "Kagan" stopped used and was replaced by "Prince"; And as the state of the Russians is complete and stated in the international arena, it ceased to use. In any case, by the beginning of the XIII century. The system of tickles in the signs of Igorevich comes down, which means the cooling of the princes to these alien signs.

Here is such a coin ...

There is such a discussed opinion about the first pictures:

And of course we will not forget about the version:

INiTER F.edorovich Inukovich. ... well, joke, joke ...

And in general, who have something else to add on this issue?

And I already told you in detail. Let's remember then The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

Many already know that the emblem of Ukraine is no no "Rüric sign", but Khazar Tamga. But where did it come from. Khazara, that's turkic peoplewho accepted Judaism and the Jewish priests who were called Koganov. They secretly dedicated to the Khazar ruler of Bulan, and formed the ruling elite with him, giving their daughters for his approximate warriors. Koganov had his own special gesture that they blenged their followers - the fingers stretched out like a trident.

This gesture repeated with its form of the head of the tire (TRUZUB). Later, the ruler of Khazaria himself began to be called Cagan - and the state became kaganat. Kagan performed a ritual role, because he had a blessing and luck on all Khazar. If Kagan was a cult figure, then his minister - Beck was headed by the real political and military authorities. In his submission, there was a garrison of various mercenaries, which were supposed to provide the dictatorship of the Khazar Jewish tip over the enslaved population, including the Slavs. Under Prince, Svyatoslav Igo Khazar Kaganate was reset, and his capital Sarkel was destroyed. In a thousand years, the descendants of Khazar are trying to take a revenge, making Dnepropetrovsk with their capital. It helps them in this American Khazarka Nulland (on her husband's surname Kagan).

Tamga (Sign of Property) Kaganov occurred from the gesture of the blessing and the letters of the tire. Now all these characters returned to New Khazaria - Ukraine. And the leader of the Freedom Party Chauvinist Oleg Taignibok (Fotman) and his owner - oligarch Calomaoisky bless their mercenaries on the Gesthell "Kagan gesture".

Myth about the coat of arms of Ukraine

Let's once again remember more what it is and what can be proud of ...

Old Russian nation or ancient Russian ethnos - a single ethnocultural and social community, which, according to a common historiographic concept, was formed from East Slavic tribes in the process of ethnogenesis in Old Russian state Throughout the X-XIII centuries. As part of this concept, it is believed that all three modern East Slavic people - Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians - arose as a result of the gradual decay of the ancient Russian nation after mongolian invasion On Rus. The concept of ancient Russian nationality, who spoke in a single Old Russian language, has both its supporters and opponents.

Rurikovichi signs - heraldic signs that used old-Russian princes to denote ownership of certain items. Depicted on the stamps, seals, coins of Rurikovich. Unlike the noble coat of arms, such emblems belonged not to the whole family or family, but were personal signs: every prince had his own "coat of arms."

As a rule, on the coins of Kiev princes there are figures that resemble the launched "P", to which the "processes" of the bottom or in the middle, as well as points, crosses, etc., were added, and the same signs could look different, depending From the subject on which they were depicted. Thus, the princess emblems on the seals were shown schematically, in the most simplified form, whereas on the coins the same symbols had many additional ornamental elements.

The heraldic signs of the Old Russian princes reached us not only in the form of images on coins and seals, but also on suspensions, rings, weapons, etc. For these finds, you can not only trace the evolution of the princely symbols of ancient Russia, but also try to restore their origin.

The use of cyzuben and trident images brings closer signs of Rurikovichi with complex royal coat of arms of the Bosporian kingdom, the main elements of which were also these characters. On the connection of the Bosporian and Old Russian Princely Emblems, the preferential use of milk is as the basis of the composition of the coat of arms.

Picking Falcon - the symbol of Rurik, the founder of the city of Novgorod and the prince of the prince, who later became the royal, Dynasty Rurikovich.

Another point, bringing closer to the emblems of the Old Russian princes with the coat of arms of the Bosporian kings, is the hereditary nature of their development. As mentioned above, the princely "coat of arms" of ancient Russia were personal signs that were not transmitted by inheritance, but, as well as the symbols of the Bosporian kingdom, who had a single base in the form of a bubbin, to which each ruler was added (or from which was carried) elements in the form of of all sorts of "processes", curls, etc.

Among the "coat of arms" of the Old Russian princes, there were also complete analogues of the emblems of the Bosporovsky rulers. For example, a personal sign of Yaroslav Wise on the belt plaques found in the forecast and in the vicinity of Suzdal, almost completely coincides with the collap of the Poltava region, made in the VII century VII-VIII century, made in the VII century-VIII century. Both the other image resembles a trident.

Such signs (doubles and tridents) were widely used on the territory of the Khazar kaganate as the symbols of the Supreme Power - they were Tamgs of the robust. It was a continuation of the Sarmato-Alanian tradition of using such signs, ascending to the times of the Bosporian Kingdom

Twisted and trident tamga are known in VIII - IX centuries. In the Khazar world on the details of the belt headset (Podorovsky burial ground), in the form of graffiti on stone blocks and bricks of fortresses (Sarkel, Mayutskoy, Semikarakorskoye, Khumarinsky settlement), in the form of pottery stamps on the vessels (Dmitrievsky burial ground). Perhaps in ancient Russian environment, such signs got exactly from Khazaria, as well as the title "Kagan", perceived by the first Russian princes.

In 1917, after the October Revolution, when new states began to create new states on the territory of the former Russian empire, Prince Vladimir's trident was proposed by the historian Mikhail Grushevsky as a national symbol of Ukraine. The status of a small coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic was received by Vladimir's personal sign on March 22, 1918 as a result of the resolution of the Central Rada. In the future, this symbol was used with some changes and additions to Ukrainian state formations created in the period from 1918 to 1920. With the establishment of the Soviet power in Ukraine, the trident lost his state status, but continued to be used by the organizations of Ukrainian nationalists, as well as with the addition of a cross to the prong, as the component of the coat of arms proclaimed in 1939 by the Carpathian Ukraine. In 1941, he was used by the Ukrainian State Board

After the liquidation of the USSR in 1991, the decision of the Supreme Council of Ukraine dated February 19, 1992, Trident was approved as a small state emblem of Ukraine. In accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996, the main element of the Great State Emblem of Ukraine is the sign of the Princely State of Vladimir Great (Small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine) "(which, despite the state status of this decision, is some historical stretch: as mentioned above," The emblem "Vladimir Saint was only a personal symbol, like other Rurikov's emblems of that time).

You can remember in connection with this and such an image:

The opening of the Khazar graphics has contacted the Don Cossacks. Getting a building material for its buildings, they disassembled the walls of the ancient fortresses. Some of the first finds of the Khazar graphics were discovered on several of the settlers of the left bank of Don (Sarkel, Right-Bank Tsimlyanskaya, Mayutskaya, Semikarakorskaya) at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Generic Tamga in antiquity was a scalar symbol associated with the patron saint of the family (family). The symbol of the genus was put on bricks from which the walls of houses and fortresses were erected. When the brick is represented into the wall, the generic seal was hidden from the eyes finally. Thus, granting to understand the future generations of the true owner of the settlement (home ownership).

Thus, the haharkaya Tamga is nothing but a stamp. It also meets the mention of him as a trident of Yaroslav Novgorodsky, but the essence of the same, the very first mention of the image belong to Khazaras.

To give today any interpretation of the Khazar duzubtsu and the trident at best is unpromising. How the curiosity considered different versions of deciphering the back of the first Russian coins the authors of many different labor on medieval coins - against a trident. As they wrote, assumptions replace each other: from the Norman cap to a schematic pigeon - the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, at present in the scientific world, the opinion was established that the sign could be Tamg. By itself, the fact of imitation is not something special. In the early shears of German peoples (for example, Vandalov), the mint types, usually imitating Rome (sulk in a wreath, Victoria, holding the crown), an image of the horse's head can be carried on the back side. In the early Anglo-Saxon coins you can see a snake or dragon explained by the consequence of the ancient local beliefs in which the monstrous wotan (Vodan-One) played an important role.

Then, after the adoption of Christianity in Russia, a cross appears on the coins of Vladimir on the Khazar Tagge, and the extent that Christianity was strengthened, and the victory over Khazaria became history, magazine signs disappear from use on the coins of Russia.

This coincided with time when the title of Russian ruler "Kagan" stopped used and was replaced by "Prince"; And as the state of the Russians is complete and stated in the international arena, it ceased to use. In any case, by the beginning of the XIII century. The system of tickles in the signs of Igorevich comes down, which means the cooling of the princes to these alien signs.

Here is such a coin ...

There is such a discussed opinion about the first pictures:

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The coat of arms developed in close connection with another symbolic image - seals. Often the coat of arms and printing repeated each other or contained similar elements. Therefore, heraldry is studied simultaneously with Sphragustic - science of seals.

The coat of arms and seals are distinctive signs. Before the coat of arms and the seal became how we present them today, a lot of time has passed. Scientists believe that the sources of the coat of arms and the seals were the signs of property, tags on subjects, testifying to their belonging to one or another person.

Medieval artisans put their stamps on metal, pottery and other products, the peasants were made of scubons ("frontiers") on the trees, noting the boundaries of land plots. Owners of livestock were sometimes burned on the skins of the animals "Tavro", "stain". By the way, from here went the word "stain."

Princely signs can be found on coins, weapons, blizzard belts and military banners.

A merchant, sending his goods abroad, susmented a lead seal in him, often with the sign of the prince, who was obeyed.

Posted letters on behavior, title and privileges rulers were certified by hanging lead (less than gold and silver) or wax seals with relevant images.

Applied prints began to be applied from the end of the XIV century. Churchmenners used the seals whose patron of which was usually depicted by the Mother of God with a baby on the front side and a blessing hand on a revolving.

The type of seals were personal robes - prints, very common over several centuries.

Prince D. M. Pozharskoye on Persnet printing shows two lions, standing against each other in the hind legs and entered into a fight. Proud of his genital seal A. S. Pushkin. It depicts a hand with a raised sword, which symbolized the faithful service of his ancestors of Russia.

Despite the lowest preservation of old seals that have reached us, the researchers believe that they were extremely diverse in their time. It is extremely difficult to study them.

Many prints are not dated, are "deaf", other so mysterious that they generate contradictory interpretations while trying to decipher drawings and inscriptions.

With all this, there is some regularity in the development of the seals, say, the times of the formation of a Russian centralized state. Symbols of combating external enemies - images of an armed rider - moved from Alexander Nevsky to the press of Moscow princes. And in the future he was fixed in the state signs of Russia - in the press and coat of arms. True, for some time in Moscow seals it was possible to see a very peaceful rider with falcon. But after the Kulikov battle, an image was increasing in the form of a warrior, squeezing on horseback and hitting the Snake Dragon.

After the capture of Konstantinople by the Turks in the middle of the 15th century, Moscow Great Princes adopted the Byzantine coat of arms - a double-headed eagle. Ivan III married the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Sophie Paleologist, which clearly influenced the state emblems of Russia.

Since then, an officially recognized image on the coat of arms and press, Russia has become a combination of a double-headed eagle and a horseman-speynost.

In the struggle for the championship in Russia, for the right of its association under its authority, Moscow princes faced Tver. And this peculiarly reflected in the seals of the last great princes of Tver: they are visible to the rider, armed with a sword, a snake soot under his feet. But Tver was not destined to turn into the capital of the Russian state, and the "application" was on it ...

The appearance of coat of arms is associated with the need to distinguish between knights of various orders in the era of crusades. On shields, rascoats, armor placed symbolic images. Otherwise, the soldiers caught up to the head in the iron could not recognize where their own, and where other people's.

The preparation of the coat of arms was subordinate to some general rules. Determine different types The coat of arms are French, Spanish, Italian and others. In Russia, it was used mainly by the coat of arms of the French type - the shield of the quadrangular shape with a pointed in the lower part.

Gold and silver were used for images on herbs. If the coat of arms reproduced on paper, used legend (Gold - black dots, silver - white field without hatching). In the course there was a multicolored enamel in the manufacture of coat of arms, which was also transmitted in a simplified form through paints and special hatching.

All sorts of drawings were applied on the coat of arms. These were animals (real and fantastic), heavenly shining, man-made items (onions, arrows, sword), plants and, of course, people.

The tape was placed on the shield with the motto expressing in a brief realization of the rule of life and activity of the owner of the coat of arms.

On the coats of arms of individual principalities and lands of the image in the time of feudal fragmentation. Then they entered part of in nationwide signs.

Changing images on herbs and seals often reflected large political changes. So, Vladimir-Suzdal Princes first had a common sign of the coat of arms for all Russian princes. But at the end of the XII century, the lion appears in their coat of arms - a symbol of power and power.

In 1672, skillful artists luxuriously issued the book "Ti-Toolnik". Here are together the sketch of the coat of arms of Russia of the time. Along with the national coat of arms, there are signs of cities and lands, reflecting sometimes characteristic local signs.

So, the coat of arms of Yaroslavl - a bear standing on the hind legs with a protavanic (coming spears). Bear, but in a natural position, on four paws, captured on the coat of arms of Perm Great ( Medium Ural). On the coat of arms Smolensk, you can see the gun on which the bird sits. Deer Losem is a symbol Nizhny Novgorod.. Almost all the coat of arms of Siberian cities are furious beasts. Old City Vladimir personified the golden lion in the crown.

Sometimes it is enough to look at the coat of arms of the city to say than this area is famous from the point of view of economic activities.

Kostroma has long been a major pier on the Volga. On her coat of arms - a silver river and her swords with rowers. In the emblem Kineshma reflected a weaving case. The mining industry was imprinted in the symbols of Yekaterinburg cities, Petrozavodsk, Biysk, Kuznetsk, Alapaevsk. A set of weapons is the coat of arms of Tula. Bread ears roll out of the horns of abundance - the coat of arms Kungur is so presented. Selfie-Ro, Ostashkov and other items were famous for fishery, which reflected the coat of arms of these cities.

This development of Russian gerbahd received in the XVIII century. The development of the coat of arms was engaged in a special public institution - the Geroldmaipter office, founded by Peter I. At this time, the practice of Herbwing for noble childbirth and cities was widely spread. The king ordered that the regiments of the Russian army quartered in different cities had images of the emblems of these cities. By the way, the vintage banners are also a historical source associated with Heraldry emblems.

During the reforms of Catherine II (provincial, urban), it was assumed that each city should have his coat of arms. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, a decree was issued on the creation of the "General Hercob of the Russian Empire". But the work was not finished.

Now we are watching a return to the historical symbols of our cities, which is expressed in signs on the products of this or that area industry. Souvenir badges are also known to be acquired by tourists. We value the historical symbols of your locality - it means to maintain the good deeds of the ancestors.

Extremely important knowledge of the arms to figure out the subjects of the life of the past centuries. Especially those who have a special artistic value. Noble nobles considered a sign of a good tone, if on the dishes of gold, silver and porcelain, on the cutlery devices, even on buttons, you could see the generic coat of arms. And for the historian, this is a good guide to determine the belonging of such things, their dates, establishing historical values.

It is impossible not to say that the coat of arms were decorated with palaces and houses, their stone and metal fences. Due to this, the development of old quarters is clarified - for example, Leningrad.

In the "related relationship" with coat of arms are bookmarks (exlebris), pointing to book owners. Sometimes exlebris coincided with herbs, but not always. Knowing bookmarks to whom they belonged, scientists restored the composition of the once scattered libraries of prominent historical figures of the past. Exclibers in the go and now. One witty owner of the library, in the edification of lovers not to return the literature, included the word in the bookmark: "This book is stolen from the library of such something" ...

My answer to the grading about the arms of Ukraine and Russia: Ukraine - Vassal Novgorod and should pay him a tribute! April 20, 2014

Let's start with the "coat of arms" of Ukraine. Well, firstly, the "trident" or "dive falcon" is not the emblem of Ukraine and, moreover, not the coat of arms Kievan Rus.

This is the coat of arms Rurikovichi - ancient Russian princes leading their pedigree from Rurik, Prince Novgorodsky since 862, whose relative Oleg in 882 won Kiev. Coins in Kiev began to minted Prince Vladimir Red Sunshiko (Rüric's grandson) in the 900s. Natural, that he did not think about any coat of arms of Kievan Rus, because He elementally did not know that there is such a state (this was invented by historians), and I thought that everyone knew the genus Rurikovich and therefore posted a coin of his generic emblem (as once Julius Caesar posted his profile on the coins).

Everything. The topic with the coat of arms of Ukraine can be closed. Ukraine can recognize himself by Vassal Novgorod.

Now with a hint that Russia borrowed the coat of arms of Horde. I do not know what kind of coin in the photo, but in the work of silver coins of the Golden Horde is not that such a coin. There is no coin with a double-headed eagle at all! But there are coins with a six-pointed star of David! Does this mean that ukropropaganda will now begin to make hints of Israel or does not risk not running on the sanctions of the financial lobby and the sanctions from the Mossad?

Where did the coat of arms of the Russian Empire come from? Everything is described in Wikipedia. It is necessary only to add that the dynasty of Paleologists whose generic coat was a two-headed eagle, the rules from 1261 to 1453. Those. Byzantium existed in parallel with the Golden Horde.

Coat of arms of paleologists

The Grand Duke Ivan III, married Sophia Paleologist (who had no rights to the Constantinople throne, but had the right to coat of arms) in 1467, the first image of the coat of arms dates back to 1497, 17 years after the fall of the Golden Horde.

And personally, I understand why Ivan III did it: it was a claim to recreate the Byzantine Empire on the lands of Russia.

After all, during his reign, Moscow was joined: Novgorod Earth, for a long time The former rival of the Moscow Principality Tver Prince, as well as Yaroslavl, Rostov, and partly Ryazan Principality. Only the Pskov and Ryazan Principality remained independent, however, they were not completely independent. After successful wars with the Grand Durability Lithuanian, Novgorod-Seversky, Chernigov (what about Ukraine?), Bryansk and a number of cities (who constituted before the war about a third of the territory of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian); Dying, Ivan III handed over to his successor several times big lands than accepted himself. In addition, it is with Great Prince Ivan III that the Russian state becomes completely independent: as a result of "standing in the thief", the power of the Orda Khan over Russia, which lasted from 1243, is completely stopped.

Portrait of Ivan III from the book of 1575.

In Russia, the Epoch of the Board begins with the Genomysland. All rulers, as well as tribes, the family peoples have had their own sign, symbol or coat of arms. Has the Gostomysl had his coat of arms during the reign? There are no unambiguous information on this.

On the times of the Rüric board on the Internet there are enough information, having studied them to conclude that when the Rurika is rejected by the symbol of worship and pride was falcon. Certificate of this extracted during excavations with an old lag image of a falcon on various artifacts of the second quarter of the X century.

Why did Falcon become a symbol of worship and pride? There are many different hypotheses. After examining the materials, I had my own hypothesis that I would tell you.

During the reign of Rüric, the peoples of Russia worshiped the gods. Gods are the power of nature or mythical, which helped or harmed people. None of the people could see the victim of God. That worship was not to nowhere, people created idols in their own fantasy. The idols created a carving appearance of a stone, cutting out of the tree and other ways, but they were all inanimate, and since the living strive to communicate with alive, then the peoples wished to see the gods of animals, that is reincarnated in birds, animals, etc.

One of the most revered Gods of the time was considered to be Perun - God-Rubelzitz, the patron of Prince and the squad. The name Perun matters a beating, hitting, separating (thunder and lightning).

Falcon, which is considered the coat of arms of Rüric called Rarog. IN slavic mythology Rarog - fiery spirit associated with the cult of the hearth. Also Rarog was considered a fiery bird.

Tied these links into a single chain, it suggests that Perun, Rarog and the coat of arms falcon are one of the three components. Perun - Beating Lightning, Rarog - Fire Bird, Falcon - Predatory, Fearless Bird, Attacking Lightning Line. Thus, it becomes clear that, according to the peoples of that time, Falcon is a bird in which God of Perun reincarnated. And that is why the falcon has become a revered bird and the image on the coat of arms.

By while speaking, Falcon and to this day is an emblem image of cities.


Print Princess Olga.

The arms of ancient Russia

Image №1 Picture # 2.

On various Internet resources there are many pictures on each other in which it is approved by the belonging of a particular sign of one way or another person, but there are no specifics of testifying this fact. Whether the images are true I do not know, but I will not be so skeptical and we will believe the authors of images, placing for viewing visitors to this site.

Coat stamp

Copper Print Svyatoslav I.

The print image of Svyatoslav Igorevich walks through the expanses of the Internet, but no one bothered to give a description where, under what circumstances this thing was found.

If you look at, then the coat of arms of Svyatoslav depicted there is not similar to the copper ancient thing, but on the drawing at number 2 is very similar.

How "Falcon Rurika" turned into a double-room - how many people are so many versions. However, one thing is clear that such doubles were used by other peoples. Who is the first, and who adopted, it is difficult to understand even historians.



Otchysk Tamble Print Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Coat of arms

1. Creaters of Vladimir I 2.Vilant Printing Vladimir I.

On an obverse of Srebrenika, the image of Vladimir, on the reverse of the coat of arms, which has an addition to the center, unlike the coat of arms of Svyatoslav.

Let's turn to the pictures and, comparing it clearly, that exactly the exact image is not. Conclusion: Especially to believe artists is not worth it.

On the prints of the Bolt Print, apparently, Vladimir himself is depicted, which is extremely difficult to understand, nevertheless the author of the mined artifact argues that. We will believe and admire the ancient thing.

There are many versions and disputes about the image on the emblem of Vladimir. I will not delve into fantasy and imagination, but I just repeat the drawing. One things it becomes clear that the emblem is written by one line without separation. This is the coat of arms of Svyatoslav, who became the basis of the emblem of Vladimir. Vladimir, to the center of the coat of arms of Svyatoslav added something in the form of some vensels. What is it? For beauty or deep intent - a mystery to today.

Coat of arms

Srebrenik Svyatopolka I..

On the reverse Srebrenika shows the coat of arms of Svyatopolka. Svyatopolk did not become a successor of the coat of arms developed by uncle in the form of three geometric Figure. Svyatopolk took a brain figure as a basis, which was the coat of arms from his grandfather - Svyatoslav. Apparently, all the same, the main point was laid in two vertices, but the third vertex, invented by Vladimir, is possible for beauty or to stand out of originality, Svyatopolk considered to be overwhelmed, but one of the pointed vertices changed to the cross. And there is deep meaningSince in those days Rus massively acquired the Orthodox faith.

Coat of arms

Srebrenik Yaroslav Mudryova.

On the reverse of Srebrenika, we again see the coat of arms with three vertices, the so-called trident of Vladimir. Many historians believe that Yaroslav repeated the geometry of the coat of arms of his father, thereby continued by a generic sign, fulfilling it in a simple uncomplicated form.


Bold Printing Izaslav I.

The author posted this item declared the belonging to Izyaslav, without describing what was depicted in print. Since the image is not clear, you can dormit in reality. But I did not find anything else.




Bold Print Svyatoslav II.

I found two different seals that were treated as the seal of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. It would be possible to think that one of them is false, but most likely both are valid, since Svyatoslav reigned for a long time in Chernigov and in Kiev. Most likely, one of them is Chernihiv, another Kievan. The first depicts saved on the throne, she is kept in the Novgorod Museum. The image of the second was not described.
