Garages for two cars. Garage size for two cars

In our company, the most often ordered garage for 2 cars... As a rule, these are fairly spacious garages; many of them have additional space for arranging a workshop or warehouse. Garages for two cars with an attic are very popular. Statistics say the following - the price of a two-car garage is profitable, for comparison, you can even make a calculation that will show that building 2 parking spaces under one roof is much cheaper than building two detached garages. And given the fact that many families in Moscow and the Moscow region have not one, but two or more cars, the construction of a garage for two cars becomes a necessary minimum when planning the development of a summer cottage.

Important! When planning a garage for two cars, you need to attend to the organization of a comfortable entrance and the possibility of maneuvering in front of the garage, taking into account the location of buildings on a suburban area, the location of the fence line, and improvement elements. Even spacious garage for 2 cars can become uncomfortable to use if the car requires a lot of extra maneuvers in a confined space. It is better to foresee in advance a wide area in front of the facade with a gate and, if possible, provide large turning radii on the road adjacent to the garage.

Aerated concrete block garage, project 6x11 m, for two cars, with utility block

  • Foundation - monolithic slab
  • Walls - from aerated concrete blocks
  • Roof - from roof trusses
  • Wall decoration - facing brick
  • Roof - metal tiles

Project of a garage made of foam blocks 7.5x10 m, for two cars, with a utility block

  • The foundation is a monolithic slab.
  • Walls - from foam blocks
  • Roof - from roof trusses
  • Finish - decorative stone
  • Roof - flexible shingles
  • Gate - automatic sectional

Frame garage for 2 cars, project with dimensions 6x8 m.

  • The foundation is a monolithic slab;
  • Walls - frame;
  • The roof is hipped;
  • Roof - soft tiles;
  • Exterior finish - lining with painting

Requirements for the project, which must be considered first of all

What should be a two-car garage depends on the preferences and type of activity of the owners, respectively, the layout and design of the structure at the first stage should take into account the specifics of the choice of the project:

  • A detached building or annexed to the main building, with a minimum box size. Most often, such a decision is forced due to the limited size of the site and the lack of the necessary funding;
  • One-story garage projects with a workshop, a bathhouse and a warehouse of useful things. These are the most common options, since in a building for two cars there is always the opportunity to allocate work space;
  • The most functional projects of a garage for accommodating two cars, with a utility room and an individual heating system, the presence of a full-fledged living space on the second floor.

In addition, wide gates and easy entry to the garage will be useful if the family has inexperienced or novice drivers, for whom entering the premises is quite a challenge. A two-car wide gate will make it easier to enter and park in your garage, even for beginners.

How to choose a project "for yourself"

When drawing up a project for the construction and arrangement of a garage, a solution to several conflicting conditions will be required:

  • Firstly, it is desirable that the garage space for two cars be heated and at the same time with good ventilation. In this case, most of the heat can be blown out to the wind, therefore, it will be necessary to install forced ventilation and a recuperator that heats the incoming fresh air due to being thrown outside the room. If the garage building stands alone, insulation is often abandoned in favor of natural ventilation. If you choose a project of a garage built into a house, additional insulation of the gates and walls will be required in order to avoid "cooling down" the entire building due to the large and relatively cold space for two cars;
  • Secondly, if, in addition to storing machines, it is supposed to organize your own workshop, it is necessary to add a special work area to insulation and good ventilation, where racks, a workbench, and additional equipment will stand. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a separate entrance, divide utility rooms or install dust-proof partitions, equip a separate entrance to the basement;

  • Thirdly, it is necessary to choose the design of the ceiling, since with a large width of the room, more than six meters, it will be necessary to provide additional columns in the project to support the ceiling. To maneuver cars inside the garage, the supports do not interfere, but there may be problems with opening the doors. This solution is used if there is a second residential floor above the parking area for two cars.

A building with a two-car garage on the ground or basement floor looks much more attractive, saves space on the site, but such a project requires a significantly larger investment.

Project of two-storey garages for parking two cars

Today, this is one of the most common options for a summer cottage; in terms of configuration and level of arrangement, it is more like a country house than a garage, even with the ability to store two or more vehicles.

For a summer residence, such a project is ideal. Two cars can be installed on the ground floor, for example, if relatives have arrived. In addition, in the presence of motoblocks, mowers, mini tractors, and other gardening equipment, such a garage scheme will allow you to work and maintain both a passenger car and equipment in almost ideal conditions. The second floor, in fact, becomes, albeit a small, but full-fledged house with a living room, bedroom, shower and toilet.

When choosing a project, you should pay attention to several basic requirements.

Such a house with a garage for two cars cannot be built according to a temporary scheme, for example, from an arbolite block, SIP panels or the usual frame-panel method. Perhaps, at the initial stage of construction, such a project will be cheaper, but over time, the residual value of such a building will steadily decrease, while with a successful project, a properly built capital garage made of brick or cinder block will cost several times more.

A high-end project for a two-car garage should include several classic solutions. Firstly, the garage project must have a powerful full-fledged strip foundation. Whether there will be an inspection pit in the project depends on the preferences of the owner of the cars, but the opportunity to equip a full-fledged huge basement is worth the effort and money. The staircase between the garage and the residential unit should be located inside the building and have a separate exit to the street.

Roof and gate

A garage building project should provide for the smallest distance between two cars of at least 80-100 cm, while the size of the parking zone will not exceed 34-36 m 2. This is quite enough for car repair and maintenance. If one of the two cars is used as a workhorse for personal use, and the second leaves as needed, it makes sense to provide for the use of two separate arrivals in the project instead of one common sash.

For an unguarded suburban version, the most preferable is the use of swing gates, in terms of reliability and resistance to burglary, they are clearly an order of magnitude higher than lifting or sectional options. In all other cases, lifting gates will be a good modern addition to a stone or frame building.

Most often, gable roofs are used in garage projects with an area of ​​a small house, as the most convenient and practical. For regions with a large amount of snow, it makes sense to use asymmetric roofs under a metal profile, with the removal of a slope of a larger slope in the lateral economic zone. Thus, the snow will be dumped away from the building. Thanks to this solution, the amount of snow removal work is reduced, and it is relatively easy for two cars to leave the garage at the same time, even if the snowfall lasted all night.

Lightweight garage frame structures for two cars

Often, such a garage becomes not only a storage place for a car, but also a launching pad for a workshop. In a large room designed for parking two or more cars, there is enough space for a tire changer, locksmith or car wash. In this case, the building is made in the form of a frame structure made of a galvanized profile, sheathed with sandwich panels or metal profiles.

In this case, it makes no sense to build a capital building with a powerful foundation, such a workshop works 18 hours a day, and this is more of a place of work than storage of a machine. By all means, the project provides for the presence of a large shed and a site in front of the entrance to the garage. Due to the need for hoists and winches, such projects for two or three cars can be performed with different sizes of entrance gates. It may not decorate the building, but it is very practical.

Most detached garages are built from foam concrete on a frame scheme, as they say, "for themselves." At the same time, the owner may not own so many vehicles, in this case the availability of space for two cars is a condition for a comfortable stay and work with equipment. The attitude to your garage can be clearly seen from the interior and exterior design of the building.

A car is not just a means of transportation; for its owner, it is a reliable friend, favorite toy and even a soul mate.

They are lovingly taken care of, acquiring the necessary parts, care products, arrange for them regular washing, technical inspections, and, of course, how to do without a house for him, i.e. garage.

If you are not constrained in finances, you can afford to buy a ready-made garage or hire professionals for construction, but the best and most reliable option is self-construction.

Permitting documents

A self-made garage without paperwork is considered an illegal construction (unauthorized construction). Land for construction must also have appropriate documents.

But, in some cases, construction permits are not required:

  • if this is not a major building, but the construction of a frame garage;
  • if it is not a commercial project;
  • if it is an auxiliary building.

All other options for buildings and a land plot must be legalized by drawing up documentation.

Varieties of garages

Garages vary depending on the owner's financial wealth, personal tastes and building plot. The garage can be added to the house or made instead of the first floor, or directly under the house.

The garage structure built instead of the first floor, the so-called built-in garage, is not very convenient. Nowadays, you can buy designs that are assembled and disassembled, like a designer. Or arrange a hanging structure in the yard.

The pricing policy of this option for garage construction is quite acceptable. And the structure itself is simple and unreliable.

The most common types of garages are considered to be separate structures located near the entrance to the site in order to save precious square meters.

In this case, the garage door should face the street part. These structures can be of a capital nature, built of bricks with a roof, auxiliary - in the form of a farm building, or a prefabricated structure made of metal.

Construction of a garage on the site

Finally, the hot time has come for the start of construction, which will give you enough troublesome and pleasant moments, as well as good financial savings.

In the photo of building a garage on your own, you will see all the delights of such a construction. But the result will undoubtedly be pleasant!

Project documentation

Any construction requires a project to start, and building a garage was no exception. This does not require a bunch of garage drawings at all, but for a reliable and capital construction, some sketches and descriptions are required.

At the beginning of the design, it is worth deciding on some details:


  • For what purposes it will be used: to hide the car, as a repair shop, is there a need for a pit to inspect the car. Write down your preferences on paper.
  • The size of the garage, which depends on its intended use, the characteristic features of the site and the size of the building area.

A 3x6 size is suitable for a garage, of course, if you are not the owner of a large-sized Hummer-type SUV. An ordinary car will easily fit in such an area, and there will be space on the sides for free opening of doors and a passage and in front for parking.

The optimal height of the garage for a car to enter will be 150-190 cm, and the ideal one is 200-250 cm. If you still have an SUV, the size of the garage should be made larger.

If you want to organize a cellar or a layout machine, the garage area will also have to be increased. And no one will argue, because it should have a place for repair and maintenance of the machine, a place for placing tools and fixtures, for storing parts.

When constructing a building for two cars, think carefully about the details and take into account all dimensions when calculating the total area of ​​the garage.


When choosing a site, it is necessary to take into account the location of all existing buildings, fire safety standards and sanitary requirements. Plan the entrance in advance.


It is convenient to arrange a garage along all buildings or inside the site, so that the open doors of the car do not create obstacles, no closer than 1 m from the neighbors, so that water from the roof does not flood their soil during rain.

When determining the location of the entrance to the garage, do not forget that the distance to neighboring windows should be at least 10 m.

According to fire safety requirements, the garage must be located 9 m or less from the house and at least 15 m from polymer buildings.

First, determine the location of the corner of the garage and the location of its shelter in relation to this point.

Necessary materials

Usually, to build a garage on their own, they use:


  • brick is the most popular and reliable material;
  • reinforced concrete, used for collapsible garage options;
  • slag concrete, inferior in price and reliability to bricks, but makes the work time-consuming;
  • metal, for quick construction of a structure and an affordable option at a price;
  • wood, not suitable for building a garage.

Preparing the ground and laying the foundation

Work on the preparation of the site for building is carried out using a shovel. A 40 cm wide trench is being dug under the foundation. The depth of the trench depends on the climate of your region, but mostly up to 1 m.

The bottom of the trench should be lightly tamped, the walls should be leveled with a shovel. There are a lot of different types of foundations, but in our case it will be a concrete solution, simple and inexpensive.

It is easy to make it: rubble stone is laid in a trench in layers, and a cement solution is poured between them, and so on to the top of the trench.

The mortar can be made by yourself: mix cement 400 in the amount of 1 bucket with 2.5 buckets of sand, about 1 bucket of water.

Basement construction

Formwork is installed along the entire length of the trench using 10 cm wide boards. On an uneven area, the horizon is marked from the highest point plus 10 cm to the basement level.

Do not forget about multi-layer waterproofing made of roofing material so that the walls of the building are not saturated with moisture. Before you start laying the walls, you need to install a gate in order to secure them as the walls are being built.


The most important thing in choosing a gate is its reliability and ease of use. They can be hinged, sectional, in the form of roller shutters and lifting and turning, opening automatically or mechanically.

In the modern world, the automatic version of the gate is more and more preferred. During the absence of power supply, it is worthwhile to provide for a mechanical opening option.


When the gate has already been installed, you can go to the main masonry. The cinder block is laid in a chain way from the corners. Next, a fishing line is pulled between them and the entire remainder of the cinder block is laid. Gradually the corners rise and the masonry is repeated.

Use a plumb line to control the vertical evenness of the walls, especially the corners. The level is their horizontality. Do not forget about the slope for water flow. To do this, make the ends of the garage different in height with a cut of the top of the side wall at a slope.

The solution is made at the rate of: 1 bucket of cement (grade 400) for 4.5 buckets of sand with the addition of water until thick. Add clay or lime for more plasticity.

Roof construction

Overlappings are made of metal beams 10-12 cm high with a filing of wooden boards. They are perfect for covering a garage with a width of no more than 6 m, while the length of the beams will be 20-25 cm longer.

Step-by-step instructions for laying ceilings and roofs can be found on the Internet on construction sites or after consulting specialists.

Floor and blind area construction

As a standard, a concrete floor is made in the garage, 8-10 cm thick, on the same level as the trim of the basement. The ground is well leveled before this. The concrete is poured using stretched cords to obtain a flat surface.

On the outside of the garage, a blind area is constructed with a width of 0.5 m with a slight slope for water drainage.

Other improvements

The garage does not need decor, it is enough to grout the walls with a solution of cement, apply plaster and whitewash.

You can insulate the walls with foam; in case of severe cold, the use of heating devices will be required. The optimum temperature for the garage is 5-6 degrees.

Ventilation in the garage is essential to remove various chemical odors and exhaust fumes from the premises.

For this, either purchased ventilation systems are installed, or natural air exchange is arranged through the deflector and supply grilles.

An inspection pit is a necessary component of the garage. It contributes to the convenient maintenance and repair of the vehicle.

The entrance to the garage, as a rule, is included in the project, taking into account all sorts of nuances: the type of coverage, the style of the shelter, the characteristics of the soil, the presence of underground sources, local geology. But the main thing is convenience, hardness and evenness of the surface.

For a more detailed study of the construction process of all the constituent parts of the garage, it is recommended to watch the video material, and you can safely start building!

The planning and construction of a garage today has many important requirements, the observance of which is mandatory. When building a garage, when there is an opportunity not to be limited in size, it is better to make more usable area. Often people calculate the minimum required size of a garage for 2 cars, and then become hostages of the created circumstances.

A purchased new car with increased dimensions can become a real problem, because it will be problematic to drive into the garage door, and sometimes the gate will not even close. So when building this usable space, give preference to the maximum possible dimensions. Also, don't forget about the layout. Consider these processes in more detail.

The minimum possible size of the garage - we proceed from the parameters of the car

Before building a garage, you need to know the dimensions of your car, and then think carefully about a possible change of car. If you are not going to change transport in the near future, then take the dimensions of your car, add 1 meter on each side, and also plus another half meter between two cars. You need to measure the height according to the comfortable location of the person. It is about 2.5-2.7 meters. But you can make the garage higher by arranging comfortable shelves under the ceiling.

It is worth understanding these measurements using an example. Let's say you want to know the size of a 2 car garage in order to build great comfortable spaces for your two cars with the same average dimensions. The width of the cars will be approximately 1.6 meters, the length - about 4.5 meters, and the height does not interest us too much. Calculations will be made as follows:

  • the length of the garage must be at least 5.5 meters - 50 centimeters on each side of the cars;
  • between the cars it is necessary to make a space of about 1.2-1.5 meters so as not to touch the doors when opening;
  • the width will consist of the width of the cars, an additional 0.5 meters from the walls of the garage and 1.5 meters between the cars - 5.2 meters;
  • if you are the owner of a minibus or high SUV, then the height should be planned about 1 meter above the car.

The correct size of the gate for cars is also important. If the gate is not wide enough, driving in the dark or after a long and tiring journey can become a real challenge. Therefore, it is better to make at least 0.5 meters of tolerance on each side of the car in order to freely drive into the garage and not experience any problems.

But remember that these dimensions are solely for a convenient arrangement of two cars in the garage. Such dimensions will not give you the opportunity to put boxes with tools, comfortably place winter tires and get additional convenient space. This is just the bare minimum.

Features of the layout of a garage for two cars

Every driver wants to have a convenient and practical garage that would provide quality space for the necessary tools, seasonal tires, and certain units for car maintenance. And for other purposes, you can acquire additional square meters.

The most important elements in the layout of a two-car garage is the layout of the area between the cars. There should be nothing superfluous here. Often, passengers open doors without bothering to look at possible interference. This will cause unpleasant chips and scratches on the doors of your car. When planning your garage, think about the following:

  • you can organize a convenient rack for tools, materials and other things related to the car;
  • it is possible to make the length of the garage an order of magnitude larger in order to get additional space for your needs;
  • if you want to independently control the condition of the car, and sometimes service it, you need an inspection pit;
  • already during construction, it is possible to provide shelves under the very ceiling, which will serve to store rubber.

There are a lot of ideas for equipping a garage today. You can accept them and use the existing parameters, or you can create your ideal two-car garage, taking into account only your needs and aspirations.

The more useful space you can provide for yourself in the garage, the better and more convenient it will be to use that area. Also consider changing your vehicle. If you want to buy a full-size jeep, it simply will not fit into a garage, calculated according to the minimum parameters of a small car. It is better to make the garage very large than to park the car, as the hero of the following video:

Summing up

Tall and spacious garages offer more than just functional benefits. They are a source of pride for the owner, because they allow you to put any cars without the risk of scratching them on the door. A good two-car garage can be thought of in a huge number of layouts and construction methods. The main thing is that the chosen garage construction scheme is acceptable for you in terms of money and construction time.

I wonder if any of our readers have come across the problem of calculating the size of a garage for two cars? It will be informative to learn about your experiences and warnings for future owners of such garages.

There is never a lot of space in the garage, therefore, in the process of deciding on arranging a roof for cars and motor vehicles, future owners most often prefer the maximum possible size of the building, for example, for two cars. There are more than enough options to build a room today, the main thing is to choose the most practical and relatively inexpensive project for a two-car garage, so that it is convenient and reliable.

Requirements for the project, which must be considered first of all

What should be a two-car garage depends on the preferences and type of activity of the owners, respectively, the layout and design of the structure at the first stage should take into account the specifics of the choice of the project:

  • A detached building or annexed to the main building, with a minimum box size. Most often, such a decision is forced due to the limited size of the site and the lack of the necessary funding;
  • One-story garage projects with a workshop, a bathhouse and a warehouse of useful things. These are the most common options, since in a building for two cars there is always the opportunity to allocate work space;
  • The most functional projects of a garage for accommodating two cars, with a utility room and an individual heating system, the presence of a full-fledged living space on the second floor.

Advice! For a home version of a garage for parking a couple of cars, the project should be done with the prospect of a possible purchase of a larger car. Therefore, the size of the gate and the height of the ceilings are best incorporated into the project to the maximum.

In addition, wide gates and easy entry to the garage will be useful if the family has inexperienced or novice drivers, for whom entering the premises is quite a challenge. A two-car wide gate will make it easier to enter and park in your garage, even for beginners.

How to choose a project "for yourself"

When drawing up a project for the construction and arrangement of a garage, a solution to several conflicting conditions will be required:

  • Firstly, it is desirable that the garage space for two cars be heated and at the same time with good ventilation. In this case, most of the heat can be blown out to the wind, therefore, it will be necessary to install forced ventilation and a recuperator that heats the incoming fresh air due to being thrown outside the room. If the garage building stands alone, insulation is often abandoned in favor of natural ventilation. If you choose a project of a garage built into a house, additional insulation of the gates and walls will be required in order to avoid "cooling down" the entire building due to the large and relatively cold space for two cars;
  • Secondly, if, in addition to storing machines, it is supposed to organize your own workshop, a special work area must be added to the insulation and good ventilation, where racks, a workbench, and additional equipment will stand. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a separate entrance, divide utility rooms or install dust-proof partitions, equip a separate entrance to the basement;
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to choose the design of the ceiling, since with a large width of the room, more than six meters, it will be necessary to provide additional columns in the project to support the ceiling. To maneuver cars inside the garage, the supports do not interfere, but there may be problems with opening the doors. This solution is used if there is a second residential floor above the parking area for two cars.

Important! If the size of the site allows, it is easier and cheaper to make a garage for two cars in the form of an extension to the house or a separate one-story type of building.

A building with a two-car garage on the ground or basement floor looks much more attractive, saves space on the site, but such a project requires a significantly larger investment.

Project of two-storey garages for parking two cars

Today, this is one of the most common options for a summer cottage; in terms of configuration and level of arrangement, it is more like a country house than a garage, even with the ability to store two or more vehicles.

For a summer residence, such a project is ideal. Two cars can be installed on the ground floor, for example, if relatives have arrived. In addition, in the presence of motoblocks, mowers, mini tractors, and other gardening equipment, such a garage scheme will allow you to work and maintain both a passenger car and equipment in almost ideal conditions. The second floor, in fact, becomes, albeit a small, but full-fledged house with a living room, bedroom, shower and toilet.

When choosing a project, you should pay attention to several basic requirements.

Such a house with a garage for two cars cannot be built according to a temporary scheme, for example, from an arbolite block, SIP panels or the usual frame-panel method. Perhaps, at the initial stage of construction, such a project will be cheaper, but over time, the residual value of such a building will steadily decrease, while with a successful project, a properly built capital garage made of brick or cinder block will cost several times more.

A high-end project for a two-car garage should include several classic solutions. Firstly, the garage project must have a powerful full-fledged strip foundation. Whether there will be an inspection pit in the project depends on the preferences of the owner of the cars, but the opportunity to equip a full-fledged huge basement is worth the effort and money. The staircase between the garage and the residential unit should be located inside the building and have a separate exit to the street.

Important! Most often, such a staircase transition from the garage to the living room upstairs is performed through an auxiliary room, for example, a boiler room - a warehouse, the main thing is that it has very powerful ventilation, preventing the smell of burning and exhaust of two cars from entering the living rooms.

Roof and gate

A garage building project should provide for the smallest distance between two cars of at least 80-100 cm, while the size of the parking zone will not exceed 34-36 m 2. This is quite enough for car repair and maintenance. If one of the two cars is used as a workhorse for personal use, and the second leaves as needed, it makes sense to provide for the use of two separate arrivals in the project instead of one common sash.

For an unguarded suburban version, the most preferable is the use of swing gates, in terms of reliability and resistance to burglary, they are clearly an order of magnitude higher than lifting or sectional options. In all other cases, they will be a good modern addition to a stone or frame building.

Most often, gable roofs are used in garage projects with an area of ​​a small house, as the most convenient and practical. For regions with a large amount of snow, it makes sense to use asymmetric roofs under a metal profile, with the removal of a slope of a larger slope in the lateral economic zone. Thus, the snow will be dumped away from the building. Thanks to this solution, the amount of snow removal work is reduced, and it is relatively easy for two cars to leave the garage at the same time, even if the snowfall lasted all night.

Lightweight garage frame structures for two cars

Often, such a garage becomes not only a storage place for a car, but also a launching pad for a workshop. In a large room designed for parking two or more cars, there is enough space for a tire changer, locksmith or car wash. In this case, the building is made in the form of a frame structure made of a galvanized profile, sheathed with sandwich panels or metal profiles.

In this case, it makes no sense to build a capital building with a powerful foundation, such a workshop works 18 hours a day, and this is more of a place of work than storage of a machine. By all means, the project provides for the presence of a large shed and a site in front of the entrance to the garage. Due to the need for hoists and winches, such projects for two or three cars can be performed with different sizes of entrance gates. It may not decorate the building, but it is very practical.

Most detached garages are built from foam concrete on a frame scheme, as they say, "for themselves." At the same time, the owner may not own so many vehicles, in this case the availability of space for two cars is a condition for a comfortable stay and work with equipment. The attitude to your garage can be clearly seen from the interior and exterior design of the building.


The cost of building a lightweight box for two cars is only 30% more than for a garage for one vehicle. The paired scheme is very popular among motorists who have long suffered in the conditions of the old Soviet 24-meter garage boxes, and the possibility of making a second residential floor allows you to use a standard project for the construction of any type of premises, from a gym to a bicycle club.

Designing and building a 2 car garage is no easy task. It is necessary to take into account many factors so that later you do not regret the mistakes and unforeseen inconveniences. This will help the recommendations and tips of those who on their own have successfully coped with this difficult task.

Often, garages for two cars are built with a margin - in case of expansion of the family car fleet

For the overwhelming majority of motorists, a garage is a repair base, a workshop, and a storehouse for a variety of things. Therefore, the actual size of the room often does not coincide with the desired and required. Many car owners agree that the second place for a car will never be superfluous. Even if one car is now in stock, there is always the possibility of purchasing a second one.

On a note! The width of a single garage should be such that you can easily walk around the car with all the doors open. If desired, you can put a second car in such a room. This is one of the budget options for a double.

Based on these and other considerations, it is possible to draw conclusions about the "pros" and "cons" of double garages.

Among their advantages are noted:

  • sufficient space for repair and other work;
  • the ability to make both a viewing hole and a cellar;
  • you can install a solid number of racks and shelves.

But, despite all the attractiveness of such buildings, they have one significant "drawback" - the costs of their construction are largely comparable to the costs of building a small house.

What to consider when designing a garage

When designing, rely primarily on the dimensions

The first and most important criterion for choosing a project for a garage for 2 cars is its size. People who are not familiar with the specifics of calculating such structures, when determining the optimal dimensions, proceed from the mathematical equality: 1 + 1 = 2. This is the wrong approach.

It is also wrong to adhere to the principle “the more the better”. With such a decision, vacant areas are inevitable, which speaks of pointless spending on their construction.

In order to rationally spend the budget, several important issues are solved at the design stage:

  • whether the garage will be a separate building or an extension to the house;
  • which gates are most preferable: one wide or two "single";
  • will there be a cellar in the garage;
  • what area should be allocated for a mini-workshop;
  • what things will be stored and how many of them are large;
  • do you need a "recreation area".

Optimal dimensions of a double garage

There are a huge number of machines, with a variety of geometric parameters. Building a double garage for two minibuses is not the same thing as building two cars. In the first case, a more spacious area is needed. When choosing the size of the garage, you can focus on the experience of the owners of such buildings and their advice..

The following are considered optimal:

  • 8x8 m;
  • 9.5x6 m;
  • 6x7 m;
  • 7x7 m;
  • 7x8 m.

The dimensions of the building required in a particular case are determined as follows:

  1. Leave on a flat, spacious area.
  2. Get out of the car and open all its doors.
  3. In any convenient way, mark on the asphalt or ground the corner points of the rectangle in which the car with open doors is placed.
  4. Add 0.8 m in front or behind (they are necessary so as not to put the car right next to the gate and the back wall).
  5. Mark on the asphalt or ground where the workbench, refrigerator, household items planned in the garage will be located. Consider the need for shelving.
  6. They measure all distances with a tape measure and make an impromptu drawing on paper.
  7. To the right or left of the resulting rectangle, add a distance equal to the width of the second car with the doors open on one side. Get the optimal dimensions for a two-car garage.

Attention! To check the correctness of the calculations on the plotted area, you need to park with two cars, open the doors and make sure that the found dimensions of the future structure are convenient and correctly determined.

Minimum garage dimensions for different car models:

  • for two small cars - 5x5.5 m;
  • 7x6.5 - for minibuses and SUVs.

It is also required to correctly determine the height of the garage. As a standard, it is 2.4-2.5 m.To obtain accurate data for a specific car, proceed as follows:

  • 0.5 m is added to the height of the car to open the trunk;
  • take into account the geometric parameters of lighting devices that will be located on the ceiling;
  • add 20 cm to the stock.

If they plan to install a lift in the garage, add at least 2 m to the data obtained as a result of the calculation.

It is also necessary to consider the type of gate that will be installed. If they are roller shutters or lift-and-turn, you will need to consult a specialist from the relevant company for the installation of these structures. For the installation of the lifting mechanism, additional ceiling space is required. It also needs to be included in the calculation of the optimal garage height.

Project of a garage 6x11 m for two cars with a utility block

Design highlights

Without using the past experience of specialists, it is not worth approaching the design of a garage

When deciding the design issue independently, it is recommended to focus on the experience of specialists. They provide the customer with several documents:

  • project with drawings;
  • sketch (the basis of the project, allows you to visually assess the general view of the future building);
  • estimate;
  • explanatory note (it notes the general conceptual ideas of the project).

All these stages of work will need to be done independently. The sketch can be neglected, but you should not refuse from the modified explanatory note. It is necessary in any convenient way to fix the ideas and considerations that arise in the head regarding the size, appearance, materials for building a garage. This will help a notebook with a pen or a PC.

Features of designing garages for two cars with one gate

A double garage with one gate is financially more profitable than with two. For this reason, many car owners opt for this layout. There are indeed savings, but they are not very significant.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the minimum door width will be 5-6 m. You will need to install in the center of the support or lay high strength beams. This entails additional financial and labor costs.

This layout also has other "disadvantages":

  • when opening one wide gate, heat quickly leaves the room;
  • if their width is insufficient, it will be necessary to maneuver when parking, which is fraught with scratches and other damage to the car;
  • if the automation fails or other emergencies occur, it will not be easy to drive the cars out.

Advice! If it is supposed to heat the garage, it is impractical to install one gate.

With a garage width of 6.5 m or less, it is optimal to install one door... It should be borne in mind that they must have stiffening ribs, otherwise, over time, the skew of the panels is inevitable.

For buildings with only one gate, it is highly desirable to have a wicket or door.

It is important to provide for the presence of a wicket. Many who have saved on it regret the missed opportunity. Often there is a need to enter the garage, and not to enter or leave it. If there is a wicket, the gate will open less frequently, which will have a positive effect on their service life.

Nuances of designing garages for two cars with two gates

A garage with two gates is a more practical and reasonable option

Most car owners consider having two gates more convenient and financially justified.

The main requirements for such a structure:

  • opening width not less than 2.6 m;
  • the distance between the gates (column) with a width of at least 400 mm.

Everyone chooses the type of gate at their discretion. The most convenient lifting ones are with an electric drive. When designing, take into account that the gate is installed overlay on the walls of the opening or directly in the opening. In this regard, for the first option, it is necessary to provide 10 cm on the sides and 20-25 cm on top.

If two gates are installed, four drainage channels will be required. They are necessary to drain fluid from the floor. It should be noted that in garages with one gate, only two channels are needed.

In buildings with two gates, swing gates are the least convenient. When opening, the leaves take up too much space, they will inevitably come into contact with the second gate, and there is a high risk of damage to the coating of both. The optimal choice for buildings of this type is roller shutters or up-and-over doors..

What materials are better to use

The choice of materials for the construction and decoration of the garage is extremely wide. You can use all those that are suitable for the construction of a residential building. First of all, they are determined with the type of foundation.

Double garages require a solid base that can withstand significant weight loads. This is either a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, or a full-fledged strip foundation.

The slab is poured on its own, since even industrial-type concrete products will require at least two pieces. This is fraught with a skewed base. If it is decided to erect a tape around the perimeter of the building, you will still need to fill in the concrete floor. Therefore, the stove is preferable in any case.

Materials for walls

In terms of price-quality ratio, foam blocks or a frame with insulation are best suited

Walls are erected from several types of materials:

  • bricks;
  • foam or gas blocks;
  • concrete blocks or slabs;
  • sandwich panels;
  • corrugated board;
  • frame type with insulation inside.

The choice depends on the financial capabilities of the owner and the availability of materials. The coldest and most inexpensive garage is from corrugated board. It is a metal frame, sheathed with metal canvases. It is possible to insulate such a structure, but only from the inside. And according to the rules of heating engineering, internal insulation is much less effective than external insulation.

For this and many other reasons, it is recommended to opt for more decent materials for the construction of a two-car garage. The most economical options of them are foam blocks or a frame with insulation (its construction will cost less than from purchased sandwich panels). If you plan to install two gates, you will need to build a beam of bricks, concrete blocks or foam blocks between them.

The most solid buildings are brick or concrete. This is the standard solution for single or double garages. Significant financial investments will be required, but they are fully justified. Brick and concrete buildings are the most durable. But you can't call them warm. In this they lose to frame structures and sandwich panel constructions. Therefore, they require insulation, which is arranged under the covering material of the outer walls. Styrofoam or mineral wool slabs are chosen as insulation.

Roofing materials

Of roofing materials, corrugated board, slate or ondulin are suitable

The choice of roofing materials is as wide as that of building materials. The most popular are:

  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated board;
  • ondulin and its analogues: Aqualine, Bituwell, Ondura, Nuline;
  • flexible shingles;
  • slate is flat and wavy.

The most economical roofing methods are using ondulin and slate... In terms of price, they are relatively comparable, with a slight advantage in favor of the second. However, in terms of quality and aesthetics, ondulin wins. The complexity of laying these materials is the same. No special knowledge is required.

What can not be said about metal and shingles. The installation of these roofing materials requires both knowledge and skills. Only a master can lay soft tiles without distortions. A beginner will have to study the technology of work and get acquainted with its nuances.

Profiled sheeting is simpler and more convenient to install. It is as reliable and durable as all of the roofing materials listed above. It is important to lay the first canvas correctly, all the following are fixed, focusing on it. Roofing made of corrugated board will cost less than metal or soft tiles. There is no need to invite masters, since all the work can be done independently.

In what style is it better to implement projects

Every car owner wants his garage to be comfortable, cozy and outwardly presentable. However, you need to understand that a garage is not a house, and it is difficult to give it a look that matches any style solution. The garage has no windows, the roof is traditionally one or two-pitched, flat. The appearance of the gate is standard and laconic.

In this regard, the question of giving individuality to the structure is to choose several parameters:

  • roof type;
  • type of building and finishing materials;
  • location and appearance of the gate.

Chalet-style garage design guarantees a warm and cozy environment

The interior arrangement of the garage can be made in a certain style. The "chalet" is popular, the main accents of which are space, minimalism and comfort. Only natural and environmentally friendly materials are used in the decoration: wood, glass, ceramics. This garage can be single or double.

Modern style is colder and more modern

The external appearance of the building can be given a certain style solution with the help of a canopy and arrangement of a parking area. The Art Nouveau style is characterized by metal and paving stones. This is the traditional decoration of the surrounding area.

Thus, all design issues, determination of the optimal dimensions and the choice of materials for the construction of a garage can be solved independently. This will take time, searching and analyzing information, and connecting creativity. But all this will pay off in financial savings and moral satisfaction at the sight of your own respectable two-car garage.