Three-digit numbers are interesting facts and events. How the numbers appeared

1. Eastern countries they are afraid of the number 4. Its pronunciation is very close to the word "death". The Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese have equated it with an "unlucky" number. If you pay attention to the number of floors in buildings, you will notice that the number "4" at the end of a floor is almost never recorded.

2. Small trick (elementary explained by mathematics and logic). Take your year of birth, or rather the last 2 digits. Remember how old you were in 2011? Add the last digits from the year of birth to these years. We bet you got 111?

3. If you square 111 111 111, the result is surprising! You will get 12345678987654321. These are all the numbers in order. First they increase, then they go down.

4. Guess what happens when you add up all the numbers on the casino roulette? The number of the devil, of whom many are afraid, is 666.

5. Many people know about various lotteries "6 out of 49" (as it used to be in Sportloto). Do you know how many times the jackpot was hit during the entire existence of the game? 3 times! The real lucky ones.

6. Everyone from school remembers about the number Pi - 3.14. He even has 2 holidays. Informal, of course. In America it is March 14 (03.14) and July 22 (22/7). Ask why July? Because when you divide the number by the number of the month, you get just the number Pi. Funny idea.

7. Most big number has 600 zeros per one. It has its own name. It is a centillion.

8. Interesting Facts about numbers and figures also concern scientists. An American graduate student-mathematician once was late for class. Equations were written on the blackboard. George Danzig (that was the name of the graduate student) decided that it was asked at home. After suffering for several days, puzzling over how such a difficult task was given, George solved it. What was his surprise when he learned that this is an "unsolvable" problem in statistics. Many scientists have strained their convolutions for many years to unravel the mystery of these problems.

9. Guess which is the most common female name? Anna. 100 million women are named by him.

10. Famous people, too, with their "cockroaches" in their heads and fears. For example, Sigmund Freud was terrified of the number 62. This went so far that Freud did not stay in hotels with more than 61 rooms. What if he, the lucky one, gets 62 of them all? And the composer Arnold Schoenberg was afraid of a damn dozen. And he died on Friday the 13th at the age of 76 (do you know how much 7 + 6 is?). here it is - the magic of numbers. And he only says that thoughts are material. And you do not need to create fears for yourself so that they do not "finish off" you.

11. Another interesting fact about the devilish number. Imagine that in the USSR, architects wanted to create a microdistrict, building houses in it in such a way that the name of a great power could be read from space. However, the idea somehow fell out of favor or the finances did not allow it. But as a result, there is a 522th microdistrict in Kharkiv, where there are only 3 houses. And the satellite shows them on the map as "666".

12. In the Himalayas there is a sacred mountain with a height of 6666 m. Its name is Kailash. It is striking that its height is the distance to the center of the North Pole and at the same time to Stonehenge. Some kind of mysticism. But the mountain is actually very beautiful.

13. A centipede actually has more than 40 legs. People often call this a spider with long and thin "legs". She moves so fast that it seems 40 legs. However, some people call centipedes centipedes, in which, in fact, the number of legs reaches 400, and sometimes even higher. Those who count 100 legs should be wary of this insect. It bites painfully. But the so-called millipedes are generally harmless and harmless. Biology is an interesting science.

14. In Budapest, trolleybuses received numbers in 1949. It was in that year that Stalin celebrated his anniversary - his seventh decade. And so the very first trolleybus was assigned number 70 (although now there is no such route anymore). Since then, route numbers have been given after 70. There is neither the first nor the twentieth, nor the fifty-third.

15. Is it realistic to live a million days? Interesting. But if you count, then this is 27 centuries. Not many days have passed since the beginning of our era. So the answer is unequivocal - no, one person cannot live so many days.

Material from LoveToKnow

  • (If 30 thousand years ago a person had an idea of ​​a million and wanted to depict it using notches, making one notch per minute for 8 hours a day, it would take him about 6 years! Getting acquainted with the number 0, hardly anyone imagined that this is one of greatest discoveries! Have different methods There was a flaw in the designation of numbers invented by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans: as the numbers increased, new signs were needed. The great Archimedes learned to name huge numbers, but he did not know how to designate them. The smallest thing was missing - zero! For the first time 0 was invented by the Babylonians (two thousand years ago). But they used it only to indicate the missing digits in the middle of the number. They did not guess to write zeros at the end of the number. In India, around the 19th century, zero was attached to nine digits and it became possible to designate any number with these ten digits, no matter how large it was. And most importantly, the entry became short. After this discovery, people received a powerful instrument for learning about nature. Indeed, without zero, many scientific achievements would not be possible, for example, space flights and the invention of computers. - We are from 90. ID 048 18:53, 24 October 2012 (MSD)))
  • (In Italy, in addition to the fear of the number 13, which is customary for Europeans, the number 17 is also considered unlucky. A possible explanation for this lies in the graves of the ancient Romans, on which the inscriptions VIXI were not uncommon, which means “I lived” or “My life is over” . If you express the inscription in Roman numerals, then you get VI + XI = 6 + 11 = 17. - Omega_IDm2012_027 19:28, 24 October 2012 (MSD))
  • (Number 13 in life famous people... 1. JV Goethe usually spent Friday the 13th in bed. 2. Bismarck did not put his signature on that day even under the most innocuous text. 3. When Queen Elizabeth of England came to Germany in 1965, at the last moment the organizers of the trip noticed that the train was arriving on track 13 of the railway station. I had to urgently change the numbering .. 4. Most of all, Richard Wagner was unlucky with the damn dozen - he died on February 13th. Although, in fact, the whole life of the composer was firmly connected with this number. The original German spelling of the first and last name of the composer Richard Wagner has 13 letters. He was born in 1813, wrote 13 major works, the premiere of "Tannhäuser" took place on March 13th. Wagner finished Parsifal on January 13th. Sergei Korolev was calm about the number 13, but for some reason he could not stand Mondays. Spaceships did not fly in the Soviet Union on Mondays. 5. Napoleon never fought on Friday the 13th. Moreover, the 13th of every month was for his enemies a Day Without a Shot. 6. There are people who believe that the number 13 brings good luck. For example, the first pilot to cross the Atlantic, Charles Lindbergh, was actually not the first, but the 13th to do so. Twelve attempts before him ended in failure ... - X-Men IDm2012 041 21:12, 25 October 2012 (MSD))
  • Number 42... There are not so many mystical numbers in the history of mankind. But very few people know about the number 42. And it is very mystical and unusual!

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it comes that at the death judgment people will need to bear responsibility for their 42 mortal sins before 42 gods. Before leaving his body and staying in the astral plane forever, Buddha answered questions for forty-two years. Even our beloved Gogol, who was very fond of mysticism, did not ignore this number. In his story "The Nose", the main character had to reach the age of 42 - this is how he justified his ardent unwillingness to tie the knot. The prayer "Ana be koakh", which the worshipers of Kabbalah know, consists of seven lines, and each line contains six words (7x6 = 42). And if you add up the first letters of all these words, you get the name of God. And what is interesting is that they begin to study Kabbalah only when they are 42 years old. 42 looks like a symbol of the life and creative destiny of the poet A. Balmont, he was born 42 years after the uprising of the Decembrists, collaborating in the anti-government magazine Red Banner, published in Paris, he published 42 poems there. Balmont died in 1942. This number is found in the book "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll: "At that moment the King, who was hastily writing something in his memorable book, shouted: - Silence!" Law number Forty Two! - loudly he read. - All persons more than a mile tall must leave the courtroom. " The Magnificent Six IDm2012 088 13:33, 27 October 2012 (MSD)))

  • Number 33... Sacred mystical number many spiritual traditions, including the Russian one ("thirty-three heroes", "thirty years and three years"). A. Holgin writes: “Some researchers find a connection between 33 letters of the alphabet and 33 vertebrae in the human spine. On the one hand, they correspond to certain letters of the alphabet, on the other - 7 main planets, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 5 primary elements in the YANG state, 5 primary elements in the YIN state and 4 elements - Fire, Air, Water, Earth. " In many traditions, including the Christian one, it is considered a symbol of the sacred age, upon reaching which all spiritual powers and abilities are fully revealed in a properly developing person. The age of Jesus Christ. - Lords of numbers IDm2012 076 15:58, 27 October 2012 (MSD)
  • The number 142857 is called a cyclic number. This is due to the fact that if this number is multiplied by 2, by 3, by 4, by 5, by 6, then you will get a number composed of the same digits, with their circular permutation. You can show focus on this property. We need 2 people.

142857 * 5 = 714285

142857 * 4 = 571428

142857 * 6 = 857142

142857 * 2 = 285714

142857 * 3 = 428571

The numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are written on the cards, and given to the second participant in the focus. The cards with numbers 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7 remain with the magician.

The number 142857 is laid out, the second participant chooses any of his cards, and the magician asks to multiply 142857 by the number he drew. While the second participant is multiplying, the magician collects the cards and rearranges the cards as follows: if you need to multiply the number by 6, then the product must end in two, because 6 * 7 = 42. If the deck is removed so that the deuce is at the bottom, then after revealing the cards it will be the last card and the number shown by the cards coincides with the answer of the second participant. The Magnificent Seven IDm0004 19:28, October 27, 2012 (MSD)

  • The number of the beast 666 - Smith's number, the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits of its prime factors (2,3,3,37): 6 + 6 + 6 = 2 + 3 + 3 + (3 + 7) = 18.

666 is equal to the sum of its numbers and the cubes of its numbers: 6 + 6 + 6 + 216 + 216 + 216 = 666.666 can be written in nine different numbers in two ways in ascending order and one in descending order: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 567 + 89 = 666 123 + 456 + 78 + 9 = 666 9 + 87 + 6 + 543 + 21 = 666 The sum of all integers from 1 to 36 inclusive is 666. This means that 666 is the 36th triangular number .-- Ministry of Emergencies IDm2012 025 21:55, 27 October 2012 (MSD)

  • Pi has two unofficial holidays. The first is March 14, because that day in America is recorded as 3.14. The official celebration starts at 1:59 am to match 3.14159 with the date. The second is July 22, which is written in the European format as 22/7, and the value of such a fraction is a fairly popular approximate value of Pi.

The first million decimal places in Pi consists of: 99959 zeros, 99758 ones, 100026 twos, 100229 triples, 100230 fours, 100359 fives, 99548 sixes, 99800 sevens, 99985 eights and 100106 nines. Number IDm2012 023 11:42 pm October 27, 2012 (MSD)

  • The secret Doctrine of the East says that with the number SEVEN the most intimate of secrets is connected. SEVEN is the main number of nature, man and life in general. This is the main number of the manifested Cosmos.

In Ancient Babylon, 7 gods were known, to whom both the Sun and the Moon were counted. All incomprehensible phenomena of nature were attributed to the gods, and gradually the idea of ​​gods was combined with the seven planets. Venus was considered by the Romans to be the goddess of beauty, Mercury was the god of trade, Mars was the god of war, Jupiter was the god of thunder, and Saturn was the god of sowing. They began to count the time according to them. Thus the seven-day week was born. The names of the days are associated with the names of the gods, Sunday (7th day) among the Germans is an umbrella (day of the Sun). IDm2012 003 20:14 October 29, 2012 (MSK)

  • The authenticity of the euro banknote can be checked by its serial number letters and eleven numbers. It is necessary to replace the letter with its ordinal number in the Latin alphabet, add this number with the rest, then add the digits of the result until we get one digit. If this number is 8, then the bill is genuine. Another way to check is to add the numbers in a similar way, but without the letter. The result of one letter and number must correspond to a specific country, since the euro is printed in different countries. For example, for Germany it is X2. - Clever girls IDm2012 037 17:34, 30 October 2012 (MSK)

(Place the text of the team message here. Sign the team by clicking on the "Signature with time stamp" button in the article editing mode (the team name and id-number should be displayed!))

One. - Number 1 represents God. The Egyptians in their hymns to Amon-Ra proclaimed him "the first one" or, perhaps, "the only one". The Pythagoreans equated the unit with a deity, indivisible and containing all things in itself. Muslims say: "He - Allah - is one". The Babylonians considered 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13 unlucky numbers.

Two. - Number 2, a perfect number, acts as a sign of duality. It was considered the source of evil and the emblem of divisible matter. It is a symbol of rebellion against unity. The Egyptians had an amulet in the shape of two fingers, their country consisted of two parts, and their kingdom was also double. Christian priests raise two fingers in blessing.

Three. - represented birth, life and death; beginning, middle and end; childhood, maturity and old age. It symbolizes the Trinity, therefore it was in the highest degree sacred. - Double two IDm2012 052 11:02, 31 October 2012 (MSK)

  • The mysterious power was attributed to the number 9: in some times good, and in others - unkind. “Nine will have no way,” they said in ancient times. The title of the painting by I. Aivazovsky "The Ninth Wave" recalls the formidable forces of nature.
  • These beliefs arose when the number was the limit of counting 8 , and behind it - something mysterious, strange ...
  • For the ancient Greeks, good fame was established behind this number. The jury at the Olympic Games consisted of of nine judges, there were nine muses - the patrons of the arts and sciences. It was the personification of completeness, prosperity, and not something unknown, dark.
  • Nine became in numerology a symbol of material success.
  • According to the ancient Greeks, the number two this is - symbol of love and impermanence, all the time is in search of the highest harmony and balance. Number two- this is softness and tact, the desire to smooth out sharp corners... It is located between light and darkness, good and evil, warm and cold, wealth and poverty.
  • Name number two symbolizes a changeable character and even some kind of inner anxiety. No need to worry about trifles and all sorts of insignificant reasons, you should avoid disputes and quarrels. Collaboration will bring the greatest success.
9:25 November 7, 2012 (MSK)
  • Why 360 degrees in a circle

The history of the development of mankind knew different systems reckoning. In Ancient Babylon, the sixagesimal number system was invented. The Babylonians counted in threes, according to the number of joints on each finger of the left hand, that is, up to 12. Then each finger right hand meant 12. Thanks to this, the counting continued until 60. The number 60 became ritual in Ancient Babylon: there were so many gods, and each of them had its own numerical designation from 1 to 60. For example, the creator of the universe was designated by the number 20; the god of the planet Jupiter - 11; the god of the moon - 30. The height of the golden idol installed in the temple of Nebuchadnezzar was 60 cubits. It is not surprising that the number 60 formed the basis of the ancient Babylonian calendar. Observing the features of the circular motion of the Moon and the Sun, the Babylonians came to the conclusion that the year consists of 360 days. Therefore, they divided the circle into 360 degrees, one degree for each day. The year was divided into 12 months, because the Sun lingers in each constellation of the Zodiac for about a month, and the Moon moves across the sky in a month - 30 days. In one of the Babylonian temples, there was a statue of a god surrounded by 360 jugs, each of which symbolized one of the days of the year. CHILDREN X IDm2012 062 22:01, 7 November 2012 (MSK)

  • From the history of zero.

The word "zero" comes from the Latin word "Nulla" meaning "none" (significant digit). The Greek astronomers, who used hexadecimal fractions, introduced a special sign for the division of the digits, shaped like the letter O (omicron, the first letter in the Greek word "onden", meaning "nothing"). In the VII century. v Ancient India the decimal positional number system was already used, and together with it, zero was systematically used, which was denoted by a dot, as well as a circle. Some scholars believe that the circle for zero was introduced by the Greeks. The Indians called zero "sunya", which meant "empty", in the sense that there was no place in the number. Arabs from whom the Europeans took over decimal system reckoning, translated the Indian "sunya" into the Arabic word "as-sifr". That is why until the 17th century. zero was called a "digit". For Europeans, Indian arithmetic and, in particular, zero were initially considered some kind of secret. Therefore, they began to give the name "numbers" or "cipher" of any cryptography. Currently, zero is not just a sign for separating the digits, but a number that can be added. subtract, multiply and divide like other numbers. The only restriction is that you cannot divide by zero. Snoopy IDm2012 069 22:26 November 7, 2012 (MSK)

  • About pi

It is known that the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter cannot be accurately expressed by either an integer or common fraction, nor a finite fraction. Archimedes obtained approximate values ​​for pi with a deficiency and an excess by considering the polygons inscribed in a circle and described around it with sufficiently a large number parties. In some Asian countries, the value pi = root (10) is found, i.e. 3.162 .... Astronomer Wang Fan (229-267) argued that pi = 142/45, i.e. 3.155 ..., and Tzu Chun-chih (428-499) spoke about the "inexact" value of 22/7 and the "exact" 355/113, showing that pi is between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. The last value was recorded in the 7th century. in the form of a named number: 3 zhang 1 chi 4 cunya 1 fen 5 li 9 hao 2 miao 7 ho. By 1963, electronic machines had found 100,265 decimal places for pi. Calculating such a large number of signs for pi has no practical meaning, but only shows a huge advantage and perfection modern means and computation methods compared to the old ones .-- Googol ID 068 22:59, 7 November 2012 (MSK)

Panic horror before some numbers great people have also experienced. For Sigmund Freud, this number was 62 ... The founder of psychoanalysis was so afraid of this combination of numbers that he preferred to stay only in small hotels with no more than 61 rooms, so that he would not even accidentally get a room with an ill-fated number. And the Composer of Arnold Schoenberg, who was afraid "damn dozen", this is the most "dozen" and destroyed. He died at the age of 76, an age which, according to his personal astrologer, was fatal for Schönberg, since the numbers added up 13 ... And the composer died on Friday the 13th

Facts about numbers. These are prime numbers and many others. Some numbers, such as Pi and a number of others, we brought out in separate materials. So we advise you to read them too. Here are a few fun facts about numbers, which, for sure, will be of interest to you.

Facts about negative numbers

Nowadays negative numbers known to many, but this was not always the case. For the first time, negative numbers began to be used in China in the 3rd century, but they were allowed to be used only in exceptional cases, since they were considered nonsense. Somewhat later, negative numbers began to be used in India to denote debts.

So, in the work "Mathematics" in nine books, published in 179 AD. BC, during the Han dynasty and commented in 263 by Liu Hui, in the Chinese system of counting sticks, black sticks were used for negative numbers, and red ones for positive ones. Also, to indicate negative numbers, Liu Hui used oblique counting sticks.

The "-" sign, which is now used to denote negative numbers, was first seen in the ancient Bakhshali manuscript in India, but there is no consensus among scholars as to when it was compiled, the range of disagreement is from 200 to 600 AD. NS.

Negative numbers were already known in India in 630 AD. BC. They were used by the mathematician Brahmagupta (598-668).

For the first time in Europe, negative numbers began to be used around 275 AD. They were introduced into use by the Greek mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria, but in the West they were considered absurd until the appearance of the book Ars Magna (Great Art), written in 1545 by the Italian mathematician Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576).

Prime facts

The numbers 2 and 5 are the only ones in a series of primes that end in 2 and 5.

Other facts about numbers

The number 18 is the only number (except 0), the sum of the digits of which is 2 times less than itself.

2520 is the smallest number that can be evenly divided by all numbers from 1 to 10.

The number "five" in Thai is pronounced "ha". Therefore, the number made up of three fives - 555, will be pronounced like a slang phrase denoting human laughter - "Ha, ha, ha."

We all know that there are palindrome words. That is, those that can be read from left to right and from right to left and their meaning does not change. However, there are also numbers-palindromes (palindromones). They are mirrored numbers that will be read and have the same value in both directions, for example 1234321.

The word Googol (the origin of the Google brand) stands for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

The only number that cannot be written in Roman numerals is "Zero". Also, in modern mathematics, zero has some peculiarities of its interpretation. So, in Russian mathematics, he is not ranked among the series natural numbers, and foreign science relates.

We all know the numbers from 0 to 9. And how did they come about? Where did these familiar 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 come from, which we constantly use in Everyday life? What are they called and why do they have such a name? Let's plunge into history and find out the answers to these and many other questions.

The history of numbers

Even in ancient times, a person needed an account. Even when there were no letters and numbers yet, when ancient man did not know what two or five was, he had to perform simple actions to divide the prey, determine the number of people for hunting, and many others.

Initially, he used his hands, and sometimes even his feet, showed on his fingers. Remember the saying "I know my 5 fingers"? It is possible that it was invented in those distant times. It was the fingers that were the first instruments for counting.

Life went on as usual, everything changed, people needed some other signs besides fingers. The numbers became more and more, it was difficult to keep them in the head, it was necessary to somehow denote and write them down. This is how the numbers appeared. And different countries came up with their own. The first were the Egyptians, then the Greeks and Romans. Now we sometimes use Roman numerals. However, the most popular and used by us to this day are the numbers invented in India before the beginning of the 5th century.

Why are they called that?

Why are the usual numbers called Arabic, because they were invented in India? And all because they got widespread thanks to the Arab countries, which began to actively use them. The Arabs took Indian numbers, changed them a little and began to actively use them. Among those who helped the world to discover the well-known Arabic numerals were the Frenchman Alexander de Villiers, the British teacher John Halifax and the famous mathematician Fibonacci, who often traveled to the East and studied the works of Arab scientists.

The word "digit" itself is of Arabic origin. The consonant Arabic word "sifr" denotes the icons that we are used to using 0,1, 2 ... 9.

Let's take a closer look at the numbers

Number 1

Guess the riddle:

Sister with a sly nose
The account will be opened ... ( unit)

That's right, this is number 1. The very first number. It's easy to write. It is with her that acquaintance with numbers always begins. Any number can be made from units, for example 1 + 1 = 2, etc. In China, one is the beginning of everything. However, we also have. The beginning of the school year is September 1, and New Year- January 1st.

Number 1 symbolizes the beginning, unity, integrity, like God, sun, universe, space. It is an indivisible and unique number.

Number 2

Next riddle:

Neck, tail and head,
Like a swan figure ... ( two)

Number 2. Look at it carefully. She really looks like a swan. In some countries, the two is considered a symbol of the opposite, and in some, on the contrary, a symbol of pairing. And also integrity. Millions of creation without a pair are not whole ... For example, two wings, two eyes, two ears and other parts of the body. Any family starts with two ...

The number two is often found in the literature. Remember Krylov's fables "Two Doves", "Two Dogs" or the tale of the Brothers Grimm "Two Brothers", Nosov's tale "Two Frosts". Two is the smallest prime number. And also the worst grade in school. In order not to get deuces, you need to study well.

Number 3

Let's guess another riddle:

What a miracle
What a figure!
Every tomboy knows.
Even in our alphabet
She has a twin sister ... ( three)

Number 3. You probably noticed that the number three is very often found in many fairy tales: "The father had three sons", "rode for three days and three nights", "spit three times", "knock on wood three times", " clap your hands three times "," turn around three times around your axis "," say something three times "," three heroes "," three wishes ", etc. It is believed that the number "three" is sacred. The number really looks like the letters of the Russian alphabet "Z".

Number 4

I am after the number 3,
And the number five is slightly inferior.
What kind of figure am I?

Number 4. It is said that the four is the most magical of the numbers. In most states, it is a symbol of integrity. But in Asian countries they treat it with apprehension. In life we ​​meet the number 4 very often: 4 seasons, 4 cardinal points, 4 natural elements, 4 times of day, etc.

Number 5

How many fingers on the hand
And a penny in a patch,
The rays of the starfish
Five rooks have beaks,
Maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion
Tell about all this
The figure will help us ... (five)

Number 5. In most schools, this is the best grade! Although, for example, in Germany, the top five is given on the contrary to those who try badly. Where can we meet the top five? For example, there are 5 continents on Earth, and the symbol of the Olympic Games has 5 rings, and there are 5 fingers on the hands and feet.

Number 6

How many letters does the dragon have
And a million zeros
Different chess pieces
The wings of three white chickens,
Beetle legs
And the sides by the chest.
If we cannot count ourselves,
Will tell us digit ... (six)

Number 6. The most tricky number. If it stands on your head, the number 6 will become a nine. The cube has 6 faces, all insects have 6 legs, many musical instruments have 6 holes each - these are examples of where the number 6 occurs in life.

Number 7

How many colors are there in a bright rainbow?
How many wonders of the world are there?
How many hills does Moscow have?
This figure is so suitable for us to answer!

Number 7. Easy to write, reminiscent of an ax or a question mark. Perhaps everyone knows that this figure is considered the most successful. Each week has 7 days, there are 7 notes in music, and the rainbow has 7 colors, world civilization has 7 wonders of the world. As you can see, the number 7 is also very common in life.

And the number 7 is also loved folk beliefs and loves to live in fairy tales. Well, who does not know such favorite fairy tales as "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Seven-Flower Flower", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Tale of the Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs."

The most coveted word in the world also contains the number 7 - Family.

Number 8

Well this is necessary! We carry the number
On the bow, take a look, please.
This figure plus hooks -
Points are obtained ...

Number 8. Number 8 - inverted infinity sign. For many peoples, this figure is special. For example, in China, it means prosperity and wealth. The famous mathematician Pythagoras also believed that the number 8 is harmony, balance and prosperity. Do you remember what holiday we celebrate on March 8th? How many hooves do two cows have? How many legs does a spider have?

Number 9

The kitten walked across the bridge
He sat on the bridge and dangled his tail.
"Meow! It's more convenient for me after all ... "
The kitten has become a number ...!

Number 9. Remember we recently studied the number 6? Doesn't the number 9 look like it? This is the last number in the row.

Digit 0

The numbers stood up like a detachment,
In a friendly numerical series.
First in order role
The number will play us ...

Digit 0. This is the only digit that cannot be divided by. The number zero is neither positive nor negative. The first to use the figure was the medieval Persian scholar Al-Khwarizmi.

We have already found out that the history of numbers and numbers is as old as the world. Throughout its existence, numbers and numbers have overgrown with a variety of myths and legends. Many interesting facts are connected with them. The most interesting of them are presented below.

  1. In translation from Arabic, the word "digit" means "emptiness, zero". Agree, this is very symbolic.
  2. Can zero be written in roman numerals? But no. You cannot write "zero" in Roman numerals, it does not exist in nature. The Romans start counting from one.
  3. Largest number on this moment- centillion. It is a one followed by 600 zeros. It was first recorded on paper back in 1852.
  4. What do you associate the number 666 with? Did you know that this is the sum of all the numbers on casino roulette?
  5. All over the world it is believed that 13 is an unlucky number. In many countries, floor 13 is skipped and after the twelfth there is the fourteenth or, for example, 12A. But in Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea) the unlucky number is 4, so the floor is also skipped. In Italy, another unloved number for some reason is 17.
  6. On the contrary, the happiest and most successful number is considered to be 7.
  7. The Arabs themselves write numbers from right to left, and not as we are used to doing from left to right.
  8. An interesting theory of one mathematician is that the numerical value is directly related to the number of angles in writing the number. Indeed, earlier numbers were written angularly, they acquired their usual rounded outlines over time.