Shrovetide competition running in cans. Shrovetide games and contests for children and adults (outdoors and indoors)

Although Maslenitsa is not a public holiday, the whole country celebrates it. Including children, who also rejoice at the arrival of spring and eat pancakes with pleasure. Therefore, Maslenitsa contests for the youngest children will come in handy. Hilarious and funny contests for speed, knowledge, and dexterity. Children will be happy to compete with each other, because the main prize is of course pancakes. And if you are in your kindergarten, then these contests can help you diversify and supplement it.

Contest 1 - jump over the pancake.
For the competition, you will need plastic basins. First, one basin lays down and the children must jump over it. It is possible from a place you can take a running start. Those who jumped over one basin go further. And then the second falls on the first pelvis, and the children jump again, but after two pelvis. Etc. Until there is one winner left. You don't need a lot of cans, as children are unlikely to jump over four cans that lie on top of each other. Still, the height will already be great.

Competition 2 - Pancake Relay.
And again we need pots. Only they are placed in one line at a distance of a meter from each other. And after the last basin there is a chair with pancakes on it. Children should be on two legs, jumping over the basins, jump to a chair, take a pancake and also come back. And after he came back you have to eat your pancake. As soon as the pancake is eaten, the second team member goes to the distance. Which team will quickly transfer and eat all the pancakes, that one won.

Competition 3 - Best Scarecrow.
It is no secret that a scarecrow is burned at Shrovetide, which symbolizes the farewell to winter. And in this competition, children will need to make such a stuffed animal. And for this you need old rags, old clothes, and so on. Whoever gets the best stuffed animal in five minutes won. You can play in teams or every man for himself.

Competition 4 - bell.
One child is selected and stands in the center. The rest of the children form a circle around him. Children who have formed a circle should carefully pass the bell to each other behind their backs, trying not to ring. And the child in the center must find the one with the bell in his hands. If the child guesses, then the one who has a bell at the moment when he was shown, stands in the center and now he must guess who has the bell.

Competition 5 - three legs.
For this competition, children are paired. Each pair is tied one leg together: the right leg of one child with the left leg of the other child. And makes an obstacle course. That is, you need to place flags that you need to run around, horizontal bars, under which you need to crawl, and so on. And couples compete on this strip. Which pair will show the best passing time, that one won.

Competition 6 - the best vehicle.
Children are divided into two teams, and each team is given one broom. And the obstacle course must be made of pins that are in a line. Children sit astride a broom and in this way must run the entire route. For each pin knocked down, a penalty of one second. So you have to time the time for each team, and then add penalty seconds. And the team that has less time with a penalty won.

Competition 7 - Proverbs, Sayings and Shrovetide.
Children take turns telling proverbs and sayings about Shrovetide. They also name objects and things that are suitable for Shrovetide. Whoever calls more wins.

Hi friends! Agree, there is a time when games and fun for children and adults are "legalized" by the traditions of our people. And I will even say more, a person who does not have fun during this period will surprise all people very much. Of course, we are talking about a holiday. And, to be more precise, about the most cheerful holiday when we call for spring with our perky mood! And although our main topic of conversation will be carnival games for children, I ask you not to forget that, having fun with the kids, we ourselves are having fun. Therefore, we will turn the holiday into mischief and pampering for the whole family!

I will conditionally divide all the fun into those that will take place outside and the ones we are we will play in the house or in kindergarten... Why conditionally? Because a lot will depend on other factors as well. For example, if the weather is favorable, why not transfer the entire planned program to the yard, to the dacha, or just to the park? It will be very cool! I have already made list of games, I will tell you about some of them in more detail. If you are not familiar with any fun, ask. And if you have something to add to the list, share in the comments!

Entertainment for toddlers at home

I have already clearly shown that when it comes to entertainment, age does not play a big role, we all love to have an interesting and fun time. And yet, it should be borne in mind that the children preschool age still have some limitations to consider. For example, they are weaker physically, which means that the program should not be very intense and lengthy. It is better to break it down into several stages. And also kids do not know how to count and write so quickly, they are not so nimble and quick-witted, they do not know much, and in fun with a thousand rules they can get confused. If all this is taken into account and the program is drawn up accordingly, it will turn out to be a wonderful time for the whole family.

So, what kind of entertainment a scenario with games in an apartment can include:

  • Contests;
  • Musical part, poems and songs;
  • Theatrical dress-up games.

And don't forget the treats. Although this is not a game, no holiday is complete without this part of the program, especially such as Maslenitsa! Moreover, there is an old Russian amusement - pancake games.

And do not forget that every day of Shrovetide means something, on some days we rode the slides, on others we played games, on the third we went to visit.

Now more about indoor entertainment


Groups of children and adults can participate in them, or it is possible for each to compete separately. Everything will be "checked", quickness, ingenuity, ability to draw.

Three legs

The players are divided into pairs, each pair has legs tied (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). A pair on "three feet" reaches the turn flag and returns to the start line.


Team Relay where pairing is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - a truck with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will be played by the hands, and the handles will be the legs. On command, the player - "wheelbarrow" lays down on the floor, focusing on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "wheelbarrow" is parallel to the ground. The "wheelbarrow", moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and go back, where another "wheelbarrow" is already ready to move.

Who is faster on the broom

On the site are bottles in a chain. You need to run on a broomstick with a snake and not knock down the bottles. The winner is the one who knocks them down the least.


It suits most of all absolutely crumbs. But it will also be interesting for older kids. Place 2 tables in the room at a distance from each other. Place a piece of drawing paper on each. Place a table with finger paints (different colors) in the middle of the room. By the way, you can make them yourself in advance for the holiday.

The task is for the little ones to run up to the paints, smear their palms with them, and then run to their table and draw the sun. Whoever draws faster wins! But! The conditions of the competition allow for several winners, for example, if someone has a creative sun.

Musical fun

Well, what is Shrovetide without songs? If you gave the kids an assignment in advance to learn a rhyme, dance or song-ditty, then this competition will be a success. If the baby is too small, you can help him with this. And further! Improvisation is encouraged.

Let's dance a pancake. With the help of music portals, make a selection of songs according to the theme of Maslenitsa. The task of the contestant himself is to dance merrily. If the kids understand the condition of the competition, then complicate the tasks. For example, the audience thinks about how to dance. For example: "Dance the way you would dance a round pancake", or, like the sun, like a goat, like a bear, like dad ... and other participants in the events. Believe me, little imagination will tell them how a bear dances.


Funny cross-dressing scenes are what the crumbs love so much.

Musician with an accordion and a bear. Change your baby into a musician and a bear. Their task is to show a funny number where the "bear" will dance and the "musician" will play. That's just what you will play on, decide for yourself. There are many options: for example, give him an accordion cut out of cardboard, and turn on the music yourself. Alternatively, use a music box. But it is possible for the child to "play" by singing simple songs.

Fun for the little ones on the street

The concept of Shrovetide itself is that there is a struggle between Spring and Winter. Therefore, Russian folk games on the street are, for the most part, sports where a team or individual participants measure up strength: wrestling, tug-of-war, throwing snowballs, etc. But at the same time, peaceful fun will find its place here, for example, a round dance or constructing a cute stuffed animal from straw, which will become a symbol of fun.

Ancient customs included sleigh rides. Arrange it for your little one, just use a sled. Alternatively, you can ride the ice slides. Children love company, they have more fun when the games are massive. Therefore, invite your toddler's friends to participate in the festivities. And don't forget that this is the time for treats. Hot pancakes will come in handy. Treat the children with them and reinforce your strength yourself!


The course of the game. The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and lift them up, forming a "gate". The last pair goes under the gate and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “burning one” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly, So that it does not go out! Look at the sky, Birds are flying, Bells are ringing: - Ding-dong, ding-dong, Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in chorus:

One, two, do not raven, But run like fire!

The "burning" man tries to catch up with the running. If the player manages to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the "burning" one, then they stand in front of the column, and the "burning" catches again, that is, "burns". And if the "burning" catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair leads.

"Bell ringer".

The course of the game. Children stand in a circle. The driver is selected by the reader. He goes in a circle and says:

The rest of the players dance in place. On the word "ringing" the driver turns to the player standing next to him and, clapping his hands three times, bows.

The player also claps his hands three times, bows and stands behind the driver. Now the two of them walk in a circle, saying:

Dili-don, dili-don, Guess where the ringing comes from.

On the word "ringing", the driver again with claps and bow invites the next player to join the game. So the game continues until there are 4-6 people behind the driver.

After that, the children who remain in the circle clap, and the driver and the chosen ones dance. With the end of the music, the driver and other players should stand in pairs. Whoever did not have enough pair - he becomes the driver.

Playing with the Sun.

The course of the game. In the center of the circle is the "sun" (a hat with the image of the sun is put on the child's head). Children say in unison:

Burn, the sun, brighter - In the summer it will be hotter, And the winter is warmer, And the spring is sweeter.

Children go round dance. On the 3rd line, the close "sun" approaches, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line, they move away, expanding the circle. On the word "I'm burning!" - "the sun" is catching up with the children. "Glory to the Sun" Glory to the sun, glory to you, glory! Sla-a-va!


Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and to one of the players - "dawn" walks from behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning, Red maiden, She walked across the field, I dropped the keys, Golden keys, Blue ribbons, Enveloped rings - I went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes "dawn". The game repeats itself. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn while the driver chooses whom to put the tape on the shoulder.

Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A gate with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads, at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump up and rip off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl's name and give her your torn one.

Snow shooting range

In the winter town, you can set up permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden boards measuring 1 * 1 m with concentric circles with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm drawn on them. The boards can be installed on pillars dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. Probably, it is worth making a special wall of the shooting range, on which you can put targets, their guys will knock them down with snowballs.

Tug of war

Everyone knows this traditional Russian fun. Let it be not quite traditional on Shrovetide. Preparation is like a normal tug-of-war, but the teams tackle it with their backs to each other.

Well, having paraphrased the hero of Vasily Shukshin in "Kalina Krasnaya", I will sum up: the people are ready for the fun and the Maslenitsa meeting! Therefore, use the advice from the article, and after the holiday we can get together again to discuss how those days were with us! Therefore, subscribe to the news to always stay up to date with the events on our website. Share information and a link to our resource with your friends. And do not forget that we have a joyful event ahead of us - the meeting of spring. So, we will continue to prepare for this!

Goodbye to new meetings!

The game "The radiant sun".
Props for the game:
1) Plates with numbers and names of stations
2) Decals for commands + station stamps
3) Russian folk costumes and attributes
4) Music center + disc with recording of Russian folk (Shrovetide) songs
5) Scarecrow
6) Whatman paper with a drawn circle (2 pcs) + colored stripes + glue-pencil / thick felt-tip pen
7) Sleds (2 pieces) + colored tape
8) Wash + scissors + woolen threads + multi-colored variegated fabric
9) Running bags (2 pieces)
10) Crayons
11) Bell + blindfold
12) Rope

Props for making and eating pancakes:
1) Electric hot plates (2 pieces)
2) Cauldrons (2 pieces)
3) Braziers and coal
4) Disposable tableware
5) Pancake dough
6) Jam, sour cream, condensed milk
7) Napkins, regular and wet
8) Gloves for chefs

Game progress:
Various venues are organized on the territory of the recreation center, the names and numbers of which are signed in capital letters.
Children are divided into teams of 6-8 people (quantity may vary), at the head of each team - an adult, with a list of the passage of the route on the chickens
General gathering and a short story about the Shrovetide holiday, after which the children are invited to complete tasks in order to finally drive out Winter-Winter.

All teams pass the stations according to the order indicated in the route sheet.
At each station, after passing through it, the leader puts a seal on the team's letterhead.

1. Station one - Radiant Sun.
For this station, you will need A3 sheets or whatman paper, on each sheet a large circle (the future sun) and stripes-rays of different colors are drawn, according to the number of teams.
Each member of each team glues a ray of the sun.
The difficulty is that at the same time his eyes are blindfolded and he will be able to cope with the task only if the whole team will help him and guide him.

2. Station two - Sled race.
At this station, the team is divided into two and competes with each other. At the signal, a couple of players run to the marked finish line, while carrying a sled with other team members. At the line, they change and come back.
If the team has small children, they are driven by an adult (accompanying the team or standing at the station), or a soft toy is put into the sled, which the child can carry himself.

3. Station three - Making a Maslenitsa doll.
Children, under the guidance of an adult, make a Maslenitsa doll from special blanks (bast). For this, multicolored rags and threads are prepared in advance at the station. The doll remains as a keepsake of the holiday for the child.

4. Station four - Running in bags.
The team is again divided into two parts and compete with each other in sacking.

5. Station five - Shooting at a target with snowballs.
A snow target is made on the wall of the building, at which children take turns throwing snowballs. If possible, the snow target is replaced with a drawn one.

6. Station Six - Tug of War.
Everything is simple here, but to make it more interesting - the teams take up the rope while standing with their backs to each other. The competition is held several times, the team changes within themselves.

7. Station 7 - Bells.
At this station, the children are blindfolded in turn and asked to find a bell (a child from the team can also ring it). Anyone who wants to must pass the test. The guys who are watching - can prompt, if necessary (at the signal of the station owner)

8. Station Eight - What are they doing in the city?
The station begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the city …

- And what are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said.

All children take turns driving.

When all teams have passed all the stations (you can start with those who finish earlier) - you are invited to play folk games

A trickle.

The players stand up one after another in pairs, hold hands and hold them high above their heads. From the clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained.
The player, who did not get a pair, goes to the “source” of the brook and, passing under the clasped hands, looks for a pair for himself.
Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning of the "stream".
And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the "trickle" moves - the more participants there are, the more fun the game is, especially fun to play with music.

The bear is in the forest.

A game for the little ones. Of all the participants in the game, one driver is chosen, who is appointed "bear". 2 circles are drawn on the playgrounds. The first circle is the den of the "bear", the second is the house for all other participants in the game.

The game begins and the children leave the house with the words:

The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear does not sleep
And growls at us.

After the children pronounce these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the "bear" catches him, then he himself becomes a "bear" and goes to the den.

After the games, all the children get up in a round dance, dance to Shrovetide songs and watch the scarecrow burn, say goodbye to Winter.

Shrovetide week is a cheerful and noisy farewell to winter, when both young and old take part in festivities and outdoor activities. Ruddy pancakes are devoured with appetite, heated with hot tea, measured with skill and prowess. Modern contests for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults in many ways have something in common with old folk games. And there is nothing to be surprised at, because they were invented not only for joy, but also developed useful skills: dexterity, dexterity, ingenuity. They taught friendship, mutual assistance, brought up a sense of sympathy, a collective spirit. Until now, the celebration of Maslenitsa is not complete without such entertainment.

"Catch-up burners"

The Chilly winter is chased away by Maslenitsa, traditions, comic rituals are designed to rush the annoying guest in order. And she does not want to leave, even the hot fire does not frighten her. In the northern regions, Pancake Week ended with a large bonfire, which was laid out on the ice of the river. They threw into the flames worn-out clothes, household junk and not eaten, dried up. A new life begins with the Red Spring. The echoes of this cleansing ritual are reflected in the name of the youth game.

Players nominate, choose a driver. Then they break up into pairs and, holding hands, stand one after the other, in a column, the driver is in front. All together and loudly recite a counting rhyme:

Burn, flame, bright.
Let everyone get hot!
Let's count to five
Well done run to the girl!

Hearing the command "run", standing in the last two from the tail rush with all their might to the beginning of the line, and from different sides. Their goal is to connect again, but in the first row. The driver is trying to catch one of them. If he succeeds, he becomes paired with him, and his role passes to the participant who managed to dodge. A good reason to talk to a girl you like, to meet a young man. Look at others, show yourself. Many games, contests for Maslenitsa on the street were originally aimed at this.

"Evil Frost"

Usually at the end of February, in the first days of March, Maslenitsa celebrates, its date is determined by the beginning of Lent and depends on when Easter will come this year. The weather at this time rarely pampers with real spring warmth, or even instead of the chime of a drop, drift sweeps, the cold grows stronger. Winter finally shows character, but no one is afraid of it. Dynamic contests for Maslenitsa on the street for adults and children are proof of this: the blood is dispersed, the cheeks turn red.

On both sides of the vast area, the borders of the "houses" are marked with a line in the snow, in one of them the players gather. In the middle of the field stands the main character - Evil Frost. He scares the participants in the fun:

I am fierce Frost
I will chill everyone in a row.
I look, no one is happy here!
Well, who dares now
To set off on a path-path?

Everyone rushes to their heels, and the driver tries to slap the participants. Those whom Frost touched with his hand freezes in place. And at the end of the dash, he leaves the playing field. The last "non-frozen" player receives a prize, butter or a plate. Delicious Maslenitsa holiday!

"Pot Battle"

The celebration of Maslenitsa in the old days was not complete without fistfights, there were all the male population of the settlement, excluding unreasonable kids and decrepit old people, wall to wall converged. Boys started a scuffle, then older guys joined them. Later, the fathers of the families pulled themselves up, and closer to the finale - veterans of street battles, gray-haired fighters entered the battle. Mass "battles" no less than pancakes were famous for the wide Maslenitsa, traditions ordered them to be carried out according to the rules. It was forbidden to fight out of malice, to settle personal scores with the enemy, to beat from behind, to set trips, to attack a lying enemy. The fighter who violated the ban was condemned by the whole world and henceforth did not take to his mob.

Purely masculine fun tempered the character. The Maslenitsa holiday developed courage, strength, dexterity, and the ability to stand up for oneself. Of course, you cannot include such fun in joint contests for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults, but the public will surely like certain elements of the ancient joy. Moreover, no special equipment is required for their organization. At some distance (3-5 meters), a low column is placed, a metal pan is put on top of it (formerly a clay pot, cast iron). Participants in turn are blindfolded with a handkerchief, handed a ladle (stick, plastic bowling pin) in their hands and offered to "deal" with the enemy within a minute. The presenter or referee counts the blows, but only those that are struck at the bottom of the object, from top to bottom. The winner will be the one whose "weapon" more often hit the target.

Competition conditions may vary depending on the age of the participants. Points are awarded not to individual players, but to the entire team. Exciting games, contests for Shrovetide on the street in a large company are more fun and interesting.

Sleigh racing

In the old days, the free Maslenitsa delighted the people by riding horses harnessed to an elegant sleigh. Its date changes, but it is always determined by the date, when Easter celebrates this year, Maslenitsa week precedes Great Lent before Christ's Resurrection. In the old days, carts filled the streets of the villages. Merchants and landowners rolled out on dashing troikas, in carriages covered with expensive carpets, sledges of bourgeois and wealthy peasants were decorated with painted kerchiefs, common people got along with multi-colored ribbons, paper flowers and ringing bells. Everywhere songs sounded to the accompaniment of an accordion, laughter was heard.

Sledding will fit perfectly into the Maslenitsa competitions on the street for children and adults. Senior participants (mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters) will play the role of frisky horses. The task of the little riders is to resist, not to fall out of the sleds at a sharp turn. The team with the fastest time wins in the family relay. The winner is awarded a sweet prize - a large

Shrovetide is a fun, mischievous holiday that is loved by both children and adults. These days you can eat plenty of pancakes, ride down the slides and take part in folk entertainments. Festive events are held in all localities, as well as in children's educational institutions. You can arrange fun on your own by inviting friends and preparing funny contests for Shrovetide in advance.

A bit of history

Shrovetide was originally a pagan holiday marking the arrival of spring. On these days, a stuffed animal of winter was made of straw and solemnly burned it. There were many delicious dishes on the tables, which symbolized the hope of people for a rich harvest. The main delicacy is pancakes - a prototype of the sun and warmth. With the adoption of Orthodoxy, the holiday was transformed into a religious one. He copes before Great Lent.

Traditional Maslenitsa contests were wall-to-wall fistfights, assault with its destruction, playful duels, during which people helped the spring overcome winter. Mummers walked around the villages, and perky dances were arranged. Skiing down the mountains was an obligatory pastime. The one who travels the farthest will have the longest flax in the new year, according to legend.

Shrovetide script

How to organize a fun party for a friendly company? The first step is to choose the appropriate scenario. On Shrovetide, you can arrange a theatrical performance in which buffoons, Winter and Spring, fairy-tale characters will take part. In extreme cases, you can get by with one perky presenter. He will hold contests, in between talking about the traditions of the Maslenitsa celebration.

Divide the audience into two teams: "winter" and "spring". Invite them to measure their strength. Winter doesn't want to just give up its place. Spring must prove that it is worthy of this honor and is ready to withstand all trials.

Maslenitsa contests on the street

If the weather permits, the holiday is held outdoors. Games should be mobile so that guests do not freeze in the cold. For Maslenitsa contests, you will need inventory: two sledges, two brooms, skittles or small plastic water bottles, two twigs.

  1. Winter is the best time to play snowballs. Ask the teams to first roll as many snowballs as possible in a certain time, and then knock them down the targets (pins, bottles).
  2. Sled racing. Two players sit with their backs to each other and try to cover the distance as quickly as possible. They run back, carrying the sled behind them. All team members must take part in the relay.
  3. Pins are placed in a row. The participants, riding on a broom, run around them with a "snake". On the way back, you need to put the knocked-down pins in place and pass the pomelo to the next player.
  4. Two circles are drawn at a certain distance from the teams. The players in turn run up to them, draw a ray with a twig and come back, passing the baton to the next participant. The winner is the team that draws the sun faster.
  5. Salki. Those gathered together do exercises, repeating the movements behind the leader. Suddenly he shouts out the name of the team, for example: "Winter!" Its players try to catch up and beat down as many of their rivals as possible, who are in a hurry to hide in a pre-drawn "house". Those who manage to be touched drop out of the competition. The game continues until only one team member remains on the field.

Indoor contests

After the fun on the street, the seasons are reconciled. Frosty Winter agrees to give way to bright, blooming Spring. All those present are invited to hot tea with pancakes.

A number of contests for children can also be held indoors. On Shrovetide, they can be associated with a traditional meal.

  • Stock up on cardboard "pancakes" in advance. Hide them in unexpected places and invite the kids to find blanks.
  • Arrange relay races with the found "pancakes". Invite the children to jump the distance by holding cardboard circles between their knees. Then place them on your head. The most difficult option is to carry the "pancakes" on the stomach, standing in the "cuttlefish" position (with support on the feet and palms).
  • Prepare an obstacle course by arranging pancakes in a row at a short distance from each other. Children have to jump over them. Then arrange a race, bending around the "pancakes" with a "snake".
  • Spread the pancakes on the floor. There must be one fewer of them than the players. Children dance to the music, and when it stops, they rush to take a "pancake". Those who did not succeed are eliminated. The number of players and "pancakes" decreases every time.

In addition to contests, on Maslenitsa you can have fun with skiing from the mountains, round dances, riddles. With the children, make a figurine of a doll using sticks, a broom, and old clothes. At the end of the holiday, it is burned, and with it all the grievances, problems and discontent burn out.